Beginners Guide To The Pump Shotgun - How to Operate & Shoot This Great All-Purpose Firearm

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] springtime in Southern Nevada look at that okay so you just bought your first shotgun pump shotgun and it's either 20 gauge or 12 gauge but I have a 12-gauge here we're going to go over it I'm gonna I'm gonna show you how to basically operate the shotgun how to load it how to aim it we're gonna talk about chokes we're gonna talk about ammunition and I'll give you a couple of recommendations I do want to say though that I've been shooting shotguns since the early 70s when my dad took me out rabbit hunting dove hunting so been shooting them for almost 50 years got a lot of shotgun videos on YouTube some of you guys that have watched a lot of my videos you know I I love a pump shotgun this is a Mossberg 590 so if you just bought a new shotgun most likely it's either a Mossberg 500 or Remington 870 two of the most popular shotguns in the country if you bought a different brand that's okay because most of these pump shotguns they kind of all work about the same so we're gonna go over how to load it what ammo to use we're gonna talk about chokes and not really going to get into accessories except one right here this is a tack star side saddle holds six or four rounds as you can see you can also get it that will hold six rounds so let's get set up and get started okay first things first my shotgun is unloaded okay there's no round in the chamber and there are no rounds in the magazine let me show you that again you can look in there hopefully you can see that there is not a round in there okay and I have a plunger right here there is also no Matt rounds in the magazine now if I was to see that right there now if I buy which the rack this right now I would chamber that round and I don't want to do that so I'm going to take it back out so we have a buttstock we have the receiver we have the barrel this one has a heat shield on it and we have a magazine tube right here trigger of course and this one has a front bead on it right here some shotguns will have iron sights like on a rifle those mainly are for shooting slugs now let's talk about the safety if if you have a Mossberg 500 your safety is going to be right here now this is on safe if I flick it up and I see that red dot this shotgun is ready to fire so I'm gonna keep it on safe now if you have a remington or most any other shotgun you're gonna have a safety right behind the trigger some shotguns might have a safety enough in front of the trigger right here okay let's talk about real quick how you gonna load this I want to check the chamber on this to make sure it's not loaded but it won't open and that's because the hammer is cocked and it's ready to fire so in order to release this I have two options I can pull the trigger which I don't want to do because I'm not sure if it's loaded or not so you don't want to do that but there is a little button right here called the bolt release right there if I push that up now I can open up my action make sure it's unloaded and I can close it now I can put rounds in my magazine and the way I'm going to do that I'm just going to take my shells and just shove them in just like that now if I want to shoot this all I have to do again is lock so I'm gonna push my little bought release and I'm gonna I'm gonna aim or I'm actually going to point I'm gonna take safety off and bam the shotgun will fire I want to shoot it right now so to take this loaded round out I'm just going to open this up real easy and I can pull that round out I'm gonna close you out action make sure no round goes in there and bam I have an unloaded chamber at my safety on and again if I want to shoot this all I have to do push that bolt release rack it and I can fire and then that can just keep on shooting until my magazine is empty okay next I want to talk about choke choke is the amount of constriction at the end of your muzzle now you know most shotgun shells have pellets you can either have tiny pellets in that show or you can have big fat ones but what a choke is going to do is determine the pattern of those pellets at a certain distance and the three most common chokes or improved cylinder modified and full choke a full choke is going to constrict the very end of that muzzle and so if I want to shoot a target at 40 or 50 yards that would use the full choke if my target is going to be up close then I want to use an improved cylinder maybe even a modified now if you have a tactical shotgun or home defense shotgun most likely it's not gonna take screwin chokes like this one here there this is just improved cylinder there's no way to change that the only way I can change that is by a new barrel so most likely you have improved cylinder if you have a tactical or home defense shotgun like this one now let me give you another example this choke right here is improved cylinder you can see this this nut driver fits in there real easy here's my full choke and as you can see it's got quite a bit of constriction to it so again that's going to keep my pattern nice and tight at a longer distance okay let's talk about ammo you know the nice thing about a pump shotgun man there is this a huge variety of ammo that you can put through a pump shotgun let's talk about chamber though most modern shotguns have a three-inch chamber which means you can shoot many shells like this one here you can shoot a two and three-quarter inch shell or you can shoot a three-inch now you can also get a shotgun with a three and a half inch chamber but we're not going to really cover that because that's a shotgun designed for turkey hunters guys that hunt geese so three and a half we won't even go any further on that so again here is a mini shell and just a cute little guy I'm not going to talk too much about this because I just did a video review on these mini shells and I will put a link to that video at the very end of this video and the most common shell out there is 2 and 3/4 now if you measure that that does not measure 2 and 3/4 inches at least not until you shoot it once you fire this and that mouth opens up then it becomes 2 and 3/4 inch and you can also shoot a 3-inch now if you're just getting into shotguns I would recommend right now stand away from a 3 inch and they do have a lot of recoil and I'll show you some video here shortly of my son shooting a couple of three-inch Magnum shells let's take a look at some shotgun shells here and we'll cut them open and see what's inside of them but here I have a box of seven and a half shot these are very small pellets we have one and 1/8 ounce at 1,200 feet per second two and 3/4 and 12-gauge these are used mainly for small game birds rabbits but this is what one looks like cut open you can see it has a whole bunch of pellets in it okay next let's take a look at some for shot now these are bigger pellets and this is that shell right here now I like for shot I actually keep these loaded in my shotgun for a home defense these things are pretty devastating again I will I'll shoot a couple of these here very shortly alright here's my favorite right here buckshot this is double-aught buckshot let's see if we can get a good look at that you can see the pellets and others there's nine pellets in here they're thirty-three caliber now on a three-inch buckshot like this there's fifteen pellets but again look at that that's pretty cool and I don't think I need to cut one of these open since you can see them right here alright now we're gonna take a look at a slug see that that is just one one pellet in here or actually a slug this is one ounce and let me cut one open so you can see what that looks like and we'll shoot one of these here very shortly alright anyways let's let's get this shotgun loaded and put a few rounds through it okay I have one gallon of water set up and I'm going to shoot it with this four shot again this is what I like to keep in my shotgun for home defense yeah tell me that won't hurt yep that will certainly do the job okay next I'm gonna fire a slug at this cinderblock this thing is heavy and I think you might be impressed what that slug does to it okay one ounce slug three inch Magnum buckshot five gallons of water damn that thing kicks how was that that hurt that smarts a little bit those 3-inch American and buck shots they pack a kick you know when it comes to a self-defense shotgun most guys are going to keep the magazine loaded so in the middle of night they can jump up grab your shotgun chamber around and bam they are ready to to defend themself now if you're not comfortable leaving rounds in the magazine and and that's fine if you don't I fully understand the solution to that is make sure you get a sidesaddle okay you notice my shells are a little staggered I'll show you why here in a second but middle of night grab your shotgun open it up take around and just slap it right in there you don't have to feed it into the chamber again just take your shell slap it in there and it is ready to fire now let me let me show you I'm gonna shoot a couple rounds to show you how quick that can actually be something to consider if you don't want to keep rounds in your magazine okay let me show you how to field-strip this and most pump shotguns are pretty much the same make sure the shotgun is unloaded bring the bolt back make sure the safety is on all you have to do is take off the magazine cap right here at the very end of the magazine and Barrel should come right off just like that now I can clean the face of my boat and I can clean my barrel that's really as far as you want to take it down well guys I think that's about it hopefully he was able to learn something but I do appreciate you watching my video but watch this all the way to the very end cuz I'm going to have a couple links to those many shelves and probably another shotgun video probably this one right here so check that out and if you would go to patreon throw me a couple bucks so I can keep making these videos but the meantime guys stay safe and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: mixup98
Views: 481,082
Rating: 4.9471393 out of 5
Keywords: Remington 870, Smith and Wesson, Browning, Beretta, semiauto, single shot, double barrel, coach gun, Benelli, Stoeger, Stevens, Savage, Nova, H&R, Pardner, Dickinson, home defense, tactical, M4, 590, Mossberg, Marlin, 590A1, 500, 535, 935, Mossberg 500, pump action, shotgun, shot gun, Maverick 88
Id: crOUq5iz0rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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