Best of Game Grumps Sonic Unleashed

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I think the "fuck move" will always be one of my favorite grump moments.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SuperIdiocracy 📅︎︎ May 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh my god it's not a good least I cannot believe the sonic franchise sometimes it's just so over the top in the best way possible cuz he's cool looking at me so cool his eyes are very reflective oh oh mind crystals I just thought of something draining my stupid powers this electricity is cool parlor trick oh no he's transforming what the inexplicably doesn't really have much to do with this other thing does it I don't know maybe that's like he's channeling it oh my god his teeth do that oh my god oh wait is that thing to me is that thing an avatar I don't know okay or the Chaos Emeralds have gone black I like that color anyway they'll never go back so we're playing with superior Wii version I uh oh my god oh this is so ugly that's on the Wii it's great hey hey I'm gonna interrupt you running it's awesome to have to like load it up again what is happening right now I'm having fun then okay look at me go I love it oh my god you're covering a lot of ground slipped isn't pretty I want to flip through some narrow spots with Sonic yeah my penis didn't do a girl's vagina can't believe you're gonna be a dad someday someday dude I wish I could say happy Father's Day to someone and he would be like well you know I wasn't really planning on having a little Johnny but I goofed inside of my girlfriend's oh the condom ah it happens [Laughter] make sure that's gonna happen next time that's what I call good goof all over you inside of you yeah no that's weak goof-goof juice give juice when I conclude where do you want me to goof if you say so this plastic ice cream cone sure is delicious sick pizza wedged into that ice cream sure awesome that one's got a penis coming out of it I'm reading some some sonic X's Elda fanfiction a little-little let's hear it buddy okay hold on this is from max ACORN wrote Zelda and Sonics day out we are not making fun of this we are merely enjoying it a vast departure from the people she normally deals with the princess didn't mind they were a good match for each other although they were noisy at night because samus's room was right next to hers no we're just friends so friends can it so max acorn you are alright holy sonic shot awake just as he climaxed in Zelda's soft hand oh whoa between the disorientation thread a holy yeah you know capital holy between the disorientation waking up subway and the rush of positive stimulus it took him a few seconds to find his bearings and clear his thoughts breathing heavily he looked at Zelda and then to his crotch he saw his he saw her hand he saw his semen on her hand he looked back at her all Zelda did was give him an eager grin Wow he finally spoke that's one way to wake up looking amazing I don't know why the concept of Sonic saying holy is way funnier to me then it started getting jerked off by Zelda so you never the Sun know deep inside I feel the music this has been a really singing centric episode of burning deep you gotta put the fingers in your ear and close your eyes I like the white gloves as if Sonic's playing like a scheme sucks oh is that is that what it is yeah come on hurry up gotta go fast that's an amazing freeze-frame right there what yeah I guess you have to hold it got a climb holy [Laughter] [Applause] no I love it that's a good mechanic dude I've liked its you're in that weird place between like laughing and crying [Laughter] next time i jizz on a girl i'm gonna be like i'm goof the troop on you have like get ready i'm like a bluetooth speakers i think you're just like i have to show you exactly what combat looks like in the real world not in sonic world but the real world you going okay go right add not even looking yeah how you play the game how you play it I only got hit once I think we gonna hit once and I'm just whacking away well whacking away thanks for thanks for joining me on that little filmed bit it was incredible doesn't he just kind of have that look on his face like you could learn to love me as your dad I have I have been with some girls that we're adventurous and it got exploratory I'm just like whoa oh wow and is that a positive lower I don't know I didn't have time to think about it just because of pinky's like a good enough size is that right yeah why did you break it down for me well I don't know anything about it oh my god just figured I'd help you you know paint the picture I feel like on one hand we haven't been paying attention to this plot or on the other hand it doesn't matter yeah and and it feels like the more attention we pay to it the more frustrated we become that it like goes nowhere and you're on a rail course anyway the scene where the girl gets her eyeball cut out is so what I wasn't paying attention what was supposed to do so I didn't know Erik Estrada I mean I still don't I've ever seen chips okay I know his face though right but he was at a Chipotle and then a bunch of people were going up to him and they're like oh my god I'm getting bacon sandwich and he was like walks extra and but so I was like is this guy so you you were in the Chipotle at the time never mind no really yeah the story's not good to know why because I googled famous Mexican guy yeah it's not your fault this is the way the search engines works cuz it sounds like man I wonder wonder who the this guy is even realize he was Mexican yeah Wow Estrada right I guess so I want some day for like somebody to come up to me and be like wow you're Aaron you washed up from I used to watch gamegrumps a couple years ago when you guys were funny and now you're horrible googling famous white idiots yeah I was gonna say like and I googled famous white guy let somebody else is like who's that and then a Google famous white guy and they get me famous internet douchebag oh yeah yeah but they get Jerry Trainor and they're like Jerry Trainor yes from icarly or whatever people come up to me and they're like yo carrot top you dyed your hair and you're like why yes I did yeah Wow [Music] [Laughter] Alaska sounds nothing like another the hole at Hawass whatever ha ha my friend yeah yeah go ahead make this joke my friend gave me a mixtape oh my and a head real big fish cherry poppin daddies and had a los boy what's up we are back what's up brains why is it why dive-bomb the enemy with a thump why did it just randomly make me a werehog and then I started out as a normal and then it changed me into a werehog and then now I'm a normal again and it always is like go stop I'll tell you what to do like you just tell me before you can use that stop a tag ok fine Jesus I don't know what the really that was it oh my god you got a mood metal thanks man can't beat that really hooked me up there are you sure you want to keep playing I've never seen a game that gives you so many hours what the was that you got to do the stop down thing hey you did dunno do you see that when I hit the wall my like legs just like spasm doubt really in a Sonic game Oh God man this is way past cool I'm gonna barf that peanut butter we just ate right on now I'm this the now I'm doing this it's gonna be peanuts coming roll out of my mouth first they put him in and then they come right back at all those peanuts my first word was balloon because exactly I thought farting was like blowing up a balloon I guess cuz I had heard like them like deflate or whatever and you were like cuz you were a dumb baby so I used to color that I was like that was a blue one the red one what the why did I trip for a second do you see that yeah it did I just kind of went like whoa trying to share sacred facts of my childhood alright alright more like sacred farts I'm Brett what the sick whatever vent bro can dance down your Dingle strangely enough dance down your Dingle is the name of my person well let's hear that jingle won't you take my foot up your ass footprint right in your colon Wow turned into like a 1970s dad you making me pay for broken China nice hit bucks okay she more like shitbox my right god sick bro dude here we go it's the does the needs of burn cuz it's so cold here we go Oh Misha girl just stupid [Laughter] just immediately stops to like finish breaking it's just like you this looks like it was like while the person who like made this game was drinking heavily at the bar to forget like they wrote the plot on a cocktail napkin boy wants to be good as all yeah they opened up the disc tray took a big diarrhea it and then close the disc tray Wow and then it was like would you like to sell this game it's $60 yeah man triple a title $60 Oh Aaron apparently is about to take a trip to tasty testicle Island I don't know if you could hear so cool Island coming this Saturday - that would be a Fox show it would be grab my dick one sonic god damn where Hawk long-arm having cleats you might as well like run at top speed might as well kill everything that's on the roof so you don't feel pressured to make the run and the nunchucks simultaneously shake your arms like happily like a newborn panda like looking for bamboo Maya the bee I remember by the bay it's an anime yeah I guess it is he's made in the nihon no in 1920 to 1922 yeah a good year for anime I thought it was just really Maya the bee yeah no no that's a very specific place like cartoon Julie don't come out of Israel yeah well excuse me while I write is Maya the bee Israeli into my Google search terms Israeli good [Laughter] because I can't keep up the book depicts Maya's development from adventurous youngster to a responsible adult member of B Society B siding that's exactly right so what's the cartoon about I don't know we're putting stuff in her B hole which is everything we've had some good times hmm Alexander Hamilton tamils I don't know it just sounded funny coming out you just said it was such like Tamil Tamil I don't know what that order means I'll do whatever you ask just clarify your specific instructions whenever enemies show up my arms like preemptively hurt yes you know it's like when you cease our food and then your leg your mouth starts yeah it's like that but with pain interesting and I just I just don't want to want it anymore I want it in my life you think there was somebody some kind of like personal trainer like therapist that was like you know what I think a good piece of therapy would be to scream Matt Ryan would you mind playing that again but jacking up the scream suit thank you my god it sounded like his family was killed in front of his eyes it's so funny oh man this game sucks which is amazing because we should have been playing Paper Mario by now and you were like dude I'm super feeling dude well you gotta understand something all right yeah Sonic and I we have a complicated relationships very complicated it's it's very on-again off-again yeah sometimes within the same three minutes well we know how long his arms can be but this is the point where if he's falling then they'll they will get too long you're saying I think I know a little something about compensating for length yeah that's right ladies I have a small penis [Laughter] here confirm I would love to just like say like like that like super confidently sell myself yeah that's right I have a host of STDs on my micropenis quick time event Gao this is so weird I'm going to shoot myself in the head it became like you know typing of the Dead or whatever they gave it four hours in this is now happening change the game no seem to have a talent for finding trouble yeah that's how I like my men [Music] for a village elder maybe in too deep he's trying to keep up above or my kids help out go fun why would I ask a product maid to clean my floors for detail six like a marionette she really does like she's like bounces off like anything but a human being I sure hope there no jazz bands waiting around here Josephine the their name's Robert right Roberts his real name Robert Pattinson what was his character's name Dracula Franklin wasn't Dracula Frank Frank Allah what a super normal dude I don't suck blood yeah I suck barbecue sauce out of these onion rings oh they're blowing you off because of the fans your biggest fan Wow all right that sentence was so real because they're like comment and subscribe if you don't like pizza let us know in the comments let us know just really like hammer that like button if you don't like pizza yeah and if you do the most distant because my last life be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe if you do like pizza god damn this level dude or stuck on this it's the game is bad so you know I'm in touch with Satan the Dark Lord save oh my god the boy Satan's water look at the moon it's just a texture that they wait explain it's a square image of the moon they just paste it onto the school I couldn't see it at first yeah if you look closely everybody can see in the space always cut off a little bit the top and the side that's so funny oh come on guys thank God for mr. Hatcher dude because we just needed a little a little controversy you know like we needed we needed a really well performing episode that immediately got demonetised turned a ton of people off to gamegrumps it it really just just just really did horrible things for us all all over did it really great I mean my Twitter feed was just like I don't think we lost anybody in fact I'm pretty sure it's one of our highest performing episo-- it is I so I'm saying okay like it's just it's it's like tickling the balls of our monetization of like this episode's gotten like 2 million views now and it's d monetize any of it yeah it's all about someone's dad well it's not like coca-cola wants to put their ads on the video game they should do it how many times is someone had a delicious coca-cola and then someone's dad I'm willing to bet a million time like tons yeah why was a rad Phoenix yeah what else because you put out your hands better what the motion as soon as the burp tick over why is it doing this this is so stupid okay there you go oh you need three what the is going on with camera period third barrel [Laughter] well apparently didn't make any money off of it ah it was only like afterwards but anyway he yeah I was like you would walk around Tokyo get something followed night I have a contract so you I would walk around Tokyo and it would just be people speaking Japanese and then suddenly some guy would be like I have a pen it would like bridge gaps man it would create new friendships that's so great we both knew the same thing that's so great where they amuse they're like an American yo-yo yeah dude it was everywhere - would be on the train it would be in like Disneyland that'd be in line at Disneyland and then just be like you know just be a company of a language and understand and then suddenly like people are saying like oh you can plug in the GameCube controllers like no no no you don't understand that's not why I'm doing this I'm not do it I'm not trying to make it easier for myself right this is some good here enjoyable gameplay right now take you you Phoenix it looks so hot my god iron yeah got over the neck you you - yeah alright so I just wanted to share something okay this is a it takes a little bit of reading okay I already shared this with you but I think it's important it's a reddit post by a guy named Billy Bob Leto and it was on under reddit which celebrity uses their fame for good and which one which ones use it to be a douche bag and so blue Bob Lederer shared this story and I thought it was important to share it when I was younger I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my sister got her hair done so there I am sitting in the waiting room of a hair salon with my niece and who walks in but Keanu Reeves I was nervous as and just kept looking at him as he read a magazine and waited but I was too scared to say anything pretty soon though my niece started crying and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want to bother Keano but she wouldn't stop pretty soon he gets up and walks over he started running his hands through her hair and asked what was wrong I replied that she was probably hungry or something sue Keanu Reeves put down his magazine picked up my niece and lifted his shirt he breastfed her right there in the middle of a hair salon chill guy really nice about 7,000 votes that killed me wasn't she just a werewolf yes if that's what I'm saying man but it's just weird it's just weird which is on the fly egg egg tell fry - did not I saw like evil evil egg remember egg devil ray we were both way around how the did we both miss read that let me see it again oh yeah I could see how I thought egg devil fry you that you said evil Devils today so you're clearly on CODIS right yeah it's so true I had a friend that did pot all the time and he was like dude dude I came up with this state he was he did pot I don't know what how many words are nude how many marijuanas did he inject damage I don't do oh I don't do pot one day he was like dude I came up with this hilarious idea I was high and I was like dude okay okay it's not yeah well that was why I was like alright let's hear it and he was like I recorded it I explained it all out and I recorded it you just listen to the recording and I was like cool I listened to it it was the worst most fun funny thing I'd ever heard yeah it's right on you're gonna make it yeah yeah so adventurous it's pretty amazing I have a question for you Dan ask me the question would you still love me yes yeah I get I you found out I gave you secret h JS every night there's no such thing as secret HS we know like no I wouldn't actually what really yeah like game groups would be over yeah actually if you found out that you were molesting me in the night yes it would be over molestation it's just an age between friends two bros two bros non-consensual eh well you know it's like you clearly like it cuz you'd smile mhm girl name like you think it's a girl cuz you're dreaming it's you're getting an HJ so what if I just had mmm a girl I love you a girl name you're just like no I wouldn't because any write very would though so if anybody ever wants to be like I want to play destiny to the destiny the the electric booth Electric desta loo I wish falling off a cliff you could actually be like and just tighten yourself and like go up an inch but then you continue to fall to your death everybody gets one [Laughter] really terrifying footage of people like jumping out of buildings and there's falling [Laughter] News like Heidi Parkman yeah audience if I ever go too far with making fun of Sonic you let me know all right don't let you now they do yeah I think like I think when the day we started doing Sonic Unleashed I got an email that was from somebody that was like don't why don't you I don't know what you're talking about I can Shadow the Hedgehog [Laughter] this is from Sonic's ultimate harem by little Sonic I looked through a lot of them but this was my absolute favorite I'm just gonna I'm just gonna read a couple of random random pieces okay Oh Sonic hi peach greeted hey there peach how are you Sonic greeted happily I'm doing okay well a little sad of course uh worse what that can we talk over at my castle and I'll tell you sure thing let's get going then minutes later the two arrived to Peach's castle and heads on inside the castle they then head on over to peaches bedroom so what's on your mind Sonic asked sonic I broke up with my ex-boyfriend peach responded sadly Mario is it Mario dude you're right on the wavelength with this author know someone else and we've been dating for three months until I caught him cheating with another woman what oh that's too bad are you going to be okay I guess so I hope so this is Sonic talking peach listen to me you are a beautiful this is written like Green Play yes or no like stage direction or anything you know what we're not here to criticize Aaron we're here to celebrate its Curie I want to I want to know if sonic like lightly pressed his Hedgehog paw listen on her pink dress there's about to be a lot of that comforting heard take me right now sonic I want to feel you inside of me I always admire you and grown attached to you make love to me right now sonic oh my god yes your majesty sonic went on to kiss peach by the neck smothering it dude you just told her to get with Mario peach also wrapped her hands around Sonic softly moaning to this feeling the sensation rising on her Oh Sonic it's all yours my body is all yours oh my god afterwards sonic got off of peach and Peach let herself up from the bed and pulling sonic for a kiss on the lips Sonic returns the kiss having his hands wrap around peaches hips peach then moan with on to the kiss and seconds passes by sonic slide down his hand - peaches rear and softly gropes it reaching making peach jumped - surprised they start to wrestle their tongues as they were tongue kissing each other slobbing and licking each other's tongues before going on with the regular kiss the kiss had lasted on for 12 minutes sonic broke the kiss after a few minutes of kissing peach then turn on her radio playing an old-school classic which it's all in bold text Barry White I'm gonna love you just a little more baby back to regular text peach helps Sonic unzip his pants pulling them down inside I'm sorry Sonic soon took off his shoes and pants off including his socks this is the best shout out to little Sonic you kill this this is awesome he now had on his boxers on and he then unzip peaches shorts and she then pulled them down showing her pink thong on a lot of softly going peach pop her head back and forth and burning softly don't throw off my rhythm of reading this whoa oh dude these people are too young for you to be talking to hey hold it you guys look mighty suspicious me and my sister or the pretty committee to preserve peace and sham the pretty committee yeah oh my god I'm starting that group the pretty committee you know what I do have to say it took a while but I am into this now thank God yeah I got into every sonic yeah I want you to feel what I mean I don't even choose to accept fashion trends I just wear a black t-shirt and jeans every day yeah you've been wearing more jeans lately yeah what happened your doofy harem pants I don't know they're doofy okay well the thing is I'm just too tall man all the harem pants that I buy are just a little bit too small yeah I don't know plus we've been having more and more like important people in the office and stuff and I just feel like yeah I just feel like I should be wearing pants Wow good job El Presidente you should get a tattoo you should get a tattoo that Lake is perfect for like weight fluctuation so like I'm trying to think of what a good example would be a penis yes as you get as you get yeah that'd be amazing and I have to do this to get on top of the goddamn it it's stupid wasn't it a different button the - versus - do the thingy no no which in other games I probably wouldn't complain about because I think it's sort of elegant to do the same button at the same time but sometimes it gets in the way [Music] yeah it's like my brain sound of you whining about this it's nearly nightfall here in Shamar I suspect the darkness revealed more clues but it'll be dark so you won't be able to see them do you think sonic shits if he does it happens very fast fast you really used yourself with that one huh you're right iron are you gonna be able to recover from you yourself bringing up the question of whether sonic shits or not well he's like fly along figure it out be miles from here I would not be okay with watching that why are you all proud of us was she an attractive what era do you are you okay why I heard a joke you are laughing really hard it's just nonsense is with this game so janky nonsense here we go go yeah get hopping in this club yeah turn it up turn it off can't get it up for that one Ryan turn it up oh man you barely hear me music like crazy also Matt Ryan show [Music] I told you good text but I'd like to share this okay with them with all the lovelies as you know our our star has been rising a little bit no you know people gamegrumps and NSP are starting to become known on an international scale which is super exciting and I was in Little Tokyo yeah the other day and I got recognized it was really exciting because I got recognized by a japanese couple clearly like like from japan just visiting here and they were very excited i was walking by and I heard the husband leaned over to his wife and say he said it in like hushed tones but like just loud enough that he wanted me to hear and turn around and talk to him he was like do you know who that is that's a Kenny G saxophone I can't believe that's real it was the best and I'm just walking I'm like immediately I start to laugh I'm like but I can't turn around because I don't want to like I don't want to I don't I don't want this guy to realize that I'm not Kenny G uh-huh so I just kept walking but if he had come up to me and said ask for a photo and an autograph I would've absolutely Oh 100% and and like written I was like playing thinking about like what I was gonna write I was like like keep blowing love always Kenny J Saxon Oh so yeah like that was a keep honestly just can't believe that's real I mean neither could I so I couldn't believe it was happening while it was happening I told this to a friend of mine and she immediately started sending me pictures of me and Kenny G next to each other and you know what I hate to admit it it's not as far off as uh I might have thought so I'll send that to you you can put it up now although boy I Madden Ryan like what you know I love them whoa what's going on every time they do like the face thing yeah every time I saw them a picture of myself it always goes up way more up and it's like it's such a weird mixture because like on one hand guys please for the love of God but on the other hand I know that's only going to encourage them oh yeah go the opposite direction whenever they edit and like that it's like Christmas in July that's merry indeed right just just is this a different song oh yeah it's like and are they birthing more creatures how they're come out of their tummies yeah no like not into it what's the big deal was I think we said we were cool of life where's that line from the sonic DX I think it was with Eggman when when the robots come to life oh yeah i birthed you from my mind vagina I was in labor for months with pinky's man and girl go out to drive under moonlight they stopped at on at a side of road he turned to his girl and say baby I love you very much what is it honey our car is broken down I think the engine is broken Oh No I'll walk and get some more fuel oh my god okay I'll stay here and look after our stereo there have been news report of steers being stolen I believe you meant to write stereos perfer god yeah good idea keep the doors locked no matter what I love you sweaty again I think he meant sweetie but yeah spelled it with an A so the guy left to get full for the car after two hours the girls say where is my baby he was supposed to be back by now then the girl hear a scratching sound and voice say let me oh the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there she gets out and right about that time it says visit Shamar and add a bat and I went to add a bat and there's nothing there that's fresh amar I already went that's where I came from I'm gonna go to stay it says gaya gate but there's nothing there I went there there was nothing there watch says new and I walk in it oh shut up you dumb you are actually mad and there's nothing here there's nothing new teleport e area that go to other areas were that waste of my time I watched a little bit of the Wiggles they were seeing London Bridge is falling down and and III granted I've been applying these lyrics to a lot of songs and different types of music but all I could think was like put a bullet in my head to do it I knew it I know whoa hey well that's you know have a little secret place now as a bonus you get to do the kid again waggle my waggle [Music] god oh god oh Lord thank God you landed on this low down low down 40 that move is a killer literally this is not fair okay please be careful I won game you're so janky I love you Aven you're my best friend you're my very best friend I mean you're my best friend please don't ever die I gotta say man yes really cheering me yeah I know I'm all of a sudden I'm Lovings maybe I just gotta maybe I just gotta only exclusively play sonic unleashed on a bad day yeah well after it directly after Zelda's away our venture yeah awake Adventure awake vent I man how about I name some countries and you can say you can tell me if you think they're real or not okay wow you're just damn not real totally real come on yep located within West Central Asia the first word courage you mean you can't imagine what this is spelled like KY r gy z yeah it's just it's just not even a game I'm just watching eating popcorn over here in the world's craziest rail shooter' I'm holding right I've been holding right this entire time awesome so I had no reason not to I mean you look like are you serious right now look like a master this what's happening yeah sonic go easy with me this is my first time Rosalina requested sure thing you want me to get on top Sonic inquired no no I want to be on top if you don't mind not at all your request has been accepted I remember I once said that to a girl that was incredible Rosalina commented yes it sure was Sonic agreed Sonic I think I have feelings for you really you do yes do I couldn't resist how mature and handsome you are you just show so you show much bravery during your adventures yeah that's enough hang your Hedgehog well I fear I have feelings for you too Rosalina and if you are willing want to form a relationship then I accept oh you do yes I do positive I would love to Sonic and I love you and I love you too Rosalie my god and by the way you look very sexy with that bike suit okay so I think this is the part now yeah my god I did it oh I get past it still do is hold up please be careful I'm trying oh good lord good gosh what the boy I guess that sign was supposed to be enough for me to know to shimmy to the left yeah let's do it gently what the with the button it's B it's B's the button ah damn it god damn this game how do I secure the wrong way don't know I'm thread the needle because it forces me that way really you don't understand man it looks like I'm doing like really horribly which I am but it makes it seem like it's the games taking control of my fingers man it's like it's like a mystery of all the excuses I've heard for up at a video game like the controller's broken my dad works in Nintendo I fell through the ground the on really hit jump [Laughter] [Music] we had facecam you also at home would see us wiggling it and we'll never do it god dammit dude I was right there sucks alright next time here we go I'm just not good enough this game's great it's fine everything's good fine this is this is the first Sonic game where I'm not gonna have a breakdown no I mean this is the last episode not yet no it doesn't okay a breakdown is when I throw the controller and yeah and and pace around the room that that half lie a little happened two episodes ago did it yeah no I guess i black out this is gonna be this is ever gonna be the Sonic playthrough where I don't black out with rage oh I happened last time I guess I black gosh this is making me have to poop no what the hell it's okay it's okay what the was that 25 seconds left 25 cents cool there's a lot of faith in me I do deserve it actually do you have a lot of faith buy at this point oh he hits me he hit he has some kind of like orb or something yes he does what am I supposed to do then do not know I'm gonna fall to my death if I don't hit him he waited it Wow I could have done it the first time but he needs the second time are you kidding me right now this game is great it's awesome really giving me lots of joy and things to talk about with my kids when I get old they're gonna be like kids [Laughter] dealing drugs dime bags it's the only thing I know about drugs dime bags yeah what do you do you know what they are and what is it like 10 kilograms or something is that why it's a dime bag 10 kilograms would be an awful lot of cocaine no be in jail for a very long time no Dan I don't know anything about drug usage what do I look like some kind of drug user Matt Ryan can you cut that so Aaron says I don't know anything about I don't know anything about thank you should I you take a leap of faith no no you don't want to tell I'm supposed to go but supposed to come back out and then go up there Oh what the what ah damn it like come on man I I don't understand what's happening right now oh if only you could see like what I was doing I was just holding the button it looks like I'm a because it's like what did you do it's like I didn't do anything you don't look like an all I did was sit here and hold the B button and then she'd went all crazy kind of gonna ask good lord that's why it's frustrating otherwise I'd just be like that was weird I can step outside myself for a second and look at what just happened on the screen and be like god what a dude get up on a platform and but it's it's fun I don't know man this games wack as boku no cheese side Shing she Noah's got thick kudasai as it get that good si what does that mean it means please take care of my tiny penis take Karen what send like like like hold it behind the desk okay yeah I know I know Dan I'm living it every day of my life play this game it's giving me something oh come on I think yeah my better or worse I don't know I think you're actually like cut some time off try go the mi I don't do I go are you hacking this like don't know did I come from good or do I go to bad I don't try bashing through that thing do you have to be oh I get yeah that's right you can't change I was like do you have to be werewolf for this one yeah it's only episode 60 of this and I haven't gotten the hang of it yet no problem don't even mind me the Furies that which is shaking those those remotes yeah yeah well I wish I had some buttons to press yeah instead I got to do the Wiggles the remotes my friends oh boy it's good it's good it's good it's good look at all the animation sonic unleashed boy it's intense period yeah do I have to you better believe you do do I have to just fought him though come on this is fun I didn't have to hit be terrible Jesus it's so well you might have to do something special for this look at my big goofy face not my third arm our home that's one way to wake up everything's in one letter Third Eye Blind huh guess you didn't see that coming see them it's dangerous how the convoy like what am I supposed to do go in the center of the screen where there's like a tiny little hole that's probably what I have to do that's probably exactly what I have to do another mystery solved I can only attack on that target there it is okay yeah where it appears yeah this isn't fun just so you guys know at home watch out for a slight e think I'm really not having a good time we only got to do it for more time oh my god that's evil oh it was there for a second oh yeah [Applause] yeah you you prick you eyeball looking by the green ass eyeballs blinking and I don't care about your Inspector Gadget PSA oh thank god only 12 more iterations to go I'm gonna pee on it my boyfriend the darkness comes every 12 hours and then it returns after another 12 hours in an endless cycle they call it days and they've been around for centuries Jeff do you want some ghost icecream oh good boyfriend what was I did I ever really was that established I'll always remember memory deleted this is Morris great the voice inside my yeah oh my god they're showing every cutscene yeah what they want you to know that they made them dude no it's good it's good once this seems to be a little mini credit for those resolve all the tiny All Right see you later babies we did it adios we love ya appreciate you appreciate you girls thanks for watching us all this way I bet you're all happy it's over it's our way I sure am now on to the next Sonic bang so bye
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,519,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, sonic, sexy, fan, fiction, zelda, unleashed, speed, sofast, toofast, goof
Id: 68s3YQ4PAPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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