HOW TO MAKE AN ADVANCED INTRO IN RESOLVE - DaVinci Resolve 16 Advanced Tutorial

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[Music] i found you hi i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube by the way if you're interested in motion graphics check out our new training advanced motion graphics infusion no matter if you're a beginner or you've been making graphics for years this is super helpful for making things inside of fusion today we're talking about making an intro in resolve but not a basic intro we're talking a little bit more fancy because you know i made a basic intro thing a lot of you liked it a lot of you said i was a stupid idiot jerk who should be beaten because it was just too dang basic well here's one that's a little less basic you haters i'm just kidding let's go we're making something like this ooh it's all tracky and there's some fog oh boy let's talk about how to do this shall we so here i have my clip i always feel like i need to tell you what the clip is even though you can clearly see what it is so you just use your eyes you know what the heck this is let's put some words in here and track them and such how i'm going to do that is just be over this clip here in the edit page i am in the edit page and then i'm just going to click on the fusion page shaboo now this opens up this clip inside of fusion nice right yes we're doing this now i want to add those words that are all floaty and stuff i want them to move along with the motion of this footage now there is a really fancy tracker called a 3d tracker which is available in the paid version of resolve but this kind of thing you can do even with the free version using a basic planar tracker how you may ask well this is how i have my media in node right here if you don't know what the heck fusion is or how to use any of it check out this video right here so you aren't so lost i'm going to select my media in node and hit shift spacebar that's going to bring up the select tool menu and i'm going to type t-r-a-c-k and up and select planar tracker this is just a quick way to grab a tool that i need here it adds the planar tracker to my footage with the planar tracker selected you can zoom in here i'm just holding ctrl and rolling into my scroll wheel and i'm just basically going to draw a box around something that scales and kind of moves the same way that my title is going to be moving now what i want is something that's just as far away as where i want this text to be so i want the text to be like right here and i'm thinking that's going to be over this kind of big rock so we're just going to select this area just with a real basic kind of mask boom something like that it doesn't have to be very perfect because all we're really doing is trying to get the rotation and scale position such i'm just making sure this is kind of around some high contrast areas and that part is done let's go over to the inspector zoom this out so we can see junk and here under operation mode we want track tracker point is fine motion type we don't really need perspective basically for motion type you want to pick as far up as you can because it just is a lot easier the less work resolve has to do so i'm just going to have translation rotation and scale because that's all we really need for this specific thing the other thing i'll do is where this says reference time i'm just going to hit set because i happen to be at frame 67 when i drew this because i wasn't paying attention it doesn't really matter usually tracking by the way it helps if you can start in the middle you generally get better results in my experience i just picked somewhere in the middle frame 67 and now we're going to track forwards and backwards from this frame and it's going to think about this motion and it's going to do some fancy math so i'm going to go to these buttons right here that kind of look like play and stop buttons and this far right button is called track to end now click on that and it will track this motion all the way to the end nice right dude that did such a good job now i need to go back to the middle easy way to do that is just hit go right here that's going to go back to my reference frame and now i'm going to track this backwards using this track to start button oh and it's doing what it's supposed to look at it go and now we have our motion tracked with this shape this is like the hardest part of this and it went swimmingly i would say so now that i have my tracking done i can go over to my inspector and scroll all the way down and there's a button called create planar transform what this is going to do is make a node that has all of this movement information from our track and we can use it to move other stuff so i'll click on that and look what happens down here in the nodes it makes this planar transform is what we're going to use to move stuff around so that's pretty good we're gonna do a little bit of cleanup here down in our nodes i'm gonna take this planar tracker and hold down shift and just drag it out of my pipeline here this is nice to just set aside it's not gonna hurt anything sitting there but we don't need it to actually be connected to anything so now we have the planar transform and whatever we connect to this is going to move just like that track does so let's make something to actually move how about some text here in my tools towards the left third icon over is this t text plus i'll grab that and drag that down into my nodes and move planar transform for a minute and i'm going to grab this text output and merge it over our media in one by just dropping it on that little white square now it's made a merge node if we select text we can go over to our inspector and say tracky intro nice not tacky intro tracky intro better pick a font yeah gotham i don't know let's just go with something like this got the medium that's a nice font right so there's our text but the problem is it's not moving around that's because we have to put our planar transform in there so again i can hold down shift and drag this down and put my mouse over that little connector where it turns blue and now it's connected that planar transform onto my text and now look what happens oh dang it moves along with it it's doing the thing man it's doing it oh boy it's crazy i think that's pretty nice for the amount of work it takes that's pretty cool let's add a little more shall we let's say we want to add a little bit of ambiance some atmosphere well one trick that i absolutely love is just adding some quick fog to something how we're gonna do that is with a effect called fast noise which is the second icon over here in our tools i'll grab that drag that into our nodes like this and i'll take the output and merge it over our merge one just like that now look look how foggy that boy is let's go over to the inspector and i'm going to change a couple things with my fast noise selected i'm going to boost up the detail and i don't know maybe boost up the scale a little bit and now we have kind of this basic fog we can also animate this by boosting up this see the rate see this is basically just how the fog changes over time so if we play this back we boost up the seed rate a little bit it kind of changes as time goes by it's really easy to overdo that let's do like point two yeah we just want it to change a little bit 0.3 maybe yeah 0.3 let's say okay nice so that's cool but we want this fog to move along with the camera too right so let's grab our planar transform here i'm going to hit control c and double click out and hit control v and really what we're doing is just taking this motion and we're going to apply it to our fast noise 2. i'm going to hold shift again and just drop this on the connector in between those two so it should be connected like that and now our fog moves along with stuff but what would you what is this see these edges the reason it's doing that is because it's scaling this entire node along with our tracked information so what we really need to do is just make this bigger so that we don't see these edges easy way to do that is select our fast noise here move it up a little bit and i'll hit shift spacebar and type xf that'll bring up a effect called transform and i'll hit return that adds a node that just lets us move this specific thing around before we merge it or anything like that and with the transform selected i'll just boost up size just so it's big enough for our comp now we shouldn't have a problem it should just it should just work yeah nice okay so now that the fog's a thing we can make this a little bit more realistic by just masking it so one thing i could do is grab my fast noise here and select a polygon mask that's going to add a mask to my noise and here in the viewer i can just kind of draw where i want the fog to be so let's say we want it to kind of come across here like this maybe like that soften this edge out a ton and now we have kind of some of that fog and it should move with our track and everything and oh boy it works just fine nice we're almost done let's say we want this fog to kind of roll like like kind of move back and forth a little bit easiest way to do that is here in my nodes i'll select fast noise let's go up here to where it says noise the center thing here if i grab this number and i move it back and forth it actually moves kind of where the fog is it kind of offsets the fog right so that's really cool if we want to animate something like this we could keyframe this but it's actually easier to just use an expression and i know sometimes expressions are intimidating but this one's really easy all you have to do is select this one and type equals time divided by 500 and then hit return and now that'll add a little expression but check this out yeah it moves that fog left and right that's cool right baby that's cool so there's our fancy intro isn't that awesome in fact let's call this a fancy intro and you can add whatever animation everything you want to this but that's the basic idea and when we're done we can go back to our edit page just by clicking edit and now here it is in our timeline here we go oh baby looks good so i hope you enjoyed making a fancy intro with me if you had fun make sure to check out our training course advanced motion graphics infusion we go all the way through from the very beginner stuff all the way to doing advanced particles in 3d and such it's crazy i think you'll have a good time i had a good time making it i had a good time here i'm gonna go get some hot chocolate hot chocolate's good man it just is
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 175,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make An Advanced Intro In Resolve - DaVinci Resolve 16 Advanced Tutorial, intro in resolve, make an intro in resolve, making an intro in fusion, making a fusion intro, how to make an intro, how to use fusion, make a great intro, how to make an intro in resolve, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners 2020, davinci resolve tutorials, how to use davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, video editing tutorial
Id: hndmCAmroTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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