To The First Time Glock Owner...

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I just got a message from a fellow block enthusiast and he left it on my video titled make your Glock factory clean and this lucky guy just bought himself his first pistol ever a Glock 21 45 ACP congratulations that is a very very nice gun and I would be proud to have that it's my first handgun he does want to shoot it until he does a basic clean which is a great idea because as you remember from physics class liquids cannot be compressed and you don't want to run a bullet down your bore until you make sure that it doesn't have an excessive amount of oil in it I know if some of us have heard that Glocks are ready to fire right from the factory and that may or may not be true it probably is true but you want to give it a check anyway and how you do that is you want to remove the magazine first and then you want to clear it which is to look in the chamber and look down the magwell so you know this thing is clear then you let the slide go forward point it in a safe direction means which means a direction that a bullet could actually travel without any harm dry fire now this is what the Glock armors do you put your hand over the top and you bear against this sight here and you just squeeze and when you do it this way you don't move the slide too far because if you move it too far you actually reset the trigger and then it won't work but um so do it like this and then you pull down on the slide lock some people refer to these as two tabs right here they're not actually two tabs these slide lock is a single metal bar that goes across and that actually bears up against the the barrel right there and keeps that from going forward remove your recoil spring assembly take the barrel out of the slide and don't sweat this because it's it's a completely idiot proof there's no way that you could put your Glock together wrong this gun is dirty because I was so shooting it on Saturday few days ago and I'm not real diligent about cleaning my Glocks my other guns that I shot that they got clean immediately you know my Smith and Wesson revolver and the the shotgun and all that but um my Glocks might go a month without cleaning and the reason for that is tenifer this barrel has the I think it's three mils thick of heat treating you could do whatever you want with this barrel you could soak it for a month in salt water and it's not going to rust nothing bad will happen so I don't really worry about cleaning my Glocks I don't worry about getting them wet I could be out in the rain with my luck and I come home and I don't do anything no I could store this thing in a glass of water anyone bother me so um same with the slide that's tenifer treated and it's not the finish this black finish which varies from year to year the tenifer is underneath that finish so when you start getting holster wear here and you see bare metal don't sweat it you don't have to oil it or anything it's not going to rust even in salt water it's not going to rust but there are a few things you should know about Glocks since this is your first one for one thing the factory in there Armorer's manual talks about the your I've got a newer Glock here this model 23 hasn't been fired too much it's kind of cruddy too you see right here that that copper colored lubricant that's high-temperature lubricant that Glock uses from the factory and they tell you right in the manual to leave that alone don't clean that out of there leave it in there as long as you possibly can this gun has only been fired a few hundred times it doesn't even have the smile yet we'll see where they're on the barrel see this one have it yeah they refer to this as the Glock smile and so uh keep that copper lubricant in there as long as you can and I'll say this right away so I don't forget it you don't want to get any lubrication down that firing pin channel where the firing pin comes out on the bolt face right there when I clean that I just use a dry toothbrush and just get the ash and stuff out of there that way you're not going to any problems with your extractor and I know I know I've made videos on how to completely disassemble these and detail clean them and all that honestly you shouldn't do it that often if you start taking your Glock apart every time you use it or even a couple times a month you're actually going to wear out the pinholes on the receiver and your pins might start getting sloppy after you know doing this many many times so I'll show you how to lubricate the thing but first of all before we get to that stage let's do the barrel and at this point I'd like to introduce you to my friend the bore snake this is a handy little item that I believe they even sell them at they're pretty Commons it's not going to be hard to find you're not gonna have to order it online they cost less than $20 unless they've gone up in the last few years I think they were always around 16 or $18 I know they might have hit 20 bucks by know I've heard the newer ones actually have the caliber printed on this brass weight here I don't see it on this one if you had a brand new Glock you could take your bore snake I like to take the barrel all you don't have to it's so easy on a Glock why won't you feed it through there from the breech end always clean from the briefs you want to protect this critical muzzle crown right here there you'll see there's a slight angle beveled in the muzzle it's called the muzzle crone that's critical because when your bullet emerges from the muzzle if there's any irregularity here it'll actually influence the bullet as it leaves because bullets are still accelerating a certain distance from the barrel when they're heading toward the target and if the gas is venting off one part more than another it's going to affect your your bullet it might cause some wobble and for long shots your bullet won't get there it's more critical in rifles not very critical in handguns but it's proper care to always clean from the breech end for that reason you don't want to wear this part here and usually they are referring to cleaning rods you know rubbing like that so put a bore snake through and if you had a brand new Glock and you pull that bore snake through one pull that's all I need that's all you'd have to do if you don't have a bore snake you could either use your cleaning rod that came with your Glock which most people just leave these in the box they don't mess with them because they've got the nylon bristles which aren't really all that effective brass works a lot better but I use this thing it's even handier than a bore snake to me because I'll pop the barrel you know if I if I shoot a lot of guns and I'm I don't want to spend all night cleaning guns it's just a reality I'm going to knock the the high spots off knock the ash off and I'm going to take the barrel here and I just run it through a few times like this and this is the same patch I leave that on there till it gets pretty grungy that gets the big stuff off the the feed ramp here you can usually see some crud built up on there and then you can take a tooth brush with a little bit of solvent and for solvent you just pick one Poppy's number 9 maybe some people don't like using that with Glocks so actually I rarely use solvent what I normally use is the ballast doll and I get the kind that doesn't spray it's kind of thick and I just put a little bit in the cap and I'll dip my toothbrush in it or I'll pour some right out on the bench and dip into that with the wet brush and that's great for doing the the areas around the breech end of your barrel and then you can get the barrel lug right away you're not gonna have to do this on your brand new Glock because it's gonna be real clean but you know I'll bet you've got a excessive amount of oil when I get new Glocks I noticed that their oil dup pretty good and I'll wipe some of that off just wipe it all off and don't worry about putting more on because if it's loaded up and you wipe it there's enough oil on it to fire you don't have to worry you could actually you know I don't some people are gonna argue with me on this you could actually run your Glock bone dry and I don't believe that you could wear that gun out if you sold your house it took all the money and bought ammunition and ran it through that Glock you probably won't even wear it out but that's that's opinion and okay so we've got the inside and outside of the barrel clean and wipe down now I'll show you how to lubricate and this isn't my method this is Glocks method which I just happened to adopt and this is right from the Glock armors manual the Glock armors manual of course talks about the importance of not getting oil in the firing pin channel and they say to use one drop of oil on all four well I'll just read right from I've got it here on my computer it says to properly lubricate your Glock pistol after it has been thoroughly cleaned and dried the following lubrication procedures should be followed using a quality gun oil lubricate the barrel the barrel hood which is this part right here the barrel lug in the inside of the slide where the barrel hood rubs against the slide and they're talking about this part it's real easy to see because you can see where it's worn there and I'll show you how I do it take only one drop of oil on your finger and rub each slide rail or put one drop of oil on each slide rail cut once the slide is replaced on the receiver after reassembly the oil drop will be distributed equally along the slide rails and then there's one more place but I'm like I'm going to show you that one last because they call it the most important place toil so the one drop of oil I don't put one on each slide rail that's too much I put one my official Glock factory applicator here and I just go like this I rub it on each one of these slide rails takes about two seconds you don't have to be picky about it then I will do the same thing with my factory applicator right there that's too much oil I'm gonna actually wipe that out it's hard to see what I'm doing through the viewfinder right there you don't want it dripping you don't want this stuff to get all over inside your safe or inside your gun bag and then as far as the barrel the only part that you do is I usually put a drop on the barrel up I put it on the inside of the lug because that's where this thing rubs on the breech block it actually goes up and down right there on it in the hood and then all along the barrel here what I'm cleaning it I like to use a little extra care right here where the barrel rubs on the slide the opening and the slide I like to clean the old oil out of there and if you want you can just stick your finger in there and coat that it's really not necessary because you've already got the barrel which is in contact with that part all right now the most important part according to Glock and I will read again from the armors manual most important is the drop of oil or the connector in the trigger bar mate this is a connector and this is the trigger bar and that's the location that is to be oiled right there and you don't want to go crazy with it you don't want to load it up too much it's actually hard I don't even lubricate it in the gun I usually take that part out and then I don't worry about it during a normal cleaning because I'm not taking the oil out that I put in there right there you can see where it rubs there that's where you want the oil and from the factory this thing is already going to be oiled up good and I won't even give it a thought and that's it for lubrication as far as more on cleaning and what you can use you might want to get a set of these brass cleaning jigs and don't just buy one just get a whole set right away because it's nice to have them all together like this you've got one gun you're going to absolutely like it and you're going to get more guns everybody does I don't think there's any exceptions to that and these have each caliber covered here and for this one we're going to use the 45 only when this doesn't have is the 50 I to buy an extra one for my 500 Magnum and I like these brass cleaning rods but believe this will actually work with the ball but I never tried it if you didn't have another rod yeah you can thread that in there it's kind of tight but it'll work why don't we use my brass rod here and then you want to get yourself some cleaning patches these are real handy you can cut your own but seems like these for some reason work better than if you just cut up an old pair of underwear some and how the jag works is you there's a point here then you puncture the center of the pad some of these our patch rather some of these patches are actually round and you can put some solvent on here or some ballast all or I'm not going to tell you what to use because you can do your own research and figure out I use ballast all and once in a while Hoppe's number nine less and less often though and you just push from the breech in you can see that's it's a very little amount of dirt there actually what you're removing when you're using this is lead you don't fire lead bullets non jacketed bullets in your Glock you can I've done it you take your chances with it though if you fire more than about 200 of them you might get the what's known as the kaboom it's because the polygonal bore in Glocks in each case which is really good does a great job for sealing the copper jacketed bullets it leads up with softer bullets if you use real hard hard cast bullets you might be able to get away with it but I'm not comfortable doing that so I either use copper plated bullets and I don't push them too hard I don't you know in my hand loads or I'll just use fully jacketed like factory you know the expensive kind of bullets and that's the whole reason that you people shoot lead is because it's so much cheaper it's about half the price so you get your cleaning jig and your bore snake I don't think the bore snake replaces the cleaning jig because I don't think the bore snake does a good enough job of getting copper falling out that's what your Hoppe's number 9 really does a good job on the oil again is slip mm that's just what I happen to be using right now I might change my mind a week from now but uh seems to be some pretty good stuff put your Glock back together you can't put it together wrong so don't sweat it your recoil spring assembly can only go in one way because if you try to put it in backwards it won't come out and you rest the edge right there make sure you get it all the way on to the barrel lug there's actually a little place for it to rest it's not this edge it's deeper down right up against the barrel and you guide the slide actually the easy way to do this is this is the heavier part the slide you take your light frame and hold the thing upside down and get your rails started everything should go real easy and it's everything should be good nothing should bind and you want to do a function check that sounds good it's not gritty or anything like that replace your magazine if you choose I put my magazines and my guns because I've already gotten to the range if you shoot action pistol you have to take your mag oh and you might actually get to the range and you got your box animal and your gun and lo and behold you don't have any magazines and that would be a real bummer because you don't want to just you might think well I'll just drop one down the pipe and fire it you really shouldn't do that the reason is because your extractor instead of having your rim come up underneath it from the magazine straight up you're actually forcing the extractor out in around the head of the brass and when you slam it down you can actually chip the leading edge of your extractor doing that so what else do I have to tell you I guess that would just about do it if you have any questions let me know and have fun shooting thanks for watching
Channel: theKGB65
Views: 1,357,081
Rating: 4.7363343 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, 21, 23, cleaning, oiling, lubricating, lubrication, lube, solvent, slip, 2000, hoppes, ballistol
Id: 7h1PyQSMA9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2011
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