My New Favorite Bad Movie

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It's 1 am in India but I'll stay up to watch Drew Gooden anytime. Proud little stinker from India. Also Greg and I'm from Kurtistown.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was one of my favorite childhood movies. I watched it when I was a young tween and I didn't know any of the actors except Alexa Vega because of Spy Kids. I recently watched it a few years ago and I was so surprised to see the number of familiar faces.

Also I recognize how super creepy some of the scenes are now.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/AnnaK22 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies the beginning, he singles out Brie Larson, Steve Carrell, and Jane Lynch but not Jeff Garlin? 😪

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/CurrentRoster 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Where have u been man

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/adithya_chittem 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I saw the thumbnail and thought that Drew had no shirt on

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Comfortable_Ad_1232 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Comfortable_Ad_1232 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Hey, guys, I got some new holiday merch that you can buy if you want, but you don't have to. I'm not your boss. And even if I was, I wouldn't make you buy it. But if you want to, go to and now enjoy the video. Hey, remember when you were a kid and you'd see a commercial for a movie that you wanted to see, but you were too young to drive anywhere and because of what the movie was, you were too embarrassed to ask your parents to take you to see it and so you just never did and then years passed and you completely forgot about the movie until one day, as a 27-year-old, Netflix recommended it to you on your home page and you realized you could finally fulfill a childhood dream? Well, that's never happened to me, but if it did it would be with the 2004 trash hit "Sleepover," starring the girl from "Spy Kids." Some other notable casting choices. You've got Jane Lynch. You've got Brie Larson, who's just kind of there. And you've also got Evan Peters, who for some reason is playing the same exact character he played on "Phil of the Future?" - I'm definitely breaking out a fresh pair of undies. I've got tubes in nasty places. - He sort of talks like this and like moves his arms and mouth a lot 'cause you know he's sort of a wacky guy. If I didn't know any better, I would think that that's just how he talks, but I'm also 90% sure it's not. Also, Steve Carell is in this movie for some reason. I guess because this was still a few years before he started making enough money to turn down roles. And even though his character is basically just Paul Blart, I gotta say he nails it. He gave everything he had to this movie that did not deserve it. (lion roaring) I always loved when movies from the 2000s start with this ancient MGM logo. It makes it seem like you're about to watch like "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" and then it fades out and a kid in Heelys rolls by. (upbeat music) (school bell ringing) (students cheering) All right, five seconds in and we already have movie trope number one where the bell rings and everyone runs out screaming, throwing multi-colored papers into the air. Context clues tell me that it's either the last day of school or it's the first day of school at the worst school. Anyway, then we meet our main characters Julie and Hannah, seen here giggling in unison. (laughing) - I thought we were done with junior high. - It's the summer reading list. (laughs) - You read all these books? - Yeah, many times. - Really, Mr. Corrado, you need to get out more. (sad piano music) - Remember that line because that will be important later. It may not seem like a big deal, but he takes that advice to heart. - Julie, party problem. - [Julie] Great. - Oh no, Liz accidentally wrote her party invitations using ransom letters. It also must mean that the family of the person she kidnapped got this in the mail, classic mix-up. - Hey, Yancy, my father's a lawyer. - Oh? - "Oh? "My dad's a--" - He could help you sue the diet pill company for nonperformance. (laughing) - "I was gonna say my dad's in jail, "but I guess that's not why you brought that up." So right away, that is a perfect glimpse into what Yancy's character is supposed to be in this movie. She's just fat. I'm not saying she's fat and I'm not saying that matters, but what I am saying is that the writers only wrote for her that she's overweight and she likes food and you'll see more of that later, but that's her whole character. - Hey, hey, what's this? Someone having a party tonight? - Yeah, party. (yelling excitedly) - Keep it up, SpongeBob, you'll have two pictures of yourself in a coma. - Why did she call him SpongeBob? Later that day, Julie gets really upset when the cool kids drive by blasting Yellowcard. ♪ Anything ♪ - Have fun. - It wasn't cool when I did it, but whatever. So to blow off some steam, they head down to the high school that they'll be attending next year. - There it is, the high school lunch spot. And there's where I'll be sitting. - "In the trash. "For four years every day for lunch, "I'm gonna do a cannonball into that dumpster "and munch on whatever I find. "Oh, hey, my crush is coming. ♪ Sha-la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ Sha-la-la-la-la ♪ "Wow, he's beautiful and he looks so similar "to the stunt double who's face "was onscreen in slow motion." ♪ Sha-la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ Sha-la-la-la-La ♪ (upbeat romantic music) - Isn't it great? He can't see me. Not at all. - Yeah, or maybe he did see you, but he was just confused why an eighth grader was standing outside of a high school. Also, isn't it summer break for these kids too? Why are they all still there? Go home. (laughs) Middle school ends and all the kids scream at the top of their lungs and trash the hallway. High school ends and everyone's just like, "Mind if we keep sitting here all day?" - We are having a ladybug party. - Mom, I'm 14, not four. - Yeah, it only took about eight seconds for me to figure out what the storyline between the mom and her daughter would be. "Are you excited for you widdle baby party tonight, "my widdle baby?" "Mom, I'm 14 now, I'm a grownup." "Well, for now I disagree, but by the end of the movie, "I will tell you how proud I am of your newfound maturity, "which I was only in denial of because you're growing up "too fast." "Okay." - Someone stole my bike. - That's her brother. He's not important. - I'm installing the Aquaclear system. - And that's her dad, who spends the entire movie trying to fix their water. (laughing) - [Julie] Butt crack alert. (laughing) - All right, calm down, guys. ♪ Is jumping around on my bed ♪ Sleepover montage. Cut back to the popular girl, who's boyfriend just drove on to the grass of a public park. - This is where we're going instead of the dance? I spent all month getting ready for this dance. - That's pathetic, come here. - "You stupid piece of shit." - Stop it. - "Whoa, come here, you little dumbass." - Get off me. - "Why isn't this working?" - Get out, we're over. - Oh no, they broke up. Guess she'll have to her own slumber party. - I have new funness in mind. Start making a list. - "A list of what?" (dial tone ringing) - Okay, thanks. (doorbell rings) It better not be SpongeBob. - Another SpongeBob reference? What am I missing? I wanna take a moment here to point out how poorly dubbed some of these lines are, where they switched to a voiceover as soon as someone turns their head, but it's very obvious. (laughing) (doorbell ringing) - [Julie] What's with this guy? - Let me get it this time. - Todd and I hooked up, so we decided to skip the dance. Okay. - So the way they do this is actually really simple. Basically as long as someone's mouth is out of the shot, you can replace the audio with any kind of audio that you want. I bet you didn't even notice that I'm doing that right now. - What do you want more than anything in this world? - Anything anything? - Ultimate anything. - "Spy Kids 5." - Scavenger hunting. - Winning group eats at the fountain next year and losers eat at the dumpsters. - No prob. - For the first part of their scavenger hunt, they need to make a dating profile on a website. And if you're worried about it not being safe, don't be. The website they're on is police approved. - This site is totally safe. What should our name be? June, occupation? - "June 3rd?" - Swimsuit model. - "Yeah, that's good too." - "I'm looking for someone way gorgeous "to buy me a drink tonight at the Cosmo Club." - Okay, so this is a totally safe website that a bunch of minors are using to meet up with a stranger at a bar. Probably not the best idea, but hey, at least they're not gonna get a response immediately, right? - We have a winner. - Already? - Dave, handsome, ooh. - "Ooh, his name's Dave." I love how they listed that like it's one of his attributes. "Let's see, handsome, check, Dave, check. "We've done it again." - I look like my mother. - Hold on. - Makeover montage. (upbeat rock music) Wow, that dress is gorgeous and all they had to do was rip off the extra fabric they put on to make it look ugly. So here's where Evan and the gang show up again to make this movie a little bit weirder. The girls are already gone, but that doesn't stop them from sneaking in. - All I can find are these scrunchies. - Yeah, and socks. - "This drawer's just filled with milk." - Where are the babes? (crashing) - [Dad] Girls, everything all right up there? - Oh no, the dad's gonna come up and realize all the girls are gone. Good thing Julie owns four wigs that match each of their individual hair styles. Okay, now it's time for Yancy's big moment. - I am so smooshed. I can't even return a wave at a cute guy. - Cute guys never wave at me. Oh, what am I saying? No guys ever wave at me, I'm fat. - "Remember? "That's my thing." - Yancy, would you rather eat celery or a brownie? - What is that, a trick question? - Exactly, so you'll just taste guys who like brownies. - "Huh, I never thought about it like that. "And since liking food seems "to be the only personality trait the writers gave me, "that makes a lot of sense." Up next, the girls head to the club to meet their date from earlier and totally unrelated, their teacher's also there? - A brown jacket with a red tie, oh my God. Mr. Corrado's my date. - It wasn't totally unrelated. - June, June. - He's seen me. - Well, the jig's up. It looks like he ... (upbeat dance music) doesn't recognize her? Because she put on sunglasses? - What would you like? - A Sex on the Beach. - Oh, two, please. - He still hasn't noticed that he's talking to a 14-year-old? - What's it like being a swimsuit model? - Cold. (laughing) - Still no? - [Mr. Corrado] Julie. - Finally. That took an uncomfortable amount of time. So Dave ends up buying the girls some ginger ale, Evan is over there dancing his heart out. Seems like everyone's having a good time except for Yancy. She's all alone in the cold, sitting on a palette, but here comes a boy. - What's your name? - Yancy. - Peter. - Oh my God, of course. Of course the guy who likes her is also kind of chubby because if this movie teaches us anything, fat people can only date each other and they can only be happy if they're in a relationship. - Guys never talk to me. I mean, sometimes they ask me to hold the door for them, but that's about it. - I would never ask you to hold the door. - "I'd slam it in your face." - This is the worst night of my life. - Meanwhile, they're still talking to the teacher, I wish it would stop, and her friend has some advice for the old guy. - Loosen your tie. (upbeat dance music) - Huh, oh? - Looks good. - "Looks great. "You look so different." - Huh, who would've guessed? - "Who would've guessed I look exactly the same?" - Hi, do you wanna dance? - Where did she come from? - Sure. - What is it with movies overestimating the effect that glasses have on a person's appearance? Regular glasses make you a hideous monster and sunglasses make you invisible. - I have to get home before ... (dramatic music) This cannot happen. - Oh, but it did. (uplifting rock music) I feel like the whole movie can be summed up in that one shot. Problem presents itself. "What do I do?" Looks offscreen at an object. (uplifting rock music) So she skateboards down a hill, she jumps over a dog and this is a big moment here. The guy she likes stops at a stop sign as she rolls on by and he falls in love instantly. - Who was that? - And that's important because he saw her for like four seconds and decides that's his dream girl. I mean, she rides skateboard. He rides skateboard. "What if we kissed at the skate park?" Now time for the biggest dare on the list. She has to go into Steve's house and steal his boxers, which yes, is very weird. Maybe that's why they had all those SpongeBob references earlier because this is their version of the panty raid? Side note, how come all of these characters just know where everyone lives? "Oh, we gotta get something from Steve's house? "The guy I've never spoken to in my life? "Yeah, I have his address." (tense music) "Skateboard, shoe." (sniffing) Why? But since Steve is just as enamored with the back of her head as she is with his feet, he is trying to find her in his old yearbook. - [Steve] I think this is the girl. - Where you can see her hobbies do include skateboarding, as well as hotdogs. Yes, I also love to hotdog. - Basketball, boarding and dogs. - "The total package. "She's also hiding in my shower right now, "but I don't know that and this scene is extremely normal. "Nothing to point out here about how creepy "or weird this is, "especially if the roles were reversed, but whatever. "It's just a movie." (heavenly music) - "Is that a butt?" Luckily for her, right before his extremely naked body steps into the shower where she is, there's a distraction outside, giving her an opportunity to steal his undies. So they drive away victoriously into the night. (camera clicking) (laughing) (crashing) (yelling) "Oh my gosh." Just kidding, I edited that. Can you imagine if that really happened? No, what does happen is in spite of their underage and reckless driving, they get away with everything and Steve Carell drives into some garbage cans. (tires screeching) (crashing) (whooshing) (yelling) So this kicks off the final act of the movie where everything collides at the high school dance. But first, they have to figure out how to get in. - Hold on, where's your ticket? - Oh, I don't have one. - Sorry, no ticket, no dance. - Oh no, what's she gonna do? - I know who you are. - You do? - You're out here collecting tickets instead of being inside at the dance. You spend your weekends doing extra credit algebra. - What? - You play way too much monopoly with your parents. - How does she know that? - And you've never eaten anywhere near the fountain. - What is happening right now? - And in four years, I will be you unless I get into that dance. - Burn? Maybe rethink your strategy there. (tense music) - You go, get in there. Do it for all those who never could. - Okay, I guess that worked. Here's how that conversation would've gone in real life. "Look, okay, you and I both know "that you're a pathetic loser "who's never gonna do anything with your life, "but tonight you hold in your hands the power to help me." "Fuck you." "Yeah, no, that's fair." (upbeat rock music) - Come on. - Oh no, the popular girl's boyfriend from earlier is kissing another girl. Can you believe it? He's a jerk? - Guess you changed your mind about the dance. - Staci. - "Staci." (slapping) (wincing) - "Listen, about earlier, why didn't you kiss me?" - Who the hell are you? - I'm his girlfriend. - Oh, really? Because I'm his girlfriend. Have been for six months. (grunting) (thudding) - No, no, no, hold on. He's the asshole here. They should be mad at him. He cheated on both of them. Why are they fighting each other? Evan, you got anything to add? (meowing) (hissing) Sounds about right. Anyway, they all start dancing while this Green Day lookalike band plays in the background. And Todd's pissed because he dances like this, but they can dance like this, which will win them the dance contest. - The winners of Mojo Dance Contest. (slapping) (camera clicking) - "Wow, it looks awesome, thank you." - We have a special dedication to Yancy from the speaker-moving guy. - Saw you dancing out there. Thought you might wanna try with a partner? - "Yeah, is Steve around here? "He's so hot." ♪ And dream ♪ "I forgot to say I'm five years older than you." - Do you like brownies? - Are you kidding? Brownies are a very important food group. ♪ We might start falling ♪ - Wow, they bonded over the only personality trait you gave this girl, but it makes sense because this is a movie about people who fall in love based on one thing. - How did you know? - I saw you boarding earlier tonight. - "And I saw your butt." Then some more shit happens. I don't need to get into it. (screaming) But they make it back home in time before their mom realizes they left the house, which is good, except Julie never got her kiss. Maybe the next morning? (slow-tempo romantic rock music) That fucking weirdo stood in her tree house all night waiting for her to come out so he could stick his hand around the corner and surprise her. (crickets chirping) (shouts softly) "Oh, that was just a squirrel." (slow-tempo romantic rock music) I feel like I shouldn't be looking at this. These are children. Well, technically she's a child. The actor who plays Steve is 22 years old at the time of filming, which makes sense because that is exactly the age that he looks. (trash clattering) (screaming) And that's how the movie ends. What a film. So fun fact about "Sleepover," the budget was $10 million, but they made $10.1 million. "Yeah, that's what we in the biz like to call a profit." Let's see what the fans had to say. This review seems promising. "Good, five out of 10." "This movie is very cool and funny in way, "but not too enjoyable. "Not the best movie I had ever seen, but it's cool. "The story is about a group of friends "who join in at a scavenger hunt against popular queens. "They get things wrong at first, but they make way. "Alex Vega gets to dance with her prince "in the end at the dance. "This movie is ideal for teen girls who live in a fantasy. "I also love to watch 'The Prince and Me' and comedies, "so try 'Prince and Me.' "It is a bit soppy, "but if you like other things watch like this movie, "I like 'Stuck in the Suburbs.' "I love it." Five out of six people found that review helpful. Or should I say six out of seven? So that is my new favorite bad movie. It has gotten dark outside extremely fast, so let's go ahead and hear a word from today's sponsor. Hi, I'm one of Evan Peter's wacky characters from 2004 and today I wanna talk to you, you know what? Actually, I don't think I'm gonna do that voice. 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And of course ExpressVPN not only has the fastest speeds out of any VPNs that I've tried, but it also has the highest ratings on several reputable tech websites. To find out how you can get three months free of ExpressVPN, click the link in the description, specifically the one that says "" If you click one of the other links, it's gonna take you somewhere else and you're gonna be pissed. Thank you to ExpressVPN for sponsoring today's video and for making a good product. Now back to Drew. Thanks, Evan, and thank you guys for watching today's video. I hope you enjoyed it. I haven't uploaded in a couple of weeks because I was taking some time off and now I'm back and ready more than ever to get comments about how long my hair is and how everyone hates it. I know, I know it looks bad. But what, am I gonna go get haircut right now? I'm sure I could figure out a way to do it, but I decided not to and so this is the look I will have forever. But thanks again for watching. Please be safe out there. There are certain graphs of certain things that are trending in the wrong direction, so keep that in mind for the upcoming holiday season, bye-bye.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 5,066,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, Movie, Movie review, sleepover movie, sleepover 2004, Alexa Vega, Steve carell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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