Handgun Basics with a Navy SEAL

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what's going on guys Travis Kennedy here owner kind of defensive shooting and today we're talking about pistol fundamentals I'm going to be taking it back to the basics here we go all right guys when we talk about the basics today all right something that everyone I feel it needs to understand fully often gets overlooked when today I'm gonna do a video on and how-to everything with touching all the bases from the ground up so first thing I like to teach is stance okay my feet are shoulder width apart as you can see I'm a right-handed shooter so I'm right hand dominant I have my left leg slightly in from my right so if you're a left-handed shooter you just be exact opposite of me okay hi my knees are slightly bent and I'm bending over at the waist just a little bit okay I'm not things I don't want to see my feet directly in line and I don't want to be standing upright okay when I shoot I'll tend to lose balance once I start shooting I'll lose balance and fall over I want to lean into the pistol and control it and have full recoil management okay another point I like to touch on is what I do with my eyes okay I'm a huge advocate and I recommend people start getting used to shooting both eyes open a lot of time it's hard for people to do that but it's as time goes on you practice it you're gonna used to it's become natural and reason being is if we close one night now we're limiting our field of view we cut off if we're left to right I dominate doesn't matter we're going to cut off a portion of our field of vision which is bad we want to keep as much situational awareness as we as we can while we shoot and we do that by keeping both eyes open out what we could see everything so first point is we need to establish which eye dominant we are okay either what we left or right a little trick I like to do is right now I'm using my target okay I'm just picking a circle on this on this triangle with my hands I put that circle in dead center of this triangle I close my left eye if the circle remains in this triangle then I'm right I dominate okay whatever reason if I close my left eye and it moved that maybe the other eye dominant okay for me I'm right I dominate but for you if you close your left eye and for whatever reason the circle is not there anymore you may be left I dominate okay so first establish that once you establish that now go out and implement it what I like to do is the points performance for shooting with both eyes open is just squint really hard okay and what I do is I squint damn hard when I go to shoot punch out and I'm squinting hard so I could focus on that front sight and my target okay both eyes are open so I could see everything on my left side I could see if something were to happen over here I could see it I could quickly transition to my next target if I have to in a real world situation okay or maybe just practicing drills out here do multiple targets I could still see everything if I have to okay if I close my eye now I'm limiting so grep gradually should start opening up your non-dominant eye and get full awareness okay and overtime trust me it's gonna get a lot easier I hear some drills I like to do to practice the fundamentals okay is what I do pretty much every time I come to the range I do these drills okay so the target I like to use is this Multi multi dot target will have different various sizes typically I start here the big one and then just work around okay or I may start smaller I worked this way it just depends and you can always mix uh that's why I like these targets you could change it up you can start small work big or big to small okay so that's gonna help you dictate your speed as well and accuracy even with these big targets that being said I don't utilize all this space okay I still try to keep my grouping fairly tight as tight as I can okay and work my way around okay let's do some drills okay here rut seven yard line got a full bag load it so what's performs here every time I go to load I do it the same way every single time okay get my stance I bring the pistol up to my face okay it over here holding the mag the base of the mag is in the base of my palm I got my index finger going up the side it's gonna help me keep full control over this magazine okay when I rotate the pistol now I can see the mag well watch the magazine go in the mag well I hit it hard rotate it over and Iraq it okay press check it make sure there's around in there good now it's fully forward for beginners I want you to start here at the high ready position okay points the performance remember I'm looking over the muzzle I'm not obstructing my view and when I go to present it's in a straight line so a typical draw like to do is on the beep here it's random I just punch out one shot Victoria come back okay I can gauge myself the time watch and make sure I'm consistent with my time okay I like to get under a second so but a gauge for everybody eyes when you're a newbie it may be longer doesn't matter but build that consistency okay okay and then once I go through a mag I may change it up I like to do two shots watch all the consistency my shot is here go to a smaller target go back to one shot you may go to the really small target it's gonna take me on you slow it down a little bit slow it down now a draw it with all these multiplied hits all of them one time so on the beep I'll shoot every single circle one time you can go through a few rounds this rep after rep after rep utilize every circle on this dot that's gonna build consistency really good ok don't just sit here and do the same thing with no uh without gauge ok you want to gauge this thing the important tool that I have is gonna make you really good is a shot timer this is a tool that's gonna set a standard for you and push you there's no way you're gonna be get better if you have no gauge and whether out fast you're going cuz you gauge your your skill level by how fast you are also how accurate you are ok so this is important tool highly recommend you getting one of these okay a lot of people ask me what they need tools they need for the range and I hear this number one tool I believe that's gonna help you get better overall as a shooter or enhance your performances this right here the shot timer my favorite one is the pocket pro 2 I've used this one for this company for a decade now and it hasn't failed this thing is highly reliable I use it every single time I come to the range has a lot of good presets but I simply just use it just me here alone and I do want my students it's a good gauge and he tells him keep track of my baseline whether I'm getting worse whether I'm you know maintaining maybe we'll just plateauing or I'm getting better as I go on as I practice more so highly recommend if you want to if you take your shooting seriously get one of these things it's gonna step up your game immensely alright next drill is give me the magazine change I really love this drill okay this is a good drill to this rep after rep after rep is gonna build that muscle memory to give me nice and fluid overtime I'm shooting a steel target we're about 12 yards away okay set up for the drill I'm coming from the holster I got one of the chamber empty magazine in the gun okay so I'm only gonna take one shot slides gonna lock to the rear and I'm gonna go for the next mag and take one more shot like this on the beep make sure out of the timer and zart my side don't slow it down talk about the points performance I touched on this earlier same points performance come from the draw number the touch points rear the grip come down draw drop the elbow punch out straight line take the slack out align the side take my shot I get slide lock I quickly rotate it pressing the mag release button it drops my left hand immediately goes for the next mag haul ass look at my pistol my head is up I'm not down okay I want to keep my situational awareness up in front of me so I up rotate the gun I manipulate the gun to my advantage so I can see the magwell move quickly here for my mag pouch to the gun okay from here to here I slow down as soon as I arrive here because I've done this hundreds of times I see it all the time people move too fast and they miss okay or they may not have a good grip right you don't want to grip it like this you want to grip it like this fast in watch it go in slam it it locks I rotate it over rack the slide right back on target nice shoot all right one more time right there when a in that example when I put the mag in the gun the slide went home it happens a lot on this Glock 45 it'll happen other guns - it's not it common so just be aware if it does that good then represent require grip present the target take your shot if it doesn't do that then you either need to do the release the slide with your hand or you can press the slide release lever here okay and that's done like this mag out and slide release button back on top engage okay now full speed draw back out come back three nine three okay that was a three nine three goal is to try to get under five seconds alright fast is under four seconds so give that a shot wrap that out rip that out alright that's a good way if you're limited on ammo load one round magazine change load another round and just get reps okay vice just coming to the range and utilize your time wisely alright especially if you're limited on the amount of ammunition you have alright guys that concludes the video thank you for watching if you like this video please subscribe below follow my social media links you can find my Instagram at Travis KD 267 keep training hard teams
Channel: Kennedy Defensive Solutions
Views: 1,008,192
Rating: 4.8778419 out of 5
Keywords: Thinking Shooter, Navy Seals, Teams, Shooting, Travis Kennedy, kennedy defensive shooting, vigilance elite, elite, travis, kennedy, cz, everyday carry, navy seals, special operations, travis kennedy navy seal, edc, shot show 2020, vigilance elite travis kennedy, navy, seals, navy seal travis kennedy, defensive shooting, kds, hand gun basics, Navy SEAL hand gun basics, kennedy defensive solutions, hand, gun, basics
Id: YS6Vk2vPuYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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