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[Music] greetings youtube my name is casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve and i would really like you to subscribe hey why haven't you subscribed huh huh you got something going on is it my face it's okay if it's my face a couple of days ago i posted a video featuring a new call out title that comes stocked with dimitri resolve 17. and then a bunch of people started asking how do we track that to footage well here's how to do it here i am in resolve 17 and i have a clip here and we want to add a call out to tell everyone that this is a beehive right as if it isn't obvious in the effects library here in the edit page under titles we have one called call out and kind of mouse over it here in the media pool and we can see it there just animating on that's nice right so we can take this and drag that down into the timeline and we can adjust things and call this beehive pick a nice font like good old aerial black right so everybody knows this is a beehive let's even make this white now we have it but how do we track this to the motion well you may notice there's a couple problems here first of all generally if you want to add two different layers from the timeline and diffusion what you do is select both of them right click and say create new fusion composition but that doesn't actually work when you have a title so what you'd have to do is make a new compound clip and then do that but here's a better way to do this so we can move this into fusion and do some tracking let's just delete this call out just get out of here call out just sucking and we're just gonna go into fusion with our playhead over our footage just click on the fusion page and that'll bring up our shot here in fusion and one thing that you might not know is that over in the effects library in the upper left-hand corner kind of where it is in the edit page there's a section called edit templates and you can actually use the same templates and titles and everything that you can in the edit page so here's our call out this is the same one and i can grab this and drag it down into our nodes and it makes a nice little group and we can merge this group over our footage and it works just the same as in the edit page in fact you can select this callout group and go up here and you have the same controls in the inspector so very similar to just adding it in the edit page and we can call this beehive can change our font to arial black we can select our color it all works the exact same baby but now we can track this motion and move this thing along with our footage so let's do that the easiest way to track stuff in my opinion is to select our original footage and hit shift space and type p-l-a-n that'll bring up planar tracker and the planar tracker you can just kind of select the area that you want to track so i'll just select the top of this beehive right here then over here in the inspector with the planar tracker selected operation mode is track for reference time let's hit set what that does is say hey look at this image at this exact frame which happens to be frame 354 and for motion type i'm just going to do translation and rotation because all i really want to do is just have this move along with our footage i don't care if it like moves in perspective and all that junk now that we have that set we can click this button track to end and it will analyze this footage and track the motion it'll do a pretty good job once we've tracked the end of it i'll hit go to go back to our original frame and track backward and now that we have the general motion tracked this is really just way overkill we don't even need to do it quite that big you could even use just a regular point tracker and just track one point but it's fine once our track is done i'll click on this create planar transform and that will make a new node here called planar transform and here's what we do you unhook the callout or whatever effect you want to track and just put that planar transform in between the merge and your effect your title whatever you want to track and voila it moves with the footage look at it go so tracky no problem no problem isn't that great so when we're done with that we can just go back to the edit page let this cache for a second and here we go there's our beehive look at that it works and there we go we got our tracked call out to our footage easy as pie easy as crumb pie easy as when somebody already gives you pie and you all you have to do is eat the pie resolve 17 videos um you can learn more about it you could even learn less about it if you if you paid less attention i guess i don't know if you can learn less maybe you forget stuff i don't know i guarantee you'll learn at least the amount that you know already about it
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 65,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy way to track titles and callouts in resolve 17, tracking titles, how to, planer tracker, stick titles to footage, davinci resolve 17, new features, planar tracker in fusion, planar tracker resolve, tracking in davinci resolve fusion, resolve fusion tracking, fusion titles
Id: A-4J3e4XcLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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