SIDEMEN $10,000 VS $100 HOTEL

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- Hello, and welcome today to another Sidemen Sunday, $10,000 hotel versus $100 hotel. Now, the rules are very simple. Like a Sidemen holiday video, I'll be splitting the Sidemen boys into two teams of three, a good team and a bad team and then, from there, the good team will be taken away to one of the best hotels in London and has a day filled with activities and then likewise, the bad team will be taken to, let's just say, a not so nice hotel in London and again, a day filled with activities. So, this is basically like a holiday video, just a little bit different, you know? So as always, let's go to that famous carpark we start all these holiday videos from, let's see what the teams are. All right, hello. - Hello. - Welcome once again to one of these videos. - Hello. - Who wants to go first? - Me. - Harry. - Can I? Can I? Can I? - Harry will. - Do you wanna go first? - Can I? Can I just get it, rip the plaster. - Nah, Ethan should be last. - Nah, rip the plaster off, please. - All right, Ethan. - Yeah. - You're this side. - All right, okay. - Ooh. - Just let me get it done now. - Tobi. - You wanna go Tobi? - Might as well just do it. - You're on this side. - [All] Oh! - Oh, that's not a good omen. - No. - Get me that side, please. - Don't think you wanna be this side today. - Okay, Harry, you are left side as well. - [All] Oh! - [Harry] I think it's safer, I think it's safe. - JJ. - Yeah? - You're with Ethan. - [Sidemen] Oh! (KSI laughs) - But you've been in the good teams, like you've been on the good team every time. - Yeah, yeah. - So technically, you've got the luck. - Vik. - Yes? - You are this side. - Okay. - I could tell. - Okay. - I think. - This might be all right. - It kinda feels nice. - This feels good. - [Vik] Why are you pretending we know what's happening? - What? - We might have been niced. Open that destination. - Where's the destination? - Okay, all right, so there's some cars downstairs waiting for you that'll take you there. - Okay. - But do we know which one's which? - I'll find out for you. - He's taking us there. - Oh shit. - Enjoy your hotels. - In we go then. - I'll see you later. - Ah! - It's a stinker. (KSI laughs) We've got a stinker. - Josh, I'm gonna guess that these are our cars. - Yeah. - Okay. - [Vik] Do you know what I'm already noticing, there's one nice people carrying and there's one not so nice. - Nah, but Josh is gonna do what he did last time. - Yeah. - Yeah, so we wanna be in the bad car. - [Josh] And they're the same ones. - Guys, guys. - Which one's ours? - [Josh] All right, blue team's in silver. - I'm nervous, I'm nervous. - I don't know how to be today I don't know how to be. - All right, is this it? Is this my day? - [Vik] This is nice. - Oh yeah, it's nice for now. - [Vik] Yeah, I know. Me and Ethan know about nice for now. - Know a bit, yeah, bro. - [Vik] We were in a Rolls Royce like stars. - I'm not happy. I'm not gonna lie-- - I'm pretty certain we're in the bad one. - What's your reasoning? Just Ethan being on the other team? - [Simon] A little bit. - I'm spying on-- - Ayo, nah, nah, nah, I think we've been niced. - I'm spying, I'm spying on the destination on the way. - Don't do it, it's not worth it. Ethan, it's not worth it. Ethan, it's not worth it. - Vikkstar, Vikkstar. - If it says Mayfair, we're ballin'. Sir, are we going to Mayfair? - We're going to Country Hotel. - Country Hotel. - Country Hotel. - I don't know what that is, never heard of it. - I've never heard of that. - I-- - That doesn't sound rich. - No, it does, it does, - That doesn't sound rich. - 'Cause I'm going to the Country Hotel. - Oh right, so you've just put a twist-- - Yeah, you've just put an accent on. - We are still in the nice areas. So, I'm feeling optimistic, quietly confident and last time I was quietly confident, Chelsea won the Champions League. Yes. - [Ethan] Ferraris in London, look, look, chilling. - Bro, we're seeing Ferraris. - No, stop, stop, you can't. - We're seeing Range Rovers. - Oh, look at that. - Is that a Bentley? - [Ethan] No, that's an Aston Martin. - Oh bro, nah, nah, we're in the rich area. - No but you don't notice we're driving through it. - Eh. - Nah, it's a troll. - It's a troll. - [Harry] How much of a troll could it be? - A troll. - This is a posh looking place - [Simon] It's a troll. - Bro, I don't know if you can probably see that. - [Simon] Mr. Driver, are we here? - [Driver] Yes. - Oh. - [Simon] It's a giant troll. - I also drive where we're heading. - It's the County Hotel. - The County Hotel? - [Vik] That doesn't sound good. - That doesn't sound as good as country. - No. - Would you like to read what it says on Google? - [Vik] No, no, why are we doing this? - Nah, nah, just do it, just do it. - [Ethan] The County Hotel is a two-star hotel. - Aw. - Aw. - No! - Ah. - Oh no. - Oh no. - I wanna see Harry's reaction to this, come here. - Oh, no, no, no. - Come here. Ready? You can read it out to Tobi. - Welcome, looks like you guys are the lucky ones. Poor Ethan, honestly. But he's trolling, bro. - He is trolling. - He's trolling. - He has to be trolling. - He wouldn't tell us we're the good team, he would say, like 'cause now what? Do we go in? Do we? - He has to be trolling, no way Ethan got it again. - Ethan, why have you looked that up? We could have had at least like 10 more minutes in the sun, looking forward to something, even if it wasn't gonna happen and this is gonna be the one time there isn't a twist. Every time you go in the good place, there's a twist. Is there a twist? I don't know. - [KSI] Nah, there could be a twist. - We're slightly confused because your note tells us nothing. - Where about are you right now? - We're at a hotel. - We're at a lovely hotel, mate, I won't lie to you. - I'll get someone to call you. - Okay. - Okay. - [Tobi] We've already met the bodyguard. - Just stay there. - All right. - All right, we're staying here, we're staying here, we're staying here. - Fucking County Hotel, fuck sake. - Aw, I needed a nice day, you know. - Wait, County, nah, you can't even do it. - [Vik] Nah, it's a two-star. - [KSI] Yeah, yeah. - County Hotel. - There it is. - Oh, I'm going to County Hotel. - There it is (laughs) That's how it's-- - Budget hotel with free breakfast. - I'm Hannah, by the way. - Okay, nice to meet you, hello. We don't know what's happening here by the way, we just got-- - You don't know? - No, no, I have no idea. - Okay, I'll give you all your room keys. - That's good, thank you. - And I'll take you up. - Okay. - Nice one. - Top ten artist in a two-star hotel. - Bro, no man, that's outrageous. Ed Sheeran would never. Drake would never. - It's not friends with benefits anymore, so I need benefits. (guys laugh) - I don't believe it. - Me neither bro but at the same time, we're here, we have room keys. - We do have room keys. - [Simon] I told you, when my butt touches the bed, that is the, that's when I'm safe. - We are currently leaving Soho and entering Camden. It's not how I had hoped my day would be going. We hang on to a third of hope. - [Harry] This is very bougie. The Dome Penthouse. - Oh! - [Harry] Oh no, that's not us. - Here it is in all of its beauty. - Oh fucking hell. - It looks like poo. - Oh my. - It looks horrendous. - It looks like poo. - We're down bad, Ethan, how? - What you mean Ethan, how? - Ethan, how? - What do you mean Ethan, how, I didn't do this, don't talk to me about how. - [Vik] What energy did you put into the universe to end up like this? - I don't know what I've done bro, this is what I'm saying, I need to repent bro, evidently, I don't know what I've done. - You and Tobi are opposites. - Fucking hell, not on my bank holiday. (Vik and Ethan laugh) - [Ethan] Not on my bank holiday, not on my holiday. - [Hannah] We're actually going to the Dome Penthouse. - [Harry] We're going to the Dome Penthouse? Oh my gosh. - No way. - Oh my God. - No way. - [Vik] (laughs) You know, it's got windows, it has windows. - Do you know what Vik, I rate you so much Vik, I love that, I love that ego. - It has windows. - Oh, hello. Oh, hello. - Okay, okay, okay, okay. - Oh my God. - Oh, my. - Oh my God. - Still looking fresh still. - Oh! - Yes! (upbeat music) - Whoo! - No ways! Yes! - No, surely, no, no, no, there's a twist or something. - Wait, what, what, what. - Wait. - Oh bro, nah. - Look at this. Bro, this is a mess. - Bro. What, look at this? - [Ethan] Have you got a mask 'cause I think you'll need it. - What is-- (Vik laughs) - [Ethan] Have you got a mask bro, I think you'll need it. - Jesus Christ. - Yeah. - I'm not going in there without one. - Bro, look at this way. - No. - I'm so baffed. - [Simon] Bro, I don't know what's going on. - No. - Oy, yo, yoi. - Oi. - I'm getting a bath, I'm getting a bath. - No. - In fact that one, we'll bath together. - What? - What? - [Harry] Bro, this is ridiculous. - Forget the rhyme, I ain't got the time. You have two rooms under my name. I think Ethan deserves a room to himself and Vik and JJ share the twin room. - [Vik] Big bad Behzinga's done it again. He's done it again. - [Simon] Wait. - [Harry] What? - Apple juice. - The fact that there's apple juice. - So, it's real! - Real! (guys chuckle) - Cheers lad. - Oh! - All right. - Whoo! - I never thought I'd say this but blue team, blue team, blue team. - Come on. - [Receptionist] Who is Mr. Josh? I just need him to sign the registration cards. - Well, um. - [KSI] We can just sign it. - Yeah. - Yeah, we'll sign for it. - [KSI] How thin are the walls? - [Receptionist] They're fairly thin. - Okay, can't wait to listen to other people have sex. Amazing. - If you think your day's gonna be that good, you're, bro. - That was weird. - Hello, how's it going? - Hello, welcome. - Thank you, what the...well, we got food. - Oh, please. - What is that? Ah! - What is that? - This is the best day ever. - Hello. - [Ice Cream Maker] Hi there. - (gasps) Look at the fucking, bro. - Oh my, wait I just-- (upbeat music) - I don't trust this lift brother. - Eight people. - Yeah. - Bro, there's no way eight people, how are you getting eight people in here? - Bro, there's dead animals in the top lights bro. - There's dead flies. - Dead animal. - Bro. - Oh my God bro. - Bro, it's an insect. I'm not happy. - Listen to the rumble. - She has a fairly older stomach. - Why are the room keys on a crowbar? - Oh yeah, to protect yourself. - Also, did you-- (Ethan laughs) - I had no idea this existed. - Bro, it was so simple as well, I thought we were gonna be like, sent through the ringer, like to a far-off place. - Why is there more envelopes? Something is coming. Something is coming. - I think it has something to do with the clothes inside. There's shoes there that look like they're in our sizes. There's sunglasses. There's chains. - We've took this way too much We're thinking way too much, we should just enjoy what we have right here. - You know what, - Yeah, just enjoy it while we've got it. - I'm gonna stay here. - I'm not fucking leaving, I'm not leaving. - We're not leaving. - We're not leaving. - Oh my. - Oh, oi, welcome, welcome. - Oh my. - Is this a meme? This must be a meme, like. - Oh my God bro. You got Blacky just scratched into the-- - Welcome. - What's going on man? - Two things, yeah, you can create your own ice cream from here or you can choose from the combos we've already made over there. - Oh. - And basically, you mix up the three ingredients and we'll make it fresh for you. - Could I have a berry nice please? - A berry nice. - Berry nice. - Oh I don't wanna get the same one but can I get the berry nice as well? - Oh my God, oh my God. - What? - Oh my God. So, baths, wash rooms. Bro, this is a prison. I've got a key to one of those - Oh my. - [Vik] Bro, look at the flies, wait, look at the flies. - [Ethan] Don't say that, that's my room. - [KSI] Wait, wait, wait, wait, we don't have our own toilets? - Is that popcorn? Huh? Huh? - Wait, what? - Wait, wait, do that one more time, one more time. - [Simon] Is that anything to do with the popcorn or was that just-- - Yeah, it's the popcorn. - Nah, but the noise. - Yeah. - [Harry] Is that nitrous oxide popcorn? (canister hissing) - What? - [Ice Cream Maker] Here, try some. - We don't have our own toilets or bathrooms. - [Vik] You've got a window with a view. Window with a view. - Oh my God. - Oh my fucking God, what is this? What is this? Bro, oh my God, you have to go into a separate room in the fucking hotel to shower and piss. The sink is in the fucking... - Oi, that's bad boy. - Nah, nah man. - Bro, that's worse than the easyHotel. - Bro, they just put this here for banter. - Nah, I'm too rich and famous for this, I'm too rich and famous for this. - [Ethan] They put this here for banter. - I'm too rich and famous for this. - [Ethan] I wanna dutch out the window. - I'm too rich and famous for this, I can't, guys, I can't do this. - Do they not turn on? - I can't, no, no, no. - Why is there a hole in this? - Oh my God, oh my God. Oh my fucking God. - Bro, I'm scared. - Yeah, so am I. - I got your berry nice. - Oh, it's cold bro. Oh God. - Oh, what the fuck. - Bro, my face. - Yo. - It's dragon's breath popcorn - Bro, we have a twin room, what the fuck's our room like then? - Oi, JJ, I'll see you boys in a bit. - I'm going to start drinking now. (gentle classical music) - Hello sir. - Hello. - How are you? - Good, well thanks. - Can I just take a mini burger? - Yeah, go for it. - Thank you very much, mate. Look at this. - All these on the table are the hot starters - Okay. - And I've got here is the cold starter. - Can I have a cold starter too, please? - Yeah. - I'll get one of the chewy tartars please. Oh, it's gonna break, thank you very much. - You're welcome. - Cheers. - Guys, I thought it would be colder in the cupboard. - Safe. (Ethan laughs) - It's not any colder in here. - Yeah. - It's a hot day. - We're sharing a Magnum. - Cute. - Genuinely, this might be the worst. There's flies outside of my door and the toilets are like prison. - How does Josh find this stuff? - Should we try and get into the toilet? We're going into the toilet. - I don't, hmm. - [Simon] Ah. - I won't lie, when I went out there, I thought it was a DJ booth. So I was like, oh mad, we're gonna party here. It was only ice cream but the ice cream is lovely. The ice cream is very nice, very nice. - Oh my God. - It's weird, it's like gooey. - [Simon] You don't have great compliments, do you fam? - Oh no, I like it a lot but I don't know. - [Simon] I wanted it to be a DJ booth but it's gooey ice cream. - This is not fair. What kind of fucking headboard is that? That's not a headboard. - Ooh. From here, it looks like jelly. Fam this is-- - Okay, you know what? - Bro, it's so bad, my camera doesn't even wanna focus. - So you know when like, if someone is going at it yeah-- - Bro, they're gonna bounce, they're gonna hit the ceiling. I don't know, I don't like this. I don't like this, can we move on? (door knocks) - Occupado. - [Harry] Lads, let me in. (Simon and Tobi laugh) Let me in, please. - Welcome to the crib. - Nice, nice. - Geez. - [Vik] So wait, do they have padlocks? So they don't even have locks, they have padlocks. - Oh, no, no. - Oh, this is fucked. This is not right. Bro, just burn this place down, what's the point? - Apparently, we have two spare rooms, - Okay. - Plus that thing. - So, we'll go into the first room. - There's a big cameraman I'm waiting for, which we'll get him through. Bro, so this is, if we got this as a room by itself, I'd be like, I'll take this, I'll take this. - [Simon] This is a nice, okay. - Bro, the bathroom's fucking, oh my God, oh my God. - Yeah. - Oh! Oh! - Oh my God. See this, this is the life I deserve. - This building needs some love. - Which? - Does it not even say which. - It should say. - Oh no, she did tell him but I don't think-- - Jid, I was too baffled by what I was hearing. - Overwhelmed by the decadence - Oh. - There we go, number three. - [Vik] That's got Behz all over it. - [Ethan] Let's see what I'm working with. - Like ooh, oh, this is a big ass bath. - [Harry] Eh. - Okay, no, no, no, but like-- - [Harry] But I wouldn't say you fit bro. - Do you see what I'm saying, like I have to stretch my legs fully like this. - [Harry] Yeah. - This bath's uncomfy for me. I sit like this. - I don't have a problem. (Ethan laughs) - Oh my. - Wait, wait, there's no showers at all. - There's no showers. - No, there is one. - [Vik] It is hot, it's a hot day, wait, oh. - There is showers. - Yeah, look. - Oh. - Oh my God. - Ah, do you know what? Eh. - [Vik] Eh, look, they've even got the little sauna. - Nah bro nah, this is-- - What is that noise? - [KSI] This is fucking dead bro, this is dead. - Let's just go and sit in the park or something. - No, we gotta go check out the double room, the double room might be better. - [Ethan] True. - The twin room might be the saving grace. - Room two. - Oh, this one's shit. - Oh. Oh. - Oh, it's so, well no, it's smaller, I'm joking. - It is a lot smaller. (Simon laughs) - It is a lot smaller. - It's all right, you know what? - [Simon] I mean, it's still, I would still take this. - Oh bro, this is still amazing but relative to the rest of the room, this is the stinker room. - Yeah, this is definitely third choice. - I will not be sleeping here. (everyone laughs) - This bit, this is quite nice. I'm in the County Hotel, got me a nice sweeping wooden doors and then you go through and you see the rest and then you just-- - Oh well, I mean. - Hand sani there. - [KSI] Hand sanitizer. - [Vik] Wait, the moment of truth. I bet it's empty. - Bro, it stinks. - It's empty. - Bro, they just put there. - Bro. - They put it there. - [KSI] It doesn't even work, does it? - Bro. - Doesn't even fucking work. Sick, great, great, don't even, what's the point then? What's the fucking point? - Why am I not surprised? - All right, so if you step into here sir. - Oh yes. - Please take off your shoes. - No, no, thank you. I've paid a lot of money for this place, I'll wear my shoes. - Come up these stairs and you have-- - Jesus Christ. - Oh! - Oh my days. - Words can't even describe what this is, it's just. - And then, what's around here sir? - Around this side-- - It's not a traditional setting. - [Harry] This bath will fit three of us in bro. - You wanna test it? - Yeah. - What the fuck is that? - Ugh. - Oh, why are the doors-- - [KSI] Why is there no lights here? - How has Josh found this room in the darkest corner? - [KSI] Oh my God, why is it so dark here? - Oh no, oh. - It's light. - [Vik] Oh, no we have a window. Hey, this ain't, this-- - I like yours. - This isn't so bad. - This one's a bit better. - [Ethan] You got a better TV. - Does our TV work? - Does it work? - [Vik] Why does nothing work? - I don't know if it'd be that comfortable if we were all naked. Harry-- - Why you put the water on? (Sidemen laugh) - [KSI] Bro, this place is literally to do heroin. - Bro (laughs) - You get this place for heroin, bro. This is where you pump up. - [Vik] Why does nothing work? - [Ethan] Let's check for any leftover heroin. Oh, no. - [KSI] Oh, there's our Bible. - Okay (laughs) I need this stuff. - Should we start reading? - Well, I need to start repenting. - I'm liking this, I'm liking this a lot. - I think this is number one choice. - Oh, oh, oh, for sure. - Biggest bed. - I'm very nervous on why we have all this here, by the way. - Feeling hurt, I could read. Feeling lost or unwanted, I could read. - [KSI] Yeah. - Stressed, okay. - [KSI] I'd say we're a little bit stressed. - Yeah, we're stressed? Okay, Matthew, let's go. 1,023 we need to get to. - [Vik] There's a lock on the window and we don't have the key. - Oh, well maybe that's to stop people jumping out. (Vik laughs) Yeah, nah, let's be honest. - Yeah, that's true. - Let's be honest. - There's a lock on the window. - If you're here, yeah, at this point, you're like fuck it. - [Tobi] These are Josh crep. - I assume we're being like accessorised but-- - Maybe we have to dress like Josh. - These I quite like you know. - I actually like those. - [Harry] Are they my size? - I mean, they are just Air Force 1s, which I'm wearing. - Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, than the body, more important than clothes? Look at the birds in the air, they do not sow or reap or store away baths and yet, your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they are? - Right, we have got-- - The view. - An incredible view of... It's Trafalgar Square, right? No, no, no, what's it? - Go on, have a go. - Come on, no, no. - Leicester, no Piccadilly Circus. - There you go. - Yeah, okay. - Who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to this life? - Okay, so when does God bless us? At what point does God bless us? - Yet I tell you it does not leave its home. - Ayo, hurry up man, we need the blessing, come on. - Got some food. Have you guys eaten this already? - No, I waited for you. - I had one burger, bro. It banged, I won't lie to you. - [Tobi] What? Off of there? - Why is there a bit of MDF? Is this a fucking gaff? Look, why is there a bit of MDF? - [KSI] Bro, bro, it's... I'm sure there's a reason, drug related. - Why is there a bit of wood in the fucking-- - Look at him, he started benching it. - Bro, oh my God, look at the light. - Oh mate. - Does it work? Hold up, let's see. - Of course it doesn't fucking work. - Working check. Working check. Fam, you know what? - Bro, nothing. - [All] Oh! - Then onto these items, they're duck summer rolls and tuna tartar on rice paper. And finally, the classic mini Angus puppies. - I'm gonna try a bit of everything. - That bangs. - I'm gonna try. - This bangs. - [KSI] Yeah, what time, how long till 2:30? - We've got 14 minutes. - 14? - Yeah, so we just gotta sit, right? - Okay, all right. - Oh, look at that. - [KSI] Oh mate, nah man. - This is bad. - Oh, that definitely had had madness happen in there. - I will be eating most of this. This is my second burger. - Okay, save that one for me please. - Yeah. (sidemen chuckle) - I just wanna open the window, it's fucking hot. There must be a way to open the window, right? We'll ask when we go downstairs. - I'm pretty sure we asked, ah, how do you open the window? They go, there's a reason why it's closed. - [Ethan] Should we go and find a shop for 2:30? - Yes. - We need more drinks. - [Vik] In fact, fuck the schedule, let's go and find a shop now. - Yeah, I'm down. - Let's go and find a shop now we can open the window afterwards. - [Ethan] We have to leave the keys with the-- - Yeah, I don't care. - Mad. - This is the life boys. - It's a good thing it's sunny as well. If it was pissing rain-- - remember it was raining, yeah. - We'd be done out. - Before we head out, look at the state of this. So, you know you've got like your secure hotel deadlock, - Do you know why that is bro? - Bro, look, this is on a piece of little MDF. - You see where it's fucked up - Look at this, look at this. Yes, I was about to say, people have broken in because people have squatted in here, that's why. - Bro, look how ridiculous this is. This is where all our like, pillows are and... - Why is it called splendid hospitality? There's nothing fucking splendid about it. What do you mean splendid? - Bro, this place is definitely out of order. Sheesh. - Put that on the fucking front door. Put that on the fucking front door, it doesn't need to be up here, does it? - Oh, Ethan's in the mud. - Poor Ethan. - Poor donny. - When is he gonna catch a break? At what point do we just say, all right listen-- - We don't, we can't. - We have to do it fair. - Yeah, we can't start changing it 'cause then it will-- - 'Cause then you have to start working out, okay, well, you know, this person's had this many good ones, you know, they've had five good ones, two bad ones, they deserve to be on the bad one as well and then, it becomes just a maths games, there's no chance to it. - I love Ethan by the way. - He needs one, he just needs one and then it doesn't matter anymore. - No, no, no. - He just needs one. - It's his own fault mate, it's his own fault. He brought it on himself. - Do the windows open? - There's a lock on the window. - [Receptionist] No, they don't. - The windows don't even open. - Not that high up, yeah they don't. - Oh, okay. - Is there a reason or? - [Receptionist] Just health and safety 'cause it's so high. - Okay. - Yeah. - I'm guessing people have jumped? - Yeah. - Okay, great. - [Receptionist] It's good to have you guys here. - Yeah, thank you. - Thank you. - It means nothing if he doesn't get it fairly, - Yeah. - You're right. - He doesn't want handouts. - You're right. - He definitely does. - He definitely wants handouts. - Do you serve alcohol? - [Cashier] Beer. - Perfect, thank you. - Yeah, screw it, beer works. - [Ethan] It's all beer. - I might just have Magnus, yeah fuck it. - [Ethan] Oh, there's Playstation Two games. - [KSI] This is a throwback and a half. - Oh, a couple games they got. Oh, Back To The Future, bro. Well, if my TV worked, I might buy this. - I'm coming back for them skewers. - Right Simon, what's around the corner here? Do show. - Come here, let me show bro. - All right, I'm excited, I'm excited. - How's business? - [Cashier] Really bad. - Really bad? Oh, mad. Yeah. - [Ethan] Life's not what it was. - [Cashier] It'll never be, it will never be the same. - Yeah. - No. Thank you very much, anyway. - Yeah, thank you. - Have a lovely day. - You too, bub-bye. - Cheers, here's a tip. - Oh, rar. - Really? - Yes. - Yeah, no problem Thank you for your time. - Aw, go on Vik. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Well, that was very cute. - That was hella nice. - That was really cute. - So, we got another little balcony. - Yeah, yeah, as we do. - You know, with an ice cream machine. - Well, ice cream. - [Simon] Two guys as well. - Two men working the ice cream machine. - Hello again. - Boys. - [Simon] And the same view over here. - Bro, this is outrageous. - Look at this. - Surely it's 2:30. - [Ethan] It is 2:30, I think. - [Vik] I've decided that I'm making a good day here. - Okay. - So, I've got my shades on - Yeah. - And I'm channelling my inner Harry Lewis, I've popped a bottle of wine and I'm living through his energy. - You know what, Vik, just wait right there. This is very sad, by the way. My Gucci shirt, in case I got the good team. - A nitrogen shower. - A nitrogen shower. - Okay. - I kinda want one but I kinda wanna see you first. - If I firm a nitrogen shower, can I just not have the stinker room? - No. - What? I'm having a fucking, I might die here lad. - You seem very keen for it. - 24 degrees, a beer and my Gucci shirt. - Fucking hell. - Let's go baby. Oh, now I'm feeling myself. - [KSI] Damn, you looking like money. - So, what do I do? - Just stand there and look pretty. - You're used to that, mate. - No, look pretty. - Oh, fuck. - Aw. - Oh, it is cold, it's actually very nice though. - I think you deserve the good room. - That's lovely, that. You need a little-- - Nah, you've enjoyed that. You can't have the good room for that. - Nah, he deserves it. - Bro, I've had a risk boys, it could have gone horribly wrong. - Geez. - Ay, yeah baby. - [KSI] You looking like racks. - Come on, baby. - 100 mil. - Ooh. - 200 mil. - Ooh, ooh, yes. - Moving like McGregor. Geez, I'll give you half of my alcohol business for 500 mil. - Oh, splash! Oh! - That's what we talking about Damn. - Ah, straight in the ear. - Innit? Felt that over here. - Go further away. - Go on. - [Harry] Yeah, that's a banger. - Oh, that's amazing. Aw, that's amazing, that's amazing, that's amazing. - [Harry] Simon is looking like he's having a terrible time. - It was in my eyes. - Whoo. - That would be sick for a music video or something you know, it looks sick. Oh, he stopped it now boys. (upbeat music) - There we go, there we go. - I'm growing depressed. This is all just a facade. - Nah. - Looking good, feeling good. - Exactly, you know. - Minus the feeling good bit. - We're doing throw the shoe in the bath, so basically go over here, you chuck it, - Oh. - Give me a sec, and try and get it in the bath. - Oh, okay. - A Josh! (Sidemen cheer) - He threw a shoe at me. We're about to play shoe in the bath. - We're gonna decide who stays in this bed. - Yes brother. - How do you like it? - We like it but we're still unconvinced completely that we're staying here. - You know what, we're putting in a shift. - Putting a shift. - We're making it look better than it is. - All right cheers gamers. - Cheers boys. - Cheers, cheers. Here's to letter number two. - Yeah. - And a great day. - Can you be, are we staying here or not? - I don't know mate. - Aw. - Oh Josh, don't do that to us. - You do. - I don't think I do. - You do. - I gotta, you know. - Can you be the adjudicator for this then? Can you be the adjudicator? - Let's go to Camden Market, get some food and drink. - Already got a drink lad, one step ahead. - It's a nice, yeah. - One step ahead you old fuck. - All right, that's not. (water splashing) - It didn't sound good. - It sounded wet. - Did it? - I heard a splash bro. - I think that might - I heard a splash bro. - Have been in. - All right, your go, your go. - Oh bro. - Oh. (water splashing) - That sounded splashy. - I heard a splash as well. - That was splashy, that was splashy. - I think this game might be too easy. - I didn't hear a splash. - It's a nice walk or you can get the tube. - Do you want to get the tube in 24 degree weather? - Absolutely not. That would ruin my day even more. - Yeah, we'll just walk it mate. - Yeah. - Can KSI walk Camden? - Oh shit, yeah. - Oh, you're gonna get recognised to the 500th degree. - This could be a fucking madness. - Camden Market on a bank holiday, it's done for you. - It makes sense why we've got Chuck as well. We've got two. - Yeah, that's why we have two bodyguards. - It makes sense. It makes sense now. (KSI laughs) - I think that was too far, that sounds really far. - You reckon? - Tobi with the over...ooh. - [Simon] That was good, that was good. - I feel like I missed. - All right, here we go. - I feel like I missed. - Bring that, bring that! - Ah! - Here we go. - Lads. - Wait, what? Did we all, oh we got every single one in. - You just got me soaked. - Yeah! (Sidemen laugh) - So what? We all sharing a bed? - We're all sharing, all right, we need a new game. - Our shoe, wow, wait, that's actually quite impressive you know. - Alcohol's helping now. - It does, doesn't it? - Yeah, it does. - It really does. - Yeah, it does. - It eats you up. - This isn't, please, please, drink responsibly by the way. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We are drinking because we are clear, mate, I don't know promoting drinking, okay. Basically, if you're going through a tough time in life, drinking is not the answer. - Yeah, yeah, 100%. - It is not the answer. - Ah. - Go on. - Whoa. - Oh, he's bottled it. Yes! - That's a miss. - That's a horrendous miss. - Oi, it slipped bro, it slipped. - You landed on top of there. - I heard it, I heard it. - Do you wanna go? - Nah, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Is that a bottle job as well? Oh my God, - You didn't make it over. - It's bottle jobs all round. - Bro, it's really hard. - It slips. - Oh, here's Harry. - That's in, I assume. - I think you did it. - Yeah? - Yeah. - What? One more, yeah? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh Lord. - Ooh. That's a shoe in the bath. - That's gotta be, yeah. - That's a hole in one. - Oh no. - Minter, if you bottle this, you're in the stinker, oh. - Oh, that's in, that's in, that's in. - All right, one sec, one sec. - I don't think it is. - [Tobi] No, that's in, that's in, that's in. - All right, coming around. - Oh, Harry's got it. - That was in. - Harry's got it. - [Harry] That was clean in the bath, surely. - You know what, this weather is redeeming factor though. - Yes, yeah. - My spirits are-- - Oh mate, imagine if it was pissing in hell. - Yeah, if it was raining, I think I would be close to tears. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But you know what. - I've just had a beer in the sun. - The British summer. - Yeah, you know what. - It can redeem anything. - Yeah. - Even a two-star hotel. - We all got one! No wait, wait, what? - I didn't get one. - Wait, you didn't get one? - I got two. Yes, I've banged it. - You got the best. - I've banged it. - You get the stinker. - Ah! - Yes! - Is there even a stinker room? - No, no. - No, but it's the worst. - In comparison, yes. - In comparison to these. - Well, it's fucking busy in Camden. - Josh thought this was a very smart idea then. - It's suffering, Josh has actually stitched us up. I think-- - he's like, how can I make their day worse? Let's send them somewhere where they can't enjoy themselves and people filming them - and there's just a lot of fucking people. - On phones. - So, Harry just won the game, yeah, this is the best one. - Hoy, hoy! (sighs) - What are these creps? - Turn this off. - What do you mean? - What do you mean, what are these creps, you know what's happening here. Don't ask us, what are these creps here? Like, you know. - You set this up. So, when do we open the second envelope? - In a bit. - In a bit? I'll have some champagne then, fucking hell. - I don't wanna get-- - About a hour still, actually. - An hour? - A hour? - A hour? - A hour. - Hello Josh Zerkaa, we have arrived at Camden market. - Ish. - Ish, we're in the fake box park container thing looking to eat and drink. We will open this envelope but I just wanted to say what an incredibly brainiac idea it was to bring KSI and some of the Sidemen down to Camden Market. - On a bank holiday. - Yes, yes, on a bank holiday, in the blazing sun as well, might I add. - Where everyone in London is out. - It might be one of your finest moves. So yes, thanks for that. - We did a meet and greet while queuing for the toilets. - Yes. - So, thanks. - So yeah, cheer fella, we'll open the envelope now, we'll get back to you, bye. - All right so-- - I hate this. - Whoa. I am not a fan of this. How do you feel about what you just saw? - A little aroused. (Simon laughs) No one caught that. - Whoa. - I didn't see anything. - See? - What did you see? - Nothing, - See? - I didn't see anything. - What's that? - Apple sorbet. (Tobi chuckles) - Yeah, I'll have some, thank you. - What? No, no! This is for me! Can I have another spoon, please? - I got you bro. - Thank you. - We like sat in front of our computer screens and made some shitty gaming videos and now, we come to Camden Market and we can't go to the toilet without having-- - Everyone staring at our dicks. - Bro, look, every floor of this place is looking at us and taking pictures. Every floor. - [KSI] Oh my God, this is what I followed you for. Content! - I was trying to sleep and they just put this bullshit on. (cameraman chuckles) I was having a great little nap as well. - Follow on Instagram. - Fucking see ya. - Thank you. - I'm getting a pizza. - Are we just getting food? - I'm getting pizza. - We're just getting food. - My daughters, yeah. - Yeah. - [Lady] Are at home, they've got you on their television. - Yeah. - My television every single bloody day, yeah? - Okay. - If I wanna watch the news, I can't, yeah. - I'm so sorry. - [Lady] So, I have to make them well jealous. - With this? - We gonna take a picture. - Hey? - [KSI] They're probably not gonna believe it. - I'm gonna freshen up, I'm gonna shower, I'm gonna make use of the amenities here. - Harry, this is your shower over here. - I'm not shower..boys, I'm not risking it. - What do you mean? - I'm not risking it. - That's your-- - I can't, I'm not getting butt naked there, I can't do it. - This is our shower. - I know it's my bathroom but I can't do it boys. - What, are you letting him in your bathroom? - No. - You ain't going in my bathroom. - If you walk in, it's sexual harassment, okay? Can I have a shower? - I'm wondering if I can just get a picture of you guys-- - Wait, do you wanna shout out, what's this thing? - Yeah, oh my God, can you actually? - Here we go, we're recording. - It's Manda-- (laughs) - Are we recording? Yeah, we're recording. - Okay, it's Rendang and Rice in Buck Street Market. - There we go. - Bro, I'll take it. - Free food, we'll take free food. - Actually you know what? We filmed, is this all right? (everyone laughs) - Kon, go away, I'm about to get my balls out bro. - It's just me and you mate, - I'm about to get my balls out. - I'm not the cameraman. - Right, I have accomendiered, is that a word? I don't know, Tobi's bathroom because mine is too out in the open. So, I will be doing a toilet and this shower's not bad you know, it ain't bad. I don't have the risk of anyone bursting in on me, so we're good. This is the most powerful shower I've ever seen in my life. - So, the boys have got some grub. - And we finally got some food. - We got some grub, so what did you get? You got bao buns for free. - I got some free bao. - Free bao. - Babalou. - KSI got pizza with me. - And pizza, yeah. - Yeah, nice, so I think once we've eaten this, it's time to open envelope three. This has been carnage, I simply can't believe what's happened. - I didn't know we were this big of a deal. - We're just a couple of boys in London, bro. - Yeah, fam. - Just a couple boys eating food. - Oi, free food though, free food. - Nah, he's buzzing, he's buzzing. He got bao buns bro, he got bao buns. - Babalou. - We've been told to open envelope number two. - Okay. - You have just sneezed in your hands. - I'll do it. (Simon laughs) - I'll do it. You hold that. - Okay. - You have a car and driver waiting for you. Open next envelope at destination. - So, that's all, that's it? I thought it was gonna say something mad. - Innit? - Bro, that's it, it's plain as well, no emojis or nothing. - Bro, where all the riddles at? I miss Josh riddles. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can tell he's thrown together last minute, this one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Sloppy work, sloppy work. Thank you Josh. - There's a man where we just got-- - This man is playing "Patience." - [Ethan] Let's go, Miguel's Pizza, baby. - This might be my favourite KSI track. This might be my favourite KSI track. We're at Miguel's Pizza, need a little bit of patience baby, let's go. - Can we get a live performance? - No (laughs) - A bit of patience. - This is "Patience" KSI, Yungblud, on Miguel's Pizza FM. - What is life? - Help. I'm living in a simulation. - Or a Dissimulation. - Ooh. - I wanna die. - Yes boys, when I was having a nap before, I decided to have a little explore in here. - [Simon] Okay. - And I found this. - Oh. - Go on Zerkaa. - Some garms, I'm slightly confused here as to why we have garms. I feel like he's intentionally got, like, there's like Spongebob ones. - Bro, this is the one. - I've noticed a lot of some, this feels very KSI garmed. - JJ, very JJ. - You're right, they are KSI garms, hmm. - This is a-- - Hmm. - What exciting endeavours does Josh have planned for the day? - And I just need more alcohol This is it, yes or no? - Yes, probably. - You know, this is a big one as well 'cause this should be our activity. - Camden bingo. - Oh no, oh no. - No, no, no, no. - Oh no, surely not. - Eat food from the market. - We can't do that, we would literally, this will do. - We've done that. - Sure, we're close enough. - Right. - Yeah, get an evening outfit from Cyberdog. - Why? - Ah. - Why? - Okay, we're now roaming the streets of London, we've just left the hotel. - We're told we were going to a car. - Yeah, I thought there was gonna be one waiting for us. Apparently not. - Now I'm scared, now I'm scared. - Get a group photo by the canal. - We can't get to the canal. It's gonna be a myth. - Ah! - Down a drink at three different bars or pubs. Oh, we can do that. - Yeah, that's doable. - Yeah. - Buy some evening entertainment, fuck off, that's it. - [Ethan] Buy some evening entertainment? - What does even mean? - I think I've seen it. - Is a big thing? - It's a big thing. - Is it a Hummer Bee? - I think so, my friend. - Oh, oh, oh. (Sidemen chuckle) - Getting to the canal and leaving the canal is gonna be - It's going to be a fucking mission. - Hell. - This man has well and truly-- - Fucked us. - Oh, without a doubt. - Like, the fist has entered bro. It is well and truly up. - He hasn't even booked anything for us, he's just said go and make your own fun. - We have to do everything. - Bro, he said two-star and a chiller, two-star and a chiller. Okay, well. - Oh hell. - So, I say we get an outfit now, yeah? - I can't believe this, I'm still struggling to let this. - [KSI] I want to just fucking die. - Hello, is this? - Oh yeah. - Yeah? - Yeah. Thank you very much man, cheers. Holy smokes. - Oh! - Geez. - Oh my God. - Whoo-hoo. - Oh! - Boys, this is certi, it's certified again. - Ace of Spades. - Oh! (upbeat music) - So, do you know what Josh has done, right? Josh has been like, all right we quickly whipped this video together. All right, so this is everything that the good team are doing. - Yeah. - The bad team, yeah send them to Camden, that'll do. All right, cool, - Yeah, yeah. - Good stunt, sign it off. And it begins. Where are we going? - Cyberdog, there. - Oh, look at this. - Cyberdog. - Yes, oh, amazing. - Mate, fuck! - Nice job bro, how you doing? (Vik laughs) - Cheers, cheers. - Cheers, cheers. - To the good team. - Cheers. - To the mighty blues. - The mighty blues mate, the mighty, what a weekend for the blues. - See, great team, great blues - Fucking hell. - Here we have Behz in his natural habitat, trying to find this rave garms. That's a bit of you, - No, no. - Yo, Among Us. Next Among Us in Real Life. - No, no, no, no, no! I'm having a meltdown right now, I wanted-- - I reckon that's a bit of you. - It's been undone, we are now at the mercy of the bottle cap. - Oh Lord. - It-- (canister hissing) - I hear it, or he's farting. - Boys, that is technique. - Still haven't done it? - Technique. - Oh, he's done it, ay. - Oh, he's done it. - Love that. - Oh, okay, okay. - Well done, well done, well done. - I have my glass. - It looks cooler drinking from the bottle, it looks cool, it looks cool, - Cheers. - Cheers to that mate, cheers to that. - [Tobi] Down it, down it. - I forgot, do you remember when I tried to drink the whole bottle (Simon laughs) It just went everywhere. - What, stop it JJ, what are you? There's no way, there's actually no way. Do you realise that we already have been mobbed, there's no way. - Fuck it bro, I might as well embrace it. - There's no way. - Embrace it. I say we all rock it. - No. Oi, where's Behz? I need to overrule this. - Yes, sure. - I've got the hat. - Okay, I've got this. - Yeah, what is that? - It's like a-- - A vest, a strap? - Yeah, a harness, yeah. - A harness? So you can stay strapped in? - Yes, yes, stay, all right. - All right, let's go. - How many seconds do you think it'll take me to get there and back? I reckon I can do it in five seconds? - I'll time it. - Five seconds? I'm saying about seven bro. - All right. - [Simon And Tobi] Three, two, one, go! - Three, four, five, six. - Ah! I'm not gonna lie, I stopped timing 'cause I got kicked in the shin. - Oh no. - It was about six and a half seconds. - Six and a half? - Ah, yeah. - Yeah baby. - Geez. - Yeah baby, now we're talking. - Man's got that microchip at the back. (upbeat trance music) - [Tobi] One, go! - All right. (Tobi and Simon laugh) That was rough, that was bad. - Like five and a half. - Yes! - Two, one, go! One, two, three, four. (Tobi laughs) - Bro I swear to God, it was like three, under four seconds. - I'd say it was like four. - I was watching it. - You definitely won by a mile. - Oh no. - That was mad. - Oh Tobi, your apple juice is open. - Oh no! - Oh no! - It's on my bum. - Oh no! - It's on my bum. - Ah, no! No! - So is my bum wet? How wet is my bum? (Simon and Tobi laugh) - Yeah, look, can you see this? - Oh no, no, no, no. - Listen, wrap my thing around your waist, you'll be fine. - This thing? - Yeah, yeah. - All right, thank you brother. (Simon laughs) Fucking hell. - [Simon] Oh no. - [Harry] This is just hit air bro. - [Simon] Tobi, you won but-- - At what cost? - At what cost? - [Simon] Yeah (laughs) - I'm disguised like this but we have... - I don't know, ask Josh, I don't know. I don't know, he's taken us here. - We're trapped. Thanks. - No worries, keep it going. - Enjoy. - Good going. - Thank you guys. - Lovely, enjoy. - Bro, you look like a Saints Row character. - Oh really? - Yeah, does he not? - Bro, how does he get away with this? - I don't know how he gets away with it. - Like you are top tier, I'm mid tier. - Yeah, yeah, yeah-- - And then I thought, why not make myself less obvious. - We've been dropped off outside what I believe is Harrods. - Here we go, read it out. - You have 60 minutes to spend a grand each on whatever you want. Come on. Let's go. - 60 minutes to spend a grand each? - A grand each? - Bro, I can do that. - I can do that. - That can be arranged. - All right. - All right, nice. - You think only 60 minutes? - I'm going in straight with away with that. - Geez, the different patterns and that. - Oi, do you wanna know something great. - Bro. - 50 quid. - 50 pounds? - I hate Josh. - Fuck off. - Josh has sent us here for laugh but-- - Bro, wait, JJ how much was yours? 224 for everything? - Oh, yeah, yeah. - So, he got a whole outfit. - Bro, we spent nearly 300 pounds in Cyberdog. - Fam, fam, I spent 50 pounds for this. - Oh, that's cool. - Geez. - Ooh, ooh. Nailed it. - [Fan] Whatever that is, I'm fetching it. - I have decided I'm getting a scooter. This is setting me back 749 pounds. Luckily, I have Simon's wallet, so it's all good, ha. So, what are you feeling? - I don't know, you pick for me, I'll get whatever you want here. One of these ones though 'cause they're Pro Max. - [Tobi] But they're all leather, you just said. - [Harry] Yeah, but I'll firm it, I'll firm it, it's better than this. - [Tobi] Blue is the colour for you, mate. - Yeah? - Blue ting. - Yeah. - Mighty blues. - The mighty blues lad, all right cool. Nice, all right, that's 50 quid. All right boys. - 750. - I've seen this. I can get it but bro, like where do I-- - Hey, how does he get this home? - Oh, ah. - It's long. - [Salesperson] Here's the black one, black or gold. - [Customer] There's the black one here. - [Salesperson] Black one, yeah, yeah. - So Behz is enjoying a day in Camden. - Yeah man. - You look down the street and you see that, what do you do? - What's that? - What do you do? - What is that? - What do you do? - I don't know what's happened I don't know what's happened here. Right, here we're going to get our team pic. - [Vik] How exciting. - I have not found anything to buy, so this is my last resort. - You have to undo it first, mate. - I do. I don't understand Versace, yeah. - [Harry] It's just a dressing gown, bro. Geez, is that you, yeah? Is that you? - Geez. - [Harry] It's gotta be done, bro. How much is it? - 989, so perfect. - Buying it. All right, nice. - Done. - Yo, at this point, we may as well get on the bridge and get a picture. - Or we can go up there bro. Yeah, we could get on that bridge. - Yeah, may as well, at this point. Perfect, Camden Lock, come on boys. - I hate my life, I hate my life. The fuck are we doing? - Well, that was a stressful experience that. - How much did you spend? - 989. - He smashed it bro, he got it right on the money. - What did you do? - I did like 800. - I did 1.2. So we evened it out. - So, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Smashed it, smashed it. - Nice. - [KSI] We literally picked the worst day to do this. - Although I'm lit though. Bro, look at my shit, bro. - [KSI] Oh, fuck off Vik. - Look at my shit bro, look at the different-- - Yeah, do you know what, fuck it, I'm there bro. - Fam, look at that heart eye emoji. That's what I'm talking about, we talking money. - Let's go. - We simply talking and we're money right here. - Oh! - We're back. - Beer garden. - Ah! - Thank you very much. Can I grab one now? - Oh, look at it! Look to your right. - Oh! - Oh my God. (upbeat music) - We're in a da corner. We are drinking our sorrows. Nice. - I got two because I want this night, I don't want to remember this night. - I've got to say, I respect this a lot. This was a professional move. I am very impressed, we should have done the same. - That's what we call a pro gamer. - So, yes, doubles, let's go, let's drink it, get it done, cheers, chinny, chin chin. What was agent saying, the first time felt so nice, I had to do it twice. (KSI and Ethan laugh) - Hole in one for the boys. - Nice. - Let's go next one, fuck it. - Oh my God. - The sooner we drink after doing this, we can go back to our amazing hotel. - We can open the fourth envelope. - Wow. - Shit, it said we had buy entertainment, didn't it? - What is that? - Like a card game or something. - Yeah, put your head, no, go on. No, no, no, we don't have to do it. - Can I just like put my mouth on it? - You know what, fine. If it's just the boys eating from it, it'll be fine. - Huh, oi. - That's actually, no, no, actually no you know what? On second thought, that's foul and you've ruined the whole thing for me now, I'm very upset. - Fuck you. - Are you happy with yourself? - Fuck you. - Are you happy with yourself? - Am I happy with myself? No. - Bro. - KSI, Camden Market on a bank holiday? - Yeah, imagine me just out there, looking like a fucking idiot. - Wait, do you understand? - [KSI] Do you understand what you've done? - Yeah. - You don't understand. - This is ridiculous. - I know. - And there was no switcharoo. We opened the envelopes thinking, all right, switcharoo. - Yeah, what is this? - Josh, it was not-- - [Harry] Have you seen the ice sculpture? - Ice sculpture? Oh. - Bro. - [Harry] Bro, we've got the faces of the stinker team. - [Simon] No, wait, wait, no, wait. - Do you reckon the bad team is coming here for a party? - I would invite them. - This is cool. - Ah, Ethan's here. - Oh bro, I thought he actually was for a second. But it looks weirdly like him. Well obviously it's his face but like... Yeah, that's weird bro. Bro, look on the camera, look at the camera, look how weird that looks. Bro, it's Ethan. - [Tobi] Ay bro, on the camera, it looks mad. - [Harry] That is horrible. - When they treat us like a motherfucking creature. Creature. - Creature. - [Josh] Machine. Creature. - He's so busy, then he gets brought out to do this with us. But I feel for him, I do feel for him. - That is outrageous, oh my God. - [Tobi] Okay. - Mm. - Bro. - Mm. - Now, now, the good team is like, now we living, now we living. I mean, we were already living, - We've been living. - We were living good before that. - We living. - [Josh] Now after sitting with the boys for a while, it became apparent that it was gonna be impossible to do any of the tasks they had left on their list. So, we decided to go back to the hotel room, try and work out a new plan. - It's a public shared. - Public shared toilet. - It's all public. - I didn't know that. - Yes, in a pandemic. - Yes. In mine upstairs-- - Fantastic. - It could have been worse, trust me. - What's that? What's in there bro? - This is what I got. - Bro. - We walked around for ages and we only had an hour. So I was like, you know what, I need to just buy something. - It looks nakker on Simon, I won't lie. - Say you swear? (Kon whistles) - But you gotta be bullock naked underneath it bro. - Commando. - Maybe at home. - Okay, well. - I don't know about in a Sidemen video. - But you are at home, this is home bro. - Oh no. - It's very nice. - It's a little bit toasty. - Yeah. - Just a little bit. - And also, it comes with this free piece of wood. (Josh laughs) - Yeah. - I don't know why. - Just because. - That TV, when is it from? - Fam. - How fucking bougie do I look right now? - You're big time. - I won't lie, I'm gonna go change real quick because of the old pants. - [Kon] Oh, his pants, wait, wait, wait, let me get a zoom, let me get a zoom. - Apple juice. - [Kon] Oh. - He shit himself. - Oh, it is hot in here though, innit? - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah, so the windows don't open Josh because people killed themselves. - Yeah, I mean, makes sense. - At all, like they don't even open at all? - No. - Nope. - Not even a little slide? - Not even a slide, no. - What, they don't let you get a little bit of air? - No. - Nope. - So, where's the air in here? - There isn't. - Ha, do you know what, it's funny you say that Josh (Sidemen laugh) 'Cause we've been wondering the same thing. - Wait, so you just get no air? - Oh yeah, we've been looking for it. - I mean, I mean. - Wait, hold on a minute. - Bro, no, no, wait, wait, wait. There is... There is. - But wait, we've only got two hours left on that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, - and then we'll die. - Then, we'll probably-- - How are you supposed to breathe with no air bro? - Fam, fam. - Well, there's a bit - Fam, it's warm. - Of vapour in here. - What there, what, ah, who's calling? Oh yeah. - [Tobi] Is that the money calling? - Geez. - Is that the money calling? - What we saying about these? - Whoa-yo. - No, um. - No? - I'm just gonna say, - Yo. - I'm gonna have to blow a little bit. - Why? - [Simon] Stand up straight. - No. (everyone laughs) - Bro, you look like a mom. - Nah, it'll be fine. - I can-- - A mom? - You can what? - I can see-- - My penis? - I mean, that's a good sign for you. - Stand up Bog. - I'm stood up bro. Don't zoom in on my penis bro. I'm chilling, I'm chilling. - [Josh] Oh, hang on. - Holy shit, he's turned it on. - [Josh] Now what happens? - [Vik] Wait, it's on. (Sidemen cheer) - [Ethan] Entertainment! - [KSI] Entertainment! - Come on. - Entertainment! - Ay, we got a bit of wood and a TV bro. Let's go. - [Josh] That is a badman TV. - [Ethan] HD as well, that. - What could possibly be in the bathroom? - Are you telling us to come around here? - Bro, there's just chocolate on my lip and no one told me. - Whoa oh God, what is? - What the fuck? - Bro, why do we need that much? - Why? - There's no need for that much. (Simon shrieks) What are we, boys, we're not gonna, you don't drink, you don't drink. - I don't really like champagne. - I'm not doing, I have like a drink but I'm not gonna have a whole bath of champagne. - Why, why, why? - He's trying to watch his weight, he said it earlier. - No. - No, but come on, you suck more drinking 15 litres of champagne. - Why so much? - You got a whole thing of apple juice here, I can see. - Okay, I was looking for it. I was gonna rave-- - mate, more pina coladas. Bro, we have so many pina coladas. Can we invite them over? - Yeah. - Can they come herE? - Yeah. - Let's ask. - Like, after our food. - After the food. - Yeah, well if you tell them now, they can make their way here. - It is heating up in here, come on Behz. - I'm trying to deflect the sun. - Why? - Close it please. - [Vik] Fam, what have they done to their curtains? - [Josh] Watch him bring the whole thing. - There's bits and balls falling off my eye. (everyone laughs) - I can't see. - Look at the dust. Just hook it up there somewhere. - I can't see bro. - There's literally like everywhere by the way. - Yeah, hook that. - DIY. DIY, stop, stop, stop, stop, you can't just. - Don't break it anymore. - Fam. Right, okay, well we're gonna have to pay damages when we check out, which is probably gonna be more than the room. - Stop it lads. - JJ, aww. - Right, now we're gonna have to pay for damages. Well done, well done. - It was like that when we got here. It was like that when we got here. - Obviously we're stuck in the pantry. - I've a drink, Cal needs one. - You're not very good at this hiding. Do not open this. - I'm pinging off you man. (door knocks) - Fucking yes. - Ay! - So we get a Mackers yeah, and then what? Then what? Then what are we doing? Then what? - Wait, no, no, no, no, for real now. - Then what? - You'll find out. - Bro, how long bro? My day's been awful, how long? - Can I sit on your bed, please? - This is like now, real life, I've got-- - This is not the real life. - Yeah, this is affecting now my life outside of this, please. Please, like outside of this, it's now affecting it. So please now inform me about what's happening. - It's about to become very real for you. - Don't ping it off anything. - I'm not gonna ping it off, I'm gonna with my thumb behind-- - Did you hear about the story about that guy off Love Island who got his eye wacked up? - Ah! - For the Sidemen. (champagne cork pops) - That actually fucked it. - Bro, that actually came so loud. - It was. Bro, all right, we got cameraman Kon here. He's doing the mic and the boom. Would you like a glass as well, sir? - Yeah, go on. - [Judge] The Nobel Prize for that ship and was 1907. - Fantastic. - [Ethan] I wanna fucking kill myself. - Whenever you're ready Simon. Oh, that's not Simon. What the fuck, I thought-- - Black Simon. - Simon was supposed to, Simon. There we...oh, ooh, he's double straw, ooh. - You're bougie. - Ooh. - You're bougie. - [Vik] Yes! - Dinner. - Absolute scenes. - [Josh] So at this point, the boys are supposed to go out into London in their brand new outfits, go on a little bar crawl and get a nice meal but it was proven to be impossible, so let's just say I ordered them some McDonald's to their hotel room, so they could get a nice little smile on their face with their Happy Meals. - Bro. - Look, look, look, at least you get a Pokemon pack. - I didn't get a Pokemon pack. - Oi, open it. - You want a Pokemon pack, here you go. - The last time I had a Happy Meal, I was about eight years old and this was a lot of chips. Bam, bam. - Now, it's different now, it's different. - Stickers, wow, stickers. - You got stickers? You didn't get, oh you got a pack though. - I got a Cyndaquil. - [Vik] I don't know what the fuck that is. - Holo. - Geez. - I got a Treecko. - Oh, you got a Squirtle. - [Ethan] Squirtle and a Chimchar. - Holo Fennekin. - Geez. - Charmander, let's go. Sobble and Chimchar. - Chimchar. - Chimchar is a good Pokemon. - Lovely. Well, enjoy your dinner lads, I'm sure the boys have something nicer to eat. - Yeah. - But I'm with you, I'm eating the Happy meal too, come on. - I'm so happy. And I'm getting Bulbasaur. - But you're happier now with the Happy Meal. Sure, you do, you look, you let your chin up a little bit. I can see it in your eyes. - He can't hide it. - He has actually cheered up a little bit. - He can't hide it. - Look at him, look, look, you can see a little, oh, oh, oh. (upbeat music) - Oi, what the fuck? (Randolph laughs) Oi, this is mad. - It's all really good. - That's mine. - Oh! (guys cheering) - I need the sun bro. - It's over, it's over. (guys laughing) - Let's go. - Hello, yes. - Yo men with the Sidemen money. - I love the Sidemen, you know. The Sidemen are the best. - What a day. - Have you seen our bath? - No, I haven't seen anything. - Come look at the bath, come look at the bath, come look at the bath. - These blokes got hit, smacked in the face. - I've got heat stroke and hay fever. I have to sleep in the dark. - I just have depression. - We're going on a little trip, you wanna go out? - On our favourite rocket ship? - We're going on a trip - Yeah. - In our favourite rocket ship. - Take a nice little trip. - Yeah, yeah, - Is there drugs? (Josh laughs) - Where are we going? - [Josh] I'll tell you when we get there. Ready for your final stop? - I think so. - You think so? - Please put a smile on my face. - [Josh] You want a smile on your face? - Please, please, put a smile. - [Josh] I might not do that. - Okay. - [Fan] Can we take a picture please? - Yeah, okay. - Thank you. (Ethan sighs) - They're gonna wave at us, aren't they? Now is goodbye, isn't it? - What, where do you think they are though? - I think they're up there on that very nice rooftop. - You lot want any champagne, help yourself. - Ta-dah. - Oh my God, oh my God. - Holy. - Oh my God. - Yo, dash this away. - What the fuck. - Give me a new one. (guys laugh) - They did say the ones we don't take, we don't have to pay for. - Cal, fucking Sidemen, - It's a Sidemen video. - Come on lad. - I know, I know. - Yeah, get this open as well. - Yeah, or we can all drink responsibly. - We're in for a big night tonight. - Yeah drink responsibly. - Come on. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Josh] Let's take you this way first. - Okay. Oh okay, you're kidding, right in the middle, they're gonna wave at us right, yeah? - So, this is the little peasants on the ground. - Yeah, yeah, okay, let's cross the road then. Oh, we've lost KSI by the way, it's done, it's done. - Come on. - Let him get mobbed. - I've just got a strange feeling, right, that they're gonna wave down at us. I might cry, I could cry. - I think you're already crying. - So, I brought you here, yeah? - It's sick, isn't it? Very scenic. - Yeah, very nice. - Yo, big fan. - Thank you. - Thank you bro. - Love the views of London, yeah. - So, you have no idea why I brought you here? - Oh, no idea. - Just fucking tell us fam. - I couldn't possibly guess. - I ain't got all fucking day. - Oh, they're waving at you right now, look. - Oh. - I wouldn't say waving. - I mean, it's not even-- - I was fucking with you lot. - Bog! - Ssh. - What's up you fucking (beep) (Harry screams) - I hope he falls, I hope he trips. - Look at him. (fans shouting in background) - Lads, lads-- - Oh yeah, yeah. - No, lads, lads, lads, it's a nice ending bro. - What you mean it's a nice? - Why? - 'Cause we're going up there. - Oh shit. - Oh. - There's a party up there bro. - Oh for real? - There's a party? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh shit. - Simon, Tobi, come quick. - What? - Come quick, come quick. - Come quick? - Come, come, come quick. Bro, look, look who's down there. - Wait. (guys laughing) - Aw. - Oh, they're all there. Cal is there, oh fuck off. (KSI laughs) Fuck off. - What's Randolph doing there? - Oh, fuck off. - Oi, let me in. Ayo no man, let me in there. Fucking hell. - They're down there. - Bro. - They're coming up. - Bro why are they-- - I don't know. - What is he wearing? - Bro. (guys cheering) - Whoo! (guys laughing) - Cheers man. - Hey everyone, is that the Sidemen? - It's the Sidemen. - It's the Sidemen, KSI. - We're coming to the party! (fans screaming in background) - Look at this shit. This poor guy. - This poor guy. - Where are we going? - Where are we going? - Where are you going bro? - Where are we going? - Quick, throw these at KSI. (guys laughing) - I'm trying, fucking. - Ay, they're coming, I'm telling you. - That's kick ass. - Lads, come up, come up, come up. - Whoo! - Bro, you just killed shit. - Swear you just killed a man. - Oh my God. - Okay, back up, back up. - Wait, what is happening? - Inside, inside, inside. (guys laughing) - Is it in here? - Yeah. - Is it here? - Yeah. - Oh, oh. - Ah, yes, yes. - Oh. - Thank God. This is more like it. - Go inside. - This is more like it. - Come inside, come inside. - Go. - Yes, yes. Yes. - That's such good timing, - That was-- - Did you know that? - No, Harry just went, - No, I stood by the balcony normally and I just hear - Come quick. - Like Ethan shout and I'm like what the fuck. - Oh, this is. - I can feel something happening in my balls. - In your balls? - Yeah, like I can feel my balls. - I came prepared for this bro. That's what I'm talking about. - Get your hat on. - Man's talking money now. - Talking money now. - Geez. - Can you feel that tingle bro can you feel it? - Oh, well, all up inside my privates. - I can feel like a slight tingle on my back. - All up inside. - [Harry] What did you get Simon? - Got a little of steak. - Yeah. - Emphasis. - On the little bit, yeah. - Yeah. - What did you get Tobi? - I also got some steak but there's some sushi on the way bro. - Okay, okay. - A little bit of steak. - A little bit of steak. - I got a black cod and then, you got anything? No? - The budget ran out at this point. - Oh, that's unlucky boys. - Yeah, the budget just ran out. - That's unfortunate. - But taking after Boggo himself - Oh god no. - From their last video. - No, no, no, no. (guys laughing) - But I will take this. - Hello, wow. - Right, let's go outside. - Hey, what, profiterole, hey, hold that. - Let's go outside. Right, let's go outside first, look at the outside first, come on. - Bro. - Outside first. No, don't think of the chocolate. - Aw, wagwan my G, geez. - What, so we go outside? - Mm, aw. - There he is. - Yeah! - Oh shit! - Hey, hey! - Wait. (JJ screams) - Nah, nah, nah. - Wait, wait, wait, hold it, hold it. - Wait, wait, wait. - Hey lads. (Ethan and JJ scream) - What's wrong? (JJ screams) - The worst day I've done it. - Hold on, hold on. - I came ready. Are you talking money here? - You look great. - Is that what this is about? - I look like a fucking idiot. - No, you're great. - I couldn't see, I can't see shit. - You can't see anything? - I wanna be on that side lad. - I couldn't see shit for a long time. - Oh, we must've looked so stupid. - Oh, we probably looked like fucking idiots. - Why did you pick the brightest pink outfit? Surely that was a mistake? - I don't know, listen, - It was a massive mistake. - Did he choose this? - This man-- - Oh, he did it on purpose? - Yes, yes. - Oh no. - Oh, he chose it, innit? - Wait, wait, what? - Why? - You weren't wearing that when we left today. - In Cyberdog, he bought that. - Shut up. - Bro, you look like a forfeit. (guys laughing) - Bro, this aint gonna do it. - So why are you wearing this? - He paid 200 quid for this. - Why are you wearing this? - He chose it. - Well, because I chose it. - Yeah, I'll have a beer. - Yeah, you deserve it bro. - In the Cybersquad, whatever. - Cyberdog. - Cyberdog, yeah. - Wait, so what did Ethan choose? - Aw bro, what are you eating? - Black cod. - What are you saying bro? (guys laughing) - Mind's in the bin. - You're here now though. - He said keep quiet now. - It's good now, it's all good - Bro, I'm-- - Bro. - We're all going home in an hour probably. - He was gonna say I'm rich. Was he gonna say I'm rich. - I'm chilling here. - Did you hear that? He went, I'm ri... (guys laughing) - Cheers man. - [Ethan] Oh yeah, cheers, cheers. - [Callux] All those crypto games hey. (guys laughing) - Oh my God. - Can I join in now, yeah? - Yes. - Yeah, now you can involved. - Come on. - This sucks so much. - I just want you guys to know, right, I packed this shirt today thinking-- - Thinking you were gonna be on the good team? (guys laughing) - And then we open the second envelope, I was like, the switcharoo is coming now, let me put it on. - Yeah, where the fuck was the switcharoo bro. - This is the switcharoo, - This is good enough. - This is the switcha-- Oh, so they get to? - Nah they stay here. (guys laughing) - He could have sent us home to our two-star hotel. - Happy now, innit? - You probably will actually fucking sleep here, innit? - On what? Where? - Wait, wait. But we have to leave to go back to our two-star hotel to sleep? - Yeah. - Are you mad? This is worse. - (gasps) Who made those? - We'll send a car for you. - There's like, go to-- - Oh yeah, I mean if you wanna complain, I'll take you home now. - Bro, bro, the chocolate fountain. - Yo, yo, wait, wait. - The chocolate fountain. - Go film them looking at the baths. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Come, come, come. - Whoa, hey, hey, Ethan wait, Ethan wait, Ethan wait. Relax, relax, relax. - I don't think you, I've had the worst day of my life, I don't think you understand. - It's okay, it's okay. - Look at me, I look like shit bro, I've got the heat stroke, I've got hay fever. - It's okay, come. Ooh. - Oh my goodness. - Oh. - Oh! - Ooh. - Oh, I'm double parking. - Yup, have it. - I'm double parking. - Look at you in your robe there. - This is what I bought. (guys laughing) - You actually bought that. - Fucking hell. - We had 1,000 pounds to spend. - Yeah. - Yeah. He bought a go kart. - We had a grand to spend. - He got a Happy Meal. (guys laughing) - Did you get Pokemon packs? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, what did you get? - Oh, fuck off man. - What did you get? - Shut up, no one cares man. - Bro, you can sell that. You can sell that and pay for the hotel. - Aw bro, he's already got - Yes bro. - This is what you had on tap? You had this on tap? Oh fam. Ayo, we had that in Camden - Give yourself a tour. - In front of hundreds of people staring at us. - Yeah, I know. Go get it then. - All right let me drink, oh can I have a picture though real quick? - Yo, if it helps, we also got stopped by Dino down there. - Oh, that's cool. - Dino? - Man like. - Yeah, yeah. - Dino. - Yeah, yeah. So we know how you feel-- - I have song with him. - I'm in his song. - Oh, oh. - It's been an experience today, I'm just taking it all in, you know. Being in Camden, it was a three-hour meet and greet. - I've never seen that look from you, I've really-- - It's been a long day, it's been a long day (sighs) - So, we get into our van, we're thinking oh, this could be good. JJ goes, so where are we going? Now obviously, they're not meant to tell you. He said that we're going to the County Hotel. So, I did my due diligence, I Googled, I see two-star budget hotel with free breakfast. (guys laughing) - I said, okay lads, but this could be the switcharoo, you never know, like we could get there, then get in another car and go somewhere else. - When we got here, we thought they were doing that as well, os. - Yes, we firmly found out once we walked in that it was not (guys laughing) and there was two names under Mr. Josh. The keys come on rods about this long that you can't detach. I went up to my room, there was flies outside the room, like out in the corridor. You open it up, bro I'm not even joking, it's about this wide with a bed in the corner and an old school bunda TV. - It looked like you were suffering. (guys laughing) - This should have been me. This should have been-- - Do you want a tour? Go and have a look around. - Should have been me. - What's up with the shoes? - Ah bro. - Wait, what's up with the shoes? - Bro, it smells like money. - What's up, why, what's this? - It smells like money. What is this? - What's this? - What's going on here? - What's here? - What's this? - Why? - They've been to Harrods, innit? - Oh my God. - No, there's no way, wait, what do you mean? - Bro, they-- - Wait, what do you mean? - Bro, ah. - Wait, wait. - Just go this way, follow the fucking camera bro. - Fucking hell man. - Wait, no, why are this many shoes? - Follow the camera bro, shush - No explain to me. - No, I don't wanna look in the fucking closet bro. - Explain to me why there is this many-- - Just follow the camera bro, listen to me. - They've actually, ah! Ah! Oh, what is this? What is this? How many champagne bottles do you fucking need? - Don't break things, you're in an expensive place now. Don't break things. - And take a picture down by the canal. Bank holiday Monday, 24 degrees, KSI. - Wearing pink at this time or not? - Yes, yes, he was in that outfit. He was in that fucking outfit. (guys laughing) We went to a pub, we got stuck in the pub. There was a line outside the pub, like queue outside the pub. - Meet and greet? - Yes, no, for all us, they was like, KSI and the Sidemen are in this pub and then there's people coming, she's kicking off at them, she's like, you can't come in without logging in, blah blah blah, whatever, it's kicked off, she's moved an old couple off the table next to us 'cause it was just carnage. (guys laughing) - It's only just got here bro, you're with it. - I didn't get to enjoy it though. (guys laughing) God. - He's just angry, frustratingly angry now. - Well, enjoy it now, get one. - Nah, it's done now. The moment's gone, the moment's gone. You have your own toilet and shower? - That's a rarity these days, you're right. - Bro, this is like my favourite, chocolate and grapes. - Yeah. - Oh. (KSI sobs) (KSI screams) - You've not missed out on it 'cause you're here for it. - Nah, but this was here before. - It wasn't. - Was it not? - It's not been here very long, no. - Oh. Oh what, so this is just for us? - Yeah. - Oh shit. - So, you can enjoy it. You don't got to cry. - Nougat. - It might taste good with chocolate. Everything tastes good with chocolate. - They've been living good here. - Chocolate. Chocolate. Oh. All right, this is the last one. Oh my God. - JJ had the mission - No one's filming that. - To cancel the plans bro. (guys laughing) - I feel like no one filmed that. - All right, we gotta do it again, we gotta do it again, we gotta do it again. (guys talking in background) - Fuck my life. - What's happened bro? - This is mad. - Randy ready, come through. - Oh you're going again? - Yeah, yeah. - He goes no, but not done by them. Oh no. - Oh no, that looks like-- - It looks mad. - Ay, that's going on Reddit fam. - That's nuts. - Oh no, allow it. No, don't break that game man. - Is there any other food here then or do we need to order or what? - I was thinking-- - Ayo, can I have some black cod? Can a nigger get some black cod? - You get what you wanna do bro. - Ayo, I want black cod. - You can have my mushrooms if you want. (guys laughing) - Real quick, real quick, the shoes, wagwan? - Who's-- - He won't tell us bro. - No, how I must fucking do this now? - What? - You have outfits ready for you to choose from for this evening but 'cause they fucked the whole schedule by them ending early and you guys being late, it fucked it all. - Okay. - Right, so, we can go pick our clothes? - What, so you guys were gonna go like out clubbing? - No, no, no, they have a name-- - Imagine it ends in Tape. (guys laughing) That would have been sick. - What's happening Vik, why are you getting changed? - I got a stain on my t-shirt and they said that I couldn't sit outside with them if I didn't get a new t-shirt. - They actually bullied you into changing. - So, I picked a nice little H&M number. - It looks the same bro. - I'm on the poor team, so I've got a H&M. I don't wanna take too much from their decadence, you know. - Geez. - All right, so we're changing yeah, getting some clothing and that. - Well, we're not changing here, this is Harry's room. - Nah boys, nah you know what, I'll let you have a look in my closet. - What's Harry's is also ours. - Lads I'm back to show you something mad. - Oh, hey. - Come on Harold. - Let's go Harold baby. - Better strut for us. (Sidemen cheer) - You never looked so good. - What? - He looks all right you know. - Yeah. - Oh! - Hey! - Oi, you should join One Direction. - Geez, look at you shine. - Yeah, the white jeans-- - Dude, the white jeans are a big L but everything else is a dub. - Yeah. - Oh Bog. - Your legs are looking nice though. - Oh Bog. - You look like you've got money bro. - It had to white though, it had to be white, I saw them straight away and I was like-- - Take the glasses off one sec (guys cheering) - All right, give me a bev. (guys laughing) - [All] Ooh! - Okay. - Oi B-boy. - Ay! - Yeah. - That is a Simon shirt, yeah. - Give us a little dance move. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (guys laughing) - Oh! - Nice. - Geez. That's actually all right you know. - Here we go. - Here we go baby. It's the Jizzle. - Ayo, he's always dressing good. (guys cheering) - Calm, calmer, calmer. - Ayo, man's going to church. - Come on. - Huh? To church? Like this? - To church? - Ayo, you're going to-- - Ay, if he turns up to church like that, he's gonna go home with baby mamas. - Geez. - Baby mamas. - SPAC Nations. - Yeah. - It's SPAC Nations. (guys laughing) - SPAC Nation. - Damn. - That's a nice label though. - Still kept the label on. (guys laughing) - Come on, come on, come on, it's part of the drib, it's part of the drib. - Vik had shit on his top and now you lot look this good. - Bro, he came, he's like, they won't let me sit down. (guys laughing) - He can't be. - And we're like bro, now we were filming, we're filming, he's nah, nah, they won't let me sit there. (guys laughing) - This is white tee I needed as well, fuck sake. - He wasn't wrong, we weren't. (guys laughing) - Watching old COD montages right now. Ethan's just about to show me one. - Behzinga, it's bite you, I'll feed it. - Behzinga, it's bite you, I'll feed it. - They're coming with Chads. - Oh my God fam, what? All right, we're currently watching a little Vikkstar throwing knife montage from back in the day. Little do you guys know that this is where Vikkstar came from. Without this right here, the Vik would never exist. - Bro, look at this man right here. - This guy right here - This man right here. - Would never exist. This guy right here. - Big out, soldier bro. - Come on. - Speech! Speech! (guys cheering) (upbeat music) - Fucking king. - Someone get this man a knife. (guys laughing) Someone get this man a knife. Get this man a knife. - A fucking knife. (guys cheering) - Look how proud he is right now. - With the same knife, with the same fucking knife. - With the same knife, the same knife. - Four people with the same knife. - I can't wait for this to go in, I can't wait. This is the best footage. - I don't know. - He doesn't even, they're like, you're watching from More More More More Sidemen at this point. - No, this is the main channel mate. We're making the best bit of the video. - We have to, we have to, we have to and we're just enjoying what we all came up on. - Everyone came up on this. - Call of Duty montages. - Oh! - Oh my fucking. (guys cheering) - Booty shot, booty shot. - Lads, are you mad? - Off the wall. - On kill cam bro. - Double bang, - Oh! (guys laughing) Motherfucker hit a booty shot, whoa. Across the map. - No, wait, wait, wait. (guys cheering) - [Harry] The man. - [Sidemen] The man. - You best believe it bro. Remember when model VTOL weren't out yet and this montage come out and everyone's like, oh my God, sniping looks lit? (upbeat music) - Oh my. - You remember? - Remember when FaZe Predator brought out this montage and it stunk. - Ah! - This tune bro, this tune. - This was so good. - Listen to it. - One of the best, one of the best. - It's so simplistic. - One of the best. - It's better 'cause it's cool. - There is cool. Oi. - Huh, yeah. (upbeat music) ♪ Ooh, whatcha say ♪ ♪ Mm, that you only meant well ♪ (upbeat electronic dance music) - [Callux] It's coming, it's coming, it's coming. - [KSI] It's coming. (upbeat electronic dance music) - This is it baby, this is it, ready? (upbeat electronic dance music) ♪ Galvanise ♪ (upbeat electronic dance music) - And that is today done and dusted. As you can see, I do not feel well. My hay fever and everything has kicked off but I've got my lovely bed to get into for the evening. - All right, it's time to go to bed fam. What are you saying? - Yeah, fucking sick day. - Fuck this man. - A one, killer. - Yeah. - Yeah, see you later. - Goodnight. (upbeat dance music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 17,527,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: M71Zo0CGbAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 21sec (4461 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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