Bondi rescue Season 9 Ep08 And Ep09

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[Music] the South one is definitely the most dangerous spot on the beach for some reason I've been spending a lot of time down there [Music] Dmitry's a Bondi local I can see it a Dimitri a friend of all of the lifeguards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] first light for me is probably the best time of the day at Bondi the Sun rises colors get nice you've got the locals down there really enjoying what Bondi has to offer it people swimming laps to the bay there's like the club easy out there training in their surf boat the sand runners are doing laps you get the nippers down here you know all the young kids learning about the surf it really is a time where sort of more of the local people get to enjoy the day before the hordes and the circus turns up everybody that comes to Bondi stakes they're playing to a certain part of the beach [Music] we have backpacking studious going to the beach and crap all around Australia there's a rip down the south end called backpackers and it's been named backpackers because out of the pub so many backpackers walk straight over the hill and now they go into the water next thing rescues we're in North Bondi and weasly swim in the South blog of the north at the other end of the beach is the North corner lot of families with young kids get up there essentially the North corner is the safest part of the beach yeah a lot of the local people sort of gravitate out towards Flat Rock so you get a lot of people enjoying I'm going to swim off the rocks people take their dogs out there [Music] it's got definitely a more localized feel out there flat rock unless you know the odd tourists been here for long enough that they start to kind of find these little gems at north bondi there's an outdoor gym area open anyone everyone's welcome and it's been known for as long as I've there benign in its Dimitri's office I'm friends with like guys for many many many years I've known Ohno and all the tensions that we're boys the gym guys all head out to North Pond tonight to meet you you carry these big kind of gymnastics robe out on the flips and there's a couple of points where they attach to and they climb that rope not really allowed to do the rope climb they do it at their own risk it is quite dangerous it's amazing to watch we used to get out there a little bit and do it do it with him as well on a day off I want to make a statement for so many years people of Australia's able to see if they've been deceived I think the best looking guys on the bishop on the lifeguards they all my friends but they're not the prettiest boys in the beach there are pretty look prettier boys my team different physics different body types maybe some of those big gym guys it's rahmanir a button I have quickly get out of it [Music] [Music] all of a sudden sort of noticed a few ambulances starting to park up in the north end at Ben Butler taking people down the bottom with it there are like flower hangers focuses on their eyes [Music] there's someone for the top I don't know what's gonna when you saw the two ambos guy that was a bit different you know doesn't often happen we studi know what was going on and then police rescue truck turning someone news was slowly starting to filter through that it was something to with the rope guys we didn't know at that time whether someone had fallen the rope it broke and I think it's about seven eight meters to the top so if you fall from up there it's gonna be very serious whether you land on your leg or you land on your head maybe a helicopter Ambo helicopter might be coming your way very undercover operation no one knows anything their potential it was actually Dmitri he fell off on the right this thing here is a smaller than my spend to make sure he fell off the road as soon as we found out was Demetri I mean the first thing in spite of mine was easy okay worst-case scenario if you fall from the top I guess you could die so to hear it was Dimitri's was a big shock really I'm gonna almost feel bad that we weren't there yes we consider Demetria friend of all of the lifeguards so to think that you know the one day where he may have needed us we weren't out there the most dangerous part of the beaches the South corner there's a perpetual rip to the untrained eye it doesn't look dangerous and it seems to be a magnet for four people to swim people can be taken out very quickly around the reef and the basic instinct for people is to come back the way they swam out and it's not impossible to do that did I swim against the car you guys there our center of the ice good job there's always a bank that forms just off the icebergs in the South corner and everyone knows it on the services hatches reef I grew up there learn to surf there took my first barrels there he's been surfing out there longer than anyone else I know down here but the experience is an essential part of of doing rescues in that corner my colleague Chris Chapman and I basically had a less than there I gave him a free lesson if you do something dangerous you've got to do it safely you've got to have your escape edges I wanted to get my way coming [Music] the cellphone is definitely the most dangerous spot on the beach at the shadows in for some reason I've been spending a lot of time down there I do like working the south end of the beach the chapters on the whining each man would be proud cat dog hates room he calls the little break out there you don't want to be stepping on a cheese toast my skills are really good out there now it's on so many rescues out there I'm just looking like a genius on the board we can't really have a cheese briefing out of ages I scored chat bird calling at chat Beau's corner cut his nuts off [Music] [Applause] without camera really pretty without word got around that Dimitri had checked himself out of hospital we thought it'd be nice idea to Gonzaga die and and just check in on in how come the boys didn't ring the lifeguards we thought we'd be your first point of call pointed that Anthony in you were not there when I fell from the knees down really he broke almost every by and Eddie's both his legs we're really worried on the day we heard that someone fell off the cliff and we couldn't figure out whether you know someone's in you know bad way or not and then news came through that it was you that had fall and to me and I knew how to fall tippy go Dmitri get on with it Carla you know winded salt about what's happened just get on with life you'll be back down here shortly I'm sure [Music] when I want to get down yeah we'll see him back Tiana - my trees office doing chin-ups and push-ups before we know it I was sitting in the tower with H and Troy when we noticed somebody swim straight out in the South corner good shot you've got my chant getting in this is pretty strong the other [Music] yeah you know he was keeping his head above the water he was trying to swim okay ready yeah chap I wouldn't wait much longer man yo yo the longer that this guy remained in the current the further out he goes [Music] chap I wouldn't wait much longer man yard go if he sees she's gone yeah and I got mine I mean her eyes you know he was keeping his head about the water he was trying to swim but you can't tell them anything young people know everything ates thinks he's a little bit of a guru down in the corner H's roof you know H's out of ages whenever anyone goes into the South corner he just gives you a little bit of advice we all know what we're doing he doesn't really need to give us advice but it's welcomed my keys everything right yeah I don't know yeah as a hunter who sent us let me build on it yeah yeah you take a look at these we wouldn't even try to come back against that tree and that river chapo just charged to the corner and did what I suggested it is really reassuring for me to give these guys advice as far as I'm concerned it really reassures my philosophies and my practices who I rescued name's Andrew he was 27 years old and he was from the Ukraine and he basically said that he just wanted to go for a swim so I feel strong and since that I can come back but the waves done me back the sea and a few tide and ask for help cafes corner the only problem with that is that H named at about forty years ago when he was in his own teenage years and unfortunately this Court has called hechas so I don't think Paige would be very happy if we started to call it chatbox corner but you can you can ask him if you want [Music] middle of the beach is probably a bit of a mix of everything really not so much family not so much backpacker not so much locals it's just a bit of a mix of everyone it's not as full-on as the South corner good spot for beginners they're allowed in there on their hard boards they're out there doing the best they can it was a pretty quiet day and I was just sitting on the rip in front of the tower and two stand-up paddleboarders came down the boyfriend jumped out into the water and as the girlfriend was walking out she just copped the shore break straight onto her board and it cleaned her up you know just gonna kill she's had a shout in the show bright what think we might have a broken collarbone the start she thought she'd just like pinched a nerve and she she told me this she was fine and then the pain started to grow and that was when she sort of let me treat her with a broken collarbone or a dislocated shoulder it's important to get her up into the tower and get her comfortable as quick as possible and then we can treat it from there hopefully your arm up and then you're going to use it [Applause] mata is an American intensive care nurse and she'd moved here two years ago to live with her boyfriend in highlight you seen Tyler she was obviously asking a thousand questions about it from a nurse background but the most important thing was she did really enjoy using it I was laughing at first but then she didn't laughter that's not laughing now I had a patient recently that was sling drug abuse 19 that had been recently maybe a lot of pain medication when you've been treating people so long and then you finally get treated by someone you learn so much and you sort of feel for your patients more the next time you're out there in the field thanks big end it's not the only time you like baking those smarter went straight into surgery she snapped a collarbone I like to think that she'd get back on the horse cuz that's the only way you're gonna get over something like that otherwise she'll be fearful forever south corners a doozy at the moment it's absolutely flying there's just a bunch of guys swam in traumatic and that was sweet and they'll hang in there but then other people just thought yeah that looks all right and they've just jumped in there and sure enough you know last step I would go down just to have a good look at it might just get you coming back this way a bit straightaway I look where I was North tour nook was the busy day and I thought the back way [Music] I flew along came to the beach and chapo was already in the water and he had two people and all you got was a bit wired for the goop so I thought she might get a little bit of an e lashing I beat him to the show I didn't like that turn around back is more people in the same situation so we went out he was gonna be a problem this was just the chapo that we'd get him in between our boards he did look a little bit confused he was like well these two people doing to me it was very unorthodox and it was the brand new technique and I'd like to say it was mine this guy was particularly tall so rather than putting him on the board H decides that this guy can hold to the ropes between the two of us we dragged him back in so it was a double rescue of a single man this corner of me having quite the season you know hates help me out that song but I had two fairly big people and I was good to have his he'll be kind of back me up LePage no more chat last corner after that it's HS roof and it always will be [Music] what do I love Bondi I guess it's where I grew up it's where all my dreams came to fruition I'm part of a tradition a Bondi tradition it's great to be able to feel like a part of something to feel like you belong at seven o'clock thank you we'll be back here in six I am [Music] I feel like I'm a a good asset to the team because I'm a madman there's times where I could pound them when they've got things that are upsetting them they come and have a chat with me and and I can put them straight you know [Music] I told the young blokes that I was gonna leave next year and they don't want me to leave so maybe I'll be a still going at 70 although I don't know where the Waverley counselor would like that Haiti give us a big donor put it into she's three on thank the great spirit like I've still got the desire and the dedication to work here it's more than money it's more than bank accounts you know it's it's extensive of being [Music] it's cookie 63 get away with it I I have dealt with dislocated knee before but that was by far the worst I've ever seen they shouldn't swim with their clothes on it's so dangerous to get into a whole lot of trouble no one comes to work thinking that they're gonna be faced with a recess we get oxygen please yes lifeguards down at Bondi we see life and death and a lot of different situations pretty easy fee number to come up down here it's kind of taught me to be a really positive towards life you know everyday you kind of have to live it like it's your last you know you never know when something could end up happening [Applause] [Music] it's a pretty standard Saturday morning trying within the Rhino just sort of patrolling backpackers in the South corner we're approached by some members of the public and a guy was sort of I think there's someone in trouble down there [Music] you wouldn't think of anything really gonna go wrong and then all of a sudden you're dealing with one of the most major instances he can get on the beach down here you've been off in the water and swam in on the first lap wrong so you've never had and they're getting any worse his name was Kurt he was 54 years old and he was complaining of chest pain his arms had to be too pine and he had pins and needles in his hands so stop ringing alarm bells ambulance please it's coming you've got chest pains sort of right in the middle bit of tingling in the fingers that's the most comfortable position for him hey whip can I deserve that those stats again who is he what age yeah machine the defib is a piece of equipment that shocks the heart back into a normal rhythm you know the worst-case scenarios we're gonna have to zap this guy back to life just try and relax there we're actually trying not to put the pads on straight away with all the signs the symptoms were there yeah it was a really big chance that he was possibly gonna have an arrest you're gonna be better like you really do is just keep them comfortable it's really hoping that that ambulance will be coming down what I wrote at any time now have you got anyone you'd like to get us to contact at all I knew I had to make that phone call because if if my husband was having a heart attack on the water's edge at Bondi I'd want to know hi Michelle this is Nicola Atherton from the Banda lifeguards I've been given your number I believe it's either you're with your husband yeah he's down here at Bondi and he's being treated for a suspected heart attack how do you call someone up and just ruin their day like that I was trying I can't even remember what I really said but just trying to break it tour as as gently as I could good job down another oxy just to get the UH Nantong yeah copy that's quite nerve-racking because through a forest was just standing there just waiting anticipating the worst was about to happen Oh God we made it like chest pain I'm feeling sorry for him but ambulance is still right here sir in the hospital pretty quick [Music] [Applause] then I see yak space you know it's such a good feeling to know someone that you're gonna be working with it sort of makes a big difference you already have that relationship there the paramedic full-time paramedic and I've been a lifeguard now for the nice 16 or 17 years for me we got he's got central chest mind he's shorter britches clammy he doesn't look well to go on him we witnessed the arrest I was like oh [ __ ] he stopped breathing and his heart stopped pumping he's in cardiac arrest come on you just tossed it out of it yes it's a gun quite like those in title loss the red button press shock 1 deliver roll it is safe to touch the PR now some will get on the test how I get on the 51 tension you you've got this guy's life in your hands it's like right there in front of you you want to make sure that he goes home who's watching kids Hey [Music] his heart's not functioning and he's not breathing so his body's got no sign of life there's a strange feeling pushing to someone's chest you know you have to push really hard and go fast but it is scary doing compressions is hard where you get tired so I took over from Troy after about two or three cycles [Music] now you went into this fit and those terrible witness did you know I didn't say that before you know that's gonna happen for the brain not receiving enough oxygen [Applause] goodnight it's such a relief I could see him breathing again down an iOS bang he's up and it was just right oh thank god shops here [Music] [Music] give me a bit of an update as to what's happening so I just want to keep the wife in the loop and I am over here working on him into my minute he was conscious and alert when he came to us the ambulance was down here within five minutes so there has been a really good response time and all all precautions have been taken from here but I don't know for sure so just I don't want you to panic or anything then I will keep you updated along the way as best I can okay hey buddy have you still got pain in your chest continue with that beautiful hey when you do a rest on the beach the second ambulance has to be called an icy paramedic basically because they have a lot more skills and more drugs than what qualified ambulance officers have so the story is the boys had the pads already on when we got here he went into arrest when you you may have witnessed arrest yeah one shot straight up we shine call for one shot straight up followed by about a minute 1/2 CPR and then return us and then return to circulate Saunders that minutes ago 1 2 3 go once he's stabilized we need to get out of there ASAP as lifeguards they've done their bit as paramedics we've done our bit the next step is to the doctors and nurses to probably do an angiogram see what sort of blockages there are and whatever the scenario are we okay we good to go guys just someone bring this left arm in for me please many of the nominees looking good but someone will trip to the hospital so fingers crossed I'll be back on the situation the boys have done a fantastic job they've done everything they could with the training that I have it hits you like a ton of bricks when it happens you physically and emotionally drained this was the first time of actually witnessed an arrest right in front of me [Music] yeah I think 54 is way too young to have a heart attack it makes you think yourself you know you should have get regular checks and know how fit you really are out of to meet stuff you can never prepare yourself that what's this happening yeah just the white things just unfold you know you Danny other on a Sunday anything it's a nice quiet day and then go eyedrops to the heart attack right there yeah it's pretty full-on Kurt's gone into cardiac arrest we're shocked him we've got him back he's talking to us it doesn't mean he's out of the woods yet [Music] even though banda i can look really calm and peaceful we know where all the danger spots out there's lifeguards if someone's number does come up it's up to us to try and make sure that they do go home at the end of the day [Music] remember looking at the sea and seeing a couple of fully clothed gentlemen in the rip looking like that about to get into a whole lot of trouble [Applause] Koby man one of the guys was distinctively dressed he looked like he was out of their Gangnam style film clip I guess I wanted to teach him a lesson and sharp how hard it really was to get in and show that they shouldn't swim with their clothes on us it's so dangerous so everything seems to be going okay it looks all gonna get these guys back to the sand bank and then suddenly their friend jumps into the rip and yeah it's sort of all starts to go fishing very close when you go swimming is probably the worst thing that you can do they just get full of water out really heavy and you can't swim in them so now we've got postal boys out there you gotta get on the board you're gonna rip there's another to the left [Music] people that come down here for the first time even though they might not know it they're playing the odds and worst case scenario they get into a lot of trouble [Music] it's first time one of my friend is bad swimmer so maybe there isn't one of noisy [Music] when I first got here is looking to me a super busy day it was sunny 28 degrees and I've got 12 o'clock lunch time a little turn terrible full storm come over raining Thunder lightning everything I was just sitting around on the staff saw the flags and then I said club' sort of run down about four of him and the guy was sitting in the shore and he got picked up by a wife and landed pretty heavily on the same banking his net just popped out via copy mate Tony's doing the Emma call right now so it's gonna bring him up here [Music] [Music] Robbie seemed like changing a lot of paint I asked him at what you find out at 10:00 you said 10 and every time you sort of jerked him in the slightest way he he was screen every time we moved in me just screaming pain unlike I felt bad but then you had to get him out of the storm dislocated knee before but that was by far the worst one I've ever seen did you just get sleepy on that and I'll straighten your leg out and I'll just pop the big fella Becky's life guys are changing senior first aid but um dislocations are considered a medical procedure so we're not trained thought it might hurt a little bit to be discomfort that after that when there's been me the patella is back in we feel significantly less pain okay I didn't really feel crepe dad I was always hit the watch stevedore I was heaps excited to see how he was gonna don't do this growing up to Fort Meade I'm just gonna I'll let you know what I'm gonna do it this feet relaxing big breath big difference this is Farley gonna straighten your leg my doing it and out to you nice yeah let's take it away Robbie oh boy how's your knee feel better though if it was back in I was amazed at how quick rubbish pain did go away as soon as you put it back into place you could just see it was like instant relief on his face sever happen before I mean just the intensity of the wave and it just hit me on you more so so what this for me is an extra hour that the paramedic gave him a splint just to sort of keep it comfortable I guess he was a bit unlucky but you know it could happen to anyone it's just the way it landed he was just in the wrong spot a long time shop one deliver all continued with anybody comes back to the tower after we've worked on them it gets quite emotional because you know one minute you're seeing him in probably the worst situation and through the door basically afeared and wired me up yeah like that I wouldn't be here I mean the good thing was when we got to your conscious and you could give us your symptoms and to get there and have the time and to be able to prepare for it makes a big difference for us Joe happened to call your wife was like oh my god you poor thing I mean that first I didn't know that could had gone to Bondi that day I thought he'd just gone to pool so I got to the shop and then my freaked out telephone but every time you find me I was right at the right time I got the reference I needed all the way through it was fantastic I just wanted you to be there you know whatever the outcome was gonna be and like I knew that you know you had the best guys on the job say Mike you were just like sis it was like amazing yeah you're all like regimental and you knew it you know tell the council down my eyes what surgery did you are they just put a balloon in him like there's no fingers they just had to go in and I was amazing when they hit the the clot and just sucked it out and exhausted so much pain right it was like a heavy yeah you know and as soon as they suck that out instantly it was like ah the pains gone I was like wow yeah the doctor and he basically said to stop eating [ __ ] conversin would be a lot worse minimal damage to like I'm the luckiest guy life I'm no the other one you guys never know it's what makes our job worthwhile what happened to cut drums home how precious life is thanks for coming down understand it means a lot to us to be able to see the people that we get back I really appreciate it yeah I really really appreciate it [Music] where you can do is paddle out there and try and hold up as many as you can with our boards Tony can you hear me Tony someone came to the door and said someone's just passed out further to the edge okay Erin she's not talking to me lady can you hear me Tony I received a phone call from the police about a suspected gentlemen fighting facedown [Music]
Channel: Soph Owen
Views: 457,618
Rating: 4.8538089 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi, rescue, season 9
Id: qzYJF6N3duk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2016
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