Easy Subscribe Button Graphics in Fusion - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial

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[Music] hey guys casey ferris here i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube make sure to subscribe for more of that today we're making pop-up graphics like this infusion and you can reuse them on your videos oh boy it's gonna be fun let's go okay so in the edit page let's say you have whatever video you want i just have a couple random clips here because that's not the point the point is maybe we want a little subscribe thing to come up and go boo bloop and be like hey make sure to subscribe so the first thing i'm going to do is make a new fusion composition i'll do that by right clicking in the media pool and selecting new fusion composition and i'm going to make this duration like 6 seconds or so because that's about how long i want this pop-up to last frame rate 24 is fine i'll hit create and i'm going to rename this subscribe now i can double click on that clip and that'll open up a blank fusion composition first thing i'm going to do is make a background node by grabbing this far left icon and dragging it down into our node graph and i'm just going to connect that to the media out that's going to give us a black screen yay the reason we start with the background is it sets the composition size so it doesn't do anything weird and now we can build whatever graphic we actually want to pop up here so let's say we want a little subscribe button thing much like the youtube subscribe button here we have some references i'm thinking something like this this red rounded rectangle thing so what we're going to do is recreate this so that we don't have to use an image file so we can save this out as a title because you can't save images in a title effect however to help us with that i am just going to save this image to somewhere pro like my desktop and just drag that into my composition as a media in and then i can bring it up and easily just be able to look at it so we're going to rebuild this with shapes and masks and things like that the first thing i want to do is make the actual button background which is going to be a red background so i'll grab the background node here and drag it down and with that selected i'll go over to the inspector and i'll grab this little eyedropper and i'll just drag it over here to my left viewer and just pick that color you don't have to be this exact but you know it's easy so whatever and i'll bring up my background in the right hand viewer by hitting 2 on the keyboard and now i need to make a mask i'll do that by clicking on this rectangle button with my background node selected and that'll make a rectangle mask up here in my viewer and then in the inspector i'm going to go to width and height and just roughly size that to the size of my button and what's really cool is because i have this in two viewers it shows the outline of whatever i'm working on in both of these viewers including right on top of this subscribe button so i can actually adjust it to be the exact dimensions of the subscribe button it's not really that important that you get this exact for this specific thing but in the future you might want to make something that is exact so this is how you would do it in fact i'll hold ctrl and zoom in on our reference picture here and i'll go over to the inspector and right here where it says corner radius if i bump this up what that's going to do is actually round this corner out and i can make that about where it's supposed to be again doesn't have to be exact it's just really easy to do that so now we have our background of our button i'll rename this by hitting f2 for the goodness i'll call this red now let's do a similar thing for this white play button same thing i'll grab a background i'll make it white i'll add a rectangle mask and i'll just zoom in here to this left-hand viewer and in my inspector i can move the center to where it's centered right there on that button and now when i adjust the width like this and the height then i can get that dialed in really easily again same with the corner radius just boost that up until it looks right great now down in my nodes i need to start merging these actually over themselves here so we'll start with this red background i'll move everything down so we can see it a little easier boop it's background two i'll hit f2 to rename and we'll call this white button and i'll merge this over our red background let's hit two on the keyboard on that merge and this is what we got going on now we need to make that little red play button in the middle there's a bunch of ways that we could do that we could make another red background and mask it and put it over our white background but we could also just cut a triangle out of this white background so to do that in my nodes i'm going to select rectangle 2 which is the one that's giving us the shape for the white button right here and i'll go up to our tool menu and i'll select this one the polygon mask and what that's going to do is just add a polygon mask to our rectangle mask and we'll adjust kind of how these play together here in a second but for now in our first viewer we can actually just draw our shape and just straight up trace this and there we have our triangle shape now i'll just take a look at our white button by hitting two on the keyboard what we need to do now is control how these masks talk to each other so masks that are stacked by default add on to each other so what i'll do is select that polygon mask and go over to the inspector and here where it says paint mode i'll select subtract and what that does is mask my background with the rectangle mask and then it draws the polygon mask and subtracts that so we have a hole in our mask and now this is mostly put together let's grab that merge and hit two on the keyboard and that's looking pretty nice now we just need to add some text i'll grab my t icon for text plus drag that down to our nodes drag that there and i'll merge it with our merge one now we have our text in our inspector i'll say subscribe and i'll make sure to hit two on the keyboard for that merge two so that we can actually see everything and now we just need to adjust our text so font is probably arial if i had to guess and we can move that around to be good and designy so there we go we have a pretty good recreation of that graphic something like that and now we've built this button just with masks and backgrounds and we can delete our media in and we have a little button that can pop up here to keep us organized i'm going to grab this drag it up here maybe and with everything selected i'll hit shift spacebar and i'll type und that's going to bring up an underlay an underlay is just a fancy way to label a group of things if i double click off of it and then alt click i can just select the underlay and i'll hit f2 and i can call this sub button here and i can take the output of my merge and merge it over our background here i'll select media out one and hit two on the keyboard and now we have what our final render is going to look like of course we don't want it to be exactly like this we want it to animate on and be smaller and have transparency and all that stuff so let's do it first thing we can do is just grab our merge 3 and we can adjust where this shows up and how big it is in the merge that's the best way to do it with a group of things like that and let's say we'll just put this down in the corner something like that maybe a little smaller keep it tasteful so this is where i want this to end up and i'm gonna have this show up in about half a second or so so i'm gonna drag my playhead over to i don't know frame 12 frame 15 depending on your frame rate i'll just do 15. and over here in my inspector with our merge selected i'll click on this keyframe diamond because that's where i want this to be at 15 frames and then back here at zero let's say we just want this off screen so i'll just push this center to the left and now we have it just sliding on screen like that and one thing i'll do is adjust that animation with the spline panel the upper right hand corner there's a button that says spline if you click on that it brings up your spline panel in the lower right hand corner and what we're looking for here is merge three i'll click on that and that's going to bring up all the keyframes and everything that exists for merge three it's not going to show anything or make any sense by default i'm not sure why they do it this way but you pretty much always have to click this button right here which is zoom to fit and now we see that nice graph of what the heck is happening i'll just drag and select whatever keyframes i want to adjust and i'll hit f on the keyboard what that's going to do is smooth out this animation so that it kind of comes to a stop slower it eases that keyframe so now when this comes in it's just a nice tasteful whoosh yeah nice so now let's say we want to animate this like somebody clicked on it right with something that looks like a button you'll want to do pretty much two things you want to make it feel like it kind of pushes in and then also just change how it looks after it's been pushed so we're going to do the push with just a scale we're just gonna scale this down real quick and make it go bloop and then we're gonna change its color so there's a bunch of ways to do all of that easiest way to scale something's probably just with the merge node that we're already using and so we'll keep it here for i don't know 45 frames or so then over in my inspector here where it says size i'll click on this keyframe diamond and set it there and then we just want this to quickly animate and just go boop so i'll move forward a couple frames two or three frames maybe then i'll go back to my inspector and this size i just want to size it down a little bit so i'm going to grab the actual number and just drag it to the left just so it's a little bit just a little animation here so this is the difference just does that a little bit see how that looks yeah looks like somebody pushed it right click yeah and then we want that to come right back up i'll move a couple frames down so i'm going to go back to my original size here at frame 45 and copy that as 0.38 move down so this is the original size this is where it gets smaller and i'll move back about the same amount and again over here in the inspector for size i'll say 0.38 squishes back up so it just goes like that really subtle and once that happens once it pops back up we're gonna change its color there's probably a bunch of ways to do that an easy way would be with the color correction node so i'll grab this color correction node right here and i'm going to drag it in between the sub button and our merge right there so that it's color corrected before it's put on top of things i'll go up here and close our spline panel and in our inspector before i do anything anytime you add a color corrector node to something that has like transparency that is masked or anything like that you want to go over to the third icon and click pre-divide post multiply what that does is make sure that this doesn't color correct everything in the world it just color corrects what's being fed into it which is going to be this subscribe button that seems like something that should be like that anyway but i assume there's probably situations where you wouldn't want that so go back over to our first little tab in our color corrector and i'll scroll down to saturation move this over so we can see it and what i'll do is just bring down the saturation so that it's black and white and now that we have that we're going to animate the blend of this node basically the transparency or the strength of this color correction node to come on right when this button comes back up it squishes down let's say it turns starts turning black and white right when it's down right there that's at frame 48 i'm going to go over to the settings tab in the inspector and here where it says blend i'm going to add a keyframe and i'm going to turn that all the way down so we're starting with it off and then i'll hit right arrow on the keyboard and i'll stop at the exact moment where this button grows to its full size and i'll bring that blend all the way up so here's what's happening if i go all the way to the beginning of our comp and play this back with spacebar yeah it works right that's nice then maybe let's say at the very end we want this to come off again so we'll say like 125 i'm gonna go back to my merge three where we have our size and position keyframes all set and again i'll add another keyframe here under center in our inspector and move towards the end of the composition and we can just slide this back out just like that same thing i'll make sure i'll go to my spline panel zoom to fit and you know i'll just select all my keyframes and hit f that's going to make sure everything's nice and smooth let's see what it looks like yeah nice so we could adjust the timing and everything for this but you get the general idea last thing we need to do is make sure that this isn't on a black background this is on a clear background easiest way to do that just go to the background node leave it black but roll down to alpha and take alpha all the way down there's our nifty little subscribe thing hey nice so let's say we want to save this for later i'm going to select everything in this composition except for the media out and then i'm going to right click anywhere and go up to macro create macro what this is going to do is make this into a title template which is going to let us save this in the titles folder of resolve and we can just drag this in to whatever project we want to put a subscribe button on it's cool right here we have a ton of different settings and stuff we don't even need to mess with any of this just call it sub button at the top and hit close and then it's going to ask if you want to save we'll say yes and i'm going to save this to my desktop i'll call this sub button pop-up let's say and once that's done we're gonna do a couple things and this is how you install any title um titles that you download from ground control titles that you download from other people it's pretty much how you do it i'll just save this and i'll close resolve and you're gonna want to go to this place on your system c program files blackmagic design davinci resolve fusion templates edit titles okay there's a similar place for mac that those are supposed to go i'll put those in the description and what i'll do is just grab my sub button pop-up dot setting that was saved with that macro tool i'll grab this and just drag it into that folder it'll say oh no please are you sure and i'll say yeah continue then you can close that restart resolve so now that we're back in resolve if i go up to the upper left-hand corner and click on effects library that'll bring up my effects and under titles i can scroll down under fusion titles and i can select sub button pop-up i can just drag this on top of things but look at this fanciness boop yeah dude all right there are ways to adjust the timing here but i don't want to get into it in this video now if it doesn't animate out or if like it doesn't make it long enough for you to see the animation double check your user settings the upper left hand corner under resolve go to preferences and under user under editing standard generator duration make sure that that is longer than the title that you made if it's 10 seconds make sure it's 10 seconds i usually set mine at 10 seconds then hit save and then if it didn't work you can just drag this in and it will animate out so there you go that's making a sub button pop-up in fusion i hope that you enjoyed this by the way if you want to learn just about everything ever about resolve we have a master training that we just came out with link right here it's over six hours of training and we walk through a project together and i promise you will learn a just a freaking ton about resolve it's great man it's super fun check out our little promo for it right here and uh maybe consider it you know i'd love to have some fun together yeah let's do it
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 60,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy subscribe button graphics in fusion, davinci resolve, tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, motion graphics, davinci resolve 16, video, davinci resolve 15, animation, fusion, motion graphics tutorial, lumafusion, how to color grade in premiere pro, color grading in premiere pro cc, titles, fusion tutorial, lumafusion tutorial, blackmagic, how to color grade videos, color grading tutorial, how to color grade in davinci resolve, color correction tutorial, resolve, title, 3d, resolve 16
Id: UplSjQFNNj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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