How To Make An Intro In Resolve - DaVinci Resolve 16 Fusion Beginner Tutorial

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[Music] hey guys Casey Farris here I make videos on DaVinci Resolve here on YouTube make sure to subscribe for more of that also I have a master class on DaVinci Resolve available right here check that out mmm that was a good intro yeah today we're gonna talk about how to make a simple intro in resolve this is using fusion a little bit and just kind of some of the other tools in resolve should be fun let's jump in BAM here we are in resolve 16 let's pretend that this is my awesome YouTube video that I want everybody to see but oh my goodness that don't have an intro let's say I want a little graphic to kind of pop up here that says the name of the channel you know you see that on channels there's a bunch of different ways that you can do this I'll show you an easy way to make a fancy one here in fusion the absolute simplest way to do this that I think is still classy is just to add a basic text layer but size it and style it nicely so I can go up to the effects library and down here where it says titles I'll click on just text and drag that in here and I'll trim it and I'll go up to the inspector and here we'll call this crash film I just picked two words I like so this looks not that great one of the reasons is that fonts with serifs that's these little pointy things on them don't look super great on screen most of the time unless you're doing some kind of like really fancy high-class like French film that's in black and white I don't know maybe that's just personal opinion I'm gonna pick a font I'm gonna pick baby's cuz I feel like that looks pretty nice so this is just really simple obviously white text on a black background could even do something like adjust the rotation of it just to make this a little bit more interesting and I know this is really simple this is insanely basic but if you're not gonna do a graphic like I'm about to show you please keep it simple like this just just on behalf of YouTube I'd rather see something like this for just a couple seconds and then get into the movie rather than see your 3d logo spin around for 30 seconds I hope I'm not coming off harsh let's say we want to do something a little bit more fancy than this but still tasteful let's get rid of our text layer over here in my effects library under effects I'm going to grab fusion composition and just drag that into time line and I'll trim that this is going to be our little intro graphic and we've already set where it goes and how long it is all we have to do is edit what it looks like now because right now it's a really boring black screen so I'll just click on this fusion button right here that'll take us into the fusion page now if you're not familiar with how fusion works I would recommend checking out this video right here but we are going to keep it pretty basic in this video so you should be able to follow along basically everything in fusion is built with nodes it's kind of like a flow chart rather than stacking a bunch of layers you give fusion instructions on what to build so the first instruction we're going to give Fusion is we want to make a background color let's say we want to make maybe a blue background first thing we'll do is go up to our toolbar here and on the very left side is a background node I'll grab this and just drag it down into this node graph right here so now we have a background node and then this thing over here called media out anything that's attached to media out is going to be rendered to the timeline that means you're actually going to see it so what I'm going to do is grab the output of background one this little gray square and I'm gonna drag it on to media out what that does is change our screen up here to a black screen that's because this background node is black and then we're telling it to make a black background and render it so we don't want a black background right so let's select our background one and go over here to the inspector if you don't see that you can open and close the inspector with this button right here and I want to pick a blue color for our background something like this maybe and we see it changes here in the screen now we need to make some text because we want our logo to kind of animate in here I'm gonna tell it to make some text again I'll go up to the toolbar and I'll grab this text plus node and drag that down into my node graph and this time what I'm going to do is I'll grab this output but I'm not gonna connect it to media out I'm gonna put it over our background to do that we have to make another node and the easiest way to do that is just to drag this output on top of the little white square here on background one look what it does it makes a merge node this node puts one node on top of another one so we have our text over our background so let's adjust our text I'll select our text node and go up to the upper right hand corner in our inspector and let's type crash film like that pick a good font will just use baby again and I can adjust the tracking and the line spacing maybe I'll align this to the left something like that and in my viewer here if I have this node selected I can actually grab this little handle and move it around so maybe something like that right now we're at a place where we totally could have built this in the Edit Page we just need a blue solid with some text over it now let's do something that you can really only easily do in fusion which is masking I'm going to go down to my nodes and select text 1 and then up here in the toolbar I'm just going to click on this rectangle click on that that's going to add a rectangle mask to my text and up here in the viewer I can move this rectangle mask around and wherever that rectangle is that's where the text will show up and if it's outside of the rectangle it will disappear so what I'll do is move it so this little line is almost touching the left side of our text because what we're going to do is move our text over out of this rectangle and then animate it to fly in so it looks like it kind of reveals out of this left side we'll do that by keyframing if you're familiar with key framing this should make a ton of sense if you're not you're basically telling something in your composition to be at a certain place at a certain time you're like bossing it around you know so let's say at one second I want this to be completely animated now grab my time ruler here and move it to 24 frames and I'm gonna select my text node and over here in my inspector I'm gonna go to the second page and right here where it says Center this is what we're gonna animate and since we're at 24 frames right now and this text is right where we want it to be I can just hit this keyframe Dimond and that's going to tell it to be right there at this time but we want this to start over to the left I'm gonna move my playhead over to 0 and because I already have keyframes enabled here on this Center I can either grab this X number and just roll to the left or I can also move it with this little widget here in the viewer but right now it's completely gone so if we play this back just go to the beginning of our composition and I'll hit spacebar we see it comes in just like that pretty simple let's do two more things to make this just a little bit more fancy and then you can go wild and make yours however you'd like one thing I'll do is I to change how this animates it comes to a stop way too quick it just kind of jerks into there and I want that to just ease in just nice and easy yeah nice and easy the way that we adjust the easing of animation in the fusion page is with the spline panel in the upper right hand corner I'll just click on spline that opens up our spline panel down here in the lower right hand corner and anything that we want to adjust we just click this check box which happens to be displacement and now it's really confusing and scary and oh no what do we do where is it where are things panic once you have stuff selected just click on this button right here zoom to fit and that will bring up the graph of your animation you don't really need to understand this too much other than this is just a graph of its position over time so what I'll do is click and drag and make a box and select this last keyframe because this is the keyframe where it's going to stop you'll see if I grab this little handle we can adjust how this animation works so we can have it move in really really fast and then end up really slow and that'll do something like this which I think actually looks pretty nice a quick way to adjust this also if you select this last keyframe and hit F on the keyboard it flattens it out and that just means that it comes to a stop really easily so now we have a pretty nice-looking animation so this is looking pretty good one other thing that I'll do just to give this a little bit of interest is I'll add a vignette you can do this a ton of different ways the way that I like to do it because you have a lot of control is just to grab another background node grab this and drag it down into our nodes again I'll grab the output of this background and drag it over the output of my merge so this is going to put a black background over everything select this background and with it selected I'll click on this circle mask and that'll just make a black circle in the middle which is not quite what we want but I can go over to the inspector and here we can select invert and we also have controls over what our circle looks like including the width and the height and the softness so we can have our nice little vignette over that if we want to adjust the strength of our vignette we can do that in the merge node let's go down here this merge node controls everything about how something goes over something else including the transparency of it so select this merge node and go up to the inspector there's a control called blend this is basically your transparency and I can move this back and forth and kind of dial in how strong I want this vignette so I'm thinking maybe something like that select our media out just so we don't have our overlays and stuff and now boy look at that that's kind of cool right super simple a little intro and guess what this is the coolest part when you're done doing all your fancy animations and stuff to add this into your project all you have to do is go down to button that says edit when you click on that it'll already be added into your timeline because remember we actually made this in the timeline before we even started doing anything once this little bar here is blue instead of red it should play back nicely and now we have our little intro to our video not awesome so I hope that made a lot of sense if you want to learn more about just editing and the the editing workflow inside of resolve and how the pages all work together check out this video cuz I think it's really helpful yeah so good mmm mmm tasty tasty
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 508,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make an intro in resolve, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 15, tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, how to, resolve, intro, fusion, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, video editing, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, resolve 15, motion graphics, how to use davinci resolve 16, resolve 15 tutorial, how to use davinci resolve, davinci, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, text animation, blackmagic, resolve 16, resolve 16 tutorial, how to use davinci resolve 15
Id: bL0u-UC7dF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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