Remember When McDonald's Tried to Make a Movie?

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- You know what I feel pretty good today. So good in fact that I think I'm going to read some YouTube comments, but which one? So many choices. All right. I'm just going to click somewhere on my screen and read the first comment that I see. (suspenseful music) Oh shit. I can't afford to get sued again. It would be the third time this week. Relax Drew, if you just give into their demands, they'll back off. All right, fine. Just give me a second to figure this out. Now tell your lawyer to get off my ass. Anyway. Hey guys. Welcome back to my YouTube channel. My neighbor's kids have been screaming all day and I don't know why. Let's hope that continues. So today I'm going to be talking about an insane and hilarious E.T. ripoff that was made in the eighties by McDonald's. It's a movie called "Mac and Me". So a couple of things before we start one, I got the idea to do this from the H3 Podcast. They recently did a segment where they talked about a bunch of movies that had 0% on rotten tomatoes. And this was one of them. And I had remembered seeing this scene. (screaming) So many times I've seen that so many times in my life and I never really knew what it was from until I put the pieces together when watching that segment of the podcast. So I looked it up. I watched the entire movie twice because oh my God, it's incredible. Also real quick. One more thing. I'm excited to announce, we do have a bunch more tour dates officially listed now, in addition to the seven that we announced last week those tickets are available now. So click the link in the description. If you're interested in buying those if you see your city or a city near you, and that is that thank you so much for everyone who's bought tickets so far. I can't wait for the shows and I can't wait for this video. So I'm going to start it now. How this movie got made is actually pretty interesting basically in the eighties, two of the biggest children's entities were E.T. and Ronald McDonald. So naturally some genius came along and said, Hey what if we combined those two things and made an uglier worse version of E.T. that doubles as constant product placement for both McDonald's and Coca Cola. So rather than a bad movie, that's occasionally interrupted by some product placement "Mac and Me" is an hour and a half long commercial occasionally interrupted by a movie. Sometimes you get so swept up in the McDonald's logos and Coke cans that you forget there's also a bizarre alien kid's movie going on in the background. So the movie opens up pretty much where you would expect it to in space and right away our eyeballs are introduced to this hideous alien family. One of the bigger aliens, just kind of jams a straw into the ground and then starts drinking the ground. So we're off to a good start, but then, Oh shit, look guys, NASA's here. And they brought, like a lunar Lander or something. So then they kind of like look at it and they're like, what's that? And they're kind of moving all weird. Because you know, they're aliens. So I guess aliens move weird. I don't know. But then the Mars rover uses its little vacuum arm to suck up one of the aliens. Oh no. And then the rest of the aliens get sucked up. Oh no. So then it takes off and flies into space as all the names of the people who are probably ashamed to have been in this movie show up on screen. So now we're back at NASA and all the scientists are observing some of the like rock samples that they collected. But of course the aliens break out of the thing. And then this scene is legitimately terrifying. I'm not going to lie because these things are creepy as fuck. For some reason, the scientists just kind of let them go. But then chase them, they already had them contained inside their building, but they were like, no, no, no. Let's let them leave. And then chase them. It's kind of a weird plan. I don't understand. So right away the aliens get separated. There's the three bigger ones. And then the tiny little one who ends up all on his own he starts running, which looks hilarious. Because he's just kind of flopping his little feet on the ground. Then he gets shocked by this fence and you start to get an idea of how visually awful this movie's going to be. (movie sounds) Stop the car. I don't know about all that. So now we're introduced to the real stars of the movie, Eric, his brother and his mom. - It's probably an ADUI. - What? - An alien driving under the influence. - Yeah, his brother's pretty funny. (soft music) This music would suggest that something cute is happening on screen. But I got to say this slimy little alien that looks like a ball sack with arms and legs. Not really that cute. The good news is Mac the alien, that's his name is safe for now. He escaped the government by hiding in the back seat of their car. The bad news is they are in the middle of driving from Chicago to California. So he's now very separated from the rest of his family who's let's be honest, being a little dramatic. - Nice stuff you're throwing around there. - Relaxed lady. It's just our furniture pad. - And then to some of the next few minutes you got Gatorade you got Skittles, you got Dos Equis and then you've got Mac. Who's always making the same dumb face somehow. No one's noticed the slimy little alien pitter-pattering around their house and they still don't for a while but they do notice that weird things are happening. Eric takes a battery out of his remote control car and it still works for some reason. And even though his TV's not even plugged in, it still turns on for some reason, weird stuff's happened around these parts. It must be a California thing. And then Eric hears the shower running, but he goes in and no one's there, but there's tiny little footprints leading their way outside. Who could it be? At one point it's pitch black, outside little guy's got his full naked body pressed up against a sliding glass door and no one notices. What are these guys idiots. But anyway, after an entire day of weird stuff happening and no one knowing why Eric has probably the best line in the whole movie. - I was thinking maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. Anyway, all I did was take a shower and drink a soda. - That's so sweet. That's such a nice way to look at it. I mean, yeah, like I guess it's technically bad that someone broke into our house but all they did was blow his nose and lick our garlic. - Maybe it was one of the neighborhood kids or something. I'm sure there's a rational explanation. - I don't know how rational that is for a neighborhood kid to take a shower and steal your soda that happened in the car in a different state. But yeah, I guess it was just one of the neighborhood kids. (whistling) And then the whistling, they do this several times throughout the movie, they did it in the beginning even though they were like 20 feet apart they whistled into the sky and like do this thing. I guess that's like their homing signal. Like that's how they know where each other are. It's really cute. I think. But I don't know if it's necessary to have like a three minute long scene where that's all that's happening. So while they were all sleeping Lo Mac breaks in again and causes more random chaos. Because that's the whole movie so far, is him causing chaos and them not knowing the source of the chaos. But since Eric was the first one to discover it his brother and his mom assumed that he did this that he spent all night like bringing trees into that house and drilling a hole in the wall. They just assume that it was their son. So Eric is upset at this point reasonably so. I mean, his family obviously thinks very little of him. If they assume that he was the source of this mess. So he does what any sad person would do. He starts crying. He rolls his way out of the house. He goes on a hill and then falls down the hill. (screaming) You know, come to think of it. Maybe the family with the son who's in a wheelchair shouldn't have moved into a house on top of a cliff. It seems like an accident waiting to happen. So the action in this movie is a lot of fun, but the dialogue is even worse. I don't know why anyone says the lines the way that they do. - What is he? Some sort of ghost? - I'm going to catch him. - Give me a call. - It's McDonald's huh? - Yeah. - Why don't you stop by for a big Mac? - Hmm. That does sound pretty good. Right guys. - You know what I feel like? - A big mac? - Guys you should go. You got to go get that. - I'm psychic. - So I think at this point, Eric is pretty much as fed up as we are about the fact that we haven't, they haven't been introduced to the alien yet. The main characters have not formally been introduced yet. And we're 40 minutes into the movie. We're halfway through the movie and all they've done is Dick around. So being the genius that he is he sets these little booby traps around the house. And by that I mean he puts cups of Coke throughout the house. And lo and behold it works. They've tried so hard to catch this guy up until this point. And then all they had to do was put Coke next to a bell. And he's just digging that shit. - Just get this vacuum cleaner on your back. We're going to suck them up. - The full proof plan continues. It's not just the Coke cans. They're also going to strap a human girl to the back of a vacuum cleaner, which will end well. Right. This movie's insane. I love it so much. - We heart her bad, didn't we? - It looks tired. - Nothing an ice cold soda won't fix. - This must be like what they drink on their own planet. - Oh, so that must have been what he was drinking in the beginning. Remember that when he put the straw in the ground and started slurping. - This must be like what they drink on their own planet. - I guess their entire planet is Coca Cola surrounded by a thin layer of dirt. - That's fine. - What are we going to do? - We're going to tell her. - So they try to explain what happened to their mom but she doesn't believe them. - You sucked this living thing into a vacuum cleaner. - Yeah. - We get it, they're aliens. You don't have to do this every 20 minutes. I actually started to love this movie the more I watch it. Because there's no way they didn't realize how hilarious like this would look. Like when he somehow gets stuck in this tree. (dogs barking) Like the comedic genius. You would have to be to put that song in at that moment. It's perfect. It's amazing. - He doesn't look so good. - I mean, you could pretty much say that about every scene he's in. - He doesn't look so good. He doesn't look so good. He doesn't look so-- - Okay. And please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. But I think the kid and the alien actually fall in love at one point. Because like, what is this? (soft music) - What is he doing in there? - Okay so they're getting ready to go to some birthday party and they don't want to leave Mac alone at home. Because like the government's there now. I don't know. So thinking on the fly, Eric puts him inside this like four foot tall bear costume that he just has. He just has that costume. And he puts Mac inside of it. - Kind of old for a Teddy isn't he? - Oh. And also like he's moving around and stuff and making noises which is something that a Teddy bear doesn't do. You're probably thinking who in their right mind would think that this is just a very tall toy and wouldn't assume something fishy is going on. Right? I mean it's 1988 after all. Technology isn't that advanced yet. But Eric has the perfect answer. - Does your bear move? - Oh yeah. He's one of those new computerized kind. - But I thought you said you had him a long time. - I have. He just got new micro chips. - Oh yeah. Duh microchips. I don't know why. I didn't think about that. Then we of course go to McDonald's where it looks like the eighties is happening. (upbeat music) Wait, is everything happening at this? McDonald's I mean, Ronald McDonald himself is here. And at one point literally the entire restaurant breaks out into a choreographed dance routine. Even the local football team gets in on it. Not to be one up to of course, little Mac gets on the counter and starts dancing too, because what the fuck even is this movie? - Does your bear move? - Oh, the government's here. And they know exactly who's under that suit. So then the McDonald's dance off ends and all 200 people that were inside the store shimmy their way out leading seamlessly into this Epic six-minute wheelchair chasing. Cars are crashing into each other. Sears is being destroyed. It's intense to say the least. So then they lose the FBI agents. Finally they've managed to escape but they need to find somewhere to hide. So they drive to some fucking cave which they find because Mac starts whistling into the sky again for the fourth time in this movie. Oh, but look, it's a Mac family reunion, except hold on. I think all the other Macs are dead or just relaxing. I don't know. This is a pivotal moment in the movie. Mac has finally been reunited with his fellow aliens. His family, but it looks like they need some kind of boost. I don't know. Maybe like a caffeine boost, a little sugar rush. What could they possibly... They all drink Coke and come back to life. - Guys, give me another drink. - Why do they move like that? That was someone's choice to make them move like that. Why was that the choice? Okay. So at this point everything seemingly has been resolved, right? They found his family. They've been reunited. They escaped the FBI. The movie should be over now but there's still 18 minutes left. So I guess to force conflict they're all just like yelling at each other in the car. - Well do something. - What? - I'm driving I don't know. - You can't do this, we are in a vehicle. But I guess at this point, the writers were like, you know what? We're this far in. Why stop now? We got fit more weird ass scenes into this movie. And I've got the perfect idea. They're going to stop at a gas station. Another car is going to pull up. She's going to ask her friend to get a Coke, obviously. And then she's going to notice the two aliens and there's going to be some sexual tension. And this is going to last for a few seconds too long. And then she's going to drink her soda which for some reason isn't Coke, but the thirsty thirsty aliens don't care because they still want it. So they break the window. And how high do you have to be? To write this movie? What the fuck. Oh look now the aliens are inside because I guess they didn't want to stay in the car. This'll end well. - Put that down right now. - Oh, nevermind. The police are here. - Put it down. - What down. He's not holding anything. Anyway, now there's like 30 police or hold on. Wait, is this the police? - This is the police. - Oh, okay. Yeah it is. All right. Well now they're all shooting guns at each other which I got to be honest is a little predictable. Like I think we all thought while watching the beginning of this movie, that it was obvious that this would end with a high stakes parking lot shootout. So I'm a little disappointed by that. It just comes off as lazy writing. Anyway, they're all shooting guns at each other, but I mean it's not like the whole store is going to explode or anything. (explosion) - Wait what? He died because he was near the explosion. He wasn't even that close. Not to worry though, guys, the aliens are here. Maybe they can just wave their hands around for two minutes and then we'll come back to life. - He's okay. - So I guess that was the final resolution we were waiting on was that. And then now there's this scene, which seems pretty normal. So far, nothing outlandish or hilarious here just... Looks like the aliens are dressed for church. If you're wondering what's happening right now why they're dressed up? Why they're holding their arms up in a courthouse. It's because they are being sworn in as United States citizens. - You are now citizens of the United States of America. (applauding) - Wait what they just kissed on the lips. Why are they all kissing? What. We didn't know they're driving. When did they learn how to drive a car? We'll be back. I think that's supposed to be his gum. I think he just, he blew a bubble so big that it's spelled out the words we'll be back hinting at a sequel right. There were no sequels and Ronald McDonald as himself of course, but it would be pretty funny if it was like and Ronald McDonald as Eric and who could forget vital contributions from the likes of Skeet Simpson and Buzz Knudson, Buzz Knudson. Those are not real names. What I think happened is that those people who actually worked on this movie when it came time to like do the credits they were like and what do you want to be credited as they just made up names? Because they did not want to be associated with this. What's my name, Skeet Simpson. And I of course, I'm Buck Flower. You know as much criticism as this movie has gotten over the years I think it's actually aged kind of well, like seeing it now for the first time, it does have a bit of a charm to it. Don't get me wrong. It's very weird and objectively bad but there's something endearing about it. As ugly as the puppets are, you do get the sense that all of the characters actually care about each other. And that's more than you can say about a lot of other movies, but yeah I guess it rings a little hollow when all of those somewhat likable characters starts shilling out Coca Cola, every 14 seconds. And that is something I of course would never do on this channel is intersperse subtle product advertisement into a totally unrelated comedy video. Right? Mr. Square? - Dance right through. - Yeah. I knew you'd have my back. - Hey, that reminds me. I was making a website with Squarespace the other day. - How did that remind you? - And it was so simple and intuitive. I just thought, man, if I could do this, anybody could do this. For sure. Agreed. But I -- - Look they've got hundreds of beautiful designer templates to choose from that make getting started so easy. - Wait. How are you doing that? The mouse is over here. - And this is coming from someone who doesn't know the first thing about web design. I'm a freaking alien from space after all. - Yeah I found you on the moon. - Right. You found me on the moon. They don't got websites in space. - Yes, that is true. But what does this have to do-- - With Squarespace's 24/7 award-winning customer support. I'm glad you asked. - I didn't. - I guess what I'm getting at here is it doesn't matter if you're an artist trying to showcase your portfolio a woodworker, trying to set up an intuitive online store even a cute little alien just trying to make a name for himself in the worldwide web. Everyone can benefit from having a website. - Now that I can agree with. Especially if they go to, to get 10% off their first purchase of a website or domain. Right Mr. Square? - Right I mean, I use Danny's code when I made my website but yours is good too. - You what? - I didn't think it mattered. You guys are the same person, aren't you? - No we're not. This is why we're going on tour. Get out. - Okay. Jeez, someone's sensitive. - Thank you so much to Squarespace for sponsoring today's video guys. Remember when you sign up to use my code because it's the best code. - As many of you know I've used Squarespace multiple times in the past every time I've had to make a website, whether it was for my merge or just an extra gag that I wanted to put into a video, Squarespace has never let me down. Because I can trust Squarespace because they don't step up and he's anyway, what was I saying before? Oh yeah. "Mac and Me" great movie. Highly recommend it. It's free on YouTube. You can just search it and watch the whole thing for free. That's how I watch it. Final verdict. I give "Mac and Me" five stars out of a hundred stars. I think that's going to do it for today's video. I'd stay and chat a little bit longer but Amanda and I are leaving to Ireland tomorrow and I have not yet packed. So I got to go do that before she yells at me again, once again, more tour dates are available now. Click the link in the description to see all of those dates and get your tickets. Holy shit. We did not expect to sell out of most of the tickets. So far last week, a couple of the venues Naperville we completely sold out to support seriously means the world. We are so excited to do these. And we're so happy that you guys also seem excited to see the shows but that also means that if you're interested in one of these new shows that I don't know how long they will last. So you'd probably don't want to wait too long through your tickets. If that's something you want to do. So we are two different people Thank you so much. I got new stickers up in my merchant sites drew good but I should probably stop plugging things. Because like I said, I had to pack and I also did that whole bit about "Mac and Me" with the product placement. I'm kind of doing the same thing in my video. So I probably should just get out of here and not do that anymore. So I think I'll probably just go.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 4,303,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, mac and me, mcdonalds, coca-cola, product placement, movie cringe, bad 80s movies
Id: Szj0GE9tY-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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