Sketch Comedy on Tik Tok

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I know he has a new editor and all, but damn, this is so different from Cody's usual stuff. Way too on the nose and over the top. I'm not sure I like it, but hey, good video regardless.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Canoneer 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
[ __ ] haha I said we're gonna be looking at tic TOCs ha yeah I know this is my second video in a robot tick-tock I know but to my defense suck my balls I make the rules you probably already know how much fantastically good ass [ __ ] there is on tick tock I mean the app is named after the sound of clock makes because of how much good [ __ ] is consistently uploaded to it all day every day 24 days a week seven weeks a year a lot of music stuff does really good on tick-tock right you've seen lip-syncing a lot of stuff with background music that format where people will just stand there and just point to words on the screen one thing in particular that's really evolved in a special way on tick tock is sketch comedy a lot of people on there are really pushing the envelope or I would even go as far as to say challenging the idea of comedy itself like a standard you know comedy format I guess for like you know something that we'd call a joke is premise build up and then punchline right that's what you think probably that's what I think but a lot of these sketches might be missing an entire part of that I've picked out a few from this account angel mammy angel mommy she's a model actress and musician and she's a mother and they do like family skits you know it's like tic toc sketches for the whole family by the whole family this one has four hundred thousand views and forty thousand likes so keep that top of mind sure look at all the costumes before we go any further I just want to say how [ __ ] sick as hell that that was that entrance cruises it on roller skates that's just [ __ ] efficient hey where's the toothpaste aisle four cool I'm [ __ ] out this [ __ ] sure look at all the costumes this one do you like this very handsome all right I guess there's nothing good here oh that's it no part - that's it who the [ __ ] needs a punchline I guess it's confusing to me cuz it's shot like a sketch and then there's a premise she wants a Halloween costume there's a buildup she doesn't find the one that she likes and then sober you know what the best thing about punchline is all right let's check out the next one haircuts okay I clearly need a haircut so I'm relating to this already oh man they did this kid dirty with that haircut supposed to make a straight hairline there's like a little mogul in it right here so double black diamond well that's it that's it like maybe it's just supposed to be like a like a vlog did this family invent tik-tok vlogging maybe maybe they're innovators let's watch some more million views on this one will it have a punchline at least brah what I know you ate my Chinese food oh this is just one of those ones where they they're lip-syncing even their audio their lip-syncing a sketch yes your date because I had six pieces a high-knee chicken to a gross videos on tick-tock in two months are gonna be people pointing to words that other people wrote okay this 154,000 likes at the time I'm filming this video it's called what do you get on your special day happy birthday my love oh really why do they never send me again I love like the 1 to 2 seconds of just dead space before and after every line because they're like a real natural feel to it he could not have been less stoked about the candy what the [ __ ] was that you could have played it up like you were a little bit excited candy candy I really appreciate all this and I'm gonna talk take pot what it's not your birthday angel mommy it's his birthday he just steal a man's candy like that on his [ __ ] birthday what kind of a person are you he clearly didn't really want the candy but still it's the principle so you know what I was going through their comments and it does look like they get a lot of comments from people pointing out how little sense some of their videos make so naturally they did a sketch about that too little self-awareness I like it I need some handy-dandy [Applause] this is the medium I'm not that type of media like headphones music video stuff like that in other news where's the candy aisle it's over there this is why your videos make no sense okay I watched that 57 times roughly I don't get it somehow they figured out how to make a video that's supposed to make no sense make no sense like it almost makes sense for how much it doesn't make no sense you follow I think this family might be on a completely different wavelength maybe this is the comedy of the future maybe we're playing comedy checkers they're playing comedy chess I don't even know who I am anymore meet Roger we have so much charges why do you need another one because all my charges I'm missing all right oh this is Android and iPhone they flush this back and you guys yeah I guess you're right that's [ __ ] rules I thought big kid is even like what am I saying what is it what is support is the point of this mom five steps back why can't they just be right there I don't what are we doing why are we always shooting in a Walmart I wonder if we're like every time they walk in this place the cashiers like oh here we go again can I at least be in one of these [ __ ] videos for once please obviously we've probably ripped on this seemingly happy family who isn't hurting anyone probably enough for today so let's check out there some other users I just found these just randomly just by clicking around literally like four or five taps [Music] haha she's the backup sensor yes x1 has 400,000 likes it looks like there's some music in it so I'm gonna have to do my thing on this one again what the [ __ ] what is the story I don't want to sound like a broken record but there's something missing in here what's the joke she tries to pick up the coin she can't pick it up the guy comes along he picks it up that's it 400,000 [ __ ] likes what am i doing making full ass YouTube videos shooting them and editing them when I could just be [ __ ] doing this [ __ ] I need to buy some damn booty shorts and then I could pretty much just do anything and as long as there's a little music behind it I'm gonna be a star alright so maybe you're thinking you know this doesn't represent the majority of tik-tok content you're just finding some random users and blowing out of proportion well here's here's one I found with Katya Gleeson she was nominated as like the tick talker of the year or something at the Shorty Awards she's got like 6 million followers and this one's got music - so I'm gonna maybe just play it silently you'll get the picture trust me [Music] gonna hit her with a [ __ ] pot because he stepped on her shoe I don't know it seems pretty extreme to me hey what the heck you scuffed my shoes done what if I done we need to get rid of the body we need to get rid of the body stupid [ __ ] you shouldn't have scuffed my [ __ ] shoe just cutting a part of body anyways I'm sick of watching these follow me on tip top blow me up so that I can buy some booty shorts and be the next ass sensations and fashion and just remember if you ever think you need a punch line [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,210,011
Rating: 4.9740524 out of 5
Keywords: sketch, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: mqVU2MSgUFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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