Is Your Grip Why You Miss? | Shooting Low Left?

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what's up America this is Kim with geography arms Academy thanks for watching today we're going to talk about grip is grip the reason you miss the main two reasons you miss our grip and trigger control today we're going to talk about grip so let's get started [Music] let's get into this we're talking about grip today again I would say 95 plus percent of the reasons that people miss is because of grip and trigger control and again we're focusing on that why is it such a big deal well think about this first off if I put this pistol in a vise okay and I press the trigger really doesn't matter what else I do I could pull this with a string I can hit it with a broomstick as long as the trigger gets actuated whatever the sights are aligned on to the accuracy of the ammo it's gonna hit because the gun can't move now we're trying to replicate that to the best of our human ability but we're human there's always going to be some type of movement now when we talk about in the instructor world in the shooting world we all know that there's a pretty common denominator when it comes to error okay if you're right-handed shooter it's low and left if you're left-handed shooter it's low and right well why is that how can that be we can change guns up but the shooter always has this air typically in this manner and that's because of the two biggest errors once again which are going to be an improper grip or a grip that's not ideal and trigger control so let's talk about the left okay so if I'm a right-handed shooter and I come out to shoot what makes me ultimately shoot to the left well the grip is a big part of this okay so if you're one of those people who shoot to the left this videos for you think about it naturally biomechanically right if we're looking at my hand when I make a fist right when I go to squeeze I have four fingers squeezing down on something okay well if I if you can do this at home if you squeeze hard and quick on just empty just squeeze your hand there's a whole lot of movement in that hand right well what do you think happens when you go to press the trigger on your pistol that's where this movement comes in you have to remember that your fingers okay biomechanically your fingers all want to curl together it's just a natural deal to isolate so in order to squeeze something really hard like this and keep this finger independent that's very difficult to do it takes a long time to do it which is why as firearms instructors all around and I'm sure have you been to any range if you shot before people always telling you to keep your finger out of the trigger guard and keep it up here high on the slide and the reason for that it's because even though you may not intentionally be trying to do it when you grip with these fingers this finger wants to grip or curl with you and so if our finger gets in that trigger guard bad things happen students press triggers when they're just trying to hold onto the gun not a good deal so my fingers all want to work together now when we talk about the grip one thing I will tell you is that you probably let me rephrase them you are not gripping the gun hard enough all right I could say that in our group of unknown shooters experience love and I'm going to be right in 99.9% of the time people tend to have a very soft grip and so let's talk about why that's an issue one we need to manage and control the gun obviously but two if I use soft amount of pressure on my hand like let's just say I'm half my strength right half my strength is pressing on that grip that means I still have fifty percent or half more to really torque down there so if I'm kind of light with my grip and then all of a sudden I try to really squeeze that trigger I start to pull that gun all right then I have a lot of this going on because my hand has a lot left now if I'm gripping firmly already and I'm not gonna get into that nonsense percentage Bs it doesn't know what stupid percentages are what I'm trying to tell you is that you're going to be holding firmly so that you don't have a whole lot left to be moving the gun around that's one thing that's going to help also when we're looking at the grip itself okay this is really important and I'm gonna do this live fire in a few minutes the pressure comes from these fingers my middle in my ring finger on the pistol not my pinkie people often complain about guns especially when it comes to concealed carry guns and whatnot that their pinkie doesn't fit on the grip and that's a problem that is not a problem if you cut my pinkie off it's not going to affect the way I shoot because my the amount of pressure that's on here with my pinkie is it minimal it's touching the gun but very minimal for those that put a lot of pressure on there guess what happens okay when they grip that gun wants to get forced out just from squeezing the gun by the way what did we say most people err oh if you're right-handed alone left a lot of that is anticipation but other than that can also come from the grip that pushing down so this pinkie doesn't do a whole lot these two fingers here majority of the pressure the palm of my hand majority of the pressure and that's where most of that force is coming from now let's talk about positions and what each digit does one of the big things that's important when it comes to grip as far as grip strength is that my left hand okay for me since I'm a right-handed shooter or my non-dominant hand mine on my support hand okay my support hand is the one that really grips down not my shooting hand because remember my shooting hand have an important job to do yes I have to hold the gun and manage it but I also have to be able to manipulate the trigger right trigger control which we're gonna talk about at another video I have to be able to do that and still have nice straight back pressure on the gun without making the gun move around if I'm gripping something as hard as I can and then trying to be precise it's almost impossible you can try at home to make a fist and then try to move just one finger it's very difficult to do so I'm gonna hold the gun very firmly but enough that I can still manipulate my trigger finger my left hand now however check this out right this hand is just driving this gun out here what does it really have to do what the fine motor skill none it's basically a brace it's a structure it's driving the gun out there and keeping it on on tauron on target and it's helping me manage the recoil okay we've already discussed many many times about structural alignment and why I take my thumb on that support hand and I torque it forward and drive it towards the target I do that so that when the gun recoils instead of having some angle here where the gun wants to come this way I'm driving the gun into the target and the whole gun is recording back again we're gonna shoot this live in a minute and you're gonna be able to see the differences and how it affects the management of that recoil but regardless of how strong or weak we are if we're able to use that structural line when we drive that gun out there that's going to help us a lot and that comes from this left hand if I apply my left hand properly very important watch this and we'll talk about the placement here in a second but if I apply my left hand properly I should be able to grip this so firm enough and secure enough that I can actually rack it right with my right with my so let me drop the man I got here so it's easier with my support hand okay even though my hands technically not behind the gun just the grip alone I still have enough strength on there so now when we add those two together now I've got a really good clamp okay I'm really keeping this gun secure now you're gonna hear a lot of times people talk about when they're when they're creating their grip with their two hands about getting high up as possible right and a lot of times you'll also hear people say getting as far forward as possible here's where the issue comes into play okay when you notice on my grip here and we'll get close to the camera there is no spaces of any kind there obviously we want to get as high up as possible both under the trigger guard and the beaver tail their Tang but I also want no space between my hands here's what happens when people and we're going to show Kim's hands here in a little bit because her hands are significantly smaller than mine when they try to get as far forward as possible you see that gap I just created back here right back here okay so there's no gap there is a gap this is not good this is a problem and this also causes the gun to want to move like this when you're shooting which also gets you off target a lot which means you're going to push it back on target a lot and then you start pushing shots all over the place especially when we're talking about defensive shooting so I want no space on there and you can notice you can see the blood in my hands I am gripping this gun very very firmly that's the key here you guys we want a nice solid base to drive that gun and keep its sallet so it does not move and I can manage it properly super important point here and I'm going to show you in fact let's just do this I know Kim so on the cameras can be a little wobbly but I'm just going to show this real quick we'll do this again with more detail but here's the size of my hand palm the palm look at the difference here alright that's that's pretty significant so how in the world can I say that you have to do these exact things it's precisely this way and that is supposed to fit someone's hands the size of Kim's and someone's hands the size of mine that's insane we can't talk in absolutes okay these are general ideas where we're using these as concepts okay when I in my instruction and whatnot I talk a lot in concepts because we want to apply the concepts to ourselves so you know Kim's grip which we'll see it's going to look a little different because their hands are significantly smaller but ultimately we're getting as high up as possible and we're covering as much surface area but how that looks may vary because of your your hands and your biomechanics at the end of the day if we are as high up as possible we have proper grip with these fingers here mostly here okay a little bit here but mostly here and in the back strap so a front strap back strap that's my pressure point my left hand is coming in here filling in that gap I've got that nice good surface area I'm covering a lot of the gun check this out if I just turn this around like this okay so you guys can see look at how much of that gun is actually making contact with my my support hand just my support hand alone okay remember here's another one you guys would grip people with their thumbs right they put their thumbs and they cross their thumbs over here like this this is a huge problem look underneath you look in this area there's no way for me to fix this I mean no matter how much I squeeze and look even if I squeeze the two pumps at the bottom and create this an angle once I move this thumb all the way right look at that gap that's in there that's that space it can't be filled because my thumb is there so we have to get this thumb up out of the way we have to get this left hand on to this gun solid okay and I've got to have a nice firm grip on there I need to squeeze firmly so that when I press this trigger ultimately one the gun doesn't move into I don't have so much strength left that I've just yanking this gun and jerking it all over the place it's it's got to stay solid okay now with that we add our scoot structural alignment and now we're cooking it doesn't matter whether you're 105 pounds or you're 305 pounds you're gonna you're gonna be able to manage this gun okay people as a side note - people always make jokes in the industry about like the fitness industry about those squeeze weights and stress balls and stuff like that that's a super important piece of equipment if you will you we need to get our hands strong the stronger that your hands are the better off you're gonna have as far as managing your grip I technically don't have to squeeze the gun as hard as Kim does as far as my overall strength but my grip is still gonna be much tighter because I'm just much stronger than her okay so if you're somebody doesn't have great strength in your hands start working on that that's gonna help your that's one of the physical things that you can do to really help your shooting if I just apply my two hands on here I want you just to pay attention burn this into your brain you can pause this video whatever but see how much of my hands are actually covering this gun you'll notice that on the slide the frame I'm actually on to the slide that's how big my hands are my thumb's are maxing towards the slide then we're gonna pair the same exact grip but with Kim smaller hands so there you see the same exact grip you can actually see the takedown lever here is that as high up as you can get that's it that's all she's got right because she's got smaller hands she's still underneath the trigger guard all the way and she still moved the camera all the way no no come back you're fine all the way here to the beaver tail no space there that's an awesome grip I cannot get my fingers anywhere in here super tight she's got good control of the gun that's the best I can do while holding the camera but it's a hugely different grip as far as what it covers but that doesn't mean that Kim isn't gonna be able to manage the gun cuz she certainly will let's look at two different grips so one I'm gonna be very loose with the grip and then two I'm gonna be very tight with the grip so the first one well actually I won't even tell you which one I'll be pretty obvious so let's just do the first one we'll take three shots here okay so we saw movement in the gun there middle exaggerated but you get the point we're do the exact same things at this time I'm gonna do a different style of grip and you can tell me if you can tell the difference okay so hopefully that was pretty obvious that second set there that is a tight grip and you'll notice that the movement of the gun instead of doing big movement I'm tight on the gun it it stays right where I want to go and of course it's also going to affect my accuracy and making it much tighter deal next thing of course we talk about grip is that that's gonna also increase our speed right so if I take one shot and then I have to get back on it's not that I can move my trigger any faster and anything that's happening between shots it said I don't have to my gun doesn't come off target nearly as much so if I go if I go slow or not slow but if I don't hold the gun hard enough the gun moves I got to get back on top of it I got to get it back on target where if I have a nice tight grip on here I can still keep nice tight accurate shots but my sights aren't coming off the target as much because I'm managing that recoil better one thing we want to stress too is the importance of that support hand holding as hard as you can because that's helping it from going to the left or to the right if you're a left-handed shooter that really helps a lot so get that that's support hand nice and strong and nice and tight on there is the grip the reason you miss well it's a big part of it so that could be the reason we hope you guys found this video helpful if you did please give us a thumbs up we always appreciate that like it share it comment you can find us of course here on YouTube makes you subscribe on Facebook on Instagram and on Twitter until next time remember it's always better to be just by 12 than carried by six
Channel: Geauga Firearms Academy
Views: 630,536
Rating: 4.9507756 out of 5
Keywords: Geauga Firearms Academy, Firearms training in Ohio, Firearms training in Geauga county, How to shoot a pistol, best concealed carry positions, grip is why you are missing, Is your grip why you miss, shooting low left, why do i shoot low left, how to grip a pistol, kim geauga, fundamentals of shooting, fundamentals of shooting a handgun, proper pistol sight alignment, proper pistol grip, why you miss, proper pistol grip for small hands, proper pistol grip technique
Id: 6jjMwOoLeGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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