Bondi Rescue Season 9 Episode 15 - Best Of Bondi Rescue

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best a bond I I can only imagine what's in there is some amazing rescues down here at Bondi as lifeguards we generally take people on face value check for gummy shark hunt in your notes and get it off me I'll go to a needy he sort of Conda saw the beginning for sure Harry's rescue in the South corner has to be one of the best Harry's fancies himself is a bit of a superhuman / lifeguard but I'll tell you what that young Korean kid was all over in back to the suite the last eight years and a few words a box of smarties so many different colored and variations on the theme we get to side laws which makes you feel really good at an anodyne like tell cheek so your mom or anyone you want that you save loss like when you did I driver ha Vegeta make your sandwich this looks the funny bits the Furious bit sad bits you know it's been real life a real life experience when you go in for a rescue you'd never know we're gonna get most people enter the water waste step don't realize what could happen in the next couple of steps when they take that step and then up over their head in in water and can't touch the bottom the RIP starts moving and starts to take them out into the deep water that's when the panic sets in am I swallowed some water they're not breathing properly until they can merely drown and wasted water I was down on the water's edge and I got a call through the radio but you got those two Australian freund it that guy's struggling it down oh he's gone undermine the Bondi rescue carry news in the water filming and he heard the guy screaming moved across and held him up first and so I got there hang on hang on hang on over that peppermint leaves you all right night alright still down my first when he had it was really just a standard rescue it's just a matter of put him on the board and paddling back but it became difficult because of the language barrier and and the amount of panic I realized when I close to him how much panic he was in till then proceed in his eyes and he really did know who I was I didn't know what to do it's what I think he thought I was saying get off the board no this hang on this right you're right then you just started going wall target is going did sit panicking out there really come out to back me up and then the guys friends decide to help as well and then they needed rescuing so now we had three men and none of them can swim a stroke Iran Oh Bob google deal with hopper make this guy's stroller gone as well as a little every board was taken so yeah cat to commandeer some kids board they're coming up pretty heavy there's no one else on the beach at the moment so we've got to try to get the boys back into their positions again and know if something else happened it's uh it's pretty dangerous hey man's name was C Mon and he only just arrived in Australia they're just telling me already thankfully bottom actually made you don't know how to zoom that's why it's not easier that he based on that little blue know people at panic in the water it stops them from assessing the situation and they make the wrong decisions rather than staying calm where they can sit back and realize what they're doing and then make the correct decision like one day attracts everyone note from people who can't swim to people using drugs to people taking photos with kitties to thieves to fight via the backpackers that come down drunk every morning swimming in their clothes wanting people yea big Buster's of Asian tourists come down they jump straight off the bus and they just pull bolt straight the ocean you know you think you sent at all and something just tops it up our state last night in the water Tech boy gummy shark comes in your nose to get it off in quite a little bit King after that you pretty much it Milo is no one else in Rio de same time you've done well I'll tell you what as far as I know there hasn't been an attack upon die for 70 or 80 years you know and then here's his guy with these gouges out at the top of his eye after the boy last night I lay down and I was unconscious sleep and woke up this morning with a lot of moms went back in the ward again this morning to explain it just hot water yeah you gotta sort of give people you know better for the doubt i guess you went for a swim at eight-thirty p.m. last night and you woke up on the rocks at ten o'clock this morning yeah and you'd only had three cans of beer last night yeah Scott was a 34 year old man he just arrived from Tasmania with his girlfriend Kelly there are my tailor I've got to put the barrage on of you thanks he keeps up on that we sought the Pinal go away trust me so I'm gonna go i have read 394 when did you have those and ready to have those did you have those on the rockford you know I had them this morning workout right okay so you didn't sleep on the rocks you've obviously been home somewhere like in a garage rock Doria giving it all right Scott we're gonna help you out sham we're gonna get into the Ambo all went to a fishy yeah we usually pretty good at reading people down here but this guy definitely got us give it to him but their property its proper bite maps my father's young to me I could be wrong I'm not infallible but that looked like teeth tonight I just thought you know here's daughters father what we was like how far out was he was he well he said he wisely the nosy free wrestle it off ward it off and came going ashore and pass their story and well it's not a job there's no Tigers ramp this is like it's been so long down here since there's been a shark attack I was kind of thinking you know what I'll just roll with this one I don't think it's shark bite but we'll see we'll see what happens in the end obviously sharks teeth you know a quite long and they can penetrate quite deep down so we've got to make sure that hasn't gone down into the first doing just too much no yeah the one above the joints the worst one are you allergic to anything yeah sharks yeah see that's gone into the capsule of the elbow okay Scott was a 34 year old man he's got these massive gouges out of his arm stating that he'd been attacked by shark it took a while to get get to the art truth you didn't think of coming up last night it's all the big shot yeah and I ran out of the water so far yeah and then I just collapse okay and went just like anyway you're here now which is the main thing you can't go back your car terror outside look I'm sorry guys you know what made a mistake you know at noon it's gone too far for that so you gotta write run with it and run with it he did I just kept on hitting him and eat him in that night as much as keep did it because I had to eat through water the orthopedic surgeons have come down and the wound that we saw on the elbowed it does need to go to theater and the others need to be washed as well and then sutured in the best way to do that is in theater under a general industry we've assessed know Dennis she's got normal sensation he's been very lucky chapo he's never been convinced the whole time so he starts doing a little bit his own investigation Maxie will go and see if there's any bud maybe find out a little bit more about this story doesn't seem to be anything else up here I like my plotter anything rotten trick by the time this guy's been wheeled in a hospital for a shark boy the story had gone worldwide a shark has attacked a swimmer of Sydney's world famous Bondi Beach was the first such attack in 17 years he managed to break free and escape after punching the shark on the nose so the next day it's going to return to Bondi the storage spot on spot on he couldn't get much more spot on buddy spot on through the scary and tough setting and yeah I'm just I'm just grateful that I'm still here so this for you look small yesterday anyway I hadn't been bit by shark any had us all fooled do you remember it like back flat three times yes three times it's come from an Eagles yeah look glad I came out better gorgeous like have enough work with Mike Tyson but I never got the etude off things started unraveling and as the information came out we all started will you be more like chapel be skeptical than that when I spoke to him he genuinely believes that entry mishaps for sure or or or he's a tremendous collapsed one of the brace this has got to be one of the biggest hoaxes we've ever seen down here let me read it to you bond eyes burger spot shark attack just a fishing line shark attack never occurred and the man who made the claim has been arrested for theft sources have told like a look at him well I did say only ninety-nine percent always convinced I never was quite a hundred percent and I one percent plays a big role it just means that we take another dimension to our job with private detectives now you know we will you solve crimes as well as a ref you feel you need Kojak anything it turns out that he put his arm through a glass window to try and steal something as simple as that there was a thief when I saw the newspaper article I was bloody outright said he got caught by the police through his utility way Bobby prides himself on being right a lot of the time and you know I'm sure he felt a little bit foolish once he realized that he was completely wrong it's good to see my that humbles in fake you know what you got to put your head up and go he got me punched in the nose to get it off in quite a little bit probably since in a hotel somewhere in Tasmania every night and tells the story it has a laugh with his mates at our expense but like the Seurat good as gold like people out on the sand bank close to my place on my pension know it back over this way I know this is the best of Bondi rescue but I did not expect there to be a best of mega fan category oh this is a failure yeah you're laughing like you gotta use even if you're not careful you're all ignoring me if there was to be a winner of the best of mega fine category it have to be Heights man hands down now you really rock your body this lady or the star game you got to comes with it what do you think I'm making this difficult lady working in a trouble right now colors ie hello I just blaming badge again love you mind hi Japan did a really serious rescue one day down arm down a backpackers okay it doesn't take long for someone to drown some people yelling screaming and battle other people just sink time at you here when he pulled the bloke out of the water the guy was only just a lot like he did set nearly died 10 seconds ago and the first thing he says team is swim between the flags he's getting on now then he started freaking so I had to give him a little tap you have to get them back into into into here and now so you can bring him back to shore people don't realize how serious it is out there you know and I may get h went to town these people were laughing and I and I didn't think it was very funny don't give me this should be up in the plan never swim outside the flesh yeah okay he nearly drowned you nearly lost him you would have been smiling serious he did he die in the people's defence it was they were they were embarrassed you know I found this out afterwards and it made me feel a little bit bad but then I thought nah I can only react on what happened hey you nearly went down easy guys another two minutes here in gone I fully mighty okay seriously ever twelve years I've been on the beach to do now that goes in the top five and I'm nervous I'm scared that really i thought i was going to be seen I mean like he'd sink I don't like stealing see yeah I don't think some people realize how quickly it can happen you've seen it not seen it it's a horrible thing to happen for lifeguard the real thing is we're responsible for people's lives so we take it really seriously we'll call to do something down the south end and as we're going down Terry said hates you better come back looks like that guy's collapse so we've come back and that's when the whole reality of the situation hit for sure look at this figure we got it we've got beer we've got salt water let the whole lot i'm gonna need to get rid of the beer bottles we get this guy's name son the guy your rescue any spill is cordial i reckons got a combination of beer yeah whole lotta topp any ingested water through the lungs it has to be treated in hospital because people can drown a couple of hours later or even that the next day I'm Bondi Beach we get lots of lost kids we get kids that can't speak English we get kids of all age groups we get kids with different haircuts we get kids of cultures from all around the world so you know you have that crying kid and you have the kid that's smiley and happy and happy to sit up in the tower and wait for mom or dad to come back would be they might be small but they can be a real handful we're gonna go it's cool here find your mom and dad Ares is found this poor little asian boy lost crying and he obviously doesn't know any English and Harry's can't speak any Chinese secret language barrier alright this is a hard one watch this heat up something I'll tell you what that young Quran kid was all over any we're gonna go it's cool here what ano my mom and dad iris is fair this poor little asian boy lost crying and he obviously doesn't know any English and Harry's can't speak any Chinese secret language barrier I was trying to form a relationship with him and we just weren't getting along here have some water Harry's fancies himself as a bit of a superhuman / lifeguard you usually think she's pretty much on top of his game down here but I'll tell you what that young Korean kid was all over him it's all right he's so cute he's got little even hand signals niveditha he's only so young and the porking so worked up it's just anything for sale because he couldn't speak any English I had to try and find a translator happy chappy he's not happy I can't understand what he's saying he come to have a tour group and the fifth they've left no is he going upstairs he he's he's lost he's got the poor little chap doesn't know what yeah this is good this is what I like Harry she's really good with dealing with kids cuz he's kind of on that intelligence level and I just thought straightaway when harry's was dealing with that young bloke I thought that's a good match you know they can talk about squares and circles and colors and triangles anybody he's fun horny Mike's on baby 10 and you get switch one ever see us but just before the mystery number connects oh turned out that someone's family we're on a holiday from Korea the reunion is just a most special thing to see a son or daughter you know in the arms of their mother or father and I tell you what it's just hard felt because the lifeguards go through hell waiting for their parents to turn up how long are you here in Australia for 20 minutes and you lost you is yeah
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 1,200,749
Rating: 4.9056969 out of 5
Keywords: lifeguard rescues, bondi rescue full episodes, near death experiences, hot lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue, Best Of Bondi Rescue, drowning, Bondi Rescue, bondi beach, Season 9, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, lifesavers, real life heroes, bondi beach rescue, bondi rescue australia, Bondi Rescue (TV Program), beach rescue, Episode 15, resuscitation, surf lifesaving
Id: GB8cEQ-jumg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Mon May 26 2014
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