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hi guys i'm lena mitchell ik and i am here to welcome all of you first time pistol buyers i know there are a ton of them out there especially right now and what i'm gonna do is give you a little at-home practice before you even get to the range i'm gonna show you five drills to kind of just make yourself a little bit more familiar this is say i get to know your new gun type of thing so the first thing actually before we even get into the drill is i'm gonna suggest that you go watch how to shoot a pistol that video should be linked down below along with recoil management that'll be listed down below and then be on the lookout in the future i will be sharing a little 50-round practice session with you so when you do get to the range you know what to do when you get there alright so the very first thing we need to do realize every gun you're gonna have to pick it up so we're gonna start by making sure that everything is clear my pistol is clear both of my magazines are totally empty and what we're gonna do is called dry fire this is pretty much just going through the motions of shooting without the boom so our gun is clear we're gonna drop our slide now we're gonna place it on the table now there are a lot of ways to pick up a gun all of those are wrong even this only it's kind of its kind of there but it's wrong so i'm gonna show you how to pick the gun up off the table correctly because one of the most important things in shooting is establishing a good grip and every time you touch a gun you want to establish the right grip there is no in-between grip there's either the right one or nothing else so once you watch that how to shoot a pistol you'll know what grip you want to use and this is going to be how you pick it up off the table always use both hands if you're gifted with two hands well let's use both of them all the time so this table is here i mean my pistol is here on the table use both hands i'm going to use my left hand to kind of pick it up and then my right hand to come up and establish a high up grip as high as i can remember the lower i get the worst my grip is the more recoil and all I'm gonna feel and in dry-fire do you want everything to be perfect because we're building up that muscle memory we use our left hand to kind of pick it up give us room to establish that high grip our fingers gonna fall along the side of the slide hand up high and there we go we have our left hand established right hand I always say for people that are new they have a tendency not to know what to do with their fingers you know they have one finger to finger no finger here left hand is in a mitten guys these stay together they're always in a mint cell right hand is established left hand will come up and you're here you don't even have to present it to your target you can if you want but mainly we're just gonna pick it up and you're gonna do that ten times ready one two isn't this fun three making sure that that grip is perfect each time and here's another little tip if you're having difficulty establishing the same grip every time you kind of have what we call floating hands you know this hand moves all around everything what you can do is you can establish that exact grip and you can get a friend to come by and draw a line on your hands so draw a straight line across both my hands across this way yeah there you go from here yeah just straight yep just something that I can match up both my hands all right so now I know that when these two lines match up my grip is correct isn't that an easy reference so every time I pick up I'm gonna match up these two lines match them up and here and again match up my lines make sure everything is good come up now another thing that you are another little tip to look for on your grip is you're kind of gonna want three points of contact you're gonna want the web of your hand right here go all the way up in that beaver tail you're going to want this right here the top of your left pointer finger to hit the bottom of your trigger guard and then your thumbs to lay on top of each other so if you have those three things you have web of the hand here and thumbs want you to know you're gonna be able to make it pretty far so we'll go again and every time if you are bringing that gun up you better be finding that front sight because finding that front sight is oh so important because you're not gonna be able to hit what you want to hit when you get the range if you're not so once again lining up presenting finding our front sights putting it down alright and then once you're comfortable with that once you do that at least ten times through we'll move on to the second drill so once you can pick your gun up off the table comfortably and you're establishing that same grip we're gonna work on the biggest safety tool you have on the range and that is your trigger finger so this is called an up-down drill pretty darn simple and what we're gonna do is we're going to make sure our grip is totally established how we want we're gonna come to what is kind of a low ready a resting position for when you are on the range and this is all about your trigger finger cuz remember if you're not on target if you're not ready to engage where is that trigger finger along the edge so we're gonna come here we're gonna find our target downrange we're gonna present the gun finger is going to go to the trigger then we're going to go off and down and that is it up down drill we do this so many times with new shooters because once again this is the biggest safety tool you have on the range so we want to make sure that we establish that muscle memory because unless you're a shooter when you go to grab something all of your fingers grab it you don't just go like this so we need to make sure that when we are picking guns up that it becomes a second nature for this finger to stay straight and this is how you get there I'm going to go up down up down and this is it guys this is just building muscle memory so that you can be the safest person on the range possible you're gonna do this at least 20 times at least if you were a brand brand new to shooting this is a drill you cannot do enough like if and then you know it's another good thing when you do go somewhere and you're a new shooter and you pick you're gonna play this everybody be like oh wow they'll respect you a little bit more they will feel more comfortable around you because you're showing great gun handling skills that's it making sure you're finding that front sight lining it up in that rear notch if you have iron sights if you have a dot making sure you're finding that dot putting it on target touching that trigger alright do that 20 times or as many times as you need to be comfortable and then we move on to drill number three drill number three we got to get bullets in the guns obviously we don't have bullets but we got to get mags on the gun now before we do that I want to show you two variations of how to release the magazines because once you get them in alright what we got to get them back out now this right here is the mag release button now if you're a lefty having a gun that can be switched out be ambidextrous is a huge advantage most polymer guns this is an x5 all the 320 line is ambidextrous you can switch out this button to be on this side so that when you're a lefty you can hit it with your thumb so if you are a lefty I do suggest switching that there are tons of videos out there if you're not comfortable with that you can go to your local gun shop or local gunsmith and they can easily do that for you so once you have your mag release on the side that you prefer there are two options so you can if your hands are smaller you can hit it with your support hand so you go from shooting to hitting it here you keep these fingers here you don't just come off and you know hit it you also don't come here and do this you come here you open up your grip just enough to hit the button your mag will drop if you are dry firing at home realize when you drop these mags they're gonna drop I prefer to stand over a table and if you don't have a table stand over make sure you have shoes on because these will smash your toes I know that from experience so move our magazine in option one is to open up our grip place our support hand thumb on it push and there we go we've dropped a mag option two is the one that I actually use both are fast and efficient when practiced so don't feel like one is necessarily superior to the other it's just whichever one is better for you so option two is I'm gonna actually hit it with my strong hand thumb now you can see I can't reach it right now in my shooting grip so what I have to do is actually turn the gun a little bit in my hand to hit the mag release button and then I switch it back so shooting here one more time BAM so there are your two main options for getting the magazine out of the gun now whenever we pick up a magazine we want our finger to run along the front side of the magazine which side is the front side of the magazine well it's whichever one the bullets face so if I had bullets in here they'd be pointing this direction I want the bullet to face my finger so whether you're working off a belt or off a table or out of a bag or upside down it doesn't matter you're always gonna want this finger to run along the front side of your magazine and that is because when you do your reloads it makes it consistent if I grab it like this I have no idea where the end of this magazine is and they will be very inconsistent so we run our finger along the front we come here we move and we slam it in with our palm so one more time go from here to coming back placing our finger along the front lining everything up and giving it a good old swap swap is the correct term for reloading in case you were unaware I know you're new so I'm going to introduce you to all sorts of lingo so we're here finger along the front magazine in reestablishing grip so now that I've shown you how to drop the mag how to insert it we're gonna get into the drill what we're gonna do is this ten times through you're gonna start with a magazine and your gun you're gonna come to your nice little low ready here we're gonna come up on target find our sights find our trigger finger off the trigger we're gonna drop the mag which ever way we feel we're gonna find our next magazine with our finger along the front line it up give it a good old push re-establish our perfect grip present the gun to the target finger to trigger finger off the trigger and then we're gonna reset to do it again now we're gonna do this about ten times through so we have our magazine in we're gonna come stablish our grip and even if you want to get witty wild with it you can start with it off the table and you can do everything together so picking our gun up establishing our grip finding our sights finding our trigger finger off the trigger dropping our mag finding our next magazine finger along the front line ending up sending it home establishing our perfect grip again and pushing back out the target we're gonna do that again once more up sights trigger finger off magazine release finding our next mag sending it home stablishing you're good grip finding our sights finding our trigger there you go guys gonna do that ten times through minimum remember more time behind this gun the bed and more comfortable and confident you'll be so do all of these drills as many times as you want or as many times as you have time for now moving on to number four now that we know how to reload we're gonna take our magazine put it back in our gun now we're gonna work on slide lock now this is going through the motions realize that if you have ammunition and the gun it's gonna be a little bit different when you do get out to the range but we're gonna mainly learn the motions so we have a magazine inserted now when we have an empty magazine in our gun and we rack the slide all the way to the rear it will lock back and this simulates running out of ammo when you're shooting which will happen so when this happens we're gonna take our magazine out and we're gonna practice dropping the slide this is mainly just gun manipulation here I want you to get used to racking the slide going to slide lock dropping the slide doing all of that getting super comfortable with this gun no there are let's see we're put our empty mag in we're gonna pull it now there are multiple ways to rack the slide now one thing to keep in mind is when you do go to a range you're gonna be operating on what's called a 180 degree so pretty much from here to here I'm good to point my gun but anything past this is unsafe because usually we're working on a line a line of people so imagine when you're dry firing having people on either side of you and your muzzle can never go past this angle has to work within this so a lot of times when we go to Rack there people go to rec they struggle with it and that's fine there's a little bit of technique behind it one thing is I always like to turn my body because naturally to bring this gun into me look at that my neighbors not going to be very happy with me sitting here trying to do this point in my gun at him so we're gonna want to keep our gun always downrange we can turn our body now we can bring it in close why we like to bring it in close is where do you open a jar where do you thread a needle where's your our place it's right in close to your body you don't do anything out here so if we're struggling to rock our slide we bring the gun in close to our body my preferred method is to do just a clamp over the rear serrations you never want to have your hand over the chamber fingers can get pinched in here and also if there's ammo in there you can kind of just cause a lot of malfunctions so you want to stay behind or in front I personally prefer behind so we're gonna clamp over the top palms and fingers right here this hand is still in that perfect grip and then with the motion I'm going to push forward and pull back at the same time now we have an empty magazine in here so it'll automatically lock back so we're gonna clamp here and we're gonna go and it should lock to the rear alright so once it's locked to the rear we want to drop the slide we're gonna go ahead and take that magazine out now there are two main ways of dropping the slide one is you have this little button right here that you can not push in but directly down I say one more time you don't push it in not like the mag release you're gonna push it down so you put your thumbs on top and you push down and that will drop your slide another way to do it is simply to do the same thing we did to lock it to the rear you can just pull back and let go and that will lock it to the rear um people do it this way called the slingshot I'm I like to keep everything pretty much the same I don't like a whole bunch of different ways so this is my main way of racking and this is the way that i lock my slide to the rear this is the main way that I drop my slide it's kind of just the main way I do it all but you'll find what you prefer so now that we know all that information I can finally get to the drill we put our magazine and we're gonna wrap it we're gonna take our magazine out and now I I would say you do it both ways find what you like best I'm gonna do five times dropping my slide with the slide release button all right now I'm gonna put my magazine back in racket take my magazine out drop my slide put my magazine in racket making sure that if I were on the line my muzzle is always staying downrange drop my magazine drop my slide magazine out drop it now realize when I'm doing these reloads you see how I'm doing the reload the same I showed you earlier every motion you do here needs to be the same so just because we're focusing on dropping the slide doesn't mean that my grip wavers and it doesn't mean that my reloads waver then do it again insert the magazine that's the slide and now I'm going to drop it by racking it to the rear do that pull back push forward and let go so pull back let go again magazine in lock it BAM so we're just getting comfortable with all the different manipulations of our firearm one more time there we go guys so now you're getting a little bit more familiar with you know all those buttons and levers and how you interact with a gun we're gonna move on to our very last drill number five so the very last drill you guys are probably like well we haven't really even dry fired yet which dry-firing is are you ready listen for this sound you hear that little click that is the hammer of my gun actually falling that is me pulling the trigger all the way to the rear and the hammer falling now realize that you do that each time you pull that trigger and you have that click you're going to need to rack the gun again for it to reset the hammer so we're going to man you do this whereas if you're at the range shooting you know if I were to pull the trigger and there were a round in it the slide would function would slide back we'd pick up a new round and it would feed it into the chamber resetting my hammer for me but because we're not you know shooting rounds here we're gonna manually do it so that we get to know our trigger now this is what I spend the most time doing dry firing because how you interact with this little bit lever right here is everything you want to be smooth constant motion remember we're always finding those front sights so we're gonna have our good grip we're gonna rack it we're gonna push up find our target find our sight pull that trigger smooth all the way to the rear we should see no motion in that front sight and that front sight should be what we're focusing on exclusively now if you do this see both my manager over here if you do this and you try and pull the trigger and nothing happens in your gun a lot of firearms have what's called a magazine safety which is where the hammer will not fall or the striker will not fire unless there's a magazine in it now if I try and rack my gun with an empty mag and at what happens it locks to the rear well realize to reset the striker or the hammer doesn't take a full motion actually all I have to do is that right there so magazine an or magazine out your preference and we're gonna do this at least 20 times we're going to find our perfect grip we're gonna push up find our sights finger on the trigger smooth press to the rear finger off our trigger come back we're gonna rack it just a tiny bit and that's it and we're gonna do it again sights finger press finger straight come back racquet up finger sights press back down sights finger press finger off come back down and this is it up and not much we'll get you more ready for the range than this right here and relight and if you accidentally rack it too far back and it locks back all you got to do is push the little slide release button OOP I know guys it's really not that exciting it's not that whiz-bang it's not that magical but if you go through the motions of dry-firing before you get to the range you will be so much more comfortable and this is something that you can do without purchasing ammo so it's free once you buy this gun you can get to know your gun so well without even having to go so if you're under time restraints if you're under financial strain anything listen just put the gun on the table make sure there's no ammunition around make sure you're pointing it in the somewhat safe direction there's nothing behind it you're comfortable with it and just spend some time getting to know your brand-new gun so I hope you found that helpful you do have any questions or you want to expand your knowledge and shooting don't worry there's only a an entire playlist of videos on this YouTube channel so make sure you check them all out and leave us comments and let us know what else you want to learn bye mmm
Channel: Jerry Miculek - Pro Shooter
Views: 393,838
Rating: 4.9486485 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry, Miculek, speed, shooting, fast, quick, draw, reload, reloading, world, record, smith, wesson, ruger, colt, gun, guns, firearms, firearm, tactical, assault, ar15, ar, 15, ak47, m16, m4, rifle, shotgun, pistol, handgun
Id: 5CjRJbsTzcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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