Custom Countdown Timer in Fusion - DaVinci Resolve Fusion Motion Graphics Tutorial

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[Music] hey guys Casey Farris here thanks for checking out another video of mine here on youtube today we are looking at how to make a fancy schmancy countdown timer for whatever you want to count down all inside of the fusion page of resolve it's so fancy here's why you can adjust it to any length and you don't even have to change text or anything it's pretty neat by the way if you're interested in graphics for your videos we have titles available for fusion at ground control color comm they're super easy clean and they look great on any project and you don't even really have to mess with fusion you can just open them up as a title in the Edit Page change your text and you're ready to go I'll put a link in the description below make sure to check those out let's get to it in the fusion page of DaVinci Resolve 16 here's kind of what we're what we're making yeah it starts at a minute counts down pretty nice right here are some of the nodes we're gonna be working with the cool part is pretty much all of this is optional real power is right here in this little baby but let's make our own shall we I'm gonna go to the upper left hand corner in our media pool right click and say new fusion composition it's gonna ask me about settings I'm gonna just say create then it's gonna make a new fusion composition right there and I'll double click on it once it's all open and stuff I'm gonna get myself set up I'll just grab my media out node bring this kind of to the right and I'll grab a background node I always like to grab a background just because it sets the resolution of the comp so I don't have any kind of crazy surprises or anything like that so I like to just start out graphics like this now we got to make our timer the timer is gonna be based on a text + node so I'll grab that from my toolbar here and I'm gonna merge that over my background node by dragging the output onto the little white square now I have a merge node with my text I'll select my text and go up to the inspector and I'll just call this timer just so we can see we have text here and they'll bring the size up a little bit something like that it really doesn't matter what I put here because this is going to be replaced with a modifier a modifier in fusion is basically just a fancy little thing that connects and controls something else so we're gonna add a modifier that's gonna help us format our timer here in my inspector I'm going to right click on styled text and go down to text timer now you would think this would automatically do kind of what you want to do that's not really the case this is more about just formatting these numbers so that they can round nicely have these colons and be in the right position and all of that stuff gonna go over to the modifiers section of our inspector click on that and we have this part I'm gonna turn off hours just because we're going to be working with minutes and seconds now there's probably a bunch of different ways that you can work with these controls but what we're gonna do is make it so that this counts down to the end of the composition we're gonna do this by adding a little expression to the minutes and the seconds so what I'll do is right click on seconds and go down to expression that's gonna add a little expression thing I'll also do that for minutes right click and add expression that's gonna set this number to whatever math and fanciness happens here in this little box so I'll hit backspace and I'm just gonna type the word time t IM e now as i move my playhead around that will display the current frame so this isn't actually seconds this is frame speak because when you type time into an expression it just shows the amount of frames so if we want to display seconds we have to do some fancy math which is basically just dividing frames by our frame rate that'll get our seconds if your frame rate is 24 you can divide it by 24 and that will show you the seconds let's just say time divided by 24 and now as I move back and forth it'll show me the seconds I'm also gonna switch this mode from countdown to timer because I forgot to do that earlier switch it to timer now we got to do the minutes a minute is 60 seconds so what I'll do it just say time divided by 24 what I'll do is put that inside of some parentheses because I want it to do all of that calculation first and then divide that by 60 you don't actually need to do that at this point but we're gonna change this in a little bit and it'll just make things a little bit easier to have time divided by 24 in those parentheses so now this is probably a good time to put this comp into a time line we're gonna lay this cop out in a time line so that we can adjust how long the cop is really easily and visually because what we're gonna do is some fancy math based on how long the composition is so I'll just go up to the media pool right click on our fusion composition and say create new timeline using selected clips that's just gonna throw this into a timeline with all the right settings I'll hit create and now if I go over to my edit you can see we have our timer here in the timeline now depending on how long we want our countdown we just make it that long and then we'll do fanciness in a minute let's say we want our countdown to be 5 minutes I'm just gonna start typing on the numpad on my keyboard and we can see what I'm typing up here in the upper right hand corner 5 just type 50000 and enter and that'll move my playhead to 5 minutes on the timeline then I'm gonna hit M on the keyboard to set a marker I'll zoom out so we can see that's where 5 minutes lives on the timeline then I'll just grab the edge of this comp and extend it all the way to 5 minutes and now we have our timer counting up all the way up till 5 minutes now it's not quite doing math quite right yet but we're gonna fix that we'll select our composition in the timeline and click back to fusion at this point you'll probably notice that the timer is kind of crazy at about 30 seconds it'll add one minute to the clock which isn't quite right that's because we got to add a little bit more to our expression here on these seconds parentheses and I'll just take this little plus thing and pick whip it two minutes and then I'll say times 60 what that's going to do is get rid of the extra minutes that start getting added on and actually show us the correct time so that's pretty much all the fanciness for a timer that counts up if we go back to our timeline we should have a matching timecode three minutes and two seconds three minutes and two seconds looking good so if we want a timer to count up we're done but we want this to count down so what we'll do is add an expression that will look at how long our composition is in our timeline and calculate how much time is left this is pretty simple I'll go back to the fusion page under our text one node under modifiers here where it says time this is just the current frame but we're gonna add a little line that will calculate how much time is left so instead of time I'm gonna put time in parentheses and then I'm going to say comp dot render and and then I'm gonna say - time what that will do is look at the last frame of our comp which happens to be 71 99 and it will - our current frame count from that which will give us the time that's remaining I'll take this same thing and I'll do the same thing down here instead of time I'll put it in parenthesis and say comp dot render and - time and now instead of time climbing up it's going to count down from five minutes all the way down to zero and the cool thing is that we can just set this up once and we can adjust how long this clip is in our timeline let's say we want it a little bit longer and it will count down let's say we want this eight minutes and 39 seconds they'll count down from 8 minutes and 39 seconds so it's really flexible and the cool thing is once you have this text you can stylize it any way that you want so I can make it a little bigger change the font the color all of that kind of stuff I can even use this same style text and drive other fancy things like like 3d text if I wanted to make this a fancy 3d timer I could grab my text 3d node and click on merge 3d and render or 3d anytime you do 3d stuff you pretty much have to have a merge and a renderer for it to look good and with my text 3d selected I'll scroll down where it says extrusion and I'll just bump up the extrusion depth a little bit I'll select our renderer 3d and hit - on the keyboard so that we can see things add some text to my text 3d and if I render a 3d node I'll go over here to the inspector and say enable lighting and I could do things like add a directional light I'll just hit shift spacebar I'll go up to the effects library under tools under 3d under lights and grab a directional light and drag that down that'll add some light rotate that a little bit on the X&Y axis so it's kind of pointing down select my text 3d node and on this fifth icon and be able to rotate this a little bit so it's a little easier to see that 3d at 3d you can stylize this however you want and what's cool is I can use this text node to drive the text for my text 3d with an expression so I'll go over here to my text 3d under styled text I'll just right click and say connect to text timer on text once I'll time and that's gonna set that to whatever that modifier says for my countdown timer pretty neato pretty cool so if I wanted to I can just disconnect my text node and connect my render 3d to my merge I'll select media out one and hit two on the keyboard so we can see what we're doing and now I have my fancy 3d timer now what I'm ready to render that out I just switch back to the Edit Page and here it is in my timeline pretty sick so there you go that's how to make a fancy countdown timer inside of the fusion page if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comments below if you like this hit like and for more tutorials on fusion and DaVinci Resolve and all of those things make sure to hit that subscribe button and my name again is Casey Parris I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 26,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve vs premiere pro, davinci resolve 16 color grading, blackmagic fusion, blackmagic fusion 16, blackmagic fusion tutorial, blackmagic fusion motion graphics, blackmagic fusion vs after effects, blackmagic fusion templates, fusion titles, color grading LUTs, ground control luts
Id: 98_MGo7qLNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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