Laughter Compilation - Sonic Boom - Game Grumps [Best of, Laughter Moments]

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I'm not sonic a beautiful singing voice sonic boom thank you rise of lyric okay first of all I wanted to say yes I love this logo the only problem is I'm now I've heard this is a worst game ever should I just preemptively break my own neck to like avoid doing this I mean I you should see ya dad no dad dad you know releasing the water bottle really [ __ ] breaks the illusion what the [ __ ] is going on should we know what's happening act 3 yeah sorry he's dead he's straight up it's time to write the first two acts yes yeah like the world is actually made up of long paths yes specifically for Sonic yeah they're not just running along the Great Wall of China also knuckles has four fingers Wow Wow and apparently my spin is like a ribbon around I feel like we're beta testing right now oh my god I didn't I didn't think wow that was someone obviously worked very hard on this yeah so this is this is supposed to be reminiscent of a time long past a time that was once great and is now at farm [ __ ] yes stop talking about it for lack of a better term ant farm dick hole that should be in the dictionary guy shoots ants out of his dick you're really curious about the plot I was kind of hoping you would elaborate what made infirm [ __ ] so special aside from the obvious it's perfectly cartoon Club sighs that's hamburger helpers and then I was reading up on all the information this morning and they were like I couldn't find interviews and I literally found people like posting everywhere they were like why aren't there any reviews what is wrong with this game they're like is he good I don't know press the hand button yeah he didn't even press his hand it's just guys this way where death is not he's like wow I think this wall can be broken all right I think my thinking was confirmed I feel like there's like something gross inside me now that I've seen this and I need to get it out this game yeah like a weird leech parasite yeah I need a I need a sonic colonic wash it down with a gin and tonic wait so he's over there actually doing a level that was designed first of all these platforms are ubiquitous what the [ __ ] is all right hey don't you think I'm sexy look at his face is like can we get separate houses please Spock and Captain Kirk of course they're banging finally in sins of vegeta 28s fanfiction yeah how do you think they spent so much time together it's Kirk the dirt it's only logical his back would say I've been breaking things with the hammer my inflatable hammer should break this and she hits it's like can you not put my name to this yeah can I not be in the credits roll and it's just like Ted Smith Ted Smith [Laughter] American History X what damn like Jones did he do that yeah let's see you know what I have to look at this later yeah top 10 list of hot cosplayers this cat saw a dog you won't [ __ ] believe what happened next all right well no man they really don't care what their game is I don't know what I should be doing or where I should be going so I'm just gonna make our way over to me know what I should be doing there's an immediate objective I've never [ __ ] seen the gun out of here and no never it's a beautifully done movie yeah well our minds are trying to protect ourselves talking about anything else perfect of the most obvious answer okay yeah I need [ __ ] stupid dumbass [ __ ] [ __ ] pink hair like she's a raver chick you were like a stupid dumb ass I was like he's gonna say [ __ ] I didn't like the really pissed off like [ __ ] really pushing out that big and did I owe you absolutely did there's nothing intuitive about this bucket level this is the weirdest this is this is classic classic Sonic gameplay I mean come on guys really I mean sod the Hedgehog at its best shout out of Ted can I just say the verdict is in my sonic boom is an instant classic join up with your old friends Amy my only criticism is why can't I give this an 11 let's watch labyrinth in Last Unicorn in cowboy bebop and Lord of the Rings and Godfather G's yeah I know right I haven't seen movies yeah I don't know having a great time with my friends connecting a social manner instead of a media related man not giving in to the man Ticketmaster don't you remember Pearl Jam I do Jesus it's just rings dang it yeah why am I wasting all these rings when I have a hundred you always have a hundred rings there's no [ __ ] threats in this game there's none what is there here to upset me aside from everything I'm sorry are there shadows of rings that aren't there super high looking up as hard as I can there's nothing up there oh no let me see if I can like can you see me now dr. radiation from the biplane I was going through the the first sonic boom episode and I noticed as I was watching it there was some weirdness with the game so well knuckles freezes they're still moving but the particles kind of keep moving for a couple frames and then we move into this frame and then also decagrams it's there that [ __ ] happens and you can actually see that explosion still happening in the background there that's one frame and so like they're here this explosions happening and they teleport here and then explosion still happening back there wait he's up there it's like I just I don't know I'm sure I'm sure making this [ __ ] is hard but I mean it's just it's just I don't know this game cost $60 so they're there which is where Sonic ended in a cutscene started for him there teleported up ahead so like oh no Sonic still there but all this friends appeared then disappear and then then he falls then they reappear one by one like knuckles falls in front of him - yeah but he's not running yet he's like stalking he's like a hare physics or something let's watch that in real-time the teleporter is gone horribly wrong well we're currently playing one of the best games ever made yeah 2014 Sonic 2 knee-deep water a hundred rings gun watch out for that [ __ ] large puddle oh let's find out this guy who doesn't want to talk to me [Laughter] least friendly group of NPCs I've ever seen I've got a great idea let's make a town of people everybody hates you yeah and it's just there's no like irony or anything they just hate you not even the characters want to be in this game leave me out of this I saw what happened at the way I need to find a green button oh there's an activating see that I did oh it costs money tycoon but then everybody caps keeps up at the same pace it yes I agree it makes little to no sense why am I not running fast I'm Sonic I'm Sonic the Hedgehog I have fast feet I don't [ __ ] know their [ __ ] up here but I've already been up here and there's nothing I bounced and then there's this but there's a [ __ ] guy who's I want to talk to me why don't you some dynamite oh now it works now what's the thing I do you ever want to get high yeah and I do you just choose knuckles and you jump jump bang and then pause it you go out and you can keep doing it forever yes supposedly there are people out there that have beaten this game in one hour because just keep going man I'm going all the way up are you gonna stop by the clip alright so yeah let's see the cliff Here I am Oh bummer darn it maybe that's just on the wall it's not like all the people bring your hands out bring your hands out we see if everyone else does that that's crazy sure about that that does not look like where you're supposed to be that looks like the end of the universe say Missy it's for real all right so this is uh this is called end of world yeah this is like that episode of Futurama where if you look at you see anti knuckles and your group like Oh God [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] oh my god really think I might have broken all right so your opinion sonic boom all my friends came with me oh man we have been on some weird adventures on these shows I know do you remember the time that you and I fellated each other I know way to open it Oh more like I can fly this one out goodbye a door through the dawn made it Michael Jackson was awesome I know it's too bad about him what's that that he died oh that yes he wasn't he wasn't old enough to die that is true he was only 50 he was fitting he was 50 [Laughter] holy Shannon no what is it it was an old SNL skit I wasn't big on like 90s SNL oh yeah tell me about it though oh she's just played a fifty year old who's like really excited about being fit whatever comes my god dammit I heard you were just was appearing in the [ __ ] so the game was there's a part of me that really doesn't want this playthrough to be just this episode after after sir in fact that part of me is all of me I'm totally like oh god oh god I'm fighting the Robie Oh get ready get ready goodbye good luck Aaron stop what I'm just trying I'm just trying to get me in why would I fight him when I can do this all right all right he's dead the end like how do you classify a hedgehog if it goes by small mutations which came first the chicken or my big which came first the chicken or the egg the chicken to check out of the barbecue so he came first yeah that is the chicken was a result of a mutation from a species that was not a chicken but wasn't that meat the species didn't that come out of an egg oh [ __ ] first then yeah you had a totally backwards Wow yeah it's cool you're amazing dude thank you maybe it needs to be a me that activates it no I did it with knuckles you just gotta work it toward me trying oh my [ __ ] god let me take care of it this button isn't Matt's just like the female or yes well I mean what the [ __ ] right like what am I doing wrong I don't know there's a [ __ ] green button right here and it's not getting pressed I want to press it that's what I want to do are you quoting me no oh is this making a skull no it's just Miguel Lopez [Laughter] national what's the food one SDC the FDA FDA yes Franklin Delano Roosevelt Shuba wave oh we can pull those handles no we can't Wow I can't reach yeah my boy knocks yes planas knocks again bro yeah oh [ __ ] you should absolutely do a sonic sequel itis I would've been wanting to I'll click the dislike button [Laughter] you get hit and you have 30 rings you you end up with losing rings oh I say but it's just like when they bring you back to life you're they're like well we don't want to start them at zero because it'll die immediately again I say I mean it's the worst life system ever invented good idea tails oh okay now we're here I guess now this is a cold reception ha ha he has true ambivalence but not towards comedy no you're trapped I guess what why is he so [ __ ] coy about it yeah he's like I'm trapped in fire and he's like oh good he's like don't sweat it I'm having a lot of fun playing this game with you damn I'm enjoying I'm having a great time the only thing that could be better yes is if you were fellating your video games and a bj I agree it's the best but where you're about to go is we're cursed horribly wrong a bj with my bf but they're all back now I just won't [ __ ] leave do you don't want to be here anymore right maybe there's something else to do here [ __ ] did this already or you leave all right this is did you just kick there oh this is good hey welcome my sonic sense is tingling is it there he is wait is it like I can see a little bit of me what are you talking about supposed to be me talking you see that like a little bit of Sonic that's like poking out on the bottom leave junk oh I have to choose which one I want oh oh this one's the way better okay cool thanks for nothing [ __ ] alright hideous turtle I'll see you later like make a really confident just faceplant into the wall man you really suck catch you later slowpoke you know it like when we were maybe a couple years ago when we were still know each other you know like it takes a little while before like you realize what someone's like you know where someone's boundaries lie in terms of like you know it's like what you can say what you can say and and we were talking about hanging out and I was like I want to say like I'm so [ __ ] pumped up I can't wait but I was like it's too early I don't know if like he'd be you know whatever so I was just like I'm excited to see you man and I think you responded with like dude I cannot wait to get inside your ass text now years old already man I'm really excited to hang out with you I cannot wait to ravish that body with my [ __ ] and semen yet your dick so hard that explodes into a million tiny dicks I remember it like it was yesterday I'm gonna cover you like a birthday cake it was like that for Kevin with a little bit when he first came in oh sure I was like take your tiny Filipino buddy the table just [ __ ] take you to Frisco town for days okay that I'm talking about yeah sticking my erect Weiner in Dan's butt hole I wonder loves to this new person that I would like welcome to the staff keV yeah well by the way Dan Howard is your [ __ ] I love to take a look at it show it show it show it bigger than ever el president [Laughter] well watch out it's um gold forties boss look out that business name please gold Oh bot looks like I can add edie hedgehog penis to my amazing Google search terms just a kid no look up [ __ ] a kid in the penis alright I'm getting there nightmare only are they for heads it's good they're like they're like red and swollen first of all if you look up a kid two penis the first thing you will see is a youtube video called the world's most terrifying penises if this was an 80s movie that we would take this animal [ __ ] as like a sign they should be together like some David Bowie would play what is that actual lyric I've never actually known what the real lyric is and to me it's just you're an [ __ ] what's that push it down on me pushed it down on you you're an [ __ ] that's what he says alright it's so clearly you're an [ __ ] hold on I am clearing my google search term of echidna penis okay you ready for it I found it yeah it's pretty it's pressure pushing down on me pressing down on you no man asks for under pressure oh my god it's you're an [ __ ] it's okay it's pretty cool today yeah I guess well cuz we're sitting on we switched our positions on the couch I think that makes it easier for me for you to watch the same exact of him yeah cuz I'm farther away from the TV now I like a [ __ ] like half a foot 6 inches yeah dude 6 inches makes a big deal especially its subway the difference between $3 and $5 is am i right yeah and two more stringy bland tasteless rubbery pieces of Turkey every time every session we sit down to do a few episodes of this I'm like it's funny it's funny cuz if at first I was right there with you I was like this game [ __ ] but I don't know I don't know you didn't you something I like about it yeah man I know exactly what you mean dude [Laughter] like I know we have to do like 50 more episodes of this so I'm just like I programmed my brain to say I love it well I remember like cuz I can't touch this um by MC Hammer uses a sample of super freak yeah that James and I remember being [ __ ] stunned because I was right at that age where I was like a little kid like can't touch this I heard that first you know cuz that was an enormous hit at the time and like later when I heard super freak I was like whoa this [ __ ] ripped off MC Hammer twenty years ago [Laughter] [ __ ] Rick James you know Rick James and his wife kidnapped a girl and held her as a sex slave like hell there was prisoner did you not know this here here we go to Google in 1993 he and future wife Tanya it was something were accused of holding jazzy we're accused of holding 24 year-old Francis Ally hostage for up to six days tying her up forcing her to perform sexual acts that's not cool and whoa and burning her legs and abdomen with a hot end of a crack cocaine my [ __ ] during a week-long cocaine binge in 1993 while out on bail for that earlier incident indiscretion Rick James under the influence of cocaine assaulted music executive Mary Sagar at the st. James Club Sagar claimed she met James jazzy for a business meeting but said the two then kidnapped and beat her over Twitter he kidnapped two people she is he was found guilty of both offenses but was cleared of a torture charge oh good for him oh yeah that's you know what justice really is alive he served two years in prison and lost two million dollars for that that this part this this complete douchebag right like but how would you ruin their career I don't know Twitter he does not look how I thought he would like yeah definitely not I've never seen an Italian beaver before except for all right I'll go save your food did she just wait l5 t-shirt you imagine Pikachu with a blunt in his mouth and a and like you know tired eyes and he's like and he's like bigger shoe smoking weed make you effeminate little sassy you know cuz he's got like a high self-esteem because he's like every time you talk about the effects of marijuana it drives home 50 times over how you've never smoked weed once anyway like you know when you smoke weed and if Reagan lives you're three feet off the ground and gives you a Spanish accent you don't see a [ __ ] weird brown wrapper on Snickers bars to keep their shape yeah and those are packed with peanuts packed and 100% according to them hungry Snickers yeah that's what I say Delaney sometimes like I really satisfied really really I'm packed with me oh you would not be able to run upside-down like that I might be able to vomit right now wow that's really slowly slow down there for a second can I do can I just like you know what I wanted to do is get to the top and hear you oh you can Oh are you seeing this [ __ ] flexing in midair I did this yeah I have a very special guest who would like to welcome you back to game grumps hello early in how long can you walk out of here Wow somebody's becoming a grumpy Gus wait hold on I have this power yes irony yes you do I don't know I wasn't thinking about that okay I'm so desensitized to weird [ __ ] happening in this game I'm sure that I'm sort of like oh those rocks look nice they're very livery on your ad essent yeah looks nice glowy are you [ __ ] me cuz like at first it sounded like you were agreeing but then like you held it for too long it's like yeah they look pretty here definitely yeah right normos level just appear and disappear as well it's like real life yeah it's one of the most realistic games I've ever played oh boy where am i where am i where am i where I don't want to fall off oh god no no no wow Thank You Sonic okay you having a problem today the thing that's supposed to be half that but I guess I'll just give no man it's just a thing that's their artist was like I'll leave this here in case I need to copy and paste it later this place needs some TLC you better believe it together oh my god dude dude I'm like starting to get a little scared Craig oh God did the level just load behind me next time okay oh oh god sama jus just [ __ ] Aaron hold on hold on oh hush quiet [ __ ] oh yeah hold on I think I think I have to activate it by like going in here okay whoa what what is it what the [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is happening real now can we walk on it what the [ __ ] I think you can fix it tails welcome to my town or those like well not CS cash saluting him like Mickey Mouse cloves yeah that is the do feeis propaganda I ever done why are these microphones facing outwards was it through here yeah yeah I was through there and then to the right oh okay and her sparkly ring is still there so that's good yeah that is good yeah oh really yeah oh thank god like your friends whoa God family and chili dogs bug wait so they actually made that cannon like Sonic like still IDO but not the roasted land wieners my band has a new name we fat he's dead we found me yeah we buried him so that you wouldn't have to deal with the trauma or $40 what is that you know you're okay great job yeah yeah the game put me in an unfair situation lobbying dude I think you need a me for this I can't I can't not be knuckles is that right yeah a higher platform so I gotta see this oh man number two weeks I was just an arm sticking out yeah that's what I like really good [ __ ] just thought I'd let you here thanks Oh cutscene no it's just a loading screen yes it just comes back exactly where you were what oh that's the footage of Kennedy being assassin that's been like back well the left Sonic you having a good time oh god damn you're right buddy this is like this is like a glitch with that like occasionally breaks out into a game welcome back hey girl I'm fighting a giant green glowing eyeball that's right no big deal [ __ ] bat with this episode another press release they're like it's for the nostalgic adil really and then another press release this is hardcore pornography man only for 18 plus dicks on route 62 what's it what's his name like jerk yeah sonic is like is like having his way with Amy you know what she's well they're into it they're like dating are they I don't know probably yeah I guess they got that blue and pink thing everyone's like fanfiction probably is anyway they're there they're they're going at it like a couple like a couple consensual adults wonder what Hedgehog sex looks like I'm sorry continue please they're going at it like a couple of rambunctious Rascals right and then he's like ah man I can't find I can't friend the profile active go on and then in a sense and then tails just busts in and goes this looks like shop for buddy boy I guess we'll turn left and something yeah go into the city and I'll turn left okay all right okay it's not that hard to load a game I've seen plenty of games do it oh Jesus loaded so hard and feared me to the left the games rewarding you for not cheating hey girl [Laughter] we're gonna go a slowpoke island I think it's common for guys to be like just just crack gay jokes with each other yeah but like when we were like looking at that picture of Khal Drogo like the actor and you were like I would absolutely without question anything I've ever heard you say because it's true get it - Farah just maybe I'm too far oh it's cool it's cool I mean like it's I guess everyone's on a spectrum boy I mean you know we're gonna do is a handsome fellas he's so [ __ ] oh my god you don't have to tell me in my erect penis hey why'd you got me he's like I know I'm a snake I have breath I mean that's like calling you it's like hey human breath yeah it's like a yeah man hands what's up two eyes I know that's how I see in stereo two eyes over danger ahead oh [ __ ] Jesus okay we're back okay well you see them all falling another bag I will say it's kind of like what we did with the new star bomb album at the trauma center city masterpiece after masterpiece I will say yes you are the first person to have described the Beatles to me in a way that has made me interested in listening to the really idea I'll make you see things did hello main characters break the camera I think I broke the camera what do you mean I broke the camera what it's not it's not following you just like I'm just like what this is really getting hard to defend hey what's going on I see [ __ ] I don't know dude I'm like losing my mind right now you know what if there's any quote out of context of you that describes this whole playthrough it's I think I could [ __ ] I don't know yeah it's rough it's rough just checking in with your brain first just [ __ ] that tower with that turtle dick if you went to sleep and you had a dream at night yeah beautiful sonic antics think you're running around with Tails and Knuckles and in this universe not in the old unit oh sure I'd probably kill myself thank you thank you listen to me in stereo coming in left channel coming in right channel right Jenna what was the band kids on the block Johnny Wahlberg NKOTB and who else was in the band I Danny the ugly one I caught a lot of flack for that it's really yeah great school because you were the ugly one no because I was named Danny Aaron your words are hurtful oh no I didn't I didn't mean like that I just yeah but that was those what people might have thought yeah of course in fact King tough-looking best I don't know looks like we have a guest didn't hasn't it already been established that he's here yeah you've been fighting for 20 minutes and duxelles is like look who joined the party you guys swear to God and if you don't find that verdant crystal if I crack your spine with my knuckles it's still super crazy tired [ __ ] you nice guy no you know what you can you can be honest that was great alright [ __ ] you yeah sick of your [ __ ] alright yeah you should really just stop eating and producing producing biscuits of [ __ ] pledge that's how it's okay you'll be fine sound like you're drowning all right perfect grounding sound yeah I did that with my mouth I wasn't actually drowning that's part of the skills don't be scared yeah there's no water in this place yeah they like calls his daughter like when you hear me do the Sonic game when you play that it's gonna sound like I was drowning don't worry daddy's fine she's like he's like I know it's because I'm too busy doing drowning sounds but you hear never you never what visit why are you calling me about this dad yeah it's been 10 years yeah oh that's right happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy is that good enough for you yeah Jesus God nag nag just like your mother who I never talked we've we've had we had a place called Famous Dave's I don't know if it's a chain but there was definitely one in Jersey and we drive by it like every night and would just be like some day we're gonna eat it [ __ ] Famous Dave's and just became this big thing and we were like and eventually it got so built up that we're like you know what I really actually suck if we went there let's never go there and then we were like [ __ ] you know let's go there it'll be awesome inside yes and it ruined the magic of driving by Famous Dave's and being like Dave dude you just got 5,000 rings why would they put a hundred more rings next to the 15,000 rings that just gave you today was not a cardio day what the [ __ ] is anything right now there's a there's a football player named Marshawn Lynch and he he's now plays for Seattle but he used to play for the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo gets kind of rag Don sometimes because of all the cities with sports teams Buffalo is kind of like one of the smaller cities that there may not be quite a lot to do you know as much as there isn't like New York or something like that and so they interviewed him and they were like what's your favorite thing about living in Buffalo and he was like the Applebee's and like all my friends were like oh God and I was like hell yeah oh god I was I was hoping there'd be two more because it's the most fun this is like trauma center ever had playing a video game it's it's the tertiary body do more for more oh God thank you so that one magical second that time streams cross right so uh that's so inexcusable yeah that's bad that's bad show so if we go frame by frame that's a me falling in an existential nightmare for one frame just whooping Steve Rose hey what's up Bros this is Steve this is my partner Steve we're this to Steve's has gone I'm Steve was that established - yeah well that's that's this is Steve I'm Steve we really haven't made an effort to determine which one is which or what the show is about so we're just Steve yeah pretty you know what it's weird that we both have similar voices as well Aaron if I can break character for a second you know you can probably our best open again do you think the game designers of this have seen any of our playthrough and been like these sons of [ __ ] like people are gonna think this game sucks now I'd be curious to know exactly how many man-hours were into this I would love to see a post-mortem on this and just and just see all the developers and they're like alright so this is the part where we actually had to not finish it those buttons would just punch you right down into the slime right I should go into that one yeah why not well I'm just gonna go ahead and go here oh dude we did this on the on the game yeah I don't remember this at all I know right sorry everybody how are we doing take it yeah yeah do it [ __ ] and dive [ __ ] sorry one two yeah there's always the one person that says something too [ __ ] real yeah those super alternative dude like like the parents at the UM at the Little League game come on Billy whose kids got nothing [ __ ] genuine about like the guttural [Laughter] yeah well a lot of a lot of songs sound like dude I would love to have a Vegas show you know what kind of show I would put on I'm going to say an all-male revue live masturbation yep okay that was slightly different but along the same lines as I was going just like and I'll call it just straight jerk in it yes you have to set up across the street from puppetry of the penis like yeah [ __ ] there's a new dick in town I'll be the plant like so when they ask like audience members for reviews like on camera I'll be a straight jerk and it is straight work what are the odds of that eating two butterflies in a row still my favorite Miley Cyrus game grumps episode of all time welcome back to Janeane Garofalo the expedition to find that what you got to clear these openings with me first all right can I open with Janeane Garofalo expedition absolutely all right run the intro again expedition yeah to Mount Everest yup I'm sorry I added in that last part is yeah you know what gonna need clearance on that all right can we start over hey welcome back to Janeane Garofalo expedition to Mount Everest cool wait I didn't be actually clear goddamn it is it okay yes all right run the intro hey love you back to city Gruffalo's expedition it's a Mount Everest starring me Aaron Hansen what why would that be story because well somebody's got to narrate it okay it's on our expedition she doesn't have time you're right you're right okay I'm sorry I run the intro Janeane Garofalo expedition to Mount Everest starring Aaron Hansen not starring Dan have it in um can we [ __ ] so I'm just out I'm just out then yeah well I mean did you want to be you're gonna [ __ ] strong I mean yeah of course I want to be it always wanted to go to Mount Everest run intro again hey welcome back to Janeane Garofalo exasperation to Mount Everest starring Aaron Hanson and I guess also starring Dan expedition expectation and also Dan Avidan who is apparently a stickler for [ __ ] pronunciation yes now we can start game grumps if Matt Everest was underwater no I can do it they showed you the bridge they were making just go us to me man alright I trust you did it why would I not trust a man in the exact position hang out with the trees whoa whoa vanish oh no no I'm good the water's fine water is totally not harmful to me okay yeah just bounce use the buttons okay moments ago suits back you're killing my vibe no like I don't follow me - yeah like oh geez every [ __ ] minute with this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] thing I don't want to all right fine yeah I'm gonna start this off with a haiku all right Sonic the Hedgehog you are the best game ever it's snowing on Mount Fuji that's not actually correct I can just see that painted on a scroll that was not 575 how about this one knuckles kid yep holy [ __ ] for penis heads it's snowing on Mount Fuji from now on I'm making an official decree even though it does not contain five syllables I'm declaring that all hikers must end with it's snowing on Mount Fuji it's not like the [ __ ] haiku police you're gonna bust it and be like oh shut the door they're gonna bust it down we got a five seven seven syllable situation here yeah the five seven seven is like their haiku police code we have rock and roll baby don't give me sass or else I'll okay well then why is it called rhythm blues it's if you just say blues isn't rhythm inherent you know what I don't know the answer and it's a really good question a really good question so like what's so good so good it's so important I got a no stop the episode between blues and rhythm and blues and look at that thing straight on Oh watch out for egghead doesn't it look like a goofy crab like like [ __ ] crazy weird in like two seconds that's all it takes like a gentle I boned an animal her name was Roxanne she's a great racer Roxanne practically in zinc I thought you were just like making statements as someone who's like never had sex but is like [ __ ] this yeah being that girl Brune Helga she took me into her room and then we did that we turned out the lights and then I put that the you know you know and then I and then I kissed her between leg and she was like keep keep going and I was like I was unstoppable yeah I kept on kissing yeah she lost her virginity for the fourth time that night I made her go she was going all over the place I was covered in her gum what was the [ __ ] thing with the Wendy's thing we got people got upset at that so it wasn't it definitely wasn't a brand deal so we we had we were playing this game and like we didn't realize because we never look at the menus right that in the bottom right it was like displaying our serial key or the game okay like the whole time right so we were just like oh [ __ ] that's been up there the whole time all right well replace it with I don't know I'll when do that so like oh but Kevin didn't realize but like he shouldn't put it through the entire thing well that's the thing right like that's what we said to do right so he did it but then like it kind of occurred to us that like for the first six minutes there's literally no explanation for why there's a Wendy's that in the bottom I saw that there was like a brouhaha about it yeah I started the video it was like that's a really old burger anymore so people got pissed off of you for being a sellout for a non-existent so I don't even like Wendy's I [ __ ] love you if you ever want to if you ever want to give me a big sack of cash don't worry we clearly be happy to sell out we put up when these ads for free imagine what we'll do for fun good yeah we've been putting out the Burger King like the yumbo burger like since the 70s just coincidentally came back are you [ __ ] that's what my dick looks like foreheads yeah whoops I have an idea let's get ice cream oh damn yeah and then may God great I can't triple jump oh wait yes I can goddamnit no this has to happen Aaron uh-huh yes oh my god I did it whoa all right it's like when you're it's like when you're sweating too much during intercourse I don't I can't relate and then like and then and then you and you feel uncomfortable that is never happened to me what really well cuz I don't have like properly working sweat glands so I don't sweat a lot oh yeah yeah but I'm sure it'd be fun to just drench your lover yeah Rosaline I don't know if that was clear but oh that's a bad name you texted me back and I have a whole new what is going on with the shadows on his what is happening with all these shadows what the [ __ ] was that another game Sonic the flying adventure way too big a plane tails has a plan doesn't what they never really established it in this I guess cheese man that's true [Laughter] it's like whoa whoa wait a second not a minute that's like [ __ ] that is one step away from like Donkey Kong driving it in a monster truck and be like I am in the donkey truck makes so much sense now at the triple jump yeah guys you guys were trying to communicate something to me and I just wasn't listening and I I apologize you know I'm dead now sometimes I'll call cops Jake's no oh that might be a jersey thing cops just a lot of cops look like they they be named Jake Jake's it's like a purely subjective it's funny that you can clearly draw them into a pit of spikes Go Go come on yeah yeah thank you it's like you have a kitten you're like I gotta teach this thing how to fly so you take it up under the wing of a plane and you're just like flap flap flap Oh goddamn it buddy but it was just too much water for them sorry oh god oh god okay this is stressful this is like the first time this game has demanded anything oh dude you handled that beautifully thank you we can't reach that door which one oh the one that right there right there I can't reach it from where I'm standing they'll never make it we made it hooray you'll never make it yeah looks like I'll have to do it on my own guys oh man I'd help you if I could just I'll pull out their iPhone they're texting each other hey guys welcome welcome to Erin and Frederick sorry my name is first welcome to Frederick and Aaron my name is Aaron and this is Fredrik how you doing Freddie hi am I supposed to be guys stick together and they just like they all like slather themselves and like [ __ ] Hedgehog spit you've really been all over the map in these first 45 [Laughter] god oh god no no no no I want our next guest groomed to be Gordon Ramsay I mean me too obviously awesome yeah but like no seriously wouldn't it be awesome he's super mellow and we're just [ __ ] chastising him for being terrible at video games what the [ __ ] are you doing that that calendar was pretty much all you and back he's just sitting like 4 a.m. in a room just [ __ ] Lupe's [ __ ] just like what else could we do like you're Jewish where the Jewish holidays like I don't know Russian I'm like I was like when's Ramadan and he was like I don't know here maybe I just put a finger that said Ramadan maybe here wow it's fun to learn them behind the scenes did this game just like suddenly get hard I don't know it just looked a lot harder like it was never it was never at a level where I was like man this is pretty difficult and now it is that's my story I love it I got a Pulitzer Prize for that I was also a um there was also a German method of self cleansing back in World War 2 have you tried zip ooh that's the first one we've ever seen getting tired of those worms tails TMI my first fish Sarah she we had it for like three years and I got absurdly long time for a goldfish and I was super sad when she died so my I asked if my mom could drive me down to the pond in the middle of town so I could like let her go and so like we put we put the dead fish in the doggy bag and went down to the [ __ ] pond and I'm at the corner of the you know I'm at the edge of the pond trying to dump out the fish but like all the waterboxx and the fish is like dead stuck to the edge of the bed so like shaking it while my mom is like laughing uncontrollably from the car oh I didn't know she was laughing until years later she told me that's really funny yeah she played it really cool at the time she was like is everything ok Dan is everything yeah okay she [ __ ] Tamara has fish like I wonder if that's why like parents get kids of fish like aside from the fact that it's a low-maintenance pet it just helps them learn about mortality yeah it teaches him about life and death but I have to say I can fish it really doesn't work if that's its intended purpose because like even though I went through that fish experience like it was still super sad with my dog died and then when I realized I was gonna die I was like oh [ __ ] I wasn't like oh they got my fish prepared me for this realization oh wow damn it did they have bees in Egypt if they had honey then yes they did have bees maybe it wasn't from he Jim to me it was like Tibet they have bees in Tibet I don't know maybe it was like beat out you think that's the gay be nightclub with the gay stereotype it's like where you go and honey and it's like it's kind of like silly and fun you know but like when like you a guy does it to a girl it's like let's [ __ ] soon in the near future I don't know I'm not good at this but like I think it's like it's like if a guy said way you go and honey it's like it's like get away from me yeah yeah well I think it's probably because a that would be like said to like a straight guy sometimes to which which is like oh you know huh force is playful but he still might want to [ __ ] me at some point in this episode we were talking about mortality Hey holy Christmas crap um don't touch that dial cuz we're back what dial there are dials anymore Wow look the last TV that a [ __ ] dial was in like the 40 yeah don't touch that impossible to touch dial I won't what would it would be now don't touch that remote yeah don't think too hard and use your mind way of brainy eliezer to shift the very existence of the television stage because we'll be right back if they show that back lirik shot one more time he looks like like gross green toothpaste being squeezed out of it yeah but it's only from behind like that yeah yeah oh yeah friends real friends are a weakness I know I'm trying to get these [ __ ] off my back for years like pushes them off this but they keep glitching towards me defeat lyric win game breathe air now out you have to keep telling me I'll forget what button do i press my button I'll do it once all right I'm sorry I criticized you this game is flawless yeah he just stabbed him with his knuckles sweet let's just enjoy this okay wow that's actually the best looking [Music] that ending was too good wow I'm glad that you could share with us with quality assurance they couldn't even Quality Assurance credits they spelled quality sure it's like kwa quality Oh Michael w dong so agent Daly James McNerney yeah James oh yeah functionality why are there so many [Laughter] all these people are like tied up and gagged in a room come on Wow why is it thanks again for joining us even know how to end this I don't want to walk away well there's so much extra content we could do including the four hours that we [ __ ] skip extreme mode yes oh god my gamepad ran out of battery oh no I guess we'll just have to never do this wait what oh yeah cuz you got it got too extreme bro next time on game grabs I hope you should this [ __ ] this ride it was a wild one we love you everybody see you soon wow wow it feels like the last day of school
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 1,186,448
Rating: 4.9126601 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, sonic boom, laughter compilation
Id: ls27gk80irQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 32sec (4712 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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