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- Hey guy, welcome back to the newest cycle of my blue hair evolution. I currently look like Sully for "Monsters, Inc." let me borrow a patch of fur. Prime Video is a lot like what Netflix was when it first came out. It's just a never ending hub of more terrible movies than you could ever have time to watch in your life. Sure, Netflix still has its fair share of stinkers, but the sheer quantity of unwatchable cinema on Prime Video, it's next level. So today I'll be sharing with you two of my newest favorites. The first of which being "Summertime Christmas." And I know it's too early for Christmas and technically too late for summertime, but I'm just gonna split the difference and talk about it now. Even the concept of this movie is bizarre. I won't go through the whole thing like beat by beat 'cause it's way too long for that. But I'll at least sum up the important points for content. Now, just a warning, this movie does get a little fucked up at times. dove.org gave it a negative rating of four. Under sex, there's one point for a couple sharing a kiss. You've got one language point for the word dummy. Under violence, you've got one point for a boy throws an egg, and the last point is for prayer over food. So of course if any of that bothers you, you might wanna sit this one out. All right, so the backstory of this movie is that the United Nations just passed an international law that parents everywhere are no longer allowed to discipline their children. Now of course, the foremost ramification of this is that Santa's naughty list is growing at an alarming rate. The kids have taken over and all the parents can do is watch helplessly from the sidelines. (dramatic music) Well, Santa wants to figure out what the hell is going on. So he sends his two best elves to be boots on the ground in rural Ohio where they get to see firsthand the children are running buck wild with zero consequences. Just as they seem to lose all hope, they meet a special girl named Jessica who is nice, even though she doesn't have to be. On top of everything else, the movie takes place during the 2008 US housing crisis. So there's also this fun backdrop of economic turmoil. All the parents are losing their jobs and everyone's sad. So Jessica makes it her life mission to put on a Christmas pageant in the middle of June. Her logic is that since, well, everyone loves Christmas, we should just do it now and then our parents will forget about our houses being foreclosed. - They just need to realize that there's more to being a family than paying bills. - I know, right? When will these grownups learn to just let loose and have fun? She recruits some other kids in town to help out with the play, which very quickly proves to be a bad idea because remember, the kids in this universe are all foaming at the mouth for anarchy. They are blood thirsty agents of chaos who seek to destroy everything around them. The only repercussions any of them face are when this kid vandalizes too hard and breaks his fucking leg. And then this woman comes up and is like, "You know why that happened, right? "It's because God is punishing you." - Only God can command right and wrong. In fact, you already are in trouble and not just for tonight, but for every bad thing you have ever done. - Oh man. Hey, could you take me to a hospital? You see about halfway through this already absurd movie, it stops just being a silly, magical elf tale and they start throwing in some very subtle Christian undertones. Like it's easy to miss this one here, but pay close attention and you might just catch it. - What happened to your leg? I fell, but somebody helped me back up. (dramatic music) - Did you notice the window? A lot of people miss that the first time, but there's actually a hidden message. So they do the nativity pageant and it cheers everyone up, but we still haven't solved the jobs problem. Luckily Elwood the elf is a business savant and he shows Jessica's dad the magic berry he grew that tastes like Christmas. - It tastes like Christmas morning! - So they decide to make a whole farm where they can grow the berries and hire the entire town to work there. So to recap, this is a Christmas movie about resisting the new world order and stimulating a small town's economy. The kids are gonna love this one. One note about these elves, even though they look and dress exactly like I did in high school, they're both supposed to be like 700 years old. Dude survived the bubonic plague and all of his shirts are from American Eagle. Even at the end of the movie, they flash forward 50 years and he's still rocking board shorts. All right, so it's a weird ass movie with a very heavy tonal shift at the midway point. I'm not gonna take you through the whole thing, but I do wanna highlight some of my favorite moments. In the very beginning of the movie, Elwood chases Nora to ask her about the Santa transmission they both just got. And this of course involves a high speed train chase. Very exciting. Fun fact about this train, this is actually a little trolley that runs in a circle around a mall in Ohio. I know they're just being resourceful, but it's really funny to film this like he has to catch it before it takes off or he'll never see her again. When he probably could have just lightly jogged behind it until it stopped again. It's just going to a different part of the mall. Later on, they try to go swimming, which they don't know how to do because they're from the North Pole. And I absolutely love how quickly Elwood goes from standing perfectly fine in the pool to full on drowning. (dramatic music) (water splashing) - Elwood! - Speaking of Elwood, I noticed that most of the time, when he's talking, it kind of seems like his sole focus is just on remembering his next line. - But if you left. (dramatic music) Our whole town wouldn't be as cheerful anymore. - Makes me feel bad for the girl who played Nora because she honestly does a great job. She always has her lines ready and then you can see her kind of look at him during every pause like. - I wish we could help this sweet little town. - [Drew] Hey, you're supposed to be saying something. - We may not be able able to change the kid. - I also wrote down in my notes, what, what, what, you're weird. - What? - What, what? - You're weird. - So I guess that's what I was talking about. When Jessica first starts planning the play, I absolutely love this list of things she gives to the rest of the kids to go find. - Sarah, you need a baby and manger, Leslie, you need some animals and remember your beard. - All right, so all we need is a wooden crib, a human baby, a bunch of goats, and Jimmy, how old are you again? Nine. I'm gonna need you to grow a beard for this. At one point Elwood rents a car so he and Nora can pick up Jessica one day and he does not know how to drive even though he is at all 100 years of cars existing to try and figure it out. Anyway, after doing this long ass maneuver in her driveway, they cut to the inside of the car where everyone is trying to catch their breath. What, are they pedaling the car with their feet? You should probably talk to an elf doctor if you're this out of breath from sitting. From there, they all head to an ice cream museum and I wanna see if you notice what happens to her ice cream cone. All right, regular ice cream, nothing to see here. And oh, what's going on there? - That ice cream must have really hit the spot? - Definitely. - They got a P & G file of ice cream and key framed it over her cone. I assume it's either because she ate too much of it or it melted too fast, but like there is no way whatever happened to it could have possibly looked worse than this. Okay and then they drive back home and I guess they didn't want the actor who played Elwood to actually drive the car. So they had his nearly identical stunt double pull it off and look at this cut. (car motor whirring) Seamless. Apparently it wasn't too dangerous to have a teenager fall to the side of a moving train while wearing flip flops, but having him slowly pull off a three point turn, that's where we draw the line. This movie could have been like 40 minutes shorter if they just cut out all of the awkward pauses and didn't feel the need to have every shot play out in its entirety. Did we need to see the stunt driver drive the whole length of this road in order to understand that they are now going somewhere else? No! So then don't do it. This clip is 18 seconds long! Just go to the next scene! There's another one of these near the end. - If you please join me back in the sanctuary. - [Drew] Oh we have to watch everyone physically walk into the other room to know that they're in the other room now? You don't have to use all of your footage. I also love the whole segment where everyone finds out that the new company is coming into town. - Another company's coming into town. (bells ringing) - But I thought they said that the likelihood of another company wanting to come into our tiny little town was negligible! - But I thought they said that the likelihood of another company wanting to come into our tiny little town was negligible. - I have it on the best of authority that a new plant business is coming in. - Whose authority? - Well, I'm not supposed to. - Shame on you for spreading idle reports, Joan. - Why is every line in this movie so awkward? All right, then the last thing I'm gonna show you is the finale where Santa has a heated boardroom showdown with a representative from Alaska who is supposed to relay everything he says to the rest of the world. - It is the duty of parents to instruct and discipline them when they are young so that when they are older they will not deviate into. (dramatic music) - Santa is so fucking pissed about this new law and he can't stop talking about it. - This would suggest that government is better suited at raising children than their own parents. - But try as he might, he just can't get anyone to listen to them, even with a hologram. So he gets pissed off, gives a vague threat, and then walks out of the room like some kind of super villain. - If they don't change their policies, (dramatic music) they will understand soon enough. - What is Santa gonna do? That's so ominous! (cheerful holiday music) The lend, the lend. The end. All right, so we already watched this movie and we love it so much. Amanda, why don't you tell everyone how you found it? Well it was just a normal Tuesday night and I was just looking for something fun to watch. And this movie had only 10 reviews and I knew it had to be good if on Amazon, there were only 10 reviews. - So watching this whole movie, we both got the feeling that like the actors didn't seem to know their lines very well or it seemed like they were improving a lot, which is kind of weird for a movie about a talking dog. It's not really like a, you know, Judd Apatow movie with a bunch of comedians riffing. It's just like, this is like a family movie. Why are they riffing lines? And then everything made sense when we saw the blooper at the end. (paper rustling) - [Director] Joke around with each other a little bit. - Hey buddy, yeah. - [Director] Joke around with each other a little bit, joke around, have fun with each other. Joke around, say something smart to her, Alex. - So apparently the director is just like, come on, say something funny. You're a kid, say something smart. - To a child. - To a child! Was the whole movie like that? - He's trying to act in a movie. Yeah, just say something funny. This poor kid, he looks so nervous in that shot and the director's just like, "Come on, say something funny. "Think of something." - I'm just here to act, I'm not here to improv an entire script. - I know you're the director, you give me something to say and I'll say it. That's why like so many of the lines like don't even really make sense. It's 'cause these poor kids had to come up with them on the spot. But anyway, this is our new favorite movie, "Allie & Obie." - How come you're not helping? (exciting instrumental music) Aren't you excited about your new house? - I guess. - Look at it this way, you have a new house, a new bedroom, a new stepdad and a stepbrother that love you. - And you have a new grandpa and a dog that loves you, too. - So Allie has a lot of change in her life. She's living in a new house, she has a new stepdad, a new grandpa and a new dog. You know your life is pretty upside down when you have a new grandpa all of a sudden. It's a lot, it's a big adjustment to make. - Do you like dogs? - They're okay I guess. - Well, Obie's a special dog. - What makes him so special? - Yeah, what does make Obie so special? (laughs) - You'll see. - Let's stop right here for a minute. Let me formally introduce you. Come over and stand on this side. - I guess they realized they were standing on the wrong side based on rehearsals. (Amanda laughs) So she just has to move to the other side. Introduce yourself to the dog. He'll only see you if you're on his left. - Here, he likes you. (Amanda laughs) - Aw, he likes you, see? - That's not how you meet a dog. You don't go and shake his hand! - They wrote it like the dog was a person. - Good boy, good boy. - He's wilding, like he's trying not to take a dump. (Amanda laughs) Oh no. - Oh, the dog. - This box is too big, let's switch. - No it's not, you can carry it. - What happened? - I dropped the box. - They kind of talk like they're all talking dogs. They don't fully understand what they're saying. - This box is too big for you. - It's too big, I'm gonna drop the box. She drops a box. What happened? I dropped the box. - How come you let her pick up this big box? - She said she can handle it. - No, I said it was too big. - Then why'd you pick it up? - Great framing. It's behind the grandpa and can barely see him. - Hi. - Hi, you wanna go to the park with us? - Sure. - Well you can't just go to the park. You gotta get there first. And it's important when you're watching a movie to see every mode of transportation between two scenes in full. (upbeat music) - So long. - Like we get it, they're going to the park. - You guys wanna play bicycle hide and seek? - These girls are kind of mean actually because they play bicycle hide and seek which is apparently when you sit on a bike and close your eyes and then all your friends abandon you in the woods. - 20. - I mean that is pretty scary. - Yeah, it's pretty mean. Well this is a pivotal moment because this is to show the bond that she and Obie have. Obie comes and finds her and I guess leads her back home. - Have you been crying? - No Mom, I just got some dust in my eye. - Okay. - Okay. - Class, we have a news story, a student joining us. What's that gonna equal, three times four? - [Student] 12. - 12. - So now that she's in school, there's like a whole scene where they just do math and that's really fun to watch like five minutes of. (clock ticking) - That's so mean, she's just like, figure it out. - An F? That's not like you Allie, did you study? - Yes. - What was the problem? - I just don't understand it. - You better get it together, young lady. If you have to go to summer school this summer, we're not going to Disneyland. - So mean. - That's fucked up, I'm gonna be honest. No one really makes an effort to help her understand math. They're just like why don't you get it? Be honest, are you stupid? You don't know how to do it? Well since you don't know how to do it, you can't come to Disney with us. We're all gonna go without you and you can stay here and do math and live alone. (Allie kissing sounds) - Come here, boy. (Allie kissing sounds) Come here, Obie. (Allie kissing sounds) - Obie, hey, you're in a movie, buddy. (Amanda laughs) - You're lucky, you don't have to worry about math. - I think about that all the time when I look at Bima, I'm like you're so lucky. - Yeah. - You don't have to deal with real life or chores. - Almost every morning when I would go to school as a kid and I did not want to go to school, I would look at my cats and be like, you have no idea how lucky you are. - So lucky. (laughs) - Grandpa, I'm not doing so well in math and if I don't get my grade up, we're not going to California this summer! - Don't worry sweetheart, Grandpa to the rescue. - Finally, an adult in her life will help guide her through math. - Oh no. - That's not a good look! - That's not a good look. Don't worry, I'll help you. - Allie, this is the new math. - No, it's just regular algebra. - I'm sorry kiddo, I can't help you. (Drew and Amanda laugh) - Just drops the book. - [Amanda] He just leave, he just walks off, he doesn't say anything. So we know the dog talks because that's in the synopsis. Who do you think the dog would sound like? - You can do it Allie, I know you can. - Who said that? - He's got this like sultry jazz voice. - It was me. - Dogs can't talk. - I can. - How come I can hear you? - Because you're special. - What makes me so special? - You're a good girl. - The dog's special and she's special? - Yeah? - So when you're both special then you can hear each other. - Okay. - I guess I'm not special 'cause Bima doesn't talk to me. - I've been in the family for years. - I do like that they didn't try to animate his mouth. I hate when they do that. - Such a low bar, I agree, but that's like, I do like that they didn't even try to do extra work. - Because when they do it looks so bad and scary. - It always looks bad, yeah. - The first thing you have to do is remember your formulas. (Amanda laughs) - Oh, okay. - Oh, now I get it. Okay. - [Drew And Amanda] If I remember my formulas then I can do do math! - He's not only a talking dog, he's a genius. - He's a genius, yeah. When dogs, never in their history, have had to comprehend math for any survival reason, (Amanda laughs) he took the time to learn math just to help her. - Yeah. - And what he learned is that - [Drew And Amanda] You have to remember your formulas. - Yes, wait until I tell Obie! - I got an A plus. I stayed up all night studying. - All right, well I didn't know any of this shit 'till my dog taught me, (Amanda laughs) so gimme a break. - Have you seen my cell phone? - No. - I know where his phone is. - I stole it. - Why don't you go tell him? - He can't hear me but you could tell him where it is. - He can hear me? Yeah, you're a human. (Amanda laughs) - You probably hid it there in the first place. Tell my dad I'll be home in time for dinner. - While I was walking home from school yesterday, I dropped my phone and it shattered. Grandma was so mad at me. (group laughs) - They talk about phones so much. - All they talk about is phones. - Hey Christopher Columbus. - Why are you calling me Christopher Columbus? - Because you went on a wild adventure trying to find your way home last night. - Because you sailed the ocean blue in 19. - In 1942. There's so many things that could like. - Did Christopher Columbus go on a wild adventure? - Yeah I wouldn't really call it that. That's a funny way to describe it. (Amanda laughs) - I don't see what the big deal is. - They're making fun of her because she just moved here yesterday and she got lost. Also, I like his shirt. Football! (Amanda laughs) - Leave her alone, I don't want to hear her crying like a little baby. - You mean like you did after you got that F on the quiz? - All these kids talk about are phones and math. (Amanda laughs) It consumes their life. - Well what'd you get? - I got a B. - [Kid] Yeah, right. - I did and my dog helped me study. My dog talks and no one else can hear him but me. - I don't know if I would say that. - Yeah, I probably wouldn't tell people that. This unprovable facts. Like my dog talks, he knows math and only I can hear him. It's like, mm. - Like you just met these people. - You're not doing yourself any favors. - This is boring and I'm going home. - Bye Christopher Columbus! - Shut up. - [Kids] Christopher Columbus, Christopher! - And they don't even acknowledge that the dog talks to her. They're still stuck on that she got lost. - I know it, "Oh, your dog talks, that's weird." - [Kids And Drew] Christopher Columbus! - I don't trust Michelle and Drew. - Why not? - Something about the witty left you in the woods at the park. - No, not just something about, just the whole thing about. - These people who have only been cruel to her and he's like, I don't know. I can't wear my finger on what it is I don't like about them. - My paw. - Nice. - And they took her to a part of the neighborhood that she didn't know and she got lost. - Do you guys wanna play bicycle hide and seek? - Well they do a flashback because it's been 15 minutes since the scene. - They even reminded us of this in the last scene and they're like, black and white footage. Like remember, just in case you forgot the only thing that's happened in this movie so far. - [Kids] Christopher Columbus! - This just happened! - One minute ago this happened - Taking another test. - I want you guys to let me know if you notice anything funny about this scene. Did you catch it? There's like 30 pencils in the scene that are all sharpened. But the one they do a closeup on is brand new out of the box. - That's the shot. - We got it, nailed it. - [Amanda] She's writing like a letter. - Yeah, dear president. - I didn't do so well this time, I got a D! - A D? - What's that dog been teaching you? - Maybe we can get you a tutor. - What seems to be the problem with geometry? It's really a very logical. - And then even the tutor! - It's just numbers! - I know, the tutor who is hired to help her understand math, she's just like, "Well it's pretty fucking simple, I mean." - A simple process. - Not to me. - What do you mean? - It's simple. Not to me. What do you mean? - Is this a test? - Well you could say that. - Could someone teach her math instead of just giving her tests to fail? - I know. - Hey, you wanna buy some lemonade? - Why don't we go around the neighborhood and tell everyone so we can make a lot more money. - [Drew] You guys thirsty? There some lemonade down there. - [Amanda] Sure, let's go. Hey, what about you guys? - [Drew] Any of you want a lemonade? - [Amanda] Sure, let's go. - [Drew] Sure, we've got money, we're kids. - Well we are rich. - We're not rich, silly. Rich is when you have a million dollars. We have eight dollars and 36 cents. - How do they get eight dollars and 36 cents when lemonade was 25 cents? - Is it because she's bad at math that people are just giving them like pennies and she's like, that's probably enough. They sold like 33 and a half cups of lemonade, like. (rock music) Why is no one around doing anything? - No! - All those adults just saw them tie the dog up. One second later these kids sprint over with trouble making looks on their faces. - Yeah, that's probably theirs. - Where's Obie? - Maybe he got loose? - No, I tied him up really good. - [Amanda] Did you guys see my dog was right here? - Yeah, two little boys took it. They went that way. - Oh, okay. - Is Obie here? - No, I thought he was with you. - He probably ran off. How come you didn't tie him up? - They get so mad at her. - Calm down, sweetheart. Maybe he just got loose. - That's also a problem! - He just got loose. - Don't worry, he probably just ran away. - Can I get you something to drink? - Oh, I'm fine, thank you ma'am. - Tell me about the dog. - Well he's got four legs, tail. - Covered in fur. - Right, got it. - Got it. - We'll be on the lookout. - All right, y'all have a good contact number? - For the dog? No, he doesn't have a phone. (Amanda laughs) We'd call him if he did. - I gotta get outta here. Allie still needs help with her math. - No concern about how you've been stolen from your family. You're just like, "She's not gonna do good on her math." Also, he didn't help her on the last one. She got D on the last one. - Yeah, that confused me, too. I thought she was supposed to be doing good. - Yeah. - I guess Obie doesn't know geometry. - He only knows pre-algebra. - You get to geometry, he's like, - He doesn't know geometry. - I don't know shapes, man, I'm a dog! - I miss him, too. He's been my buddy for years. - He's my best friend and I feel like this is all my fault. - Kinda, yeah. - Why don't you say a prayer before you go to bed tonight? - That's a great idea. Except I don't know how. - When you get ready to say your prayer, you say, "dear God." - If only someone would do that with math. I don't know how to do math and everyone's just like, "You'll figure it out, you'll figure it out." And then she's like, "How do I pray?" And he does a step by step guide. - Well, first you do this. - Please bring Obie home safely. He's my best friend and grandpa's buddy. - I like how she just met the dog who's known her grandpa his whole life. And she's like, he's my best friend and grandpa's acquaintance. - Don't forget your formula on that one. - Oh, got it, yep, my formula. - Oh, formula, got it. - Maybe if I tug this rope, it'll come loose. (spring coiling) There we go, I'm free. - He comes back home and knocks on the door. Hello? - Ah yes, Obie. - Oh it's great to see you again. - Obie, I knew you'd come back. - Well I guess that mystery solved. - I told you he'd be back. - That solves that! - Nice, all we had to do was nothing. - Can I feed him? - Yes, quickly, you need to get back to studying. - Oh my God. - I know the dog just came back and she's so. - Can she have 10 seconds to celebrate the return of her lost dog? Her whole life revolves around math, it's really depressing. - I know. - Dear God, thanks again for bringing Obie home. - It just goes to show you, anything you pray for ever will come true immediately. - The next day. - The next day. Really long birthday content. - [Amanda] Oh yeah they got the cups song. - [Drew] That's how you know this is a period piece. (Amanda laughs) That was fucked up mom when you did that. Trying to read her lip, what'd she say? - I know, what did she say? The presents she got? - Absurd. - [Amanda] A Louis Vuitton handbag. - [Drew] An iPhone, a Build a Bear, and a Louis Vuitton bag for her birthday, what a day. So now they get to go out and go camping. - What's wrong? - The instructions are in Spanish. - Oh no! - I don't know Spanish, I don't even know math! (attempting to speak in Spanish) - What a fun scene this is when they all work together to figure out Spanish? - Yeah and los palos means poles. Assemble the tent poles. - We got it. (kids applaud) - Put together the tent. Okay, let's do it! (Amanda laughs) - All right, step two. Spread the tent? - [Kid] You got it. (upbeat music) - Got it! - [Drew] Four kids had to actually put a tent together, which is like a really difficult thing to do, in my experience and I'm an adult. Throughout the movie, we get to see them, you know, suffer from heat exhaustion, sweat their asses off. And now you can visibly see multiple mosquitoes just flying around their face, you can see bites. And for what? They did all of this for this movie? (kids laugh) - Mary. - What does that mean? (Amanda laughs) - They're eating on! - I have a funny story. - Okay, let's hear it. - Once upon a time there was a caterpillar. No, once upon a time there was a butterfly. Well, first it was a caterpillar and then it grew up, okay? - Right, okay. - And then the children grew up so the mother had to go away and then. - This doesn't sound funny at all. (kids laughs) - [Amanda] No, that was funny. - [Kid] Well it sounds funny when my grandpa tells it. - [Other Kid] He should stick to it. - He should stick to it. - He should stick to it, kind of savage actually. That's like when you sing a song and then someone's like. - Oh who sings that? - Lady Gaga. - Well let's keep it that way. - Okay. - So if you mess this up, I'm gonna make your life miserable. Now I'll show you few tricks and that's it. - Finally, a human being is going to teach her how to do math. - He's gonna show her a few tricks. - A few tricks. 'Cause that's all math is, there's just a couple. - Tricks and formulas. - Tricks, formulas, shortcuts. - That looks like your forehead. (Amanda and Drew laugh) - The trick is, that looks like your forehead. - Oh, Allie. I don't know what to say. - How's your mother gonna feel about this? - What did I get? - You got an 89! (Allie screams) - You can't trick her like that. - Yeah, why does he Ryan Seacrest her where he's like the winner is not! - Kelly Clarkson. - I won! - It looks like we can go to California! - Well everybody but grandpa. - Why? - He died. (Amanda laughs) - I can't wait to tell mom and Alex when they get home. - Well grandpa's here, why don't you go run and tell him now? - Grandpa! - No Grandpa, you're going, he's not. - Grandpa, guess where only I get to go? - It's not like we're best pals or anything. Mom didn't make him be nice. (glass clinks) (Amanda laughs) - Oh, excuse me. - [Obie] Those are the boys that took me from the cupcake shop. - Hey, that's our dog! - Yeah you stole our mutt, little girl. - No, this is my special dog. He belong to my grandpa, my brother and me. - This is so weird. Why do they want the dog? All they did when they got him was tie him up to a shed and then abandon him for weeks. - They don't even know he's special. - Yeah, they don't know that he talks. It's not like, oh we could sell him for money. - Is there a problem here? Because from what I see you guys try and steal our dog. - No, we just thought he was a cute dog. - We want one just like him. - I just didn't want you guys getting in trouble for a misunderstanding. - Cool, bye. (rapid drums) - They didn't get along the whole movie. But I guess they're friends now and they can go on vacation. - [Mom] And we're off to California. - [Dad] To play in the beach and the sun. - We're off to California. - [Drew And Amanda] To play in the beach and the sun. - [Drew] A lot of times with outtakes, you watch them and it's like, oh this is funny. Like Breaking Bad outtakes are always funny 'cause it's such a serious show. But when you watch outtakes for a movie like this, it's kind of just depressing 'cause it keeps you an insight into what it was like to film this movie. - [Director] Ryan, watch out, you're in the frame, totally in the frame. - Ryan! - [Director] Ryan is all up in the frame. - This was barely even a movie. Like I don't, I cannot believe that this is on a streaming service. - Still have no idea why the dog talks. - Yeah. - Nine outta 10 Obies. - You hear that guys? My tummy's rumbling. Good thing I have Food Box (bell dings) from today's sponsor, Hello Fresh. (light jazz music) Food Box. You've heard of boxes and you've heard of food, but did you ever think someone would be crazy enough to combine it into one thing and send it to your door every week? Well, Hello Fresh is here to do just that. And it's so tasty and convenient that I've been using them for years before they even started sponsoring my channel. Even though I like cooking, I still have days where I would rather get it done as quickly as possible. And Hello Fresh has a ton of meals that you can make in 30 minutes, 20 minutes, hell, even 10 minutes. And they're still delicious. Time is valuable and when I can save some not only cooking, but also from grocery shopping, which I no longer have to do as often, it gives me more time to do the things I love, like catching frisbees in my mouth and barking at the mailman. You also don't have to worry about boring or repetitive meals with Hello Fresh. They're constantly updating their menu and you can pick anything you want on it. You can add extra meals, a lunch or a quick breakfast, a snack or dessert, just about anything you could possibly be in the mood for. And you never have to step foot inside of a grocery store. The ingredients are all perfectly portioned so there's no food waste and the produce is freshly picked and travels from the farm to your door in less than a week. It's a streamlined system that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional grocery shopping. So if you wanna try something out that'll take a ton of stress out of your weekday meals, head to hellofresh.com and use my code IMALITTLESTINKER65 for 65% off plus free shipping. It's a great deal and it's the perfect time to try it out for yourself. Thank you so much for Hello Fresh for sponsoring today's video. Thanks so much for watching today's video. And thank you again to Hello Fresh for sponsoring it. The Good News for all the people who have absolutely hated my blue hair. Pretty sure my hair has now finally grown in long enough for me to haircut or for me to cut hair, for me to get a haircut. And then I'll finally look normal again. Is that what you want? For me to just look like a regular guy? This hair changed my life, okay? You have no idea. People no longer make the joke that I'm Danny Gonzalez, now they make the joke that I'm ninja. That's so much worse. But anyway, I hope you like this video and if you didn't, fuck you!
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 5,453,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, summertime christmas, ally & obie, movie review, amazon movies, low budget movies, prime video, review
Id: sL-PL1hpnM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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