Field Strip & Clean the Glock 19 Gen 5 FOR BEGINNERS

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this video is on how to field-strip and clean the Glock 19 now this video is made for beginners having said that I know people who are not beginners are gonna watch this video anyway I know everyone has their own way of doing things so for training purposes we're just gonna go right along with the Glock owner's manual with the exception of two things the first thing is I'm going to use a brass bore brush Glock recommends using a nylon bore brush it actually comes with one in the box I'm not gonna use that one if you want to use that one great that's one less thing you have to buy the second thing is I'm gonna use it bore snake clock doesn't mention anything about using a bore snake in their owners manual that's just an extra step that I take so if you're a brand-new gun owner and this is your first gun congratulations you made a great choice this gun is easy to use it's extremely reliable very accurate and I have nothing but good things to say about it I have a long history with the Glock 19 and Glock 17 in generations three four and now five like you see in this video I own many guns and many different calibers but the Glock 19 is the one I find myself carrying off duty on a day-to-day basis I like it for several reasons so I'm just gonna talk about it just for a minute before I get into the cleaning my favorite thing about the G 19 is the wait that's my Gen 4 on the scale there but I'm pretty sure the weights about the same as a Gen 5 the scale shows almost 24 ounces with an empty magazine inserted now that's an impressively low weight for a fighting pistol of this size of course that weights going to change a little bit when you have it fully loaded with 15 plus 1 or in my case 17 plus one I do enjoy carrying this with a 17 round magazine with the X grip magazine adapter you know when you see someone maybe sitting down at a restaurant and you can see the corner of the grip protruding from their t-shirt well the X grip kind of alleviates that at least to some extent the top of the X grip matches with the corner of the grip and it gives it this nice rounded contour and your clothing just kind of drapes over that and it helps you not print so much here's the 15-round magazine round on the right with the X grip adapter looking at the pitcher it seems like there's not much of a difference in size between the 15 and 17 round magazine but when you actually have the 17 round magazine inserted it makes the Glock 19 right about the same size as a Glock 45 or 19 X I also like having the extra two rounds in the magazine now don't get too caught up in the weight of your ammo but I do like using lighter weight ammo such as this 70 grain hollow-point from Underwood ammo on Underwood's website they use the acronym hero meaning high energy retaining ordinance if I remember that correctly it travels at about 1,650 feet per second and has about 450 pounds of energy at the muzzle it's not plus P ammunition but it sends that 70 grain hollow-point out really fast and it's really great for destroying coconuts or cantaloupes that's the Underwood's 70 grain hero Emma on the left and you can see the difference in the hollow-point cavity compared to a more traditional hollow-point on the right I love the sights on my Glock 19 you can get the Glock 19 with the traditional Glock sights or you can get clock night sights or you can go for this Amerigo bold option which I like the best it has tritium vials in both front and rear and at night it's really easy to see of course it's important to be able to see your sights for obvious reasons but it's nice to be able to wake up even if half asleep look at your nightstand and see these sights glowing brightly so you know exactly where your gun is at in this orange ring on the front sight makes it really easy to pick up during the day I installed an apex trigger not because it needed it the stock trigger is just fine I just did it simply because I could for me this is a carry gun it's not a competition gun so I didn't want the trigger to be any lighter I didn't change the connector or the springs or anything like that some say that the apex trigger drops the trigger weight about a pound I don't have a trigger skill but that may be true it does feel somewhat lighter and if I had to choose I do prefer the apex over the stock trigger front slide serrations I don't care to use them for press checking but I do think they look really good on the slide I always know if my gun is loaded or not but on the rare circumstance that I do feel like I need to press check I do it something like this I make something of a c-clamp using my pointing finger and my thumb and I push forward my thumb and I pull back towards the rear with my pointer finger and it kind of pulls the slide back just enough where I can see the chamber and yes there's also a loaded chamber indicator that you can feel protrude out from the slide just a little bit when there's a round inside the chamber and you can also tell if it's loaded if you can see a brass or aluminum casing to that little space between the locking block and the loaded chamber indicator all right let's clean to get started you'll need a few things CLP a cleaning rod patches a patch holder a bore brush a nylon brush a brass jag the bore snake which I mentioned earlier is optional in a cleaning rag I'm using a microfiber rag but you can use an old t-shirt just be sure your attachments and bore snakes say either thirty eight or nine millimeter on it and be sure you're using either brass or nylon bore brush just make sure you're not using steel you don't want to use any kind of metal that could actually scratch up the inside of the boar okay I was talking about loaded chamber indicator earlier don't rely on that you want to make sure this gun Zante before you get started and of course keep it pointed in a safe direction even if you think it's unloaded if you're right-handed you can oppress the magazine catch located behind the trigger guard on the left side of the grip but if it's set up for a left-handed shooter of course the magazine catch is going to be on the other side press the magazine catch remove the magazine now hold the gun with your firing hand with your other hand hold onto those rear slide serrations and work the slide a few times once the slide is locked to the rear visually and physically inspect the chamber and the magazine well to make sure there's no ammunition that is the slide stop lever press that downward to let the slide go home okay even though we've taken the proper precautions to make sure the guns unloaded we're still going to point it in a safe direction and then pull the trigger okay look for these two small tabs on both sides this is the slide lock not to be confused with the slide stop lever it's a little awkward to you're gonna be grabbing both sides of the slide lock with your non-firing hand and then you're gonna make a c-clamp with your strong hand and you're gonna pull back the same way I told you that I do my press checks so you're just gonna pull back on the slide about an eighth of an inch or three millimeters for those of you on the metric system and then you just pull down on both sides of the slide lock and release a slide by the way if you pull too far back on the slide you'll reset the trigger if that happens just pull the trigger and start over again okay now that you have the slide and the frame separated push the back of the recoil assembly towards the muzzle in to release it now push the top of the locking block and the barrel will come right out so now your field strip and you have five pieces you don't need to go any further than this you have to slide the barrel recoil spring assembly the frame and your magazine screw your board brush onto your cleaning rod make sure it says either nine millimeter or 38 it should have the caliper indicated right here now apply some seal peterboer brush the amount depends on what type of CLP you're using the one I'm using is kind of greasy and runny so I'm just using a little bit but if I was using something like a dry lube CLP like Hornady one-shot I'd probably be more liberal with it now push the board brush through one direction from chamber in to muslin my cleaning rod allows the boar brush to spin freely so it's getting into all the lands and grooves it's not just scraping right over the rifling but if you don't have your cleaning rod attached to the actual cleaning rod holder that's exactly what's gonna happen it's just gonna go straight through right on top of the rifling and you're not gonna get a good clean now it doesn't make any sense at all to push fouling out one way and then pull it right back in you're just wasting your time so what's gonna happen is I push the board rush through and chamber into muslin when it gets out through the muzzle I unscrew it pull the clean rod out and start over again so I'm only pushing the dirt out one direction I do this a few times then I remove the boar brush and attach the cleaning jag once again make sure that jag is four nine millimeter take a clean patch but CLP on it and put it over the jag and push it through the barrel from chamber into muslin you can use a clean patch holder if you want to but I found that the jag gets better results after the first patch you'll see it comes out dirty but another patch through and it comes out a little less dirty just keep repeating the process until you get a clean patch okay this one's pretty clean let's move on okay you could be through with cleaning the barrel at this point but as I mentioned at the beginning of the video I take an extra step by using the bore snake Glock doesn't mention anything about using a bore snake in the owner's manual this is just an extra step that I take and it makes the boar look perfect I mean it looks like black glass inside looks better than new I highly recommend using a bore snake you take the waited in by the way take a look at the weight make sure it says thirty eight or nine millimeter and just pull through the bore a few times it's simple after pulling the bore snake through a few times this is the result I get this is what I was talking about there's not a speck of dirt fouling carbon nothing it's perfect it looks like black glass and I'm going to leave the board dry I'm not going to leave any excess lubricant inside the bore now I'm just gonna clean the outside of the barrel gonna put some CLP on my rag or maybe even a q-tip if I need to you can even use a nylon brush but CLP on the brush and scrub the outside to the barrel make sure you get the feed ramp and the edges of the locking block for simplicity's sake I've been referring to the chamber end of the barrel as the locking block but if you want to get technical the top is the hood the inside is a chamber and the bottom is the lug let's get started cleaning the slide but CLP on your nylon brush and focus on the rails you may see some copper lubricant inside that would be Glocks long-term factory lubricant it's gonna stay in there for a while now face the muzzle and downward throughout the whole process because you don't want to leak any lubricant inside the striker channel so go through all visible surfaces all the cracks and crevices cleaning out the best you can then go through it with a q-tip apply CLP to the q-tip and really focus on cleaning out the rails now what I'm showing you here is the breech face that's what you do not want to get lubricant inside and here on the right side you can see the extractor claw that's the little hook you see next to the breech face make sure you get really well in there with your nylon brush now you'll see that the breech face is probably the hardest place to clean it's not that it's difficult to get to with your brush it's just that it gets really dirty sometimes you always have to spend a little extra time on it to get it clean okay right here by my thumb you can see the firing pin Channel you don't want to get any lubricant inside there you want to keep that dry just clean that area with a dry q-tip go in and clean all exposed surfaces inside and out on this slide when you're done with that grab your q-tip run it through the rails and see if it's as clean as you want it to be I want to run the q-tip to the rail here and to me that's still dirty I'm gonna repeat the process until the rails are clean you okay after the rails and all visible surfaces are clean I'm just gonna go through my clean rag and wipe everything down make sure all the excess CLP is off I'm not going to leave the rails totally dry I am going to leave some lube inside the rails you it took a while but I did finally get the breach face clean I'm just gonna double check it I use my clean rag wipe the breech face make sure it still comes out clean good to go now it's time to clean the frame you can do this with a rag or you can do it with a nylon brush or you can do it with both either way use your CLP put it on the rag or the brush and just go through all visible surfaces starting out because yes you do need to clean the outside of the frame as well as the inside you make sure you get inside the trigger guard and the trigger behind it and in front of it once you've cleaned off most of the loose dirt with your nylon brush but CLP on a q-tip and go through it when find detail and pay particular attention to the rails and anything that you may see metal on metal wear you I found that the easiest way to clean the inside of the magwell is just to feed a clean rag through it I started at the bottom and just feed it and pull it out through the top just be careful with the little intricate parts there towards the top of the frame see they're clean as can be the frame is clean I'm going to show you where it applied the lubricant place a drop of CLP where the rear end of the trigger bar touches the connector at the right rear of the frame now a place to drop a lube on the frame rails here and also back here okay let's clean the recoil spring assembly it's easy but some CLP on your nylon brush and just go through it just clean it thoroughly wipe it down the rag and you're done you there's not much to the magazine just add see rag wipe it off at CLP - a q-tip wipe off the follower and any cracks and crevices you can get to and you're done be careful not to use too much CLP you don't want any CLP dripping down into this magazine I would not disassemble this magazine every time I clean I would only disassemble it if it got really dirty or maybe if I dropped in mud or something like that before we move on let's recap on where you're supposed to add an extra drop of CLP so you're gonna add CLP to the top of the hood the lug around the barrel here the inside of the rails on the slide and the rails on the frame now it's time for reassembly but the barrel back in the slide when installing the recoil spring assembly the metal piece goes towards chamber in and the plastic in goes towards the muzzle when it's seated correctly it should look just like this now carefully line up the rails and push your slide back on push the slide all the way to the rear and it's going to lock into position push down on the slide stop lever and let the slide go home let's do a function check pull the trigger you're gonna hear and feel a click keep holding the trigger pull the slide back release the trigger you're gonna hear it click pull the trigger again you're gonna hear and feel it click again and just to make sure everything else is working correctly insert an empty magazine pull the slide back all the way and it should lock back on its own if it does everything's good congratulations you're done so you have a really nice weapon take pride and ownership don't be one of those guys that says their Glock is nothing more than a tool it's much more than just a tool this tool could save your life take care of it clean it every time after you shoot also clean it maybe every six months if it's in storage but that depends on your climate and how humid it is if you're in a more humid climate of course you're going to take it out more often inspect it and just see if it needs any maintenance if you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments and if you like this holster you see buy one from us at skull crush calm
Channel: Skull Crush Inc.
Views: 153,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to clean Glock 19, field strip Glock 19, Glock 19 gen 5
Id: lv9KQ-rNai4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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