Best Laughter from Sonic Unleashed - Game Grumps Compilation [Laughing, Giggling, Best Moments]

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have you ever seen this gif of hulk hogan riding a motorcycle down the road while a dude Chuck's a dog in a river in the background Matt Ryan please put that in what's brown and ranch with snoop who dr. Dre I wanted to turn into like a [ __ ] like a dr. Manhattan ass oh yeah creature he just floats around a motionlessly it is 1985 I am with my wife Amy oh you can fly well you really caught yourself just in time they're high school friends are you done continued pleasure I wish I could say happy Father's Day to someone and he would be like well you know I wasn't really planning on having a little Johnny but I goofed inside of my girlfriends it happens I can't help you but I'll bet the priest can he knows everything he knows everything and everyone he's the greatest guy in the world he's conduit to God drink this kool-aid have you accepted Jesus Christ into your personal and Sonic like Sonic Unleashed the trailer they showed there's 70 edges you cannot go deep inside but enjoy are we talking about the same thing sorry they switched the dialogue with your girlfriend you better not goof inside of it max acorn wrote Zelda and Sonic stay out we are not making fun of this we are merely enjoying it because I am [ __ ] enjoyable I mean yeah you're right maybe she was attracted by his courageous spirit and boy oh yeah he skipped the foreplay yeah [ __ ] that a vast departure from the people she normally deals with the princess didn't mind they were a good match for each other although they were noisy at night because samus's room was right next to hers no we're just friends so friends can [ __ ] he saw his semen on her hand he looks back at her all Zelda did was give him an eager grin Wow he finally spoke that's one way to wake up and then and then he woke up and it was like samus and she was like marry me hmm you mean the girl in the armor and something that's a girl holy [ __ ] and then there was a movie called the big boss that they changed two fists of fury yes I could have those all completely backwards because it's been so long I want all my movies to be in the form of one move called fists of the North Star Wars starring Bruce Lee star war dogs yes go to heaven just keep completing names and everyone's dead but I'll make you some ice cream yeah gotta make a living somehow so one Orange Julius please this has been a really singing centric episode you gotta put the fingers in your ear and close your eyes yeah swing the Rema there we go oh that kills them instantly great it's almost as if they wanted to create something we could teach you that fast climb holy [ __ ] dude I've it's you're in that weird place between like laughing and crying god that's so [ __ ] funny just [ __ ] spins around like I can't I can't I can't I can't oh man I can't Oh Deanna you haven't even touched a couple of danik here dum-dum is [ __ ] next time i jizz on a girl I'm gonna be like I'm about to goof the troop on you get ready unlike a Bluetooth speakers I think you just like I'm about to so I've also heard stories about people who have the kid and they still don't know what to name it yeah and they just like have it for a couple months and they don't know what to call it what you you can legally have a kid without a name I guess I thought you needed to register like a social security number with the government like right away just call it Franklin for now it's a girl yeah just call it Franklin for now yeah we'll name it later all right fine call it girl Franklin doesn't you just kind of have that look on his face like I you could learn to love me as your dad if you just give me a shot yeah the claw I have it I have been with some girls that we're adventurous and it got exploratory I'm just like whoa and is that a positive flower just because a pinkie is like a good enough size is that right yeah why'd you break it down for me well I don't know anything about it oh my god the scene where the girl gets her eyeball cut out is so what I wasn't paying attention I was supposed to do feel like I should tell you right off the bat that I am a potato we got this from a good wheelie three what does that even mean do you want me look it up I'm curious myself 7 m3 is Mary like a like a military term for M I bet it's a religiousness I'm Maxwell or Mortimer hold on or men men men men what does 7 Mary 3 mean it means turn off the radio Erik Estrada I mean I still don't have ever seen chips okay I know his face though right but he was at a Chipotle and then a bunch of people were going up to him and they're like oh my god I'm getting bacon sandwich and he was like walks extra and but so I was like [ __ ] is this guy so I knew you were in the Chipotle at the time never mind no really yeah the story's not good to know why cuz I googled famous Mexican guy yeah it's not your fault this is the way the search engines work restoring its power can't restore the power of my sideways mouth middle Wow if I ever see me I'm gonna kick his ass when I was disguised there's another man that looks kind of like me but had cleats on yeah warm during I like to have a firm grip on this Alaska sounds nothing like another the hole at Hawass whatever ha ha Oscar my friend yeah yeah go ahead make this joke my friend gave me a mixtape oh my and I had real big fish and cherry poppin daddies and that Oh Oscar [Laughter] by the way have you seen my husband I've been looking all over for him where could he be oh we're all working my husband what's up we are back what's up [ __ ] brains are you sure you want to keep playing I've never seen a game that gives you so many hours is hard this is dear oh that's right I can drift it's hard oh it's hard to steer what do you think I said the hardest dear Bambi is the hardest read our starts Friday Wow bye you sure oh my god this makes no sense Jesus Jesus okay get out of here [ __ ] kool-aid man man this is way past cool I'm gonna barf that peanut butter we just ate right on now I'm this the now I'm doing this it's gonna be peanuts coming roll out of my mouth first I put them in and then they come right back at all those peanuts more like sacred farts what the [ __ ] is there a treadmill there you can't just get in your own [ __ ] thing dance down your Dingle strangely enough dance down your Dingle is the name of my personal well let's hear that jingle I don't know okay [ __ ] Robotnik's nut crust if I could put a cheese grater over them and sprinkle it down on me way past rest watch ever shooting mimic Dickerson's shooting MacDowell I'm an extremely compassionate person there's only two people in the world who have huge penis compassion and one of them happens to be named Bruce Willis those touristy places in there like leave nothing but your footprints take only pictures why don't you take my foot up your ass footprint right in your colon Wow 1970s dad [ __ ] you making me pay for broken China just stupid just immediately stops to like finish breaking it's just like [ __ ] you sorry what do you think I'm doing I'm trying to get lunch see I can do that just fine but it wants me to be up here 1 2 3 you got it I'm trying so hard to find a video of that and I can't find it do you remember what the game was called Oh goddamn it I really want to know have I talked about it on the show you must have but go ahead tell it again maybe someone knows what you're talking all right maybe somebody who's really into Sonic knows this I played this old daus like it wasn't even a game it was just like a compilation of like educational moments and it was like it was it actually had like voice synthesizer and it was this guy and you do math or whatever or like you told it your phone number my favorite subject math or whatever it would remind you god damn it it would remind you what your phone number is it would like quiz you on it be like what's your phone number and then you type it in and it would be like you got it one three one seven you got it grab my dick you got one sonic god damn we're hot long bar I'm having [ __ ] [ __ ] cleats you might as well like run at top speed might as well kill everything that's on the roof so you don't feel pressured to make the run we mode like and the nunchucks simultaneously shake your arms like happily like a newborn panda like looking for bamboo how do you double channel a double jump by hitting jump twice can you see I'm doing it right there it looks really easy I know don't [ __ ] talk to me like I don't know that fact come on ladies like I got a safe space going on and somebody's violating it with their penis in my B hole work the prostate ladies and I can't I care what you do ladies yeah well I'm sorry I excuse about putting a D in that B you talking about ladies right I like girls I thought it was Israeli Maya the bee yeah no no Israeli yeah give you that idea I don't know I did I thought maybe it's a really strange like that's a very specific place like cartoon Julie don't come out of Israel yeah well excuse me while I write is Maya the bee Israeli into my Google search terms is really good I can't keep up so what's the cartoon about I don't know we're putting stuff in her B hole which is everything hip I had saw blade you did a now you're standing yeah just the most perilous in tamil tamil hmm Alexander Hamilton Hamilton Tamils I don't know it just sounded funny coming out you just said it was such like Tamil Tamil I don't know what that order means I'll do whatever you ask just clarifying your specific instructions I don't know maybe it is a word I want you to like better go on urban dictionary then all the people are working on dream daddy the dad dating simulator in the other room yeah you just like really frantically all of that faces Tamil Tamil what what are you doing Tamil [ __ ] I think a good piece of therapy would be to scream Matt Ryan would you mind playing that again but jacking up the scream suit thank you my god it sounded like his [ __ ] family was killed in front of his eyes it's so [ __ ] funny oh man I think there's some people this is oh god oh god he spent like five years of his life building a business up and then the day it makes profits it's like [ __ ] his building burns down or something he's just standing outside guy I think this is the point in the game where they just like ran out of money and they were like wise it'll just make game then you think this is the point of the game when they ran out attitude City [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that I forgot about this group so maybe the game is compensating for that length and it's like well we know how long his arms can be but this is the point where if he's falling then they'll they'll get too long Susanne I think I know a little something about compensating for length yeah that's right ladies I have a small penis confirm I would love to just [ __ ] him like say like [ __ ] like that like super confidently sell myself yeah that's right I have a host of STDs on my micropenis [Laughter] Winky frown non-existent micro penis by the way the winky frown is definitely my favorite emoji to send people oh god damn it and look hard like if if sonic were a living creature I bet this is the moment where he'd be like why my games yeah man he's really he's really laying into me you took a lot of damage God [ __ ] alright I don't know if we're gonna be able to complete this game we have to [ __ ] put all of our time and effort into grinding and I actually watched you like move into a more reclined position as you fought that boss everybody loves that character really anything I've ever heard about this girl [ __ ] it's a QuickTime event gaeul this is so weird hello I'm gonna shoot myself in the head it became like you know typing of the Dead or whatever they gave it four hours in just now happening change the game professor stop by any time son yeah your help can't wait help the professor please get her out of here okay if you help release the evil toxins from my testicles by giving me a glove e h-- Angela wait to have that glove e leathery hand job Amy you are helpful it's all I've ever wanted it's been so long Miranda oh my god that's too sad right now why is he so sad my grandpa has the elder I am NOT a huge fan of these cutscenes did I make that clear why what's wrong with them maybe in too deep he's trying to keep [ __ ] fun why would I ask a product made to clean my floors for detail six like a [ __ ] marionette what if like halfway through this playthrough I just like loaded up the Xbox 360 version and just like got to this point and just kept playing from there oh my god dude Sonic you have to stop giving away your position like time for our stealth mission oh I forgot I'd have to do it both oh yeah my left arm is my left arm and my right arm is my right arm so if I want to do a continuous that's quite a breakthrough you're just Tel Aviv Oh tell my Aviv to shut the [ __ ] up for a second this joke is it landing I sure hope they're know jazz bands waiting around here you sure hope for wrong things oh man 38 special what a band yeah those two songs that you're still even existed I just [ __ ] wipe this wipe their ass that's the basis for like the Christian Stewart character Christians do Kristen Kristen whistling Wiig Matt Kristen Stewart guys girls yes I was like I believe the basis for the Kristen Stewart character is Jack EULA she wasn't a vampire though she was a human girl oh is that right okay shows how much you know about Twilight [Laughter] looks like someone needs to spend a little more time in the teen vampire romance section at Barnes & Noble and I do believe me oh dude that's place to pick up chicks Roberts his real name Robert Pattinson what was his character's name Dracula Franklin wasn't Dracula Frank Frank eula what super normal dude by the way how those rallies fries and skittles like relic rattling around in your stomach man it's like when it's like when two warring gangs show up at the same party oh they're blowing you off cousin fans it's like the only thrill I get out of this [ __ ] game is to see what's next and then I'm like Oh more [ __ ] okay and then I just get depressed again yeah I just want to be disappointed faster exactly it's like scrolling to a [ __ ] Twitter feed it's like I don't care I don't care it's ruining our lives dude sorry I screamed like a baby there's my last life be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe if you do like pizza god damn this level you are stuck on this it's the [ __ ] game is bad so you know I'm in touch with Satan the Dark Lord say oh my god it's a square image of the moon I couldn't see it at first yeah if you look closely everywhere you can see in the space that's so funny I finally watched Penn pineapple Apple pen which I've never seen oh my god you've never seen Penn amp no I it's just a pet I just peed PAP I felt like I'd ever seen it because banana you just told me over and over about it Pat he's hilarious that guy the last time I was in Japan that was like that was like the [ __ ] he was like the ambassador was it big in Japan too that's where it's from well I know that but I thought maybe was just one of those things is all more using a foreigner shoot well here it was like a viral hit but there it was like a social hit really like it was on TV and [ __ ] oh my god and that guy was in like commercials and stuff yay oh good for him well apparently didn't make any money off of it ah it was only like afterwards but anyway he yeah I was like you would walk around Tokyo yet something forward like I have a contract I would walk around Tokyo and it would just be people speaking Japanese and then suddenly some guy would be like I have a pen and I just be like it would like [ __ ] bridge gaps man it would create new friendships that's so great Disneyland I'd be in line at Disneyland and then just be like you know just be a company of a language and understand and then suddenly like [Laughter] [ __ ] there's a 20 [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] the other thing about stitches that I like is that oh my god you're still talking about stitch yes I said I was going to no episode well you'll be one of you marry him you'll be well that's what I was getting to I can't because his wife is super beautiful and she has three kids yep do you know how [ __ ] old he is 22 what's and in that video breaking your face that's from three years ago so he was 19 when he did that what isn't that crazy and talent starts young talents starts super young and also exactly like there oh yeah that really that's the part that adds up yeah that doesn't you go what about your boy crush no no I'm done with it now oh are you yeah other than jeez do you know because the boater is too big in your pants probably that meanwhile every fact I give you're like what no way he got in trouble he got in trouble at a at a Miami concert for a jerk okay audience [Laughter] giving it just ya wife was really pissed apparently you guys are awesome thank you hey w e stands for a white edge Lord well you haven't been regular sonic in forever I was just regular sonic in the last level not ringing any bells like twice in a row even know you think the tuba player just like I'm going rogue his mouth was a gate from watching that cutscene he was just like me he turned the tuba upside down and gasped into sound which created so much suction [ __ ] he turned his tuba upside down and gasped into the big end of it right so he sucked air the right way which there was a way that we could just get like like a link to all the people watching even though it's not live people can watch it at any time it just would be cool to see people watching us ever all of their faces every single one if only there were a way to do that just to get everyone like almost in one room just to see all of them watching us at one time thing could be slightly intimidating in a live manner you mean like our live shows almost as if we were onstage performing for an audience of like roughly 2,000 or 3,000 people yeah we we do that all the time but like what if like a magic can I open the left door to I guess that's what it is I find shoot on you win oh my gosh like that was like somebody explained the hand face role it's a reddit post by a guy named Billy Bob Leto and it was on under reddit which celebrity uses their fame for good and which one which ones use it to be a douche bag and so bliblob letter shared this story and I thought it was important to share okay when I was younger I got roped into watching my three month old niece while my sister got her hair done so there I am sitting in the waiting room of a hair salon with my niece and who walks in but Keanu Reeves I was nervous as [ __ ] and just kept looking at him as he read a magazine and waited but I was too scared to say anything pretty soon though my niece started crying and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want to bother Keano but she wouldn't stop pretty soon he gets up and walks over he started running his hands through her hair and asked what was wrong I replied that she was probably hungry or something sue Keanu Reeves put down his magazine picked up my niece and lifted his shirt he breastfed her right there in the middle of a hair salon chill guy really nice about 7,000 votes that [ __ ] killed me it's just weird which is on the fly egg egg tell fry did it not I saw like evil egg oh yeah you can see I could see how I thought egg devil fry you that you said evil Devils today so you're clearly on CODIS right yeah it's so true all right [ __ ] gravity bong is all right so you have a pot that you have filled with no I'll I got like a cooking pot you know what if you're not gonna be mature enough for me to teach you how to use drugs then maybe you're not responsible enough yet okay available for 59.99 is it even color cool I'm sonic milk me for all I'm worth cows again milk me the second continent I've got nipples o'clock then they'll uh electric booth Electric desta loo [ __ ] I wish falling off a cliff you could actually be like [ __ ] and just tighten yourself and like go up an inch but then you continue to fall your death [Laughter] everybody gets one really terrifying footage of people like jumping out of buildings and [ __ ] there's falling [Laughter] News reporters like Heidi Buckman that's all that helping me you could clearly tell he's never used his spark before should have done it to grab onto a windowsill but that moment has passed I think the day we started doing Sonic Unleashed I got an email that was from somebody that was like don't never [ __ ] you before why don't you [ __ ] I don't know what you're talking about I can Shadow the Hedgehog who did who jerks off Sonic and he's like but that's one way to wake up maybe where's Princess Peach okay when we do we give well then you better get ready for another Princess Peach yes sonic fanfiction Oh sonic hi peach greeted hey there peach how are you Sonic greeted happily I'm doing okay well a little sad of course worse what that can we talk over at my castle and I'll tell you sure thing let's get going then minutes later the two arrived to Peach's castle and heads on inside the castle they then head on over to peaches bedroom each listen to me you are a beautiful and a attractive woman and you're better than him you don't need him go out with Mario he's always been there for you comfort you making you smile have you being happy and give you hope and faith in him when he always beats Bowser and save your life and save the world I guess Sonic then pushes peach to the bed gently and gets on top of peach peach wonder why sonic pusher and puzzling with answers until Sonic leaned down to peach and kisses her neck caressing her body with his hands which had brought peach to feel the soft pleasure making her feel good oh my god Oh peach moaned in Ranchi feeling any better now Sonic asked yes I am at this moment I am they start to wrestle their tongues as they were tongue kissing each other slobbing and licking each other's tongues before going on with the regular kiss the kiss had lasted on for 12 minutes Sonic broke the kids peach was now out of her zone and decide to take off her pink shirt showing her cleavage with a prank pink bra on oh nice Sonic took off his black fingerless gloves and his shirt off throwing them to the side would you just [ __ ] going that madam this is hot job you're ruining my boner right I'm killing my chub peach waka after a few minutes of kissing peach then turn on her radio playing an old-school classic which it's all in bold text Barry White I'm gonna love you just a little more baby back to regular text peach helps sonic unzip his pants pulling them down inside would you just let me finish I'm sorry sonic soon took off his shoes and pants off including his socks this is the best Sonic soon began to moan softly but quietly feeling the pressure from peaches mouth sucking her mouth softly softly peach pop her head burning softly don't throw off my rhythm of reading this alright we're gonna cut ahead we're gonna cut the professor is new to explore yeah yeah so is Sonic in this story it took a while but I am into this now thank God yeah gone into every sonic yeah I want you to feel what I think there there is one pair that I wear that's look sort of short that's made to be short so it come makes sense hmm I still worry that pair of these often look cool yeah I don't know plus we've been having more and more like important people in the office and stuff and I just feel yeah I just feel like I should be wearing pants Wow good job el Presidente honored to be part of this company well I mean and I finally found there from guess and I finally found a guest that had those jeans where they from in my size they're from guess where I I don't want to get I wanted to get caught like an Abbott and Costello where guess we're just tell me yes I'd only have a minute and a half to do this yeah and I have to do this to get on top of the goddamn it it's [ __ ] stupid in other games I probably wouldn't complain about because I think that's sort of elegant to do the same button at the same time but sometimes it gets in the way of you whining about this do you think sonic shits if he does it happens very fast fast yeah you really used yourself with that one huh [Music] y'alright iron are you gonna be able to recover from you yourself bringing up the question of whether sonic shits or not well he's like flying yeah I'll run your [ __ ] errands for you you [ __ ] piece of garbage I'm a shallow waters this guy's a little dramatic I think this is just like your sonic development third-string okay good it's just nonsense is what this games so janky nonsense here we go yeah get hop it in this club yeah turn it up turn it off I didn't let go I didn't let go the game let go for me what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] such a weird wild goose chase to talk to people you just talk to this guy I know I did [Laughter] ah the city say like two seconds of Careless Whisper by George Michael yeah but they couldn't afford the rest of it it sounded like the sax like it's called a needle dropped in what's that mean it means when you use licensed music in a television show anyway so thanks for joining me on my Hollywood tips go ahead and subscribe to my channel slash game grumps slash asian ass porn 69 guy guv I was in Little Tokyo and I got recognized it was really exciting because I got recognized by a japanese couple clearly like like from japan just visiting here and they were very excited i was walking by and I heard the husband leaned over to his wife and say he said it in like hushed tones but like just loud enough that he wanted me to hear and turn around and talk to him he was like do you know who that is that's a Kenny G saxophone he had come up to me and said ask for a photo in an autograph I would have absolutely 100% and and like written I was like playing thinking about like what I was gonna write I was like like keep blowing love always Kenny G so yeah like that was a key dude check it out check it out watch this it's like no barrel barrel barrel oh my god I think you have to throw it at him to extinguish him I know okay whatever you're saying excuse me all I'm saying is no bear Matt Ryan I'll send that to you you can put it up now although boy I man Ryan like what you know I love them whoa what's going on every time every time a picture of myself it always goes up way more [ __ ] up the more the more sauce I give to Matt and Ryan the more [ __ ] up a monstrosity my face will be I think it's funny too every picture it's like put that picture up I always look over and I'm like whoa or sometimes it's really subtle sometimes like if you look real fast it'll be like yep that's me and then you notice that like no my eyes are too close together whenever they edit in [ __ ] like that it's like Christmas in July that's Mary indeed right [ __ ] we excel at that [ __ ] oh yeah all right load the gun with extra clips it looks like it it's someone who I guess English is their second language doing trying to write the old like the man the hook-handed man leaves his hook in the car door thing I don't think I have seen this okay we're gonna read this word for word okay man and girl go out to drive under moonlight they stopped at on at a side of road he turned to his girl and say baby I love you very much what is it honey our car is broken down so the guy left to get full for the car after two hours the girl say where is my baby he was supposed to be back by now then the girl hear a scratching sound and voice say let me in oh the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there she gets out to check and and or hand her cart she gets out to check and or handbook oh dude these are so funny so you're with your honey and you're making out when the phone Riggins you answer it and the vote Vyasa is what are you doing with my daughter you tell your girl and she say my dad is dead all capital letters then who was phone I was the way is hazy talking about voice acting I think yeah that I wanted to be a voice actor yeah and that it's a piece of cake to break a pretty cake you got to do to code my book though yeah you got to do the cooking no you can't I think I know about $0.50 yeah he's been shot a couple times so I don't know if I want to deal with that because he's hard as an ox I'm familiar with Lil Bow Wow [Laughter] do you think I [ __ ] care about son okay sorry let's go to the deep jungle you got it shampooed my dick hello and [Laughter] that move is a killer literally not fair okay please be careful I won but I also made the list of one-offs like of games that I used to play when I was younger that would be fun to do oh really yeah and see that list um there weren't many one was Willow for the NES oh we should totally use oh I like that music like didn't and danten danten danten in it I never played it okay [Laughter] Arvin you're my best friend you're my very best friend I mean you're my best friend please don't ever die oh here comes here comes here comes you're doing good you're doing good no teeth shut up [ __ ] vapid [ __ ] narcissistic [ __ ] Wow so only to put only two continents left is that what I'm looking at and can't accept me at my worst you don't deserve my Wow I can't remember what it's from I just have a very distinct memory of you going [Laughter] it's so funny I just can't remember what ironic maybe it may be someone at home will know I don't know either believe in your version of it's making me laugh we've been doing it all day it's pretty wonderful yeah you're just an not real totally real come on yep located within West Central Asia the first word cured you I mean you can't imagine what - spelled like KY r gy z is derived from the turkish word kirk [ __ ] you someone's working a day in his life it's not true cuz I'm sitting here my friend and just put all my cards on the table here yeah it's pretty great I beat that one mmm egg Lancer that's what they call me I would [ __ ] you in here come on man have a [ __ ] I didn't even bring that out you think I wouldn't [ __ ] you in here aside it definitely won't [ __ ] you well this is the like the 11th time you've seen one yes Wow it impresses me every time except it doesn't forgot I could do that you just eat some sorry werewolf I mean now shit's getting real drips bonus jib book maybe metal sonic Oh maybe metal Amy oh my god in the middle I would [ __ ] die holy Sh sonic team are you listening there better be metal Amy in the next adventure anything could be going on right now [ __ ] guy what the hell is happening peach licked her lips with a seductive look on her face a sonic takes peach and bend her over all fours position spreading her legs wide as he start to rip off the bodysuit expose holy crap what where's the foreplay dude also I didn't know peaches wearing a bodysuit I guess that makes sense sonic tilted the part of her thong to the side exposing her vagina just jumping right in aren't you so sonic inserts his shaft inside her and starts to thrust himself in motion pumping his shaft inside her well yeah what else would he be doing he begun reached down his crotch caress it gently feeling his chef hardened up to its full size please don't add sound to this area so much worse want me to get on top Sonic inquired no no I want to be on top if you don't mind not at all your request has been accepted I remember I once said that to a girl she penetrates herself slowly inside of Sonic that doesn't make any sense not wanting to hurt herself once it is inside completely Rosalina soon begin to Sonic watching Rosalina moving her hips on his lap knee and fondles with Rosalina's breasts you like it Sonic acquired thank you yes please continue do whatever you want with me if you insist didn't injure Brian right I mean it really feels like if you insist Sonic resumed fondle and groping oh do hee Sonic I'm gonna Rosalina stuttered trying to finish her sentence why he started out with the quotes but then like didn't put the quotes so that all looks like a quote that was incredible Rosalina commented yes it sure was Sonic agreed Sonic I think I have feelings for you [Laughter] really you do the games taking control of my [ __ ] fingers man it's like it's like a mystery of all the excuses I've heard for [ __ ] up at a video game like the controllers broken my dad works in Nintendo the games taking control [Laughter] just you have no ring so be careful Shh well I mean I just stay right on the pink yeah easier said than done [ __ ] Avidan all right way to turn my name into a derogatory term huh how come the [ __ ] on really I hit jump come on [ __ ] son god damn it you were crushing it for a long No just like I crush every night of every day six seconds [ __ ] sucks all right next time here we go I'm just not good enough this game's great this is the first Sonic game where I'm not gonna have a breakdown no I mean this is the last episode I can oh it doesn't okay the breakdown is when I throw the controller and yeah and and pace around the room that that happened two episodes ago did it yeah no I guess i black out [Laughter] this is gonna be this is ever gonna be the sonic playthrough where I don't black out with rage oh I happened last time I guess I blacked out god damn it dude this [ __ ] game is great it's awesome giving me lots of joy and things to talk about with my kids and I get old they're gonna be like kids that one finally the first time ever there is a market difference in looking at you now versus when after you tense up as you get closer to the end like like from this point on I will slowly watch your body like fold in on itself with hatred fear and anger Matt Ryan can you cut that so Aaron says I don't know anything about [ __ ] I don't know anything about [ __ ] thank you I don't know I don't know I don't know drug lingo know anything about [ __ ] don't make fun of me why should you make fun of me because I don't know things about stuff that would ruin my life I don't know that shit's what's a dime bag Jack being a sigh penis Jack penis I'm definitely 21 I'm 30 right I'm 21 years old this is my fake ID so I can get some booze and they're like why would you say that you come up in a trench coat Jack penis private dick what if you found out aha that I really liked people [ __ ] in my mouth and I was like really sexually into it what would you do nothing really would you I mean like would you would you be like curious and you'd be like I kind of want to ask him about that or would you just kind of like leave it alone or would you like disown me as a friend or like I'd feel I'd I'd be fine with it yeah yeah you're not hurting anybody and I mean what if I was and then killing people what the what aw damn it [ __ ] all I never sit here and hold the [ __ ] B button and then she'd [ __ ] went all crazy [ __ ] ass good lord that's why it's frustrating otherwise I'd just be like that was weird I can step outside myself for a second and look at what just happened on the screen and be like god what a [ __ ] do this get up on a platform and [ __ ] but it's it's [ __ ] I don't know man this game is [ __ ] wacky [ __ ] Wow boku no cheese side shinchi Noah's got thick kudasai as it does it get thicker that's I what does that mean it means please take care of my tiny penis I want to go back to Japan armed with only that one sentence boku no G side chin chin Eliza Cathay good si yeah and I just have to survive as long as I check follow me saying that you should I just felt a disturbance in the force tails is dead how do you feel it you're floating in the air [Laughter] my friends myself [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] sonic unleashed boy it's intense period love and marriage should you be doing something oh no goes together like a horse and carriage now Sonic Roger that buddy and he just starts master oh sure I just fought him though hmm that's one way to wake up everything's in one liner Third Eye Blind huh I liked your both of her albums a lot the he pinning dangerous how the convoy like what am I supposed to do go in the center of the screen where there's like a tiny little hole that's probably what I have to do that's probably exactly what I have to do you know it's at the nolan bushnell created atari always 75 yeah then around the block he's got eight kids damn Wow damn Nolan Nolan gotta [ __ ] [Laughter] [Laughter] I'm gonna pee on it [ __ ] face ship dead friend chip that was his name yeah so is chip no it was like throw bowl or some chip chip true you remembered chip do you want some ice cream [Laughter] good boyfriend what was i michael drink water laugh at a man's name oh my god they're showing every cutscene yeah what they want you to know that they made them dude no it's good it's good once this seems to be a little mini credits going up and then you have to wait for those who resolve all the tiny [Laughter]
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 646,530
Rating: 4.9103251 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, sonic unleashed, laughter
Id: J5ktKLlszzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 0sec (4020 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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