How to do Callout in Davinci Resolve Fusion

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[Music] hi guys recently I received a question about doing a call-out in DaVinci Resolve so today I'm gonna have a quick look at one way of doing it and maybe you can also track it to an object or a point in your scene as well and so yeah let's get started but first off it's raining outside so the sound might be a bit bad so apologies in advance but um yeah let's have a look so right now we're in the Edit part of the DaVinci Resolve and let's say we want to track a call-out to follow this little girl as she walked across the field so we're going to move our playhead over the clip and then click on the fusion tab to enter the fusion part of DaVinci Resolve now if you don't want to track your call-out you just want a stationary call-out you can skip this first step but I thought might as well show it anyway so in case someone want to you know make that call-out follow an object or a point or something like that so the first thing we have to do is going to track the the little girl right here so we're gonna click on the window down here and press shift spacebar and search for tracker and we're just going to use a simple tracker for this one so click on a tracker and press add and we're going to move the tracker in between the input and the output so we're going to press shift and then left click and then move the tracker in between the lines and then let go and there the tracker is now in between the input and the output so now we're gonna click on the tracker node and then we're going to select an area where the Vinci resolve will use to track and obviously we can just use this sunglasses area there's lots of detail or lots of contrast between the bright sunglasses and her black hair so it's going to be pretty easy for the Vinci result to track and we're going to move our playhead to the first frame and then we're going to click in the inspector tab we can click to close and open it in the inspector tab we're going to click on this button here to start the track and as you can see the Vinci resolve is tracking that sunglasses part and it's doing a really good job and it's very fast and it's finished already maybe we'll move our playhead around just a bit just to check if our track is sticking to the area you want and as you can see is always on the sunglasses so it's pretty much a good track so once we finished tracking we're gonna click on the node the tracker node and then go to the second tap and for the operation from none we're gonna change to match move basically much move is going to make it so that anything we input into the tracker node is going to follow the movement of this chat point right here so we're gonna select the match move and for example right now if I let's say you add a text so chip space and then search text and use the text + note add and if I input a text class into the tracker node and let's say type maybe like girl or something and now if we played a clip as you can see the girl the girl from the text is following the tracking point on the the sunglasses right now is following the movement and the location so and also we can just move the text anywhere we want and it's still going to follow the movement of the tracking point right here so now that we have our tracker we can start to make our call-out so let's let's start would be the line that's going to run out or shoot out of the the area that we want so for the line we can use several tools but I'm gonna use the paint tool so I'm gonna click on the window here press shift space and then search for paint and then for the paint tool we need a background to paint on so we're gonna again shift space and do background now the first time I do if my seems a bit weird but instead of using the paint in putting it into the background we're gonna input the background into the paint it's just just the way it works I suppose so right now as I click on the paint node and press one to open it up in this this screen here and I click on the spline tool and then that you're like a line like a call-out coming out and now we can see that there's a white line coming out and obviously if you click on the paint tool we can change the color to whatever you want but I'm just gonna stick with white for for this example now if we go to the brush control again in the inspector tab we can change the size and we can change the softness of the edges so I'm gonna just reduce softness I just want like a nice sharp line and for the size maybe just a nice little thin line maybe maybe I just leave it here you can always change it later if you want now one thing though is right now we put our paint into the tracker as you can see this picture here is just going to go over our video which is not what we want what we want is just to leave the white line but have a transparent background so we're going to click on the background and again in the inspector tab we're going to reduce the Alpha to zero now if you happen to have like a yellow red or green or blue background you're just going to turn every single channel down to zero so red green blue and alpha just turn it all down zero and you're going to have one transparent background so you just have like a white line so now we're going to change the shape of our call-out a bit maybe you want it to like run out this direction and then end up around here somewhere so we're going to click on the paint node and using the arrow to we're gonna highlight our line and then move maybe the starting points you just about little girl the midpoint may be around here somewhere and the end point may be like here somewhere so this is just a just an example obviously if you guys do it I'm sure you're much more artistic than me and you get a much more beautiful composition so um now that we have the line the problem again is if you play ok the lines following the little girl as you can see but obviously we want to just do a keyframe so the line curve at first it's not there and then it kind of like writes out you know it slowly runs out shoots out like this so we're going to move the playhead to like let's say frame 290 or the first frame that we want the line to start to right onto the clip and then on the inspector tab if we click on the paint tool or the paint node and go to the stroke control and then we go down at the bottom around here somewhere you can see the the right on option now what happens is you can choose where the line begins and where the line ends so as you can see a now we can kind of keyframe it so it runs or it writes out already so in the first frame I'm going to have it so that the right on is from zero to zero so basically it hasn't started to draw the line yet and I'm gonna click this kind of square icon here to start a keyframe and then maybe I'll come I'm gonna move the playhead about 10 frames so to frame 300 and then in this frame I'm going to change the right on from 0 to 0 to 0 to 1 so the right on is basically complete now the the when she resolved has automatically created other key frames or if we look on our playhead or on our timeline you can see two right white lines so this is the first keyframe and that's the second keyframe so we played as you can see the right the line is writing out from the first keyframe to the second keyframe there you go and now basically we have our line that shooting out of where we want the next step is obviously we can just input a text and it's going to be pretty easy as well so for the text I'm just gonna use the text plus node again so I'll click down here and then press shift space and then type text and add a text plus no add it in and obviously we want to merge these two components so we have our line right here and we have our text so we want to merge them together before they go into your tracker so what we need is a merge node so just search em er te if I can spell it correctly and with the merge node we're just gonna place it just before the tracker there you go and then we're going to input our text into the merge node so as you can see right now we have our line component going into the merge and our text component also going into the merge and then both of them are just going into the tracker so right now if I type something in the text node let's say go and maybe change the font a bit you go now as you can see both the line and the text are going into merge and going into the tracker so both of them are following the movement of the let go or the sunglasses basically and we can just move our text may be around here somewhere or whatever you think looks nice and now we have our call up there you go and obviously what we need to do now is also keyframe our text as well so it doesn't just stick the whole stick there the whole time so let's say we want like a line to shoot out first so once I'll line finish writing then we want our text to write on to the clip so maybe I'll move the playhead to this frame you can use your arrow key the left and right arrow key to move backwards and forwards in your timeline so in this frame I'm going to keyframe it so the text hasn't appeared yet so I'm gonna click on a text node and in the inspector tab go down the bottom somewhere there should be a right on effect there you go so here again just like the line we can select the start and the end point so we keyframe it at both 0 to 0 our text is not gonna appear yet so I'm going to click on the keyframe here and then maybe move the playhead like 7 frames or something maybe 8 frames and then here I'm gonna create another keyframe so I'm gonna move the endpoint of the right on from 0 to 1 so now the text is finished writing on so now if you play it ok I'll lie finish running and then a text appear so let's play slowly so first our line kind of shoots out following the keyframe then it arrives at the keyframe that we just done for a text and the text starts to write so on so now basically we have our color another component we might want to add to our call-out is like maybe like a little circle at the beginning to mark the beginning point of the I'll call out graphic so to create the circle again there are several ways to do it but maybe I'm just going to use the paint tool again since we are familiar with it now so I'm just gonna click on the window here press shift space and then again use the paint node and obviously for the paint node we will need a background node as well and the same as before I'm gonna connect the background into the paint node and I'm gonna click on this paint node and press one to output it onto this monitor right here now for this one obviously you want like a circular shape so what we can do is we're gonna instead of using the spline tool we're gonna use the circle tool so we're gonna click the circle tool and then draw like a little circle maybe this size and again we want our background to be transparent so we're gonna click on a background node and turn down our further blue shadow green channel on red channel so we just have a dot on the back on a transparent background and again we had to merge this circle with the rest of the components so I'm gonna merge it with the line and also the text since the merge node kind of it only has like two inputs so to merge this into the rest of the the line and the text we're gonna need another merge node so I'm gonna search merge again there you go and I'm gonna put the merge node just before the tracker here and now I'm gonna put the paint the second page tool which is our circle into the second merchants so now the circular dot here has appeared in our video so basically what's happening is the line this component here and the text are merging together and then once they're merge they're gonna run into the second merge to merge with the little dot again and then all of them is going to run into the trackers and as I play the clip everything is pretty much following the movement of the little girl so again we're gonna just move our dot though so I'm gonna click on the paint node here use the arrow key arrow to and then move the dot maybe around here somewhere to its correct place now if we play it let go maybe I move it down a little bit but I'm sure you you get the idea you know if you do it I'm sure you're gonna be much more meticulous and you get much more beautiful result but again so now we just have to key frame the circular dot thing so that at the beginning is not appearing yet and then it kind of expands out and then the line runs out and then the text right so on so I'm going to move the playhead to like a frame before the line appears maybe around here and I'm going to move it back another three frames maybe one two three and then if I click on the paint node and again go to the inspector since we use the circular tool to create our dot we will have like a radius option so we can like increase the size or decrease the size of dot here so maybe for the first frame right here again I'm going to reduce the radius all the way to zero and then create a keyframe and then move the playhead forward maybe just before the line appears and then increase the radius to the size we want maybe about point zero zero five maybe a bit too small maybe point zero one there you go so you can see it clearly obviously if I do it for real maybe I'll have it just a bit smaller but so right now if you play it there you go you can see the circle kind of expands then the line writes on then the text writes on okay so for the final touches that we can add to make our call out a bit more organic or some would say more beautiful but it's all subjective really is we can vary the speed of the right sort of the line if you want all those texts as well and a circle is if right now if you look at it the line kind of writes on a constant speed so it just draws at one speed so sometimes some people like to kind of ease out and ease in so that the line kind of writes on slowly then it gets faster faster faster then as it gets towards the end it kind of slows down a bit again so what we can do is we can click on this spline tool right here and click it and open this window and obviously the the line is basically the paint one node is the first paint node so we're gonna click the paint one node and then we're going to click on this tool here zoom to fit and click on it and now we can see the complete keyframe that's for the the paint to one or therefore the little line so here at the beginning you can see the line is kind of hasn't writes on yet and it's slowly right so right so on right so all right so on until it's complete and as you can see your lives completely straight so the speed is constant so what we can do is we can click and drag and highlight bowls most point and then even can move these handles around to create different shapes with a graph so we maybe we can draw it out so it's like this shape and this shape something like this so as you can see that the right on top begins slow and it gets faster faster faster and then starts to decelerate again as it just come is coming to an end so now if we watch the rice on again maybe let's just have it render a bit now you can see now the speed it's not not constant anymore start slow and speed up and then slow down again so just a small your touch to make the the writes on a bit just a bit more organic more fluid but obviously again as I said it's all subjective is always up to you really and you can do the same for the text right so on and the expansion of the circle as well you just have to choose the the keyframe of the node you want so let's say for a text maybe click on a text and click zoom to fit you can see there right now the text is writing on at a constant pace so if you want to kind of easy and ease it out you can highlight these kind of dot and just move around to draw a different shape for the the right on the speed of your right on well that's pretty much it I hope it answers your questions if you have any more please feel free to leave them in the comments I'll try my best to answer them if I didn't know the answers and I'll see you around I guess bye [Music]
Channel: thaiphotos
Views: 31,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callout, callouts, call out, davinci resolve, fusion, davinci, resolve, tutorial, how to, editing, video editing, how to do, resolve 15
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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