Lenny Magill shares his personal Concealed Carry Techniques

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[Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with the Glock store performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego California we're upstairs in our training room today we're gonna talk about concealed carry in fact we're gonna talk about how you can carry concealed not just concealed carry but how do you carry concealed and the reason I'm bringing this up is because just this last weekend at a show and typically you know 30 or 40 times a year I had this conversation with someone they asked me they always asking the same question well should I carry around in the chamber or should I carry the gun not loaded no you know a magazine in there no round in the chamber and so the conversation we have and it really comes down to you know what your situation is where you are your awareness level and all that but let's go ahead and review a couple things that are in the history books in a sense about concealed carry there's a term called condition what condition is your gun in and there's actually five different conditions condition for condition three can just do condition1 and condition2 go so these conditions don't necessarily apply to the modern Glock handgun or any striker-fired handgun so when these conditions were termed they were brought about by Jeff Cooper ray Chapman all those guys and they really revolved around the 1911 so there's our 1911 this is a 1911 built by Wilson combat padded for maybe 30 years or at least 25 years it's a great gun it's heavy you know when you compare this to a Glock who it's a heavy gun but a great shooter very flat certainly concealable even though it's long it's flat and it's very concealable so let's talk about the conditions Ken we're gonna start at condition four and go backwards down to condition zero condition four is that you have the gun and I can demonstrate this with the other Glock you have the gun on your person no magazine unloaded hammer down concealed the magazine is loaded in a separate spot all right that's condition four so you've got gun magazines separate so now the idea behind condition four is that when you get a situation you've got to pull the gun out grab the magazine load rack and then go that's condition for now condition three is basically the same concept it's the oil use the Glock again in fact let me go ahead and reduce you to something real quick while we're getting started these are our munitions now we're inside our training room right this is not a firing range so what we're gonna do is we're gonna practice with a dry gun and fake ammo this is da munition now fake ammo means that this gun will not go bang but I can get basically a lot of the same practice that I get with real ammo because it's the full weight but if you'll notice there's no primer and there's no gunpowder and we call them dumb unison I've had these for I don't know 20 25 years and we sell a bunch of them because they're very effective for gunsmiths who want to you know practice loading and making sure the guns function in a sense that they cycle and also for training people how to use firearms when you're inside a classroom situation you don't want to use live animal you want them to be able to unload the magazines to learn how to strip the magazines to load a gun and then three be able to clear a gun all with dummy ammunition before you get to the range before you have live ammo because you don't want an accidental discharge and that will happen at some point in your life so always you know follow the rules rules are keep the gun pointed in a safe direction keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire whether the guns loaded or not so that's something we're gonna talk about throughout this entire presentation is safety first especially with concealed carry and then speed and shooting and everything else is second safety safety all right so commission three would be chamber empty hammer down loaded magazine in the gun that's condition three and that's basically what you know we our conversation rotates around especially with a Glock because there's no hammer and then the other conditions we're going to talk about the hammer in a sense but right now we're talking about condition three loaded magazine hammer down or safety you know trigger fired striker down and on your person so now a condition three you've got to draw the gun rack the slide and then engage not really that hard not that difficult there is a sound factor a lot of people are concerned about that well what if the bad guy hears that sound and there we go so so what if you have that sound factor again you know that's a normal sound that someone's gonna hear from across the room and everybody knows what that is so that's a concern certainly with condition three now condition two I'm gonna go back to the 45 now because this one is an interesting one and it comes down to hammer so let's look at this gun real quick before we even load up the 45 ammo the Glock of course has no hammer the 45 has a hammer this one is a skeleton room you can see that all right Glock has no hammer many of you know already but I'll repeat the hammer is cocked as such and when the trigger is pulled the hammer falls onto the striker and pushes the striker forward so let striker bounces back and forth a little bit but that's how the 1911 is designed to built and they're built to shoot so that's basically what it is so now condition number two I'll use the 45 caliber duh munition here and condition number two is magazine loaded round chambered safety on hammer is not going to be we're gonna go ahead and put the hammer down on condition three or condition number two full magazine hammer down so to put the hammer down now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold the hammer squeeze the trigger and slowly drop the hammer down so it doesn't hit the striker too hard so it doesn't bounce the striker forward a lot of people are very uncomfortable that rightfully so the last thing you want to do is have a camp hammer cocked squeeze the trigger and have a slip out of your hand so you have to hold it and drop it now this one condition too is a little weird to me you certainly can't do it with a Glock we know that because the Glock doesn't have a hammer there's a round in the chamber a full loaded magazine condition - I have to pull the hammer back so now looking at that so if I pull the gun out I've got a thumb it and then get up on my target and squeeze so you have to learn how to thumb the hammer which is not unusual I mean a lot of 1911 guys know how to do that of course and of all the single action army revolvers guys know how to sum the hammer it's just a learned skill so as you pull the gun out you're thumbing the hammer and then accessing the target not as loud as ranking the slide okay so now condition number one same concept full magazine round in the chamber safety and this is a manual safety on condition number one okay the hammer is what allows this to be condition number one because the Hammers back manual safety is on so now as you pull the gun out you're dropping the safety so you come up thumb is automatically here drop the safety and go all right now the 1911 as most you know also has a grip safety so you have to make sure you have a full purchase on the grip drop the manual thumb safety and then it's able to be fired a lot of people ride their thumb on top of the safety just like that which is not a bad idea so you'll see this being a custom 1911 has a larger ambidextrous safety also has a larger grip safety will help you get a better purchase on it so you don't short stroke that which happens a lot to people when they get the grip especially if your shoot or their Glock shoot or sometimes they don't actually depress that so now last one and again you can't really compare this this terminology to a Glock because a Glock has no hammer I could in fact have a round in I could in fact have the round chambered but I don't have a manual safety remember the Glock safety is the trigger safety the safe action trigger so the trigger won't go back until I depress the safe action trigger parts the middle part of the trigger that will allow it to fully function so that said a lot of people are concerned about carrying a Glock like this because wow all you have to do is pull the trigger there's nothing else you have to do to make it go bang whereas the 1911 you've got the safety on we go to [ __ ] this trigger you got the safety on someone could pull the trigger all day long if they don't depress the safety it won't go back so the concern that we always get around is well what if someone grabs my gun that's really you know very important so you know if you're in a concealed carry situation and somehow you get into a wrestling match with someone well you've basically fail already okay because the objective is to stay keep your distance knowing that you have a firearm knowing that you can escalate the violence quickly because of the gun you have to stay away from people now if you somehow are involved in that and somehow someone jumps around and you're gonna either falls out or he grabs you gun if there's a safety on it there's a chance that he may not be able to pool that first shot cuz he doesn't operate the gun and he's not familiar with a gun and he's pulling the trigger and nothing's happening alright so that makes sense to me makes a lot of sense and that's the conversation we have a lot people go well because of that maybe I don't want to put a round in the chamber and we'll talk about that very shortly let's go ahead and now go to condition zero alright condition zero with a 1911 is which is kind of what we're gonna do with the Glock we're gonna go right back to the Glock because you know this is the Glock door right so the condition zero is basically loaded magazine round on the chamber hammer down no safety so now that means as soon as it comes out boom you're ready to go hammer down safety on is condition one condition zero no safety okay so now there is all the conditions how do they apply to Glock well Glock really is condition for that would be empty chamber no magazine magazine somewhere else and the guns not gonna go bang because chamber is empty there's no ammunition condition number three chamber empty full magazine and the gun needs to be wrapped and that's where I like to fall personally with my Glock concealed carry a lot of people will say wow gee you know you should always be in condition zero which would be basically full magazine round chambered hammer cocked ready to go alright so let's talk about this for a second and you know one of the things I think we needed to discuss is how do you know there's a chant in the chamber well with the Glock all the modern Glocks you'll see this loaded chamber indicator it's an LC I I'm gonna do in here close so you can see if there's a little bump out right there on the extractor okay the extractor is the claw that grabs hold of the rim of this so right there see that little bump well it sticks out that means there's a round inside okay that said there's another way that people would check the 1911 cuz the 1911 does not have a loaded chamber indicator and your Glock in fact may not have a loaded chamber indicator all the earlier Glocks did not have them El Cid a loaded chamber indicator came out maybe three four or five years ago from now 2019 so probably like 2015 16 17 right now ballpark is when that LCI started appearing on Glocks and we sell those as a separate item so if you have a Glock now and you want the LCI you can buy the new piece install it in your Glock and it'll work just like that but let's go ahead and go back to how do you determine that what state this is in well first of all drop the magazine okay loaded magazine hammers [ __ ] whoo that's okay you'll be careful finger off the trigger right I don't want to pull it just because what can I do I could eject the round all together or I could do what they call a press check so a press check is you come up this is very important to understand this come up and you're just pulling the gun back just a little bit the slide back just a little bit to be able to look inside the chamber and as I look inside the chamber I can see the esters are round in there now I don't know if the round has been fired or not but I do know there's around a there more than likely it's a live round because if it's in there it hasn't been ejected but anything can happen you don't never can tell so the safest way would be the one drop the magazine and just eject the round all together there you go so that would be one way to determine that you know what the status of the gun is again that LCI is a neat indicator because you don't have to do a press check but on a Glock this 43 we go ahead and kill that magazine a little bit I'm gonna come back and just press check just a little bit and look inside same thing that's why the serrations are on the front we really like those when we do our I got our guns because it allows you to have something to hold on to come back and look now you can do it back here as well okay and then I'll put the magazine in so now back to the big question and the question I get all the time how should I carry well like I said it depends on what your situation if you are you know just carrying the gun what I would suggest what I like to do is I do what they call and that would be the conditions free okay full magazine in the gun hammer down empty chamber so now I've got a rack the slide as I come up but I know one that the gun is basically inert I can bury it come up and rack the slide and go or if someone were to steal the gun from me for whatever reason I know that he can't just go ahead and squeeze the trigger he's gonna have to take that extra step to racket and more than likely he will not assume that he has to do that because of that that gives you the concealed carry person that extra step to respond if your gun gets into the wrong hands and however you want to respond whether you get away whether you go after the gun but some way or another you know that it's not gonna go bang right away that's the thing that you know that I like best is not about me and my safety it's about just in case the gun were to come off on my person I know that the other person has to rack this slide because you know literally tell me now I can see went racking the slide and going is not that hard to do and it doesn't take a whole lot more time and concealed carry is not about speed it's about having a gun so one of the things that people always think is that well gee you know the bad guys here I got to be really fast well not necessarily because let's be honest if you're the bad guy and we're this close together which is maybe six feet and you've got a gun pointed at me I'm not gonna out draw you I mean I don't want to try to do that now if you get distracted you look away and I know you're doing harm to others I may go ahead and go through a motion where I can step to the side draw and get out of your way but also shoot at the same time and respond to the threat but we all know that you know when you're this close and things are happening you're not gonna out draw the bad guy now if he's intent on shooting you hey maybe you've got a chance to just go ahead and maybe he'll miss if you can do some lateral motion and draw at the same time and get up there and come on this guy but the bottom line is is that you know it's it's not about concealed carry and faster all it's about concealed carry having a gun and tactics being aware of your situation so that you one can avoid or two can respond without putting yourself in danger which means taking cover which means you know flanking coming from a different angle so that someone the bad guy doesn't see you so if we look at some scenarios you know whether it's a Walmart or a convenience store lots of aisles lots of things that hide behind if you hear of a problem you hear something's happening you hear gunfire that's when you have the chance to pull your gun out and if it's in the fire or the condition 3 we're talking about before you got out and you can rack this live like that now again that is a noise factor and you really can't do that much quieter than that so if I go here as quiet as I can go it still makes a noise you can still hear that probably across the the the aisle in a sense you know what I'm saying so bottom line is it's it's not like you're stealthiest way to do but I think it's the safest way and we're talking that you know safety is more important than anything else more important to speed more important than anything you want to be safe with a firearm and you want to make sure you're very aware of its condition now if you're driving into a bad spot if you're about to get out and you don't know what's going on maybe you go ahead and take the gun out racket and you know why do concealed carry at that point if you think something Bad's gonna happen hey have that gun in your hand this is basically concealed right here so there it is now you're ready to go but you've got control the gun you can carry things you can do things that you've got you've got the gun but if you bury it in a holster and something bad happens hey you're basically you know out of luck because you don't have the ability to respond if they're that close if you see it coming from you and they're pretty far away chances are your best bet is that get some cover and then start doing some verbal commands use your cell phone you know call someone and say hey got some problems here let's you know please help 9 11 13 bottom line is you know I get this conversation with people all the time and everybody says well you know I think I want to carry you know with a Glock but I'm concerned about the fact that there's no manual safety and I get it all right so the answer is to carry in that condition three okay loaded magazine hammer down and now when you draw you've got a rakha slide that's the only difference now so what I'm gonna suggest is if you're a concealed carry person that you practice drawing and manipulating the slide before you go out in the real world it's not that hard just takes a little bit of effort a little bit of thought now the Israelis you know I'm you know they they basically train that way that's what their whole training is to come up draw and have the gun pointed downrange and they're basically boom which is actually not a bad technique if you think about it you're here gun comes up and they actually point it sideways so you get a better purchase on this piece right here and they're pushing forward and that's it ready to go so there's a lot of ways to accomplish this and the key is of course to practice no matter what you do no matter what holster you carry and no matter how you want to carry what condition you want to carry so what condition is your condition in well that's the key what condition is your concealed carrying I'm gonna suggest again that I think kenderson 3 is probably the best way because you can do that pretty darn fast so you've got to make up your own mind again carry condition three 90% of the time you're in a bad spot you think something's gonna happen go write down the condition zero or condition one if you have a manual safety more power to you if you have a Glock you don't have a manual safety be aware that gun is live and ready to go so you've got to take that consideration understand your environment understand your training as well so again I'm gonna review a couple things about concealed carry that I think are very very important especially with a Glock when holstering finger off the trigger out of the trigger guard area thumb on top of the slide come back in drop it in boom coming out of the draw we're always going to want to clear the clothing come up with two motions or one motion at the same time boom and get a good grip on the gun now sometimes when you go really fast you try to be too fast you don't get a good grip on the gun and that's where mistakes happen people come out there they're you know the guns all over the place so get a good grip and then come out it takes some practice find yourself a good holster I like a holster right here in the appendix carrying a lot of guys can't do that they may have a gut so you know what go to the kidney carry in the back so I carry my tactical cell phone okay I can be concealed with that too if I want but so bottom line is practice before you get out practice with a dummy nishan loading unloading racking the slide doing all that stuff this holster is our $35 hopefully I love this thing it's robust strong made for all the different Glocks we sell a ton of them because of the price point but it also because it works so well one of the other things I like about concealed carry and this particular holster is the fact that I can take the whole holster and gun off put it down never have the gun come out of the holster which is important especially if that is locked or cocked and locked or just talked because you can't really lock it so if they if the chamber is full and the hammer is cocked I don't want to take it out of the holster unless I'm gonna unload it so when unloading you know we always want to follow the procedure okay finger off of the trigger out of the trigger guard area drop the magazine inspect the magazine okay there's a round in there okay there's the LCI loaded chamber indicator looks like there's a round inside I better clear that so I've got to go ahead and keep myself away from the the muzzle keep the muzzle point in a safe direction pull it back lift it around fall out don't try to catch it around just get it out of there look inside pull the trigger in a safe direction that's all we want to do is be safe you know because you only get one or two accidents and then something bad happens okay so again nice thing about this holster it goes on and off fairly easy any of these clip holsters are the same the best part about the clip holsters you don't have to loop it through your belt the plastic clips are better than the metal Clips because they don't scar up your belt that's it you know I mean there are metal Clips out there I'm sure they work but they just beat your belt up like crazy and so all of a sudden you know a year later you got another belt plastic clip is much more forgiving on your belt and then for drawing pay just practice come up you do it blindfolded all different ways so the bottom line is be safe think about your condition how you want to carry why you want to carry that way my suggestion again condition three full magazine empty chamber hammer down not gonna take any more time it's gonna be a lot safer than a fully loaded gun I know I'm gonna get some flack from you purists out there who are you know combat guys who say oh you got a look this is we're not in combat we're not in war okay not yet so we don't get there so the bottom line is it can steel carriage about just having a gun on you and having the training to be able to use it and the knowledge to be able to know when it's appropriate to use and that's a whole separate video bottom line is be safe train come to Glock store will help you get everything you need for your Glock and you can train with us too right here in San Diego or in our new location in Nashville coming soon in June of 2020 I'm lettin McGill this of course is like Glocks or performance and Custom Shop thanks for watching I hope you have a great holiday season because here it is December 18th 2019 thanks for watching see you next [Music]
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 521,881
Rating: 4.836504 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Concealed Carry, Firearms Conditions of Readiness, Dummunition, Glock Extractor with Loaded Chamber Indicator, LCI, Tactical Phone Holster
Id: 1QbjxxYPSuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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