How to Track ANY Object or Title to Your Footage Easily! - A Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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so do i know how to track an object or title to your moving footage in davinci resolve 17 well my friends you are in the right place because in this video i'm going to teach you one of the best ways to track any object or title to your moving footage in davinci resolve and yes you can do this in davinci resolve 16 17 and the free version all that stuff and more coming up but first if you're new here my name is billy ripka and i make weekly davinci resolve tutorials about different effects transitions and workflows will help you become a better editor so if you want to level up your editing skills click that subscribe button and the bell notification to stay up to date on the newest videos put out but let's get into it so in davinci resolve on the timeline you can see that i have some footage right here of a snowboarder just going down the hill you know doing his thing so let's just imagine for a second that i want to take this new davinci resolve logo or one of my call outs from my new call out pack and track it to this guy right here as he's moving down the hill well whatever you want to track whether it's this davinci resolve logo or the call out title you won't be able to do it from the edit page but in the fusion tab that is a whole different story so all i'm gonna do first is just go ahead and delete this stuff because it really isn't gonna matter then we're going to jump into the fusion tab right down here so one thing to note before we jump into fusion is that if you're going to use some kind of like template like a callout title or a transition or something like that that has keyframes inside of it odds are it starts on frame zero so one of the issues is that if i let's say make this really small right and i just start halfway through the clip this starts on frame 175 so technically you would be eliminating the whole beginning animation and you don't want to do that so a quick workaround to that is if you highlight that clip and you right click and go to new compound clip and hit create like that you'll see that it actually starts now on frame 0 because davinci resolve is saying that it's a brand new clip now if you are totally new to this do not worry i'm gonna walk with you step by step through this whole process so that you can learn how to track objects to your footage so let's dive in now that we're in the fusion tab you can see that we have our media in one and our media out one this is pretty much the beginning of our clip and the end of our clip so if we want to add any kind of changes or effects we have to put them in the middle right here if i want to track this guy right here i'm going to first need to add a tracker node so i'm going to pull up the select tool menu by hitting control and then spacebar and typing in tracker then just click on it and add it in right here then i'm just going to grab the tracker node holding shift and drag it over the line until it turns blue like that and then drop it in and because i don't have enough space i'm just gonna hit this single view button right here so that it brings it into one viewer and then just drag this down so i can see my tracking point a little more clear so now with tracker one selected you can see that this tracking point actually pops up right here so if i want to track this person i could technically grab the tracking point and drag it over them now one of the things we need to be aware of is the contrast and how much the person or object you are actually tracking sticks out from the background so you're gonna wanna try to gonna wanna try to find i feel like i'm rapping gonna wanna try to find her so you're gonna wanna i can't do it man like smiling too much so you'll want to try to find a feature or characteristic or color that actually stands out from the background so with all that said i'm going to leave my tracker on this person's black coat right here because if we look in the bottom right here we can see what the tracker one is actually viewing now we can see just how much it contrasts from the background right here to the person's coat now just a little pro tip here if you don't have enough contrast or you need to kind of like bring out the colors a little more i can open up the select tools menu by hitting control space bar and type in color and i want to add in color corrector you can also add in color curves if you'd like to but for me i'm just going to add in the color corrector and drag it in before the tracker then all i'm gonna do is mess around with the contrast or the gain really my whole goal is to make whatever i'm tracking stick out from the background and just so you know once we've already done all the tracking we can just go ahead and remove this color corrector because it does not matter the information is already there we're just using it as a temporary tool not meant to go into rendering and even get past this one step because i know for a fact that there is enough contrast i'm gonna go ahead and remove the color corrector before i track but if you need it obviously you use it please it's there so now that i have my tracker on this person i'm gonna go ahead and actually make it just a little smaller by grabbing the edges and dragging it in then i'll grab this dotted box right here and make it a little smaller this is called your search area so if this tracker gets lost because of too much motion davinci resolve is going to look for this point inside the dotted box right here so under the tracker i'm going to go to adaptive mode and put mine on best match right here then under match tolerance i'm going to drag it down to like you know 0.4 or something like that but generally this is gonna give you a smoother track now in the operations tab right here i'm gonna go under operation and change it to match move go back to trackers now just make sure once again that your playhead is on frame 0 right here then we'll hit track forward from current time like this now davinci resolve is going to go ahead and track this person's movements throughout the whole shot as long as there is a good amount of contrast now if you're running into errors and your tracker is kind of getting off of your subject you're going to want to go ahead and change what point you're actually tracking or increase the match tolerance or just you know play around with it because this takes a minute every shot is different sometimes it's a lot easier other times takes a little more work we're talking about video editing here you want to make good video you got to put some time into it so now you can see that davinci resolve went ahead and actually tracked every single movement for this person throughout the whole clip since i want to show you two different methods of tracking and why they're important this davinci resolve logo isn't going to cut it i need something literally like this callout title so you can see the difference of each tracking method so going into the effects library i'm going to go down to edit templates like so and then scroll all the way down and i'll see my call out pack right here and connect it to my tracker now because there's an animation in the beginning what we're going to do is just move to frame 40 so that i can actually see the full callout title then i'm going to click on it and you can see we have our menu right here i'm going to hit the drop down menu under callout controls and then under point i'm going to adjust it so that it is on the back of this person right here where we had the original tracking i can either move the box position like this by just dragging the x and y over so that it's kind of you know hovering like that or grab this arrow position box thing i don't actually know what it's called honestly now that i've aligned the point right here all i'm going to do is click on the tracker one node like this then go to operation one more time you'll see that we have check boxes under position rotation and scaling so if we want to apply the position tracking data to this call out then we're going to keep that checked but if we don't want to then we can just uncheck it and you'll see that as we play it through it just doesn't you know nothing actually moves clearly we want that so now if we go ahead and take a look at this you'll see that the actual callout title all together is moving with the person so it's rotating it's getting bigger and smaller depending on how close the person is and of course the position is moving now let's just say you want this one point to actually follow this person right here while the call out title stays stationary well to do that all we're going to do is break this connection right here because we don't want that anymore then grab the output of the callout title or your object that you're trying to track and connect it to the output of the tracker like this it's going to create a merge node now to just track this one point right here all i'm going to do is click on the callout title like this and under point x and y this is just literally center x and y but we just renamed it so that you know which one you're messing with you're going to right click on it and go to connect 2 then under tracker 1 path you're just gonna hit position so as the person moves you can see that the callout title itself is stationary but the point moves and like i said we can do the same exact thing for any other object so if i just delete the callout title right here and go to the media pool and grab my new davinci resolve logo which by the way what do you guys think about this like it's kind of square anyway i drag it down into that merge node right there then all i'm going to do is add in another transform node right after the logo and then go to the inspector tab and under center once again i'm gonna right click go to connect to and then tracker one position then because this logo is huge we're just going to bring the size down like that and as you can see it is not aligned actually so what we're going to do is add in one more transform node after the first transform node like this and use the center to position it now you can see that it tracks to it perfectly now with all this talk of tracking and call out packs if you didn't know last week i released one of the most flexible straightforward and easy to use call out title packs yet we made this pack with the intent to save you time and to also make your videos stand out now we really do believe we've captured that in this pack so if you want to level up your videos even more with this pack then click the link down below to get it today anyways what kind of questions do you have about fusion let me know in the comments below i really do want to make stuff that you guys want to see and also things that's going to help you grow so this is how i know what to make anyway if you want to see more videos like this click on the top for a playlist with all of my davinci resolve tutorials or click on the bottom for a video that youtube thinks that you would like but until the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Billy Rybka
Views: 32,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve, tracking, Resolve 16 Tutorial, Resolve 16, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tracking, Billy Rybka, tracking in davinci, davinci resolve tutorials
Id: vOv6ret0Ce8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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