Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 6 Episode 9 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares in the [ __ ] is going on Chef Ramsay travels to Easton Pennsylvania to try and turn around an Italian restaurant that is on the verge of shutting its doors Malaysia stayed open for three [ __ ] years the owner Azaria is clueless I don't know why we don't have people coming through the door as she has no idea why her restaurant is failing you come with his name Amaya superwoman she may have bought this restaurant for herself in her two sons what's the table that she say I need way way but their lack of experience has the restaurant in a freefall the food is hideous that my baby woman and the standards are repulsive bastards Chef Ramsay is in for an extremely difficult challenge in a fish's head as he is forced to deal with an owner who seemed more content with shifting the blame I'm not - chef Porter than fixing her restaurant you're yelling at me this is initiative with the shaft oh my god ask for the staff they are completely fed up you told me no specials and she goes out and [ __ ] says special and they aren't the only ones I don't think I'll ever come back to this restaurant Chef Ramsay tries his best to save a restaurant that might just be impossible you'll both destroy each other to save the next person to throats that out of me I will throw them out [Music] thank you so much Easton Pennsylvania is located an hour away from Philadelphia just outside of downtown Easton is Bella Luna an Italian restaurant owned by Rosario skolas table by Harris who bought the restaurant in 2010 for our two sons Ridge Co and John Franco Nicole my son John Franco went to culinary school and one of his dreams was to own his own restaurant true chicken parms penne vodka and chicken and broccoli so we found a place here and we took a chance I feel the community has not responded to us the way we thought I don't feel they really appreciate fine Italian cooking we're in a state that we don't have much business at all you know this date we gotta close earlier those days we don't open for lunch if this guy complained still let me people of Easton like mediocre Italian food frozen food and that's not what I do fYI they sent the soup back they said it tasted fatty tasted fatty I studied in Italy and I worked with chefs and I know what Italian food is this chickens burnt mean it's chicken this burn does not make burnt chicken please listen face bands to me what are we doing wrong that's my question to myself what am i doing [Music] Bella Luna personally I think it looks like a morgue when you walk into this place I think where's the viewing do I go through that door is that where the bodies laid out but why do they want to speak to me what can't you deal with it I could I tried to deal with it but they asked to go off in my head I've been dealing with everybody want my rosary it's very disorganized why are you in the kitchen mom you should be out on the floor because I'm trying to help out no no no you gotta help out on the floor and she's not a leader everybody is running around burning the candle at both ends Stellaluna should be on the map and it's just not and we need something different if we had to close I will be very disappointed because we worked so hard to make this dream happen and it would just kind of kill me what [Music] Bella Luna [Music] oh nice to see is this your place no I am the manager here Rosario skull Oh Russia and her two sons Joffe head chef okay great but it's the other son so mother and son mother run the place in only greet customers before I even get out the car no sir you're special I'm special you absolutely I'm happy to be on a scale of one to ten how bad are they - chill oh [ __ ] a very stubborn Rosaria Cottle's Joffe you know if a customer sends a plate back should defend the son instead of saying the customer's always right Wow that makes me insane all the locals biting no no no this place should be banging we have to do things I've run a fifty Shades of Grey bingo on a Thursday night so there you 50 shades of grey pink bingo it's a dog bingo bingo yeah handcuffs involved no well they could be if you want it don't know don't know she's my just arrived we just try and think of anything that will create a buzz Meister okay your head looks great by the way can we get inside please go it's an honor I thank you for the briefing by the way appreciate it thank you all right Jesus is it Christmas what's with all the Christmas decorations we are in the middle of July is Christmas enjoy hello hello chef you must be what can we do let's go inside shall we chef on a little chat excellent ok first of all let's go back to the beginning hallo mede open three years three ok kids and what kind of background do you have I don't have experience of owning my own restaurant neither did my son but we all have the passion for food in sinchon Franco went to school and he wanted to become a chef you know this was our dream so he has russian experience well when he finished school he did an internship and we happy and then after that we just jumped in here so I want this internship to ownership what about the big bit in between the things called experience didn't have any but yeah a vision he had a vision so how's the food I think it's more authentic then don't know the places remember yeah we make everything fresh we don't use anything frozen corn you know that one freezer and this is the way I want it to be I she'll bring out fresh Italian food why wouldn't Easton embrace that why would they support I don't I think there used to one thing and like if they use the frozen food and you give them fresh short I'm thinking we're not appreciate it so you're saying to be more upset with fresh as opposed to Posen yeah the food is not the problem here it was probably more of the community really don't know about fresh authentic Italian food that's anyone chef Mauricio how are you I'm good how are you good to see you but so this is a dream come true for you right it is one of your business with your mom yes and are there any issues with you and your mom running these restaurants oh yes like communication me and my mom I mean it's kind of like you know hard cuz it's your mother and you know we are both bosses together but sometimes I don't agree and I tell her but she just don't listen and how'd you write your first in terms of scale of 1 to 10 where did you go 8 I use fantastic what is it I'll catch up with you after lunch okay yeah I see chef thank you here we go chef bar dinner watch bar dinner lunch yes sir God Almighty okay who's been writing letters to our valued customers thank you for choosing Bella Luna okay we take great pride in preparing every meal and refused to serve substandard food we order what would you like okay I'll go for the veal saltimbocca throw some mussels in there as well marinara yes chef [Music] here we go okay he wants veal saltimbocca penne alla vodka that's it oh and a mussels marinara please damn world Oh your mind what's one of the place management not focusing on in my opinion what they're supposed to be doing Toby on focus yeah there's a lot of thank you [Music] and she seems like a nice girl no what do we have out of her mind seriously yes chef Nicole is a [ __ ] Nicole needs to be out of here but I leave that up to rosette and this is the saltimbocca yes chef Chuy has been beating the crap out of [ __ ] disgusting think is complaining about the real job that it's tough I did it ten it's not even two seconds I flipped it really quick we do have one of the best meals we get it from the butcher wing so I don't know unless you overcooked it I did not overcook it this is so overcooked is extraordinary a little taste of that oh my good god I mean is dusted with flour sauce yes see this here that that's guns that's just raw flour that's like did you make a [ __ ] pizza dough with that that's got that that's guns I'll remove it Thank You chef Wow how's the veal Frank feels overcooked he said gun she called it it's it's just flour I mean this is if chef ramsay doesn't like the veal there's nothing I can do about that because that's the way it's made and I'm not gonna change that okay chef I was gonna have a bunch of yellow and why is it drowned in sauce I cannot answer that I mean it's like baby vomit the sauce is disgusting and that is gross the chef's not put past them we have inconsistencies should have grabbed the penne that I cooked this morning why and I just poked it sitting there fresh didn't even get a world yet but I cook yesterday sure there's a difference I still taste good he didn't like Jason snow awful sad was like baby vomit baby vomit Wow apart from being drowned in sauce the pastas like mush cuz everyone starts thinking I'm exaggerating but it's like overcooked disgusting the flavor is not bad oh I disagree you disagree with the flavor the sauce is bland there's no salt in the sauce and is too much garlic but for me the fundamentals when you come to internally restaurant it's the past but the past is overcooked that's the embarrassing part anyway the others have to taste that okay thank you Wow you said it's brown it doesn't have any flavor the sauce doesn't have any flavor he said ideal 8 out of 10 trust me by now he's like they have 100 all right Thank You chef that's it one thing you'll be telling losing is done with exciting generous amount of mussels in a bowl but that has to be the tightest portion of mussels I've ever seen in my entire life is that what customers get this is what customers get chef how much is that not really sure chef you find out how much this one is yes yes I mean seriously oh my god how much are the mussels computer traces find out well you really just said that to mayors you didn't know you don't have a [ __ ] place sister I know $10 how hard was that to tell me when I'll deal with this [ __ ] oh is it Muslim it's a [ __ ] clove of garlic down $10 chef holy crap I taste frozen you just checked with the chef because they are so chewy yes they will chef please man are the mussels frozen yes we have fresh mussels we cannot have fresh mussels when we have a menu that is extremely large like ice such a yes yes they are frozen so funny likes nothing I'm gonna stop flipping out two seconds after oh no rosaria's description of Bella Luna spewed as authentic and fresh disgusting Chef Ramsay is beyond disappointed and he is in need of an explanation okay cooler I don't know where to start my experience at lunchtime was dreadful and there was nothing authentic and what you just served me and I'm struggling the big kick in the balls for me that must have actually frozen why you serving frozen mussels no I need to know because you told me fresh I'm gonna go in on what you told me we don't sell enough mussels for me to have them fresh every week so then what's the most important thing to do about that dish take it off then I take them off the menu so why haven't you she doesn't want to take shift my name is she my mother why would you do it maybe we can I try not to have anything frozen on the venue so I try not to have anything frozen on the menu you just say that yes you did say that right so they're frozen then him as a chef he should tell me take them off the menu as a chef yes I did boys it's the law why it's still on because there's a constant circle of miscommunication who wants it off who wants it on and it still stays on by the end of the week I don't know what it is thinking that you can just buy a restaurant because it it succumbs to your dreams your fundamentals are all screwed up and you have big issues here from making pasta to proper seasoning they've got more charts winning the lottery and you have becoming a success here can you read that good evening just to give it a quick run-through how does the line work who does what I see on this side we try not to like gross each other so we don't step on each other's toes why can't we get tickets these are what we have just some bits of paper like that yes you have bits of paper like that so yeah there's no proper ticket from the microwave show me there's a shirt please where they come from the microwave dusty yeah we defrost them in the microwave so you frozen shrimp yeah just ask okay what's a man said no juice defrosting chicken in a wash on basin full of blood and then we're prepping it next to cook meatball Wow yeah let's see very much what you're portraying the front of the menu you know the fresh ingredients and please be understanding you know the chickens frozen they'll check in with ie fresh chickens frozen when you come around I'll show you where the [ __ ] those chicken breasts frozen yes sir thank you the chickens not fresh it's frozen we're defrosting it here in the Washington basin see that blood death and you don't know that this is frozen you're yelling at me this is an issue that you should take a look Michelle you know when you frost a shrimp in the microwave before we say to them no no that we put in an ice water what yes defrosting the frozen shrimp where my questions put them in the water no okay so you didn't tell me any of this when I first met you all you taught me about was your freshness you turn around and said that the authenticity and what you stand for that's what you told me right you believe in it but not actually practicing it yes so you saying one thing and doing the opposite right okay now after feeling misled by Rosaria about the freshness of the food Chef Ramsay decides to do a little investigating to find out what is really going on in this restaurant how much chicken does one restaurant in frozen here Wow my delicious Italian muscle we go two seconds I'm sorry how much chicken do you think you have in the freezer I don't know let me show you I rarely come down here so I really don't know [Music] we buy it fresh it's fresh ready just that's the calamari with that today frozen at the bottom we got it in this morning and we're freezing it and then we're defrosting it to send it back out why should anybody wait for [ __ ] like this they saw the calamari Breen fresh today it's fresh we bring it in fresh we got the delivery this morning are you crazy so while in denial the kitchen is not my responsibility I have enough responsibilities for am i a superwoman how could you not know I don't have 20 years of experience if you are making the statement have been fresh been authentic you don't need 20 years experience you should know everything you should know what's going on in every fridge so it's my fault so if it's not your fault then whose is it I'm not the chef corner you're pointing everything out on me yeah let me gonna get in go ahead yeah Ramsey's down in the basement oh yeah think Oh like guy did he go up two seconds yeah what's the matter let me show you [Music] you don't prep that much chicken and then freeze it like that we buy them fresh and we bread them and we make them ourselves you're telling me that so I'm sat there like an idiot believing you I mean who you in it I'm calling myself an idiot because I believed you you're allowed these practices to happen making false claims I'm not a fan of frozen food you're endorsing it you run a business selling it no no this is insane you don't like frozen food I don't like frozen food the [ __ ] I don't like frozen so you have the nerve to serve it to your customers so it's not working because this is frozen that's where you're telling me if something is frozen it's bad just stays frozen it's bad come on you can't be this naive I don't know why we don't have people coming through the door I feel like screaming because it's like you're in denial this is not cost control this is stupidity at its best you don't need to be a culinary genius to identify how bad this is stick-up you know you knew it from the minute we came in here mom okay that's that's so wrong you want to hear it from you I would say it's my mother's fault it's her restaurant and I might be pointed as the bad guy but I'm not [Music] after being frustrated with John Franco and Rosario over the deplorable state of their food storage Chef Ramsay heads back upstairs to see what's inside the walk-in refrigerator lizard in a desert would mean that Wow her own food through absolutely disgusting fresh turnips color of that feel sorry what the [ __ ] is that these are my idol certain pieces of mine how many times a day gee go into that walk in front one hundred hundred disgusting hold on that's broccoli raab leftover from my brother's wedding the leftover from your brother's wedding have you any idea how bad a turn it needs to go before get that bad touch them just touch just I'm not serving when I using it no disrespect but what would you know is been served no I don't study it's not funny I'm [ __ ] pissed off wait it gets worse don't wait for this [ __ ] excuse have you any idea how bad a slight of build needs to go that colour this smell that color is revealing them bad how long is that they're turning them into a smile oh [ __ ] of two days what in the [ __ ] is going on you don't [ __ ] care you do of course I do care you don't give a [ __ ] says who that walk in there is a disgusting mess you should be ashamed here in the food coloring the food who just said her in the food me busy so Joe come round and I think she's talking alright if you were examined tonight what do you think would happen close your damn holes now can you go out there and apologize to every customer yes I I'm shutting it down may I have your attention please we here at Bella Luna apologize for any inconvenience to wonderful people of this community tonight but we are shutting it down we are not worthy to continue this service all right it's been shut down let me close that door please it's just gonna keep getting hotter in there and more stuff is gonna go bad what more stuff can go worse tell me all right and now in the last 60 seconds all of a sudden you give a [ __ ] [ __ ] about what's going to go off you've got lazy and yet you cannot accept it you're done on you your your finished I mean tonight oh no not forgot but just in general you're spent force Wow it's not who I am ready yeah I haven't gave up if I have I would have left you I would have left you here by yourself it's not my fault she thought everything could work she thought it was easy and I told her it's not gonna be easy but how about you stepping up all the pressure or the tension it's building on top and me not getting paid there's a reason why you have another [ __ ] paycheck in two years Jeff stop on ourselves you're making so many mistakes you didn't know what's right or wrong and you allowing him to do it you're both destroying each other I'm amazed you've stayed open for three [ __ ] years and I can't do everything for them I cannot be checking produce why did you buy a restaurant when none of you wanting one [Music] I don't know what to do next that makes three of us cuz right now I've got [ __ ] no idea where to start a Shep has checked out that's given up and an owner that's in [ __ ] denial I'm not in denial I'm not [Music] you can show them a lot better than this job I know you can come on and walkins not that big something's got to change him the cause of late idea that we go all in or we turn around we're not making any money we haven't made any money and now we ran out of heart top you know what to do you just lost his self you were taught right and you have traditions for my family you just gotta put that back or play you know here we go fed up with both where's Arya and John Franco Chef Ramsay has devised a plan to get everything once and for all out into the open okay SIA Franco whose own each of you is going on trial one at a time you're gonna come up here and defend yourself got it bro sorry I'd like you to go first come on come on down okay take the podium thank you now Traci Rosario's sweetnesses what are they very weak in discipline with the staff she needs to be tougher on the back kitchen she needs to be tougher on the front okay but I don't think I'm weak people do mistake my kindness for weakness but I'm not a weak person but you're weak you're weak because she lets people walk all over her so that's that's one point yeah I'm too nice next an organized mismanagement no follow-through you know you know but I'm one person I cannot be doing everything if my job was just to manage and sit in my office and take care of my bills I would have everything down packed and that I'm their big serving that's what I'm doing bar I feel like I'm having a nervous breakdown and then I go out dance and you know any wins okay how many times I see cleans windows and I'm there cleaning instead of going into the walk-in and checking to see if there's any produce that's going bad okay last night was an eye-opening for me I didn't have no clue what the hell goes on into that walking okay she Franco yeah she's too nice and people will step over her to nice to you too you would have been fired a long time if you are in someone else's kitchen how about that how about stepping up to your plate and really show your passion that you lost you lost your passion don't farm for what happened to the the passion that you had you wanted to be a chef I didn't push you to be a chef that was your dream to be a chef you want it to go to school you made it happen maybe this is the wrong way around how about you getting up and swapping places with your mother let's go because it's just starting to shift to you my boy you also have to take responsibility for your own actions I will continue why are you letting go why I feel like I do all this work and I don't get any credit for it and I don't really show my true passion because I'm just working with this disgustingly huge menu that I do not like you got to take responsibility - it's not just hers it's not just yours but at least take time and the money to go take over your the chef's make a menu okay if he takes the ball by its horn and he just does it I'm not gonna say no so put your foot down will some balls like I always tell you you are a chef young man but you need to either find your voice you're right I do okay thank you let me tell you something you need input from another source hang on a second come in thank you bill good to see you sir thank you thank you this is Bill hi and he brought a few of his friends take a seat ladies and gentlemen please come through these people represent the town of Easton you'll probably recognize them because they've all died in your restaurant desire ladies and gentlemen the owners and the staff need to hear from you what were your recent experiences when you went to Bella Luna far away please there was a fly in the wedding suit and it was kind of an embarrassment we just left it there just didn't wanna sue the day so I mean anything to say to bill I apologize about that I I just apologize thank you I appreciate it next place the food and the service have both been subpar all of our entrees came out at different times making it very difficult to enjoy a family meal that's my issue with food being prepared and sitting on the line because we're short-staffed it's not the customers problem if either you shortstop it's not just the service listen thank you so much thank you next please I went there once food was subpar very disappointing experience for what I expected everybody has a bad night I figured I'd give you another chance and the second time I went it was extremely disappointing our dinners were totally wrong my son ordered chicken he got veal I threw my money on my table and said I'm done I will never come back here sorry about that experience next please the food everything just did not work out but what really really stood in my mind was I ordered a cannoli and the cannoli was sour and so you came over to me and you gave me a fresh cannoli well why didn't you give me the fresh cannoli first rather than give me an old cannoli that left a horrid taste in my mouth I mean a sour cannoli I mean it can get you sick right but I was not aware that you were giving this our cannoli that wasn't good a silly should even be there and we're not giving it to you you know but my point is is as the finality came back and then I tasted it and then I says this is going bad yeah combat not going in combat once it's gone it's gone it's not coming back is it thank you yeah that should be gone the night before Joey it shouldn't be there like why even serve something that is questionable you're right that wasn't right that was the experience that I said I I don't think I'll ever come back to this restaurant to hear what they were saying you know the reality much as it hurts it's the truth this feedback this mall has been pivotal I hope you'll all be willing to give Bella Luna one more chance on behalf of the owners and the team I'd like to say a big thank you I appreciate thank you indeed I think everything has to be changed and if that's what we need to hear to make things better and get Bella Luna back on the map I guess that's where we need to to hear convinced that Rosaria and John Franco are now fully aware that changes their only option Chef Ramsay goes ahead with stage one of his plan transforming the dated decor of Bella Luna good morning welcome to the new Bella Luna oh you see this mark amazing oh my god how bright and refreshing does this beautiful restaurant look do you like it I love it John is that dark red maroon color we've lined up the walls the ceiling with that beautiful gray oh my god Donna those hideous tables in the middle place them with rustic centralized tables great for families who's got that communal feel as well and the back wall benches in the kitchen we've had a little fun there those cutting boards just give it that nice rustic charm oh yes I never thought Bella Luna had any chance of looking this amazing those features and everybody will tell you never speechless when I first arrived here this area was a bit of a disaster what I'm about to show you is something that is unique this would be a game changer because you have now a state-of-the-art stunning brand-new there we go a beautiful POS system from dynaweb it's gonna transform your business you can track your inventory you can adjust your costumes labor costs and what we need to hit on a weekly basis and trust me chefs it will be so much less other confusion for you in the kitchen this thing is going to be an absolute dream machine excited amazing thank you so much I can't believe that I'm standing in Bella Luna I feel like a little girl when I was back in Sicily it's amazing I'm just so thrilled a dream I can't believe it okay come over please take a good look at Bella Luna new food take a menu my darling and pass them along the first course steamed mussels fresh when they open their cooks you send them that's how you should be serving a bowl of mussels yes me delicious cavatelli beautifully I made light creamy tomato sauce next that you've got the delicious lasagna homemade lasagna done with a nice rich bolognese sauce you've got a wonderful pan-seared salmon served on a bed of risotto fragrant risotto with tomatoes raisins Parmesan and a little olive oil vinegar adds beautiful irritation like it's got to look good I mean it does absolutely absolutely no frozen food here at all fresh clean ingredients [Music] it's relaunch night and Chef Ramsay is determined to change Bella Lunas negative reputation so he's invited back many of the unhappy customers that were at the Town Hall go very early into service John Franco's attention to detail in the kitchen is paying off as customers are thoroughly enjoying Chef Ramsay's new menu okay but just midway into service John Franco is overwhelmed with the rush of tickets I need steamed mussels and maintaining the standards of the new menu now what's the table that she say I need Willie come on and a relaunch that started off on a positive note is suddenly in jeopardy still waiting on Table six how long do you think it's gonna be a little bit more because you have a well-done prime rib no I don't have a well-done fryer all right so okay come on guys get the tables together the minestrone and a Caesar salad are you kidding me all of you wait if you think I'm serving that you're dreaming we may as well go back to where we were all the sudden we just took the [ __ ] standards the next person who throws that out at me I will throw them out yes chef come on guys let's go come here you is that what is that what you bought yourself for no no no no no absolutely not come on right it's in front of your eyes get him together [Music] it's relaunch night and John Franco standards have dropped in the middle of service if you think I'm serving that you're dreaming and Chef Ramsay is not exactly pleased come on you're right it's in front of your eyes get him together yeah three ways our kitchen functions you run it or it runs you all right come on you can do it one little mistake and he seems to oblivion get in there and get in lift it up Joe Frank was on there a lot of pressure right now you guys are doing great but he needs to know how to deal and work with the pressure as well all right guys we need another shut up we need all this stuff plated I need a pappardelle and also buco right away that's it are we ready for Table six yes we are all right let's go stop cleaning that very nice keep it going Sammy and I need it right away plate it it's in the oven run that out and now I have appetizers ready I'm proud of you this is amazing to me to see John Franco actually get a voice there you go that's the part Rizzo so good it was a pleasure serving you and we'll see you soon [Music] tonight let's be honest wasn't perfect but we went a long way to impressing the locals no man I finally heard your voice tonight but it needs to be there from the beginning to the end and you can't have your head in a pan because this place is gonna be busy good night take care of you yes thank you darling come here you oh god bless you good night what a night a mother and the two sons moved from New York to Easton to open their dream ration three years ago for truthfully they were not ready for such a big challenge but now they have the roadmap on how to succeed but what they really need more than anything is the discipline to follow it through Wow Bella Luna fingers crossed what a place in the months that followed whose area took Chef Ramsay suggestions and Bella Lunas business increased significantly good job everybody I really want to thank Chef Ramsay for choosing us to help us and try to save Bella Luna I just I feel so blessed Gracia due to some issues with the landlord Bella Luna had to close temporarily and is now searching for a new location they hope to reopen very soon next time on Kitchen Nightmares get ready for a night of surprises Tom come back as Gordon finds out what happened to the restaurants he tried to save press Rishi owner Chef Ramsay is back asking the tough questions that we want the answers to why would somebody boil something cool Angus find out who stayed on the road to success great news and who veered off your moonshine turning a restaurant back into a nightmare I'm Gary [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,880,395
Rating: 4.8740482 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Dining, Cooking, Restaurants, Food, Full Episodes, Free TV, Classic TV, Teleivision, Unscripted
Id: LPy5wr1agKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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