Bondi Rescue - Season 11 Episode 2 *FULL EPISODE*

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on this episode of bankai rest in our areas trainee quick offers advice to australia's most powerful man have a good years and just take it easy feeling the music bondi style and two thrill-seekers take a gamble get eyes on them apparently which could cost them their lives [Music] bad baby Bondi at it's beautiful best days like this are the reason Bondi attracts over 3 million visitors a year for most of them a swim at Bondi is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for locals swimming here is almost a birthright but what about the days when Bondi doesn't look like the postcards every summer huge storm cells sweep up from the South bringing rain and gale force winds the theories of storms and tornadoes starting just before lunch hit with the most powerful wind gusts ever recorded in New South Wales south of Bondi a tornado has hit the beachside suburb of Kernell and debris whip through the air this is the tornado that tore through Kernell yet tourists many who have travelled thousands of kilometres to be here aren't gonna let tornado conditions stop their once-in-a-lifetime experience tourists come to Bondi in all different types of conditions wet windy gigantic swells everything it doesn't matter they don't see the danger all they want to do is swim upon by as the rain continues second-year trainee Glick and new recruit Jackson are about to experience a first for the Bondi lifeguards it wasn't a very nice day I wasn't certainly expecting much to happen at all there was talk about the prime minister coming down this morning but I don't know if it's actually gonna happen it's a terrible day to be down upon that if she's there I'm gonna get a photo in for sure I sell 300% Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has come the Bondi for a function at the local RSL he thought it caught us in the corner of his eye trainee lifeguard Glick seizes his opportunity to give the nation's leader some free advice have a good years and just take it easy ok I was surprised to see the primary stuff but you never know what's going to happen down here at Bondi the stormy conditions continued at bondi it's mid-afternoon and two lifeguards Jake and Chris are patrolling the beach jesse is alone in the tower the golden rule is never ever ever leave the tower unattended we always need someone watching the water Jesse spots a group of swimmers getting into trouble at the north end the guy that stuck out the back can actually swim it's this route he's are really really strong yeah boys that you're gonna have to get shady Chris and Joe have to rescue a girl and two guys the thing that scared me the most was that it was such a short period swell which means that the waves are constantly breaking after each other so you don't really have time if you roll to get ready again because the next wave already gonna heat up Jake reaches the girl but is pushed back Chris makes it through to the other two swimmers the teenager and an older man jake has the girl but fights the waves this is going to be the hardest thing now getting them back in because the river so strong it's going to suck them out of that even if you're the best lifeguard in the world if the 3 foot wave hits you if a patient on your fall or not [Music] as much as I want to help Jake and Chris I just can't leave the tower unattended if I do that there's another 800 meters of the beach it's gonna be um betrayal Chris gets his to patients to safety but words are the fourth swimmer in trouble and then I've seen Chris grab another black [Music] then Jesse spots yet another person in trouble a fifth swimmer further up the beach both available lifeguards can't be contacted in the water what do I do you know I can't leave the tower Jesse is alone in the tower as Jake and Chris perform rescues at the north end in the middle of the beach another man is being swept out to sea in a rip what do I do now I can't leave the tower jesse has to find a solution to his dilemma this man could drown and then about an hour I just thought now hoppers across the road head lifeguard hopper is in his office just behind the tower in the Bondi pavilion hey hey you'll cross the road mate I'm right out knee time just to come to town my new guy don't help the boys here jesse has to cover four hundred meters in the buggy I was trying to start it and I knew people were drowning in a wound start and then all of a sudden just got I'm just pinned it and not even noticing how fast I got another one for the banker Jesse's gone in for moments before Jesse reaches the patient a pair of experienced body surfers hold the swimmer up these things happen get two or three go at the same time makes a bit more difficult all five swimmers are accounted for seventeen year olds Jai and Natasha are on holiday from Melbourne it is a good feeling when you save someone's life but when you save someone's life and they come up and thank you it's an even better feeling bond dies latest trainee is 19 year old Brian Yerbury earlier in the season he failed to move a group of swimmers using the megaphone he's having a go on the megaphone but it's just not working it's really important like I want to get over the traineeship and get on yeah full-time and be one of the guys Ryan is looking for an opportunity to make amends every chance I can get into the water I'm the first to put my hand up with the more experienced I can get into more rescues I can go into the build I'm yeah always willing to get wet and get out there at the South End Brian is patrolling with Glick a second-year trainee who's always willing to offer advice just ask the Prime Minister attention is focused on a body surfer trying his luck in the solid swell [Music] when you do go in the water adrenaline kicks in in life there's a port here's to water you're a million miles nowadays going forever miss Peters you can paddle out he's got in when he jumped on the board I was completely confused that he had fins on because usually people that have fins makes it swimming a lot easier and can get out of those situations but um yeah he had fins on and desert still got stuck this is Ryan's first chance to prove himself since his disappointing day on the megaphone in sports a name is fine it's all good I just love it every year we get better and better training from zero to hero good one very very good good pretty much 10 out of 10 there's nothing I just pulled on that one it seems both Brian and the Prime Minister doing a good job he's been there for a while so he does have a bit of authority to say that but definitely when it comes from one of the older guys to take it a lot harm more on board Bondi surf is a dangerous place at the best of times and alcohol and the dangers quickly multiply he makes a low swimming ability with alcohol and dangerous ribs there's only one outcome really and that's to find yourself in trouble as another low pressure cell rolls in from the south Jethro and singlets come across a group of men swimming in the dangerous troop in front of the tower ephra decides to deliver the message face to face but is met with an unexpected response we like to have a laugh but there's times to life and this times to be serious that was definitely time to shoot then single it smells alcohol on one man's breath come on I can smell it despite the warnings the men go back into the rib it's at the point now I'm so angry at them if they were to get in trouble now they 100% deserve every second of trouble that they're in just such ignorance and I guarantee they'd gone back in we're we here for him but I'm spraying for kidding a good spray look at them they got them back in as we speak [Music] boy look back a group of men who lifeguards suspect have been drinking and causing headaches for singlets and Jess right oh come on I can smell it yeah oblivious to the danger all the men finally return to shore at least pocketing a wearing undies then the group spontaneously breaks into dance so full gypsy dance bunch of blogs having a good time [Music] [Applause] stormy seas aren't always bad news for lifeguards as a lifeguard you kind of kind of share it in in the way you know it sort of from rescuing people and on full alert next minute you're all in the tower just watching everyone flee it's kind of sent to relief in a way often when the surf gets big and blown out by wind there's no one in the water for lifeguards to worry about then again there's always someone who wants to test their luck in the big stuff yeah we had a really dangerous we had really strong winds and the visibility was impossible groups of people on the walking track of bond I have noticed two men caught in huge surf against the rocks a couple of guys jumped and right in the boob which is behind the icebergs there and they are in difficulty and as we all look we couldn't see anything oh then we just noticed a person run down the rocks and just try to throw a board to them and that's when we knew that you know all hell's going to break loose the men are in a small bay beyond the beach two girls look like they're up there off over to be on the boot it's too far to paddle and too close to rocks for a rescue for speaking hello toebox must unload the 400 kilogram jetski just as a wave washes underneath but the skin is dropped at the wrong moment you get these really big surge as it come and then when it backs off you could get bogged with the Jets in Bondi police called the tower for an ETA on the jet ski yeah if I try to get a scare and they're just gone and there'll be trouble yeah it's crispy room is super under the part that two guys at the very back just transported out now with the jet ski [Music] finally Kerr box gets the surge that he needs good may go clear box halfway there now I've had the ambos the cops everyone calling Chris learns one swimmer has managed to make it up the rocks to safety though the same can't be said of his friend Chris the one guys coming off the rock in pounding waves and gale force winds Kerr boxes search is like looking for a needle in a haystack Central Park says one tumor left mate and probably to be some surface while visibility was zero it for the zeros I was mainly relying on all the people who are up on the cliff face to try to get some kind of location as I was going into the bird I took my off on the surfer a couple of seconds which is really stupid and this set is loomed up and it almost put a trap me between the rocks and this wave so I had to turn around and and fight I lit out of there and then everyone was screaming at me on the rocks and I got past in a small bay at the south end of gondii Kerr box is trying to locate a man who has dived off the rocks into huge surf there almost screaming at me on the rocks and I got past and since I'm happy to paramedics were there and they'll come back there back there and I spun back around and there he was he put his hands up screaming up boys I know the boys the local kids and it is pretty responsible I don't think they really looked at what the surfers like before they decided to go in off the rocks there they later told me that they do it all the time and I've no doubt they probably do but there's always that one chance you can you come unstuck and it could have been this day but this is bringing one of them in there so we're sorting it out we've got all the sinners once go there but we've got the other we're all sweet I knew they'd get one of the boys to come out yeah Kobach's nice over mid-afternoon huge seas and gale force winds have cleared the beach of people except for one man a little bit confused because he was throwing his arms out it was like Thor or something looks like some sort of God people normally do that on a dance floor it's just that he's doing it in front of the raw fish right yeah that's just today always finishing up front I'm calling it he's not down I'm right he's got more to offer this brother [Music] [Applause] can you go down to find out what these Jesus in a place before you do it will have a little guess on what he's gonna quit I'm calling genre yeah we really didn't know because he was starting out some more inspiring moves and I had to be something good what better way to find out then go down and have a little dance with him and ask him what is it so that's what I did what are you listening about some deer back yeah he's got it on eighteen-year-old traveller Jason is on holidays one day and it looks like he's found a soul mate Ozzy wife guard Jess right so I had a chat with him and I was like Jake mate the boys are wondering you know what you listening to you tend to come up and have a chat they want to speak to me he's like yeah yeah gangsta rap is intimidating DMX Mouse just came out of nowhere and said mate do your rap can you rap and then we all looked at each other like you can't rap he's not a rapper crazy go into the channel [Music] in the UK [Applause] [Music] giving you stuff now we can we say people god we just wander home where something really strange happens out of nowhere this could be a future feel like I should come down here beef up a little bit try and get the job is the life car [Music] next time old bond I rest maxie pranks his own cousin pig around a diver is reported drowned off Bondi when I first heard that my hard job and Nicolas Krishna miracle you
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 1,158,212
Rating: 4.9497647 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, drowning, resuscitation, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue season 11, bondi rescue season 11 online, bondi rescue season 11 episode 2, bondi rescue season 11 episode 2 full episode, bondi rescue season 11 episode 2 online
Id: znzVUkyuwns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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