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- Hello, and welcome to Sidemen Box of Lies. We have a selection of boxes with some mystery items in them. We're gonna take it in turns to open a box and we can either tell the truth or lie about what's inside, and we'll see who the best fibber is. I'll go first. (laughs loudly) - [Simon] The left one. - This one? - [Simon] Yeah. - If you say so. - [Simon] Well that could have broken it. - Okay. Don't look Tobi. I'll have to get this out the box. (laughs loudly) Wait, I don't want it facing this way. (laughs loudly) Alright. - I'm scared. - I have got in front of me Tobi, it is a Barbie doll playing golf with a cheese string on AstroTurf. (laughs loudly) Or is it? - what is the Barbie doll wearing? - [Harry] Looking pretty fucking fit mate. (laughs loudly) I don't know, it's like a tutu or something. - And she's playing what on AstroTurf? - Golf with a cheese string. (laughs loudly) - Is the cheese string the club? - [Harry] Yes, you are correct with that. - [Tobi] What's the ball? - I don't know. I'm not sure, mate. (laughs loudly) - I think you're fibbing. - You think I'm fibbing? - I think you're a bit of a liar. - [Simon] Pass it to him. (laughs loudly) - Why is she bent like this? - [Harry] I wouldn't lie to you. - Why is she bent like this? (laughs loudly) - Just the middle one. - [Simon] Is it heavy? - Yeah. - I'm at a disadvantage here because I can just about see through the hole. - Wait, close your eyes then. What is this? (laughs loudly) - I can look at Jed? What you looking at JJ? Explain what's in front of you please. - I have.. - Please explain. - A cow.. On grass.. (laughs loudly) Licking a watermelon. - So there's a cow on the grass? - Yes. - Licking watermelon? - She's licking a tiny little watermelon. - So it's fake watermelon? - It's a fake watermelon, yes. - What's the grass made of, is it plastic? Like AstroTurf? - [JJ] Yes. - Right. How many spots does the cow have? - Do you want me to count? - [Ethan] I do. I want you to count the blockages on the cow. - Okay. - Count them. - It's 16 if I haven't missed any. - Okay, how big is the cow? - I don't know, it's like medium size. - Compared to the watermelon? How big is the cow? - It's much bigger than the watermelon. (laughs loudly) - Seem to the chair. I've come to my verdict. - Okay. - Knowledge, strength, integrity. I think you have no integrity and you're lying. You pig. (laughs loudly) - Yeah fine, you got me. (laughs loudly) - No ways there's 16 blockages on a cow. (laughs loudly) No way. - This one. It's heavy. - You best stay saying it's heavy then. - [Ethan] Simon playing games from the get-go. (laughs loudly) - [Ethan] Whip it out. (laughs loudly) - [Ethan] it's fucking heavy. - Okay, Joshua. - Yes. - I have a.. Got a bowling ball, but very light one. - You said it was heavy. - Light for a bowling ball, but in each of the holes is a picture of you. - [Ethan] Josh is concerned. - A picture of me? Me, actually me? Or you within the sheet? - What you mean? You. - Actually me? - You, Zerker. A picture of you in each of the holes. - Did you insert these pictures after you took it out of that? - No. - So you luckily picked a box that had me in it. - I luckily picked a box. - [Harry] Would be a coincidence, wouldn't it? (laughs loudly) - It would be. It would be a massive coincidence. What color's the bowling ball? - It's like.. You know camo style? You know what I mean? You know, like Arctic camo. - [Joshua] Okay. - It's like that, but more of a green shade. - Okay, like a Greenland camo. (laughs loudly) - Yeah, I guess that would have been.. Yeah. - What photo of me is it? - It's your face going.. Just a generic face. - Has the bowling ball got a number on it? - It does, yeah actually. - What number is it? - Eight. - Has it got a size for fingers in there? Is it small, medium? - It doesn't. - [Joshua] It's a fortunate bowling ball. Is it real life sized? Is it fake sized? - It's like, it's a bit smaller than a real life size. Might be, kids use normal size, don't they? I don't know. - What the fuck. Get off my sweets. - [Ethan] So when you go to a kid's party, you don't know if the bowling balls are just big and then when you grow up.. - [Harry] Who goes to kids parties? (laughs loudly) - Look at glasses bro, he's going. - You're looking Nancy right now bro. - [JJ] Come on fam. - Fuck it, you're lying. - I am mate, it was an orange. (laughs loudly) - Fair play. - You can't fool me Vick. I see right through you. - You can't see anything. (laughs loudly) - [Simon] He's squinting. - These are really bad sunglasses, you actually can't see anything. - Close your eyes. - [Simon] Can you show us please? (laughs loudly) - Okay. So what I have in front of me, it's like a sun. It's like the Telly Tubby sun with Ethan's face in the middle of it. - Okay, how big is it? - Like six, seven, eight inches, a circle. (laughs loudly) - There's no way Ethan's fat face would fit on that. (laughs loudly) - It's almost life-sized, but it's scaled down to fit on the sun. - [Ethan] Thanks. (laughs loudly) - I mean, that's all there is to tell you. It's yellow, it's got like little pointing things, it makes the Corona. Does the sun have a Corona? I don't know. - No, I've heard that. - [Ethan] It's a beer. (laughs loudly) - You know what, we'll make it quick this time, I believe you. - It's fucking pizza. (laughs loudly) - My heart was going though, it's hard to lie. - Pick a box, any box you want. - Pick that one. - [Ethan] You want some help? - [Harry] Do it like Jenga, whip it out quick, and all the rest will fall. - [JJ] No, what are you doing? I want you to pick it out by itself. No, that's boring. Oh man. I was about to say your mom, but your mom's a nice person. - [Joshua] Yeah. So I have.. You know the Rock 'Em Sock 'Em game back in the day? - No. - It's a boxing game with a red and blue fighter, they punch up. - [JJ] Oh, yeah. - One of those, but you'll never guess what? - What? - Deggy's one of the fighters, and you're the other one. That's not it. It's a Christmas tree, that's invaded the boxing ring. So like, it's really hard for you to fight realistically, Cause there's a big Christmas tree in the way. - [Ethan] It almost resembles the Christmas day beef. - So it almost suggests that you had beef with your brother at Christmas? - Oh my gosh. (laughs loudly) What color's the Christmas tree? (laughs loudly) - That's the question that undoes it all. - That's gonna unravel this mystery. - What answer would make you think he's changed it? What answer would make you think it's a truth or a lie? - I just want to know. - You didn't have Christmas day, did you? You didn't have your own Christmas, so you wouldn't know what a tree colour is. - What colour was it? - It's green. - [JJ] Okay. - It's actually a bit flattered at the top as well, so I've made it a rack. - Does it have anything on the tree? - A couple of baubles and ribbons. - How many ropes are there for the ring? - You want me to count them? - Yes. - Two. (laughs loudly) - Only two? - [Joshua] Yeah. - Doesn't a normal ring have three? - It does. - [Simon] Does a normal ring not have a tree in it? - This isn't just any ring, now is it? - What's on the side of the ring? - [Simon] Whose the sponsor? (laughs loudly) - [Joshua] When you say the side, what do you mean? - [JJ] Like, whose the sponsor? - Yellow. - yellow pages or? - Yellow. - Just yellow? - Yeah. - What colour is the mat? (laughs loudly) - Yellow. - I think you are telling the truth. - Well.. (group clapping) - It's a bit of a weird one this. Okay, you can look. - [Ethan] What's in front of you Miniminter? - It appears to be.. some sort of birds nest. - Right. - Which inside, there are two big eggs. The eggs have faces on too. - Whose faces are on the eggs Simon? - One egg has Donald Trump. - [Ethan] Okay. - And the other egg has Josh. - Oh, lovely couple. - [Simon] Yeah. - Are the eggs any specific colours or just white eggs? - Josh is a white egg. - Josh is a white egg. - [Simon] Donald Trump is an orange egg. - [Ethan] An orange egg? - Yeah. - Convenient. - They have wigs too. - [Ethan] Wigs on the eggs? - Yeah. - Okay, is Josh's grey? - [Simon] No, it's.. (laughs loudly) this is the wig rumour. - So it Trump like his little toupee? - [Simone] Yes. - Okay, lovely. How big is the bird nest compared to the egg? - I'd say it's a solid two to five ratio. - Okay, solid. - That doesn't help you in any way, does it? - Not really. (laughs loudly) Is it a real bird's nest? I want to know, is that real wood? - [Simon] Sure. Donald Trump is also wearing a tie. - Added details out of nowhere. - [Simon] And the nest.. - [Ethan] Don't worry, I've got you. - [Simon] The nest is also placed on grass. - I don't care, (laughs loudly) because liars tend to develop more things the longer they go. Simon Minter, you're lying? (laughs loudly) - [Joshua] What's that uncertainty? Say it with your chest. - You're lying. - Unfortunately, Josh and Donald Trump. - Oh my god. (laughs loudly) - Were in a nest. - That was legit. (laughs loudly) - Red team. - So I can take any red? - Red team. - [JJ] Fuck you Ethan. Let's see. - Bear with me. - [JJ] Oh my god. - You can look now if you want boss. - I can look, are you sure? - So what I've got in front of me is a picture. - A picture of what? - It's in a frame. - [Tobi] It's in the frame? - It's like in a standup frame, It's got all seven Sidemen in it. - [Tobi] All of them? - Yeah, and then the main character is Logan Paul. - He's replaced one of the sidemen? - [Ethan] No, so we've been photo-shopped in this picture. We've been photo-shopped into the one with the seven gnomes. (laughs loudly) That film. - [Tobi] Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? - [Ethan] There you go, that's the one. And the seven Sidemen, we are the gnomes. - We're the gnomes? We're the dwarfs? - Who is the furthest, most right dwarf? - [Ethan] The furthest, most right dwarf? - [Tobi] The one of the right, whose on the right side? - It's Josh. I'm looking at the furthest right side, it's Josh. - This frame that you have, what's it made of? - See-through plastic. - Portrait or landscape? - It's landscape. You thought I didn't know that, didn't you? - [JJ] Yeah. (laughs loudly) - So you'd have this in your house? - I would, this exact picture. - And you'd show this to your mum? - Of course. - [Tobi] And be proud of it? - It's lovely. - I'm convinced that he's telling the truth. - Is that your final answer? - I think it is, because you said the one with the seven gnomes. - Well, you got me. - Josh is on his own. (laughs loudly) - He's the furthest right one. - [Tobi] He's the only one on the right. - I didn't know whether to go with Simon or with Josh. - Vick, what box do you want? - We will go for the blue one at the top. - Okay. - [Ethan] The tippity top. (laughs loudly) - Oh no. What am I going to do? - [Simon] I'm so happy with this. - Close your eyes. - They closed. - Oh well, this is boring. Brilliant. (laughs loudly) - What you got? What's in the box? - This is a A4 piece of paper. (laughs loudly) - Is it blank? - It's literally blank. - They got lines on it? - It's an A4 piece of paper. - [Vick] Okay. - So it's just white. Am I lying? - Could you fold over the piece of paper? - No. I'm not gonna fucking touch it. - [Ethan] Just hack it, you piece of shit. (laughs loudly) - I don't know what to ask. I know what an A4 piece of paper looks like. (group clapping) However, I think that you're lying and it's not an A4 piece of paper. - Shit. (laughs loudly) It's Donald Trump on a toilet. (laughs loudly) And he's shitting.. - [Ethan] Shit? - No, liked teddy bears. - [Simon] It's gummy bears. - Oh, gummy bears. Oh my God. - You said that last time. - [JJ] What the fuck? (laughs loudly) - In front of me is a small doorway. - A doorway? - Yeah, and when I opened the door, there is a model version of a child, and then on the other side is Vick. - No. - Yeah, that's about it really. - It's just a doorway, there's no house on either side or anything? - [Simon] There's no house, it's literally a doorway on some grass. The kid looks like it's running. - And what is Vick doing? - Well to be honest, it's you know, it's just like a little figurine standing still with Vick's face on it. It's not actually Vick, but it's Vick's face. - How old would you say this child is, over 12? - Probably not, no. (laughs loudly) - And what colour is the door? - The door is a light turquoise. - So Vick colour. Because of everyone's reactions, I really want to stay you're telling the truth, I really do. I think you snuck a lie in there though, I'm gonna say you're telling the truth. - I was completely lying. It was.. It was a book called the B-Tech Men, and there is Deggy, Willemy, Freezy, Gib, Calyx, Randolph, and Vick. (laughs loudly) - They all helped you lie. - No, they just reacted to that, and then Vick kind of gave away that he was the subject. - [Harry] You did well to cover up Vick's shit. - I know. - Good job, I'm never trusting you ever. - Yeah, you can look. See you have this Lou Sidemen collection come out recently. The crest taped one, yeah. So we got the brand new, red tape crest hoodie. - That's what you got? - Yeah. - In front of you here? - But it's been smart. It has a little plug on top. You know one of those plugs, were it's just one to four? - Like from Multi-region plug. - No, like when you have like.. you plug one in, it's an extension cable. you plug one in, you get four more. So I think these are just a plug basically. - So theoretically, we should be selling this new crest red stripe thing to the camera right now? - We should, yeah. we should start to say.. - [Harry] Will you hold it for the camera to see? - You can get whatever is in front of Josh right now, from See, now I've just got us in a lawsuit, because you can't get that, it's false advertising. - We're still gonna be fine. (laughs loudly) - [Ethan] I've got him. - We're fine. - [Simon] It's a lawsuit. - Yes, you wouldn't advertise it if it's false. - Exactly, we're fine. (laughs loudly) - What size is it? - It's a medium. - A medium, fit me perfectly. - Well, you probably got weight recently. (laughs loudly) You bulk a little bit, it's fine. - [Vick] Ethan's having flash backs. - Only bulking these muscles. - You can have it after, if you want to be done. - What color's the extension lead? - It's a white one. - Oh, classic white one. - Got a little red sticker on the plug as well. - He's describing this well you know, cause I've got an extension cable, there's white with a red thing on. Overreacting that. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and say you're telling the truth. (laughs loudly) - [Group] Lawsuit. - I heard like a.. and I thought it was the plastic of the plug. - It's actually a rocket that says whiz on it. - It's your day Willem. - My name is Olajide. - [Tobi] You wish it was Ebola? - That is my name. - [Tobi] Alright, pick a box. - I want you to pick the red one. - The red one? Okay, that inconveniences me a bit, but it's okay. - How is your family? - You want to talk about family? Are you sure? You sure you want to go there? - I've heard the KSI family having a little bit of a rough time. - Shut up and turn around. - Okay. (laughs loudly) - Why are you laughing? - Shut up, turn around. - Okay. - Fam. Okay. - Can I look yet? - Yeah, have a look mate. Have a look. Can you lot all see what this is? - [Ethan] I think so. - Go on Tobi. - What I have in front of me is a large number of cutouts of yourself KSI. - Oh, of course. Wait, I'm not KSI. - Let me finish. Okay, a once great YouTuber called KSI. - Funny. - Most of these cutouts are stuffed inside what appears to be a condom, that would probably be too big for you. And.. - But I have a Mandingo. (laughs loudly) - It appears to be a dollop of what I can only presume is peanut butter. - What colour is the peanut butter? If you say red, you're lying. - It's not red. - Okay. (laughs loudly) - [Tobi] Slightly lighter than Vick. (laughs loudly) - Vick, come here. - [Tobi] This is the closest one to compare it with. - [Harry] That's not bad, to be fair. - I want to see. Okay, interesting. What face does KSI have? - I think you have a bloodshot eye here. - Oh, is this after the fight that he had? - Yeah, you look a bit clapped. - [Harry] You're fucking butters mate. - What is butters? - [Group] Ugly. - Ugly? - [Harry] You look like my ass. That's where poo comes from. - You like poo? - Relax. - Are you going to.. - Let's finish the game, we'll joke after, let's finish the game. - There's a condom? - It appears to be a condom. - Is it tubed? - [Tobi] I am not going to.. - Touch it. - Nope. - You sure it's not a balloon? (laughs loudly) - I mean, if you're feeling creative, then you might want to use it as a balloon, but I wouldn't. - You crafty devil. - Me? - I think.. you are telling the truth. - You're sure? - [Ethan] What's the truth? - He's telling the truth. You wouldn't lie to me, you are a son of God. (laughs loudly) - We're playing a game, it doesn't matter, we're playing the game. I'm gonna bring it round to you. - Okay. - Yeah. - Yeah, let me see it. What is that? Oh my God. Why is this a thing? (laughs loudly) Who made this? - [Simon] At least the peanut butter stuck. - You seem very happy right now. - No, I can just read you like a book, so. Can I look? - Yep. I have in front of me, a toilet roll. - Okay. - With some feathers, and some furry balls, some stars. - Is this made into one thing, or just kind of higgledy-piggledy? - A little bit higgledy-piggledy. It's kind of all just stuck onto the roll. - Oh, so the roll's the centrepiece? - The roll is the centre point, it's the focal point. - Okay, and you're saying it's got like furry balls, what colour are the furry balls? - A range of colours. - A range of colours? Rainbow balls? - Yes, well ranging from pink to other colours. - I think you're lying to me. - You think I'm lying? - I think you're lying to my face. (laughs loudly) - Well, you can read me like a book. - What is it? - It is. - What? - It's literally a toilet roll. - Goddammit. - Got some more merchandise in front of me. (laughs loudly) This time it's not sidemen merch. - Whose merch is it Josh? - It happens to be a certain YouTuber who was once pals with Joella. He thinks he's Drake. Goes by the name of King Crawford. But there's more, then there's a poop. - A poop? - Yeah. Joke poops. - Toy poop? - [Joshua] Yeah, a toy poop, it's not real. - Play poop? - Play poop. And then there's a nice, little postcard that comes with it, and it actually says, "Fuck other merch, go to instead, and use the discount code 'TOBISMELLS'.". (laughs loudly) - What colour is the hoodie? - You'd be surprised that it's pink. - It's pink? - Yeah, it says, "Fuck other merch, Go to". - [Harry] What was that? - - And what discount code? - It's 'TOBISMELLS'. - Tobi smells? For how much off? - It doesn't actually say, but if they enter it on, I'm sure they'd find out. - Sidemen? - Yeah, - Yeah, but I was talking about Sidemen, it was a good channel. - They should subscribe to that channel as well, that's not on this postcard though. - Yeah, that's not on the postcard, okay. If people like the video, what should they do? - Like it? (laughs loudly) - Do you want to ask us about this? - About this? Okay, let's go back to this. Josh. I think you're lying to me Josh. - You think, final answer? - It's a bit too convenient that you'd have back to back plugs. - Would I lie about the same plug twice? - It's you. You're trying to play smart. - Did (indistinct) ever have merch? - Don't know. Now I feel like you're double bluffing me. I'm gonna say you're lying. - Well. - Where's the play poop? (laughs loudly) (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 20,486,334
Rating: 4.9233699 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen challenge, sidemen sunday, sidemensunday, #sidemensunday, box of lies
Id: Lp-h_lKC3zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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