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now as you guys may or may not know there are a legendary group of youtubers that uh formed the sidemen and they stand very far back in time and today we're gonna learn a little more about them is everyone excited we're also going to be fact checking let's let's see let's see what we get let's see i reckon it's been loads wrong here yeah that's my prediction you think yeah on the 19th of october 2013 a group of seven legends came together to create a project that would be like historical significance on the youtube platform what's up guys welcome to the first channel in the beginning the project had no following it had no notoriety and the name represented nothing but a gta online group created by a few small youtubers however the potential for the food was unbounded they had nothing but they could become anything that they could dream [Laughter] and what happens when you combine the skills and intelligence of seven creators each of which already at the absolute peak of their field you get a youtube group known as the side men oh this guy's kind of gassing us come on talk to me the ultimate sidemen would end up becoming a group consisting of seven members ksi vicstar123 mini minter road ashore bazinga tobe [Laughter] about pranks yeah you had to like draw up draw up the rules no we hadn't already had this talk we already had this but toby and harry didn't live there so they just came in and went [ __ ] it true you were dripping oh simon you know not so much wow wow you can still pull that off don't worry past while circa and toby just not the same score leading to i mean yeah me and this guy went to school together the other three members that would eventually join the sidemen bazinga rodashaw and vickstar had met the other four creators in the past through youtube and other scenarios and considering each of these individuals already had their own personal youtube channel they will begin to make videos and play games together such as gta 5. this is our content let me kill him shut up and with uploads such as gta 5 online group fun with zurka toby ksi and bazinga we can see the skeleton of a youtube group beginning to form [Laughter] these collaboration videos each member would lead up to the release of gta crews in october 2013 at which point ethan aka bazinga would go ahead and create a gta group under the name the ultimate sideman dropped and then i thought i've clocked right no one these days you can't make a video and get the details wrong because we've literally made this video but i guess it's like paraphrase it down he's added some assets and stuff it was a lot it was a long waffle video to be fair sorry yeah but as in like actual details you know like yeah yeah it's all there i whacked up the gta crew where we could all join called the ultimate seidman the point which each member considered to be the official beginning of the group the word sidemen describes a person who copies everything his or her friend does and is subordinate to the boss of the group when the sidemen group was first created ksi was the biggest youtuber of the seven having around four million subscribers and the name of the group began as a joke that each member was a sideman of ksi being subordinate and copying him as he was the biggest out of every creator yeah so we're all making the joke and then the crew right however we have to mention at the time the ultimate sidemen gta crew was far from the sideman youtube group they were still just a bunch of individual youtubers playing games together regardless the group certainly began to build up some youtube notoriety as far as that would never write moving into a house together nothing happened in our old vlogs i drop a four minute vlog of me like putting on clothes going to a football pitch and like jumping on a trampoline for a bit that was it it was easy back then good old days for the sidemen house yes this is the house tour i promise you guys also beginning with the simon clothing company on the 30th of december 2014. this was all in conjunction with numerous sidemen group style videos 55 million challenge posted on ksi's personal channel the problem however was that the group didn't have its own youtube page possibly owing to the difficulty in trying to set up a channel with seven different creators however this would change after ksi witnessed the success of kyr speedy's gaming group those youtubers i forgot what their group was called but they had like a little group and we were like oh yeah we should just do something similar and decided that this interview he did by the way his face chat's there's so many things that are so untrue we never started it to be like yeah speedy in that lot speeding the crew no you know we we did start we started the trains group back in the day to to copy the crew and the yogscast and it flopped that was a that was like you jj and josh and toby yeah yeah syndicate yeah we tried it team uk no it was fun it was it was going to be team uk but they weren't on it and now now they took yeah it feels bad guys should have backed you should have backed the voice from day dot you know what official youtube group might not be such a bad idea after an assumed planning period of around six months the official sidemen channel would go live on the 16th of may 2016. hey guys and welcome to the sideman channel the seven creators involved in the project had a combined total of around 30 million yeah it was it was yeah there was a place to host a charity match subscribers at the time and when combining this figure with a shout out from each individual youtube channel we have created a new channel the classic assignment the initial growth is absolutely insane within only three days the sidemen had steamrolled past a million subscribers which at the time also gave it the record for the fastest youtube channel to ever reach the seven-figure milestone after two weeks the sidemen would post their first video ethan's more of a ethan's more of a skeleton and each upload to follow began to rack up an absolutely insane view within only six months of launching the side menu that was our first video on a tour launched a football team called sidemen fc i think you've closed hours into repairing everything exactly what happened i got no i got a haircut that didn't blow up a whopping 1.8 million subscribers but while the launch of the sidemen was one of the strongest in youtube channel history perhaps it was a little too strong as it wouldn't be long before problems would begin to pop up here and there for the members of the sidement channel was it what was it diss track it was like getting to a point where we were like we might have to end this point that's it yeah just like move on from this whole simon thing in august 2017 a little over one year after the sidemen began posting videos together ksi the most popular would leave the group posting a video on his channel titled i believe in the sidemen title of the videos i am no longer with the sidemen also claiming that his departure was because of ethan aka bazinga mainly because of ethan i'd say he was the main reason i'm leaving can't stand him this claim was backed up by various tweets such as yeah i think it's time to move on from the sidemen the journey this is the definition of when jj gets bored like when jj gets born who [ __ ] knows what's gonna happen it's like a ticking time bomb bro been a lot of fun but it's time to move on to bigger things considering ksi was no longer making videos with the group each of the sidemen just kind of forgot about the project and it was pushed to the back of everyone's mind when i left during that whole period like the sidemen were just like we were just in limbo however there were some benefits to ksi leaving the group it provided an officer think he's got he's got it kind of confused because it was it was after the diss track after the diss tracks we didn't really do anything like as the sidemen for quite a while because no one could be asked basically and like yeah and it was like we didn't have enough ideas or anything and like but then it's when we made the sideburn channel it gave us like a unified incentive to make the content but he was as soon as jj left like that was that started this season by the next week and that was like but i do remember after diss track season like we weren't really doing like group sideman videos we did gaming and that was it yeah it was when we did the sidemen show it was like yeah we need to start posting again even i'm [ __ ] lost on the timeline here boys i don't know i'm aimed at ksi which has gained 16 million views meanwhile ksi also uses the drama to gain well over a hundred million views across different videos all of which surrounding the topic of him leaving the sidemen three months into the ksi sideman hiatus he would upload a video titled was the sidemen be fake in which he would outline that the whole thing was just a setup in order to gain exposure it was fake [ __ ] now while everyone was thankful to hear that the beef was faking that ksi wasn't actually there was still a fundamental problem that we didn't know he was doing yeah it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't scripted it it happened but we're we're all big brain enough to realize it's not that deep he literally just he did a video saying like i'm leaving the sidemen and we didn't know he was doing it and then he didn't think it was like panic stations like ah yeah you were like jenny what is this and he was like oh this is the troll and then he didn't expect ethan to do a diss track and then it all just created had gotten out of the habit of regularly creating content for the sideman channel during the beef so when ksi announced our thief was over it's not like they just got straight back into making videos a month passed then two months passed and there were still no uploads to the sidemen channel it would only be in january 2018 approximately nine months after the previous upload that a new video would be posted to the channel announcing the commencement of sidemen sundays well there's going to be sidemen sundays we're going to try and upload every single sunday but why would they randomly whoa we're still on that yeah it's been a [ __ ] struggle sometimes i've been like we ain't posting this sunday they decide that they wanted to upload every single week after not uploading for nine months what was their motivation well a little thing that was gaining popularity in 2018 by the name of youtube originals and the thing that saved the sidemen was a youtube originals youtube original saved the sideman ksi explained that the group decided they wanted to make a youtube original series a series that only paid subscribers were able to watch the platform however after pitching the idea to youtube they were rejected with youtube saying that they'd be happy to do the series but the sidemen weren't receiving enough views to greenlight the project so the sidemen had to come up with an idea to get their view count up so we're like okay we have to think of a plan so we're thinking okay what would work and we decided we'd do videos together every week and post it every sunday only six months after announcing that they will be uploading weekly videos the sidemen would increase their view count from 1 million per month to 35 million per month at which point youtube would accept their youtube originals request and the sidemen released the sidemen show so not really but said do you want to do youtube originals we said yes but they wanted to put it an episode on each of our channels and we said we want to put it on our group channel but they didn't accept that they said the only way you can do that is if you can prove you get views yeah i certainly they didn't even ask us to do weekly videos they just said like get a few videos on the channel to get pumping please and then we were like actually let's let's test this and see yeah yeah it's close stuck with it that's close close yeah close your wife i've got a knife now as ksi explained i had a lot of fun on the sidemen show you know some of them some of them were fun no no like maybe not the final product but actually just just cutting about different countries just just shooting this [ __ ] yeah we need to do more like uh more with like holiday videos i missed that yeah i'm just traveling i'm saying the entire cyber show like even though it was a bit of a sting from the end like it was all worth it just to go in zero gravity oh that's that's that's what they are so glad i did that but i'm really upset how quick i got ill in zero gravity you know how everyone was modeling your money weren't you i was about three we did what ten yeah yeah i think i was about three i did three like fun and then after that it was you thought yeah yeah i was fine until the end and then i got spun by some random russian john and the sidemen show didn't actually do much for their channel as a whole the youtube originals happened it didn't really do much but we gained so much from it but what it did do was get the creators into a habit of making regular videos together and considering they were now receiving around 35 million views every month on the channel sidemen sundays would continue these 35 million views every single month would grow the sidemen to 3 million 4 million and eventually 5 million subscribers in june 2019 at which point they would upload a video that would change the history of their channel forever yo what's up and welcome to sidemen real life tinder we all know how this is so late for this very [ __ ] country if they're interested and left if they're not it was ksi's idea in the beginning a bizarre idea of course but an idea that would exceed the expectations of every single one of them to set up tinder as if it were a real life experience real women yeah hi i'm ksi i'm 25 and i'm rich and famous about this video resonated with fans better than anything else perhaps it was the comedy or simply the attractiveness of the girls involved in the video but the performance was absolutely unmatched on the sidemen channel oh wait he means the performance of the video us i like my great performance guys now we did well we did well to pop up the point that's good good lines there and in a month the video became the most popular upload on their channel after almost a year of averaging 35 million views every single you know it's mad right if you look at that graph we were like pretty locked in at 30 mil a month for a year and i thought that was the ceiling like i really thought like you know we might like touch 50 like we did in may 19. but it just like that's that's like a that shows youtube like you even if you're making really good videos you have to stick at it for like over a year like we did 50 sidemen sundays during that year and it's only like after that it started the whole time as well yeah one video puts you up to the next level and then it kind of stays there the tinder in real life video boosted their average views to 85 million yeah and we kind of stuck then 115 million only two months later at which point they would upload tinder in real life number two your hair is quite nice and you seem like good fun so if i give you this rose will you finger my bum this video once again racked up a massive 15 million views in the first week and has gained a little over 50 million views to this day these videos ultimately boosted their subscriber count passing 67 million edging them closer and closer to that 10 million subscriber milestone but in order to cross that milestone the sidemen would have to think outside of the box they couldn't just keep making tinder in real life they needed a new idea that would help the growth of the channel the group would eventually find this new idea however the idea would not come in the form of a video or say a meet and greet but rather in a slightly unconventional event so the fight has been announced today november 9th this is not through the live center anyway on the fourth of september yeah yeah that would take perfect ksi the most subscribed sidemen of the seven would announce that he would be very much and while this was extremely exciting for ksi himself it also began to provide numerous video and growth ideas for the sidemen flight progressions podcast topics and a load of other content all racking up millions of views for the sidemen channel we're going to be talking about the ksi versus logan paul 2 flight november 9th we're going to be giving out thoughts on the build-up our prediction of how the fight's going to go ksi would go on to win the fight against logan paul [Applause] and it's safe to say that the sidemen absolutely look at it ecstatic euphoria relieved it's over the whole process is finally over the event ultimately boosted the growth and exposure for ksi and since he's often considered to be the front man of the sidemen this growth would trickle down to each of the side man channels the fight as a whole was excellent for the overall long-term growth of the channel and in conjunction with a consistent upload schedule the formation of numerous unique video ideas and years of good old hard work the sidemen channel would eventually hit 10 million subscribers on the 30th of november of 2020. youtube would send each creator a 10 million subscriber button which was somewhat hilarious as only two out of the seven creators had hit 10 million on their personal channels well therefore for five of the sidemen you're nearly there you've got two others so you don't even care since hitting 10 million subscribers four months ago the sidemen have only continued to grow hitting 11 million subscribers on the main channel five million on more sidemen two million on sidemen reacts and one million shorts the sidemen have shown that when harnessing the skills and complexity of seven different individualized youtubers the channel that results is certainly something to behold it feels good nice 20 minutes of him just licking our ass oh fairly accurate accurately yeah fairly accurate yeah and now if you guys have watched that video you know the little discrepancies that we just you know polished up so yeah yeah now you know now you know how we've done it how we done did it 10 years later subscribe turn on notifications continue the journey who knows what's next see you all then au revoir [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 3,865,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iz0E0atL_Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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