Top 5 Glock Add ons

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glogg perfection blocks been around for a number of years and I have owned Glock since the beginning I had a Glock 17 that I started out with the first gen the first year they came out and I've owned Glocks ever since have a number of them do I know everything about Glock no I don't even now does my taste change for different firearms yes they do and I have a lot of different firearms that I really love and enjoy shooting but it just seems like the Glock is so reliable so consistent that I just love the Glock I know how to shoot it and I've shot Glocks stock for a number of years but because Glocks have been so popular there are a number of additions that you can do to your Glock now I have done a couple of ultra custom Glock reviews one the salient arms glock which is an incredible pistol really built more for competition also I recently did the Wheaton arms competition packages and tactical upgrades and you know and I did get a lot of flack from those videos which is fun I don't I don't mind that but one of the things that I know personally is that I don't know everything and neither do the people that are making a lot of these comments but you know what that's their opinion and that's what the comments are for there are some things that I typically do to my Glocks my Glocks are not race guns most of them look exactly like this model 20 this sitting here in 10 millimeter just a basic Glock with a few things that I like to add and so I'm gonna show you the few things that I like to add to my Glock just to put it a little bit more above board than what it typically is is anything perfect no and neither is the Glock can you shoot a block out of the box well yes you can I've been doing it for years but here are just a few things that'll make life just a little easier for the Glock owner now one of the things I always do with my Glocks is I end up putting one of the grip frame inserts immediately in my Glock and the main reason is because there's a cavity that rides right here behind the magazine well and I like just to go ahead and fill that spot not only does this keep debris out of the pistol it just seems to keep this smooth and just like doing it it's a fairly inexpensive thing to do and I've just installed it there's a couple of different companies that make them and you know you can just choose the style that you want there are different types for different pistols the next upgrades I like to replace the connector he just lessens the trigger pull a little bit it tightens it up and this is a lone-wolf three and a half pound trigger I typically put the ghost rocket in many of my guns but this is so easy to install over the ghost rocket there's some adjustments and some what you have to do and taking the connector in and out I just love the wolf because it just goes straight in and we're gonna do that I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to install it this is not a biggie because I typically don't use a slide release that often but this is an extended slide release this is a Glock original part instead of this really flat slide release it has a very small little shelf on the end gives you just a little bit of something extra when you're dropping your slide now breaking down the pistol and if you're cleaning or doing any modifications grabbing those this small slide lock can be a little bit of a trick if you do it quite often it's easy to do the one thing I like to do is to replace it with one of these trapezoid slide locks from brass stacker this is a really neat it just extends out just a little bit and it makes it really simple to get a hold of that slide lock and last but not least I replace my guide rods with a steel guide rod they're polymer you know what they're gonna hold up I've never had any problems with the polymer recoil guide rod but what got me started replacing my polymer recoil guide rod Springs is when I had a gin for that was having some issues because of the recoil guide rod once I replaced it I didn't have any issues just because of the reliability and the durability of the steel I like it plus it gives it just a little bit of extra weight and if you're using these in a tactical or self-defense situation for home defense wait isn't really a big deal so I really like to add the stainless steel guide rod of course the first thing we're going to do is make sure the pistol is unloaded and it is and we're going to break down the pistol and of course pull the trigger pull it back about an eighth of an inch and drop your slide lock and then just pull the slide forward we're gonna remove the recoil spring and the barrel now you're gonna need three tools you'll need a 3/32 and a 1/8 inch punch or you can use the regular glock tool and a small screwdriver or a small pocketknife now when removing these pins there are three pins to remove and when removing these you do not want to use a hammer so we're gonna start out with the three thirty-seconds and we're going to remove the locking block pin this is your locking block and here's the pin and I have one of the small steel nylon bases here we're going to use to push this pin through next we're going to remove the trigger pin and there's a little trick to it because you're gonna need to probably just move your slide release lever just a little bit to let this work through just push it through and if you need to have any movement here you'll know it but just go ahead and push through you may be able to get it there we go goes right through there's your trigger pin next we're going to remove the trigger housing pin and we're going with the three thirty-seconds there goes right through pull it right out now you're gonna want to go ahead and remove your slide stop lever and then take your small screwdriver and get under the locking block and it'll just kind of pop up there we go now take your ejector and go ahead and pull it and the whole trigger housing will come out now take your trigger arm and if you'll notice one side is in a little slot so we're gonna take it forward and twist it and it comes out now there's a spring this that is attached to and you can actually leave it in this position without removing the spring or you can remove it off the spring but the main thing is we want to get this connector off so you want to take your screwdriver just barely wedge it it's it actually fits down in here so get toward the bottom and just lift up no big deal this is your five and a half pound connector and we're gonna replace it with a three and a half pound connector okay we're gonna reinsert the lone wolf-- connector really easy it just goes straight in and then it fits down flush right here now you want to bring your trigger bar back pull it forward at an angle and then it slides right into that slot now you're back in business and we're just going to go ahead and return it into the frame there we go now to remove your slide lock which is very simple there is a leaf spring right here and that retains the slide lock so what you're going to want to do is just depress it down and then turn the frame sideways and it drops right out now below is the factory slide lock and now we're going to replace it with the trapezoid slide lock and you can see how it comes down to an angle this allows you to get your fingers on the tips and bring it down now when inserting your slide lock you're gonna want to make sure you have this little groove at the bottom that's where the leaf spring is gonna fit so you're gonna want to just place it barely in the side not enough to impede your spring push down the spring and just push your slide lock all the way across and to hear it click there it goes now you're in business it protrudes just a little bit out but because of those recesses you're not going to even know it anyway but it makes a world of difference when breaking down your pistol okay we're gonna return the locking block now the extended slide release lever slips right down beside the trigger and if you see that little spring you're gonna be looking at that in a minute because we're gonna need to depress that down below the locking block pin and I'll talk about that when we get to it but just go ahead and slide it in get into place now we're going to reinstall our trigger pin and we need to take care that we adjust the slide lock lever as we do it because it's gonna have to go through the hole in the end of the slide lock lever and then it goes straight through the trigger it just pushes it right through there we go we're also going to go ahead and replace the trigger housing pen just make sure that it's even on the back of the grip and last but not least the locking block pin we're gonna just place it now I come under the locking block to get to this spring and you can see it's being depressed right here you can push that down and then push the locking block pin if you're not careful the spring can get on the top of the pin you want to make sure that it's under the pin just push it into place try to make sure that it's fairly even that there is somewhat of a little bit of a recess and even on both sides now the frame portion has been completed now on the recoil guide rod spring steve at brass stacker said that for the 10 millimeter model 20 to go with a 20-pound recoil spring he said that's what most of the guys are using so I said hey you're the expert so go ahead and just reinsert the barrel I also went with the polished steel so at the end of the barrel you'll see that it'll have a polished finish on it you have to specify gen3 or gin for this is a gin three fits right in have your nice polished stainless on the end and then we just return it to the side now we're going to function test pointing it of course in a safe direction good stuff the trigger pool is much better this trigger pool on this model 20 was awful with the original connector so changing it to the lone-wolf connector really made a big difference just immediately that is an easy way to improve your trigger which of course will translate into better accuracy because you'll have better control of your trigger and then we'll check the trapezoid slide lock and that just comes really easy to grab now one thing I'm going to show you that has happened to me a couple of times just when I was in a hurry is when I'm putting this slide back on the frame if you're not careful there's enough play that you can ride over these back rails and then you're locked in but because the trigger hasn't been actuated you can actually bring it down just like you're going to break it down again press your slide lock and then pull it right off just be careful to make sure you hit those rails every time so these are the five modifications that I like to make to my basic Glock pistol and it makes Glock perfection just a little more perfect at least in my world is this going to dramatically improve my shooting with the Glock pistol probably not a whole lot but it will continue to give me a little bit of an edge in different areas and I always keep my parts just for a rainy day just in case now one thing that I don't really consider an upgrade but yet it is if you're buying the pistol is to have factory night sights on the pistol especially for a home defense pistol and I really like the night sights for that reason because typically if you're gonna have a problem it's usually gonna be at night so having good night sights it's just a good option but no matter what you do make sure you get plenty of extra magazines and good quality ammunition be strong be of good courage god Bless America long live the Republic and anybody that says a good trigger job on a pistol has no effect on accuracy really doesn't know what they're talking about
Channel: sootch00
Views: 2,103,480
Rating: 4.8984399 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Pistol, perfection, self defense, home defense, M&P, XDM, XM, Sig, Walther, Sidearms, Sootch00, handgun, gun, rifle, shooting, Shooting Sport (Sport), Firearm (Sports Equipment)
Id: feyUqxr5lw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2013
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