Ricegum's Response to iDubbbz: Good or Bad?

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the youtube sensation herself. good stuff.

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/Moodook 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ian commented saying "i actually dont need to make a video. jesus fuck". I gotta say seeing this before hand it is a REALLY good deconstruction, only thing Ian could really add is his thoughts on the "Diss".

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/greatmuta2 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

God in glad this guy survived the death of commentary channels.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/basskiller32 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

Good stuff. May I take a wild guess and say that our favourite lesbian has been browsing this subreddit these days?

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/darkestnail 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

(Early Access) Content Deputy - Asian Jake Paul's Response

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Aryder14 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

I really like how the light reflection looks like pupils in the sunglasses.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Vague_Man 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

lol his pinned comment is hilarious.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

The Responsening 2: Respond Harder.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/_Tricky_Dick 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Sandman616 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
Zurg: Play one more time. *laughs* hA hAh HaA hAa haAaa Pyro: At the moment, there is a civil war on YouTube. Light, Vs Dark. There are two main contenders. iDubbbz: "Heyyy, everybody and welcome back to another episode of Overgrowth." And RiceGum: Yeah waddup, it's your boy Rice. Rice flavored gum, you can call me Bryan. iDubbbz dropped a Content Cop™ on RiceGum. RiceGum's response.. And even though RiceGum's response was directed at iDubbbz I've got secondhand aggravation from how poorly constructed the entire thing was! So I'd like to do if you'll join me is: deconstruct RiceGum's horrendous response video Showing all the hypocrisies and fallacies, and where he's just a very dumb little Vietnam boy Transition: *Baby Screaming* Pyro: Now RiceGum being RiceGum, he couldn't just do one constructive video refuting iDubbbz' points. No, he's got to milk it into as many videos as humanly possible. So straight after the Content Cop™ on him dropped He did a video "reacting" to it The entire video is about as pointless as it looks, there's nothing in the video he actually tries to refute It's just him really quickly churning out a reaction video to capitalize on THOSE views. And also there's self-awareness, a lot of self-awareness. You know, he's doing a house tour Uhhhhh, something that iDubbbz brought up against him. They're spraying money each other as well, the stuff's labeled with Supreme™. Self-awareness, while adding nothing else is not funny. It's a buffer or a medium! You need to mix it in with something else. Being self-aware for the sake of being self-aware Does nothing. With that wank video out the way RiceGum then uploaded a tweet "Sneak peek. Deleting in one minute." 15 hours ago *holding back laughter* *traditonal Vietnemese disstrack* "Are you guys home from school yet?? I wanna drop this new video" *retard impression* But RiceGum- *retard impression* is-is Saturday, RiceGum. *more retard impression* Ohh wow, you pranked me, you pranked me good~ And then finally he uploaded his official, fully fledged response to iDubbbz. Asian Jake Paul: Oh god, not again. No. I'm so- Asian Jake Paul: -awkward I don't know what to say *sobbing* Asian Jake Paul: Wait, oh my god. I can just flex on her. Yes Asian Jake Paul: Oh uh, uhm, I'm rich as f- *Skype message sound* Asian Jake Paul: Uhm, I got a lot of cool new clothes, and a house in the hills. Asian Jake Paul: And uhm.. I'm like famous too. Asian Jake Paul: I - I have like 8 million subscribers- Pyro: Already there's a glaring problem with this intro you've hopefully picked up on. That self awareness with nothing else added to it in the previous video, that seems to have carried over into this video as well. I mean, to be fair chalking it up as self awareness. That's quite a stretch if you look at the comment section *Weird voice* "Thats doesn't matter, you're the best" *orgasm* Asian Jake Paul: "If you guys are not aware. iDubbbz drop a Content Cop on me." RiceGum: "In the video he portrays like this money-hungry, I only care about money." RiceGum: "I only care about Fame and myself, and I'm very boastful and bragging and flexing to everyone." Pyro: Yes, RiceGum. *zooms in* *inhales* Pyro: I wonder where he got that idea from. *giggles* RiceGum: "So with that being said, there's a lot of things I want to talk about him since he made a diss track on me. That's kind of where I started in no kind of what I do. He kind of like stole that for me. So I feel like it's okay that I can you know steal the way he structures his videos." *Naruto transition or something idk lmao* Pyro: Rice, I just wanna put this in perspective with you, alright? You seem to be a man of music. You're well educated in that sector. You did not invent diss tracks. Diss tracks have been an incredibly common thing throughout the music industry even with mainstream songs you've got artists intertwining with their lyrics, dissing another artist or someone They don't like in general. You may have been the person to implement that onto YouTube, but you did NOT invent diss tracks. RiceGum: "So I think it's okay that can, you know, steal the way he structures his videos." Pyro: That's the equivalent of making Fortresscraft, and then say Minecraft stole from you. RiceGum: "So ever since he dropped his 'RiceGum: Exposed' video, or whatever. I've been losing subs, gaining dislikes. Everyone's saying my career is falling off and all this stuff. And funny enough, I'm the one that asked for this." Asian J.P. 1 year ago: "You would think I'm like kind of scared tryna lay low a little bit, but no guys like I'm not nervous, I'm not scared at all. I actually kind of I-I don't really- " Present Asian J.P. : "I made that video a year ago and YouTube was like dead and I was just trying to stir up some controversy-" Pyro: "Now this is without doubt the worst thing Rice says throughout his entire video, please keep a mental note of that. He's just said he has wanted this Content Cop™. Stick that in your brain and keep it there for the duration of this video. It will be a lot more Important as this video goes on and as well, you say you want that Content Cop™. Your tweet when you found out about it. You didn't sound too pleased." RiceGum: *annoyed* "So he make sure to put this in the START of the video so EVERYONE sees it, right." Idubbbz: "You should show the clip of you saying the rape comment." RiceGum: "Guys, I literally cringe every time I watch this. But the thing is, this is kinda old news, like, I remember, I was getting roasted for this for like a year ago." Pyro: This is well, please keep a mental note of it. He's trying to devalue a point by saying it happened ages ago Asian Jake Paul™, then attempts to refute iDubbbz claim by saying "Hey, but you said that word as well." Asian Jake Paul: Out of everyone iDubbbz should not be the one calling me out for it *muffled background voices* iDubbbz: Rape is good. Asian Jake Paul: iDubbbz really out of everyone to call me out, this guy calls me out Let's ignore the context, I know that I said it to a girl in a call embarrassing her but hey, if you say it randomly in a video, you're just as bad as me. Also Rice has the Genius idea to flash a bunch of screenshots of really old stuff idubbbz said that was either racial or just Slanderous. Now funnily enough. It's actually irrelevant Whether idubbbz is in the wrong there or not because you yourself tried to devalue the point earlier Saying it happened ages ago. Asian Jake Paul: But the thing is, like, this is kinda old news, like I remember I was getting roasted for this from like a year ago. Pyro: So if it happens ages ago for you It's okay But you can happily flash up old stuff that idubbbz has done. Nice double standards there, buddy Appreciate it. And on top of that iDubbbz stated multiple times that he's purposely anti politically correct Papa H3: So you're I mean is your kind of- your style is very anti PC Is that by intention or you just expressing yourself? iDubbbz: It is by intention, I really don't like being, limited. I'm a big fan of freedom of speech Asian Jake Paul: Do you guys want me to like go back in time and like reverse the work? Guys I've already said sorry to the girl. Past Asian J.P.™: I said something pretty rude or whatever. I just wanted to call you and say sorry You know I didn't mean to say that I probably shouldn't have said what I said, it should have been more mature about it Girl: Yeah, I mean. I I don't really remember you saying anything like that like that I remember that was like, you know, bad really. It's okay. I mean. I I'm not even really trippin I knew you're joking around like the entire time like- Pyro: Yeah, that apology video you made, Rice. That Apology video that had five mid-roll ads in it. And also I want to stress the point, this girl that you've got and she's actually Accepted your apology and she says it's fine That's great power to her, but you can't use her as a spokesperson for everyone. That's been affected by it You know what man? I'll let you off the hook. All right. We all do little slip-ups, little goofs, little gaps. We've all made mistakes in the past (Shrek has swag™ 11 coming soon), and I mean surely you can't let it get any worse than that right There's no way you can manipulate the situation further. Asian Jake Paul: Like if she's not mad, why are you guys mad? Ahhhh what's up? I haven't seen you in like - *god pyro comes in and prays for the sweet mother of god* *fake cries* Asian Jake Paul: Feel bad. Yep, I'm not even kidding he got in contact with the girl and bought him to his house to further validate his point the worst Thing about this little skit, you've done. It's Absolutely pointless. You're trying to further ram in a totally useless point *awkwardly kisses girl on cheek* Did it feel good? *laugh track*+ Asian Jake Paul: So he shows a lot of like old livestream clips from like two to three years ago, and at this point It's getting annoying man I just need to talk about it. Past Asian J.P.™: "Bro she lowkey you guys up to I think she's 16 or 15." Present Asian J.P.™: So I just a live stream on this website like 2 or 3 years ago, and on that website Busy, all it was was just people that played video games And they were alive livestreaming, honestly it was kind of boring because everyone did the same thing. They sat there and just play The video games and being a small content creator. I mean you guys know it's so hard to grow you know starting out *at the same time* Pyrocynical: (mockingly) Oh RiceGum, you poor little boy, I'm so sorry you had it so hard.RiceGum:*in background* ...I can either sit there and play games and be boring or I can sit there play games and call random girls- That is one of the worst excuses I've heard in my entire life. So, to validate making some of these girls uncomfortable straight-up Harassing some of them. You go ahead and say it's for that GRIND that YouTube GRIND I think to be honest your boy Jinx had the same mentality as that YT. Legend Jinx™: No resting 100% 24/7 grind Pyro: And also he tries that tactic again of trying to devalue the point by saying it happened ages ago Which he's not allowed to use anymore because he used old stuff against iDubbbz Asian Jake Paul: I mean he showed a lot of cringy stuff because I know that was me from high school. Pyro: Hey dude some advice, it's either one or the other. Asian Jake Paul: Sometimes a lot of things I was saying was just plain out stupid but sometimes dude, they just slip out accidents do happen. I mean look at your homie Pewdiepie. Pyro: So now he's changed the philosophy of his argument. It's not that it happened a couple years ago It's now that it was just a slip-up, a goof. And then to give a reference to that argument He shows a clip of PewDiePie saying you know I'm not even gonna explain or show the clip I'm sure you're bored to death of it at this point. I just gotta say my man there is a difference to having a slip-up on stream and then Constantly going on and on at a girl talking about a topic She's incredibly uncomfortable with. And I get that you're okay with her now and everything's fine World is at peace all that stuff, but that still doesn't change the foundations of the argument - Pyro in Asian J.P. voice: Oh, I'm harassing girls in stream. But PooPie said the 'N' word™. Asian Jake Paul: We're sorry for all the shit I was saying two years ago. How I saw it was like this was just the content I had to make to work my way to the top I'm not ashamed of any of these old clips because I mean this was me back in high school And this is just kind of what I had to go through the - Pyro: I was so happy when I saw this, because I thought he Actually addressed criticism and apologized for it, but in the same sentence He completely undoes said apology. He then proceeds to get a group of his black friends to react to iDubbbz dropping slurs in his video Asian Jake Paul: None of his viewers get offended because like they know he's joking And I know he's joking but like everyone's different. And honestly at this point I was about as confused as you I think he's Convoluted his own argument. You tried to make the statement that what you said in streams to girls is okay Because it happened ages ago And then you try and chalk it up as a slip-up and although what iDubbbz says in videos can be interpreted in different ways What you said to that girl, the 'R word™' cannot be interpreted in different ways, it has one meaning. Asian Jake Paul: Let's go to his YouTube channel and let's check up on his first YouTube video. Here we go Right here, first YouTube video, boom Past iDubbbz: Hello everyone and welcome back to more Kickstarter Crap™. *record scratch* Asian Jake Paul: Wait a minute, he just said welcome back from where this is his first video. *punch + gleam sound effect* Does that mean he deleted his first video? I remember he made a lot of joke about Leafy™ being Insecure because he was hiding his chin like insecure when you compare idubbbz deleting old videos to leafy Pyro: When you compare iDubbbz deleting old videos, to Leafy™ Technically what you're saying is you're not allowed to change your personality or your YouTube content over time. Believe it or not when people start off on this site They make incredibly cringy content that they look back on and they pretty much despise. Past iDubbbz: "I was playing Minecraft when I was Past iDubbbz: I was playing Minecraft when I was, uh, 20 years old." Pyro: iDubbbz deleted his old stuff because like many of us it didn't fit with his new content Leafy™ did this in public because he wasn't confident about his appearance. And also, again, I've just gotta mention You are a total hypocrite for even bringing up at this point because you said before that old stuff doesn't matter Asian Jake Paul: I mean I'm pretty sure I did a lot cringy stuff because I know, that was me from high school. Pyro: And yet again we are with you using old stuff against iDubbbz. *slurred* I don't know what to do guys, my brain my brain melting. Past iDubbbz: I'm really bad at Filming in public and everything and in front of people. Tentacle sort of arms. Oh my gosh. Oh no no no no no Asian Jake Paul: Whoa, the old iDubbbz seems so different! He didn't curse once he says freakin he was reviewing video games he was playing video games I'm not bringing up all these old clips to make him look bad *gasp* Pyro: What? *laughs* I'm not bringing up all these old clips to make him look bad Pyro: What kind of anti-insult was that? You show a bunch of old purposely cringy clips of him. And then you say they weren't used to make him look bad. I mean, I'm not gonna lie I am incredibly disappointed that I didn't see some Slenderman Gangnam Style™. That is a national treasure. You missed out on that one, Rice. Asian Jake Paul: I'm just tryna say everyone changes as a person and as a content creator your content is gonna change with your personality right? So if You're gonna hate on me for who I was two years ago Just unsubscribe because you know damn well you're not the same person you were two years ago. Pyro: At this point Mr. Asian Jake Paul™ seems to have repeated what I just said how people do change and you're not allowed to critique someone two years ago and again, *breaths in* *angry hmmm* *angrier HMMMMM* Asian Jake Paul: So another point iDubbbz made and it seemed like it really bothered him But apparently I flex too much If you're going to get mad at me for flexing in a song Then you're going to need to get mad at the whole world of hip hop, because everyone does it. Pyro: You now make the point saying it's okay to flex within the context of a music video because that's what a lot of other artists Do now that is a common thing. I'll give you a pass with that It's something that gets the 12-year olds all riled up while they're logging into their roblox server but then you proceed to Undo your point without me even having to do anything, because you then show a bunch of clips of you flexing outside of your music videos in vlogs Asian Jake Paul: okay, so all those clips were gathered in a span of two years Which mean Idubbbz had to sit there and watch all my videos, so thanks for the views bro Pyro: You'll notice this a lot throughout the video RiceGum tries to deflate iDubbbz criticisms by making him seem Obsessed, like some kind of reddit detective. And also you could tell the way he's mincing his words He doesn't sound too keen that Ian's made a Content Cop™ on him, even though.. That's what he wanted apparently. Asian Jake Paul ™: Put yourself in my shoes. Imagine growing up and going to school And seeing all your friends have these cool stuff, and you know you kind of want that stuff, too But at the time you didn't have enough money and one day I decide you know what I'm tired of being broke Let's try to get rich Pyro: So here you make the point saying you flex because when you were broke other people were flexing now. What you don't Understand is ironically- You're actually feeding this cycle of flexing to younger kids because your audience are incredibly young you flexing to them They're basically you when you were broke *retarded kid voice* But Pyro he's Rich so it worked out didn't it's m-my-my motivation. Well I mean he is rich, but he's also the equivalent of Megamind, so yeah Take that into consideration No one cares about your equity when you're flashing it off to everyone No one except dumb little kids that will grow up to be as egotistical as you are Asian Jake Paul: So know that like not everything I buy has to be shown off and announced *at the same time* Pyro: Ohh my God, Jeesus- RiceGum: Look guys, not everything I buy has to be that way you know- Pyro: Did he just accepts a criticism on the head. We are nearly 13 minutes into this video and only now has he fully Accepted a criticism give this boy a round of applause he deserves it *claps in sarcasm* iDubbbz: I don't often speak on the topic of stretching videos out to the 10-minute mark for the sake of more ad revenue You just stretch your outro out three minutes long, four minutes long Asian Jake Paul: okay I've only done this like a handful of times I'm sorry. I guess but like I kind of learned this from like my favorite YouTuber PewDiePie: ...Even though I'm not moving, but it does happen, every once in a while. Ten minutes- Pewdiepie: *in beautiful swedish singing voice* I have got your office. I have got your office now goodbye my club penguin goodbye my fri- Alright, that's ten minutes [finally half way through the video] Asian Jake Paul: I find this pretty ironic that your friend, and someone that was in the video roasting me Is someone that does it more than anyone on YouTube so, if you were to call anyone out on it, call out Pewdiepie Pyro: The thing is Rice, PewDiePie did and still does kind of have a bad tendency to milk videos to ten minutes But in the video He never Contributed at any point to saying that you stretched your videos out to ten minutes. If he had a bar in the diss track saying that You milked a ten minutes fair enough that is total Hypocrisy and you can refute that point. What you should have done was instead of just targeting PewDiePie because he's the biggest Youtuber you should have got a variety of channels that milk videos to ten minutes and form a little Compilation to try and devalue iDubbbz point and Plus as well even that's a stretch a lot of people push their videos to ten minutes But very few people put a stock end screen just waiting for it to hit that mark PewDiePie singing may not be a lot But it's better than just showing a still image of a Danielle Bregoli DM RiceGum: -All those guys that are irrelevant now - Ayy Irrelevant - Irrelevant! - You're irrelevant - Because they're irrelevant! Asian Jake Paul: Gabbie Show another pretty irrelevant youtuber. Damn, I guess I do say that word a lot. I mean I guess I'll learn some new words He doesn't even apologize for it like this is a criticism. IDubbz has him genuinely cornered for I love how he doesn't try to refute it, but yet he doesn't apologize for it either. It's this neutral ground of "Hey. I guess I did a goof." Uhh... Let's move on. If you get cornered with a point just take the fall man it will help you so much better in long term Because when you don't fully accept the point you only do it halfway You look like your ego is just shining through. iDubbbz: One thing that he's very disingenuous About is when he states that all of his videos are jokes. Asian Jake Paul: All my videos are jokes I don't know how he's gonna tell me what my videos are or aren't you know what I'm saying, like bruh Pyro: you could probably pick up now his counter points to iDubbbz are becoming more and more shallow Bruh. He didn't add anything to refute him. He just repeated what iDubbbz said saying that his videos are jokes my videos Asian Jake Paul:-All my videos are jokes I think the only reason he added that in is so people can't call him out saying how he dodged that topic on purpose and Also to supplement the clip you've got him walking around with that girl he harassed on stream. I mean all you do in this clip is indirectly contradict yourself Asian Jake Paul: So now I know that like not everything I buy has to be shown off and annnounced like look guys You know not everything I buy has to be that way you know-*abrupt cut* iDubbbz: Would you guys like to hear the juiciest bit of hypocrisy Asian Jake Paul: This girl literally came up to me in person didn't ask me, "Hey Rice Do you mind if I vlog?", she just came to the camera already on and I was so unexpected -- so basically he's calling me a hypocrite Because I don't like to be filmed without consent, but then again I film other people- "I'm not streaming though I just I wanted to call you oh, no no no I just wanted to call you at this time - but bro There's a difference all right like coming up to someone and filming them and me bein' like yo could you not and they keep doing? It's completely different from me two years ago You know live streaming and someone asking me "am I live" and I'm just like no. Pyro: Can you shut up saying two years ago? That is getting so repetitive at this point. *slurred* Abuh two years ago bro I killed that dog two years ago I do understand their being in a live stream with girls without their consent and Gabbie coming up to you and filming you the platform is different But the context really isn't. You felt uncomfortable when Gabbie came up to you and filmed. Some of these girls felt uncomfortable when they found out you were filming them without consent and Live-streaming it. Asian Jake Paul: However, iDubbbz actually knows a lot about filming people without consent *chatter* *Electronic sounds* Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. iDubbbz: Let's see how many- Let's see what my monthly earnings are Pyro: Again you're trying to use a very weak platform to convey your argument. The differences here. iDubbbz didn't actually approach you Meanwhile Gabbie did. And also VidCon where that vlog was filmed. That's a public place I can understand some people saying that vlogging them and throwing some shade is kind of a dick move But it's nowhere near on the level of when Gabbie went up to you directly Asian Jake Paul: At least come up to me and say it to my face-*abrupt cut* Pyro: I love how it cut off to the next transition slide cuz he threw some real, some real RiceGum™ level shade. RiceGum PG-13. I'm actually amazed how this man can make a very weak point and then Deconstruct it himself without any intervention. You ask iDubbbz to say it to your face RiceGum:At least come up to me and say it to my face. Yet your entire channel revolves around indirectly talking smack to people iDubbbz: "I don't think there's ever been a better way to inflate your own ego than fabricating your own genius video So you have an excuse to explain your lyrics." Asian Jake Paul: What? Are you really criticizing me for making a parody? I was gonna explain my lyrics regardless, you know, I didn't do this parody if you're screwed I'm a real rapper I just want to explain my lyrics, and you know my editor. You know pretty professionally it could look cool They've turned out pretty good. Pyro: Now here Rice does an actually open with a good refute He's saying the video is a parody. The problem is with that in the video itself you completely Contradict that point by opening with a humble brag. Asian Jake Paul: It's literally sitting at like 10 mil with like 700 thousand likes. How? Pyro: And then you close that point by trying to further undermine iDubbbz entire video *unintelligible* -really this dude is just hating on me at this point just to hate on me It happened two years ago. It was a slip-up, this man is obsessed with me, but I Really wanted that Content Cop™ guys. Yes I did. iDubbbz: Me and all the other fams wanna know, What happened to the clickbait challenge winner. Asian Jake Paul: And last but not least, make sure you put #CLICKBAITCHALLENGE in the description because at the end of two weeks, the video with the most views will win a humongous prize iDubbbz: Yeah but we're still waiting for the winner. Asian Jake Paul: Alright, so at the time I posted the #CLICKBAITCHALLENGE thing the Ariana Grande like tragedy happened. To some people that were participating in the challenge they started click baiting the tragedy right like it would be this title about the tragedy and you would click on and the first thing In the description was RiceGum #CLICKBAITCHALLENGE. And not only that But the video in that lead the video with the most views at the time was something about the Ariana Grande thing, it just felt wrong. Pyro: Now again He does open up with a decent Counterpoint to iDubbbz Even though it did end up with people trying to puck it off a tragedy, that in no way stops you From publicly addressing that you've discontinued the contest if anything it should motivate you further Asian Jake Paul: But since iDubbbz is like my biggest fan ever - I mean he remembers everything I guess that I owe someone 10k Pyro: You do owe someone 10k mister, Mr. Asian Jake Paul™, his name is Colossal™ Asian Jake Paul: That 10 K might come in handy 20 years down the line. I know there's gonna be that one guy -like, 'Oh my god, Rice what the - give someone 10k dude' Boy you didn't even do the challenge Pyro: So he then proceeds to dig himself a hole by saying he's not giving away the 10 K even Though as you said prior, people were exploiting the tragedy to get up the YouTube Views you could have still sorted out the most viewed videos using the #CLICKBAITCHALLENGE. And you could easily give the 10k to whoever got the most views Not from a tragedy. For someone who really likes to publicly display his wealth, you're incredibly hesitant to giving someone that prize money iDubbbz: It is not a coincidence that your music has improved since moving to LA, you're now Utilizing a professional music studio where someone else is mixing and mastering all your music- *record scratch* Asian Jake Paul: Ok, what!? Is this really a point you're making? You realize that most artists out there utilizes a professional studio To make themselves sound better. Pyro: You really miss the point on this one, Rice. iDubbbz isn't criticizing You solely for using this material. It's the fact that you're bragging about improving for marriage seven honey can RiceGum:At least I get better every song like I don't think I'm the best but I'm slowly working on my flow, lyric, I'm trying to get better you know Pyro: I think he's actually more confused in this video than I am iDubbbz: And you still probably have the Ghostwriter on Payroll. You have nothing to be boastful about- Asian Jake Paul: And here we go using the "P word™" again 'Proballeee', which means it's not a fact. You know it's just no problem I'm sick of this man. All this ghostwriter stuff was allegations, like, there were no proof Pyro: Now here Rice is criticizing iDubbbz for using the weasel word 'P R O B A B L Y'. He's Using probably because you may not have the ghostwriter now. But you then go back on yourself and say that you have Never had a ghostwriter none of it was proven All this ghostwriter stuff was allegations, like , there were no proof Pyro: Well it's funny you say that Rice, because it was proven in great detail Scarce: But for our first story of today, we have a huge story probably the biggest story of the month. There is this one guy called TheDissRapper. This dude is really good friends with RiceGum everyone has known He's been like best friends with RiceGum for a long time. These guys both box each other and stuff. And his Twitter account ended up getting hacked yesterday, okay? No the hackers started tweeting out the TheDissrapper's DMs and the hacker actually leaked tons of DMs from TheDissRapper. And he shows a ton of DMs here between him and RiceGum; he literally sent him like all the verses Literally the entire diss track, and then he shows here that RiceGum responded saying get me two more lines So it looks like RiceGum is like asking him to basically make his diss tracks for him. Pyro: And to everyone that thinks he couldn't Devalue his own argument any more than he already has. He then resorts to using ad hominem Against iDubbbz saying that he's obsessed with him. Asian Jake Paul: This guy is literally in love with me. He's obsessed with me. This guy literally spent the last month. I mean year, who knows. Researching on me. Now, he's finding every way possible to hate on me. Pyro: Yep, this guy took his time formatting a constructive video on me. Better choke him up as RiceGum #1 Fan to devalue all his points. Asian Jake Paul: I can sit here all day And like react to and and like respond to like everything he said but like 'Bro! This is so boring--' Pyro: Rice, I just I just want to say something right now to you personally. You can't bail out of a response video midway. Asian Jake Paul: Right now I'm actually mad Let's go. We are currently here at the studio I just finished up, and I feel you guys deserve a little preview obviously tomorrow morning I gotta be up early I'm so tired, but we're filming the music video tomorrow, and the official music video drops. What else give them a little sneak peek ... faster than my arrows/ all the other ... with the diamond swords you better ... better chop / you won't escape *poorly recorded audio set to "Pumped Up Kicks" Pyro: You heard that right guys. RiceGum is milking this into three videos now. A trailer to the response, a half-assed response and now a diss track, and I just got to say this now I Pray that that diss track you're playing is bait because by the sound of it you're just bragging about all your accomplishments Something you said you would stop doing Asian Jake Paul:Now I know that like not everything I buy has to be shown off in announced like look guys You know it not everything I buy has to be that way *rapid rap*...my park is full of hundred bills, I'm in the hills bitch my ... just did a hundred mil Pyro: Actually, fun drinking game: Take a shot every time RiceGum goes back on his point You'll be dead, You will- You will die. Asian Jake Paul: Pretty stressful honestly I mean I know he took over a month making that video, and I replied and you know under a week I mean I did a pretty good job Pyro: Mr. Asian Jake Paul™. I gotta make the point it's not relevant How quickly you can reply iDubbbz actually used that same point against Leafy™ iDubbbz: "You see, he went for Slenderman Gangnam Style™ because either he doesn't want to do research at all Or he was on a time crunch." Pyro: Well of course, I can tell from the garbage video beforehand, your mentality is just to milk this for as many views as possible. I think there was about three percent of everything that he actually acknowledged. The rest, he just put it under the rug. And also for those wondering. Here's a quick montage of everything in the video RiceGum didn't even mention. Anyways guys Thank you for watching, really appreciate it. For every like on this video there will be a dedicated tweet to RiceGum. Asking him where the 10 G's are at and also be sure to subscribe if you new I make uh.. D-Dark Souls videos I thi-, I-I, I dont know *Song: Whitewodds - Beach Walk* This took way too long to subtitle. Hope You enjoyed the video :) Scarce: "But for our first story today, we have a huge story probably the biggest story of the month."
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 9,109,114
Rating: 4.8594484 out of 5
Keywords: idubbbz, idubbbztv, ricegum, pyrocynical, content cop ricegum, content cop jake paul
Id: lyX8F_ryjbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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