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"1st Class" isn't a British term. That would be "Year 1". It is, however, a GERMAN term. Which makes me think this person is German.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

AHHHH I LOVE EPISODE. I need to wait till after my schoolwork to watch him make fun of it 😭

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sugarpuppies1005 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everyone welcome back to my second channel I hope you're all having a great day have you stumbled across this channel thinking this is my main channel this is actually my second channel so you got a whole nother channel to subscribe to cuz this isn't my main channel where I do all the commentary and the scripted nonsense this is where I like to get a little bit goofy err a little bit more unscripted stuff and get a little bit wacky and drink lacroix so let's do it today I got a lemon Lacroix not lemoncello but just a regular old lemon I thought it would be fun to play a game on my second channel I don't think I've ever done like a gaming video or anything of the sort so I asked on my Instagram what game you guys wanted to see me play a lot of you said episode which I have been meaning to play for awhile but I also know that a lot of other youtubers do videos about episode so I don't want to make it seem like it's my thing or anything Curtis makes videos about episode he's made two videos and they're both really funny so if you want more episode content go check out his and it's also taken me a really long time to like get into episode cuz I haven't found a story that I like but I feel like I should just jump into it just like pick a story that sounds good and just dive into it and just see if it works out and if it's fun then it's fine and if it's not then I'll never post this video so I found this story called a youtubers reality and I thought it would be fun because I'm a youtuber in reality so I'm curious to see if the author of this episode story has a realistic view of what youtubers lives are like and if not you know what's it gonna be like so the description of the story is just a girl who decides to create her own youtube channel once her videos blow up what will happen I don't know what will happen will she quit her job or whatever she does will she drop out of school who's to say alright well let's just jump into it let's see what it's like to be a youtuber also yeah my hair is different because I didn't do it today I sort of gave up on styling it because it's gotten too long and I haven't gotten a haircut in a while also this is a new Greg shirt you can get it at Danny Gonzalez death store it's minty hey guys I'm Chloe the author of a youtube reality I'm just starting out so I'm sorry I'm still trying to get the hang of it I'm going to give you a chance to make your main character now and also one of the guys one more thing I'm so sorry but your name has to be Mia and the guys name has to be Skyler okay so right off the bat we're starting off this story with an apology cuz she messed up know if this is a thing in most episode stories where the author has to like say something at the beginning to be like hey it's me the author that'd be cool like movies did that or the director came on before the movie and he was like hey it's me George Lucas I made the Star War enjoy the Star War the main character has to be Luke okay so she said the girl's name has to be me and the guys name has to be I already forgot okay what's your name Greg I'm gonna make Greg sound more girly Greggy Greg with an AI who now I get to customize her okay so let's I mean she already looks fine I don't know let's give her a friggin chiseled square jaw old-old eyes I don't know how old this girl's supposed to be I'm assuming she's like a teen but she's gonna have some old-ass eyes and she's gonna have a mature round nose I just give her all mature features mature medium this is gonna be an old lady okay yeah let's make her hair others dreadlocks no I don't think so bad head she'll have just gotten out of bed in every scene that she's in this is gonna be awesome and I make it gray no I can make it platinum blonde that's closest I can make it to gray but that actually looks pretty good okay and let's just make her pale as can be perfect and now okay now we get to customize the guy I don't even remember what his name is supposed to be so his name is gonna be sqweep his name's gonna be sqweep let's also make him pale okay can I make him look really old too sarcastic eyes he looked at me with his sarcastic eyes they were like oh I'm eyes oh yeah I'm definitely eyes sarcastic eyes you can make them black you can give him black sarcastic eyes give him nice thin eyebrows yeah we'll give him a nice gone to look like he hasn't eaten in weeks tiny little nose and a giant mouth all right looking good squeeze he's perfect okay so the beginning of the story says at Mia's house in the morning so I'm assuming that we're never gonna see the name Greggy again it's just gonna be Mia which I guess is I guess I should have seen coming I don't feel the best maybe it's cuz I'm aging so fast I'm 90 years old I'm a 16 year old in the body of a 90 year old Mia breakfast I'm not even ready yet what should I wear today maybe a dress oh wow she's stunt and look at her out here mum who is this a British game do I have to do a British accent for these people mummy mum do you realize what time it is 8 o'clock ok I'm not gonna do it British accent I can't uh no sweetie it's 9:00 oh snap I'm gonna be late BYE MOM love you I like that she's just running in place I haven't tapped yet so I assume she's gonna run off the screen when I tap but she's already started running she's just like off she goes oh I thought she was gonna run the way that she was facing but she turned around and walked the other way [Music] later on at school okay so I was right she is a teenager so it is funny that I made her look mature yes mom okay bye okay so this is like our friend Grace or something Hey hey are you still coming over after school yeah for sure did you see Shane Dawson's new video yes Heller imagine how awesome it would be to become a youtuber yeah but imagine all the hate we would get especially from Leah and Becky and the rest of the world I mean I don't think it's like guaranteed that you're gonna get a bunch of hate if you become a youtuber I really don't get that much hey I have to really search for it the vast majority of my audience is like overwhelmingly nice I feel like you have to do something really shitty to get like a decent amount of hate and I make fun of people on my YouTube channel that's like all I do right off the bat it's some unrealistic expectations of what being a youtuber is like that's very true yes we would definitely get a lot of hate okay maybe they're like racist or something and we don't know and that's that's just sort of like the subtext there like we would definitely get a lot of hate on YouTube we got some super fucked-up opinions oh here's Leah and her friend Becky I think her name was I heard my name uh you're hearing things girl no I'm not no I'm not I'm not crazy and I'm not your girl come Becky let's leave there honestly the meanest people I have ever met that was such a weird conversation they just came up and they were like hey I heard my name you're hearing things no I'm not bi she didn't have anything to say or she seems like she's a bully it she didn't bully them at all she was just like did you say my name I'm not crazy I gotta go later on after school do I need to give them different voices is it confusing that I'm using the same voice for all of them I'm gonna use my normal voice for me and maybe I'll try to come up with different voices for the other character so it's less confusing well I'd be given any choices in this game I thought that was like the whole point of the game is that I can like choose my own destiny and stuff this is just like reading a book but I have to tap for each new sentence what is taking so long uh hey do you know where Mr fields office is oh it's Skyler okay so this is the guy design I guess his name was supposed to be Skyler he also looks pretty old and hungry oh yeah it's just around the corner oh thank you let me guess after-school detention wouldn't guess that by looking at this guy he looks old I'd be like do you work here are you a parent yep I was actually being really good today yeah I'm sure you were Tyler what are you doing talking to this thing uh okay all right I've got a choice here so I can say it's actually Mia get it right or that's not nice let's tell her our name that's actually helpful you think I really care is this voice gonna get really annoying let's find out come Skyler we are leaving oh I'm Skyler by the way if you didn't hear her say it two times I'm Skyler yeah I'm Nia I can't believe he actually spoke to me Oh grace is back oh now I gotta come up with a voice for grace hey was that Skyler Bradshaw yeah weird right yes very weird let's go back at Mia's home okay I'm hoping we're gonna get into some YouTube stuff soon what's gonna does she have cigarettes she's got cigarettes on her nightstand is this an old lady no wonder she looks like that she's a chain smoker at the age of 14 she have an ashtray on her nightstand that's so weird maybe you'd only put that there cuz I gave her all those mature features I was actually being serious I want to start a YouTube channel just do it that's gonna be Grace's new voice I didn't like the other voice but you know there are going to be haters out there right especially if the girls at school find out about it yeah well okay so we can just keep it a secret or I could just not worry about what other people think hmm do we think that Leah and her friend Becky I think her name was are gonna be are really gonna be mean about it should we keep it a secret what would I do if I was in high school and I had a YouTube channel well actually I did have a youtube channel in high school and I didn't keep it a secret so I'm gonna pick that just don't worry about what other people think you got this man yeah that could work so are we gonna do it you are not me but I can't do it on my own what she's not gonna help Wow you think you know someone I'll help you out I'm not getting in the videos but fine what are you gonna film on I think me mum has an old camera in the basement I guess I'm just gonna speak in a British accent any time they say mum off they go down to the basement where do we start looking maybe in that box that has labeled cameras oh [ __ ] roasted maybe the box labeled cameras dumbass found it oh you're so smart here we go wait that's just a phone the old camcorder that they were talking about that was in the basement is like a modern looking iPhone why don't they just use their phones I assume they have phones right a lot of youtubers actually just used their phones I was pretty surprised to find that out so you could blow up using anything you'd film with a candle a crow and blow up and I'm not just saying that cuz I love Lacroix I really mean it let's head back upstairs so what's our first video your first video Graces like this [ __ ] will not stop including me in this I don't want to get made fun of at school at the same time it's like well then stuff following her around grace you know it's like go home then if you don't want to help but just do a welcome to my channel video oh that's good that's clever how clever ha have you guys seen that tick-tock that's it's like a cartoon and he puts a lime on the screen and he's like I'm clever I it's one of my favorite tic TOCs where should we film out here should be fine okay let's set the camera is this a good angle I like that she's just like perfectly covering up grace I mean I guess grace didn't want to be in the video but it just kind of seems like kind of savage to be like how's this angle the one we're we're we don't get have to look at you how's that for an angle looks fine to me okay she likes it I guess okay I'm starting you got this as a youtuber I got to give some constructive criticism it seems like they decided to start a YouTube channel but they don't really know what they're gonna do yet like they don't even know what kind of videos are gonna post which I guess is fine like you can experiment a little bit but they're even going into their first video not knowing what they're gonna do that's how you end up making like Lele pons videos well you're just like I don't know let's just film whatever we'll figure it out as we go like what is this introduction video even gonna because usually in an introduction video people would be like on this channel you can expect you know penguin reviews I'm gonna be talking about all the hottest penguins the most dateable penguins of 2020 this one hot is fun but since they don't know what kind of videos are gonna post on their Channel I don't know what is the introduction video just gonna be it's just gonna be like hey I am Mia please subscribe hey guys I'm Mia okay so I guess that is what it's gonna be welcome to my youtube channel Mia it goes on talking about herself and her life it's not important you don't need to you don't need to see any of that any of the interesting stuff unaware of what is going to happen in the next few weeks hey guys I really hope you enjoyed episode 1 I'm really sorry for it being short please give me feedback bye oh okay well that so to be continued we'll do one more episode I think there's like eight total so we can we'll squeeze another one into this video hey guys welcome back this episode should be very exciting let's get into it but first I'll give you a chance to edit your character so what's your name oh maybe we get to actually use our name this time so I'm gonna name her Greggy again let's see if we actually get to use the name this time or if she's just gonna be Mia again I don't think we want to change anything unless I can give her white hair no all the colors are the same so looks good to me she's perfect she's beautiful I still don't know if I should have posted the video I really want to but if I do it's up for everybody to see I'm gonna do it post it man that was fast I doubt it'll even get any views anyway later on at school hmm no views I knew I wouldn't get any what's the point so this is kind of interesting it's like a duality because she wants it to be popular because she wants to be a popular youtuber but she also like doesn't want anyone to see it and that's something I kind of relate to honestly it's like I want my videos to get views because it's very gratifying to be a creator and have people watch what you do but knowing that like people I know watch my videos kind of freaks me out because I just like picture them watching it and I know they don't laugh at every joke and so just picturing them watching my videos and like not laughing at some of the jokes just really irks me for some reason cuz it just like picturing them being like oh that wasn't very funny it's like oh no I'm gonna hide whole forever for the rest of my life she wants the view she just doesn't want anyone to see it somehow she wants her cake and she wants to eat it too I'd say hey me us me Skyler hey Skyler I was just going to see if you wanted to maybe do something this weekend that is if you're not busy ooh a little bit of romance in this too so it's not just about YouTube it's about falling in love is he asking me out um yeah for sure cool I'll call you tonight sounds great what was that uh I think he just asked me on a date what he's like one of the most popular guys in school she she says as she points with a fully straightened arm across the room in the opposite direction of where he went he's one of the most popular boys in school I even heard that Lea had a little crush on him oh [ __ ] not her arch nemesis oh this one and well who cares rub it in her face ha ha ha grace was the one who was making a big deal about it and then all of a sudden she was like I actually who cares I don't who cares what's one of the most popular boys in school and our bully has a crush on him what do you think I should not go on a date or what I don't know who cares I don't care I don't care about anything that's so mean but to be honest she really deserves it I would like to point out that we haven't seen any evidence that Lea deserves anything we haven't seen her bully anyone really all we've seen her do is be like hey did you say my name okay I'm not crazy bye we haven't really seen her do anything that like warrants revenge did you post the video yeah still no views just keep posting you're gonna gain subscribers eventually yeah I guess you're right I'll make another video after school that's good I like that her first video didn't go viral I was kind of worried it was gonna make her like introduction video go viral which I've never seen happen before unless it's for like a person that's already famous making a YouTube channel like Dwayne the rock Johnson's intro video probably went viral but like just a random person being like hey I'm Mia and this is my channel like that would never go viral so I was worried it was gonna make that video go viral but I guess she's gonna keep posting so that's good also I'm just realizing it's still not using the name that we added still Mia so that's kind of disappointing why did it let us change our name was it just like you can change it to Mia again if you want to if it wasn't Mia before you better make it Mia now I've got a run I'll meet you at lunch off she goes oh my god a view oh one view Mia your video has got over 100 views are you serious oh okay so is this video gonna go viral yes look oh my god she's not even looking at her phone she's just like oh [ __ ] a hundred views Wow I wish I could see it but my phone's too high it's a start I guess I'll say a hundred views for your first video where all you do is just like introduce yourself that's pretty good you have to make another video when you get home yeah I will what about though make a story time video that's a good idea nothing interesting has happened to me ever in my whole life nothing interesting has ever happened to me I've been sitting in a room smoking cigarettes for 60 years and then I went to high school and met you that's all that's the only thing that's ever happened to me and that my friend is why clickbait was invented okay this episode story is kind of taking a cynical approach to being a youtuber it's kind of like you got a lie in order to make it this is kind of interesting that's terrible I'll find something to make it about remember in first class when you ate a berry off the big tree and everyone told you they were poisonous yeah talk about that and caption the video I was poisoned oh so now I can decide whether it's a good idea or not should I lead Mia down the path of lying in her YouTube videos or should we try to stay honest [ __ ] I don't know what do I want to come of this here's my plan I'm gonna say it's okay to lie at first and then and once we get a little bit bigger maybe we'll stop lying if it gives me an option again but you know what just to get the ball rolling a little bit we can be a little bit click baby that's fine that's a really good idea actually I think it's a great idea I'll decide when I get home oh okay I don't actually get to make any decisions for I just get to decide what she says and then she'll decide later okay well I've got an appointment to go do so I'll see you tomorrow she's right I'm not gonna get views unless I use some sort of clickbait I'm just not interesting that afternoon his phone begins to ring hello oh hey Skyler tomorrow after school yeah for sure oh [ __ ] I think we got a date we got a date with that hubba-hubba hunk of a man Skyler okay bye he just asked me to go to the movies with him yes things aren't looking good for Mia here she's got a YouTube video on the rise she's got a hubba-hubba hunk of a man I've never said that before in my life but that's how I'm gonna describe Skyler from now on okay I've got to make this video okay cameras set up and by that she means my phone is in video mode and that's all the setting up that is required here goes hey guys welcome back to my channel today I'm going to be telling a story time I was poisoned that's actually pretty good just like a attention-grabber or a nice hook right from the start hey guys today I'm gonna be telling a story I was poisoned so basically in first grade in first class we all went on an excursion to the zoo I'm assuming first class is like first grade a person who wrote this it's like British or something or maybe they live somewhere else but they say mom and they say first class so they're not American that's for sure speak American dude in first class we all went on an excursion to the zoo and there were these big trees there I was so starving I would have eaten anything so I picked a berry from this tree and I ate it then next minute all these kids are running around saying you're gonna die so I was freaking out how did all the kids at once know to say you're gonna die like why did everyone immediately think that's poison we all know we all took a poisonous plants class together we're not there it was like at the community center we all took it together you're gonna die meeow continues to tell the story with excitement thanks for watching I'll see you guys next time bye okay that's done I wish I could see one of our youtube videos we only just get like snippets of them just sort of like the intro and then the story is just kind of like and so on and we never really get to see what the full YouTube video is I would like to critique it now I just need to post it done I'm so tired I'm gonna go to bed dude actually honestly that's pretty relatable when I film a YouTube video I can't like do anything for the rest of the day my brain is so fried from trying to make sure I don't [ __ ] up while I'm filming that I just like lay on the couch and do nothing for the rest of the so that's actually pretty relatable goodnight world through the night Mia's phone does not stop buzzing one buzz after another that is how it would go if it didn't stop buzzing what's happening find out on the next episode of a youtubers reality also I really want to get the first three episodes out and then I promise the episodes will become much longer Chloe all right well I say we call it their fam there's the first two episodes of a youtubers reality that's two out of eight you know if this video doesn't turn out super boring maybe we can finish the series some other time hope you guys had fun hope you guys had some lacroix if you want to get this shirt again it's a Daniel Gonzales store or you can get the hoodie version of it it's pretty much the same color and that's pretty much the end of the video let's end it right neck
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 2,819,771
Rating: 4.9775567 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines, episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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