FREE YOUTUBE EDITING MINI-COURSE - Download Media & Follow Along in DaVinci Resolve!

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[Music] we got something really cool today if you're a youtuber or aspiring youtuber or you just want to get better at editing this is gonna be amazing we are doing a full end-to-end training on how to make a youtube video this happens to be an unboxing video and you can download the work files and follow along with the description down below and if you like this we're coming out with a great big youtube training that goes from the very very basics if you've never edited before and takes you to being a pro editing youtube videos we're really excited we've been working on it for a long time but more about that later let's get into the training alright so let's get started on the project here we have davinci resolve i'm in the edit page with just a new default project i'm going to grab our eclipse unboxing video and audio and drag those into our media pool and it's going to ask me if i want to change my project settings i'm going to go ahead and change those because i want them to match my video which for this training is 1920x1080 at 29.97 the very first thing we're going to do is make a timeline so i'm going to right click on unboxing vid and just say create new timeline using selected clips and it's going to ask me if i want to set all my settings like this i'll just say create and now we have our video added to the timeline but what i think i'll do before that i'm just going to select this and delete it so i'll keep my timeline but i'm just deleting the clip from the timeline as i want to sync this audio with the video because the audio here is not real great so we're going to switch this with the good audio which we have recorded on an external mic i'm so excited to look at the cute animals ah so i want to sync this good audio and replace the bad audio in my video track how i'm going to do that is select both of these and then right click let's go down to auto sync audio based on waveform now it's going to think for a second and now apparently nothing happens but what actually happens is if i take this unboxing video and double click on it a look at the black we now have the good audio open those up too good right so now we can take this drag this back into our timeline and we have the good audio down here in our timeline i'll do a couple little just housekeeping things first thing i'm going to just close our media pool by clicking on this media pull button right here now we have a little bit more space and over here towards the left of our timeline we have this little button right here i'll click on that and this is our timeline view options so these are just different ways to display what the heck is going on in our timeline first thing i'm going to do is take our video and audio tracks and make them really small with this button right here that's just so it doesn't have to draw the thumbnails each time because that can sometimes just slow things down and we don't we're gonna look at what's going on up here we don't need to see it down there if you like it leave it i guess but i don't like it then i'm gonna take my audio slider and boost that up a lot that's going to let us see our waveform if only we had our waveform on which we need to click right here and that's going to turn it on the other thing i'll do is click this button which will put the waveform on the bottom and just show us the top half because i just like looking at it that way the little peaks that are higher means it's louder it's great all right let's close that and now we're all set up for victory the other thing i'm going to do right off the bat is just select this clip and go up to our inspector in the upper right hand corner and i'm going to boost the volume and i'm just going to do this until down in the waveforms most of them are just a little bit closer to the top if there's a few that are above the top it's okay it doesn't necessarily mean it's clipping we're not going to worry about it a lot right now we're just trying to hear the audio a little better while we edit we're going to mix the audio and make sure it's good in a little bit so for me that's like adding 10 db now we're set up to do our edit yes by the way if you're having trouble kind of navigating through all of these menus and everything i definitely recommend checking out the edit page in five minutes video which is right here that goes through kind of all the basics of a lot of the stuff that we're going to be doing here the big youtube training will go over all of the basics and starts real real slow if you need that okay so let's get cutting on this i'm going to zoom in let's check our sync all right this is the here to slay unboxing video take one looks good and we're going to start here with this this is kind of the way that i like to edit is i like to really just look at these audio waveforms and make the audio make sense the video we can kind of move stuff around especially if somebody isn't talking on camera if it's just kind of a shot of anything except for somebody's face you can usually kind of move this around in time so what i like to do is just make the story make sense when it comes to the audio i'm going to get rid of this part which i could do by using the blade tool and grabbing the first part and deleting it and then moving everything down that would work but a quicker way to do that is ctrl shift left bracket and that'll do all of that at once that basically just cuts the beginning of the clip off right at the playhead what's up guys today we're going to be unboxing the here to slay standard edition and anytime that i want to cut the video at the playhead i can hit control backslash that will cut the clip and then i can do that same thing ctrl shift left bracket to kind of chop the beginning of the next clip so i'm doing this the whole time any time that you see this cut and that little beginning chop off or a cut here and the end chopped off that's what i'm doing that's ctrl backslash and control shift brackets standard edition i've been really excited about this game for a long time let's take a look first of all first of all we obviously have this awesome main art here that just what we're going to be doing is editing and passes the idea is basically to go through the entire project and make the whole project pretty good have the story work decently it could be really rough there could be problems but if you had to render it out it would at least sort of make sense okay so we're basically going to do this kind of thing for the entire timeline first of all first of all i'm going to delete this repeated line let's take a look first of all we obviously have this awesome main art here that just man this is just i love cute animals being violent oh so good take a look at the back have a little bit of a have a little bit about the game so i'm going to delete that duplicate look at the back have a little bit about the game and i'm not worrying about jump cuts at all about the game as well as the contents we have one main deck one six oversized party leader contents we have one main deck one i say one and i really should say six right there so i'm gonna delete that one we have one main deck six oversized party leader cards 15 oversized monster cards six rules reference cards and twos i breathe they're weird so six rules reference cards and two six sided die all right so on this first pass i'm just going to go through this whole timeline and edit it to this level what's up guys today we're going to be unboxing the here to slay standard edition i've been really excited about this game for a long time let's take a look first of all we obviously have this awesome main art here that just man this is just i love cute animals being violent oh so good take a look at the back have a little bit about the game as well as the contents we have one main deck six oversized party leader cards 15 oversized monster cards six rules reference cards and two six sided die so we're going to go through the whole thing and make it look like that basically and one thing i'll do is change our audio track because it's just coming out of one ear i'll right click on the audio track and say change track type to mono that's going to make sure that this mono mic track main art here actually comes out of both ears yay love cute animals i won't make you watch me do this entire thing let's use the power of movie magic to speed this up [Music] one thing also that might be helpful is to turn off the snapping which is this button right here this little magnet if you turn that off then you can really be exact about where you put that playhead and then you can cut the front off of a clip or the back off a clip that's something i really like about the people who make unstable unicorns [Music] all right you guys probably know i'm a big fan of the awkward ending to a video so that's how we're going to end this and basically when you're making a youtube video you want the person who's watching you to click on the next video so we put the video up here when i point to it so we put the video up here when i point to it and then we just kind of hang out here for about 20 seconds or so just to give them a lot of chance to click it that's the nice thing about youtube videos these days is it doesn't really have to have a super amazing ending it's actually better if it ends somewhat suddenly if you want somebody to keep watching your videos now you know the trick a little bit all right so we have this roughly edited it's about four minutes long which is okay and this is just our first pass so really all we've done is make this make sense and take out most of the little screw-ups most of the repeats so that we can watch this back and it works pretty well one thing with making youtube videos as i'm sure you notice on my videos is at least in my opinion it's totally okay to have jump cuts this is not that formal of a thing it's not like we're trying to present you know an expert's researched opinion on a very serious subject or something right if you had a interview where there was a guy here and he was talking about you know all the research he's done you don't want to jump cut this guy a whole lot because it's obvious that you cut his words together and you're kind of splicing a sentence but for something like this we can assume that if there's a jump cut it's just because some time went on between me saying one thing and saying the other thing which i think in this context is totally okay so what i like to do after the first pass is watch this back and i like to put a marker anytime there's something that i want to fix so i don't stop and fix it right away i watch the whole thing through and make a marker just to remind myself to go back and fix something i feel like this is probably the fastest way to actually edit something as you do your first pass go through and add markers where things are bad and to add a marker you can either click this button right here or you can just hit m on the timeline i'm a fan of hitting m let's make this a little bigger something like that and i'll just hit spacebar what's up guys today we're going to be unboxing let's take a look first of all we want to cut out that time right there main art here that all right very first thing is the instructions introduction this is how to win oh man i'm so excited right here very clear when i have this upside down about how it looks dumb let's switch that the game they have all the details about what the heck this is and how to win look at that cute little kidnapper oh all right so i think this is for the most part pretty good we're going to fix these little bits here first thing i'm going to do is just cut out this time just trim the beginning and end of those edition i've been really excited about this game for all right and then we have this one right here what did i care about all right all right very first thing it oh i wanted to cut out that second all right because i just said all right all right so let's get rid of this marker and then ctrl shift left bracket very first thing is the very first thing is all right what i also might do here is do an l cut easy way to do that is hold down alt and grab the video transition and just move it to the right then the audio will start before the video and kind of soften that cut very first thing is the instruction that works well and then we'll go to this marker very visual about how to play the game oh that's right this is upside down i think instead of opening this up like this we'll just cut to it turned around so what i'm going to do to make that happen is hold down alt and select our video track that'll just select the video it instead of both the video and the audio in our clip and that happens because we're in link selection mode which you can switch right here with this button but sometimes it's easier just to leave this on and hold down alt and that'll do whatever the opposite is so i'm just going to select the video and then split that clip right there with control backslash and i'll just get rid of this clip i'll hold down alt again and i think what i'll do is just see how long this clip is move this down and i think that'll work basically just putting this clip over where it would have been so let's take a look here they're always very very clear very visual about how to play the game they have all the details about what the heck this is all right i'm not a fan of like my hand just starting to do something and then not actually doing it so i wonder if we can just roll this back so i'll hold down alt and just roll this transition back a little bit to where both sides aren't moving now always very very clear very visual about how to play the game they have all the details about what the heck this is and how to win oh man i'm so excited to look at the cute animals this is how to win oh man oh look at this it's almost like a transition oh man i'm so excited but this is kind of the same problem so i'm going to just again hold down alt and drag this transition and i'm just going to drag it over this whole clip to kind of move it out to just basically delete it heck this and how to win oh man i'm so excited to look at the cute animals yep that works great so now we have our rough cut done and we fixed any of the major big problems we might do some more tweaking on this beforehand but even if we rendered it like this it wouldn't be too bad now let's make this a little bit more interesting by adding some music video like this is pretty painful without music as you probably have noticed by watching it through with me let's find some so a good place to find music for your videos is in your youtube studio which looks a lot like this but less blurry down here in the menu click on audio library and now we have all kinds of music that you can use in your videos i'm going to search one called fur parade fur and it's called the fur parade it's by the whole other and just go ahead and click download and once you have that downloaded just drag it into your media pool and there you got it so let's add the music just by dragging it from the media pool into the timeline and i'll close the media pool now this is where things are gonna start to come together a little bit the first thing i'm gonna do is turn down our music that's like always the first thing you do because music comes in super loud so i'm gonna do like negative 12 something like that at least and let's just see how this feels because we're probably going to want some kind of beginning here too what's up guys today we're going to be unboxing the here to slay standard edition i've been really excited about this game for a long time let's take a look all right so this is a great little intro here what i'll do is right click and let's change the color here of these clips just so we remember which ones are the intro and we can make any color i'll make it teal so that's our intro and so really what we're going to do is go to a little graphic bumper right after this so let's move everything else down a quick way to grab everything to the right of your playhead is hit alt and then y it's going to grab everything to the right and we'll just give it a few seconds here something like that now what i like to do is make sure that the music kind of leads into the intro so it's like yeah we're going to go and then it's like the branding of the channel right so what we should do is find where this starts to kick up time let's take a look all right right there is where it kicks in so great way for us to remember that is select this and hit m on the keyboard that'll add a marker to the clip instead of the sequence so now i can move this around and if i have snapping on it will actually snap that marker to the end of this clip and i can drag this out and let's see how it goes what's up guys today we're going to be unboxing i'm also going to trim this beginning what's up guys today we're going to be unboxing the here to slay standard edition i've been really excited about this game for a long time let's take a look there we go okay that's about as long as you want an intro guys don't make like a million hour intro okay it doesn't need to be 30 seconds it doesn't need to be a minute it needs to be three or four or five seconds and it's good to like just use a couple measures of your music okay so this is like two measures two three four one two three four out so right there that's where our graphic is going to be i'm going to go ahead and lock our audio track just so that doesn't move around and again i can hit alt y to select everything to the right except for our audio track and we'll just bring that up to that marker so now we have this kind of little slug game for a long time let's take a look first of all this music has cats in it like it has a meow which i thought is normally really obnoxious but this is all about cute animals and so you know what we getting crazy we getting crazy if you don't like it grab some different music so now we have a problem our music isn't long enough for our song so we have a couple of options we can repeat our music or we can pick another track depends on if you're tired of the music or not we're just going to try and repeat it so i'll hold down alt and just drag this just to repeat it and man we could just about you can just about do the whole thing twice which isn't necessarily the best idea so hmm man this art is just epic dude i love the colors these are obviously super well differentiated from each other the orange and yellows may be a little bit close but we're in colorado cauldron oh man i'm probably just butchering these things mega slime that's cool i love the colors on that we also don't want it to just be obviously done in the middle of our video if we are going to repeat this i think i'm just going to trim this to that first marker which happens to be on beat the first beat of a measure and let's find the end of this clip oh thanks i'm gonna mute our dialogue track three full right there and let's drag this down and see if it works and really what we're looking for is the timing i think that works even though the transition's a little bit awkward we could probably crossfade this it's not the best but it's not too bad yeah that works it's not the best but it works anaeron cauldron manure and colorant oh cauldron oh man i'm probably just butchering these things mega sloth that totally works and let's see if this is this is everything that you get i'm really excited to dig into this game if you want more card game related stuff unboxing videos how to play videos and stuff so we just need to make this a little bit longer so why don't we just double this section here so i'm just basically going to cut this really terribly at the very beginning of this little last section and then hold down alt and drag this out and we're going to do the same thing we're going to stop this on the beat beautiful look at this each of these hero cards do okay this is the first beat of a measure and then this is where you need to go oh look at that cute little kidnapper all right then we just got to bring the markers together let's see if that works beautiful look at this each of these hero cards do certain things not perfect but you won't hear it under the speaking each of these hero cards do certain things draw a card if that card is a hero card you may play it immediately but this is everything that you get i'm really excited to dig into this game if you want more card game related all right bard heroes and then more magic cards here nice man every single card is just beautiful look at this each of these hero cards do certain things draw a card if that card is a hero card you may play it immediately but this is everything that you get oh look at that cute little kidnapper oh man he's so cute look at him he has a little grappling hook yep that works when you have an end screen like this it can go all the way to the end it can end a little early it's nice because it doesn't have to be a really nice wrapped up ending here it kind of just fades into the next video so now that we have the music basically roughed in here let's do a little bit of audio mixing that happens in the fairlight page so all we have to do to go there is just click on this little button here that says fairlight and that will open our timeline the same timeline in the fairlight page this might seem a little bit intimidating but really fairlight is just like any other audio mixing program and you don't need to know 90 of what the heck is happening here just literally do what i'm doing and i'll try to explain it the best we can we have two audio tracks here we have our dialogue track and our music track i can rename these by double clicking on the track headers here so this is dialog i'll say dia and then the second one is music i'll put mus we can control the volume and everything of them over here in the mixer by moving these little sliders up and down that said i don't usually like to do it that way i like to leave these faders at zero is because the filters that we're going to put on these tracks are going to do a lot of this work for us and we don't want to mess with the audio signal anymore than we need to so we're just going to leave it at zero but up here we have some magical things oh it's so good in the first track the dialogue track we're going to add a filter that basically makes all of the audio all come through at the same volume make sure it's not too loud make sure it's not too quiet and just kind of balances everything out really nicely without having to go in and do it ourselves you get to that by double clicking on this little square by dynamics on the first track and that brings up our dynamics dialog this is just a collection of different filters we can put on our audio we're going to use a couple filters we're going to use a compressor and a limiter so we can turn on whichever ones we want to use the limiter makes sure that things don't get way too loud so this threshold knob is basically how loud anything can be and what i like to do is set this at like negative three something like that if somebody's watching your video on a laptop or something with crappy speakers you want to make sure it's pretty darn loud so that they can actually hear what's going on but you don't want it too loud we could technically bring this all the way up to zero and be okay but what i like to do is do negative three just to give us a little bit of breathing room so that things don't clip if this gets louder or quieter a little bit there's also a little bit of volume that's added when we compress our movie when we render it out and it's just good practice to have this about negative three or so the compressor this is what makes the signal quieter at certain times so when things are really loud it will make the really loud parts quieter this threshold controls when we start turning stuff down so if stuff is louder than negative 15 we're going to start turning it down ratio is how much we turn it down so the best way to really set this is just to click in your timeline and play through it and what we're going to do is listen to this signal and we're going to turn the threshold down until we start to see blue bars in these meters right here so let's play it through six rules reference cards see we see this little blue part and we just got the logos on the sides bring it down a little more crack this puppy open all right very first thing is the instructions introduction what's in the box how to start how to play class symbols that's something i really like about the people who make unstable unicorns they're always very very clear very visual about how to play the game okay so this is pushing down a little bit when it's like medium volume when it's quiet it's not pushing down at all and when it's loud it's pushing down a lot and that's the sweet spot so when it's loud production what's in the box how to start how to play class symbols that's something i really like about the people who make unstable unicorns they're always very very clear very visual about how to play the game they have all the details about what the heck this is and how to win all right so that's actually turning stuff down quite a bit war worn owl bear that is so awesome oh my gosh okay so it's like turning it down six decibels or so when things are loud and when they're quiet horn the cloaked sage and the charismatic when it's quiet it's not really turning it down very much which is where we want to be so now that that's a thing we want to push up our makeup because what this is going to do is make everything real quiet if we look at our output epic dude i love the things are like in between negative 10 and negative 20 which what you really want for a youtube video for an online video is for your output to be more in like this area like negative 6 negative 8 somewhere in there that's about where you want it to be because then it's loud enough for people to hear on their little system this is different if you're making something for like a movie theater right or for broadcast because it gets put through filters and stuff that like you need to worry about but this this is the final touch so we need to make it loud enough for people to hear the protecting horn so what i'll do is push up makeup charismatic song man this art is just epic dude i love the colors these are obviously super well different until this is kind of peeking right in between the all right let's take a look at the black backed cards oh these feel amazing i don't know there's something with the texture there that there we go okay that looks good and now we have our dialogue roughly mixed pretty well just beautiful so again we don't have to have this amazing cinematic mix we just need to hear it pretty well and have somebody not turning their volume up and down all the time right now let's add one more filter to the music and the filter will add as an eq an eq isn't in the dynamics panel it's actually in the eq panel right here and you get to that by double clicking on this little cyan line and now we have this eq an eq turns down specific tones of the audio and the human voice is in between 1k and 2k somewhere in here usually and so what we're going to do is just turn down that part like negative 6 something like that just turn that down a little bit because what this is going to do is get rid of the sound that competes with the dialogue and that means we can actually have the music a little bit louder and still be able to understand the dialogue really well it just makes it a little bit more clear very first thing is the instructions introduction what's in the box how to start how to play class symbols that's something i really like about the right so that's pretty good i'm gonna close that and we're pretty much done here in the fairlight page so we can go back over to the edit page anytime we can always switch back and forth no matter what and the last thing i'm going to do with audio is make sure that this music is loud enough when we cut to our graphics here because i'm not talking under it so we want that sound to kind of fill in you can fade this up and down in a bunch of different ways a lot of people like to hold down alt and click on this volume line to make like little keyframes here and you can boost it up wherever you want it to be louder look and that totally works first of all we obviously have that totally works but i don't generally like to do it this way the reason for that is because if i want to change where this graphic comes in let's say i move this down a little bit like this right everything kind of moves in like this then this music is going to come in and compete with my audio let's take a look which isn't great so to change this i'm going to have to hold this and scooch it down like this scooch this down like this i can hold down shift to not mess with it but it's still kind of janky it's really easy to mess this up and mess up one of these volume things it's just you know what i mean it's finicky and so to make a simple change you have to mess with it for a while here's what i like to do i'll just undo all of this what i like to do instead of adding those keyframes is select my music and split it right here where these clips come in and then push this volume up in this middle clip right here and then i can select one and ctrl select the other one and then just hit ctrl t and that'll add a crossfade to each of these which is basically fading it up into this new audio let's take a look it's just a really slick way to do this first of all we obviously have this awesome so that's nice because if we need to move this around like this i can just grab the middle of this and roll it and then we're done super easy right so audio is good next we'll get into color and graphics we're going to do some basic color correction on this and the great thing is this is all one shot so we only really have to do this on one clip and we'll just copy it to the other clips to get into color mode all we have to do is go down to the color page button right here and click on color and now we're in the color page if you're not familiar with this color page check out this video because i'm not going to explain every single thing in this specific training although i do explain quite a bit in the big youtube training that we're going to be coming out with very soon so what i like to do is hide my timeline and i'm going to pick a clip that has both the main subject as well as skin tones if they are ever in there so i don't know something like this probably this one because we have some nice white we have some nice colors yeah this one right here we have white we have colors we have skin tone this is a great shot to figure out our color let's open up our scopes and we're going to figure out what this needs very first thing this needs is probably to be a little bit brighter because this white just isn't coming in as white it's like bright gray so let's grab the gain master wheel and i'll boost this up this is just going to make everything a little bit brighter and we'll take this to like 896 somewhere in there this is where that white piece of paper lives on our scopes so i'm gonna boost that up to be bright enough but not way too bright and it looks like it's pretty balanced as well so that's good now we're gonna check our blacks the very very darkest black which is down here that also looks pretty balanced grab the lift master wheel and push that down just a touch to where those are just kissing the bottom now we have some good contrast in our image i'm going to boost up our saturation just a touch and maybe boost our gamma just a little bit too now we can kind of play through this and it should look nice and poppy to give it just a little more poppiness we'll go down to the curves and add a very subtle s curve just a little one like that that just kind of gets rid of the kind of foggy look so here's before we color correct and here's after so it's pretty subtle not doing anything crazy but it should look pretty nice now to copy this to all of our other shots i can click down here in the clips and hit ctrl a and that's going to select everything and then i'm just going to middle button mouse click on the shot that i color corrected that's just clicking down on the scroll wheel and that's going to change everything to have that same color grade that looks pretty nice i think i think that looks good and just going to go through and spot check make sure nothing changed throughout make sure nothing's like completely blown out or anything looks good to me okay so that's color for our project super easy right one thing to make it just a little better maybe we'll add just a subtle vignette i'll go up to our nodes right click and say add serial that's going to make a node after this this is just going to be a separate correction that we're going to do on top of everything else and let's go to our windows as this third little icon here and i'll add a circle window now i can adjust my circle window in my viewer make it a little bit softer something like that i want it really soft and now i can do something like go to my gamma and just push this master wheel down it's going to darken the middle of this which is the opposite of what we want if we go down to the window and click on this little dot inside of a square that's gonna invert that window so now we're just darkening the edges just a little bit if you click on the number of the node that'll turn this correction on or off so now we have just a subtle vignette you notice how this isn't a really hard vignette this is a subtle vignette keep it subtle you don't want a video that has a vignette like this where it's just not very soft but it's really dark guys this doesn't look good please for the love don't do this i'm begging you for humanity okay even something like this is probably a little rough even if it's softer it's just a little rough so keep it really soft really towards the edges and don't make it too dark so just a little bit okay if you can notice it while you turn it off and on that's good but you shouldn't be able to just notice it really easily and be like wow there's a big old vignette on that now that i have this vignette on our shot number three i'll hit ctrl a and then middle button mouse click to copy that vignette to everything so everything should have that vignette there we go and again because it's so subtle it's okay if something's like not quite in the middle because it's not gonna make it look terrible just gives it a little bit a little bit of class that's all all right so that's our color to switch back to our edit we just click on the edit button down below and now we have our whole project color corrected as you scroll through this you can actually see the refresh rate of the lights i think that's interesting but you don't notice it while you're playing it back that's the nice thing so last thing we're going to do is add a graphic and this is going to be really really simple normally if you do a bunch of youtube videos you'll probably have some branding already but let's make some really simple branding for kind of an unboxing channel okay we're going to do this in fusion and so over here in my media pool i'm going to make a new fusion composition i'll do that by right clicking and selecting new fusion composition it's going to ask me stuff i'll just hit create and then double click on this and it should open up a blank comp infusion if you're unfamiliar with fusion you don't know what the heck this is at all and you're super lost check out this video it goes over the basics of it because i'm not going to go over them in detail right now although we do in the main youtube training that we're going to be releasing very soon so let's start with a background node i'll grab this node right here and drag it down and let's connect the output to our media out this is going to be the background color of our composition and it's also just a great way to start any kind of blank fusion composition with the background i think what we're going to do is just kind of do like a blueish teal something maybe like this yeah and the idea here is i want to have a box and then have the words come out of a box right because it's unboxing so let's make the words first i'll do that by grabbing this t and dragging it into our nodes here i'll take the output and merge it over our background like this let's select text and we'll call this unboxing let's just say that's the name of our youtube channel let's pick a different font i'll use open sans condensed just because it's nice and it seems to be on everybody's system and let's make it about the size we want i generally make things pretty small i feel like things look pretty classy i feel like text looks classier when it's smaller in the frame something like that and then let's pick an orangish golden yeah unboxing that looks nice all right now we need to make a box for unboxing i'm going to do that by grabbing another background node and dragging that in i'll take the output of the background node and drag it over the merge so now we have our black background but we don't want it black let's make it sort of the same color maybe like a lighter yellow something like that and we don't want this to fill up the whole screen we just want it to be a box so we can mask this background by selecting our background and let's go over here to our masks and just click on rectangle and that'll add a little box it's nice and with our rectangle mask selected over here in our inspector we can adjust the width and we'll just make it just so it covers up our text same thing for the height just so it covers up our text and maybe a little more something like that and we'll bring this down to here so now this is going to come out of that box great so let's animate this all we're going to really do is adjust the position of our text so i'll grab the text and let's move a few frames forward here in our comp let's say i don't know about 15 frames or so and at 15 frames this is where we want this to be then over in our inspector with our text selected i'll go over to this second tab right here right here where it says center this is what we're going to animate we can add a keyframe right here by clicking on this keyframe diamond and now we're saying at 15 frames we want it to be right here 0.5.5 let's go to the beginning of our comp so i'm just going to move our playhead to the zero and now at zero we're just going to put this in the box i'm going to click and drag this .5 right by y and just drag it to the left so that it goes inside of the box and now blue unboxing super simple but it totally works if you're into fusion if you really like graphics you can totally make this crazier if you want to but that'll work for us today one thing that i will do is adjust the animation curve of this unboxing text because it comes in and it just kind of stops really quickly to fix that we can adjust kind of the speed of things in the spline panel in the upper right hand corner click on spline and that's going to make a panel down here that will list basically anything that you have animated in your comp when we animate center it's actually called displacement so i'll click on that checkbox and that will add an arbitrary pink line which will make no sense but then if you click this button right here zoom to fit then it will actually show you a graph of what the heck is going on and this graph goes at a constant rate and then just instantly stops what we want this to do is just kind of ease into it right so let's select this last keyframe and i'll hit f on the keyboard that's going to flatten out this tangent here so all it does is go and just calms down right before it stops which is more realistic looks more pro i'll close our spline panel and let's take a look yeah that's nice comes in just nicely comes to a rest unboxing perfect now how do we get this into our edit let's go back to our edit page and this graphic that we made lives right here in this fusion comp i can grab this and drag it down to our timeline and there it is and i can move this around and trim it just like it were a video clip we'll just put that right there and one thing with fusion compositions is sometimes they won't play back super well until this little bar turns blue so once it's blue it should play back great so now unboxing yeah nice there we go totally works let's see what this is like what's up guys today we're going to be unboxing the here to slay standard edition i've been really excited about this game for a long time let's take a look first of all we obviously have this awesome main art here that just man this is just i love cute animals being violent oh so good take a look at the back have a little bit about the game as well as the contents we have one main deck so this is our finished video looks awesome it's ready for youtube let's render this out i'll go down to the deliver page and the easiest way to export this for youtube is just to click on youtube preset right here and fill in your information and you can actually upload it directly to youtube if you want to all you have to do is sign in to your youtube account and the preferences of resolve but what i like to do is click to this youtube preset and then click back to custom because then it sets everything to that youtube preset but then it lets you adjust things and so one thing i'll adjust is right here where it says 10 000 i'm going to make that 30 000. what that does this is basically how much data is put into every second of your video and the higher this number is the better your video is going to look to a certain point you can obviously overshoot this and have it not look any better but i found this is a great balance of file size as well as quality so if we get that to 30 000 and pretty much leave everything else then pick a place to put this i'll put it somewhere really pro like the desktop i'll call it here to slay unboxing and once all of that is good i'll click add to render queue and that's going to put a job over here in the render queue so things aren't rendering yet they're just getting ready to render you can actually make a bunch of different jobs here if you want to now that this is here i'll just hit start render we did it we're rendering it out baby we did it guys oh man i hope this was helpful for you and that you learned a lot if you did stay tuned because we're gonna come out with a great big training that goes over four youtube videos like this and it goes from the very very very very basics like i've never even opened an editor to i'm compositing graphics infusion it's pretty awesome i'm really excited to share it with you guys it's coming out very soon and if you're eager to jump into some more training right now we have our master class that goes pretty in depth about how to make a longer project and resolve from beginning to end yeah it's good you stayed all the way to the end of this video
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 78,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FREE YOUTUBE EDITING MINI-COURSE, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, how to use davinci resolve 16 for beginners, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners 2020, how to make a youtube video, edit a youtube video, make a video in davinci resolve, youtube video training, beginner youtube, video editing tutorial, best way to make a youtube video, make a video in resolve, how to edit, editing for beginners, beginner youtube video, davinci resolve 16, resolve tutorial 16
Id: lAk_QydS87E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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