Lifeguard "Singlets" Most Iconic Moments on Bondi Rescue

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this job's all about teamwork whether it be trying to you know line your mate up with a girl and the buggy and next minute they've got you back in the water in the middle of backpackers you know we support each other down here everyone thinks that working down at bondi as a lifeguard is probably the answer to everyone's you know love life woes but um yeah look it's not the ideal paradise for meeting you your dream date down here that everyone thinks it is enter bondi's favorite matchmaker well there's you know there's a lot of us now that are married in the service and um there's nothing like helping a man in need of some uh love oh i need some help stingless is a bit of a heart throb you know he's got the nice torso and he's got the long big jaw and the blonde hair you know it kind of gives across that iconic lifeguard look with harry's help is seeing what's life about to change singlets and i are just traveling down to the southern end of the beach and a stunning lady approaches us saying she had a purse lost on the beach thanks guys we had the purse it was up in the tower and i could see a dinner date right in front of me dinner date you too oh don't be silly there's lives to save here yeah so it was awkward moments ago it was pretty awkward what would you like handling dinner where do you like to eat you know i'm feeling very embarrassed about the whole thing just trying to think about work and what's going on in the water and you two just become sweethearts too much pressure too much pressure harry's is doing his matchmaker thing grab hands grab hips let's dance everybody no one likes being set up let's face it i know you can never record these moments don't worry don't worry they're recording it so i'm waiting for my moment to make this young lady's day and hand the purse over and just as we're getting to the tower i was like no why thank you so much so we dropped her off and dashed down south and we didn't have a lot of time on our hands oh now four of them are back in trouble again [Music] the two of them still haven't got their feet yet yeah so this job's all about teamwork whether it be trying to you know a line you made up with a girl and a buggy and next minute they've got you back in the water in the middle of backpackers you know we support each other down here on holiday from england the men lost their footing as the rip pulled them off the sand bank minutes earlier singlets was a knight in shining armor to a woman who'd lost her purse still the hero he's just saying things differently now his footing shorts were coming down and there was all sorts of bits and pieces hanging out and yeah it wasn't a pretty sight i was doing my best just to look at something on the beach to keep a focal point but uh he was having a good time there's an old saying drowning doesn't look like drowning quite often people will sink without any fuss or panic at all and that's almost what started happening here are those plugs trying to drown each other or watching guys yeah mate i've been watching them ah mate he's got his hand up he's in trouble you got to go i'm going 40 meters from shore in totally flat surf a man has walked off the sand bank into deep water the rescue unfolded really quickly all of a sudden things went from okay to not okay at all fellow swimmers rushed to the man's aid look how many people swimming one two three four the look on his face signaled that he was definitely on his last couple of breaths he really panicked then i guess he gets in the nuts this is singlet's first rescue since the recent drowning coming back to work i've definitely got a more heightened sense of awareness just get your breath back slow your breathing down before you go and do anything so i jumped in the rhino and i knew i didn't have a lot of time this guy was in a really bad way and i had a fair bit of ground to cover so i i hit the gas and and floored the the rhino jethro noticed me in my haste and joined in as well i just thought i'll go with him and the call came through yeah jeff back him up and it was it was pedaled to the metal like we were going i pretty much had the rhino going flat stick as fast as it could go and on the way down i encountered a flock of seagulls and uh i couldn't really break or anything singlets has gone straight through the guts of a flock of seagulls at least one of them flew in the rhino and hit me on the chest and landed in the seat i couldn't stop and had this seagull in the passenger seat and the whole thing was just really weird for me so i just kept driving [Applause] i got down to the patient and unloaded the board and the seagull had fallen out of the seat so i don't know where it had gone to that stage but like i said my priority was this patient because he was going under i think one of them's almost got washed in but one's still clinging to the surface board like he's gonna die jethro reaches the first man jethro's been brushed [Music] singlets heads for the second man who has been saved by a surfer he was kind of really relieved to see me a colombian guy really out of breath and looked like he was probably on his last couple of strokes folsom's got his bloke and jethro's just got wet with both men safe singlets turns his attention back to the seagull when we got out singer said to me mate i killed a seagull and it was like he murdered a human he was so rattled yeah it's pretty out of shape isn't it he said jeff mate it was in the passenger seat i hit it and it was in the passenger seat and he looked like he was about to cry i feel bad but there was not really much i could do i was just like oh no this can't be real you know especially you know we spend so much time on the beach for these sick girls they're like our buddies you know we thought we'd better pay all due respect you know he was just sitting on the sand and we sort of cut its life a little bit short we thought you know what we'll do the good thing and we'll bury it and we'll give a little ceremony and a couple of words and send him off yeah i think the seagull's gone to a better place and uh yeah definitely sort of buried him on the beach where else would he want to be she's broke her knee where it's okay we got a towel here andrea and her cousin gerald were taking advantage of iconic bondi as a backdrop for a rollerblading video when things went horribly wrong probably the worst dislocation i've ever seen down here the bone was coming out of the side of her leg andrea's dislocated kneecap is putting painful pressure on tendons cartilage and nerves so we need to get her on the green whistle straight away this is going to help all right it's just a um this is an analgesic gas and it's going to take your pain away her body was kind of a little bit twisted and and so we couldn't move her at all do you need something to put under your elbow here yeah i reckon all right all right a specialist paramedic will try to put andrea's kneecap back in place until then she faces a painful weight down here you know when we're dealing with patients and they're in pain one of our go-to's is the distraction technique where we'll try and ask them about themselves what's your story where are you from uh new york new york new yorkers are tough right oh no that's not what i hear we're hard shells soft inside ah right you know you've impressed me you're pretty brave um so what do you do it was like that literally on a first date but on bondo promenade with a dislocated knee and asking all the wrong [Applause] paramedic todd is an expert at relocating joints and i'm gonna just gently manipulate your knee i mean i like your wording i know it's not going to be gentle it will be gentle i know it will be manipulated [Music] and i felt this shock and it was like almost threw up it was tough it was heavy well done well done not only could i hear it clunk but i felt it right through her body it was a real jolt and i was like wow you guys from bandai we yeah we all live here we all reside here yeah we all kind of i love it here she had quite a bit of attitude but in a good way i'm not like such a troubled american you're an entertaining american i don't know that much i would say quite a bit of fun uh to work with where's my pen pen oh you whistle andrea plans on flying home to new york tomorrow but will need more tests before she gets the all you clear i just sold it to her as a positive like you know you might get two weeks extra in a country that's not so bad in a beautiful environment with amazing lifeguards singlets and harry's conduct a final patrol before closing the beach then a report of an injury a child comes running up and on a closer look it's my fourteen-year-old son noah baby's head on some guys my initial reaction was one of absolute surprise i was absolutely wracked with fear singlet's older son takes them to find 11 year old noah they established noah collided with a local body surfer i don't know where he was because he was completely submerged under the water and then i just got his head kind of picked me over here i thought something had happened to his neck and then he got up and he was feeling his back his head would have folded when he hit so he hit him pretty hard did he yeah slowly slowly slowly i'm panicked i'm worried i'm nervous there's so many emotions going on here right now when we got him to the tower i definitely looked back and and thought could i have handled that a little bit better and should i have you know got the spinal board involved and and should i've done more that's why i was so thankful that harry's was there because i just want to get it all cleared out and i want to make sure it's safe and sorry let me know if anything changes all right if you start to feel sick i'm starting to worry right now about long-term damage scary can i have a feel of your head and your neck is that okay don't have to move do you stay right there mate you stay right there paramedics decide no one needs more tests it was a great relief that you know noah was going to be in expert hands and the fact that they didn't put him on a spinal board and and and do all of that was also a little bit of a relief to me because i thought that you know we've done the right thing as well it was consistent with our treatment you want to jump in there mate yeah i'm stressed he's okay he's quiet and he's um he's a little bit ginger but yeah he's he's doing more considering what he's been through he has uh paraspinal bruising and a mild concussion what are you doing i should play with my food do you want any more pan at all or are you you okay for now okay um have you got headache at all or you just no i'm good just taking it really easy no beach today no waves no body surfing
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 131,415
Rating: 4.9620852 out of 5
Keywords: lifeguard singlets, lifeguard singlets best moments, lifeguard singlets bondi rescue, bondi rescue singlets, bondi rescue singlets son injured, bondi rescue singlets kills a seagull, bondi rescue singlets son spinal, bondi lifeguards, bondi rescue lifeguards, bondi rescue, bondi rescue best of, best lifeguards in the world, australian lifeguards, day in the life of a lifeguard, trent falson, bondi nation, bondi beach, bondi rescue singlets seagull, lifeguarding, bondi
Id: zkOloY8rEf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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