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I quit dropping the mic I'm Jeremy and I'm George and today we got a crazy challenge we're gonna do as we unbox are we George yeah it's gonna be a little bit of a different challenge that we've never done before we always want to know what's in the box but today George is gonna have to guess what I put in the Box I think I have to do the same thing that she does to me [Music] we spent eighteen hundred dollars and seventeen hundred dollars on these storage units filled with totes and boxes we still have no idea what's inside so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna grab something first and what are you gonna do and I'm gonna grab something as well we're gonna put it in this mystery box which might cut holes out on the sides where we're gonna have to put our hands in gloves today or no gloves I let's go with no gloves Oh safety first just went out the window all right George you're out of here out of here back into the ER here what Jeremy's putting in the box number one let's see what we got okay got so much here all right do you know what this is this is crazy look at this this is an old faucet I don't think there's any way in the world she could actually guess correctly so let's put this in the box something gross or something that's gonna bite me here we go in the box she'll never guess we'll put it right there in the center like that all right George come on back here she comes we'll see how good her skills really are see how she does you ready I'm afraid of what of you what's there to be afraid of my fingers category am i anywhere near it you've made the bomb you bombs right now why am I freaking out right now you should be freaking out right now don't do that what are you scared of a startle easily and my clothes Oh your clothes some type of handle handle yes again it's it's something metal it's cold cold metal and I feel the ridges right here cold metal with ridges or something you're getting closer definitely getting warmer if this was water if this was water and a temperature gauge this would be warm water right now not cold water she's got warm water like a faucet oh my goodness she got it she got it it is an antique faucet oh wow it's my turn Jeremy you know the journal beat it she says that to me home what beat it make like a tree and leave Jeremy thinks I'm gonna take something out of the totes and put it in the mystery box but I actually brought some stuff from home the first thing I brought was a jumbo hotdog [Laughter] I'm gonna cut ridges in it to give it like a different texture do you know if we have a knife in that warehouse I don't think so but there's a hammer oh yeah I could use the hammer now I'm gonna put some water on it if you can smell it he could probably smell it you're probably gonna find like cleaning solution for it let's see what we can find to work the smell hopefully it looks great in here - okay alright Jeremy we're ready come on out you think I'll be able to reach here we go wait what did you what did you find I know what we find and storage units all the time use your five senses I don't smells like glass cleaner I know what we find in storage units all of the time didn't did you find one is this a unicorn horn oh it's it's slimy you are twisted what do you think is I smell cleaner why do I smell cleaner cuz you cleaned it after you found a use and then you had me put my hands on it oh my goodness I can't believe you my hair it's like us office stress ball that you squeeze a spongy stress no you don't squeeze it it's uh oh you don't not supposed to squeeze it I just did no I give up she is a mess both know what this is that's sick I'm getting this cleaned up but don't you worry I'll get her I'll get her back maybe I should be nice one of the other whoopsie that's kind of shaped like the thing she just gave me we could throw her off with that [ __ ] look at this we've got a Rakhi we got a Rakhi for 18-inch soft body done you know what we'll put this in there and we'll tell her it's her new boyfriend after she just did what she did to me [Music] here she comes no you're George next up can you even can you even reach it it's something in a package Oh like what you just gave me you can't even reach in your own box she made the box and she can't reach it she made the box it's a plush subtype of plush toy he's got hair but it's plastic hair this is more than what I have right now is it big boy I'm your big boy he's not but you know what big boy yes he may very well be your big boy after what you just pulled on me earlier if I was in a competition and I was in a ring I would definitely want him on my side who says it's a character it's Adrian maybe he's not an animal but maybe in the boxing ring he's an animal I already know it's some type of plush thing would it be if we took the mashed up hot dog and put it like in a fishbowl with water alright you guys ready for the next item if you want to get your hands on rocky before George does you actually can bid on it we're doing an auction live and online with second sense auctions Rob's in the warehouse right now pregnant well how would they bid well first you gotta go to WWE consents calm you can bid and we ship everywhere across the United States Jeremy's gonna take care of shipping WWE consents calm are these glue traps if you don't know what I do traffic this is pure sticky right here one for each camp you're never gonna guess this pepper I didn't even guess the last one all right all right wait whole seconds I don't hear anything I don't smell anything yeah I do feel something what what what in the what is this boogers what did you do are you serious boogers boogers boogers I feel like I got massive boogers on my fingers these are like Egyptian but it is green yeah it's not stop it sure feels like snot melted gummy worms you love gummy work melted gummy worms gummy worms gummy worms gummy bears you can't eat this nothing like the last glue cool it rubber cement glue you're never gonna go well if I'm not gonna guess than I might as well just what's this what is this Piderman she's turned me into spider-man I love you having troubles taking that adhesive off I say you're getting a little out of control this challenge do you not like it um you want to smell my hands or feel my hands which one why is this the second time in a row I'm in the bathroom cleaning my hands and yet you haven't had the touch your hands didn't get it all off but you gotta get out of here now open another one I don't know where she's coming up with this crazy stuff it's about to be payback time we got sharp screws that would work we've got this it's that pointy enough no if we could find some sticky no freakin way oh my goodness we found so much money in these units look at this here's more money okay there's more money we have found collectable money we found a safe filled with with 50 cent pieces look at this I think it's mine what do you think can we throw her off look mixed old that one says mixed old old Knicks hit money yeah beware this is crazy okay let's do this we'll freak her out there's no way she's gonna guess it if only we could put some sharp stuff in it or something we'll put it in the container and then she's got to open the container and figure it out let's do that I just found containers look at this look at this filled with nails razor blades all kinds of cool stuff that's why you should always work love you said no gloves she said it'd do a rewind she's the one that said no gloves and my crevice I still have web sticky in the crevice of my fingers enjoy your box you got it you got it I'm afraid after the first two that I did to you yeah you should be that would be appropriate to be a phrase I felt at home there did move are you gonna get it are you gonna yeah I would but you better be asking yourself what could be trapped inside there why would Jeremy put something in a container what could latch out and push so you better be you need two hands you need two hands you can put two hands into one side that was close it almost chopped off it it almost jumped on yeah we have a ton of them there doggy depends it's on the axe on the edge it's on the Opry if that's what you want to do you already peed you might as well dump you tell me what is it what is it you get so would we stop is it nuts-and-bolts definitely not the nuts and bolts after what you just did to me you think I would give you nuts and bolts it's something wrapped into more plastic all right I'll give you that it is something Brown what have we found so much of already it's money I just found more collectible money look that one even says caution so let's still caution to the wind and let's find out what's inside oh my goodness oh my goodness is silver its silver these are all silver yes look at this okay this is all I got for your sporran yeah but we want a 40 cent penny look at this all foreign oh look this is it that's that's a penny that's an old-school Canadian penny look at this I can't believe it this is so crazy okay let's see what's in this one this is awesome this was in a tote fulfilled with you don't get any of it none of it look I can't even get it unstuck from my hand okay look at this look at this silver that's Canadian silver silver these old ones these are all silver oh my goodness look at this look at this these are all whoa this is incredible this is crazy okay these are Indian Head pennies these are usually before the 1900s a little bit before they're open 43 pennies 1943 pennies this silver dimes silver dimes Oh goodness 18:30 freaking - 1832 get a close-up on that I don't think we've had one that that old all right here's there's Liberty Nichols Rob Rob come check this out Wow are these all of war these I don't know if these are war nickels or not they're pointy yeah they're so sharp whoo they're sure he's never gonna guess what this is I just found the key to winning this challenge right there should I just go to the bathroom now and start washing or later no not there you're never gonna guess what this is that's how good I am and that's how good I have been at this game just still sticky in here look they're still sticky everywhere look at my finger good what did you do now careful why is that sharp why is there sharp right there why is there sharp right there speaker why don't be too rough why don't what you did with what did you do don't squeeze it like you did Oh Oh - why is that is why is that so sharp did you put a knife in here what is in here what is holy cow bear trap is it a bear trap I think bear trap wise discuss pikeys everywhere I want a clue they're really really big so was that hot dog yes you guessed you guessed a bear trap right you put an animal in here are these teeth yeah then what are you doing it's not a wife it used to be alive it used to be alive not no mo my poking the eye poking it yeah is that the eye are there two eyes or one eye okay so it's not a cyclops I got this see you later alligator do you even want to confirm that it's right no right you just drop the mic and walk away yeah yes I don't know how we're gonna get her back I don't know where she's even finding this stuff so does she pick up from this side or this side which decided she pick him from over there cuz I've been over here let's see okay chin car there's team car taxi there's an old bank right there there's a World Bank what if this is like an old a second old cherry pepper or pitter pitter I think if we go with this she'll never get it yeah she'll never get this she'll never get it I'm not sure we're gonna get her back but she'll never get it she probably just dropped the mic and tapped out because she's so scared after what she's been doing oh wow there she is all right all right can you not frighten me this time well I'm not saying it ain't gonna be scary you're too grass oh oh you have to be really really careful with this one really careful with this one if I put my hands on one arm literally could lose a finger really really careful careful something metal maybe is it okay to pick it up I guess you're gonna find out if you have a finger at the end then it was okay if you don't have a finger at the end then you probably should have thought twice about it Oh something spinning spinning there is a part of a spinning component I'm gonna need those animal dependence I'm just saying be careful that's all I'm saying Wow Wow not even a little guess I even put something in there that you reach from both holes is it a meat grinder oh she's been watching Joe exotic Hong King tiger a little too much if I come up missing chuck the meat grinder what is it you tell me careful careful you tell me what is it it's spinning here's the hand on it spinning mm-hmm yep it spins both ways it is a one of these I'm not quite sure what it is I don't think it's a sausage maker I think you clamp it on to the table and then you go select this and it's either a cherry pitter or something whatever puts in there spits out the juice that's what it is you wanna put your finger in there now ready here we go I got a brand new toilet brush cleaner and I brought whipped peanut butter chocolate I'm gonna put it on the toilet brush take your time with this why you said that on the last one and I got bit by an alligator uh it feels moist I hate that word that's the one word that I cannot stand moist and spiny spiny me what a spiny not me it's voice and pioneers like yeah spiny ants am I gonna I'm gonna have to wash my hands again are you serious just moved do you smell anything and he's got his sense of smell you feel so good did you Foose no I didn't and I'm not speaking English that's Arabic you can walk it off it's good boss let's take her yeah so that's the sticker on a handle do you smell anything is this a toilet brush you give me your hair don't brush my hair with it here we go back to the bathroom she obviously is finding the stuff on the other side of the dock so I'm over here on this side now she'll never guess what that is we've got a bunch of naked babies we're gonna tell her it's so big she has to put her hands down which she's too short she can right here it's so intense that I had to flip it you're gonna have to go down with both hands I couldn't even reach on the sides so don't worry I got you I got you right down here see this I got you a stool now no peeking why is my heart race no peeking do clunks hold you this one's intense you have to be careful you should be afraid you should be a ho oh oh it's moving hold a second let me get it back where it belongs all right there you go was that not working for you I got you [Music] that's why I put it on the left anymore you can't bail out now some winnings you keep startling me like this I'm gonna who has to keep washing their hands your clothes your clothes your clothes this is intense this is probably the scariest thing we could ever put in a box how many are there [Music] [Applause] five six six of the scariest things I could ever put in this box there's nothing more scarier than I could put in there are they little ghosts they're not ghosts but they can be little demons at times they're not monsters but they definitely can be monsters at times they're not they're not nice and definitely not me definitely not me is this like a plastic figurine of an animal yeah they can be animals at time when they get hangry like Egyptians do they they can be animals what's the scariest thing that can happen to you right now in your life don't think about don't think about pandemics going across the world something would scare you even more if you got lice yeah that would be bad but but that's not that's not what's in actually that could be what's in the box six lights six lease I give up you give up what's the scariest thing that could happen to you right now I don't know a lot of things like it scared easily yeah she does she does I have no idea [Music] right these are little babies got six babies six babies scariest thing sextuplets that try and beat that their naked baby well you haven't put the diapers on yet all right I'm going to hang out with the boys second sense storage legends here I come I'm gonna cover up the hole that he put on the side would you do with my kids you think I wasn't careful enough with the sextuplets you don't swoosh in there like take your time got it how careful like careful like how careful as in careful slow take your time why do I smell cleaner again you put my hands in here got it right got it right look at that how close am i you're halfway there halfway I feel like I'm already touching up get warmer you're getting warmer what are we doing or even why are we doing this my clothes my clothes am i close what are you in my clothes oh my heart's racing for you my heart is racing for you do I get to just give up and call you the winner you definitely won't be washing your hands after this one how close how close I feel something what was that what was it I can't tell you I quit dropping the mic [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 52,326
Rating: 4.8807898 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: fFKiWefyuZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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