the "Relatable" content invasion

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The only way to prevent morgz mom from taking over pyrocynical is by making petscop 2

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Love you, Pyro.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just a friendly reminder everyone, all current Pyro merch is leaving the store so make sure to grab the last of it while you can!

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/thr0wawayacc0untjg 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

still waiting for a full vid in cosplay

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/cuppacakesIsntOK 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

give petscop

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/flyingkrimson 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

good vid mate

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Junky228 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

why toilet paper tho

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/A_Mega_Oof 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/benac123 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wtf a decent pyro vid in 2019. More random 2000s games memes that relate to the situation and long ass analogies please.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Caseymcawesomeness 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
Narrator: Oh shoot! Nodded off again. Wait a sec, I have an idea! Wish you had a pair of glasses like this to wear through those extra boring lectures? Print up a large picture of you in a pair of glasses like this one. Pyrocynical: You uhh-, you like my shirt by the way? *piglet noises* So there are trending videos popping up recently: Relatable content. Relatable; meaning to connect with someone on a personal level. And content, being watchable. (inaudible, due to problem of stream playback) Pyrocynical: Relatable content is neither of these. You've got this one channel spearheading this movement: "123Go!" -and instead of having an Instagram or a Twitter, they have a Facebook page. Doctor Strange: Your home? Pyrocynical: And you can tell they are the forefront of relatable content. [Music] Narrator: Ah, life. Y'know, that thing full of awkward situations, Messy accidents and general confusion. Pyrocynical: You know that relateable moment when your sound editing is so over produced, it sounds like you're talking from inside a tin can. That's a- That's a relatable moment. *Claps* Narrator: Ever try to make breakfast early in the morning without waking up your roommate? Whew, that was a close one. Noo! Not the frying pan! Pyrocynical: Now, you know that relatable moment when you're inside a Bosnian war zone, and you have to defend against waves of oncoming Serbians. You're magizine's jammed, and you go to throw that last grenade, but it's a dud. [Gunshot] [Woosh] Pyrocynical: -and you get captured poor as a POW and held in the High Court for crimes against humanity. Please subscribe for more relatable moments guys! Narrator: Whoa, someone is really pissed off. Pyrocynical: Woah- ay ay! Hold on a minute! I'm sorry, was that a swear? Principal of Baldi's Basic: Detention for you! Pyrocynical: Did you just swear on a YouTube video that got number one on trending and eight million views in a week? But if I say heck, I get De*Brrrrrruhhhh* I don't think anyone's been brave enough this statement, but... [Laughs] Narrator: Nothing can ruin a stroll in the park. Ouch! Is there a rock in my shoe? How'd that happen? Whoa! That's way worse than just a rock in your shoe! Pyrocynical: The thing is with "123Go" Right- they're like a novice alchemist. They're trying to mix the relatable with this brand-new compound they've discovered and that is called funny. [Death sound] Pyrocynical: But the problem is they have no concept of what funny is or comedic timing, so the potion completely backfires. Soldier: GRENADAAAAAAAAAA [Female yelling] Narrator: These YouTube videos are so addicting. This is my fourth one in a row. Pyrocynical: What kinda videos do you think she watches? Umm.. JayStation 3am challenge -maybe watching the Dolan twins dress each other up Dolan Twin: For the first album reveal of Men's Fashion Week Other Dolan Twin: 2019 Dolan Twin: Three! Other Dolan Twin: I just hope it's cozy Dolan Twin: Two... One! Other dolan twin: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO That is like the coolest photo I have ever seen in my life. AND IT GOT A PURPLE FANNY PACK! Other Dolan Twin: I am actually stoked about this. Dolan twin: Dude look at the shoes... now look at the shoes. The shoes they match- Other dolan twin: The Shoes! Pyrocynical: Personally I think she watches Fortnite short movies, but that's just my opinion Narrator: Oh, come on, if you've ever attempted to watch videos on your phone hands-free, tou know the struggle is real! Pyrocynical: That cringe relatable moment when the FBI are coming for you because you have secret hidden files from the Russian government. And then you need to smash the laptop into smithereens before they arrive [Laptop smashing] Guy: Holy shit! Narrator: Wow, that's a lot of stuff for one little phone. Pyrocynical: I get it's part of the joke, y'know, the "funny" [Nicholas Cage laughing] But why would you place the glasses, the toilet paper, and the honey when they don't even do anything? Oh! Maybe because today's video is sponsored by Hon- It's not, it's not. No one wants to sponsor my channel. I see you Danny Gonzalez, Cody Ko with your sponsors every video. It's so cringe you trying to craft yourself a financially successful future for your family Secondly, I want to point out top narcissism points here on 123 Go's part. She's watching her own video. They even have to watermark in the corner in case you forgot because as we all know it's incredibly difficult to mix up this migraine inducing background with any other kind of kid-friendly channel. Narrator: Ah, packing tape. A tool that can fix so many different things. Hey, Emily having some trouble finding the edge of the tape? Ooohh. Looks like scratching It didn't work. Is someone playing a prank on me or something? Is this even TAPE? Pyrocynical: 123Go, you aren't relatable. So how about that time when you buy Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice on the Steam summer sale? And then you install the game and it runs at five frames a second. That relatable moment when you spend two days on forums looking up fixes and when you finally give up and one over from the game, you can't because you've had the game for too long. Guy 2: SHUT THE FUCK UP! Pyrocynical: So now you've wasted money on the steam summer sale game. That is borderline unplayable. How's that for a relatable gamer moment. That's not a meme, that's actually happening to me right now. Narrator: Oh my gosh, do you see that view? That view? Handsome guy: Wow. Narrator: Oh yeah, I don't have an ounce of makeup on! Quick, let's go spruce up a bit. Pyrocynical: (Imitating voice) Wow. Handsome guy: Wow. Pyrocynical: (Caveman voice) When me see female: WOW (Normal voice) They already do have makeup on. I, a makeup connoisseur myself, I am clearly aware of that. So they want to get done up to impress this guy and one of them ties their shirt up, that- that's it That's not even hyperbole. Narrator: Mmm, are those the same girls? Pyrocynical: Yes. Narrator: Somebody call a modeling scout! Pyrocynical: They also uploaded another relatable video. 24 million views in a month. [Toby Maguire Screaming "Nooo!"] Could you imagine if channels like Filthy Frank was still around now? They would just be Susan Wojcickied into the ground Filthy Frank: I HAVE NO MONEY [Buzzer] AAAA- Narrator: Nope! Don't forget to dust off that keyboard, Hellie! Those always get super dirty. Woah. My lip gloss! Cookies! Pyrocynical: I love the totally untouched Oreos that managed to work their way into the keyboard there. It's great because I just feel that this keyboard smacking bit is like a dark timeline version of the gamer gun guy that H3 made a video on a couple years ago. [H3H3 throwing up] Narrator: Laundry? Done! Grocery shopping? Aaaaa! Oh my god, where did I put that bug spray? Yes! Here it is. All right spider, your days are numbered mister! Oh no... Where'd it go? Spider...? Guess I won't be sleeping for a few days... Pyrocynical: As the gamers say: yikes. I want to make sure in the parent unless you have legitimate diagnosed arachnophobia, I think spiders get a really bad rep. But no one likes going in their room and seeing a fat spider web in the corner but spiders... They the real bros. They're like nature's natural recycling bin. When I was in Sweden a couple weeks ago for midsummer it was like peak heat and we had about 50 mosquitos in the room. Now if we had a spider we'd probably have 49 mosquitoes. And that's what matters. Narrator: One! I could do this equation with my eyes closed. [Mouth Noises] Two times two is four... Duh! Pyrocynical: What's with unfunny people and filming in schools? -like the same production company that filmed this, did they also film the Lele Pons school skit? Lele Pons: Oh... Ahh! Pyrocynical: Y'know what's funny and relatable guys? Being in school. I don't have any more jokes we'll write them as we go along. Narrator: But if you've ever had long nails like these doing simple tasks get a little more complicated Pyrocynical: Long nails? Narrator: Right, I have a quick half hour to take up all my groceries before I had to work. Let's see what we're dealing with here Whoa! Looks like I got more stuff than I could carry. Yikes! Do you think Olivia can do this all in one trip? Pyrocynical: I'm sorry, when did this turn into Dora the Explorer? Please vote down below! (Normal voice) Also, please vote by buying some of my merch. [Airhorns] It's not this, but it is epic. By the way, all the merch that's on the store; that's gonna be gone soon we're gonna be bringing in a new season so anything that's on there It's gonna be gone. Also the posters. Also the T's, the pullovers. Also the slave children we employed- all of it gone. Narrator: There's only one thing left to do time to warm up those muscles It's push-up time! And one! Two! Pyrocynical: -you know, these videos actually wouldn't be half as bad if they didn't have the narration. Narrator: Don't get tired yet! You still have to walk all the way to the front door. You got this Olivia. We believe in you. Right almost there, just a few more steps! Pyrocynical: That relatable moment where you just give up on life and you start kicking your shopping to the door. What's in that small purple bag Olivia? Is it milk? Er- Your pets ashes? [Minecraft dog hurt sound] Is it an audio recording proving that OJ Simpson is innocent? OJ Simpson: Hey Twitter world! You know for years, people have been able to say whatever they want to say about me. Pyrocynical: Good news, everyone. 123Go gave us one more relatable comedy video Narrator: Listen up ladies life is full of awkward, Embarrassing moments we'd rather forget. Pyrocynical: Hold on! [STOP] Did you say ladies exclusively? That's kinda sexist, don't you think? Are you saying that other genders don't have relatable moments as well? I don't care how much you're bribing YouTube to get on the Trending Tab. Pyrocynical: but when you get on the trending tab You need to be inclusive. Narrator: At the end of a long day, washing off your face feels amazing. Time to scrub off any make up, dirt, and overall bad vibes from the day. [Horror Music] Whoa, did you hear that? Hmm. That was weird. Pyrocynical: Yeah, what a relatable moment! Am I right, guys? Washing makeup off your face after a long day. Only to have visions of a man with a shitty anonymous mask looking at you and smiling I think whoever wrote these relatable situations needs to seek mental help because i-if you're seeing ghostly apparitions when washing your face, [Minecraft arrow sound] Narrator: Time to check my Facebook. Ugh!, Everyone knows the toilet paper is supposed to go this way. Duh! Pyrocynical: (Normal voice) Okay... The sexism I can handle. [Thunder] The relateable moments that aren't at all relateable, I can handle. [Thunder] The comedy that is just the most unfunny thing I've seen in my life I can also handle that [Thunder] But you point toilet paper the wrong way Justjustjust Give me the camera a second, alright? Gimme the cam- I'll prove to you what's relatable. See this? This is how toilet paper- this side. What do you- Wha- Bu- How- How is it meant to go on the other side? Lemme just put the toilet paper there make it a pain to- Why would you do that? (Dumb Voice) Every time I get the toilet paper? I love to just put it over here, you know, up there I like to just sit down here- I like to make it a challenge for myself, Y'know? (Normal Voice) Can you guys subscribe for more relatable moments, please? [Kiss] That's actually annoying me. I've gotta- put it on there [Phone falls] Ah shi- Narrator: Just rather look at these cute dog memes, is that a crime? Pyrocynical: Ah yes- Dog memes in 2019. (50's voice) What are you looking at there son? Oh, a dog meme? Well, I'm looking at this cat meme right now. He's called Chemistry Cat. And I also hear the troll face is quite funny Narrator: Alright be honest how many of these awkward situations could you relate to, more than you can count right? Pyrocynical: (Normal Voice) It's actually amazing how that made three videos now in relatable situations, and not a single one has been relatable I think that you deserve an award for that. I'm convinced that YouTube keeps putting them on trending tab out of pure sympathy. But yeah, that's the end of the video. Please subscribe like as well that would be lit. Hella lit.
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,160,549
Rating: 4.9618587 out of 5
Keywords: relatable content, relatable, content, DIY, craft, pranks, prank, challenges, challenge, fun, funny, 123GO!, friends, family, tutorial, howto, how to, 123 go, 123go, pyrocynical, danny gonzalez, commentary, react, reaction, reacting, hilarious, comedy, awful, hacks, life hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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