Lenny Magill explains the "Combat Grip."

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[Music] hey it's Lemmy McGill with a Glock store performance at custom shop here in San Diego California and today we're upstairs in our training room and this is where we do our concealed carry classes our our Glock armors classes and any of the other classroom teaching for self-defense shooting that we do here in this facility if you are ever taking the classes I invite you to come up here and and train with us today we're gonna talk about the combat grip also known as the tactical grip or or practical grip or or a combat shooting competition grip it's different than a regular shooting grip and it really makes a difference and I guarantee that in the next 15 to 20 minutes anybody watching this if you incorporate these techniques and understand the techniques you will become a faster and more accurate shooter and like I said I guarantee that because this is the skill that is the difference between good and great all right now first let's do a definition of a combat grip versus say a standard grip you know a standard grip in your shooting plinking just going ahead and having fun and even bullseye let's talk about bullseye for a second bullseye competition Musa go I did a bull's-eye competition at the NRA the NRA bullseye shooting and it was basically a one-handed grip guys who put their hand on their side they breathe they bring the gun up and take your time a name a name a name and squeeze and squeeze a name and they're trying to keep that sight picture right there a name a name bang there's the shot takes a while to get there one shot boop the gun goes up are they relaxing they're relaxing kind of their their body a little bit keeping it still trying to be relaxed because they don't want to disturb the sight picture as they pull the trigger it makes a lot of sense they're looking for tight tight tight groups at 25 yards even 50 yards 10 yards to literally be all the shots in the ten ring which is a tiny little circle all right combat shooting tactical shooting practical shooting is different than bull's-eye or plinking because we want to place multiple shots onto the target as fast as we can and then be able to engage additional targets as fast as we can while maintaining a solid grip on the gun and control of the gun so that we can go from target to target to target as fast as possible and be accurate so the grip for regular plinking and shooting and and you know kind of just having fun and true like bullseye accuracy is totally different than this combat grip this tactical practical competition grip that we're gonna talk about right here and like I said if you watch this and you really understand this and you apply these principles you're gonna be a faster more accurate shooter now here's how it works this of course is a Glock 19 this is my trainer Glock 19 it is different because it has our reset trigger in it with our laser module I use it all the time to drive fire it's really the best dry fire practice tool ever invented to be honest because it allows you to do multiple shots and every time you pull the trigger it puts a laser out it's really phenomenal because it gives you the time to get the trigger time the ability to get the trigger time that you're looking for in your house alright and it's a real gun with a real trigger pull so there are some other guns out there that don't quite have this name trigger pull and it's not quite a real Glock close but not quite this is a real Glock that we install this on it has all the stuff you can take the trigger in and out i've dedicated this gun to be my trainer gun because i use it all the time i mean every other day i'm dry firing and so i'm gonna train with this and then we'll also talk about my standard carry 19 which is this one right here and of course it's empty this one features our pyramid trigger the competition or should be the concealed carry mag well we've done a grip job on this you'll see how i've done our grip job to give us the glock knuckle the trigger the the trigger finger undercut as well as the enhanced grip so we went ahead and did all that stuff to smooth it out and make it more comfortable it's got our this is our viper cut and that's got our neat HD sights on it so a lot of cool stuff on this gun this is the gonna actually shoot and this is a gun i trained with so let's get back to this guy and we're gonna accomplish really focus on this grip when i see people at the show you know we go to these gun shows and a lot of guys come up and some people are brand new and they really have never shot a gun or handled a gun much in their life at all and typically they'll pick they'll pick it up and they do two things one they don't check to see it's unloaded which is you know i mean that's a learned skill so whenever you go to a shooting match and people who are used to handling firearms and you hand someone firearms the first thing you want to do the polite thing you want to do is to check to see that the gun is unloaded yep unloaded boom pull the trigger in a safe direction if you hand the gun directly back to me after you've handled it even if it's for ten seconds even if i'm standing right there with you i'm gonna go ahead and get the gun check and see it's unloaded alright we all know the guns unloaded but when it's in my control i want to make sure it's unloaded so you should keep that in mind whenever you're handling firearm and if you pick one up you need to know what the status of that gun is keep your finger off the trigger because most new shooters will grab the gun basically here and put trigger your finger on the trigger that's basically what I see every time because that's what they do they don't know if the guns loaded or not that's just where they go we want to train ourselves to keep our finger straight up that's kind of a safety issue and that's how you always recognize someone who understands firearms who's been around firearms keep that finger straight like so all right now back to the combat grip like I said a lot of people grab the gun down here they actually start down a low and you see that the airspace here or the room left over between the beavertail of the grip and my hand well that is going to induce muzzle flip because as the slide cycles you've got the mass of the slide coming back and because you're down here it has more leverage on it to kick itself up I'm suggesting and telling you that the best grip you want is high as high as possible on that grip beaver tail type concept right there that little swoop right there get up as high as possible that's really important you understand that the higher you are the more control you'll have over the firearm now get this here's one same is very interesting the 9-millimeter round doesn't really have much recoil the recoil is induced by the action of the slide the weight of the slide coming back is what does most of the recoil so if I shot and I do shoot a carbine with 9-millimeter there's hardly any recoil it's almost like a 22 because there's no reciprocating slide but with the handgun because it's in your hand a lot of the recoil and muzzle flip in particular are induced because the slide is coming back so fast and going forward so fast and even though the slide is only about a pound and a half to two pounds depending upon the configuration that alone in that motion we'll flip the frame up a little bit and make it hard to hold on to so the higher up on the grip you are the better you are so step one high step to always keep that finger straight okay do we wrap our fingers around now this is very important to understand how much you want to do it now everybody's hands are different and people are gonna say well you have to do it this way well it depends on your hands what's comfortable what works I'm gonna tell you what works for me whatever works for you is gonna be okay but I there's a couple techniques you almost have to use first thing on the right hand here because I'm right-handed now if your left hand he applied to your left hand is I want to wrap my hand up I want to get myself in the middle of my thumb and index finger into that webbing there and I want to use my the butt of my palm almost like a palm strike in martial arts okay I want to put that butt right on the spine of the grip boom boom get my hand fit in there and that's it so now I'm basically palm striking the gun alright so there I am there's the grip fingers are wrapped around kind of as far as possible some people with longer hands may have to pool their fingers back a little bit so they keep up and a part of this panel open and I'm going to show you why but right now my hand fits perfectly right there now you'll notice this is my trainer gun does not have the Glock knuckle undercut whereas my real gun does have the knuckle undercut so I can actually get this hand up even higher that's what the purpose of that is so that I get it up higher so not only does it look cool and it does prevent the the callus that you get you on this knuckle when you shoot a lot but it also allows me to control the gun better so these are not only like I said cosmetic they are truly functional because the higher up I am the more control I have that reciprocating slide alright so here we are palm strike onto the back of that gun right now many people make this mistake is they put a death grip on the gun with the right hand I'm gonna hold just you know I got it yeah for combat shooting and for self-defense shooting and for any shooting you want to do with multiple shots and target to target the secret to a grip is the left hand okay or the off hand I'm right-handed so it's my left hand your left hand it's your right hand because what we want to do with this right hand is we want to grip it with about 60% of our musculature we don't want to put a death grip on it and you're probably gonna ask yourself well why why wouldn't you want to hold it cuz you know the key is to hold the gun tight right because we don't want to jump it around yes but we want to hold it tight with our left hand we want to keep our right hand somewhat loose like I said 60% a nice firm handshake not a death handshake because if you tighten that left hand up or that right hand up your trigger finger also tightens up and then I'm not able to manipulate the trigger finger as fast as consistently as if it's loose so the faster I can pull the trigger the faster I shoot right if I have a death grip there I constrict that those muscles now yeah every one of you sitting out there watching do this right now put your hand out there try to bend those numbers use those fingers and not do anything with that right index finger okay it's moving right okay and then can you keep that finger smooth by itself and keep those things see everything's moving they're you know I mean even though I've done this a lot I'm gonna do keep this finger and I can it's moving a little bit I can't really operate that trigger finger independently of these two other other fingers as well as when I grip this down tight see what happens I already bends you know if I try to hold that straight it bends a little bit right there you know I'm and if I'm really tight on it this tightens up and I don't have as much flexibility and if you also notice what's happening is the whole all these fingers are moving at the same time so what happens as you rip the gun you put this really tight grip on it you're all over it as you squeeze the trigger the hand is moving as well even though it's you don't think it's moving everything's moving a little which in turn is putting movement into these sights which in turn is affecting your shots downrange so it's really important to understand that that right hand is 60 70 percent max left hand now let's watch what happens here this is the magic okay if you watch anything and you think about anything about this video you remember anything this is it right here left hand see the panel right there that's left over where my fingers are like I said we've got huge hands and they're wrapping all the way around you're coming over here you may want to back that hand up a little bit okay so you're here again palm strike boom boom here's what did Falls good on me I've got relatively big hands okay so palm goes right there in that panel of the left hand so I want to put as much meat on that gun as possible I want to engulf the entire frame with the left hand as well and I want now also to engulf my right hand with my left hand so here it is this is the magic sauce right here 100% with the left hand now look at the grip not much showing there of the actual frame I am all over that frame and I am squeezing my right hand onto the frame with my left hand it's really really this is the this is the secret sauce I'm telling you if you want to know anything about shooting it's this hand right here if you want to shoot multiple shots rapidly and on target and have tight tight tight double taps it's this left hand it's right there it's there you squeeze that left hand on to the right hand and you squeeze it to the point of that you can now relax your right hand a little bit look how much looser and more free my trigger finger is because I'm not squeezing too much I'm letting my left hand capture the right hand so in a sense I'm kind of holding the gun like that that's how I got the gun that's it that's it and so you also notice to look at my thumb right at the target okay so come up boom now boom there it is so I want you to practice this left hand concept squeeze and now you have a platform on which to shoot okay so here we are squeezing controlling the gun people always ask what I do my thumbs where are my thumbs go well let's look at my thumbs and this is kind of you know I didn't make this up I've been watching the best shooters in the world since you know 1983 this is what they all do left thumb along the frame right thumb on top and notice what's happening they're pointing towards the target I am aiming with my thumb if you remember you know in you know some movies and you know the French painters glut and look at things like that you know you've seen that before right and it's kind of the same thing it's like cool oh yeah let me see so we're almost pointing with our thumbs to the target we want there's a thumbs people get confused with the thumbs now some people with big enough hands will come down here and put the thumb on top of the grip nothing wrong with that or give me the trigger guard like so again just keeping it out of the way I've seen guys with really big hands also come across here like so personally I don't like that because I would prefer to squeeze the right hand with more intensity and more muscles and I lose that when I put my finger up here my index finger of my left hand so personally that affects me in a negative way I don't feel I've got a strong gripped with my left hand to actually control the gun I'm telling you go out to the range you actually try this and you squeeze that left hand let that right hand relax a little bit and you control the gun with the left hand you'll notice that your speeds will increase and your double taps will get closer so we're gonna talk about that in just a little bit all right so there we go we have combat grip like so right there's my fingers there I am I'm controlling the gun and now we come up and we want to go ahead and shoot our targets and the key to this next step is also probably a master skill that you need to understand and implement into your shooting but you can only do it with practice and practice practice practice and you can do it at home without firing a shot it's dry fire practice the master skill of all great shooters is to practice practice practice manipulating the gun operating the gun presenting the gun to the target and squeezing the trigger okay and you can do that again like I said without firing a shot you can become very very proficient in fact I will tell you that there are some airsoft shooters who shoot in their basement who are amazing because they manipulate the gun they present the gun to the target and they squeeze the trigger and they can do it and repeat it repeat it repeat it consistently with speed and accuracy they go out to the range that shooting they go out see that's that's easy well they practice a bunch so that's what the reset triggers all about it allows you to get the trigger time and get the practice but the key thing you're looking to do is to be able to present the sights to the target and when you snap out at that end point the sites are pre aligned you get that okay the site's themselves when you draw and shoot or push the cutter they've done to the target and present again the target at your comfortable shooting stance okay a lot of this comes with your stance and your your presentation but it you know starts with a grip as you present the gun and you snap out to the final spot where you're gonna be that's my resting spot okay then you find a spot that's comfortable for you once you find that spot you need to know that the sights are pre aligned so let's think about that pretty light that means the front sight is nestled into the rear notch every time I put the gun out so this has to be right in there every time front sight in the rear notch every time I pick the gun up pop it out boom and you know it's amazing because it does happen for me because I train so much that if I grip the gun properly and I present the gun out and I double-check those sights that front post is always in the middle so now what does that do for you that allows you to index targets ten yards and in all day long without really looking at the sights so I'm looking at the target and I'm bringing the sights into my field of view and I know that they're pre aligned so I know wherever I look wherever my eyes go the sights are already there now for longer shots certainly I want to double-check but I would tell you that all the top shooters in the world ten yards and in they're not really looking at the sights because they know that the sites are pre aligned to their body to their grip to their presentation and they've trained enough that when they come up there it is there it is there it is now years ago almost like 25 maybe even 30 years ago now I did a video called how to shoot fast and accurately and I introduced the sweet spot theory of shooting which is basically there's a sweet spot out here for me and for anybody's got their own sweet spot okay so there's a sweet spot out here that when I come out and I present the sight the gun to the target that sweet spot right up in here is where the sights are pre aligned and I'm fully extended I know that the gun is online and I'm looking straight through my eyesight is going straight through the rear sight front sight to the target but I'm bringing the gun right up to my target and I know every time it's basically there so the sweet spot theory applies even more so with this combat grip because we're looking for speed and the speed comes to how fast can you see the sights not have to ask you to pull the trigger how fast can your mind work so that you in fact know that the sights are lined up on the target you want to hit okay that's the key the faster your brain can work the faster you are confident that go up and pull that through when you know that you have got the sights pre aligned based upon practice whether you're coming from a holster where they're coming from a low ready whether they come from a table every time you pick the gun up there they are you will be able to ramp your speeds up because you're not sitting there looking for the sight well let me line them up oh yeah okay there it is there it is okay back now we know we come up boom as soon as we come up now combat accuracy is basically your you know six foot by six inch by six inch that you know we're not talking bull's-eye accuracy talking x-ring accuracy we're talking combat accuracy and speed is probably more important than accuracy in these close distances all right because a shot here or saw here or a shot here or shot here all very effective especially when we're double tapping and that's why I like my little targets these guys are cool because they respond to the laser and that lets you know you hit it so it's one thing to drive fire at home without a laser and check your sight picture so if you don't have the laser you can still come up put the gun out there and yep say to their site to their now start to squeeze the trigger question there is am i hitting the target and how fast am I going hmm so you know I mean now this guy actually confirms and allows you to know that yes I hit the target and go from target to target and do all kinds of fun stuff and again what's really cool about this laser practice is all the practice here applies itself to the range so you start to speed up here you can speed up at the range so now this sweet spot Theory pre aligning the sights when they come up knowing that they're pre aligned all rely on a consistent grip so now we're back to the grip so if I grab the gun this way without my palm on it the way that I'm used to grabbing it and I come up the guns not gonna be pre aligned I mean I'm exaggerating a little bit but that's really the nature I mean again it doesn't really matter how you grab the grip the gun as long as you can consistently present it to the target rapidly so I'd like to use the analogy of the basketball player because I played basketball in high school and you know everybody at the free-throw line has a unique technique some guys dribble twice they put one foot up on the line other foot back in okay other guys put both feet on the line throw the ball you know I mean all kinds of different ways you know some guys are off the line some guys shoot one-handed I mean just a wacky wacky stuff yeah I'm hacking him what was a Rick Barry shot underhanded you know or will Chandler do whatever was so it doesn't matter how you do it as long as you put it in the basket and you're consistent and I agree with the same thing on the site although I will tell you that the you know proven technique is that get up as high as you can you know get us you know firm grip here put that left hand there kill the you know the gun with a left hand squeeze it to death in a sense you know 110 percent boom own the gun with the left hand and let that trigger finger roam free be loose in music so you can go as fast as possible those are the techniques that I feel good you can grab the gun any way you want but will that allow you to shoot model shots without the gun jumping all over the place because that's kind of we're talking about here that left hand is controlling the guns and now when I go up up up up the gun is jumping a little bit but I own the gun and it's not going that far and I keep in mind that a nine-millimeter round is not that big of a deal okay I'm not a huge guy you know 185 pounds and you know about six foot there are bigger guys and there are smaller guys who can control this anybody can control this gun with a little bit of muscles and so it comes down to a little bit of weight forward toes you know a weight on your toes shoulders above your toes you know so you're in a boxer's stance and you control the gun so once you control the gun once you know that it's not gonna jump out of your hand and do anything like that that's when you start to really apply the technique of squeezing that gun coming up looking at the target you know it's on tight so that's kind of what we're looking for and the practice that I do here with this dried fire just allows me to do so much more and it's so much cheaper than shooting live ammo plus I can do it anywhere now luckily I've got a range downstairs but it's busy often and so when I want to train I will train dry fire first especially if I'm working concealed carry or if I'm you know trying something new and different I want to I want to do dry fire with laser first and then we'll go to the range and actually take those skills down to the range so you know the the thing about the combat grip is it does take practice so you want to take the time at home with an unloaded weapon call us if you want to get information about the reset trigger and whether you're coming from the holster whether you're coming from the low ready train yourself to be able to present the gun to the target and shoot now if you notice there's a little technique there that I'd want to also share with you because a lot of people want to come up like so it's difficult to make the gun stop exactly where you want now you can but it's easier to really start from here and push the gun out and all the competition shooters are starting with a holster and so they're gonna come up and come down and they're gonna come up here with this hand and push the gun out so they're pushing the gun out in a meeting so it's left hand I'm waiting for the gun meet and here we are and bang soon as I get extended I know I'm in my sweet spot once I'm in a sweet spot anything that I'm looking at any target that I'm looking at within ten yards is mine you know like I'm literally I can shoot you know headshots eyeballs you know whatever you want really it's it's that easy and it just takes practice repetition and I'm not the only guy doing it you know I mean there's you know thousands of guys who can do this because they you know they train and practice but the bottom line is is that you want to practice the skill of not only the grip but if you're coming out of a holster come out of the holster if you're law enforcement come out of your duty holster manipulate that duty he'll sure come up and then push the gun forward and if you you know if you can do it where you can stop consistently here that's fine too you know I don't mind either way I mean it doesn't matter to me as long as you're consistent as long as you can stop the gun but what I see a lot of people don't I say come up they bobble Ted a little bit you know so it's but if you can stop boom and then just practice you know once you practice what you're looking at you can go from shot to shot target to target as fast as you can imagine you'll be amazed the skill level you can you can get and again I I have to say if you take anything from this video just remember that left hand is the secret you control the gun with the left hand so much and then basically squeezing my hand onto that so that I own that gun like that so now it's not going anywhere there will be a little bit of recoil muzzle rise but not it's not gonna fly up out of my hand so that is the secret to shooting fast and accurately and getting the times that you want so I'm gonna McGill this is the Glock store performance in Custom Shop we're in San Diego if you ever down in Southern California come down and see us we've got you know laser trigger laser trainers here we've got all the Glock parts and pieces and of course we've got a really cool shooting range and I've got some great instructors who can taking them in the range and within an hour get you geared up to learn how to do all this stuff we just talked about and a whole lot more thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 1,597,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glock, glockstore, glock handguns, Combat Grip, handgun training, Lenny Magill
Id: 7jVbvwWtWIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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