The Weekend Edition Ft. Noel Miller & Spock

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welcome back everyone to the weekend edition finally another episode this [ __ ] frame is so bad is it look at how much roof you can see in this yeah it's a lot of headroom can you want to fix it while I intro this [ __ ] yeah it's box tall enough we're [ __ ] with the camera cuz I'm so bad at setting it out like and Noel is the only person that can [ __ ] do this okay so I know I haven't done a weekend edition in a long time and I'm sorry about that but now we're back and I have Noel here again because my [ __ ] booking agent just keeps getting Noel and my buddy Spock deejay world-famous extraordinaire Spock what's go Chee dude I don't know dragon dildos and [ __ ] what were you just talking about dragon dildos yeah so what is a dragon dildo you know explore the only one I've seen is huge and purple oh my god dude oh they're actually like dragon dicks they're supposed to be yeah it's supposed to be okay this one's the chod egg plug yo what the [ __ ] yo that's like a straight-up like museum piece holy [ __ ] yo well that's that you know this is this is if someone did this they could actually just steal the real one like they could go to France and shove that million dollar porcelain egg inside the body and escorted down like this switch it with the dragon dildo this one is actually just called diamond dick jesus [ __ ] christ that's what I call mine too what kind of a fetish is that yeah I like I you know my turn on is the devil so I like to think I'm [ __ ] the devil Satan what's what's another good one in here bumble hooves whoa looks like this is creeping me out not really move on for y'all's last one this one's called Stan yo this looks like a [ __ ] pet just looks like a human dick right there but just wait like more muscle yeah on it this one has steroids no they put your dick in there looks like Harry Cruz's dick every just NFL player con a dick has ABS yeah it's got like shoulders the one next to it has like traps on the head it has traps on the hood you go to your personal trainer and you're like yeah I want to look like this but what's it gonna give you here this is my goal physique the thing is oh yeah now I have both here sorry about that just so everyone can follow along it's like a like a read-along bad dragon enterprises Wow and your shout out bad dragon so if you want to see what we're talking about go to bad dragon just google them I guess search diamond dick whatever you want to do and you can see what dildos were talking about yeah should we review one more no dude do you have a shitload this is name we've been talking about dragon dicks for this podcast is sponsored by a band right this is pretty actually it's actually a convenient time to announce my first ad that dragon calm these are impressive oh they have flashlights holy Sh oh yeah no worse a bruh that's I've said this before on the podcast but when fleshlight send me the free flashlights yeah one of them was a Avatar themed flashlight no no way did it how was that one it had to it was I mean it obviously turned me on yes but I actually have used it so much I don't get turned on by humans anymore Wow right yeah so but has two cliffs and it's bright blue that's damn that's do ya so I won't [ __ ] anything anymore without to Collette's that's too much to manage yo this is a snake head can't even fight one I don't know yeah one is one is I got a tough enough time dealing with the one one on a human yeah even if I find it yeah two on an alien Jesus Christ what do you do you [ __ ] yeah DJ with both hands if we go this is a snake head who wants to [ __ ] a snake what oh oh so you put that on yeah then you [ __ ] yes mom yeah okay what's up what's up how's it going uh you know I'm unemployed now yeah I know so let's are we talking about that yeah what we can okay what's how's your line I have this prepared statement at right full screen is a wonder my life is great by the way I saw I saw the PR chick at full screen just for everyone listening for no L got flat I got laid off late re laid off late oh he got fired and a week after I was in the fullscreen offices because I got rehired by fullscreen for a week and I was that no I mean that's not yeah I'm not saying that to be a dick that's you know funny yeah you know yeah totally funny I get rehired yeah right after you get fired yeah anyways but that's that's neither here nor there I'm in there and she the PR chick no I wanted to do like a sketch about getting fired and his last vlog if you've seen that yo and and so I'm in the fullscreen offices and he he called that what did you email yeah I emailed them emailed her at the PR chick at fullscreen to make sure yeah it was oh sure and so I saw her and she was like wait you're Cody right now so yeah and she's like you're Noelle's friend yeah he well he wants to do this sketch apparently about we got laid off and I was like I'm sure it'll be fine and she's like well I hope so too and then and then you posted it and I saw her afterwards again and she like gave me this face and I was like did you see it and she's like I saw it I was like pretty funny right and she's like that's pretty funny [ __ ] told you yeah what are they worried about no I mean it was good it was a good thing now I can I can focus what are you doing now a lot of jerking off a lot of jerking off no actually um vlogging which is borderline it's a little it's like jerking yourself it's basically so yeah a lot of jerking myself yeah yeah and just trying to get money again right right I don't know how serious we want to be about this but yeah um you can let people know what it's like to be laid off laid off in this case great because the severance is [ __ ] awesome okay so it'll it'll cover me for a bit and then I'll be struggling okay but now I mean it's enough time to like I feel like I've always been I said this in the video but like half in half out and it's just nice to be all in yeah no [ __ ] I know yeah going to full quits and two full clips in yeah exactly in both hand and want a hand I got one hand on the clip yeah in one hand on the other clip yeah right and that's what you do full-time you do music right yeah whoa yeah yeah how's that going it's tight it's it's cool yeah yeah how did you get into that how did you get into music well in high school I was just like I heard Skrillex know sang [Laughter] yeah I got pretty much just like what so how old are you by the way 22 Jesus me too man cheers dude say yeah cuz I was just thinking like when I heard Skrillex for the first time was probably right when you heard it for the first time cuz you're helping in high school yeah I was in college well high 16 yeah in college yeah I heard it I was like dude this is tight I want to is that one you actually like started to learn like how to do well no I I had played like guitar and drums and [ __ ] and I was super into like heavy metal okay and then I heard Skrillex and I was like whoa well I'm like me and my friends would like jam and my garage like you know playing heavy metal covers and [ __ ] but it's like and I always wanted to be in a band and everything since I was a kid but like that wasn't really going anywhere cuz no we're two 16 year old you hit playing Slayer covers in my garage so that's 16 year old yeah dude so I don't know that wasn't making you money or like living it for that's know as weird as it sounds no I have some agent just like walk by your garage one day like wow wait Jerry that's John you were looking for coletti's yeah no I know this one of my neighbors was like I guess she told my mom like yeah is that your son playing drums in the garage on Tuesday afternoons or whatever is like yeah and she was like he should teach my son Jeremy he should give him drum lessons and I was just like so how's except I was gonna be making a lot of money off of that but yeah you would have been caking yeah dude I mean as a 16 year old kid yeah I don't know that I wouldn't have I don't know don't you think that what any money is good money PowerPoint yeah hundred bucks for yeah everyone I should have done that out of anti it everyone 100 bucks was like wow this is oh yeah that's what I'm saying when you're 16 any money is just is or unemployed yeah yeah you know when when any money shows up I'm pretty much 16 again speaking of which contributes to Noelle's patreon yeah really the only income he has after early after his severance is over coming up don't think about yeah I'm not like you know don't think about that but it's coming up but don't think about that yeah no slash D Noel Miller yeah contribute if you like his [ __ ] and you don't then I mean [ __ ] off why even here I thought what you were gonna say with the drum thing is you're gonna be like is that your son playing drums at noon on Tuesday yeah it is could you could you one time the me and my friend were we're jamming in the garage and we were just like we just stopped and my mom was gonna like give us a ride back to his house or whatever and like the cop came in front of our house was like hey you done making the noise and all you're like yeah yeah we are and I remember getting mad at the time like damn what [ __ ] neighbors like called what a dick dude it was so loud it's like a playin like ya [ __ ] band in your garage it was so loud yeah how it didn't happen like more times than XO it only happened once but because you know Fresno yeah a true Fresno is that where you're from yeah Fresno yeah what goes down in Fresno nothing cops come when you play that's have nothing better to do there's no action in Fresno no no well yeah kind of I guess like there's some bad parts where there are I've never been my whole life because I grew up in like a suburb of Fresno called Clovis that's like oh my well big shout out why yeah it's like the whiter part of Fresno yeah that like nothing ever happens yeah so yeah and then you would you move out to LA last Thursday oh it was on 4/20 I'm late I've moved yeah it was like I was gonna move around that time and I was like you know what I'm gonna make 420 my anniversary of living here let's sing so of 2015 so though you thought you please yeah we're all huge stoners at the table did you chew down on a fat bone yeah yeah yeah suck the fat [ __ ] that day I mean weed yeah that's oh right yeah blue down on a little penis sucked a pain yeah dragon dick yes I poked a dragon dick smoked gold Drago anyways I reach across how do you like so wait wait wait what was like your first like DJ set up like Lowe's the first you know uh right before you say that Spock is actually a famous DJ world famous world world title world famous DJ I don't know I mean I get comments like come to Brazil so there you go yeah and listen to his music on Spotify in SoundCloud yeah but yeah keep going um my first gig technique 100 s yeah yeah no no it wasn't it was like CD just um no not was before the CDJs before I'd learned how to use those so it was just like tractor on my computer with like a little yeah I think I used Ableton actually for like my first DJ gig because that's what Skrillex was using at the time he used to use Ableton to DJ that so I did that and that it it's like the dumbest UI using Ableton to DJ especially like five years ago and all I was doing is like pushing play yeah on a song and then I don't know it's kind of lame yeah but and there's like two people I think my set time was at like 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. and the doors it was right when the doors open but there was a problem so the doors didn't open until like 6:45 and she's so I made my set to know before before the doors were even open oh my god I was was that that was your first gig ever you played a full set - yeah - I don't I think goes I remember the town but it was something I was like Tulare or something some town in the middle of nowhere like an hour away from Fresno and it was just like it was bad how did you even get the gig I don't know I I really don't know I think it's like some promoter guy like message me on Facebook and was like hey do you want to play our gig like sell tickets and you can play it was one of those things yeah and I did that I did that for like a year or two before I realized like oh wait these people are just taking advantage of like 15 16 year old kids and getting them to sell tickets for them and then letting them open before the doors even though like for free [ __ ] for free yeah yeah so [ __ ] so like now anytime anybody asked me like hey how do I like start playing shows at [ __ ] I'm just like dude just don't do that like if you're gonna play a show that's fine even if you do it for free that's fine just make sure it's not like if like yeah sell 20 tickets and you can play our show or whatever cuz that shits like it's [ __ ] you're just taking advantage of little kids who don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing so will they doing comedy when you got to bring ten people to get on stage for five minutes yeah it's that I mean yeah so flames comedies got to be like even [ __ ] worse in that [ __ ] it's so bad because the problem is it's not they're not it's not kids or take advantage of like Oh fully grown right yeah yeah it was like bring 30 people to the show and you can have two minutes of stage time you're like no [ __ ] take it over yeah I don't know it's kind of conflicting though because at the same time I guess you are still playing a show yeah so like maybe a hell and maybe it helps you get more comfortable on stage yeah so I don't know it just it feels weird like I would never do that to somebody be like hey I don't know didn't really help you that much but I guess it could did you use like actually Celtic it's like you'd get your friends to buy tickets my yeah so my friend would you buy a ticket to your own show no my friend like I brought him to my show last weekend down here - which was cool cuz he's been like super supportive of me since like the very beginning shoutout Jesse and he like he would just be the dude like I wouldn't sell the tickets he'd just be like oh dude like i'ma sell tickets for you like he would like hype me up so like I wasn't selling tickets he'd just be like dude yeah like get once you take his I'll sell him like I want to hype you up so like that was cool oh yeah that's dope but like hey yeah so that that was cool so I never I don't know I was like 15 I probably good dude Jesse's a good guy yeah yeah super good guy yeah and now you're [ __ ] playing festivals yeah there's dud you got a big room you're gonna have a big room what's the most recent festival he played his last Saturday and here's nocturnal Wonderland San Bernardino yeah it's tight yeah uh yeah was that an off-center no it was that uh what's it called they've renamed it's called like Glen Helen something but it was called um [ __ ] what's the the big amp theater in San Bernadino I don't know oh no I have no idea what it is no I knew the name it's they call it Glen Helen Oh San Manuel amp theater that was cool just went out there and killed it did you it's at the same do when you do a show like that when you do like a big festival do you see like you're like like numbers go up the next day from people that are like newly exposed to your music Ernie yeah or do you think that everyone comes to your [ __ ] everyone that comes to the show knows who you are no I don't think so especially at like festival shows like that like people just come for I mean there's like 30 different acts or whatever playing maybe more so like they'll comfort somebody totally different and end up hearing your set and being like oh cool like I like that I'm gonna go follow you so yeah I do notice that like well I had three different shows this this past weekend and like I went up probably like four or five hundred Twitter followers in like a couple days which is a lot for me so yeah yeah really just from playing a festival no it's four for three [ __ ] like over though we got you guys three different okay shows but I mean yeah it's like I mean that's cool yeah there's a lot because you got to figure everyone's remotely [ __ ] up yeah three days to burn they wake up they're like yo what the [ __ ] yo that full spark sick dog and to look you up on Twitter I know they'll notice the least normy platform I would say yeah yeah I mean I mean yeah yes and no yes and no God yeah it is Instagram is pretty I think it's more calm yeah the like if you talk to any just regular person they're like I don't why do you use Twitter I don't understand yeah yeah they don't [ __ ] get people like go on Instagram for yeah I'm surprised dude I'm surprised that people like the old people aren't more like that with Instagram because now like Instagram is so full of just [ __ ] like yeah there's so many features and so much [ __ ] you can do how does an old person pick up Instagram for the first time it'd be like oh yeah this is natural this makes sense there's like there's like circles squares I can there's a there's a there's a paper airplane so I can send this to and send this time it's ephemeral I don't know what that means yeah just you know yeah you can post a picture here you can post a picture there but these pictures don't coincide with these pictures and yeah yeah Twitter's pretty self straightforward yeah it's like a forum yeah for hateful people I always read these stories about how evil Twitter used to be like two three years ago it makes me feel like I was like a coaling [ __ ] no I'm not bullying but I guess I like funnier crazier [ __ ] went on on Twitter like what who was the dude who he's like banned from the Internet oh no honey more no hunter more yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah Khan though the Internet's back on Twitter is he really yeah I saw somebody retweeted him or some of the other day I saw he got back on Twitter like a couple weeks ago he was the guy who like did the ex-girlfriend porn well yeah this is like jail or something yeah yeah yeah what yeah I don't I thought he was like not allowed to get on the Internet oh god dude how would they even like I understand if you were like you're not allowed to have a Twitter account or whatever or like an account on but like dude what if he's like dude I need to check my [ __ ] Bank like yeah online how are they gonna like no I don't think it yeah like you can't you can't like start a medal or you can't you can't like start a new website yeah exactly how would they ever stop him from buying a domain name under like a different name oh I don't know just like the like what Jeff Internet yeah call them up and as like hey man you're banned from hey this dude listen bro get off it you're done here like a [ __ ] counter-strike Serb and be gone with you I feel like people like you ever seen [ __ ] whisperer real was here I feel like that's the kind of the same vein a little bit yeah is that kind of like tag your sponsor no yes I've seen that yeah I haven't I I don't dive too much on the slut-shaming stuff it's not even shaming he's just like he'll just like have parties like he's gets paid by these clubs to go to them and have these parties where he hosts it and then he just like has yeah he's got a [ __ ] whisper because he gets cliche me it's like god we want you to be a [ __ ] yeah yeah and like take off her dresses and he'll just pour champagne all over them and take pictures of it and that's he's that's his job he's gonna hate to do that to go around North America and do that Wow so just would you say he's an international world world world renowned [ __ ] whisperer yeah world famous world famous one whisper yeah world famous DJ yeah world famous unemployed person yeah world famous internet bad boy yeah Rob flame is world famous blame it hot baby that's true I'm gonna flame this world flame is he didn't write any notes today no should we talk about well I was one I want to talk about music yeah yeah I mean tiny me we should like to be [ __ ] you 28 yeah and tiny me can take it over 2017 yeah should we announce no no I was I wanted to like I wanted to like talk to you about like coming out with like a release date yeah yeah yeah right here right well some some I'm we could talk about yeah just do it just set it just do just so I'm saying if we said it then we're gonna yeah we're gonna like I never let myself like yeah [ __ ] up a date a date yeah usually usually I don't know that's being said I just posted my first YouTube videos in almost three weeks yeah but you didn't have it you weren't like alright every Wednesday and Friday new videos yeah said every Wednesday Friday Monday oh yes okay I didn't say that yeah it doesn't say in your banner like new videos every this yeah you used to anymore [ __ ] took that [ __ ] right off yeah you know what you know you know what I do well I leave the text up there and then I just never offload what is your say you went new video every week and we know that's a [ __ ] line no yes nice okay now what are you doing now now I'm every Thursday but I'm gonna try to up it this week I'm trying to hit two to three weeks I think you could do to you three two-week mhm yeah I think you could I was thinking last night I told you I told you both this a little bit but I grossly underestimated vlogging like the amount of footage you need yeah get something funny oh yeah I would say it's like twenty minutes for one minute of funny yeah hey B yeah it's uh it's crazy it's tough man I go back and watch my old ones I'm kind of like like a lot of it woman this is [ __ ] boring it was just because like I committed to the three times a week yeah Jules yeah like eventually I was like I just have to use this boring [ __ ] yeah the most important thing is getting something on that's how actually what a lot of people say about starting YouTube is that they say like don't miss your upload date no matter what if it's a shitty video it doesn't matter you got to hit this yeah sounds right which is kind of I don't know if I really agree that I think that's actually for people who have shitty content I agree generally I definitely agree with that yeah I like all these like little like hacks and tricks and dude I remember when I when I first like got on us posting videos I'm buying an Instagram I gotten these like weird group messages with like shitty comedians and they had all this like weird advice about like times of the day and and if you like mine I like yours back and grab mine and grab yours for 24 hours I'm like it seems like a lot of work man to just be funny yeah I don't think you're doing it right yeah and a lot of people got sensitive cuz I just tell them like no I'm good they want to talk [ __ ] to me yeah I'm not gonna name him but one of these popular like you know baby like one of those guys like gave me a [ __ ] earful about not making it in consistency and like this and that and what yeah he like got in my [ __ ] ass like because I just kind of side barred him I'm like wow because he tried to put me in this group chat with him and these other people that we can exchange ideas and this and that I was like kind of seems like you guys rip each other off dude this is Twitter I'm just gonna do we yeah I got like I got enough ideas I'm yeah yeah when Bay face IDs your phone Oh bro but what if she you know it's really funny to me now as I was like going on some of those guys pages and like they've clearly exhausted all their options yeah so now they're in this weird phase where they're trying to write their own jokes and the videos come out so they're not even it's not even that they're not funny they're [ __ ] strange it's like weird cable programming like there was this dude he used to do exclusively like jokes by like porn whiskey on girls and [ __ ] like that this page he's doing like weird like Game of Thrones type characters it's like such a [ __ ] far cry left from like baby cheating is actually exactly he's literally out of ideas he's out of baby when Bay goes through your phone jokes so now he's like just doing it all costumes like it's a very strange place he's I hope he makes it out of there because it seems tough it's a dark yeah I think I want to do another [ __ ] Instagram comedians video what to because it's it's literally gotten so much worse this is a lot of rape yeah baby yeah now it's like they've amped it up like now it's like cheating and rape and it's really it's weird I want to see how far they can push it yeah so yeah though that would be you should do it yeah just as like a even even like a fire under their ass to come up with even worship keep going yeah oh man people I saw some video of like Lele pons and someone else on Twitter she was like are Knights be like and then it's like a video right and it's like her like giggling with her friend eating a bag of chips or something she looks [ __ ] insane like it's like she was like trying to post like a candid moment of her like laughing and being fun here's what it is she sneezes and her friend goes ill and she's like laughs it off but the laugh is like that yeah that was the joke I'm scared I was just staring at what's that one that's like the the one that went viral last week or a few weeks ago and it's like when she doesn't have food and it's like yeah when she does have food all right yeah dumbass on Twitter is like it's like some chick yeah was she before food after food and she's like dancing with the chicken nugget I'm like huh never ever in my six years of dating has a chicken nugget solved and arguing and like Elena's like upset about something I'm okay listen I know like these are your feelings but hold it ik dot it's yeah it's so [ __ ] like degrading yeah like a woman like hey I know you like have your like companions and feelings or whatever but oh oh look what daddy's gone with a chicken nugget and just wrap all it comes with [ __ ] a sweet-and-sour - yeah yeah I don't know like what does that look like when they come up with that idea where it's like wait and wait a minute you guys what does everyone know of [ __ ] chicken nuggets when Bay doesn't go through your phone first but second chicken nuggets so now get this we're gonna take one okay this might be a little bit tough to communicate but with eglee's was when you don't have chicken nuggets what do you do right you're so you're not happy you're not have right exactly great great Spock a great love you're following along here when you do have the chicken nug mm-hmm you're you're now you're happy happy not exactly but how wait well how would they know that you're happy though and because because no chicken nugget you got a dance dancing okay that's I'm talking they're gonna know and they'll know see you don't do your dance when you're happy yes yes baby's achievement BAE's my baby's happy [Applause] you know this conversation occurs between two groups unfunny people and marketing people are the same thing you [ __ ] oh my god watching a room of marketing people discuss how to engage the Internet it's all people in their mid 30s like oh well you know the the fidget things those are good maybe we do a thingy with one of those you know no it's not even mid 30s it's young it's young people that have that that think they understand it they don't but have no idea because if they did understand it they wouldn't be writing in social media they would be in social media they would write in social media true yeah yeah you wanna hit that record real quick just thanks the best I think was one meeting I had were some people were talking about how to promote on Twitter and like they wanted to build like this very elaborate like website experience and I'm like hey amen have you ever used Twitter like do you know it's like it's like [ __ ] people getting knocked out and like Isis [ __ ] and that no one's gonna be like oh my god what a wonderful brand experience let me retweet this yeah that's why I like do the best it like the [ __ ] isn't like Denny's or something yeah like this stupid account yeah post or Wendy's and [ __ ] yeah it's like the dumbest [ __ ] but they do a better job yeah but like yeah works but it's like yeah it's corny because it's I don't know brand yeah it's a brand doing it but it's but they're self-aware yeah they're yeah yeah it's not like yeah so it's funny like act like equifax touching down on Twitter being like I know we breached all your information but yeah here's a cool meme hello hello just a gif yeah that's the lowest form of comedy it is just posting gifts it's like just try a little bit just a little bit know at least with these with these people who have no idea what's going on they'll try and use a hashtag or they'll try and use a joke truth the people that just post gifts or like the companies that do that and I think that's enough you're the worst yeah you're worse there's contributing to how much shitty content there is online and you're the problem and they all use the same gifts yeah like they're like hallf huh what so it's a game of thrones anyone seen that wouldn't know if we get like Jon Snow doing like a rule Oh what yeah at least like the when Bay eats food and she's happy they at least like say that they don't type the joke right say the joke and film a video with it right gif is like typing when BAE eats food and finding a gift just the gift that and posting that yeah yeah it's way less it's like it's an RC insulting to people that follow you how are you gonna do that yeah yeah just flood their [ __ ] with garbage I [ __ ] hate my explore page on Instagram it's complete trash I know it sitting like way worse I could I could harp on Twitter moments to the end nobody goes on Twitter moments know but like it's because they've baked it in to search over though it's like they try to [ __ ] shove it in your face and then if you here's what I love to do actually I go search if you scroll down it says popular in content creators and it's like all the corny the corny data for me no even worse and it's all like virtue signaling garbage you know like one tweet was two pages into Hillary's book and I'm already tearing up it's like it's like a 42 year old like single dime on fam yeah yeah I was giving that I was like talking up on a panel like two weeks ago 280 who like they have like a whole wing of their company that like is trying to understand digital and all the stuff and actually do a really good job they're pretty good at it yeah but like so I was like talking or like a bunch of exactly like I guess like four of us second youtubers we're talking to like a bunch of executives and they were all like so the concept of a hashtag got brought up and someone was like don't use hashtags and I was like don't ever use them ever yeah and they were like why do you really do you really think when you do a campaign and you have your like eighty Express don't be afraid to express your campaign you know I'm saying like that campaign I always have some weird tagline yeah and a hashtag is also like a tea express you yeah you know something like that Bres you or something like that that's the hashtag and they asked all the creators are all everyone they're doing the campaign with to put that in there how many people do you think click see that hashtag gosh I wonder what other posts with this this many yeah yeah you say row when's the last time you clicked on a hashtag Oh when Yahoo News accidentally substituted the word bigger with yeah about the Navy okay that's the last hashtag I remember with actual activity where people were like hmm yeah yeah I think those moments hashtags are actually kind of good yeah hashtags are only good when their racial slurs yeah yeah yeah totally yeah when their racist [ __ ] is going yeah what else kind of racist [ __ ] is up in here oh my god it's extremely racist in here had no idea given the name of this - tag that it was go this route but it's confirmed yeah this racist [ __ ] down in here it's really racist up in this hashtag mom next time you're advising AT&T just let them know if they want hashtag interaction just drop a racial racial slur yeah oh yeah I forgot I'll call them I'll send an email yes yeah I'm sure start with a classic you know yeah [ __ ] I'd throw one out god damn it dude yeah you're not gonna have that know you're kind of Chinese aren't you I mean I could pass yeah okay when I was in Barcelona or racism barsky's a real-life hashtag right wait but is it racist because we don't know if you're you don't know what I need oh no no one knows oh maybe not all I don't think I can use all of them you know now when I was in Barcelona someone thought it was Chinese who's Filipino Lee what yeah Dan yeah racist she was like we were just talking and I was like what do you think I am she's like I don't know you look Chinese to me and then Elena just immediately starts blessing up laughing which I was like what's wrong with what if I was I was lean is the racist no no no okay sounds just quick - yeah she was laughing because she guessed that you were Chinese without even seeing your day excellent Selina knew cuz yeah yeah Lina's like huh that's good give me five lady you guessed it on the money that thing is a peashooter it's not no dragon dick I'll tell you that much I'm gonna buy one of those sheets that's gonna be it's actually appropriate time it's actually appropriate time for our mid-roll ad dragon dicks calm you know sometimes I just click the become the Beast it's just different duty come the become yeah BECU and these different dudes posing and like [ __ ] dragon cosplay with dragon dicks too far oh Jesus I'm just kidding wait gross out have you ever seen the pterodactyl porn on Ebaum's world yes I have see yes yes it's [ __ ] hilarious my god it is hilarious so good it's a that's a classic old internet yeah program yeah yeah that that day yeah yeah it's so goddamn funny because apart from the [ __ ] it's a Godzilla set all the way yeah like they could have shot easily episode six of Godzilla man I miss shocker videos yeah where's last time you saw a real good shocker video made you go oh the one I sent you the other day what of the girl [ __ ] in her hand after the club but that's not really I'm talking like to type [ __ ] yeah that one yeah you're the first where you are the first time you saw two girls one cup yeah always remember that yeah I actually don't nevermind do you do it was yeah you're naked yeah I was about to come so you know what yeah I'm gonna save it this one's good I'm gonna hold it for a better one mr. hands anyone yes yep yep lemon party yeah lemon party everyone well you're in that one it's you George Bush and awesome geriatric guy yeah yeah yeah good times man oh man well after I went viral as tub girl it's you know my career is most people don't realize those are my legs that's a graphic image thick thick paint Olympics pain you know that you know that one is actually fake which I found out they were testing like prostatectomy or something oh okay and it's all special effects or like all like we call like real like sex or whatever yeah practical factual effects oh thank [ __ ] god yeah that one was brutal oh yeah yeah yeah if you were listening you have no idea what we're talking about don't go look that up don't do it don't look up that BME pain Olympics don't do it don't look that up on life we find it on live leak yeah don't look that up don't do it don't search it Oh PM me pain Olympics don't do that absolutely do not cuz you want to see that do not go to lemonparty org you know it was actually my favorite one well meatspin yeah oh yeah I mean that's an absolute class yeah that'll go down in history yo so a stupid prank that a buddy of mine named Jesse used to do was we go to parties and if they were wack we find a house computer and we crank the volume all the way up and we put on meat spin and we just leave we are like mutual friends we just tell us like later on like what ended up happening you know and it was always like towards the end of the night they could just hear out of this room this is going I'm Ryan Spooner sunrise finish that don't stop then like the whoever owned the house was like he'll walk doll [ __ ] and then they'd say how long has just been all here no the song was you spin me right round baby rather there were there I mean there was one with Ryan spinners okay really yeah ah yeah that was your favorite was my favorite I just let me just real quick up sick I'll bring it up and we can set it isn't it background yeah because he used to have a spin counter yeah yeah I remember it do that like close your high school oh yeah no everyone would be like dude like how many did you watch it's like dude it's a [ __ ] dick you have a dick yeah the same like yeah I mean it's a guy getting [ __ ] in the ass so maybe I didn't remember that part yeah that's the problem is dick is spinning oh [ __ ] it's flopping it's that's why I was able to watch it so many things I was watching the crop - Burgess forgot about that I thought I was just a dude [ __ ] spinning his dick no it's really really I don't remember dude no worries my homepage it's like really graphic but it's like once you've seen it six times yeah you're good you're good you've seen it so like you might as well just go the disk factor is over yes just yeah the go the distance like it's an MMA match yeah like you're trying to get the high score it's gross stop oh right yeah this hella adds on this [ __ ] okay they're making [Laughter] breaking they have a whole old I mean I'm sure the other guys caking but they have a whole list here meets pin two friends one fish I'm swinging goats Oh goat see that's a great one that one No do you guys remember the we're good the dildo up the Pete well how did we get on this topic I brought it up that don't want to think of that yeah that one's brutal all right let's change the subject because I feel like I'm like if any like potential ID companies are listening right now including dragon dicks calm yeah they're like we're good up until you got to the 19 Olympics apart I only pick smarter that's crazy though that that's fake yeah yeah it's fake it's all them so what's your next show oh I got a meatspin specialize damn it anyways no I wait you you don't have control over the graphics behind you when you're spinning do you I do well I mean I have some that I send to them to put out you play it like on the fly no it's not my job do you know if somebody else is doing that Debbie's Oh super holy you know like rubbish to klitz and you know videos behind you make some noise if you like meat spin yeah up in the high score baby yeah we're all getting a high score tonight together Miami Guinness world record for most people like dude that book that like thing is so weird I remember loving that [ __ ] as a kid Guinness Book of World Records yeah like because it's the weirdest it's like most people do consecutively like hug each other well like Africa Toto is playing it's like the most weird how many was that though that's an interesting one Oh 28 you guys sign up at meats been calm and we'll go ahead and put this built world record together no my dad was in the 2008 one really yeah he's a picture of him everything that standing next to like his bike he like broke the record for longest distance travel in 24 hours by human power yes he does that mean like it means like by I need the power of yourself so he like designed a bike that it was like a lady like that had like a shell over it and he just drove around a Trevor like you wrote her on a track for I remember the 24 hours straight I remember this yeah that was your [ __ ] day you actually remember saying I remember that I actually remember that seriously [ __ ] yeah seriously yeah what kiss silver like yeah I look like a bullet yes yeah that was my dad because that's that's something he wanted to just do that I wanted to do it like train for a long time he had the world record for if you think about it it's a really cool record it's like it is no service fee that a man had never traveled by his own means yeah in 24 hours yeah that's like whatever dump to point out yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly so that's sick yeah except real and in a silver that's tight yeah I mean it's yeah it's I mean it is kind of funny I know it's hilarious but it's hilarious and the same thing on water rather than with a boat yeah damn is that he just waited so for 24 hours no brakes he just went yeah well no he like stopped to like take a [ __ ] like once or twice right but he had like a catheter so every time I had to peed and stop yeah it's crazy it's pretty much with it yeah oh yeah that's painful yeah pedaling with a catheter yeah Jesus is that I've never had a catheter or maybe I haven't it goes up your pee hole doesn't oh yeah maybe he said something that like clamped onto his dick maybe I don't know what's up yeah guys just a little bit yeah wet one how old are you first saw your dad's dick I don't know I think I was like 19 when you first saw yeah all right son I think you're old enough now well the first time I saw it harder all right okay no ads are gonna be ever in the podcast I'll stop this this is how I'm like I knew I was gonna be a piece of [ __ ] kid I think I was like five or six and I figured out like hitting someone in the nuts like hurts yeah cuz I think I like hit my dad and the nuts like just just whatever and he like you like wins he goes ah don't [ __ ] do that like you got pissed and I'm like he has a weak spot my dad is not invincible and like from that day forward I was like a six year old just like doing nut checks on my dad and it was like my dad just had this like this little mini bro like living in his house like change my [ __ ] and then I just you know smack him up [ __ ] ya [ __ ] gotcha and I was so low that like what was he gonna do I mean dick slap you like yeah I just hit you yeah but I would like going to the floor you know yeah you can't do [ __ ] really yeah catch a charge yeah mm you couldn't do that anymore yeah you're I know what 1996 we can still hit kids in 96 yeah you could you could definitely hit kids in yeah so wait release date back jenji what I was thinking was December 20th that's what I was thinking how many tracks a tape tape what that's four or five yeah 5 yeah I have five songs we got one we got one we got one started yeah start it start a couple yeah we got yeah yeah yeah I made one yesterday - I sent a new look and a new beat yeah really oh no just send it to knew all this fine yes yeah look I musta gotten lost the mail dad I mean you know postage these days is kind of hard with the ups and post office feud it's the ill mailings I'm gonna beat ya hey man check out my set so actually we got a look at the calendar because I don't know I don't know like we really start Friday right isn't that like standard yeah Monday I don't know I've done Mondays Tuesdays it's never a Thursday usually but it's like Monday or Tuesday are okay or Friday is okay okay let's um it's just a December 22nd is a Friday Christmas we right before Christmas we will be bumping it over the holidays I'm with it do a crib pop a Christmas Carol on the tape oh wait or what about like oh like a heart like that they should do it like December like 15 so that people buy it for Christmas further further each other's like siblings yeah a little Christmas hip hop December 15 it's a great day I feel great about that I despise Christmas hip hop but I will entertain it we don't have to do Christmas hip hop well we could do we could do one song yeah will do Buble cover yeah yeah or like you know we like the Isle City [ __ ] we could rap over like the corniest yeah yeah yeah album something like that like should versus on it we should just Michael Buble a track just straight up the hole yeah baby when will you be my it is the hole yeah yeah love it 15th okay are we going with the name we discussed yeah don't say it though alright December 15th market you sons-of-bitches tiny meat game first first mixtape officially announced December 15 TMG baby mg TMG yeah so what's gonna produce sound a little bit or still boy DDP Diamond P DP baby this there's a lot of innuendos you can make out of just DP yeah dick [ __ ] yeah dick [ __ ] dildo Poseidon just a Poseidon with decide yeah yeah I was just gonna go double penetration but yeah but that's the standard one everyone knows that one is it yeah okay it's a classic though yeah yeah it's a vintage vintage innuendo how I always want to know who came up with these like porn categories cuz you know porn it started with just something simple it was just like porn yeah and then I want to know the points where it just started to become marginalized and subgroups started happening I just like the person who has that fetishize fetish I think yeah yeah but some of them aren't even fetishes they're just like brainstorming it's I feel like oh yeah there's like I guess some of them are fetishes but a lot of them are just like like a normal cat like its wand girl yeah whatever yeah that's true it's a crazy fit like overwatch overwatch that's one yeah yeah right uh yeah right right yeah yeah I don't like that around robot or dragon don't let's get off dragon dicks whatever is that normal so December 15th December 15th where you're unemployed we finally not don't have a job so we're gonna do it we're gonna do it we can do five songs we can we can do five songs we can five songs we can commit to or four or five whatever that'll Reeve may be suing one you know one song who knows single yeah single yeah single but I'm gonna do it we might announce another song on that day yeah yeah I think that number 15 the announcement of the mixtape mixtape of this single of a head of tiny me alright we're pleased to release the announcement for the mixtape today announcement will be on December 15 happy what you've met you have ep's right no I don't know it's only been singles only really it was I yeah well last year I had I wrote these songs kind of as an EP but then I just ended up releasing them as singles okay I don't know dude I feel like is it cuz you like keep getting better and you know it's not really it's just cuz like I don't know I feel like people and till people like are begging for an EP like an EP is not gonna do I just feel like I don't know EPS can like I don't know I've just said nothing this whole time like hard to describe that like people don't consume music as like an EP yeah yeah it's like yeah I don't know that's how I feel people just like listen to a single in their life yeah oh cool yeah or even if you release an EP it's like they listen to it for three days then they're cool when's the next song coming out Yeah right like they just just like listen to it and then they're done I think people still like like appreciate yeah concept of like a project yeah I think especially yeah but I I think it's like once you like reach a certain level at least like I don't know with someone like 21 Savage like everyone's like waiting for his album and when it comes out people like enjoy enter Kendrick whatever they enjoy the album for now and that's for like months and months until the next like yeah this comes out or yeah and I don't know I feel like I'm not at that point yeah I haven't like sat down been like all right cool I'm gonna write like an EP yeah yeah it's kind of just I have like at any given time I have four or five songs like in the works or whatever but but they're not like a thing I want to bundle as like yeah yeah it's not like like [ __ ] Calvin Harris like set out to like do right like funk [ __ ] yeah yeah totally everything was the same yeah yeah yeah and I feel like at this point too I want to I want to release music more frequently just I don't know no I think yeah and then maybe once I'm at a point where it's like okay I kind of feel like I can take two or three months off from releasing music and just sit down and like write some yeah right like a thing that works together yeah then I'll do it yeah we should what's your day-to-day are you like we're just working on music all day usually I don't know for me like no not really like I just can't it's hard to because I'm just producing like in my living room yeah like in the corner my living room so it's kind of hard to like get in a space where it's like okay cool and I'm in an apartment so if music has to be low I hate where it's I don't know I'm just making excuses but it's kind of hard to just get in like no I feel zone so yeah but so you looking for a studio though yeah yeah I'm gonna go on Monday I just got a call before we came over and I was gonna come you can come if you want okay okay yeah it's fine yeah fine you sendawal beats no it's yeah it's fine dude there's one you my podcast and then [ __ ] yeah anyways thanks guys yes so uh means Bob we're gonna go get some lunch we'll see you later Kenny if you want to go we're gonna go back to Noelle's place but you can we actually get we threw a turkey in the oven last night a turkey we were working on turkey late yesterday sorry we didn't um you're gonna eat here I have a turkey meal yeah with my favorite yeah it's a favorite but it's been not looking for 20 hours I'm sure I can get turkey some around here yeah completely Thanksgivings almost around the corner yeah yeah yeah good yeah maybe you should call like someone who gives a [ __ ] about your meals if they want to like cook you so now I have to say Spock is him and Noland are in my top two of like young famous oh yeah of Laius yeah lame is ya know just young people who roast you from handshake like don't give a [ __ ] I think Spock has been roasting me yeah dude when you [ __ ] you said those two girls and we oh wait I saw them by the way yesterday oh really the day before yeah Venice Beach I was walking with Devon to go surfing and they're sitting there and like the did like literally a morning after we saw them there and they were like what the [ __ ] it was like what do you guys we're like an hour and a half away from where you were yesterday really weird but anyway so these two girls were in the studio they were staying with Christian and Spock just I was like hey charm be nice like hey how you guys doing where you from they like we're from Canada I was like meat or whatever and like we're going out okay by Spago's eight girls ladies don't remember don't do anything I wouldn't do it's so loud and they were like yeah yeah we won't yeah cuz it's funny cuz they don't know if they don't know you know like they don't know if you're being they play just think like do you like just [ __ ] watch you all day you don't know yeah because I'm never dude I'm never gonna see you again yeah like yeah honestly Christians probably never gonna see I saw them again the next day you didn't have to but just like oh there's those chicks who went to the peppermint club last night yeah yeah I don't know it's just funny it's just like you're just messing around yeah yeah I know it was pretty [ __ ] I wouldn't like if I just met someone be like hey [ __ ] you yeah yeah yeah yeah but yeah I do I do really that's for the second time I shut the [ __ ] up I'm kidding I'm kidding no it's a it's a prank it's a prank did I do I do want to come see your studio on Monday yeah okay maybe well-typed I'll talk to my people yeah I don't know I told them it was just gonna be me and Noel so anyways yeah I'm just gonna it's what everyone [ __ ] dude all the comments on the less so I did the last podcast podcast with Kelso yeah yeah okay yeah all the cod you read the comments no no just get get Kelsey and Noel to do the podcast Wow oh wow I mean how [ __ ] is that it's super me like we just want to see Noel on Kelsey we don't need to see you anymore god damnit okay your own following you're just like an entity I know Cody Co presents other people I'm just a producer and I'm not even a good producer you had to set up the camera today he just steps in he's like hey guys crowds like no boo out no more you're the Jeff Dunham where the puppets that [ __ ] makes so much money Jesus yeah I'm fine with that I'm fine with that Jeff Dunham bro no I actually actually do listen to your podcast cuz I dude it's embarrassing I never told you before so I figured I'd tell you on the cast okay because dude I because I travel a bunch you know I'm on planes and [ __ ] all the time so I just download like tons of podcasts all the time and I just put them on and just play games my phone and whatever so it's a good it's a good cast yeah it's entertaining yeah free free [ __ ] no well it's super funny I just get him to do one with Kelsey and that's a yeah no I appreciate that I listen to your music yeah oh I actually do yes right no other you after this oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no no I listen I listen to every single yeah no I actually do I do oh wait go ahead oh no you go you I yeah yeah but me no well we're yeah no demon right yeah yeah I was like bumping that actually like [ __ ] for many hours like creepy that's over the yellow album art yeah that's Dima Dima Dima yeah [ __ ] look Kevin yeah I love thanks dude yeah it's like the the chill one that's yeah yeah I know I don't like listen to because my other songs that ones like more chill but my other ones are like heavier that's like dude I don't know listen to it's like the [ __ ] we were playing the other night at Christian it's like dude I don't know listen to that for fun like yeah I'm listening to music I don't want to listen to your own music for fun no no not not my own no no but you don't listen like the genre not really I mean I listen to it if it's like if there's a cool song that I want to but like whenever I listen to it I like critique it way too hard like oh they're doing that with that you can't it's like how you were talking about like you're thinking about comedy all day so when you go home you don't want to watch comedy yeah yeah yeah kind of like that like I never consume like yeah when I'm done cutting or like whatever like I always want something really heavy or they just complete opposite or whatever the [ __ ] I've been thinking about oh yeah yeah as far as watch like murder mystery and [ __ ] yeah and [ __ ] up videos it's funny I go through I was kind of thinking that the other day I've like stopped listening to podcasts but then yesterday I was like listening to them again on my run and I was like it's kind of it's a little bit inspiring to listen to yeah no totally occasionally yeah tip ended yeah you suck it's like a weird balance yeah yep I agree no I love I love [ __ ] do I listen to him all the time like I I put them on when I'm like taking a shower it's just like really talking yeah talking so it's like oh cool I'm like in the car and [ __ ] yep who else do you listen to dough bricks podcasts it's funny no no I'm in like oh I thought you're saying yeah those are the views or whatever yeah brick and they're funny man they're / why did you listen to mine yeah dude he's funny funny [ __ ] rude very I dude I honestly did not think he was funny at all I'm fine okay until I started like seeing him do other [ __ ] yeah yeah it's like I don't know it's funny how that I felt um like yeah yeah does not represent you know yeah like even like Instagram comedy is kind of the same thing yeah sure yeah podcast is the most honest for me yeah yep most honest medium I feel like you don't really get to know it like hobb person's like action like no I said funny dude I throw on Joe Rogan and everyone said because they'll do those episodes are like three hours long yeah like I'll have to download like two or three for like that's what we're gonna do this one's gonna go for three okay perfect yeah we just hit just 17 days straight Tom yeah let's get the Guinness world record for the longest starting yeah let's do it I mean I could be down when I'm like making money and I can well you guys don't already have one on no I just kind of my day-to-day just learn from your father pop it on back pocket you're good exactly when time is money dude I don't want to waste it go to the [ __ ] bathroom yeah sick no no just rolling to the club with a catheter yeah oh my god bouncer Pat's you down what the [ __ ] is this man a relax some cat there's a catheter you know I pull up with that dying Yelp over that thing that's not a bad idea when I'm [ __ ] bro climbing club bath all that and I was gonna say club bathrooms are oh there's ruffles yeah everything a [ __ ] in the club yeah and the great I've only done it in the green room of like like the back oh wow for your first green room experience yes yeah that was fun it was a fun show it was a really fun show I had a blast yeah you guys we had so much fun without no well yeah it was great dude I think I texted you or maybe not you guys got it you got it peace dude good to see you it was anyways actually a lot of fun though no it really was yeah what club was it exchange exchange yeah they're down okay but I got to tell you man if you ever gonna go to like a Electronic Show you gotta be backstages yeah do it its way about is go backstage way to do it okay all the way better let them know that yeah yeah which is like free alcohol back there and show yeah we're just getting turnt up out of fun EDC dude is crazy they had like a big it was like a huge tent of just like open bar open like food [ __ ] it's just like this time and it's just like who's hanging backstage just like all yeah so it's it's like here's a big backstage area so all the artists had like their trailers and then there's just a big tent of like the artist booth thing is just a big your own trailer - no I didn't play I was just there Oh got you got you people yeah what's the best show you've ever played Shh probably moonrise Festival in Baltimore it was like why is huge just cuz it was big yeah it was cool it was it was like I don't know it was either that or this past weekend I don't know I've had a lot of good shows recently I played Webster Hall in New York which was like that's it was the it was I think was the last show there ever because they closed it down okay Wow but uh I it was supposed to be the last show and then like two days before my show there Skrillex was like yeah I'm playing a show the day after but no that show was crazy and it's my first time in New York which was tight New York is crazy it's so sick dude that would you live there I don't know it's I don't know maybe not right now I wouldn't but maybe in a few years when I don't want to live in LA anymore yeah I like it like though yeah but at least vest dude New York so sick yeah I walked around I took a red-eye anything at any yeah yeah it's amazing I took a red-eye there so I I was there all day before the show and then I didn't fly out the next day until like 8:00 at night or whatever so I had basically just two full days by myself yeah in New York so I just dude I've walked like the whole [ __ ] the whole the whole I did I was like dude I walked all the way down to like wherever the [ __ ] I don't know the World Trade Center [ __ ] yeah walk all the way down there and I'm like all the way up to Central Park and [ __ ] like I walked everywhere it was tight yeah just by yourself - I had never really that was like the first time I traveled usually I take my girlfriend or I'll have like my manager or something with me but this is my first time by myself and it was just so tight to just travel alone and just go do [ __ ] by yourself yeah kind of fun yeah no I agree I like traveling by myself yeah but in New York such a fun place I'd go out and stuff like that yeah oh yeah it's like tonight the night never ends like people like start partying like relate the show until like 4:00 a.m. really it was like holy [ __ ] a show yeah it was it was I don't know if is the best it's probably the second best show I've ever played okay so it was like yeah that's crazy I've been binge in New York as an adult I've been there as a kid really yeah did you got it go me yeah just like awesome yes yeah and there's like tons of cool like just like every area is different because like yes so much like me restaurants good food good parties yeah yeah yeah yeah it's tight and it's not bad either I think it's if you booked it a few months out it's probably like 500 roundtrip yeah it's a name but that's pretty [ __ ] you ad for for going five hours but yeah cuz [ __ ] like Texas is like as big as all of Europe yeah not really but you know I'm saying yeah so it's like you're flying a far as way yeah yeah yeah how can flight deals out of New York or [ __ ] dope - yeah I see that [ __ ] all the times yeah that's guys well kids it like London [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah you ever played in Europe no I've never been anywhere except the u.s. I've never been on this country really ever yeah no ever Jesus dude as a kid guys go huh Mexico yeah be tight yeah I'd be down no I I never traveled at all as a kid like I'd never been on a plane until like a year ago what and net wool is that like your first time on a plane dude I was scared I [ __ ] I haven't really bad anxiety about [ __ ] especially I mean it's been getting better recently but traveling that [ __ ] [ __ ] stressed me out yeah and and like so rough dude so luckily I was I was with nick colletti so he was just like dude it's no I remember on our way there he was like wait you've never flown before I was like no it's like dude you're gonna [ __ ] freak out in there just like [ __ ] you dude nah but then I don't know I sat down I was like all right [ __ ] like I'm super anxious and then we took off and I was like whoa this is kind of cool but I'm still like anxious and then I just fell asleep so it was fine I've always wondered you know obviously we're too nervous and if you fell asleep no it was like a 5 a.m. flight ok so I was and I slept I didn't like get any sleep the entire or so like nervous about the flight but it just I don't know I was still anxious I still get kind of anxious yeah I don't think it gets better I've been flying yeah since I was 2 and it's never gotten better for me it's I don't know it's gotten a little better like I only I think it's mostly like just the anxiety about the [ __ ] the whole trip so like whenever I'm taking off like going wherever I'm going it's that's when it's the worst because it's like oh [ __ ] like there's so many things that I'm thinking about like when I got to go to the hotel what if that's not sorted out right boat there's just so many things how's the show gonna be anything it's like I'm always super anxious right during that takeoff and then like once I'm going there it's like okay I'm I'm good now yeah it's fine yeah just like that being nervous about everything that like could go wrong about the whole trip that's just like yeah we're like the winds falling off the [ __ ] yeah yeah that too or that I don't know that that doesn't scare me as much I don't know why I've completely stopped giving a [ __ ] about crashing yeah oh you're like yeah like and now you yeah dirty in the beginning of Fight Club or whatever what do you mean you know when he's like sitting on the plane he's just like I don't care like if this goes down he's like I hope it goes down remember that I mean a great scene yeah I'm not like that I don't [ __ ] do that it's [ __ ] I don't do exits xx whatever the [ __ ] is stupid name is I'm not dead you're implying yeah XS 10th us you see him on yeah what upper things look dude you happy that Han do of him with the hair yeah he almost only fear what they don't understand always in forever it's like now bro [ __ ] yeah he shaved his eyebrows he dyed his hair white and then you got a tree tattooed right here he straight up looks like an alien straight up I was trying to figure out why it was why he looks so weird it's the eyebrows yeah yeah dude people look so weird without eyebrows yeah but that's not like a crazy like he's acting like he did something that should not be thought of as weird it's like yeah that's [ __ ] weird man yeah why did you do that you mean severe with this yeah straight up straight up and I'm not ashamed to say that no dude you're scary cuz you're [ __ ] weird cuz you're weird ex if you're watching this I'm sorry I don't mean that don't kill me yeah you know you know me just fearing what I don't understand you know I [ __ ] classic I just have to say I [ __ ] hate airplanes yeah like no me too [ __ ] him I just go insane when I'm sitting on them and I can't fall asleep so I just that's the worst so I'm just sitting there wanting to blow my brains out yeah and in fact I actually do become Tod dirting a little bit we're halfway through I'm like yeah just crash this [ __ ] I don't want to do it haha just [ __ ] hand it no cuz it's like when it's halfway through it's like [ __ ] if it's gonna crash I would hope that it would crash the beginning cuz I don't want to I don't my last moments on earth to be a five-hour flight where I'm like yeah it's wedding out of my hands you don't tell yeah I'm nervous yeah you know I mean well you know the only most dangerous parts are takeoff and landing yeah in the air is yeah there's no real except for when I got [ __ ] hit by lightning in Croatia oh yeah yeah the plane guy I told you that no yeah like halfway through the flight the like flight attendant comes on and starts talking there was like a bang oh yeah I remember listen to on a plane and I was like [ __ ] you dude but the the flight and it comes out like there's a bang and a flash and and then like fun day 10 comes on like 10 minutes later and she says some [ __ ] in German and all of it cuz I was in Germany and all the people all the German people are like hey look around like this house like what what is it she comes on and she was like if you have to turn the plane around sit got hit by lightning it's totally fine but we have to go back to Munich because it's the only place we can do maintenance and so like we were halfway there to the destination to Croatia yeah so we had to turn around and fly the same distance that we would have flown back to Munich in the whole town like oh my god that dude the wings could just straight-up fall off this plane right now how many hours back I was like an hour and a half some like that that's the first woman me I'd be like really you can't pull that you can't do it later yeah yeah you can't just take everyone was like why can't you just do maintenance it and they were like well you know of it like we don't have people there sucks I don't give a [ __ ] yeah just trash the plane it away drop us off and trash late its pilot gets off at planes no good has got to go who's gonna do the wife who's gonna do the wet here this is unbelievable let me speak to your manager I'd like to serve on a plane yeah let me speak to the captain yeah hi yeah hi Susan I'm a longtime customer here I've been in the air for about I would he'll remember yeah I am NOT going back I'm not you're gonna do so who is gonna do what who's gonna do this why you ever like after a really good flight you don't even talk to the flight attendants like hey give the compliments give the pilot my compliment no no no me neither yeah yeah the chef my compliments to the captain yeah this plane dude that'd be a cool job being a pilot yeah if you like no I don't know what it'd be well every time I see one I'm like damn like a computer now you're like my dog like that is badass not even in the military but you're just like thank you for your service you actually it is pretty [ __ ] badass the computer does his job no putting like a computer that you type on a [ __ ] computer and that's your whole job I know yeah I mean you be used to the job you tags used to be my job no no but I mean like the compiler does your job yeah I don't do the [ __ ] I know [ __ ] our jobs our old job Darrell jobs but I mean it's not what I'm saying it's not like he's like no I know 10 years ago yeah when that [ __ ] was a manual he's like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah he'll do does he even do they do [ __ ] during takeoff too or no I think they do some really hit a few switches yeah but then it's just autopilot that's crazy somebody made that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah that's time do my friends steps out is the guy who flies like the gigantic [ __ ] way Dreamliner's and she like yeah I like to Hong Kong and all that [ __ ] yes he's logged like so many you know I take it back it is pretty [ __ ] that's not an easy job you're driving like a [ __ ] dude I'd be so stressed I feel like dude I get stress flying on there baby flying in it yeah yeah yeah that's you're just sitting on it yeah yeah no I sitting in the cockpit just looking be like oh wait [ __ ] I've died like regardless like even if you don't like even if you're on autopilot you have to back that thing out it's a big a true that thing well a guy in a car does it but you know no you got to do it no right like that the taxi dude hooks up and we know dude that's the funniest there right the tiny car that drives this huge place yeah no you're right they back out and then the guy pulls up okay and then taxis them out I'm trouble backing out of a parking space that's the funny at all two things one in a golf cart yeah I think I stopped being afraid of airplanes because I completely just accepted I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about with an airplane yeah like you can't really complain like I just you just move it yeah you probably just don't know it's not that like I don't get stressed out about like crashing I just get like I know it's gonna be fine it's just I think it's like I get claustrophobic or so yeah cuz I don't like the window seat either cuz it's like I feel like I'm trapped in yeah in the window yeah I always get aisle a weird one I had was we took like an early morning flight to Portland or some [ __ ] so it was raining and you know like when you take off the water hits the window and looks like you're going through space yeah I started getting like [ __ ] motion sickness oh [ __ ] but it was like one of those on my bathroom but like we're [ __ ] tilted yeah and so you know I thought about it but I just imagined the lady coming up like ah back in your chair I'm like I just have to [ __ ] right into my lap [ __ ] whatever Jesus Christ oh no or with that when I'm I wanted to throw up that was my story no I mean hey we all do it man yeah which is yeah I mean that's the moral of this podcast when Bay throws up you be like all right gang let's wrap it up it's chilly looking forever damn wrap this up like a condom yes Oh use those right yeah I mean when I [ __ ] my dragon yeah although idea I would shake your [ __ ] your dragon chief yeah treat it with respect yeah yeah don't get it pregnant yeah little dragon human hybrids thanks for listening guys follow Spock it's at Spock music music and rock me listen to his music on soundcloud if you like dubstep yeah rhythm ru riddim I'm bordering on the rhythm dubstep hybrid okay yeah a little bit of rhythm so if you like an offense if you like dubstep riddim hybrid follow him you know know well you know that [ __ ] yeah a tribute to his patreon please Noel Miller pitch well Miller he needs it it needs it man I'm almost there go for a dollar a day you can help racially ambiguous boy fulfill his dreams of making content follow the Twitter at insanely underscore chill yeah give it a rating on iTunes five stars I tripped in my patreon if you want yeah yeah and we'll see you guys next time thanks December 15th later is everybody peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 1,320,562
Rating: 4.8938103 out of 5
Keywords: guest, podcast, long form, music, dj, spock, spock music, noel miller
Id: RsLb91F2og4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 22sec (4582 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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