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okay so if you know me you know i don't drink apple juice gang for life always always have been always will be but for the content and for a bit of a switch up and for some entertainment for you guys on this channel i decided to try out some alcohols for the first time is that you say try out some alcohols no no at the point of me recording this intro the video is already done so i've got a lot of stuff to say but i might say in this video i could say in another video i don't know what fallen for too long but basically i got ethan and harry as um beverage connoisseurs to uh accompany me on my journey of trying alcohols and it was probably the best and worst thing at the same time best because it makes a good video worse because you can't trust those guys and i will probably never trust those guys ever again and you'll see why watching the edit back there's a lot of stuff that i was completely just i think oblivious too even though it was plain obvious and it's there in my sight i was completely oblivious to you and i think it's just because i wanted it to be over so i wasn't really listening to what they were saying but listen just watch the video hey ethan harry [ __ ] you but thank you and i hope you don't enjoy it make sure you subscribe if you want to see more content if you want to see more toby tuesdays and check out ethan and harry as well enjoy the video love lessons bye who's ready to get their stomach pumped [Laughter] that's my interest whilst harry fetches things yeah today we are on the toasters channel because he is going to be trying alcoholic beverages we're gonna we're gonna get started with a little sambuca shot have you ever done sambuca before i don't believe so you're like this you know you're actually all like it's common for people to either like tequila or sambuca one or the other yeah let's show that what does that smell like it's like licorice yeah you're gonna like this mate so sweet do you like glucose this glucose drink glucose drink look at that are you wearing relax relax relax that's a shot well a shot that's sure it's a shock shot you're not doing this every time take the [ __ ] off 5. these back there to be fair to him do you like it bro that's nice i hate licorice as well i don't know so you don't like sweets how does that though it could be much worse exactly okay so after tequila i can't even have a conversation here yeah because i'm holding it in like or a shot of volcano shots england so the choices you have ireland india or mexico place on the planet irishman stop what's that just take it just what they do is mexican or mexico it was mexico wow oh well you just killed them not to so what we've done what we've done yes okay so i'm going to explain to you what we've done here the reason why we offered you three options is because we're going to get you to try different types of beers because they're different from all across the globe this is the lager just don't pour much because i'm not like down and i'm just tasting them that's a little hard that's fine i'm not even a half point boys i'm not getting weird this isn't happening you're not going to keep me looking hey what's the point of the video there's nothing in there there's nothing in there that's that's that's not that's a nice beer they're not drinking it but but you will when you taste it oh it's nice it's nice the corona is nice the corona is nice so you think that's my weekend and it's in a smell that is me yes it's fragrant all right corona yeah yeah yeah it's nice listen you've made us walk across east london to go and find cheap boots listen if you want to get paid empty that one so basically this is what my granddad drinks is he alive uh yeah okay right i wouldn't say he drinks it i would have said he drank it if he wasn't oh yeah good one we'll get you fresh pour something out for my friend did come on this is a bit more of a a meaty one an acquired taste dark excellence harry was drinking this last night not this exact one but something something like it yes can you back this one if you drink it enough you'll you'll enjoy it i don't have the accreditation for this it's all right so compared to corona what we're saying better or worse that's the worst yeah oh people drink this voluntarily i said i say i said we upped the levels are you wanting apple juice do you want to give him the indian no wait we'll get we'll get the i don't like your reaction already when nephew's wave what is it's a rob it's a rum i would argue oh i don't know how to put i don't know how to put this but it's i think it's got a different category yeah it's not maybe rocket fuel it's really nice but with apple juice it's even better yeah where your nephew is wrong that means girl i don't know to be honest guarantee full strength it would it's from king's jamaica yeah 63 you know i'm an african what's that they're not saying i'm joking i know it's not the same place it's not too strong only 63. oh my god a whiff of it jesus christ we're going to keep running this clip by the way [ __ ] give it up ow is [Music] mix it up [Music] see calm probably up there are the better ones oh all right let's get one more of that down then we'll progressively go through that i'll tell you what we'll keep this one oh no no no no no no okay well just a little topic we'll keep this one so if you don't if you don't like one you can just go back to this come on okay yeah classy you got some wine for me oh we've only gone and got you a rosette come on white zinfandel with that only one that you got gold medal appetizers summer fruits chicken seafood and cheeses oh no it goes well with that i don't think before we pull this out let's have another little swig of the old brand onto the table yeah this this table is in a worse state before i got you've got some respect nephews no stop smelling it you like the taste that's why yeah oh you just that just tickled your lips i didn't even drink that you went mad listen it's not lip balm [Laughter] oh brother you've gone from 63 to 8 you're [ __ ] none of them smell great on the hatch that's sweet that's nice see what's great about wine is that you can get through that about 12 minutes i could drink that well go on then i won't oh my god you shouldn't have moved that i just had to pull out so my pillow game is strong because i really poured it all over his [ __ ] trousers [Music] you know he looked out sound effects the beacons are there it's time for another setback no no no no no no no no no copyright music it's not coming off your [ __ ] brightness are you mad just yeah no this song was not made to the taste of samba on the drop on the top you down there it's your favorite video you're the biggest one you're done this is your video we spent so much money and you're going to ignore the sambuca you can't deny your life listen the rules are rules okay but if you hear that it's done how long can't play again okay okay he opens amazing stuff from you i spent apple juice all over myself that's right oh wait what's that said all right toby it's now time to take you on a trip to my tongue's tingling in india what's that an indian copyright music last night three minutes less than three seconds it's three seconds all right this is a brewdog pump punk pup a brew dog punk ipa yeah what do you think it means to be an indian pale ale you're asking me what is it what is the essentially no no no no no it wasn't that it was it was when the when the when the british went to colonize india yeah they would take oh uh or what other way around something like that basically the in the boat journey this pale ale had to last the journey so it was designed to be fresh the entire trip anyway so unlike a lager a bit lighter this one yeah i think you might like it i i i prefer this i prefer that i wanted to tear this to use you look oh yeah come on that's not oh [Music] off what would the odds actually be to see off like a because that's like i think you've enjoyed that as well i think you liked it i haven't you haven't enjoyed it it's better than that what the corona that no no no no oh okay so right rank the three beers break the three that we've got what's the beers well we know that one's last so fast maybe even another swing of the ipa to see what you think you want 100 sure here do you know what you could even you could go back to the corona if you if you forgot what that was so long ago i think it is that order you know yeah yeah you're picking corona first that's fair enough in height order too so what so we ease you into shots with the old sambuca but we need to show you why we drink sambuca it's because the alternatives are awful yeah so the alternative we've got you is a nice basic one it's vodka but we are we're only the best vodka are we the best we've got you it's my nfs no no no we've got you we've got you glad so you want to try this and let us know whether you prefer something this bottle of alcohol happens i reckon i see i reckon you're gonna you you um is [Music] [Applause] but what do you prefer out too i think it hands of course before getting the food out he stopped all right [Music] [Music] we're doing different mixers so when you go to the bar remember we used to go roxy or whatever you got you said all right let me ask you this you're a veteran right what would you pick oh mate i'd pick great big brain nephew rob roman surprise i'm a guy in general so i don't really need it sambucua feels really meant to be shotted and yeah if i see glenn's behind the bomb i would i would hear you i'd probably go somewhere else yeah it's there's one clear choice here okay don't put too much around there no no no no no no no you're actually playing if you picked up the strong one as well yeah you picked the weakest one yeah this has been about 1862 mate that's crazy jamaica's been starving ever since so it's a lot more than it is because of the ice that's fine it's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine the fact that he said that before take the eyes out let me see how much is left i'm not touching look how much ice is inside this one you might like it more than more than the apple juice mix if you [Music] drank i told you no more alarms and you promised no more alarms what's getting oh no i haven't liked like i think any of these i think we could see tobia listen you like a little wave couple steps in hand i can't understand why you like do this none of this tastes good you need to drink more yeah uncultured swine the way that my [Music] can i take a moment to say thank you oh you're getting emotional now okay um he's doing the jj but you wait until you get moving thank you for coming on the channel a lot of producers content for you like subscribe please when the wind starts hitting him in the uber when's the last time to the main channel oh time to go make time ago you should start doing stuff like this or this can we expect something soon you should can we can you start one soon i don't i don't know to be honest with you it's 24 hours sober 25 i can't believe it all right we'll do it to get a little three together and then and then you'll back that turn the video off no no no no no no no no we have to do a turnist yeah we're gonna eat it come on what shot sambuco come on come on we've been advertising crocs the whole time come on you owe us those come on come on hang on a minute wait cow is up i don't know these videos things are bad life choices oh god oh god my whole body didn't want to do that after last night [Music] you're running up the steps you're nearly there you've just beaten the heavyweight champion of the world [Music] for him to forfeit that yeah yeah me too what's good what's bad well what we'll do we'll get we'll already give him about 20 minutes yeah in about 15 minutes i think what we do is we line up a shot of everyone we've had and you do it and do a live tier list right i'll put that there please no because you i don't think you remember half of them all right listen that [ __ ] this thing that's his own deal you know no you know what we'll do just order every single drink just put them in a line which one's your favorite all right let's do that yeah that is the worst so this is going bottom of the pile so what's the second one this is probably the best oh rose okay is all right this is pretty stinky yep all right so do you want this one here no i'm not doing anymore i'm not doing anymore i'm not doing anymore with either side of the raid where did where's the sprite is this right bad with the race mix is ready yeah and there's a backup dancer what did we do did we do that on its own no i tried that one on a seven do you want to try it do you want to charm this one what did i try that with apple juice and this yeah that's fine you've got to do a shot of this i mean you want to draw on there i don't know yes you don't shot everything else and then you can just fully judge it to end the video the rain i'm not doing a shot of it i'm not the [ __ ] it's hard for half a half shot you can do a little bit of it just so you know what it's like by itself and i think i think i'll be honest with you mate i think once this is down i think we can call it quickly yeah i think we could put a shift i'm not gonna lie yeah you've done something like that it started quite ropey you know i didn't think you were gonna have anything and then when the alarm hit me thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed the video leave a like and [Music] he's [Music] [ __ ] ate no you're you'll be grand i mean you get more food down you actually i think just go and eat you're going out of sandwiches maybe like a mother's or something come on people are drinking [ __ ] voluntarily don't talk to me all right so that was the video i hope you guys enjoyed watching me try alcohol for what is probably the first and last time um not something i'm looking to do again the video cut off pretty abruptly so i wanted to let you know exactly how that stuff made me feel essentially if you haven't been able to tell already ethan and harry took the piss with the amount of alcohol that they gave me but i think my body handled it a lot better than it should have for someone who doesn't drink so the way i felt after the video i didn't feel anything up here like i didn't feel slower i didn't feel off balance or anything i felt like in good control which is really weird and surprising but where i did feel like [ __ ] was in my stomach like my stomach was not and i think it's because the drinks were mixed and you shouldn't mix drinks or something but my stomach was not in a good place it did settle down about half an hour after we finished recording the video but i later had to run for a train and running for the train was the worst possible idea essentially the contents of my stomach ended up on a train somewhere and after that i felt completely fine after that i actually felt completely fine so who knows maybe if i did drink alcohol i'd be a bit more of a heavyweight but i don't know i could just be waffling but like i said first and last time i hope you enjoyed the video make sure you subscribe and more toby tuesday's content coming soon in a bit what
Channel: TBJZL
Views: 4,142,698
Rating: 4.9586897 out of 5
Keywords: TOBJIZZLE, Tobi, Jizzle, Tobjizzle, Tobijizzle, tbjzl, Toby, editingaming, xbox 360, APPLE JUICE REIGNS SUPREME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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