Building a basic callout and tracking it in DaVinci Resolve 15

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making cult isn't that difficult it's a great way to visually inform your audience what an object is so let's make one all right so just jumping right into DaVinci Resolve first we're going to start on the Edit Page and what we're gonna want to do is cut just the segment that we want to use for the call-out itself we might have the clip might be actually longer but just the segment that we are going to have that call-out one are we going to turn into a fusion clip and then manipulate in fusion once we get over the fusion I'll explain why so here is that car once it starts to come into frame I would say right about there is where I'm going to start my my animation so I'm just gonna cut it there and then just a couple seconds I think like getting down this far it's gonna be pretty small so something like that so we got almost like seven seconds there and then we'll just take this little piece and we'll turn it into a fusion clip come over into fusion once we're in here we can take these guys move them over just a little bit and the first thing we're gonna grab is a background node an ellipse tool and we're just going to connect this in just like that and we're just gonna view it over here for now and the first little thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna make a dot and then the line and then we're gonna have the word sitting on top of that line so we just need to make this dot a lot smaller as you can see over here how big it is compared to the rest of the shot so what I like to do is I like to right click on width and then you get this expression area and I just like grabbing this plus and bringing it down to height and what that's gonna do is it's gonna connect those two so the width equals height and so whatever this height value is the width is gonna follow that as well so we have a perfect circle the whole time and it's only one slider we have to deal with so I'm just gonna make this smaller I'm holding ctrl down to have more of a fine adjustment and then once we get down to here I'm gonna come in to my background and change the color to something else so we'll start off with a purple and the reason why I wanted to make this into a fusion clip is because if i if i work with the whole clip it's gonna be significantly longer and we won't start with the beginning at 0 0 even if we cut it it's going to have the in pointing out point where we cut but it let's say that that clip is 2,000 frames big the in and out points will just be where that cut is and we I like to start at frame 0 for the clip and to do that you have to create it into a fusion clip so that you just start right here at the beginning makes it a little easier so I'm going to start right here the only downside to doing this is that if I need to manipulate the position of the animation so if I need to bring it before that cut then it gets to be a little finicky and we have to do a couple of other things but this is the easiest way to setup a project if you know exactly where you want your call off to be so I just like doing it this way okay so here's my first little point and the next thing I need to do is create that line so to do that I'm gonna bring down another background and for this one we could get grab like a rectangle connect this in and then let's connect these two so we can see them together right here we're gonna grab the merge bring it over here so I can view it so it's grabbing both of these and bringing it into here and because I grabbed from the background one down to the background - that's almost like I want to take this one and overlap over that one this connected as the background and then this connected as the foreground that's why we have the dot here if it didn't it would look like this and we wanted to see it because the dot would be underneath if the if this was so to switch this if yours connect it incorrectly you would just hit ctrl T and then it would switch the two all right so you could come in and make your little line so you could do this and then you know go like this and then you know move this to like a 45 or whatever and then just move it up you could do something like that but that would be very cumbersome and animating it would be a pain the button so what we're gonna do instead is we are going to type in paint and we're gonna get this mask paint tool and we'll just connect that in and with the mask paint tool if we click it we have the ability to make a path so all we're gonna do is click right in the center where that path is are where that circle is we'll click there and that's where our first point will be and now we will hold ctrl or excuse me shift and now we'll see that it snaps at 45 s so we'll just bring it in so something like that and I'm still holding ctrl and then it'll come out and it'll snap it like that and now I have a little path and the really cool was paint with the mask paint tool is down here and Stroke we can do it right on and right off so that's pretty much why I wanted to to use this well one thing I don't like when you first get it is it adds this like soft edge it's obviously a little too thick for my liking so that's pretty much where we're at at this point and if you've noticed I've kept the everything right in the center it's because later down the road when we add like a tracker and stuff it makes it a little easier to to add on to our project okay the next thing that we need to add is we need to add some text in so we're just going we have our text here we're just going to connect this in and we're gonna view it and then look at our text and our texts let's just put we'll just put black car and we'll click on our text so that we can move it up here I'm gonna change it to a font that I actually like looks good and maybe make it a little smaller so something like that and I'll bring it over to the side okay so so far we have everything nothing's animated nothing's moving but we have pretty much everything made I'm gonna change the color of this so I don't like that let's get a more interesting color something like that okay the next thing that we're gonna do is now add in some animations and because we know that at frame 0 it's right here that's kind of where we want everything to start first one I'm gonna work on is the circle so I'm just going to even though that we're not gonna keep it here I'm just gonna add keyframes for now so a keyframe at zero come up to let's say freedom 15 I had a keyframe there and then we're gonna add one more let's do 25 depending on what your projects frame rate is at you know those are gonna vary for your project I'm gonna click on spline and as you can see with equals height so we don't need to be concerned with that but down here height we'll click that one thing that I'd like to do is click this show only selected tool and I like getting into the habit of doing that because when you have projects that have ton of different keyframes it gets kind of hectic in the spline editor and when we add a tracker you'll see what I mean by hectic okay so frame zero now we're gonna add in my animation so this is obviously going to be down to zero if we watch this it just gets big and I'll show you why I added two more keyframes here so at frame 15 I'm just gonna click this little button so we can see all of our keyframes and if I highlight over frame 15 what you'll notice is that we have a handle on both sides if I didn't have this keyframe here I would only have one handle so now that I have two handles if I hit F it's gonna add it easy and in there's no ease and ad over here it's just you know straight line so we have it coming in and we have handles so I'm just going to grab this handle here and twist it just like that and then I'm gonna hold middle mouse button to move up my graph here and I'm gonna grab this handle and I'm just going to pull it out a little bit so what we have going on here is it's gonna start at 0 and it's gonna work its way up it's actually gonna overshoot our size so it's gonna come up and that's gonna come back down it's gonna come to our size but then it's gonna go down and then back up to our size so we're gonna have like a little bounce effect so let's take a look at that okay it's kind of where we're at I think that I'm actually going to move this out to 30 I think I like that a little bit better okay it's looking good now I'll come over here I'm gonna zoom in on this that looks fine I think I'm actually gonna move this over just a little bit just like that okay that looks good so now we have this is stopping at frame 30 so let's just do 31 we will click on our mask paint node and we will keyframe it and pull the end down and let's do something like that so when we add 14 frames and we will extend this let's take a look at what our animation looks like so far thumbs up and it goes across okay the mask paint tool I am going to make another keyframe let's just come out to 50 then come back I'm going to click that button to get rid of that keyframe and then I'm going to highlight this is the end key because that's the one that's moving I'm going to hit F just to add some easing in and then I'm gonna hit T and change this ease in to something else so something like that hmm okay that's not that bad I could make it a little longer but I'll leave it like that for right now all right so next we have our text and I think our text like right in here I think that's when we're going to start our text animation so you could do a couple of different things with text I also have a right on with the text I could do that but I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have it slide in from from nothing I guess you could say so I'm just going to grab a rectangle tool and this rectangle tool I'm just going to I'm just concerned with this edge here because you have to have it inside the tool for it to show up so I'm just gonna bring it over just like that so if if the black card text goes outside the boundaries of this box it won't be visible so now that I set that the text I'm going to come over here to positions and I will set a keyframe there and that's just visually represented here just so I can come back to it then and then I'm gonna come up to let's do 65 set a keyframe there and I'll come back over here and that I'm over here I'll grab this handle bring it over like that I'll take a look at this I'm just going to add easing to both sides and then this side maybe increase it a little bit more now let's take a look at our whole animation that we have it's not bad not bad at all take this and maybe increase this a bit more and then one other thing since this is the the note that's actually doing the moving for the text I'll come over here and I can add in motion blur and adding motion blur it's going to add a little extra render time to that but I think it's worth it for the effect so let's take a look at that much better okay so now we have our whole call-out pretty much done now we need to work on this video because we need to track that in so we have down here our media in media out I'm going to click on the media in I'm gonna hit shift spacebar and then in here I'm just going to type in track for the tracker and hit enter and now I have this little guy up here and if you've never used a tracker before on the inside that's where you're going to state what you want tracked and then on the outside that is the boundaries that the tracker has to find what was in the last frame represented inside of here so whatever you set in here when it goes to the next frame if it changes in here it will look within these boundaries for the closest thing that looks like it so you don't want to make these really big because if you make these really big you end up it just grabs other things that look similar to whatever your tracking point was and if you make the tracking point too big you have normally what's what looks like sliding where it will be on something it'll be tracked that but it'll slide around and it won't be accurate so it's kind of like a fine-tuned balance between the two and when you're picking your location you normally want to pick the spot to have high contrast so like look at that license plate that would be like a high contrast point but I'm not going to start my tractor there I'm going to come back to here and I'll grab my tracker point here and I'm just gonna do the license plate just because it'll be the easiest thing because when it gets way out here you won't really see much and hopefully it'll stay locked to that to that point okay down here we have a little bit of information what it's currently looking at and it gives a couple of values and mmm most of the time you don't really have to work with this if you're having like big tracking problems you can track like a particular color Channel and different things like that and you can feed different things into a tracker if you need it to so you could make a shot sharper to have like more contrast so that it grabs the spot a little bit better it's whatever that comes into here so you wanted want to put all of this in front of the tracker because then the call-out would be represented as part of the image and it would have a struggle it would struggle trying to track around that so anything that you you're trying to get as clean of a plate as possible when you're doing the tracking and then sometimes you can manipulate how the input looks by doing different things to the shot to make them a little easier to track because we have like motion blur here so let's just see how this goes so we'll come up here and we'll click this button to do a full track and we see we're skipping around we're skipping around so what I'll do is I'm just going to stop it say yes we'll come back and we'll look and we start we stopped tracking at this point so currently what it's saying is that it's tracking this but it's kind of like a yellow so what we'll do is we will grab our tracker we're gonna make a little smaller and make this window a little smaller so I can't get out of here and from this point actual come all the way back to beginning I'll just start to read track again and see what happens okay we're still skipping around so as you seen there I had to stop a couple of times and then resize everything and then continue so this button over here is going to do the whole thing and if you have to stop at some point you're gonna pick wherever the frame that you know it looks the best that you could set it up again and then you just change the size of the pattern and then the possible search area and then you click this button and then it'll continue on and you could change the frames per point I just did every frame but you could do less and then sometimes you have like a smoother track because in between there it'll just average out whatever that distance is that it has to move so you can do in between them so now that I have all of these see I'm saying down here where you get all these keyframes so now that I have that and we have this here what we're gonna do is we are going to take a we're gonna go from this animation and we're going to because we had to add this sharpening we don't want to see that but the tracker needed to see that so what we're going to do is we're going to come out of the call-out and we're gonna go to the out of the media in and then that will come up here as a merge and then we are going to go from here the merge we're out of the merge into the media out so now this is what we see this is the shot that we had and now what we're gonna do is in this in this merge we are going excuse me in this merge here this can go right to here that doesn't have to go there okay and then this merge here because this is the foreground this is this element we are going to change the center position to have the tracking data so the easiest way to do this is we just highlight both of them and then they'll be over here we're gonna open up the merge double-clicking it and the center position we're just going to right click on it and expression and now we're going to grab the data from the tracker come into the tracker we only had one tracker tracker one Center one will let it release on there and now it's connected to that tracker data and if we look we're on the back of the car we come to the beginning here we have that animation starting at the beginning and it's following the car all the way down the road and we never made a we never made a way for all of this stuff to come off so I guess we have to add that quick so let's go back to just this and we have to do all of our however we're gonna animate it off so how I think I'm going to animate this off let's start with the text I'm going to change the position of this so that it goes right to the edge of that so I think with the text I'm just gonna have the text drop down have the line animate back so we're gonna just have it let's go 60 I don't know 160 we're on the text and we're going to click Center position keyframe there and then fifteen keyframes here we are going to have it go down so then that's out over there and next we are going to right here at that same number we're gonna come to the mask point or excuse me mask paint and we are going to keyframe there and another 15 frames we're going to have that come back on that same keyframe we're gonna come over here to our lips tool keyframe there and then come here and in and now if we take a look at this and then we watch it from the beginning whoops hold on fit have it come out and we have a little bit of jumping around but the rest of this is looking perfectly fine I've seen it jump just once and we're going all the way through right now rendering rendering rendering and because Wallace has gone because we have this going to media out now this is going back to the edit page so we'll have it right there in the edit page for you know to continue on with our project and then we have the dot go away so now so back over the edit page now we have that all in here and we have the rest of the shot so it's not that hard to make a call out and link it up with some tracking data from a shot and you know we had a little bit of a problem there with tracking but you know with a little more time you could really get that smooth and maybe not every keyframe maybe every three four keyframes something like that depending on how many frames per second you have to really smooth those out a little bit less and I'll just fill in those gaps instead of getting tracking you know the wrong thing and skipping around a little bit but yeah that's kind of it so let me know in the comments what you guys think about this and with that being said my name is jr. thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 134,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, callout, call out, davinci resolve 15, fusion, easy, basic, tracker, tracking data, track video, fusion clip, infographic, video editing, video editor
Id: DjdYQCdmYdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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