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Very nice change of pace from the misery

Edit: just saw pep's face in the video, bald fraud ffs

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 93 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Houssem_Aouar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can vik play back up left back?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 99 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Saaheb09 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really nice vid- out of curiosity were these first teamers or just squad ?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Iamabigdinosaur πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do the UK generally like The Sidemen and KSI?

Asking from an outsider? πŸ™‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gunner4ever217 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of lads called KSI a Tesco brand Allan Saint-Maximin πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KardakAbhi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

JJ was basically my gateway into football, the only guy I was friends with at highschool got me into JJ's FIFA vids (my friend wanted me to learn because he was the only guy in our class) and JJ's Arsenal banter got Arsenal in my radar.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hafrances πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sidemen and your team, love it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gunner308 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Haven’t watched them since year 8, glad to see they’re doing well

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ja-genau-richstig πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

yooo this is a great video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 61 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aeiyshd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to a video that isn't eating or drinking. (group cheering) So today we're at the Arsenal training ground to play against the Arsenal Women Football Team. The Sidemen. (Sidemen clapping) (group cheering) The Sidemen are here to patten the Arsenal Women. (Sidemen laughing) Football Team. - Or get patented. - Or get patented. - Or get patented. - But hopefully patten. So yeah, we've got a series of challenges that we're going to be doing. Yeah, let's see who can win. - Discount code? - The discount code is. - Gunners. - Gunners. - Arsenal. - Nice. (women laughing) - You could have said Gunners or anything. - Okay, Gunners. - Yeah. - Come on. - All right. - Come on. (upbeat music) - All right, your boy is first. Let's see what we can get with this. (group cheers) - [Ethan] Let's go baby. - [Simon] Don't mess it up. - [Josh] Touch, yeah. (group cheering) - She just watched it dribble in. - I'm Ruby and I'm going to make it 1-1. (Sidemen cheer) - Touch. - [Ruby] Oh is that allowed. - Yes. - Harold Denio, the Cameroonian export. - This one goes out to the boys in Cameroon. - [Ethan] Let's go. - [Josh] Don't get nervous. Yes? (group cheering) (Sidemen clapping) - [Ethan] Tobi match that. - Hi my name is Noelle, I'm going to smash it in. - [Woman 1] Come on Noelle. - Come on Tobs. ( Sidemen cheering) - [Noelle] That was the save of his life. (Sidemen laughing) No way. - [Tobi] Was that better than the other one? - It looked cool. - The name's Ethan, first to miss. - [Men] Come on. (Sidemen groans) - [JJ] Ethan. - [Vikk] Ethan pain, only pain here. - [Goalkeeper] I saw that coming. - Hi, my name's Caitlin Foord and I should score but we'll see. - [Ethan] Just don't miss, that's all you gotta do. - No pressure. - Don't miss. - Oh yes. - Let's go. - Big Josh-er You know what I guarantee I'll fuck this up. - Come on Josh. - I've seen you warming up, you've got this come on. - [Tobi] You've got this. Come on look at those legs. - He may be six feet but all you know is his. (Josh laughing) - What are you doing? - I'm sorry. - What are you doing man? - We brought granddad with us, sorry. - I tried to look super duper cool. - It would've looked good if you caught it. - Hi, I'm Lia I'm going to try to score world. - Oh its a good touch. Yes. - Tobi's a. - That's their next goal as well right. - Simon the main man. - This is the most pressure I've ever felt in a video ever. They've all made the pressure. - The main event. - Knock on boat. It's time to smash it. - No pressure. - It's time to smash it, come on. - Walking in a minter wonderland (group groans) - What was that? - It doesn't matter, we've got Vikkstar - Hi I'm Lydia. I'm normally a goalkeeper, but I'm going to try and score. - Can they make it one? - No chance. - Tobi's impenetrable. - [Simon] Here we go. - Touch. - It's good. - Come on Vikk. - β™ͺ We love you Vikkstar, we do. β™ͺ β™ͺ Oh Vikkstar we love you β™ͺ - Vikkstar attempting it for the unpaid workers. - Vikk do it for the unpaid workers. - Touch that. There he goes. - Great save. - Hey, I'm Manu. I'm the goalkeeper and I'm going to shoot. - Oh keeper. - The touch. - [Men] Yes. - Get back in. - Go back in the goal. - Tobi, let's go baby. - [Simon] Come on Tobi. - Tobi, black goalie. β™ͺ Black goalie β™ͺ Simon told me to do a trick shot. - [Simon] I didn't lies. - Let's go Tobs. - No way. - [Simon] Do it yes. (Sidemen groans) - One nil Tobi. - Guys, it's about the effort. - Tobi if this was pro clubs, you would've told me off. You were the only one up. - [Tobi] It's not pro clubs. - You were the only one up. - Here we go. - Can they equalise? Bang - [Simon] Oh God. - Here comes the big man. - Big boy, goal scorer. - [JJ] The only guy to score. - Rip roaring goal scoring on the G-day. - He scuffed it as well. - Where'd you want it? - Just here. - [Woman 2] Oh my gosh. - Go on hit it. Well that was quite sad. - I don't know what I was doing. - That was quite sad that one. - I don't know what I was doing. - The bandana's got too much bounce. - Go. - Well no one can score. - All right Josh redemption lad, come on. - Redemption is on his mind. Touch, whack it. Mr. Whack it. - So close. (men laughing) - [Ethan] Save. - [Josh] He saved it. - Let's go Simon - [Josh] What was that throw? - [Ethan] Bang. (men cheering) - [JJ] There it is. 2 nill come on. - [Woman 3] Come on Noelle, score. - [Ethan] Touch, bang. (men groan) What a strike. That was close. - It is my time. - [Ethan] Let's go Josh. - [Simon] Alright come on guys. (men growl) - [Josh] Man those balls are light bro. It's this, it's putting me off. It started now Tobi. They're getting warmed up. (men groan) (women cheer) - [Ethan] It's 2-1 - [Woman 4] We're coming back. - [Ethan] They're comeback. - [Women] We're coming from behind. - [Vikk] It could be time - [Ethan] Simon do it. Inspire us. That's a great touch. - [Harry] That's a goal. (men cheering) - There he is. - It's time to smash it. - [JJ] There he is, main event. - Yes. - [Josh] Here we go. (cheering and clapping) - They answer back. - Answer back immediately. They answer back immediately - Is that 3-2? - 3-2, it's 3-2. - We believe in Vikk. - We believe in Vikk. - We believe in Vikk. - Vikkstar. - β™ͺ He's only five foot four β™ͺ Come on. - [Ethan] Yeah. (Sidemen groaning) - It's on target Better than mine. - [Ethan] The comeback could be up. - [Harry] That was a good touch. - What a save. - What a save. - That's so great. - Yes Tobi. - Yes. - He went first there and then he came back. - [Ethan] That was a nice save. Simon do it again. - Main event. - Carry us. - The main event. - [Ethan] He's doing it again. - Carry us. - Simon. - I'll just give it to you. - [Harry] KSI is giving it to Simon. - Yeah. - We're getting carried so hard. - It's that same corner every time. - Every single time. - Come on once. - [Harry] That's a great touch. - [Ethan] Bang. (group cheers) She spotted the movement as well. - Yeah she saw me got that way. - She's done you. - That was a finish. - That's just pure accuracy. - Stanched it as well. Tobi. - You got to kick to win bro to win. - Spike it. - To win. - [Josh] For the drop. - For the music. - No. Why would we do this? - [Josh] For the drop. - [Ethan] For the music. - [JJ] For the music. For the drop. - [Ethan] For the music. - [Josh] For the moment. - I can hear the music already. - Same. - [JJ] Let it drop. - [Josh] Come on. (Sidemen groaning) - Tobi you're incredibly talented. And a privilege to have on the team. - Fuck. - We don't deserve this. - That would've been unreal. - No. (group chatters) - The saviour of England. Destroyer of ball. - The UK's finest. - Come on. - What are you doing also? - No. I'm just going to score. - Go on then - I like that. - [Josh] There he goes. (Sidemen cheering) - He saved the UK den. - He's gone 2. All hail KSI. All hail. - We've done it. (upbeat music) - Come on lads crossbar challenge - Just give a good example. - Come on Kate. - No pressure. - If Harry doesn't get this one. - Yeah Harry this is you. - I know. Boys I'm very confident in myself don't worry. - You can do it. - That's the one. - It's harder than it looks you know this thing. - [Ethan] Could it be 1? Oh my God. (ladies cheering) - Oh no. (ladies cheering) - Just go again. - Hey, yo Ethan man come on. - [Josh] Smash that man, smash that. - [Harry] Same energy. Come on lad. - Oh it's not bad - [Harry] If they get two in a row, we're finished here. (group groans) - That was scary. - Very close Ruby. - That was so close. - Guys we might be in trouble. This is our bread and butter. - Big trouble. - Yeah. - Good finish. - We're fine, we're safe - [Ethan] Surely not. (women cheering) - This is supposed to be the main event. - Harry do it. - [Josh] They do it different. - [Ethan] So different. It just goes. - [Simon] Guys they went first. - Fear not boy. - Keep us in the game. - [Simon] Fear not. - Let's go bag. (Sidemen groaning) - Did I hear anything. - I think I heard. - I got supersonic hearing, I heard that. If they go 3 to naught, we're fucked. - [Tobi] No we have a comeback. - [Simon] We can do 3 in a row. - [Ethan] We come back against face. Oh no, yeah okay nice. Let's go Tobi. - [Simon] 100% belief he can do it. - That hit. Yes. - [Men] Did that actually hit? - Did it hit? - I don't know if we can? - Bro. - [Simon] I'm not even doing this. - We need the VAR. - That sounded like a hit. - I actually do think. The other was actually a joke but this I think actually hit. - I think if I'm being honest it hit. - [Men] It hit. - [Vikk] It's good. - Wait do we take skimmers. - We do. - We take what we can get. (laughing) (fans cheering) - [Men] All right, they are saying no. - [Josh] No goal. - We might be 3 nill down here - Yeah we could be - [Harry] Nah it's over now. - I really want to just lash it. - Go for it. - It's time to smash it. - Do it. - Fuck. - [Men] Oh. - [Josh] That was so close. - [Harry] All right. Let's go JJ. - [Vikk] All right flood gates, flood gates. - [JJ] Should I do a no look? - No look, yeah. - [Simon] No look. - [Josh] Go on, no look. - All right should I do a no look? - [Man Offscreen] No Oh. - [JJ] Should I do a no look? - [Vikk] No. (screaming) - I'm sorry Vikk. Sorry Vikk. My bad Vikk. - [Josh] Go on, no look. - [Ethan] We're 2 nill down bro. - [Tobi] Oh my God. (laughing) - [Ethan] Bro. What are you doing.? - [Josh] You missed the goal bro - [Ethan] We're 2 nill down. - [JJ] Yeah okay. - [Women] Yes. - The float is so scary yo. - How is that perfect every time. - The float is lovely. The float is gracious. Shit man, shit man. - Shit man, now hit it man come on man. - [Josh] He's fine he's got it. (men groan) - [Tobi] Bet you wish you took that skimmer now eh. Bet you wish you took that skimmer now. - [Vikk] Yeah honestly, the flood gates would be open and we'd be done by now, we'd be going home. - [Ethan] It's just a fucking crossbar - [Tobi] I needed that for confidence - [Ethan] It's just a crossbar on a goal that's it. - [Tobi] Oh lord - [Women] Yeah. (women cheering) - [Harry] We're so done. (Josh screaming) - [Vikk] We are finished, we are pattened. - [Harry] We are finished. - [Ethan] Yeah Chris MD (laughing) Any chance you get to call me. - It's a bad day at the office for us. Vikk. This is the one. (men screaming) - Let's go. - We're back in. - [JJ] We're back in. - [Josh] Don't make it 4. (women screaming) - [Tobi] I'm telling you I'm never going to let it go. The flood gates cause I needed the confidence. - Imagine this gets to 4-4 now. - [Ethan] Josh please It doesn't, it doesn't - It can get better - Ah it's all gone horribly wrong here. - [Simon] Josh, please. - [Josh] I know. - [Ethan] Josh 4-2. Easy Josh, easy, easy, easy. - Josh - I'm nervous. - We need this more than ever. - [Woman 8] Pressure's on. - [Ethan] That hit. - That hit. - [Vikk] We take it. - [JJ] We're taking it. - I heard that one. (group laughing) - [JJ] I did hear that one. - [Ethan] This is to win - [Harry] Never. - [Josh] No. - [Harry] Yes. - Guys, this is it. - Shall I try it?. - Yeah Harry it's time to deploy it. - Harry now's the time. Yes. - [Ethan] It's a lighter ball. - I know. - Foot over it, knee over it. - [Harry] Shit. (Sidemen laughing) (Sidemen booing) (monkey noises) (whistling) (women groaning) - [Simon] And that technique is like mad. - Literally like so close every time. - Every time. Ethan hits it, I hit it, Harry hits it, done. - [Vikk] Come on. (men cheering) - [Simon] Oh guys. Last time we celebrated they did, yeah. - [Vikk] We're celebrating now cause it might be the last time we get it. - Boo. - It's 1-1 90th minute. It's the 90 minute 1-1. (men cheering) - I expect a no look. - Nah, nah, nah. I'm going to hit this crossbar, come on. - You wasted it. - Bro, why are you here? (laughing) - You could win. It's the cup final, cup final. - Boo. - It's the cup final. - [Men] Oooh. (women groaning) (men cheering) - [Simon] Josh. - [Tobi] All right boys let's wrap this up, wrap this up. - [JJ] Josh come on. - Josh 4-4 right now. - Come on. - [Vikk] Point at it, show him where to go. - [Women 9] Come on Rubs. - [Women] Yes. (women screaming) - [Ethan] Not on crossbar challenge. It's the only thing we're good at. - Not the crossbar challenge. - It's one over all though. - It's one over all. (upbeat music) - [Ethan] All right leg warm-up. (women cheering) - She was moving before you were even doing anything. - Excuse me. (laughing) - [JJ] Ay yo Josh you got pattened. - [Harry] Sorry lads, I tried to start with a banger there. - [Josh] Excuse me. - [Ethan] Let's go, Tobs. - [Simon] Come on Tobs, give the whistle. (Josh whistles) - That was an awful whistle (Sidemen cheer) - [Ethan] Ay that's scary. Simon's eating today. Simon's eating. Simon pay for lunch. Little snack, meal deal. (Sidemen cheering and clapping) - Who wants to go? Go Rubs. - [Ethan] You get that meal deal man, you get to eat. - [Josh] Bro she's so good at blocking. - [Harry] We're in the mud. Come on Tobs. (whistles) - [Men] Ooh. (clapping) - JJ is hungry too. - It's one nill? - Go after JJ. - [Harry] It's 1 nill up, Tobi you're going great. - Excuse me. (short whistle) - [Simon] What was that? What was this? (laughing) - [Vikk] You got too excited didn't you? You got too excited. - [Harry] Let's go Tobs. - [Woman] Come on Kate. (whistles) - [Woman] Yes Caitlin. - [JJ] Aww, noo. - [Harry] Ethan just tope on it. - [Men] Yeah. (clapping) - [Simon] That was a great play. (whistles) - [Ethan] Let's go Tobs, yeah. (men cheering) - [Josh] Can someone else whistle? - [Harry] You can whistle yourself. - [Simon] Yeah, you can whistle for yourself. - I'm just here like. (whistles) (laughing) - [Simon] Let's go, bag it. (men cheering) - [Josh] Excuse me. - You wanna come? - [Simon] 3-1 lads. - [Kicker] You ready? - [Harry] Do the whistle. (Josh whistles) - [Men] Aww. - Well done Manu. - You should have stayed there Tobs. - 3-2. - Let's go Vikk. - Vikk you've done it in a stadium. - In front of millions. - Come on Vikk. (Josh whistles) - [Ethan] Aw. - [Harry] Kind of a late whistle there. - Yeah he was going. - [Simon] Goalie vs. goalie. - [Harry] Goalie vs. goalie (Josh whistles) - [Men] Aw. - Made the comeback. - [JJ] It's a game. - [Simon] Come on Tobs. (Josh whistles) - Are you sure. - [Simon] You cheer at the weirdest times. - [Ethan] It's because I saw it, I thought Oh my God and then - You cheered at the. - Yeah I know cause I saw the hand and I was like ah. - 4-3 let's go. (whistles) (men groaning) (ladies clapping) Go on Harry. - That was so clean. - 4-4 right? (Josh whistles) - [Harry] All right cool. - You said you were packing it in. - [Harry] I was trying to. - That was terrible. - Let's go Tobs. (short whistle) - Remember 90th minute by the way. (upset exclaim) (group chattering) - We have 6 more goals to score. - Or we score 6 more. (Josh whistle) - [Harry] Let's go Simon - [Men] Ah. - I messed up. - No pressure. - Let's see what's happening. - Going on that I'm going to next. Okay. - Come on. - All right she tried to give me the eyes. I saw her. (Josh whistles) - There he goes. Tesco's maximum. - Mine was at least a good effort. - Let's go. - Let's go Tobs. Over. - You said here. - I said there. - No you said here. - Five four. They're winning. - Four Five. - We need a goal has to go in. - Four five it's for us. - The suns come out just for you. (Josh whistles) - He's gleaming. (ladies cheer) - There she is. - Lads I'm next time aren't I. - Oh wait, it was four six. - The best score is four six. - The other way last time I was, I thought she was going to read it. - She's in my head. She knows what I'm doing. (Josh whistles) - I want to go now. - Yes. - We actually need a goal. Like so bad. - Five four. - Five four. - Four five. - No pressure Josh but we need to score this one. (Josh whistles) - Shit. - Lydia. Oh, that's it. - You hit the target at least. - I thought she was going to just dive. (Josh whistles) - Let's go Tobs. - Oh my God. (Sidemen clap) - Six four fam. - I say its about four six. - Is it six four. - Six four. - Come on Tobi. (Josh whistles) - Come on target. - He scores though watch. - Yes. Let's go bro. Let's go. - Six, five pressures on six five. - Six five but go in hand. - Seven. - Not seven. Could never be seven. - This is going. - Blazing it. - Never seven. - Then eight. (Josh whistles) (ladies cheer) - I said it was seven. - Woolley. - The technique is different. - Seven five. - Let's go Vikk. - Come on you've got this bro. Just hit and hold blood. - If you don't know where your putting it neither does she. (Josh whistles) - Vikkstar. - We've lost didn't we. - No. I believe in Tobi. - Tobi come on. We need you. - I've been coming on you don't come on. - I know. - Tobi we'll square every single one from now on. - Yeah we're not missing. - We will not miss a single one. - Don't make eight, please. - 90th minute champions league final. - Oh, sorry yeah my bad. - Just waiting for the whistle. (Josh whistles) (men cheer) - You already beat us. - Let's go Harry. You know where to put it? - I know what I've got boys. (Josh whistles) - Come one. - Seven six. - Come on Harry that was beautiful. Cheers mate cheers. - You miss this? There's no hope there. - The whistles going to go. - No pressure. - Bottle. (ladies clap) - Eight six. - Go girls. - We need a special. - Yeah we need a mentor special there. (Josh whistles) - Yes. - Go Rubs. - Are you ready Tobi. Tobi's fuming like. (men clap) - That's huge. Who's next? - He's kept us in. - In no uncertain terms lad this has to go in. - You have to score. - You just kick the ball. (Josh whistles) - JJ what are you doing you idiot. - Jesus Christ. - Why you doing this. - You have to support each other. - Support that. - Teach him. - There's no teaching this man. - I don't know what just happened. - Save us, please. (Josh whistles) Please Tobi. (ladies cheer) - This is very awful boys. (Josh whistles) - It has to happen. - Yeah look at that. - He's laid it down. - He said not today. - It's not over. - Wait so that's. - Nine seven. - Nine seven. - To win it. - Yeah nine seven. (ladies cheer) - That's the thing - We are stinky boys. - Think we all say the blame except Tobi. - Yeah. - What happened lads. - That was a shambled. - Sorry Tobi we let you down. (upbeat music) - You wouldn't hit us would you? You wouldn't hit us. - Oh God. - That was actually good. - Ethan you wouldn't hit us would you. - You wouldn't hit your boys, right? - With face watch. (group groans) All right Bazz take my spot. - I'm retiring. - I tried it. - Retiring. - You can't retire bro. - What do you mean? - I'm taking a break. - This one's Ruby yeah. - The danger one. - This could go anywhere. - Finesse, bro. - It's fine it's going over anyway. - One thing Josh has got his power. - What? - Just go. - Oh Lord. - Told you. - Interesting. - Oh no it's Caitlin. - Nice. - Simon. - Simon Pete. - He's gone. I'm not complaining. Do your thing. - Accuracy. - Free kicks are hard. - Free kicks are tricky yeah. - Come on Tobi. - That was nice though. - Now we got trouble. - It's going over. - Did you even move. - Yeah but I mean, I knew it was going wide. - Go on Bez we need one. - Lash it over it. (men cheer) - Ethan. - What a strike. - That was very nice. - Bro we should. - That doesn't happen again. - I heard it. - Imagine if I hit him in the face. - Over it Josh. Over it. - Less power. - Wait, I'm going to go. (men cheering) - Two beauties. - The perfection of that shot. - I didn't know. - Gullible enjoy the air. - I had to go right? - Both cold. - If you score this the roof will come off this place up I swear to God. - Go on Vikk up and down. - Focus Vikk. - Let's go geezer. - The war is the war bro. - Don't hit over. - Two nill. - We're in your head. - That was on purpose. - They did that on purpose. - That was the game plan. All right Tobi. - Let's go Tobs. - He's not lined up for that. - Go far post. - Let's see it. You know what to do. - Oh my God. - That would have been disgusting. That was cold. - Just tuck in Harry tuck in. - I'm tucked in bro. - My God what save. - Oh my God. - Get him on a team. - He's too good. - To be on the team bro. - Literally. - You can join our GK session afterwards. - I don't mind. - Top corner stuff please. - I'll try. - Bang along please. - Top ins only. (men cheer) - Two. - We haven't won yet. (upbeat music) - All right so clearly the score is two one. - Clearly. - It's been a tough game. It's been a tough matchup, but today we have to find a winner. We're going to finish this off in a rock paper scissors. Let's see. - Okay wait, hold up guys. We did a tournament right? Coming to the hunter. We did a rock paper scissors tournament. - We'll come into the hunter. - Who won? - Ethan he's our strongest man. - I'm not going to lie. - Calm down, relax your hair. - Team on three. - Team on three. - Team. - Simon bro. - No I don't wanna go. - You're good at it. - I don't wanna do it. - Take him. - Vikk will do it. - Vikks doing it. (group cheers) - One two three show. - So rock paper scissors. - And this is not the best of three. This is the final one. - Rock paper scissors shoot. Okay ready. Rock paper scissors shoot. (Ladies cheering) - This has been a terrible. - Well played guys. - Well played. - Well done. - Well played. - No. - No. - I told you it was Simon who should have gone. - Did he go for rock as well?
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 12,953,045
Rating: 4.9649639 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: rjZxS_oivrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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