Glock Gen5 - Upper Disassembly & Reassembly

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[Music] foreign [Music] McGill with the GlockStore performance at custom shop right here in San Diego today we're going to talk about the New Gen 5 which literally is just about two weeks old and I'm going to go ahead and detail the Gen fives talk about them a little bit and then do a complete disassembly and a reassembly which is very similar to your standard Glock but a little different because there's a couple different parts in the internal I've got them laid out here right now I do want to show you a couple things about this uh particular gun uh these guns right now they're available only in a Glock 17 and Glock 19 version uh you'll see of course the Glock 17 is the longer full size Glock 19 is referred to as the compact or mid-size so you'll notice also our signs say law enforcement only well in California crazy California we can't sell gen fives to civilians somehow that makes the world safer so uh we can't even sell gen 4S too we can sell gen threes but somehow the Gen 4 and Gen 5 are more dangerous or something who knows it's California but what I want to show you is that these are law enforcement only and you know we have a we are law enforcement dealers and we sell a lot of handguns to law enforcement officers uh you know across the Spectrum Federal local uh even uh you know college law enforcement guys come in um and we actually are part of the blue label program so I want to show you uh the blue label guns you ever hear about you know Blue Label guns if you're a law enforcement you probably know but a lot of people out there say what's a blue label gun well it actually comes to us as a blue label there's a label right there okay uh so we um we get these in law enforcement because you're you know law enforcement guys get to buy the guns for a little less uh than the normal retail price so it's a good program for everybody we are proudly uh participating in it we take good care of our law enforcement guys here in a local level so if you are Le uh and you're looking for anything you can certainly call us now we can't sell you guns unless you're physically in the store that's just the way Glock has put the uh the program together but a lot of you watching are going to be close so come on down and buy your blue label guns from us because we'd be happy to do that for you now let's go and look at these gen fives real quick uh you know a lot of uh people have already looked at these and said oh you know they like it they don't like it what's different no it's the same old thing you know there's a couple things that are really different and unique uh Glock attempted to get the military contract and did a couple things for the military that have now come into the gen 5. Glock did get the FBI contract so they you know this gun is uh basically I believe maybe slightly different but this gun is what the FBI is going to be using but they didn't get the military contract and a lot of that is politics certainly because this is a superior gun than the gun the military selected yeah so politics in order again uh let's look at the Gen 5 and see what's a a little different and the first go here just looking at it and again I'm going to go ahead and pick one of these up and show it to the other camera if we just go ahead and look at it you're going to notice that the one thing you'll see that is kind of different just right off the bat is that there's only one pin above the trigger versus two pins the other thing you'll notice is that there are no finger grooves and probably the uh the third thing you would see from this one side is the fact that they have Incorporated a slight magazine well on the bottom all right so there's my Glock 17 and my glock 19. and you'll notice how the magazine fits and I do want to show you this this is why I kept the magazine here is they've got now they've referred or should I say going back to the half moon cutout on the frame for the magazine and you'll notice that the magazine base plate is a little different as well so there's a couple things cosmetically right off the bat you can see that wow that's that's totally different and there's a functionality through them as well we'll talk about that as we get through this the last thing that is kind of cosmetic that you'll notice well I guess another one is in the front they've kind of gone now with the uh the beveled or bullnose Edge versus a square Edge on the uh 19 and 17. now your 26s and 27s already have this Edge but now they've made uh the full size and the midsize with this bullnose as well so usually the Glocks are square and that's kind of their you know their their look but they've kind of gone to this direction and again I think a lot of that is based upon the military and the FBI requirements and there's a reason one is easier to holster kind of goes into the holster he's just that's really it I mean there's really no other reason to do that it just it will feed into a holster better there's nothing that it does that's going to make it a a better uh gun I just think it's just there's a requirement that somehow hey it's a little easier to holster okay I guess I don't know what else it would do the other thing that is important and a lot of you left-handed Shooters are going to be happy with this is that they actually have ambidextrous controls all right and that would be the slide stop lever is now available on both the right and left side of the gun so for you lefties you can now go ahead and access that with your thumb you'll also notice that this slide stop lever is a little bit farther out than on previous models it kind of sticks out a little bit and we're going to tear it apart and look inside there uh okay so let's see here a couple things of note the slide cover plate in the back is different than the Gen 3 and gen 4. it's a different shape so for those of you who want to customize that we do have a new product for Gen 5 slide cover plates with all the different designs all the different colors just like we do with the Gen 3 and gen 4. so that's important to keep in mind the magazine release button is the same as the Gen 4 magazine release button so you can replace that with our extended magazine release button again there's only two pins we talked about that the one thing I do want to show you like I said this gun has been in our display it's a display Model A lot of people have touched it because everybody wants to see the new gen 5. but uh I will say that the the Finish is wearing off of this uh slide stop lever uh in less than a month I mean you know you're going to notice that right there I hate to say it uh but they may want to address that if someone from Glock is watching but I'm kind of surprised and I've had other people say the same thing and that's just from touching it you know like I said for about two three weeks here Max all right okay now let's go ahead and go through our disassembly procedure I guess I'm going to work on the 17 because that's you know probably the most applicable gun uh you know overall uh first and foremost we're gonna go ahead and drop our magazine and you will notice that the magazine follower is a different color again probably a military and or law enforcement requirement and why would that be important to you or to someone in the military law enforcement well when the slide locks back it screams that I'm empty someone could see that from a distance versus a black follower okay so that's kind of interesting so keep that in mind that that you know that makes sense doesn't do a whole lot as far as uh functionalities the same shape but the different color so let me go and drop the magazine again the other thing I found interesting about the orange follower is that when you actually load uh ammo you can see the color as it goes down and is a little easier to identify kind of where you're at so do you see that there see the orange in there let me go and push it down again so you can see the orange through the witness holes there in the magazine which you know it makes it a little easier possibly to identify where I'm at as far as rounds go round count boom I can see that orange so when I pick a MAG up how many rounds are in there quickly oh there's you know boom I see where the followers I know I've got you know five left whatever the number is so I think that orange concept is valid and makes sense the other uh thing we talked about earlier was the the new magazine base plate shape so it has a little lip on the front it doesn't stand up yet but the lip is there in case you want to rip that magazine out because of a malfunction so if you get some kind of malfunction and it locks up and sometimes that mag is stuck in there whatever it allows you to come in there and rip it out and actually get to it without you know having to Fumble your fingers around so it is another feature that has some function to it you know it's not just there for a reason I will tell you that some people are already complaining that their hand is intersecting with that piece and it's becoming uncomfortable especially on the 19th so if we look at the 19 again you'll see that my little pinky over wraps that a little bit and uh some people saying wow it's pinching my finger okay well stop whining basically you know I mean I don't think you know trying to figure out how it's really doing that but you know there's a potential that it could be pinching your finger I got it so we'll probably come up with a MAG well that'll cover that solve that problem because I know a lot of people are not going to like that half moon all right so magazines out we talked about the extended plate we've talked about the new follower and that's basically everything else is the same same tube all that stuff one note uh and one thing that's interesting people are going to say well do the other magazines work yes a Gen 4 magazine gen 3 mag will fit into this gun no problem this magazine will fit into a gen 3 gun Gen 2 gun gen one gun no problem Glock is very uh smart to keep their magazines uh functional in all their guns no matter what you'll notice it has two cutouts on either side again for the uh ambidextrous controls now it's not truly ambidextrous It's actually an ambidextrous meaning to work both times either way both times this is uh reversible so you can actually take it from the right side or left side put over the right it's not on both at the same time but that Notch there intersects with that magazine release button which allows the magnet to fall out okay there's your gun and now we're going to go ahead and go through our standard disassembly procedure most of you know from previous videos and other information that the uh to disassemble the Glock any Glock the trigger's got to be in the fired position okay which means that's the unfired position trigger's got to be to the rear or the fired position all right trigger pull is okay it's probably right at five pounds it's five and a half six pounds in fact I got a trigger weight right here let me go ahead and do that for you real quick before we take the gun apart uh I don't have anything in this gun it's just a factory gun it's been fired a couple times by some testers here I've got a three pound weight and I've got a two pound weight that's five and so we'll just try it real quick here I wasn't planning on doing this but uh let's see here there's five and can't get it to go there you go a little bit so it's real close let's try five and a half and that's kind of where I think it's going to fall like five and a half uh between five five and a half here here we go again and yeah so again you saw it for yourself it's five and a quarter one last attempt and here we go yeah so it's between five and a quarter and five which is better than the um gen 3 and Gen 4 out of the factory which are typically five and a half six so this is five five and a half right in that ballpark there uh so they improved that that's for sure okay now the procedure for disassembly is the same triggers in a rearward position now take my hand I'm gonna just wrap it up on top like that okay just like that and I'm just going to pull back the slide a little bit if you notice right here it's you know all of uh you know quarter inch then I come up on the slide lock or this takedown lever and on both sides pull down and this is why we have an extended version of this and and we had we it is different so we do have a Gen 5 version of this part pull down keep it down and let the slide go forward now be careful not to let the slide fall off and hit the ground because it can do that and then grab the slide and just pull it straight forward if it falls down and it hits the nose ring and dense or bends the nose ring oh you're kind of Sol they say because it's very hard to get back true again you know you can no matter what you do it's it's never perfect and we've had a lot of guys sitting in the slides in and and we've tried but we've never really got it great sometimes we get them functional but usually they crack and then it's just going to be a hazard and we just tell them hey you got to replace it so uh there's your slide right there all right and there's the upper now we've already prototyped a Gen 5 Glock 17 tungsten guide rod and I've got it installed here it is different than the Gen 4 tungsten guide rod or Gen 4 Rod because it's longer okay so the the new 17 Gen 5 Rod is longer than the 17 Gen 4 rod okay not much but just a little bit longer so it is a different part we do have that available in tungsten interestingly the Glock 19 guide rod is the same as a gen 4. go figure we don't know why but it is so it does work uh the same so I'm going to take the guide rod out very simply and put it off to the side Barrel is going to lift out the same now the Barrel in the Gen 5 17 is different than the Gen 4. the lugs are different the barrel design is different as well okay so that's one thing we'll talk about here shortly but just so you know you cannot put a Gen 4 Barrel into your gen 5. and vice versa because the lugs are different and that's why this guide rod is different because it sits back a little farther so I haven't experimented yet but I bet you if I put this into uh Gen 4 it may work and if I use the longer guide but I haven't done that yet so again the party line right now is they're not interchangeable uh okay so there's your Barrel and here is your upper uh the barrel like I said is different and what they did significantly to all of us uh Shooters have been around for a long time is they've crowned the um the the Upper barrel so let's see if I can get in here real quick I'll just show it to this camera then I'm going to show it to Nick's camera over here and Crown means they've actually recessed the um uh the bore below the actual edge of the barrel here so this this part is lower than this part up here that does a couple things uh one you're able to get a little more precise finish so as the bullet exits it has a more precise spin to it because it's more accurately round and it also protects the barrel from any dings so if you were to get it dinged and and you know you were to damage that at the edge of that Barrel that the crown uh that is what would affect the accuracy now rifle Shooters know this forever and you know if you look at some high Precision rifles they really recess that bore from The Edge just to protect it from getting dinged as they walk around or you know you're handling the gun because you do not want to Nick the edge of the bore where the bullet exits because that will affect your accuracy especially when you're talking 200 300 400 yards any kind of little Nick there is going to throw that that bullet a little off kilter which will then extrapolate itself out to you know 10 12 inches way down there so you know we want to be uh careful uh with our with our barrels at all times but Glock has taken uh you know I guess the steps is go ahead and make a more Precision Barrel the other thing that they have done is they've changed the rifling inside instead of the hexagonal uh uh rifling that they have been doing for ever since they it first came out uh they now have introduced a traditional lands and groove rifling it's kind of hard to see in here but I'll I'll point it down here and put a little light behind it and maybe we can see something it's just more similar to every other Barrel out there which means that you can now shoot lead bullets through this barrel and with cleaning be able to clean it out whereas in these regular barrels or the original Glock barrels the hexagonal barrels it was really you weren't supposed to shoot lead through there they've discouraged people from shooting lead through there because that hexagonal rifling made it very difficult to clean the lead out of and hence if you really were shooting reloads and and uh you know home ammunition with with lead exposed it would build up on the bore eventually because it liquefies inside there somewhat and it's very hard to clean out and hence it would eventually become a Smooth Bore that the the they'd all get clogged up your hexagonal grooves would get clogged up and it would not give a good Twist on the barrel and hence the shots go all over the place you know I've seen that two or three times literally I have so it is it is true it very uh infrequently because most people don't shoot lead bullets but there are guys out there who are you know casting their own and and you know loading their own because it's a lot cheaper than you know buying store-bought ammo uh so there's the barrel and again like I said it is different than your Gen 4 Barrel okay now we look at this slide you're going to say well okay looks very similar and there are some similar things going on but there's one thing that's totally different and that would be the safety plunger it used to be kind of a mushroom head and now it is more of a a ramp which is similar to what the g43 g42 basically have so this is a uh probably an improvement based upon you know glock's experience with a 43 and 42 is that yeah wow we're gonna in this may account in my mind for some of the uh better trigger pull you know the lighter trigger pull because it's one a smaller surface before the trigger bar rolls over it and two it's a ramp that has a little less friction to it all right now while we're here too let's go ahead and look at this uh copper line right here and I you know I still get calls from people and gee my guns got rust on it that's not Russ that's actually the copper beryllium grease that they apply at the factory and they've been doing it forever and people still you know get stumped by that and think that it's Rusty it's not it's a grease that's done by the factory you know it's funny I took the Glock armors class uh the advanced armors class the other week just two weeks ago I passed too by the way and um fun class we had here at our facility you had about you know 30 police officers and Military guys and and uh some other uh you know gunsmiths from all around Southern California came down did the class and one of the questions they had on the test was when you get your Glock you're supposed to a go shoot it B clean it and uh uh you know lube and oil it or or see some other you know multiple choice and so that was the one question I really thought about was gee every time I get a gun I you know I just go shoot it because it's already greased up but the correct answer was that you were supposed to and they recommend cleaning your Glock when you first get it and then oil re-oil it and I've got a whole cleaning video too that you can look at so you know that's really interesting because I thought you know hey they're ready to go because they've been test-fired and they're greased up and ready to go you shoot it then you come back and clean it but they're actually now recommending that you clean the Glock first from the factory and then go shoot it I hate cleaning guns but you know but that's the uh that's what their recommendation is okay so we noticed that the other thing you will notice too and it's kind of hard to see here is that they change the striker or the firing pin and they now call it a firing pit used to be a striker and you'll see that this is no longer a blade as much as it is a point or a round point so um that's different but the disassembly procedure from here is basically the same for the upper we're going to take a punch and we're going to get underneath here underneath the striker lug I can lift that up now pull the striker back and you'll notice there's a piece of plastic right here and that is your spacer sleeve now the spacer sleeve is spring-loaded and it is applying spring pressure to our slide cover plate that means it's pushing up so it's very difficult to remove the slide cover plate unless you remove or reduce that pressure and the way we do that is we take a punch and we come in here and we actually push down on that plastic spacer sleeve keeping in mind that that's what captures the slide cover plate the pressure going upwards so I do it at the same time now here's how it works put my thumb up on top here and I'm going to push down here and of note there are some spring-loaded items in here that you want to capture with your thumb as you slide this plate off so don't push it off like that and have this stuff go flying and the stuff would be the spring-loaded bearing the depressor plunger spring and the depressor plunger now the depressor plunger is a piece of Steel that sits right here and it runs up to here there's a spring here and then there's a plastic plunger or bearing should I say that they call and it it also presses up against here but not as much pressure as this so it doesn't really capture this but oftentimes people call us and say hey I'm missing that little plastic piece what happened and we go well it just flew away and it does it's really tiny and almost impossible to find and it's a 2.99 piece and um when you uh lose it you gotta pay for shipping to get that out there so it's real pain people hate that and we know we you know we're sympathetic but we always have them in stock because people lose them a lot all right so here we go we're going to push down at the same time keep my thumb on top this thing and thumb it off and it comes off fairly easy it's basically off right now you hear it kind of click that means that the thing popped up keeping my thumb there I'm just going to reach up and pull this guy off here so I don't lose anything and there are the pieces they just came up against my thumb and here's what we're talking about that's the bearing spring-loaded bearing and that's the spacer sleeve and notice how it's kind of a half moon shape notice on the back of the slide cover plate oops right there how that half moon intersects and captures this piece right there in that little indentation so you can see why it's very difficult to take this off unless you reduce that spring pressure and um I've seen people pry these off with knives and screwdrivers and make a big mess of this thing we sell a lot of these too but that's the secret that's the technique you can get it off there I mean it will come if you really are aggressive but it gets pretty ugly so there it is it's nice and pristine ready to go back on here's how we then operate from here we go and take the uh the firing pin assembly out as one unit just lift up the uh the uh lug there and here comes the whole unit out there's the whole firing pin assembly and now we're going to go ahead and take out the spring-loaded bearing this safety depressor excuse me the plunger depressor spring and the plunger extractor plunger depressor steel spring plastic of note that's black it's black for a reason the black bearings go with nine millimeter guns same is true with the Gen 3 gen 2's gen all the way down okay gen fours it's always black for nine millimeter 40 caliber is white so that's real important to keep in mind and 45 and 10 millimeter are green just a little bit of trivia there for you all right but important to know that you have the right one because it won't function as well if you have the wrong one just it'll still work somewhat but there may be some extraction problems so this whole unit is a unit there are sold as separate pieces I believe in the Glock 43 it's all one piece we only sell it as one piece we can only get it as one piece but for all the Gen 3 and Gen 4 models in gen 2001 as well it was sold as three separate pieces the the rod itself the spring itself and the bearing itself I'm not sure how they're going to do it with a Glock gen 5. they may sell it as one piece because that's what they do with the 43 so I'm assuming based upon that that they may just sell this as one unit it's not expensive the whole thing is really not expensive but you know again that's uh you know it's like a 299 299 and I think this is like 7.99 something like that so it it I I'm not sure how they're going to do that but that's those are the three pieces that come with it and then uh the last thing inside this slide is going to be well there's two things one the extractor itself you know extractor is it's the claw that actually grabs hold of the um uh of the shell shell casing so that is the extractor and let's go ahead and look at that real quick uh you you know it it's right here it's it's also kind of spring-loaded has a little bit of motion to it uh so it a lot of people think it's kind of solid but it actually has to move out of the way so when it comes when the slide comes down the extractor is shaped like this with a claw so you know if you can see that but here it is right here so as it runs over the shell it actually moves out and comes back and grabs the lip and then pulls it out so it actually has a little bit of motion very small but and imagine that you know thousands and thousands of time and just you know that Split Second I mean I can shoot uh you know splits in uh what 0.15 so 0.15 it's just going crazy but it works every time it's phenomenal I mean really when you know when you start to think about the mechanics here it's amazing so to take that piece out it's a solid piece of Steel we have to depress the firing pin safety okay and that's the that's what it's called the foreign safety because they interlock and capture each other so it won't come out until I push this down when I push it down it'll just fall out like this watch this so there goes you gotta love that huh and now the last thing is the actual you know firing pin safety and it should just drop out and it does now keep in mind it goes in one way this one is uh is uniquely shaped and it's not gonna you know it it does have a way to go in and you'll notice now if you look at it that um and see if I can get you in here close it's got some notches on it and this is what allows the firing pin to go forward or not okay this is a safety device so the gun will not go bang because the firing pin can't go through the breach face here to hit the primer unless this is depressed all right now keep that in mind so it only gets depressed when you pull the trigger and the bird's eye of the trigger bar roll over top of this so that's the Glock safety mechanism okay so the gun can't go bang unless you actually are pulling the trigger and this piece pushes that up and then they the firing pin is released so this is a very important piece you always want to be aware of it whenever you take your gun apart make sure it's not damaged or chipped up you have to remember that the firing pin a hardened piece of Steel is intersecting with this regularly bang bang bang bang okay now when you're pulling the trigger it's out of the way and it goes through but oftentimes it's stopping because you're not pulling the trigger and it's coming up and it's stop it right there so it does bang into this and sometimes these safety plungers get chipped up so it's real important you inspect that on a regular basis and it shouldn't have any unusual chips in it it should be pretty much you know it should be pretty flat and machined like it looks like it's there but if you start to see that thing get chewed up call us and get another one because these are again inexpensive I mean they're like four bucks or something like that and you can see there's a spring that's captured inside there so that is the actual Glock safety plunger triggers you know firing pin safety plunger okay here now we have a completely disassembled Gen 5 upper or slide of course it's got sights on it and these can be drifted out with a hammer or a punch or a sight Pusher and then on the other side you're going to notice the front side is also captured with the same uh six-sided screw I don't know if you can see that in there or not right in there there you go and we have a tool that allows you to manipulate that because it's almost impossible to do with anything but a front sight tool okay so I could also disassemble the firing pin and I will do that for you A lot of people have trouble with this and there's some pieces here that you know can get lost but those pieces are called the Spring Cups so here's my assembly and this is a spacer sleeve that's the firing pin spring and that's the spring cups that capture the spring on the neck of the firing pin and as I said earlier you'll notice that the firing pin has a unique shape it's not a blade anymore it's more like a standard firing pin okay and so whereas the old Glock were more like a spade that came up like that this one is rounder and more of a pin to disassemble this I like to use the slide itself to capture the firing pin assembly like so so you can see how that works so now the slide is my third hand and it also allows me to manipulate the spring without the Spring Cup moving so to do so I will again grab the spring now Watch What Happens here these slide excuse me these spring cups are going to fall off so they're cups like this and they're going to fall off like that they come together like that there's two halves underneath it the spring gets captured the spring cups themselves get captured on the neck of the firing pin which you'll see in just a moment so here we go these get lost a lot too keep that in mind people call us all the time for 1.99 they take overnight shipping for 25 to get that part because the gun can't work without them and they have no idea where they are because they've got shag carpeting so they'll find them when we send them the package a week later they'll be looking around watching TV and they'll say oh there it is and I've had guys call me that and do that you know I just ordered those parts I got them and then like two days later I was just sitting there and I was looked down and there it was so it's one of those crazy things you know I mean you want to be very careful that when you do this process that you make sure you you know you're in the middle of the table and you don't have a whole lot of junk around so here I go we're gonna come pull them down and here come the spring cups I'm gonna pick them up and here they come and there they go and now just put them down here on the table so you can look at them but meanwhile let me show you this spring real quick okay so this is spring pressure you know grab it with my hands does it hurt do my fingers no because I've done this a million times but it does hurt a lot of people they complain about it okay so there's you know of course going to give you some marks on your finger there comes your spring and here comes the assembly this is the firing pin and the spacer sleeve all extremely important parts and it's amazing how they all work together well let's put that right there up there so there's your whole assembly and there's only one other part that really remains inside this Slide by the way and I I should mention it to you it's called a channel liner and it's an item where you don't really want to take out but it resides inside the actual Channel where the firing pin goes all right and so it's just Channel liner so it's a piece of plastic that kind of centers up the firing pin so the firing pin assembly so the fire pit assembly goes inside that and that plastic kind of centers it up so it always goes through the same hole and and it's plastic so it's kind of self-lubricating and it lives inside there and when you take it out you kind of destroy it so you never really take it out unless you're doing custom work now when we're when we cut slides and refinish them and you've seen a lot of the videos that we do we always take those out because when we refinish them the Heat and even the slide and when we cut them the heat of the the actual Machining process can possibly damage that and um bottom line is we always just take them out and put fresh ones in so we have a special tool we sell it's a dual purpose Channel liner tool it allows you to put them in also allows you to take them out either side of it so it's a really good item and I think if you're going to be doing Gunsmithing work you got to know about that channel liner if you're not if you're just doing you know regular disassembly reassembly it's not something you want to play with the other thing I have to say here too is you never want to oil inside of that channel for the firing pin nor do you want to oil inside the hole for the firing pin safety plunger because they operate with spring pressure you put some oil in there it's gonna you know it's gonna kind of muck it up and it's going to interfere with the spring pressure it's got to you know how liquids especially oils can actually you know have some suction well that's what's going to happen is all of a sudden things aren't going to work well it's going to get all gunked up it's going to track dirt it's going to attract uh uh fouling and all that but it really wants to run dry in both those things so be careful when you're cleaning your guns oiling your guns not to put anything inside that channel liner not the oil that spring don't do that because you think oh we like the oil all of our Springs now you know you really shouldn't so all right now let's go ahead and Buzz through this assembly process real quick and then we'll cut and we'll come back with another video to do the disassembly on uh this lower so it'll be part two here because it's getting long I like to talk a little bit all right here we go here we go let's go firing pin we're going to reassemble this so to reassemble this and get this started I'm going to take my spacer sleeve and the firing pin and again drop it up into the top just like we normally do and here it comes and you see how precise that fits I'll go ahead and use my third hand which will be the um uh the slide and you can put the slide in the device be careful whenever you put the sliding device not to crush it just to hold it nice and easy you can always have your wife come over and hold this as well or your friend your significant other whatever okay so here's the challenge okay this is always um no matter what it's always hard because you have these two little pieces that you have to get up here and get them angled into here right here like this so uh see that that piece you want to have that piece right there under that neck and there's a corresponding piece to it right here So eventually it wants to look like that and then it gets pushed up on the neck by the spring all right the challenge is you've got to depress that spring at the same time and hence the need for the third hand so I take our spring now uh the spring is no correct way it goes on it does it doesn't have a front or a top or bottom just either one the one thing I do want to point out to you and I'll talk about as I put these Spring Cups on there's an end of the spring right here and it's ground down and it's buried in there but you want to be careful that your Spring Cup when you put it in there that the end of the spring is not right at the um what's the word I'm going to say uh uh at the intersection of where they actually come together okay so I don't know if you can see that real well but um right there is kind of what I'm talking about you want to make sure that that Spring Cup when you install it that the when they come together they're pretty they're they're away from that uh where the spring ends all right that's all that's the only thing you have to really worry about the other thing you worry about is making sure those Springs don't go the spring doesn't go flying and or the spring cups don't go flying so what I like to kind of do is have these stage right here I'm going to be I'm a right-handed guy so I'm going to I'm going to depress this with my right hand and I'm going to reach down there and I'm going to grab Spring Cup number one boom and I don't really have a good grip on it so I'm going to redo that again come at the very top of the spring and be here so here's my first Spring Cup looks like it's on here's my second Spring Cup looks like it's on and that was I made it look easy so now they're both on I want to just inspect it make sure that yep it's good the separation is not at the end of the of the spring looks good and I captured it like I said it made it look easy it's not really hard I've done it a bunch of times but be aware that you know make sure everything's pre-loaded everything's ready depressive spring get one get two Okay now what's first what's next okay so what we'll do now what we want to do is we want to install our firing pin safety and our extractor and then we'll put that uh other device in there the file the extractor as we said is a claw this is one thing you always want to be aware of too I wanted you to take this gun apart at this degree you want to just check and make sure that the actual extractor itself the actual Claw is in good condition is it clean and sharp and and in one piece these you know I've seen them chipped that's all you'll really see the whole part's not going to break but if you ever see anything wrong with this it's usually one end of this or in the middle there's a chip something happened maybe it's just you know bad steel or something you know you make you make a million of these things and every once in a while something goes wrong so you can look at this from the outside of the gun you have to take the gun all the way apart but when you do take it apart you certainly want to look at it but even when you're inspecting it you always uh want to look at that you know and one of the easy things you do too on a regular basis even if you don't clean the gun all the way down you want to brush that out with a toothbrush and kind of look at it and make sure that there's no you know fouling or grit or Grime under there because that has to be clean and sharp and it has to be able to grab hold of those uh those rims of the of the spent cases or even unspent cases and grab hold and if it gets dirty sometimes it won't work so when you see extraction problems that's one of the first things to look at all right so I'm going to go ahead and drop the barrel right into the hole in the slide it doesn't you know take a whole lot of sense to figure that out right it just goes right in but what's really neat is I'm going to go ahead and drop this guy in here too so uh let's see here now let's make sure we like I said it goes in one way I think that's it all right so this is the firing pin safety plunger I'm going to push it in and then I push my plunger and it kind of captures it just like that very simple so you see now that extractor doesn't come out now we put a little pressure on the back of this with the extractor depressor plunger rod and spring and bearing but the metal goes to metal plastic goes to the plastic slide cover plate so just drop that in and push it down all the way you can see how now it intersects with the extractor okay and now the easy part is just to drop this big firing pin assembly straight into the big hole okay and there you have it right okay so now let's go ahead and put our slide cover plate on now this is uh you know there's a lot of techniques here you know I like to pre-load it kind of get it up here and then I'm going to come in here and I I honestly I'm going to tell you I like to use a fat punch for this guy just a lot easier so I'm going to go ahead and take a punch and just press this down whoops and push the slide cover plate in and well let's see that sounds easy right so I have it pre-loaded properly yes I do here we go all right there's now I'm going to capture the the spacer sleeve with that and then I'm going to take a small skinny punch and I'm going to push down that that bearing spring-loaded bearing with a really small little punch and that's it so now we have captured that whole thing while you're here you want to make sure it works so you push your um safety down it looks like it's coming through pull it back now without the safety down it doesn't come through that being the firing pin doesn't come through the hole so that's good so it's working right push it down again it does come through remember to reassemble the gun it's got to be in a fire position so leave it Forward right now because you're going to put it back on the on the frame here in just a second and here comes the barrel here comes the guide rod and that is the complete assembly reassembly of the Gen 5 upper like I said let's go ahead and take a break here we'll go ahead and come back and work on the Gen 5 lower same thing complete assembly [Music]
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 774,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Glock Gen5, GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Gen5 Takedown, Gen5, Gen5 G17, Glock 17 Gen5
Id: 7gKnVbGg5BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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