Maintaining Your Glock

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hello Lenny Miguel with a Glock store Performance Center and today I want to talk to you about a very important aspect of your Glock in fact not a day goes by or not a week goes by certainly that a customer doesn't call and ask about lubrication how do i lubricate the gun how do i you know keep it you know running properly and it's a very interesting question because the Glock is a gun that can run with very minimal lubrication but it does require some lubrication and so I want to talk about it real quickly obviously this will apply to all Glocks this principle we're about to do so it doesn't really matter which model you have the lubrication principles we're going to talk about are going to apply to all your guns first and foremost here is a Glock 22 Gen 4 we go ahead and drop the magazine make sure it is empty now look at the gun itself make sure the trigger is in the you know fired position so I know that there's probably not around in there but I'm going to visually inspect the chamber pull the slide back rack it a couple times now that I know I have an empty gun I'll pull the trigger in a safe direction and now I can work on the gun it's very important that when you clean and maintain your guns you make sure that the gun is unloaded in fact more accidents happen right here at this cleaning and maintenance session than anywhere else so it's very important that you always discipline yourself to follow the rules remove the magazine open the chamber look inside racket pull the trigger in a safe direction now we know we have a safe gun and there's one other thing I like to do is I'd like to make sure there's no ammunition in the room so even if I drop that magazine it has some rounds in it I want to close that box up and put it aside because I don't want to be have access to it because loading a gun and working on the gun is so automatic at some point you may just do that and boom boom and things happen so make sure there's no ammunition on the table no loaded magazines close by and now we're ready to work on the gun okay so there's the Glock like I said this is about the lubrication people call a time and say well gee you know what should I do the other thing we see - is there more often what says hey my guns not running something's wrong it's is amazing I've seen almost too much lubrication so much so that it just gathers so much gunk and dirt and and phallin's that it just inhibits the gun from working so it's real important that you understand that the Glock doesn't need a lot of lubrication so let's go ahead and field-strip the gun pull the slide back just a little bit reach up here talk and take the slide lock lever down holding it down on both sides and then pushing the slide forward being careful not to let the slide fall off and hit the floor or something like that okay so you always want to make sure you have control that guy because if you bend the nose-ring it's very difficult to put it back in place okay so there's the frame and there's our upper or slide I'm going to take the guide rod out I'll put it down just here like though this is a factory gun and the barrel so there's your field-strip block really four components that we're going to look at people ask well you know first of all do I need to do anything with the guide rod spring typically no okay there's really no lubrication required you'll get some ancillary lubrication from the other lubrication you do if you were to do anything with this you could take a rag that has a small amount of oil on it and just wipe it off that's all do not saturate this with oil doesn't need to be do not even apply oil to directly to it you don't need to like I said if you wanted to do anything with this you have a little bit of oil in your cloth and just wipe it down so that's really the only maintenance and oil that you need on your guide rod itself so I'll put that off the side now the barrel and the slide are really where all the actions at and one of the things that you have to really about the Glock is that the barrel dips out of the way when the gun shoots so when the gun shoots the barrel drops down the slide comes back ejects takes another round comes back up the slide comes back or the barrel comes back up so that action is very critical you can hear the metal to metal contact so the metal to metal contact is what we want to lubricate we want to be aware of the fact that there's metal on metal and you know hey just like a car part it's going to wear so lubrication helps reduce some of that we're now one of the things you're going to notice when you take your Glock apart first time from the factory to is you're going to see some what they call beryllium copper okay it's going to be usually right in here on the slide the inner knees that slide here right along the rails that beryllium copper looks like rust a lot of people call this a my gun rust I just got it it's brand new well it's not really rust it's it's grease if there's a beryllium copper grease that they put on from the factory you can see just a little bit of the residue here that's left over and it's there designed as a packing grease in a sense and you're not supposed to wipe it clean just let it sit there work the gun out it'll dissolve itself with heat and it'll basically flow away and you'll never know it was there after you know shooting the gun 100 rounds but that question comes up a lot who's what is that and can I buy that and you don't really need to because what we're going to show you here is how to lubricate the gun you know with just a standard gun oil but that beryllium copper is like I said it is a packing oil or packing grease that Glock puts on from the factory and it helps the gun break in okay so you don't have to worry about that yourself alright let's go ahead and talk about the oil points for this and what type of oil people always ask that question what kind of oil should I use what kind of stuff do you guys use well you know we use what I like a lot is gun butter and my guns misuse gun butter for a couple reasons one and probably the most important is the applicator tip is basically a little needle tip here and this needle tip makes it very easy to apply oil okay that's really just you know that simple you know if you get a an applicator that is big and you try to put a little bit of oil on you get too much what's nice about this needle tip is you can really put one drop right in the right place so that's why we like it plus of course you know the oil itself has been proven to us and through other people to have very good properties of lubrication as well as it lasts a little bit of time it kind of stays around for a while doesn't just run away it's it has enough viscosity to stay on the barrel somewhat and doesn't break down quite as fast as say some other oil so we find the gun butter is a very good oil there's a lot of great product on the market but this applicator tip is what really separates it in my mind makes it that much better for actually don't we're about to do so Glock recommends and we do to that you oil your barrel okay not the inside but the outside of the barrel because it is sliding through the slide and there's metal to metal contact alright so one drop of oil on the barrel is not a bad idea now here's another reason we like the the gun butter it's a different color and you can actually see it is purple so you really can see it from afar and you know how much you put on there now I said one drop well I put a little dab should I say kind of a more than one drop but what I'm going to do now is take my cut my cloth and I'm just going to rub this oil all around the barrel alright so there I really don't have a lot of oil because the cloth has absorbed a bunch of it but the barrel now is oiled and that's all you really need to do you don't need to drench this guy in oil alright now you do want to pay attention to the lugs because there's a lot of action a lot of metal to metal contact here so we want to make sure we have a little bit of oil on our front lug and we do a little bit on the top back in here on the hook and again here and here and I will actually put some now on the hood and all three segments now again you see I'm kind of just liberally applying that I'm going to take this same spot of the towel that has a little bit of oil in it already so I'm not sucking all up now I'm just going to rub it all in all right and it's not too much and not too little certainly there's oil in there so I'm going to make sure all those parts are well oiled and that is basically it alright so now there's oil on there not a lot probably more more oil on my cloth than there is on the barrel but that's what's by design again we just want a little drop hearing a little drop there now this oil will migrate itself around and when we put the gun back together I'll show you another little technique that I like to use just to tap it off once we're all done now the barrel is basically done when you clean your barrel you go ahead and you run patches through and all that stuff and you actually use a solvent and get it all cleaned out not a bad idea to do one patch with some oil on it as well that's just preventative maintenance for rust and anything else but it also you know it's a good idea to run one patch of oil through it that's all so you again don't I'll too much and not much oil will stay on here anyways it'll just roll off so that's one of the things about the barrel because it's round and it's everything's happening there it's going to roll find its way off the gun and find its way into here so the challenge with too much oil is that you attract the oil attracts too much of the residue of the firing you know the aftermath of the firing pin give me the gun firing the actual bullet all that exhaust is basically residue and the oil will attract it any junks up and that gunk enos is what will mess up your gun so you'd be very aware of the fact that you don't want to oil too much in here so Glock recommends and I do too that you actually take a drop of oil and you put it right here in the top and the reason we do it there is because that's where the barrel is going to be sliding back and forth okay now I'm not really going to rub that in much I'm just going to leave that there because that will migrate itself alright the other thing we want to do too is we want to put some oil on our rails and there's rails on both sides and this oil again you can just do maybe a little little dab here a little dab here a little dab here and do the same thing on this side and that's what's really nice about this needle applicator is I can put it right in the rail it's not going everywhere else and it's not spilling all over the place so that's what's really really cool about that particular thing this particular applicator should I say the other thing we want to talk about and be very aware of is you don't want to have any oil inside of the firing pin channel or on the firing pin spring you want that to run dry and there's a reason for that same thing with the safety plunger too you want to be dry there okay there's a reason for that the reason is is you put oil in there not only does it attract that residue and that gunk like we talked about but also that oil can start to act as a suction so imagine now you've got the viscosity of the oil around a very tight area and it will start to prohibit or inhibit should I say the movement of these parts because they supposed to free float but as soon as you introduce any kind of liquid especially in oil all of a sudden there's going to be some kind of vacuum pressure there and they're not going to move as freely as they should so never put oil into the firing pin channel or even on the firing pin keep that dry if you do anything when you take the firing pin out is you again you can clean it and wipe it down with a very small you know amount of oil on a pre old cloth don't you putting oil on the firing pin itself just wipe it down just clean it and this wipe it dry okay so you don't really want to put any oil inside there and the same is true with the safety plunger too that has an up-and-down motion it's a very tight fit you put any oil in there and that motion that actual oil will actually start to maybe prohibit that thing from moving properly and couldn't be a safety issue all right so we've got oil on the rails we've got oil on the the inside there of the barrel we're the slide with a barrel runs and that's basically it okay there's one other area that glock recommends highly and i understand that we we agree and we do the same thing and there's the connector hook so if we look inside the gun here that's the connector right there this guy right here and it's a hook you see how it's shaped okay so we take our applicator this is what's really neat about this applicator again is we just drop a little piece of oil right here okay and just under the hook just one drop okay and again that's why this thing is unvalued well because it's hard to do that with almost anything else now that hook underneath it is the connector and that's where the trigger bar actually rides so let me demonstrate that and show you how that works with our pyramid trigger here okay i thought i could get this in as a plug of you're looking for a better trigger pull this is the pyramid trigger there's our aluminum trigger shoe but here's what that happens as the gun sits like this this trigger bar runs against the connector and there's the hook right there so you see that what's happening is the motion is going back and forth and is basically right there as the motion we're looking for so it's I guess I'm not doing that properly let me just go like this that's it right there so hopefully you can see that motion and so right here at the tip of this thing is what releases the striker as this hits that that angled piece of the connector and there's a connector right there so there's our double diamond connector and we actually put oil on there from the from our assembly when we actually assemble it so that's what you're trying to make sure happens that you don't have any against metal metal contact there you want it to be as smooth as possible to help the smooth trigger pool so what you do is you actually put a little bit of oil right anything hook now it'll migrate itself down to the trigger bar and don't do too much just one drop and then it will actually help smooth out your trigger pool so now we're going to go ahead and assemble the gun so I basically just done my old trick and it's really family again if I wasn't talking I could do this in 30 seconds it's really fast and easy and I've got oil in all the right places so I've got the guide rod back in place I'm going to go ahead and put the slide back in to the frame here feels good right okay so we're almost done now what I do like to do is come in here with my applicator just put a little oil right on top here all right now watch this and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to just move that there and the oil kind of disappears because now it really has coated this metal to metal contact I've got enough oil on the sides already and actually you know what from when I first racked it - now I can feel a difference because it is a little smoother and it actually sounds a little smoother in my head - not so Scratchy that's one of the things that when people say well when should I own my gun well you know let's look at this when you shoot a lot of rounds and the gun gets hot and really hot it will burn oil just like your car does so if you go out you shoot two or three hundred rounds I say that's a good time you go ahead oil your gun do you have to clean it at that time not necessarily just a little bit of oil just like we did just a little bit because some that oil does burn itself off because of the heat after maybe five hundred to a thousand rounds I'd say use time to clean your gun I don't like cleaning guns and that most people don't but you know that's where you know now you're applying more oil and you've got some residue there and get more oil and all of a sudden then you may start having some trouble you know not necessarily I will tell you this you could prosecute the Glock you know ten fifteen thousand rounds without cleaning it and I've seen guns like that but if you want to make sure it's reliable you want to keep it clean hey every five thousand rounds that's a good time to clean it if you go out and shoot twenty thirty or fifty rounds yeah no big deal you can put it away but when you hear creaking you know back here when you hear metal - scratching and you know what's what you're hearing is you're hearing those unburnt particles scratching against the steel against the steel in between there and there kind of like a sandpaper that's when you think to yourself okay well a little bit of oil will help but at some point you do have to clean and get those unburnt particles out of there because then they make start to gunk up by just adding oil so there's the there's the answer on oil and your gun not too much you notice I mean this thing is going to last me literally for you know a year or two I mean you don't need to use too much oil be aware now I will say that I have seen competition shooters shooting Glocks and after you go out and you shoot a whole bunch they're going to go ahead and do exactly what I did they're going to just oil here take it apart maybe oil the barrel a little bit inside the rails and they're done you can also do the same thing true coming back here and just drop a little bit oil onto the rails there let it migrate itself down behind so that's your quick maintenance tip if you're looking for a good oil gun butter if you want to maintain your Glock get the best out of it oil a little bit I'm Lenny McGill this is the Glock store Performance Center thanks for watching we'll see you next time you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 934,360
Rating: 4.9020104 out of 5
Keywords: glock maintanience, handgun maintanience, Glock, GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Handgun, pistol, Handgun oiling
Id: JegAq4beuO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2015
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