Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 6 Episode 7 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to Redondo Beach California but the Sun isn't shining on this Mediterranean family restaurant there's a storm brewing between two owners who happen to be an aunt and Denise Oh once aunt Fay complains that she is the only one putting in any effort so who's not putting their way that's not true but then again she refuses to take help from anyone you don't let anybody help you no they don't want to these Brenda complains that Fay doesn't treat her as her partner who don't be showing the recipes no this is crazy but her lack of passion no sit down in my booth has everyone feeling that she doesn't care when you sit on your phone we're cooking serving that's not true it's hard for Chef Ramsay to tell who's right there is better and who's wrong there's poor communication I can see that but one thing's for sure they are more focused on each other's fault than running the restaurant Oh fix what it's good luck it's not correct ask for the staff no I need to make playing potatoes moved they are not only fighting with each other are you [ __ ] kidding they're ready to walk out the door tonight Chef Ramsay is in for the challenge of the year what you're doing is so wrong as he attempts to turn around the restaurant since gross in utter turmoil you're screwed Redondo Beach California just blocks from the ocean is zania flaming grill opened in 2009 by the ant and nice team Fay and Brenda bellyful for Table five I'm Egyptian I came to United States at 18 my first experience with catering truck for 16 years and it was really successful but I always wanted to buy my own restaurant that was my dream to have my own business and when the door opened about opening a restaurant with Fay I decided to give her a call and said she had kitchen experience and I had management experience the reason why this place is goin downhill is because of the drama between fans and families don't want to come here because why would you want to come to a restaurant with arguing and stress it's embarrassing oh my god a is definitely the scary boss here she's the one who pushes people screams at people you guys need to get good meat when the order comes out she'll tell the staff shut up bleep want to get out of the kitchen move from here stop arguing Fay needs help but she doesn't want to accept it from anybody I'm talking about you guys fate doesn't trust me to run this place natella does not produce any standing here doing nothing she sees me as her niece and not her partner it's a complete joke I'm obviously doing stuff that doesn't seem to care anymore go sit down in my booze I just want to sleep she's be on the phone are you ducks a friend what is Brenda right now is Brenda just laziness the stronger person but that's your personality it's not that I'm not just because I'm not yelling at them it is not yelling brinda and my mom have a bad relationship fix it fix what all the problems come from the restaurant you become like so frustrated you're like that help with it I don't care anyway so upsetting this restaurants put a strain on my entire family I really have to go nobody understands how much stress I'm under I've borrowed from my parents a little over 60 grand the restaurant feels I feel like I would have failed my family but you know what we really need help if I don't smile I gonna explode they're gonna cry the restaurant is my life but it became my Braeden it seems like it's slipping away and I feel like if this is go I wouldn't have anything left [Music] should never be like this [Music] both Fay and Brenda have requested meetings with Chef Ramsay prior to him arriving at the restaurant how are you Brenda he realizes that this is a perfect opportunity to get both sides of the story it's very right hello good to see you good well it's a it's a pleasure seeing you and obviously what did you reach out and have a word before I went inside the restaurant yes I wanted to tell you some issues that I have who is my business partner my name is Brenda tell me about the restaurant how did it start they had this idea and saw location that she really liked and approached my mom and she said that I would possibly be interested it kind of just took off from there you know and it seemed like it was the right thing to do I know you 5050 yes we're 5050 partners what so explain the roles of the restaurant I shop I cook I clean the chef as well yes Wow you're busy so if you cook shop clean what the hell does Brenda do basically there's different days where I am serving and there's days where I'm on the line with Fang and it can get a little overbearing back there because faith she's definitely a control freak she doesn't have confidence in me stepping into the kitchen and being able to help her out and she is just like no you're not doing it right I sometimes feel like I'm an employee not an equal I have to be repaired everything for when is day when I take off every little render fretful her one day running a business independently um she doesn't know she's they ought was friends and she's very tired that kids they tell me when I'm not there we sit in the computer watch TV you watch how does the business run on those nights when your aunties not there very smoothly customers are happy with the food definitely things flow easy I feel like it's a disaster how do you know this is a disaster come to me and tell me what happens Brenda's cooking in your absence how would you give that out of turn six I give myself skin oh wow if she wasn't your niece would you find her yes if this wasn't your auntie would you fire her yes how long can the business continue I'm giving myself about a year ready Wow our numbers are horrible how much do you put into the business we could about 60 grand each well I'm afraid and scared that I will lose this in this time of my life I don't see myself for going to work for someone and even get hired I really need Chef Ramsay to change a Brenda but I have doubt that anything will you change the brain that's not gonna change okay I'll see you back at the rationale okay so much like it I am Naseem [Music] after hearing two completely different stories from the owners about why Xena is failing Chef Ramsay arrives at the restaurant anxious to see where the problems lie fresh flavors of food seven days a week and lettuce fresh this is okay would you do round with everything from cooking to bussing serving okay seeding right well good to meet you let me sit down over graduate get up to space and all that catch up after it on the house thanks that's good thinking that path I feel like I'm back my grandma's couch why we got such a high couch here since it's a small issue I'm not sure Wow okay no how do we been here I've been here for four and a half years so you've been here since the beginning the two owners today run the business together how does that work Pfizer works here more more days than Brenda does oh pretty yeah the only 50/50 partners they're supposed to be but I would say Oh probably 75 25 different work advisers definitely the 75% of who work and what is the other politician does more laid-back she prefers more talking to the customers instead of being in the back of the kitchen so who's the boss the scary boss would be if I said Pfizer failure finds us she said to me her name was face usually I call her fazer or sometimes when it's busy I'll call her favors people who call it fufu today she's scary she is hell on wheels Wow Vegas busy no matter what it is you will hear yelling in the dining room everything that happens back there our customers see our customers hear everything Wow seriously yeah Fay has an extremely short temper if something goes wrong all hell will break loose how did you get involved must be hard when you're working with the owner's son yes if you see something that's dirty he will leave it for somebody else to take care of is he lazy it comes to cleaning he doesn't do it full heartedly that makes any sense the leaves are nice for you when you come in the next night yeah I think the insides I'm gonna look at everything and wait a minute Mediterranean Bistro an exquisite dinning adventure Wow where's mom mark oh my god Joseph oh thank you he wants to talk to you yes sir I'm out looking with him a little quiz are you ready for this how do you spell Bistro how do you spell be sorry be is tiara because how do you spell dining di and n ing so you wrote this menu dining is di and ing okay has anyone else mentioned it a lot of customers pointing it out to us nice thank you mom I can't Matt what would you recommend we do four different dips or the hummus baba ganoush for different density I'll go for that yeah let's go for the father beans the QE roll and then let's go for the same combo plates definitely thank you their first impressions places sold us out they just keep on coming down why is that [Music] well now you ready three kid beep lava beans and xena combo I am very proud of my food and understand the buyer it's fresh it's made to order Chef Ramsay is no way he would dislike my food is ready you just take it out I'm confident coming out Chef Ramsay digs in looks like the inside of the diaper and things go from bad to worse so who's not pulling their weight as the staff was ready to jump ship and later Oh gross Chef Ramsay is so frustrated my boss that he resorts to doing something he has never done before fresh fruit seven days a week my office [Music] while the owners continue to blame each other for the restaurants problems Chef Ramsay is anxious to taste the food so this is our combination appetizer okay Wow why is all that oil on that we usually drizzle the top of our appetizers the olive oil will float usually we drizzle but it looks like there's a little extra put on toast grab a tea spoon please darling thank you Wow we drizzled sparingly with a touch of oil but look at it it was very important is your bath tubs full of oil floating on the side its price [Music] [Music] King Ozma very carefully because you know he just stands there and stares for us to put this oil increase on oh yeah hey we're at least that stop staring out of here to creep in about retreating run teaspoon alone he'll put the oil um I'm off my shirt wasn't back there Wow mr. Ellis my gosh it's so thin it's just liquid is that normally that runny that I've been told it depends on that garbanzo beans lady we're gonna stop blaming a [ __ ] big illness there's times where the hummus will be extremely thin or there's times where Bahamas will be overly thick yeah it's not beans fault it's the chef's I feel like I'm always apologizing for the food no I'm done with that okay but I'm not a chef it's out of my control put the oil on top of that that's Hazzard I didn't do that because I did it I said it's a lot of them it's tradition to put a good amount of oil and humus so for Chef Ramsay not to like it as a shocker to me I should have made it say disgusting bussing a station that looks dreadful has to be a much better place to put dirty dishes on now I now swear that you just topple those dozens there yeah that's where this is why not just walk five feet and put the dosed place inside the playboys I don't know how difficult would it be to go straight into the kitchen you know not hard at all Chef Ramsay is great but every time I try to open my mouth every time I have a suggestion I basically get told to shut up okay Bobby means and who put the Zetas and what was supposed to see Missouri for Xena kind of a design looks like someone's puked up on my plate oh come on does that look appetizing to you yeah doesn't look too appetizing it does look appetizing at all no okay thank you looks like the inside of a diaper I mean it's so bad geez said she's a fun business like someone threw up okay and I'm done that done that one mouthful too much thank you one thing I can't confirm it tasted the way it looked dreadful oh come on a winner okay you guys this is crazy I don't agree with Chef Ramsay about some of the items that's at first I will defend my foot to Chef Ramsay because I know how healthy and delicious Chef Ramsay has only sampled a few dishes but is already questioning the food that looks like the inside of a guide box and owners Fay and Brenda are questioning the feedback that's the first people always rave about our food whatever you're tonguing my foods not good I'd love to see what's good that's good to be back I did they're gonna be dry that's why I moved on it's cooked already mark should be confident in what you do so these are key roles describe the dish keep the rolls it's a Bulgari shell certainly in ground beef from pine nuts in the middle Thank You mr. sunshine fresh kind of Wow exactly sure having my prep for the week like one week ahead cuz it takes so much time and program they taste of a frozen yes sir you know where it says look from the pressure on the - outside I bought the catering go outside how big Louie okay where you didn't come back in half where the chow damn I know he can't spell let's hope even [ __ ] read [Music] what is they care about quality and taste okay what else did I say again with F okay with F I didn't qualify and taste oh just to show you there's three s there now read it properly and come back and tell me what it says no problem have a look [Music] right class 3s fresh flavorful food right and you're telling me now my appetizer is frozen because we make a bolt at the beginning of the week yeah I just read that literally entering the building so I don't expect anything first thank you Wow so your first time ice house is fresh flavorful food yeah it's frozen nobody tastes fresh never like we just said I stand by that hippie because we really use good ingredients I don't see in any Arabic whom anyone can make them differently it's not ready in the market it's done if its identity to be a big river it's so nice we get more Sun it's not overdone it's not maybe you should be the one on the hook in them drama for nothing Bay is over my shoulder micromanaging and just constantly bossing us in the kitchen I'm just over at all do you take this place one item I could stand behind in a combo plate thank you Wow Vincent you can see it try slicing in there and this one is the NASA just a regular beef kebab meat is just like his boiled just taste this soon we try to make our meat medium but that looks medium well well done join us mom's personality and the copter subtly is overcooked and dry as drier than the sand surrounding the pyramids of Egypt dreadful and the chicken was blend the chicken fresh without it frozen the chicken is frozen shame who took my nuts they might be a mixture favorite and I'm pretty I think they tag-teamed on on my dishes supposing you tag-team you've expected to be twice as good but this one's twice as bad darling I'm done well I'm disappointed Thank You doc Wow trust me this has been a huge huge disappointment not even one of them that's come on please Wow I don't know where to start ready fight Brenda I'm so disappointed the Atmos is flat the decals drab and I'm sat on the corner of a ridiculous cushion opposite a large container of dirty [ __ ] they've never done that before that's what's bothering me today excuse me we do that every week I believe you of Vanessa's buckets on the floor but we have been told to use a bucket I always asked you guys to use a bucket so stuff doesn't spill all over the place but we've never used we leave them on the floor Wow but set all that aside life just had a bad experience and I felt the food was below standards the hummus was running very liquidy why so much oil on there I have Arabic customers for that like loads of olive oil when customers want more oil don't assume that everyone's more oil I don't even think it was olive oil what was that oil in there it was Oliver wow that must be cheap what's funny our products nachi your products not cheap okay so what's so funny well you said it was cheap it tasted cheap it's not expensive but actually I'm not gonna argue with you but you sit there on your ass laughter your head off thinking it's funny I'm not gonna get upset because of what you say nah I'm just gonna smile about it's your opinion how old a twenty six sir I'll expect that if you're sixteen cuz right now mark is very far from funny can I continue about my lunch for me a kofta when you bite into it just burst of flavor this thing was dry beyond belief but this is number one seller this is what my customer eats every time they walk in buff a chicken was dry and the beef was try is that protein frozen we buy it fresh prep freeze to cook I don't know why you think customers would leave their homes to come and eat frozen food I don't have a walk-in freezer and I don't have a walk-in cooler okay so my option is to freeze it then cook it how long have you been function like this it's been like this since day one I'm just wanted to let you know that I don't have the help to to be repaired when I need hurt I cannot cut myself in half of my half here behind the counter and our hashing song looks like have you given up no do you want to give up [Music] you can focus on what I need to help from your family yes so who's not pulling their weight [Music] Chiqui was dry but this is number one sinner fade not only believes that her food is impeccable she also believes that she is the only one in this restaurant who is putting in a real effort so who's not pulling their weight you don't let anybody help you know what's going on is your auntie on her own she's not on her she's not she's has to have her hand in everything she has to marinate she has to cut that's not true that is true when is the last time you cut the chicken or lamb or beef and you marinate it many many times when many times no that's a lie I mean it's not a lie always stand with you in the back and ask you show me how to no you don't you don't say hey come here and let me show you how to do this so if I'm ever offered you could do it but not be showing the recipes yeah she never asked so she seems young she see me when I know every time I'm here many times I brought in my laptop and I said let's go through the recipes and she came i'm telling me i wanted to learn this I would never still don't know you always think I have to do it they don't come during the piece of paper in determined doing something else what I do was last time you shown I had to cook something never minor stuff in the kitchen serves the appetizers but that's pretty much it ready yes fun is you two don't sound like least and an answer was last time you want to give you a compliment about something I don't get compliments when she cooks all I hear from the customer is complain personally not hear just the last week on Wednesday I was asked on Thursday a customer walks in just to complain about how horrible the food was when I'm not here I'm not saying because you don't take it you silly help me I I told you so many times I don't take it well when did you tell me when no when developing is dry and the auto learning was right there so many feedback not true I'm very picky how everything's coming that's not to leave me asked the servers cooks is the food when you're here most of the time now they don't you don't cook all the time when she's here no no I want her dancing so I when I pass when everybody else is working yes I know you'll find something to do I've offered a cut chicken multiple times for free and I was told that I wasn't allowed to do it but I'm confused you want them to do but then they say you don't let them do it no they don't want to that's enough I got the honesty that's not true no no I offered I was I offered to work for free to learn how to cut the chicken and help her during the week I don't want you to be with me Mackenzie no I'm saying I do not need to be with me in the kitchen and that's why I will never tell you anything I'm afraid that she gets hurt when she's working her regular shift or not even cook and she's hurting yourself I don't usually hurt myself either done [ __ ] I've never poked myself with a knife here and then you ask before bandage all the time no I really don't in the end it's not my job to cook I don't get paid to cook I don't get paid to do inventory I don't get paid any extra to do anything but as a family we do it just because my territory I've done the takeout and Centauri I appreciated your room I do the bread inventory maybe a few times I can tell the time all the time because I have my own job to do and when I come in in the dining rooms dirty my first thing to do is the diner dresser because the steps I'm heating the night before don't clean it when it comes to cleaning mark does not do it there's a little bit more lenient don't smell Sylvester don't point fingers because Esha happens I've came right after you sweat when I've sweat is to do something by far she does way more of her duties lazy no he's not he's gone lazy shaky here work is our busiest night he works the busiest nights but when it comes to bussing and cleaning a miscellaneous rope he doesn't pull it mark does not pull his rope when it comes to his duties if you want sourpuss fingers Brenda yeah I was gonna keep my mouth shut and not say [ __ ] about anyone we need to sit on your [ __ ] phone we're cooking serving when you're here for five hours yeah no I'm not here for five hours you are [Music] this impromptu staff meeting has gone from Brendan Fay pointing fingers at each other no nothing is that I was perfect it's the blame game with the entire staff there's a little bit more you don't say including face unmarked fingers Brenda when you just sit on your [ __ ] phone we're cooking serving and you're sitting it is go ahead walk out like you always do you're here for five hours yeah no I'm not here for five hours you are I wasn't gonna talk [ __ ] about anybody but okay I'll be yelled at taking food to the third table a balloon by finalist she will scream at me as I'm walking because I asked you that to be to be off I have to scream that you turn off the TV because it has some bumping and grinding and whatever is going on on TV and it pissed me off because I work from a channel the solution Brenda have to change a shift because I Boris my opinion I change the shift because you guys constantly bump heads and you constantly get into these great arguments in this open kitchen in the dining room it's it for the customers in front of customers I need to see this place working tonight just do what you normally do so I can have our chance of get up to speed to see how this place function I'm getting some fresh air what a lunch I'll be back later Wow the problems were just the first [Music] I can't handle it nobody here is perfect nobody hears or just make you seem like what Mark and Vance are you guys don't pull your weight nobody pulls their weight she works I never a nobody who's your daughter's like the way she works her mouth yes I agree when it comes to her work she goes the extra mile her mouth is what gets her in trouble she's an awesome worker and she needs to know that too better I've always been her you know nobody gets compliments hearsay nobody I thank you we have a great night thank you have a good night she of course she doesn't tell you I tell her that but she comes back and cry about things ml is not my problem what my problem is is what he said about the food I'm very hungry you eat my frozen food everyone eat laughing about it ironically the only thing that Fay and Brenda agree on is the food fortunately aside from their issues with each other that is the restaurants biggest problem definitely hummus again you just explained to me how the line that works okay the tickets come out when we start to pull whatever meets and we start cooking Wow my gun don't let me stop you okay Table one spicy hummus and that's why we're giving them yes sorry ladies welcome hummus [Music] thank you fresh food seven days a week my ass he's leaving I don't think Gordon Ramsay likes us when people ask you for a spicy armas they weren't too spicy hummus and I don't need something explained to me three times [Music] with Chef Ramsay sink so many customers unsatisfied with the same watery hummus that he had at lunch he has returned from a trip to a nearby supermarket not sure how good the hummus is with a plan mum's the word mum's the word ladies there we are some fresh rumors gems the same for you my apologies sorry way too much that's for sure good we keep singing started moving it I don't know it or not man is watching trading the buzz here they're loving it holy crap on money out fool that hummus wood behind and on but in the all the chicken is done just give me a second for making the damn salad she said she didn't like it at all Wahpeton she said the chicken didn't taste good at all alright I never have a complaint that I or overcook - shawarma I tasted most of the show and I know how delicious it can I go ask them why they didn't like anything or like what their opinion is hello ladies how are you today you've sent back everything so I just wanted to come in what do you not like about the items the chicken shawarma is like rubbery okay and this is just like vinegary and she was the flavor it just wasn't whatever all of a sudden we learn food critic what they say they thought the shimmer MOBAs rubbery our dolmus tastes like vinegar never whatever they don't like it they don't like him Wow no it's raw beef is still cooking for that plate I'll fix it move it seriously do what you always do I'm fed up with Fame dominating in the kitchen it's really hard to deal with [Music] they will not be me Jenny anymore let's fun about my straw that's what I'm trying to please I don't know why you're acting like I'm the one who's doing it I can't man a bliss oh no want to see quick to jump down your stride why is that notice it happens to everybody who's a friend oh wow bloody hell this is supposed to be medium in its rare didn't you see much okay let's cook wrong I wasn't talking to you enough we do it [Music] flamie girl flaming from your mess wanna scratch how are we how's the food it is stone-cold yeah I had that for lunch and there wasn't Pleasant my apologies thank you the customers have given a very clear verdict on the food at tonight's dinner service so Chef Ramsay decides to move on to an inspection of the rest of the kitchen including the food storage freezes are busy there must be three to four weeks worth of prep in there look at the time Mediterranean it's not man this one giving mix leftovers in a home kitchen no date my god Oh disgusting this stuff has been in there so long as all freezer bags any chance of any flavor has gone a bit like a flame on the grill just boxes and leaf cutting bulbs they say fresh flavor fruit my arts I say frozen frozen frozen that's gross it's dinner service at Xena raw beef is still cooking for that plate I'll fix it leave it leave it seriously and while Fay and Brenda continue to argue in the open kitchen boxes link twitch in bulk [ __ ] Ramsay is uncovering some alarming practices in the back kitchen line jaws which include a massive amount of frozen food fresh salmon oh [ __ ] frozen salmon look is that welcome to my Mediterranean flaming real pisser birth bag it was not lamina the prostate frozen mate with warm water what a mess Jackie Shawn this lady really my restaurant the logic is left the building this is too many orders and none of them immigrants are such a great hangout we're a smaller group well it disappeared can I just talk to you in private now this want to show something quickly please this was in a sink in a bowl of water running hot water on it what does that do it's warm on the outside and solid in the middle so when it's different colors like that you know what that means it means cooked even before you start turning listen to doctor and why did fast enough so I put inside the freezer I disagree about the meat freezing the food that doesn't make it go bad I really don't get what he's saying 100% some of those customers tonight the food that came back with the customers riot were they wrong I never since I opened they have that mention that's never I don't you understand how far you've slipped oh yeah you know why aren't your customers coming back to erections they love them you're not being honest you're not being honest to yourself and you're not being honest to your customers [Music] your customers were complaining about the hummus the dips they weren't very excited so I went and made some stay there [Music] or is that we taste the difference yes no deck now I have a confession to make I actually walked to a store and bought it you need to be 10 times better than store-bought hummus otherwise what's the point in running a restaurant don't know it was the shock to me like wow why everything is coming back there is certain blades I am very proud of and it came back but it's not good enough what you're doing is so wrong and unfortunately because you're surrounded by family members you've convinced yourself and them that what you're doing is right what I'm sorry flaming grill it's not extinguished grill it is and the problems they are inside do you want this business to continue I feel like I'm drinking myself [Music] pray that the mother would be a better day [Music] [Music] next time on Kitchen Nightmares I feel I can get myself Chef Ramsay be able to convince fate to stay in the business right right will the family be able to resolve their differences you don't want to miss what happens every new shocking issues are revealed this could be the biggest challenge all year you are going hard [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 3,329,229
Rating: 4.8650265 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Dining, Cooking, Restaurants, Food, Full Episodes, Free TV, Classic TV, Teleivision, Unscripted
Id: t3WVCKwZry4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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