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hello and welcome to day two of a more sidemen video today's video is in partnership with crash bandicoot on the run now with the game being called crash bandicoot on the run and the objective of crash bandicoot to be to run to the end of the level it only makes sense today to be doing a running challenge so today's video will be two teams battling out to see who can run the furthest in one hour now in this video you will see jj is missing so pass over to him to explain the video and crash bandicoot hello ladies and gentlemen sorry i wasn't able to make it in this video i was having a few problems downstairs but don't worry we're all good now anyway crash bandicoot on the run is a brand new mobile game launching today march 25th 2021 it's completely free to play and has 100 hours of gameplay you can play alone or you can play against and with your friends which really brings the game to life with new seasons launching every four weeks in addition to that there are brand new characters in crash bandicoot on the run we have new and classic enemies such as scroy lala and neutral brewer and fake crash if you want to check out the game for yourself it's free to play and it'll be linked down below in the description all right so the premise is simple two teams we have ethan and harry on a team of two because jade is out of illness and i'm also out of illness as well and the other team comprises of toby simon and vic and the challenge is simply to see what team can run the furthest in one hour on a treadmill let's go to the studio right harry toby yes you're starting you have an hour on the timer when i when i say go you press quick start and wrap that speed up all right all right go you want to ramp it right up come on well we want you let's start you off uh spot your foot yeah ten ten there we go is this miles an hour thirty seconds in he's in miles per hour come on it's gonna be marty's kilometers all right couldn't tell you very quickly i'm down to 12. you reckon that's that's the face but let him go let him go it's fine we'll catch up slow instead he wins the race you know what i'm saying he's slowing down already don't get sucked into the yeah yeah i realized just like you said steady there's 92 of you remember there's two of you and then at the end if we need to i feel like we've got the ability to go yeah go we're vic's out here just drinking lean like i'm getting fueled i need water already you need water already that's not good are we allowed to see what speed they're going surely we're allowed to yeah yeah yeah i'd say whoever knows it right hey hey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh toby you're yeah yeah i'm a little [ __ ] you've got 1.5 on him i mean yeah yeah you're blitzing this man hi toby's built different you know for now he is i think maybe he can do this for like half an hour but still we just like it's the light parry right now it's a light job well it's not always a [ __ ] job can anyone else not smell like burning no it's my boy harry bro it's flavor that's what it is i smell it i smell it he's going he's going down he's going down okay all right they're swapping already all the way to zero zero we've already got a lead so do we have to wait till it stops or just when it comes that has it's there on there okay all right toby it won't it will stop doesn't it it'll lock out from point eight but that's it it doesn't hit zero by the way it's zero point eight it's fine okay i'm gonna start at 13 because i have little legs for short distance aren't they doing 13.5 i'll go 13.5 okay that's a four twenty five pesos are you sure you've got that in the fifth goes you got this one i'm going 14 [ __ ] 14 14 minutes [Music] [Laughter] it's that's right this is a long game we're playing the long game where my legs are burning i need to stretch them out hey toby i've got something for you what what's hurting my legs everywhere ah i'm feeling that my clubs are burning big speed in it i'm feeling it harry you're a monster for holding this taste bro he's he's an animal you're an actual monster i went too fast for him yeah no way you did him too fast right simon i'm juicing up the last minute 14.5 14.5 cool he's matched you 15 15. he's got about no games i'm not falling into it bro he's sweating though yeah you're about 15 minutes by the way you're about to take 10 minutes huh you're about to hit 10 minutes but i'm bringing it down now all right here we go you gotta have a transition ramp it up the transition they're transitioning imagine if i just face plot so try it i jump on all right get ready simon yeah i'm ready now for you it's a brisk walk mate here we go simon's on he's going is everything all right bro my carbs are stinging yeah mine mine see simon's legs are cheats bro look yeah he's going fast and harry yeah but i think i can keep this up a lot less than he can do that i think harry could do the hour if he really wanted to at that pace the whole hour probably him and give her dangerous really yeah oh well hello i'm like distance update 2.6 on this team and 2.5 on your team oh but simon's going fast and harry so nice you're catching up your game trust point five no he's a sicko he's no longer going faster harry's a [ __ ] sicko this man is built different he's on the other team but i have a lot of respect for him how are you feeling the pace oh you thought i'm already dead nah i turned around and got dizzy bro i don't do exercise i've seen you do a 5k in 25 minutes yeah a year and a half ago i am concerned because ethan's gonna go like a bullet when he gets on one of them's down the marathon and the other one runs every day like what are you gonna do you got lots of up to it simon this is light work for you you've got another minute he'll don't look at that look at that just listen to your tunes bro approach in 15 minutes time drags on this simon's pushing the envelope man with the legs came with the legs can you look at their legs it'll be better if you average our legs we're probably still the same as you oh yeah yeah yeah me and big guys short short legs stride is huge look at it that is huge it is the whole treadmill i feel like he needs a longer treadmill though do you feel like you can do it with a longer dress you know i went out to questions you do your thing mode it's focusing this is quality from simon minter king [ __ ] sam and kingship you know what they say go in the extra mile yeah that's what he's doing right now shut the [ __ ] up 3.7 and 3.7 so simon's done a good catch up on you a little bit yeah he's held 14 the whole time point five that's impressive you know solids you got a little pit stop coming in okay this is big speed they're gonna switch as well so we'll we won't lose any time here we'll lose any distance all right toby get ready to stop in that's that's right here we maybe push it go to the dark place go to the dark place go to the dark place just get in the zone focus just look forward and keep moving simon did eight minutes you did five i did five simon did eight you do another five now i'll hop on for five what have we got oh yes oh oh brother's so much nicer all right lovely jobless hand second time showering i'll take it brandon i'll get whoa nice distance update distance check uh okay it's toby's team 4.4 on distance and ethan's team also 4.49 is over i'm feeling fresh and we're now 20 minutes in we have 20 minutes in so ethan's team is slightly ahead after 20 minutes very slightly that's not better for changeovers yeah or three now read that you can keep that up for like a bit and we gucci well he's doing 14. lads ethan get in got this i'm in his head nice toby you're right it's mine game's coming in now you've got mine games you want to switch out like one game you ain't got this i can't you ain't got this you got this bro don't you worry this ain't a marathon bro looking toby's eyes but he's hated his life right now he's trying to farm him he's trying to winky winky wink he's putting on facade i can see what tunes he's going on you're three minutes in toby this time help for you oh yeah you've got a camera and crooked man he's in a dark place he means business a little drunk you know i'm serious a little bit drummy yeah vic i had ill behavior on while i was going mate yes it's on cruising pace you want to do it 4k at the time if you want to go 4k yeah feel free 5.2 k all right cool we're moving we're moving there on five down five it's all right you're place i'm telling you he's in there hopefully you want to trade i'm good okay you want water let me know lad i got you josh what speed are they at uh they're at 13.5 and you're at 13. so you want to crank it up all right i'll jump on for 13.5 the sad thing is i know harry can jump on and do this again that's the scary part yeah thing's looking dangerous too you know you know here we go all right let's see right same speed right now five point three to five point six so you've seen five point six kilometers he actually runs like a runner what do i do he's got the form he's got the force you run like vic yeah he's getting chased he runs like he's getting changed he runs like he's running you throw right hooves and left hooks when you run look no you do you're ready for that energy come by even energy saving mode low low power mode he's on airplane mode you're now 300 meters ahead huh you're 300 meters ahead goodbye hit 6k right yeah nice place simon in 20 seconds sure simon's ready though simon's ready he's ready he's ready i'm going to start we've got pencils my legs my legs ain't ready i'm ready simon's got those long strides ready to come back guys you've got you've got simon coming you've got to keep up with simon catch up if you can give us a give us a quote oh what oh say something yeah say something like we're doing a video he's in dark mode he's in a dark place you know where eddie hall did his deadlift yeah he's the dark player all right you ready simon yeah kind of slow embezzle slow and this is where we do where we we rack up the rack up the meat we rack up the meters nick's going to throw up put your hand behind your head as well get some air going it is a 6.5 to 6.9 now it's a 400 meter gap there's three of us there's three of us it should be so much easier than it is huh it's not that i'm like out of breath my breath is fine but my calves feel like they're on fire i'm like fine i'm not out of breath i wish i was out of breath it's just literally my my cars the real the question of this video is will ethan and harry hit a wall oh they just smashed through it because they're ahead right now but we just sat watching him like how how can you keep this place i don't understand come on minter let's get it mini is going faster though it's a little catch-up season no no no no no it's not you know simon always puts the pace in you know yeah don't respect it you're respected millimeter closing the gap what pace is bez doing uh 13.5 dude's an animal bro he's been he's done it he's like gone the whole time with that as well now can can harry come back on this piece and can you carry it and keep it up it'll be a struggle how you feeling simon i'm dead do you want to come off in 10 yeah you caught up a little bit with simon they're running a switch here as well so we're holding distance all right who's getting on toby set pace here ready quick pit stop ready here we go press up straight away all right that's that's that one done i think you're there yeah nice one lower transition sticker are you going to keep going don't turn it down yeah you have to go on it's now right okay you're still getting distance yeah oh yes that's true technicality thing there's about five go go go go go go go go go go go go yeah great that man hawkeye run bar [Applause] oh running in the studio is different pain you know oh it's so hot i'm fine but it's just [ __ ] hot our strategy relies on them not being able to hack it but i think they can hack it i think they can run 12 minutes each day i can't hack going much faster like i can do a 14 maybe faster and shorter i think no because it's the trades we can't do the trade the trade takes the trade i did it again for [ __ ] sake bring him down bring him down right now i'm looking their team to want good already okay i'm smoking i'm genuinely smoking outside this what time is it it's 2 53 and i'm smoking outside it's not that cold on what's happened here i hit the thing again do the thing again yeah my hands are getting tired just to paste it on just let me know because i feel like some shenanigans going on all right fella they're at 12 now but it's going up huh yeah yeah 12.2 13. it hasn't moved i think there are 13. i rate your pace like you know i was getting it it's harder than it is it's [ __ ] hard right built different bro just keep know that these two are built different we're built so different built so different the fat boys you know the belly's hanging the big ladder but we're moving that's where you see all your energy in the big lads i've run twice maybe in a year i've done 10 minutes uh no i did about 14 minutes shut up i was on 14 the whole time 14.5 so all right no no i was on 14 the whole time but the last minute and a half against harry when it's 14.5 i mean as simple as like harry and ethan is as much fair one of them's done math and one of them runs every day they're fitter than us we thought three people might be able to match it the stopovers she's looking at me like i'm a weirdo she's the weirdo let's go back inside we do 4k rotations because that's just two runs each of me are you ready i think i'm on two transitions transition uh nine kilometers you're just hit one sorry nine point one and you are at eight point six so you're falling at the third line now it's the swap overs we can't win with swap overs and we're not fit enough to keep up ah hey jay where are you i hear that you hear that there's noises you're hearing those noises settle in they might lose vic you look comfortable though don't feel it what's the timer on your timer that's it 44 minutes how much longer 16 minutes there all right cool let's try come on dig deep okay energy camera's behind you lad but who's he teasing now he's just he's in the audience if you think tom chizz was a distraction to this beast you you're very wrong we can't play some crotch while we go he's playing crash on the go but you can play this game anyway what a game [Laughter] transition they transitioned again here we go i have it you got the big beast come on let that inspire you i'm feeling we'll get 200 meters here we got 200 meters easy 200 transition yeah i love that from you mate you are close to the back of the treadmill it's scary it's just because his legs are long he's actually in a very good position oh yeah the middle yeah yeah ethan looks like he's eating up the front of the treadmill he's grinding on it bro brian yeah one more minute and we split five minutes all right final ten minutes three three three twenty each and we'll pace it 40 seconds we'll bring up the the blistering pace we're gonna have to go like 15 to close the gap maybe 16 which is potentially feasibly impossible but you know 30 seconds i was going to go for three kilometers there i bottled it with 2.5 so let's just pick up the slack we'll see how he does he's looking good he's looking good knocker 15 15 for three minutes last time you run today oh for sure let's get it oh he's on 16. let him do it bro let him do it and do it he's brushing down which is outrageous he's gonna flounder this is reminding me i don't like exercise well here's the surprise i don't really care so i might go quite slow i think we've already lost ethan's team's on 11.3 kilometers what are we at and vic teams at 11 we're close 300 behind we're 300 behind toby's going at 16. it's going to be close i'm writing the piece come on toby that's what's going on he's he's a minute and a half into 16. but even still going on 14.5 you know he's right we are we are closing we are closing yeah we're closing the gap ethan's going up [ __ ] we spoke too much wait a minute you can push but he's moving he's moving toby's out he's out on his feet on his oh he's moving at that pace as well you got it it's already past five and a half right thirteen let's focus then mode keep focusing ethan's on crud he's moving he's still got it bro he's still got it going but you're doing well you're snatching it just keep focusing that's king [ __ ] love that bed love that transition yeah i can jump in the transition there's a chance you can hope if you can hold it huge but it's huge that's huge from you all right here we go here we go let me know three thirty laying it all right come on enough uh five minutes on the dot five minutes on the dot nick vick's actually smashes 16 too fast is he at 16 yeah vic you're a king he smashed it you're a kid you know what he's on his end mode he's focused how long left you're four minutes 25 i'm stressed baby love that picture to tell you i love that vic i love that this is the end of the treadmill it's here let's go with it four well done well done right transition time too light for you it's harry's time to shine huh harry's time to shine they're transitioning he's holding on running like a t-rex i'm a sterling run give us your velociraptor you're right i'm literally still going up all right you want to go outside get some mirror and get some air in get get some fresh air there left josh uh three minutes twenty three minutes light it's so light get some fresh air get some fresh air don't want it two minutes 30. might work simon light work final stretch simon's running faster than harry right now yeah can you go burst do you no no i've got to maintain of it yeah all right simon that looks comfortable bro final two minutes two minutes left two minutes light work for you folks simon is still going faster than harry though you're a savage the catch-up could be one diamond the catch-up could be always the game you feel too different you're killing it you're killing it look i'll jump straight on if you can't do it simon come on okay they're doing a transition straight into 14. come on toby bring it down bring it down come on how long 23 seconds come on baby you got 21 seconds to go you got 21 20 seconds okay yeah 15 seconds ten seconds ten seconds come on six five four three three two one take him down take it down take it down stop it [Applause] come on come on before the score is coming you guys are built different yeah i i i just i was like when are they gonna when is their pace gonna drop that was mad all right i try to change my running technique at the end fair play fair play okay i would get on back on you're a sick guy right you're a sick guy we've got judge [Music] verified all right final results are in ah i've judged adjudicated both of them check them for legitimacy the hard day's work for you though it's been a hard day's job thank okay right three team members a valiant effort a big sprint from all of you at the end oh you've got 13.2 kilometers in hours in an hour that is good it's pretty damn good no swap overs we're waiting to see you wait and see wait and see did toby sprint at the end he almost fell over to be fair right ethan harry team of two less less so it could be the reason why their final score is 13 points four yeah there is a gap of 200 meters between the two teams so congrats thank you you've been 10k you know [ __ ] you come on what are you spending it on uh is it straight to you anything you want oh i think i'm going to spend mine on uh uh food food i couldn't think of anything you're sure you don't want to get crash on the run the game's actually free check out down below in description down below description crash on the run check out for free mobile game crash bandicoot is sick check it out and yeah peace
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 5,204,779
Rating: 4.9732246 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: oBqgpX1aKWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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