Uncontrollable Laughter PART 2 OF 2 - Game Grumps Compilation (New Year's Eve Special)

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I thought this still had 87 years to render?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OkliLikeOakley 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey I'm not Zhu gob I've got no money why I Spit on Graham [Laughter] okay [Laughter] [Laughter] god damn for any bucket bay oh look it up here that's a good way to hell hey how about that yeah how do you [ __ ] like that Bowser if the way to do a [ __ ] salty sander why do you keep jumping all the time you [ __ ] freak oh my god you're working some [ __ ] out there yeah oh my god so awesome like a villain you've been fighting for like your whole life now it's not just saying it but then like the the realizing it's the truth and reiterating it yeah like raising an octave in your voice shut up you freak Frank Oh God Oh [Music] really had to be get all right oh Jesus they're still going by that's great object permanence shut up good continent I'd [ __ ] damn it it just comes right back to you of course it does all right come on go on nope okay it's absolutely agony stop stop stop all different times all different times you could check me to the hospital with a stroke limit cuz he's gotta beat it dude oh [ __ ] it's go right go a little right it'll bounce off the grass or I mean I hope you die I hope everyone in Scotland dies because that's where they invented oh my god I don't actually mean that funny I love you Scotland let's try going left oh my god oh my god I hit it win it win the holes in front I hate it when it's to the back I know what it's to the left right what remains there you go there's some kind of weird [ __ ] oh boy let's try swing it to the right okay and I'll try it right when it's facing me okay they're a little bit early oh there we go I am losing my mind okay is this a psychological experiment this is you can't hit it fast enough oh my god so my life I'm just gonna [ __ ] start hitting immediately bam bam there we go thank you yes cover me in your juicy oil oh they're dead he had a good one where while I was home this past time he he was like hey where can people buy your music and I was like oh you know like digitally usually people get it digitally but I mean with starbomb there's also physical copies and we probably do see these as ninja sex party and he's like can I can people hear it on Spotify [Laughter] [Laughter] oh my god I'd imagine you could father [Laughter] such a thing would be the one place you could go I'm nading my next stop we need to come up with a music service called the spoofing that was special I made it here all by myself aren't I brave what do you think [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] my brother seems up to the tree and it's his brother I know oh my god so you go back to the brother you like hey hawk he has a message for you wearing your hats and thinking about you if you know what I mean Oh awesome Oh God why don't you forget about this silly game and come over to my place I'll slip into my cape and we'll curl you know you're my peers always turn me on so bring along a Robin and come play with my bat you wanna do like it you do like a little improv rap song yeah and Barry a little just like quick edit of lake looking what's-his-face yeah yeah I [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] think the plot is I'm Santa a little Cuba tea or we're Santa yeah there's your scent oh boy is worth dying for [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] nobody stole my [ __ ] alright I'm sorry that's your problem though well look at it the way you play the game maybe you stole my [ __ ] bike though maybe I did how about that oh just [ __ ] you Dan cool let's get a start he look tall and stupid dumb streak in his hair he's my boss named Aaron here but more so than my boss I thought he was my friend [Laughter] she was $200 oh crap as an added bonus we're gonna watch Aaron eat some stuff while we're in the mouth guard which might actually be the most disgusting thing we've ever done on this channel [Laughter] I'll pay further back in this is hard - those look pretty good so let's finish it off so your head back and close your throat more Jesus Christ Aaron fine [ __ ] all right [Music] I think I maybe ate the equivalent of two mmm all right this battle is for real yep I have a good feeling about this one I'm bringing it downtown you know right I'm playing music on the streets I'm getting a noise complaint but you know what I don't even care because this is my art enough like watching slack-jawed and all of you like improvising a crazy monologue it seemed like it was okay one day I was walking down the street I met a guy named Karl Karl was nice because I scream all right here we go okay play it again I love how he greets you he's kind of cool-looking hello hey you must die yeah welcome yeah must die will you be staying for dinner you must use your gift bag oh it's great to see you again [Laughter] tapeworms everywhere supposed to do I'll tell you what you're supposed to do you ate you ate raw chicken you must die these tapeworms will assist Oh God I haven't seen you since high school how long has it been ah 15 16 years [Laughter] GameStop speaking hello and welcome to Moviefone if you know the name of the movie you'd like to see please put three letters of it now you must let's see what dry boner does Bonnie stop like I'm like yeah but deep down I'm like I really tried for that one like the whole time between episodes like dry ball try bein and finally I got in I was met with right boards right boner Bonnie stop they're a little too close to the mines buddy he's like Oh burger burn ya know you come to me [Laughter] [Laughter] you think the only one for miles around I'm just having like a good old-fashioned Mexican standoff with this one dude sir oh sorry like like you're just going up to talk to him every time I keep forgetting the brakes are weird on this one God don't you hate that like that first moment where you get get into somebody else's car and like I like I can't drive can you drive me home like yeah sure [ __ ] do it and you like stop at a stoplight and say like the brakes are way too good compared to what your carpets all right let me just we just hit the brakes real soft here and this is like [Laughter] she's getting same with black dude Jesus what the hell meet them suck all the muscles in my back you've seized up the arcade like a [ __ ] preschool play like red confetti I'll help you guys oh is this is this terrain just drenched with the blood of your yeah it certainly seems like it are we on Mars they should really establish what is happening in this game war you go it's it's ironic that you you want to know where the hell you are and you don't but and yet every level all they say is here thank you for having an on location specific reference [Music] here yeah sure why I joke with the wrong war alright what's next oh my god why is the guy who doesn't know where he's going are you the cartographer damn it the guy driving just has all the responsibility yeah everyone else is just like wow when can we play the range of these things Christ mark mistakenly ordered I wasn't sure if I should keep them or not because I really enjoy pizza you saw how close I got though it's so good taste he's talking about pizza oh my god Nintendo would have never allowed this game to exist username oh wait so this was just all but the pre-created this is like the real game now create your account rub rub rub rub sorry this new surname is a work of where are you you can't use a rubber because it means condom condom are you serious are you serious that's amazing why they literally rubber butt condom is okay nicely done what juicy faces of death when you were yes of course super scary I went to the I went to the Museum of Death and they were like playing all of them no no like a little theater and I was like cool and we sat there for a while and watch it's a [ __ ] huge oh my god that is one of those cutscenes [Laughter] animated in a thousand crab all right it's the only way oh whoa what character was that that was um Lord Palpatine oh it gets me every time I think you're getting that star let's do it he's just too excited it took us all night to get to the point where we're [ __ ] laughing like idiots but we are here now grabs a glass of water [ __ ] do you think of like if like Palpatine's like out of the out of the streets ahead he gets like he gets like a poached by some [ __ ] mugger steel your buddy he's like don't do it if he's at like Shabbat at a friend's house and they're like is it alright if we say the Lord's Prayer and he's like Jew it really fed up with a [ __ ] like a ring toss game and he's just like squealing oh God like he goes up to this girl and asks her out and she's like and he walks away it's like blue it [Laughter] Jerris man is like Luke I'm your father IDs like I knew it I know a guy named Jesus I asked him hey isn't your name pronounced a soos and he said no my mom is very religious and I said wouldn't that have prevented you from having the name Jesus Aaron what can I share something with you from earlier today what is it then well I sent you a text anything early in the morning yeah because I have to go out of town for one weekend yeah this month and so I was like I won't give specific dates but I was like do you have any preference whether I go this weekend or the next weekend mm-hmm your response is it at 9:30 in the morning [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg Jesus Christ [ __ ] dude [ __ ] face book movie [ __ ] Jesus can you [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] you know nope no punctuation random capitalization so I respond I have no idea what we're talking about right now forty-five minutes pass I get a text from you goddamn created Facebook and [ __ ] lawyers and [ __ ] right [ __ ] Winklevoss twins goddamn rowing the boat [ __ ] your [ __ ] I can't even [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] him you see this [ __ ] I just watched this [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man I respond Aaron you're scaring me an hour passes respond mother [ __ ] you spider-man spider-man you put time [ __ ] putting the time [ __ ] build [ __ ] with his bare hands [ __ ] best French [ __ ] jesse eisenberg I'm very tired I'm just like no problem man I'll I'll do most to talking at the grump session today immediate lick response I'm talking like five seconds later no man I'll just talk about the Facebook movie all day [ __ ] man you have to be so interested in the [ __ ] I have to say about the Facebook movie [ __ ] dude I just watched a year and a half ago [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man he [ __ ] over spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins growing treant resin or did the soundtrack [ __ ] this guy who invented Facebook I don't like died I can't think of who the [ __ ] invented Facebook all I could think is the guy who played the guy who invented Facebook who the [ __ ] invented Facebook and then in all capital letters two hours later Mark Zuckerberg look man the [ __ ] Ziggler cave can suck my nuts my butt nuts to be exact yeah goddamn it [ __ ] [ __ ] this piece of [ __ ] popping out of the ground like a goddamn whack-a-mole getting all up in my face Rudolph red-nosed Jesus Christ leave me out of the cave [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] if you're gonna leave me somewhere reindeer games and [ __ ] Jesus I don't know how your anger knocked over my water bottle like 5 feet away but that [ __ ] bell-like unbidden yeah oh wow another giggling that was that's weird so impressed hey look that's [ __ ] standing in my way right Arina trap like oh no I'm paralyzed in here from a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] diglettz I'll get a good goddamn I'm so scared on the [ __ ] Diglett oh you're afraid you made it yeah never I am never [ __ ] going in there again just get a one foot in the grave I bet you are cami Koopa now out with it why have you called me here that's come off to a town called Road he does that kind of thing where she like coughs for way too long it makes everyone uncomfortable oh yeah here keep read you're lying I'll do it like am i Mario's babysitter I don't care what he's doing are you going to call me every time that guy blows his nose or water sheesh this had you've heard amazing treasure treasure yes Mario is gone in search of a star-shaped rule known as stars I'm researching justifier but there's no question of their heart but oh that's actually more like a 60-foot plant monster jennifer dumped me [Laughter] that was you sure to set a story yet [Laughter] three words on tasting in the tears flowed I'll say that recklessly I touched the car that didn't belong to me it was a very nice car a 1978 Bugatti that's not even a real car model I made it up nothing will make me feel better even the victory will be bittersweet Oh Victor is not covered bro oh my god oh alright welcome welcome back hello here's that story I promised you about Dan and I as children yes which again seems unlikely all right one day in little old Kansas where we grew up together [Music] we Dan was 12 I was 17 unlikely Dan let me tell you a little about young Dan it's really into crime like murders all the time and he would get away with them he still has honestly he hasn't served any time for the the unsolved murders of half of Caitlyn Francis and Jean I would really appreciate it if you didn't suggest that I had in Kansas in 1942 when we were children he was he was eight and I was 77 yeah wow so cool that you made it all the way to 135 I mean he just [ __ ] himself we were we were we were hanging out at the DQ at the Dairy Queen the DQ that's what I call it no one calls it what it didn't work all right I got nude again anyway we were hanging out the DQ then [ __ ] himself 17 times in a row and it was it was it was consecutive like he was the forties so these things didn't matter on well actually it was no internet it was actually worse than it was actually 424 he's in the forty now it's okay yeah but he cleaned off his but after every [ __ ] and then he [ __ ] himself afterwards again and because he he was [ __ ] himself he was just like others there's all this stuff that's coming out I might as well replace it with more ice cream and what happened was he was just [Music] good story so if I may recap when we were young children when you were a young child of 77 growing up in Kansas in the 40s and I was a murderer two years old [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] well and I was just about to get my ice cream served in the little upside up in my ripe old age 138 yep Oh God yeah well here Jesus when you say 1945 that wouldn't have been funny at the beginning of our filming session no no probably won't be funny to anybody but did you ever notice that um mario has short sleeves in this whoa I never did notice that showing off the guns it's [ __ ] noodle guns yeah did you make that up I can't imagine I did it feels like I did but I must be like just remembering it from somewhere else I'm gonna use it forever no please do oh there it is glasses boom is it now I can see the secret thing and get my foot thank you oh wow thank you so much is that dude was there a burglar what are you talking about I don't know what up dog is saying well aren't you proud of yourself Oh God my mom's a nice lady but sometimes you know you'll never know the end of that story I'm moving on your improv skills are through the roof we're here hello I am NOT asking Dan to do any favors for me yeah specifically [ __ ] you what why would you even say that God what if we just [ __ ] one day dude you're so weird [Laughter] [Music] weird man just two bros [ __ ] jutsu what baseball game can give each other hot blow is jumping down onto the base paths dude all right never mind I've been hanging out with ninja Brian too much how could you see [ __ ] like that I don't know man messed up you've hurt what if you do realize that I have voice messages from you saying like okay hey that's an listen I just need you inside my ass two years ago it's not my old phone but I'm sure I kept it made me laugh every time you like this a very busy but it's just it's just hilarious that like how quickly we forget was it I'm Gabe gross that like [ __ ] I can't remember I think we were just talking [ __ ] well I'm gonna I'm gonna sound stupid if this was already on an episode but I was like oh man you're like what were you doing I was like you know just [ __ ] jacking it with a [ __ ] finger up my ass and you were like oh my god have you done that it's the best right no made me [ __ ] curious and like god dammit I'm busy doing stuff on my butt for pleasure yeah that would have been perfect it was if it was led up by oh yeah yeah cut to me with an entire arm sorry sorry for that image I hope that was not a gamegrumps episode because I want that recording [ __ ] dude I mean what we just made it this is vine oh man Christ but if it if it wasn't a game grubs episode we're gonna sound like super jackasses for laughing choke so hard twice god that's really funny it was amazing cuz like cuz I'm how quickly you changed the mode you're like oh my god is the best right just kidding nah man I'm just [ __ ] with you yeah that's not what happens in my house but yeah but you know [ __ ] it does if you ever like at least a pinkie what are you bargaining with me well I'm just saying I I don't know she's man like I don't know I just don't know I can't tell you how many girls on tumblr are just like go on situation trying to convince Dan that it's totally awesome to shove a pinkie in your butthole well I'm assuming it's a wild jerking off not just because like you put your board at work the judges are in the air that's your game I mean your attention [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] bounced around baby here we go hello oh gosh it's good to see you guys it's so good to see you we're just gonna keep coming in your house oh my god [Laughter] [Laughter] okay we're fine we're good gerrymandering politicians always get their way unless you veto their vote in a voting booth you have the power as a citizen of the United States registered to vote at your local DMV so that you can control the fate of your country at least somewhat I mean there's the Electoral College and everything [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] okay it's amazing oh he can't do it no one could do it oh we got a Ross believes in me yeah Russ please and you've got one more shot oh okay with our losses magic this is the Ross shot this is the one Ross
Channel: GGM
Views: 1,531,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compilation, best, of, Game, Grumps, Comp, good
Id: LuPi2YN5vGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 20sec (3020 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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