Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 3 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon goes to Los Angeles and discovers a pizzeria on its last leg same movie terms you've gone straight to DVD Gordon has one week to take this restaurant from two thumbs down to a box office smash but with a boss who's in la-la land my pizzas will be in supermarkets what sebastian's all over the world I'm only going and a spaced out menu we have a concept what we have is 20 different combinations this may be his toughest challenge yet that guy needs therapy but damn good cook and when the owner flips out and breaks all the rules we just changed like dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde Gordon gives him a cold review but I've never ever ever ever met someone I believe in as little as you tonight on Kitchen Nightmares [Music] Burbank California home to major Hollywood studios whose employees enjoy dining and making deals at the local restaurants but there's one restaurant that is not benefiting from this location and it's in financial help it's a neighborhood pizzeria called Sebastian's named after its owner who is also a part-time actor and who's about to receive much-needed help from Gordon Ramsay I've owned the restaurant a little over two years I can cook anything I sand --which and my mother's been teaching me since I could walk so I guess that's my formal training my ability is endless put it in front of me and I'll make the dish for you I'll eat it myself I think I'm very polite to my staff this is unbelievable treat him great well a very understanding I think this is filthy this is ridiculous when he's get upset you might see pants flying across the kitchen got a duck that's all I have to say Assam do one damn thing one thing this is why we're losing money Sebastian's noticed kind of abrasive at times things he says are like what names a big joke to everybody right big joke you're not paying the bills people are scared of Sebastian this is ridiculous I just don't be able to crap I don't do you make something wrong I've told you how to make it six times I have no problem with firing you I have no problem at all I fight it 49 people in the last year I'm still getting used to the to the menu it gets exhausting it's way in the menu I know it's over I've created a unique menu that nobody else has we have 23 gourmet flavor combinations there's 21 gourmet flavor combinations it's 20 gourmet flavor combinations wait pick a flavor combination and then you have to be chicken cordon mushroom or steak shrimp can I start over so the meat is in the combination if I saw it I can do I mean cuz no no it's chicken let me start over let me look at it real quick that's seriously the menu the majority of the servers are actors and we all know it's really expensive to live in LA so we need to make money but Sebastian doesn't do a good job at Runnings fashions something going over there I'd say 90% of the time we are losing money my wife originally invested probably about $300,000 I'm very fortunate she does make good money I basically control all of the cash the investment gets to be resentful because it's so daunting they did $490 them all day it's hard sometimes to look at my wife and let her know that I don't have the money if things don't change here at Sebastian's hey guys I don't see us open longer than six more months I really don't it's eight o'clock and there's nobody here so yeah it would be very safe for this place to close because I love this place coming in day to day and trying to deal with that it takes every bit of strength I have sometimes to really hold on [Music] live music wood-fired breakfast plasma TVs Sebastian's finally found it and it's here Ryan amongst all these studios and on the front out there by tacky God yes yeah cool how are you yes chef would how are you sir will be yourself pleasure to meet you my wife working here with chef Gordon Ramsay it's like yes an actor having Robert De Niro say you know what I'm gonna help you with this role man let me take a seat please and I'll go this one here okay thank you do you also do I always serve no but I do greet and meet every customer that walks in the door Jesus every single customer whether I come over and just say hello or I spend ten minutes sit down and have a glass of wine with you you sit down with a counselor drink wine why not [Music] twice there's a photographs on the menu this pictures are these real these photographs yes they are sir I took those myself it looks ghastly I've always had one simple room yes where you come across a menu with photographs get to forget all that our menu concept is very unusual and unique I love the variety would you like a walkthrough of our main concept of the menu concept we have a concept please over here is our main concept of the restaurant what we have is 20 different combinations of marinades toppings and seasonings what you do is you choose one and then you add it to either chicken portobello mushroom New York Strip or shrimp Angus ribeye prime cut that's cut for Sebastian's you can have one of these combinations with an entree with chips and gravy on the side if you'd like with one of our side salads [Music] available at any point in time we have a half pound angus prime burger I have actually 20 more you serious yes sir I've never heard such a complex menu in my entire life probably not okay okay I'm gonna start with some calamari calamari yes and they're fresh yes it is small portion of calamari okay chef Gordon question the quality of the calamari my calamari is fresh and then from Monterrey I'd like to have a New York Strip okay you make me a little fresh pizza [Music] Sonja I'm an actor did you play with Sebastian and the calamari I'll be freshly fried [Music] he told me they're fresh and then I'll French they're frozen that confirms two things [ __ ] chef and it is almost 1:00 can I get you anything no sig Mike he asked me for a sick bag wish I didn't know what to say so like okay he said that he wanted a puke bag okay you say yes sir walk away okay okay ration just you could tell in his face that he wasn't very happy with the comment I understand the guy's a professional but to say something like that come on this is the house speciality I mean yes yes what kind of piece was it yes thank you hey hey so I got the chef yes chef Gordon Ramsay yeah he's in the dining room eating yeah yeah he thinks my food is terrible yep the waitress asked can I get you anything else he said yeah a sick bag yeah yeah they don't agree with his opinion throttle mode yeah yeah with two wood-burning ovens then I thought at least they were made to be in a position to a stunning piece of butt-faces Sonia it's all watery surely to Christ they make a fresh piece of there here I want you to plate it to him and I want you to say as Sebastian's mother would say they didn't even hold you without your license I'm sorry about - you're clear on you've got the part Oh relax okay it looks like a can of dog food one embarrassment in New York Strip stage [Music] just chopped and cooked it how everything's and the seasons enough can pet food for today [Music] right now okay in my minds I'm hoping that you can act because you clearly can't cook the food was shocking the calamari weren't even fresh why'd you need to lie to me on a professional fund calamari they're fresh yes it is they are not gonna bite op calamari to mix in a seafood medley we're not a four-star restaurant everything is cooked to order even our hamburgers that we just started making we make fresh pieces Oh pizza don't know that comes in flash-frozen for us I thought pizza was your speciality I thought that's what this place was painful no sir our men are menu that concept that baffles you that's what we're famous for that's why they King up at the door and you're packing them in right now I don't know why my business isn't the NCOs telling me now that those 20 combination has something that's blowing your customers away unbelievably yeah blowing them the other ascender the [ __ ] world I was basically kicked in the face to me that shows ignorance and a lack of respect I truly have no respect for the man and his awards they mean nothing to me at this point okay my pizzas soon we'll be in supermarkets what I would love to franchise this and have a Sebastien's all over the world oh my god just think how that sound Sebastian's all over the world that makes me excited do you have a girl [ __ ] one right so far how the [ __ ] you think about - I need some fresh air the guy's gone this guy is seriously off he's [ __ ] trolley I just won that one what on earth is going on in these fucked-up delusional mind well I wonder I never just give me [ __ ] I'll give it back to me it was like listen big boy right now you've won Jack [ __ ] [ __ ] you've got the audacity to stand there talking to me about franchise when we can't even get a pizza right it took everything in me not to just freak out I've been here two years I mean I was glad to show what I do get the show yeah okay we have the show - right pride you're delusional yeah your opinion sir a lot of people feel that way about you what's successful about out there and still here that's what makes it successful you just answer my question I'll see you later yeah I think I won that one coming up Gordon finds that when it comes to hooking this person frozen frozen Sebastian thinks inside the box to be a fake chef on and later when Sebastian loses it Gordon tells it like it is I've never ever ever ever met someone I believe in as little as you on bitchin nightmares after a lunch that was not only disappointing but confusing Gordon returns to observe a dinner service [Music] I'm gonna come on have a beer with you guys yes we get a lot of directors producers you know industry people coming in the majority of the servers are actors rappers models couple gigs off working at Sebastian's how you doing brother good to see Sebastian's is the young who's who of Hollywood but for these young actors their biggest performance happens nightly when they have to sell Sebastian's overcomplicated menu okay makes any money to you so bit different there's 20 gourmet flavor combinations you decide if you want chicken portobello mushroom New York Strip it can take up to like 20 minutes because there's so many different combinations and so many different options you have on our menu then you decide if you would like it in a rolling sandwich on a bed of lettuce is a salad or just as an entree while the waitresses struggle with the menu Gordon hopes to observe Sebastian leading the kitchen but that is not the case coming 22nd I'd love to cook that's my passion I love to cook so it's crazy but my strong point is when we busy it's frozen and then you deep-fry that goes in a burger bun [ __ ] is there anything has ever cooked homemade and will you put in there this is just the potatoes we just and you make fresh people taters I believe it comes in frozen yes so what'd you do to it we just heat it up you just heat up so it's not even powdered mashes already made in the factory comes in process mashed potato noticing the lack of fresh food gordon heads to the fridge to confirm his suspicions and what he finds is a key reason as to why the restaurant is failing [Music] is that we processed a fridge stocked with prepackaged frozen food nothing special is all bought in sources yes sir this one's a buying yes yes fine yes I don't think we should be serving as much of the stuff that we do out of cans and I think there will says that we start about a cans we could probably make that in-house where's your report in third and to Gordon's amazement even the pizza dough is frozen at this pizzeria are you gather in frozen yes frozen I think it's one of the best frozen dough's I've seen and it's the only way we can right now to save a dollar I got to be in there with the presence of a world-class chef in the house Sebastian decides it's time to take over in an attempt to impress Chef Ramsay I just move to another station where I thought she'd be more useful at that point and I could kind of just regain things next beats you guys have I want to make I was really wanting to show Gordon if my ability is endless there's nothing I can't cook put it in front of me and I'll make it [ __ ] and to make matters worse this pizzerias most important cooking device is not the pizza ovens but a microwave now Sebastian's carelessness is affecting the customers the way just came over to me and told me that there was a here and her salad pizza here I'm gonna make you a fresh new cell in just a few moments salads gone and so is your pizza pizzas on us tonight you're welcome food that was calm there was $300 worth of food comp tonight if we got that one coming out we [ __ ] up this one this one's on the house [ __ ] make some friends make some friends come on pay attention with dinner service coming to an end Gordon has many concerns not the least of them being that the owner seems to be unconcerned you'll come back tomorrow be sitting on the same couch curled up with a bottle of vodka just go talking to myself Hawaii chef fine thank you I'm doing okay chilling out with you buddies yes I am he didn't think that was professional did you need me chef honey two minutes with you on your own okay I'm gonna get inside in work you guys gonna hang out a little bit yeah I was kind of upset at chef Gordon at that point I felt like it was being a little unreasonable let's just have a little taste together [Music] what does that taste for you it's not great it's a little dry it's cut [ __ ] end I'll squeeze into the container and send it a lot of stuff is in Ha me 95% the stuff is bought in okay I was gonna go at 80% this [ __ ] is the most disgusting [ __ ] 14 crap of the taste of my entire life it's almost more important for me to let this go out at half its quality at the end go out and make sure that the guests are happy and meet the guests and talk to them you're happy to be a fakie chef I know because I don't believe I'm on fake show it's a franchisable concept why are you so [ __ ] obsessed with becoming famous with a franchise why don't you just have a restaurant and cook your ass off and get customers who here for the love of what you're doing I was hoping that this would be my launching pad for my name now that's not if you are convinced in your mind that what you're doing is gonna work you'll beyond reach you know that really up next John the old menu is gone with the wind is a confusion a new menu unseen you need has Sebastian seeing red and later just change like dr. Jekyll T's gordon gives Sebastian the painful truth never ever ever ever met someone I believe in as little as you on Kitchen Nightmares in a town known for its movies tonight's dinner service is a major flock the nominees for the most confused restaurant in Hollywood is Sebastian's Sebastian's and Sebastian's and your most famous words tonight was not any form of delegation organising insight it's on me comp that one I'll take care of that bill serve that so there you're running a business not a freebie drive I pick up and go home we should be saying that at 10:00 to 9:00 in the middle of a bloody busy night what do we comp in terms of dollars probably close to 300 300 bucks yeah [ __ ] I don't know what to say working with Gordon is gonna be a challenge I felt like it was being a little unreasonable here's the thing what needs to happen here big change we will have a new menu are you right [Music] [Music] it's day two and after yesterday's i opening observations it's time for Gordon to get through to this stubborn chef with prepackaged and frozen food turning customers off Gordon gets the staff headed in a new direction to take advantage of the pizza ovens which up until now have been used just for show and not for cooking Sebastien's yes needs to become known for one thing and one thing only fresh pizzas what are those two things they're eat ovens this place can become so popular for homemade fresh wood burning pizza I'm not making the money and it's quite expensive to really start using fresh dough again guys come in have you or you or you ever tossed a pizza dough no all of you yeah are now gonna become great tosses I've got two phenomenal expert tosses here now gentlemen come in please come on say hello Gordon brought in a couple of guys to show us how to be Pizza tossers and everything it is just like going to Benihana and why don't you chuck your food and cook it right at the table I think this looks wonderful in front of customers if I was sat here my family watching you do this now yeah I want you to become the perfect tosser loo here we go yes cue let's go guys that all it was yeah I'm up for a challenge and want to try something new [Music] the only thing I hate about that whole thing is I have to get rid of my nails but other than that I love the fresh pizza dough okay guys let's go at this point in the game one of two things has to happen I have to accept what he says I mean go with him ask him to me coming up when the kitchen heats up Sebastian starts to crack can Gordon rein him in does that ought to beat you close you ungrateful you have no idea no idea coming up on Kitchen Nightmares it's day three while Gordon took the day to get the staff focused on fresh food and using the brick pizza ovens his design team worked overnight to transform the restaurant good morning guys I'm excited to see the changes guys ready don't drop the baby [Music] first when I walked in his face it was ridiculous it feels new and fresh yes it's just overwhelming the way the place look new couches new linen little bar there to serve you you start to see just a nice vibrant clean look Wow it looks new Sebastian the first time I've heard you lost the words yes it's absolutely beautiful yes it's huge it's bigger than me I just cannot describe how happy and / where am I now one more thing we got rid of the frozen pizza dough because from this day off you're now gonna be making your own dough is the best of the best it is an extraordinary piece of equipment Luz come over my darling now you can make fresh dough I was overwhelmed I was looking at that mixer it was phenomenal now you've really got your work cut out my darling yes okay good this is the start yeah of Sebastian is turning around there's no excuse anywhere from decor to wood-burning oven to vibrant attitude from the staff the real work starts tonight there's no excuse although Sebastian craves success he has been resistant to change and now he's about to face his biggest fear first thing we'll do is play to our strengths okay kind of noticed that he was holding two menus one being mine and one being the change that I think I was most afraid of and that really made me nervous well I'm gonna confirm now is that the confusion has gone gone yeah is a confusion gone is Sebastian's 20 ingredient mix-and-match flavor menu with pre-processed frozen food it looks like a can of dog food and in its place are made to order items using fresh and homemade ingredients just have a look let me read you through the menu first okay pizzas all cooked order on our very own wood-burning oven a margarita a salami a vegetarian and then the entrees grilled New York steak and a wood-burning oven cooked chicken there's nothing quite like this currently going on in this neighborhood you have got an amazing chance to succeed here if you keep it simple I like in the menu simple the French product and the fresh dough that's a big thing for me take away the intimidation Sebastian play To Your Strengths use what you've got when Gordon showed us the new menu I think it was a bit overwhelming for Sebastian's here are you upset there's no photos on there there's no photographs on the menu there's pictures on the food I took those myself no no the photos isn't the thing that I'm concerned of it's just it's it's it's the change I was scared of are you worried about the size of the menu now the size isn't the concern it's I don't see any uniqueness you know gonna now ask me to turn around say what you gave me in terms of pizza was unique I've created a unique menu that nobody else has and chef Gordon said I quote him I've never seen a menu like this before so I'm assuming that it's quite unique to him also stop trying to be too clever don't try to be too smart if you are you know anxious about 20 combinations it's 20 times confusing I thought that they'd be more compromised with my menu I didn't expect that it was completely gone I love that menu you tried to two and a half years and it hasn't worked that's the end of that chapter with the Academy Awards falling on the same night as the relaunch gordon decides that this coincidence should be taken advantage of and is rolling out the red carpet for an Oscar night party and Sebastien's is fully booked we're gonna kick ass and everything's gonna be a whole night better tonight and I like to see this place rock [Music] tonight expect a lot of chaos but it should be fun I'm fighting right now still inside about that menu it's driving me crazy right now my head they were serving yeah I was serving you know a hundred people in 20 minutes with the kitchen hard at work with last-minute preparations sebastian is still brooding over Gordon's overhaul of his menu names a big joke to everybody right this place is a mess nobody wants to clean okay send everybody home and do the [ __ ] myself where's Sebastian this place is a mess and the waiters they can't even clean I got to come in and vacuum the rugs what is that about one minute he can be the happy-go-lucky Sebastian we need who put this chair on the floor this is what I'm talking about and then we wonder why we'll lose in business [Music] it's Oscar night and more importantly relaunch night at Sebastian's I'm very excited and we're just gonna have so much fun with the new everything [Music] I'm really excited to prove to chef Gordon that we can actually do something right and although there's excitement in the air Sebastian is feeling one thing more than anything else pressure this is ridiculous okay [Music] to second and control it whether you're running the feticide already on the grill as those orders come in push them out get on top of it and make sure that everyone is not shouting across each other one person for solving it yes okay any questions no sir no good thank you already the restaurant is buzzing about the new menu and the first wave of orders is now hitting the kitchen [Music] okay good tonight the peaches are selling great these trim Nikki's they're going like crazy an hour into service and the new simplified menu is enabling the kitchen to run smoothly and the quarters are getting out in good time and Gordon's new made to order entrees are impressing the customers the night is going very well a lot of people are enjoying the new foods I think it's really fresh [Music] but instead of being happy the Sebastian is still disturbed over the menu change Hey look at that yeah and think frozen mashed potatoes no comparison I want to try to go back to all those 20 flavor combinations there's a lot of uniqueness with the menu I was using whether he thought it was good food or bad food was unique Sebastian still doesn't fully support Gordon's mandate for freshness this is gone this is gone we got a pulldown ticket and before the night is over the microwave is back in action need to know what Sebastian did Erika's this is a mess unfortunately Sebastian's reversion to his old menu has caused confusion in the kitchen I need to see what I can only tell you from a service standpoint it was almost like a domino effect what's one thing start happening then another [Music] the scampi is gone for Table nine I handed it raped the we started using old menu and there was so much confusion in the kitchen so Hillman you know yeah I love the new menu but I the original concept of Sebastien's were the 20 flavor combinations I'll never lose that no [ __ ] way we serving adult menu bump me looks like something [ __ ] dog's dinner no [ __ ] way no no no I just wanted to know what happened if I wasn't there [Music] don't start this go [ __ ] cold there we go cue action drama [ __ ] me welcome guys I hope you enjoy your pizza it appears as though Sebastian's ego is getting in the way of his potential success and Gordon's had enough fashion I knew I needed were that he first right oh man you can talk to me any way he wants but when it comes down to it I know what I'm doing okay when I first arrived here we got off to a shaky start ya think oh yeah and then we kept our heads down and we got through it together yes and we made some really exciting changes the menus changed the staff have changed yes mate there's one thing that hasn't changed in this establishment you Sebastian I'm 40 years of age and I've gone to a lot of restaurants but I've never ever ever ever met someone I believe in as little as you I think that you will go back to your sloppy shortcut five out of ten frozen wastes good luck [Music] unbelievable un-fuckin'-believable of keen useless you [ __ ] kidding me [ __ ] kidding me right now [Music] honestly I haven't seen Sebastian dis emotional Sebastian just got him real out he just changed like dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde that's pissed on his bumper we're done get the [ __ ] team out of here Jeff Gordon with a for kaya right okay you come into my restaurant yes I'm just so [ __ ] shot it you're gonna show me how we gonna speak like man you're gonna speak to me like a man didn't listen you're not listening to what I'm saying did you just hear what I've just told I'm stepping away from you because I don't want to be too close you aren't grateful you have no idea sir you know I like an idea Joker but [ __ ] you that's it yeah is it you very disappointed in [ __ ] [ __ ] performance tonight are you [ __ ] kidding me you whole act is a [ __ ] joke anything else your whole act is a [ __ ] joke you're a phony run like what am I supposed to be scared now Sebastian come on give me a break I busted my ass and there you tell me about this are you kidding me are you kidding me let me just tell you somebody telling me nothing let me go I'm done yes I'm telling you one last time you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm telling you one last time you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] while Sebastian lets off steam outside inside the kitchen has come to a halt Gordon has put an enormous amount of effort into Sebastian's he has also been impressed by the staffs willingness to change I love you wow it's hard to hear the way you've done is a failure come on guys some of their chicken away yeah very special let's go it's it's true some of the stuff he says maybe I was a little twisted with my ideas and my goals if you look at the numbers then I guess it looks like I'm feeling okay ready slice of lemon knife please it's a slap of reality they know he's right it's not easy to accept but I guess before you grow you gotta accept it get a nice and yeah it's my family but hey my kids makes you want to work harder let's go what's next Judy told me big boy Trev dear good I don't have the degree they go to school I know I've got talent I'm a damn good cook I'm not giving up I'll get there I'll get there [Music] there was just kind of looking around and we didn't know what was gonna happen [Music] I was speechless I think can't even tell you how it worried I was because I'm supposed to be this big bad guy right I could feel him watching me I felt like he was said what are you gonna do about your kitchen it's falling apart I'm like you're right I get I got I gotta fix this how confused no good [Applause] [Music] sebastien just came in and he was ready to go give me a large crostini once things started going smoothly Sebastian seemed to be a lot more optimistic get a little excited in here so I appreciate the enthusiasm in fact I've got it one-in-a-million opportunity here I'd be a fool not to accept it [Music] yes with Sebastian back in the saddle the staff rallies together and turns the kitchen around service has stepped up food is going out on time and most importantly the customers are happy [Music] bloody well done you took on the changes well you will adapt it changes challenge it's hard but I think it'll be worth in the long run it's everything that we've worked for Lu your enthusiasm is infectious you know that coming from chef Gordon made me feel really good to know that that he saw that in me so that was cool Andre happy day yes yeah we started off slow but hey we didn't crumble did we we got more adjusted to the menu and things started working a lot more smoothly for us tomorrow it starts again yes well done [Music] [Applause] a respected chef when he came in my opinion changed of him when I met him and he's reiterated to me I don't have to review his methods the result is what it is as I leave Sebastian's I have a lot of mixed feelings I really know this Russian can be a big success but I also feel Sebastian has very little interest and sticking to the new plan next time on Kitchen Nightmares this Gordon helps out an Irish pub this is legal footsteps in the middle of a family whew get out of here yeah would you kid if Brian wasn't my son I depart one son hides behind the bar maybe he's happy at the bar everything's good the other is drunk with power here and he is an American little bastard will Gordon be able to find this family's pot of gold every day you have to give it your best shot or has the luck of the Irish run out next time on Kitchen Nightmares [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 4,854,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Id: iIdxArqWt7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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