Glock Cleaning Basics

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hey Hickok here well I had my camera set up thought I would do a little Glock cleaning I have had several people messaged me and asked me to do a Glock cleaning video how I cleaned my Glock that kind of thing well I'll do a quick one here I don't do anything all that special probably about the same thing most people do but I thought what the heck I'll do it it's my Glock 27 first of course you want to make sure it's unloaded all right clear gun nothing in it no magazine no bullets all right you know you have to pull the trigger trigger needs to be back before you can break it down take the slide off barrel out there we go all right if if any of you have difficulty breaking one these down maybe I should have let me the new Glock owners you've just recently gotten into into the Glock and put it back together here triggers I'll be pulled and you know you want to grab it grasp it right there and pull back use of sight to to get it back a little bit and I have discovered if I keep enough my thumbnail growing out it helps me a great deal and pulling down the lever just to release that so can you struggle with it now but you don't have the slide back very far for it to break loose okay so the separate parts out and what I do first thing I do again I'm just going to tell you what I do other people they do it totally differently and some may not like what I do sorry about that I've been doing it for over 20 years works just fine one of the things I use I went to a different lubricant about to move and it's been ten at least ten years ago for of some of my cowboy guns and things and then I began trying it on my my modern guns and so for a long time it's all I've used on any of my guns and I'm not selling this stuff they're trying to sell you on it it's ballista I called barrel star think they pronounced a ballista but it's just pretty good stuff for me and what I do is I spray down the barrel now this barrels claim I'm go ahead and do it in interest of the video I just sprayed on a bowel stall down in there this whatever cleaner lubricant you used I soaked the barrel in it outside and inside this ballast all of the qualities of it or characteristic is that if you use it a little bit it's like cleaning it's like an iron skillet that's one of the analogies that's used quite often the whatever metal you clean with it continually it gets kind of a slick surface and it's kind of like a cured iron skillet if some of you know what that means I cook iron skillet so I know well what it means I have when I fry eggs on several times a week and I never have to to scratch and mess with it it just cleans up you I just wipe it out with a paper towel and I'm finished because it's been used so much so there's very similar to that and I have noticed I get less leading after I've used balanced on a gun for a while so for whatever that's worth but you need to do your own research on that and that's like motor oils everybody has their favorite motor oil their favorite gun cleaning solution so I don't want to unduly influence you on that you can't even get this stuff in a lot of places anyway so what I do is I go ahead and put that on the barrel for one thing bowel stall does it's not like acid it doesn't just eat everything up immediately it works a little bit better if adds a little bit of time so the barrel while the barrel is soaking I typically I grab a toothbrush I'm always looking for sales on toothbrushes you know so if I'm at Walgreens or somewhere and I see they've got a pack of five or six for a couple bucks I'll purchase them and of course you can use brushes you find at gun shows and everything else too but and I and I while that's soaking I take a toothbrush and I work on the receiver the gun and here I make sure I get any kind of excess powder which they're rarely is any but I just get it with a clean toothbrush no oil on that toothbrush at all I don't touch any of this at all with oil yeah I mean I did I keep it far away from that so I just get the worst of the carbon off you know and if it's looking like there's quite a bit of carbons nothing else I'll do is I'll get me little cami just pour out some alcohol is this extremely unusual solution of this take a little alcohol rubbing alcohol I guess denature would be a little bit better I'll take a q-tip I have some people say you should use a q-tip around a gun get cut in there and all this horrible things happen and then I'll just dip it down in there a little bit sometimes without the alcohol just to just depends on how dirty the gun is and when the last time I gave it a really thorough cleaning so I'll just uh you know get someone carbon out I think you could not clean this at all you know this this part of the gun and maybe for ten thousand rounds and it not malfunction unless you're getting oil in there and you're attracting a lot of dirt and powder residue or something but I go and do it anyway I just feel better about it so I just get a little that out every time I clean and then it stays stays pretty clean okay so I see any grit special grit anywhere you know get with the q-tip usually okay and in the then the brush the toothbrush again this is a dry fairly new toothbrush I cycle the toothbrushes as they get dirtier and dirtier than I move them over to another stack over here where I actually use them with oil on them maybe to brush the the barrel on other guns and Glocks and everything so so I have two basic stashes of toothbrushes those that might be a little dirty have low carbon on them but they have no oil and they don't even get brushed over oil virtually so I like to keep those separate and so I'm happy with that and I don't see I've lost any bristles down in the gun or any thanks and that's and I've never noticed that ever happening so we're at a lot about that it's a Glock after all okay so that that partly goes away now to do the same thing with the slide I look under here and you'll have some carbon there and you know firing pin block special have carbon coating on it and here now you know raking across there again it shouldn't be any oil in there really so I'm still kind of working with a dry brush okay I'm just brushing it out getting the worst of that and I may use my q-tip with a little alcohol if it's got a lot of carbon on it the face of the bolt there you know I'll just I'll hit that like that get get that excess out and I never get anything with oil on it around you know the action here just a little alcohol maybe okay and of course it's clean now now I'll run a q-tip up through there and again I'm all I'm careful I'll make sure I don't leave any cotton anywhere that sort of thing any fibers and I've been known to depending on the gun sometimes a pipe cleaner you know it's good for that you can curl up a pipe cleaner if you see something in there you can't get with a q-tip you know in an area behind that extractor kind of thing so you know you know acute any kind of a pipe cleaner sometimes even a q-tip you can make sure you got that the toothbrush works well there - of course hitting that extractor you note behind there getting a carbon deposits out of there what little there might be usually it's not a lot in a Glock and so it looks clean no no happy with and I make sure I've no oil I'm not gonna need oil around that firing pin hole or in the back anywhere there don't want you all there front that's a different matter the front of slide and won't hurt it alright so I look at that okay we got that pretty good shape that's ready to go I set it back over here spraying you know usual steaks pretty clean I might every now and then hit it with a toothbrush just to make sure doesn't have undue amounts of carbon deposits on it put it aside and all I've what's the barrel of course barrels been soaking let's get rid of this alcohol I don't want it have a little surprise fire anything around here we got enough flammables with gunpowder everywhere okay so the barrel what do I do with it well you're firing jacketed ammo so the barrel is not full of lead or anything I get my that's 40 caliber so I need my 4045 rod here and I tend not to use bore snakes on on a Glock some some of you probably do I like more snakes I use them on my rifles and shotgun and everything I even have one for the 40 caliber I think somewhere I just tend not to use it I forget about they're so simple it's like why do you you know need to use a board snack I still use the old rod and I run a patch through there we're sniffing though usually soak it first but since the gun wasn't even dirty I and do that and that one usually comes out you know dirty you see that's clean I keep a clean gun all right you would have caught me if I hadn't right so I run that through two or three times and work it in and out from the rear and then another patch dry one and sometimes that's enough generally I'll usually run too wet too lubricated patches soaked with the dualist all up through there and then I'll start the dry ones and I'll run either one or two of those through just to make sure there's no oil in the barrel and while I'm doing that I might take up a paper towel and and get the oil off the outer part of the barrel for the most part now like I said this ballista leads a kind of a film it's that's this different it interacts with the metal in a way it that's I don't know it's more penetrating or something I don't know what sound like an ad for it but it uh the barrel if I got if I wiped on that with 16 different dry cloths it got every bit off you feel my barrel it's really really smooth really smooth again it's like that iron skillet and I think I could almost not put any lubricant back on my Glocks for five years as far as actually putting a drop in the places you're supposed to and it wouldn't matter because it it just sort of stays there that residue so not in a liquid form it's just like a Teflon coating almost or something all right so he's dry the barrels in good shape so put the barrel back in really well before I do that I'll take like I said I tend not to all much I under or anything now what I will do often is I will switch is to drop up you see Rob yeah right right there and that's way too much for me for my tastes so I'll usually job that out of there I don't want that much oil we know the q-tip here I'll send that out let's sum up up longest channel okay yeah no one much oil of my gun at all maybe it's the tad on there okay but the front part of the gun up here is okay not a not a crime all right then I will I'll try to get what I do I'll get a little bit spray some on the table here again this oil is like it's it's great the bell stall is good for wood and leather and everything so it's the my wood my workbench stage treated with the bell saw so I'll touch a little bit you know right there on the rails a little bit on that side a little bit more tad back here and then on the other side over there that's about all I do you may live more you may have read that you're supposed to put lube here and there and all over this place I don't bring back together and he's ready to go hey that's basically how I clean my Glocks okay so for whatever that's worth this one was very dirty but that's the the process I go through now there's the brush again I used only in areas where there was no oil really so I'm gonna leave this brush over here in the dry file for now now after a couple of three cleanings off I move him over to the to the oily brush stack okay and that's kind of where I cycle my my brushes so block cleaning 101 that's what I do I can't think of anything else now what I'm that's just a basic cleaning when you fired the gun you know you're keeping pretty good cleaning cleaning habits you know with the gun what I might showing you another video is what I do with the slide about once a year or once every six months depending on how much I shoot the Glock and also how that gun is used if it's one that just sits in the safe most of the time you know I may not think about it too much or if it's strictly a range gun you know I don't worry about how off I do it as much but depending on the importance of the gun and how often it's used I try to take the slide apart every few months or at least once a year to minimum okay make sure that the firing pin channels striker channel it's clean and that can cause problems if it's not or if you get oil in there so I feel better I sleep better at night if I know that all is clean but on just your basic cleaning if you've entered the range that's what I do so hopefully that helps and again I'm not trying to sell this list all this ballast all product that's just what I've used for a good while now I use on all my guns by ARS and revolvers Glocks you name it and there are a lot of good cleaning supplies out there a lot of good cleaning products this one I use for cleaning and looping and for everything so whatever you use it is nice that one type of product that is a Lube and a cleaner that's for certain so there again you didn't have to see my ugly face and the hopefully that helps some of you a little bit particularly if you're just getting into to Glocks
Channel: hickok45
Views: 2,157,509
Rating: 4.9028249 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Cleaning, disassembly, Glocking, Glocker, semi-automatic, pistol, firearms, guns, shooting, Ballistol, barrel, slide, frame, training
Id: DZf4mUM10Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2009
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