How to Create a Simple Callout in Davinci Resolve - EASY Tutorial

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hey guys how's it going Nick here and welcome back to another video today we're going to be jumping back into dividual result to do a kollel effect similar to this it's something a lot of you have been asking for hannah this really valuable tool to have in your effects library to be able to swap out whenever you need of whether you do a product review videos it's really a neat effect to have in your library so we're going to jump into resolve now and show you how to make this really basic caught-up effect alright guys so we're going to jump into DaVinci Resolve now to create this effect it's pretty easy there are a few little parts to it but creating the effect is pretty pretty simple alright so we're gonna create a new project and we call it basic basic call-out once I learn how to spell and what we're going to do is import some footage so a bit of media that we want to track so I'm going to import this little clip here I have a Ronan s thumb I got changing in the framerate so we've got this footage here of the Rhoden s now I don't want to track the whole bit for this so we're gonna just go in go out and just drag the video down onto that timeline like so and with the bit of footage that we're gonna jump into fusion and so now we have the media in and media we're gonna want to track this bit of footage so starting at the start of the footage which is at frame 26 with the media in node selected we're gonna hit shift space at a tracker node and if you familiar with fusion you can click up the top here where I have a overview of the fusion window so with the tracker we're going to find a nice point to track and I think whoa let's calm down there I think the nicest point here will be the record button nice contrast there and we're gonna change the size of this so we're gonna bring our window and these windows control what we're looking for so everything in this hard line box is what we're tracking everything in the dotted line box is how we're we're looking for the tracker and like so once we have the tracker like that we're going to just track forward and this is going to go forward and track the footage nice and easy so now we have a beautifully tracked Ronan s all we need to do now is with the tracker selected is change what the tracker does so all we need to do is go up to this window here trains the operation to match move and basically that means there anything we plug into this is going to match the tracking data which is pretty simple so if I was to add say a text node nothing special and we're going to just call it a call air and we plug that into the foreground of that and we put it wherever we want you'll see that if we play this back very simple follows the motion of the DJI Ronin s which is fantastic but we want to create a call-out so we're going to put this aside for now we don't really need it and we're going to start building it so the first thing we're going to start building is I guess the dot that the track call-out starts from so we're going to add a background and with the background we're going to change the color to white and we're also going to change the Alpha to zero we do this because when we overlay this on top of the footage we want everything that's black to be transparent so that we only get the you know the call-out that we're creating so that's why we change the Alpha to zero with the background selected shift space again we're going to create an ellipse hit enter and we're just going to put this into the viewer like so so we can see what we're doing now as you can see here that is quite big we don't want it to be that big we want it to be smaller so we want to change the scale but as you can see here as we scale the width or the height it's going to turn it into an oval shape fix that we're going to create an expression very simple right click on either the width or the height it doesn't really matter hit expression and then with the plus we're going to click the plus and drag it to weight and all that means is as we change the width the height changes with it and it just means we can create a nice simple circle now from my experiments I find that 0-2 seems to be a nice little starting point for that circle and what we want to do though is animate this on and off so we're going to start at the start of this animation we're gonna hit a keyframe we're gonna actually change it to zero and we're gonna go forward a little bit maybe I don't know five frames or so nothing too special and we're just going to put that to the right size and as you see here now we have as well as to hit play we have our little circle that just pops up fantastic nothing special so next what we want to create is the line so we're gonna over here shift spacebar we're gonna do background again same thing white same thing alpha to zero and we're going to create a mask paint tool this time and this is going to help us create the sort of the line or the call-out as it is so we're going to go over here to the polyline stroke and what that's going to let us do is click from the center of the circle shift-click over there and shift-click over there what shift clicking just gives us a nice straight line and what we're gonna do is put this in view one so we can see both things at once a bit of a problem here is the line is really fuzzy and it's soft and it's a bit too thick so we want to go into our brush controls in the inspector and we're gonna bump the softness right down so we have a nice hard line stroke and we also didn't drop the size down quite a fair bit right well you just want a nice simple line nothing too spectacular so with the line created the next thing we need to do is animate it so we're gonna go down here to stroke controls and we have outright on animation this is the simplest way for us to animate this so we're going to drop it to zero I'm gonna set a keyframe and we're gonna go forward maybe I don't know so we started at 31 I think maybe ten frames we're gonna go to 41 and we're just gonna write the whole thing on like so and so if I was to play this animation back you can see here that it writes is the dot comes and the line comes very very nice all right the next bit to this is the text this is the last partner we start merging it all together and creating our full call-out so again over here we're going to hit shift space and we're going to create a text node just the text plus and for this we're just let's I don't call it Ronin s and we can change the font if we want you know it's not too important okay and what we're going to do is we're going to position it above the line and we can actually do our quick merge here now so with the going to create a merge node by hitting shift space hitting merge and what we're going to do is we're going to put the mask paint into the background and the text into the foreground and if I put the merge into the second viewer now we can see everything as so so now we're going to animate the text alright that's the next thing that we want to do so with the text tool selected we're gonna hit shift space we're gonna add a rectangle mode which is a mask and as you can see here it kind of blocks off the text so we're gonna reposition that over the Ronin s and then we're gonna change the width and the height to encompass it and this is how we're going to animate the text because what we can do now is we can move it in and out and make it appear as though it's coming from nowhere so with the text tool selected we're going to go over to this modifier here going to set a keyframe and basically this is because we're at the end of the line gonna put it over to the side here gonna go forward maybe two maybe like 46 yes we're not being too precise here and I'm going to move it back into sight like so and so now we have a little animation line comes on and the text appears perfectly and what we might want to do now is and the last one is add a little bit of motion blur that's just gonna make the effect look you know it's just gonna sell the effect just that little bit more and we can do a few things here if we want to leave it on what we could do is at the end of the animation here we could maybe write it off so we could do that fly off so now we have our animation on and off once it's flown off we could probably grab our mask and go down to where we ride on hit another keyframe and write that off like so so now we're writing all our animations on and off and if we go back to the ellipse tool we could probably set a keyframe there and have that disappear to zero as well so now everything is animated on and off very very simple all right so now we're going to merge everything together so we have it in one nice little package so we're gonna create another merge tool over here shift space MRG to create merge and we're going to pump the ellipse into the yellow which is the background I'm going to pump this one into the green which is the foreground and if we put that into view or two now we can see we have everything as such and it all animates on and off very very very easy and the last thing that we need to do is pump the merge the spinal merge into that tracker node so all we do is grab the output into the foreground and if we were to put the media out now we have our tracked call out like so and it follows everything but there are a few more things we could do to finalize this animation I mean it works as such but what if we wanted to move all of this around well we can't because all the tools are individual so what we want to do is we're going to disable that connection for now and we're going to with this final merge tool selected shift space we're gonna add a transform node all right what this allows us to do if I put this into sight is I can now control everything as one which is going to be really handy when positioning it around the tool so if we pump the output of the transform node into the foreground now with the transform node selected I can position this wherever I want in the frame now obviously it makes sense to have it probably there but if I wanted it have over there I could and it's still going to remain tracked to the footage but what we could do is just position it like so on the record button and now we have our tracked call-out very very easy to create there are a few things we could do from here if we wanted to which is we could control the animations of some of these tools so if we were to open up a spline editor this is where things get a little complicated so we going to start with the text tool so what we have here if we fit to scale is we have the text come in and then we have it go out very simple is we could just highlight all of those nodes and we could just ease them in and out like so and probably just change that and change that so that it's a nice straight line and it still creates a nice effect we can go through and do that for everything so if we want to do the polyline stroke if we want to fit everything what we could do is have it ease in to that and then ease out as well like so and that will just create a little bit more of a believable animation not as hard and you can definitely see that at the start here kind of eases out just keeps it looking interesting and you can play around with the curves like so until you get something that looks fun but another thing we could do right at the end here is what I like to do is group all this together so ctrl G so now we have a group alright and we have the transform that controls a group with these two selected we could right-click settings save all as we can save this as an effect that we can reuse over and over again so we're gonna just save it to desktop for now and we're going to call this basic call-out let's call it number one all right so you could go through and create number two number three number four and hit enter out of DaVinci Resolve now we have our basic call out number one one here so I'm gonna go into the finder into applications we're going to go DaVinci Resolve you know right-click show package contents contents resources fusion templates fusion that is a long Factory it is more or less the same on a PC except instead of going applications you obviously go into Program Files I'll leave it down below in the description so you can double check that you don't have to go back and forth but in here this is where all that tools are kept in side of DaVinci Resolve and as you can see here I've created this folder here called call-outs now I'll grab our basic call-out and then drop it into that call-out folder and that means when you come in here in infusion if you go to effects library under templates you can see we have the call-out folder here and this is where that color is going to belong and that just means you can drag and drop this into fusion whenever you want doesn't matter the one thing to keep in mind is that obviously we've animated this so it's going to remain animated to the current timeline so one thing to probably keep in mind is maybe you want to create the tool first keep this nice structure here that we've created so files too so create the call-out keep it to this structure that we've just done with the transform at the end and leave it like that and probably say that as such that way you can animate it on a per project basis because at the moment if we export this and import it into fusion it's going to retain all that animation data which is fine for this project but probably not first something else you can want to animate it specifically for that project but up to you how you want to do that and like I said we drag the transform into the tracker move it around maybe let's put it on the dial and if we go back into our editor you can see here we have our nice animation as such that comes in like so and there you have it guys really easy call-out animation to create inside of fusion so there you have it guys really easy and simple to in fact that you can just have on hand whenever you need it hopefully found this tutorial useful let me know in the comment section below what you thought of it and you know keep adding suggestions as to what you want me to bring to you guys in terms of content I do my best to bring what you guys ask and until the next leave you guys see ya [Music]
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 29,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create a callout in davinci resolve, davinci resolve callout tutorial, how to create a callout in fusion 9, davinci resolve 15, davinci resolve tutorial, how to create a callout, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, easy fusion tutorial for davinci resolve, fusion basics in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 useful features, davinci resolve, motion graphics davinci resolve 15 tutorial, thatmoderndude, callout tutorial for davinci resolve, tutorial
Id: 0yg6_vsnbFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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