Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 5 Episode 10 - Full Episode

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[Music] tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to Long Beach California to save a 54 year old family restaurant hello my name's Nino that is under the misguided leadership of the oldest son Nina who refuses to listen to anyone I'm living in a fantasy world I figured if I world by the way you act here not his brother stop being anger not his sister you need to be in charge that's not true or even Chef Ramsay you're just to act like a [ __ ] idiot you sound like a [ __ ] idiot yourself I sound like an idiot his 78 year old mother is desperate for Nino to step up Lina tells me he has no power because your lesson head snapped Oh but when Chef Ramsay points out the problems you are not in a position to take responsibility for anything Nino has an excuse for everything they're freaking liars find out tonight if Chef Ramsay can get through to the stubborn manager doesn't even feel like his family run you are being entirely unfair and dishonest and saved this feuding family than enough scared to you he's threatening me and not a person is scared would you want fights from closing the doors of the restaurant for good you gonna lie about anything don't talk to me like that he's won out the door you suddenly awesome food kill them there one job you wake up [Music] Long Beach California an oceanside community located 20 miles south of Los Angeles nestled in the heart of this vibrant city is Nino's a family-run restaurant opened in 1958 by immigrants Inga and Vincenzo when we got to America shinza wanted to open a restaurant and that was his claim outside here and the kitchen it was a lot of work but it was a lot of fun too my dad ran a restaurant with an iron fist and we were the best that you could be it's hard now because he's 88 he's on the onset of dementia and in the last several years has separated himself from the restaurant who's taking table 11 I have no idea ever since my dad retired my brother Nino is supposed to be the restaurant manager all I can say is he's the worst employee here he loves to run up the tables and go hi um Nino thinks he owns this place he's because it's named Nino's however my dad has told him jack-in-the-box the owner no be name of Jack he's got Table six please I'm really quite tired and I didn't sleep last night terrific thank you Nina works here we pay him but basically it is very little he sits in the office and watches TV if he wouldn't be our son he wouldn't be working here house table 11 coming along they're almost ready because my brother sits around a lot and doesn't do anything my sister Corina and hi have helped throughout the years substantially you know you're making it worse they're liars no they're not my brother 60 years old and he acts like he's 12 that was inappropriate what you just did this is my parents legacy and he's going to run this restaurant into the ground you're alive I got a brother and sister they think they got better ideas my brother and sister asked Chef Ramsay to come without consulting me and I have an ill feeling about it I mean that detached from reality that he doesn't see how much mom is suffering her fertilizers this is a woman who always pays her bills on time and she's having to take money out of the retirement to pay for this restaurant to keep it going I made a promise to my husband Vincenzo that I would keep this Lester ongoing but some night you have 1012 people coming that doesn't do it the last thing I want to do is close the doors we put a lot of love [Music] we put a lot of love in this place [Music] I'm at Nino's Italian restaurants which is owned by one family for 54 years and in the Russian business that is unbelievable sadly things have gone horribly wrong over the last couple years I'm about to find out why my name is Incan bingo I'm not very Italian no I'm from Germany in German my husband is the Italian I say your husband's cleaner Nino is actually the son so there's you and your son all running the business and my day also my kids and they are here many times how about your husband he is kind of retired it'd be nice to meet the family can we get every together share chats everybody what's up is it a bag that's Mike see the baby rice so you're the oldest yes I am I'm the one it's gonna be 60 pretty soon I'd like to catch up with all of you no that's okay don't somewhere a bit quieter my brother Nino tells everybody how hard he works and that he runs this restaurant I'm sorry do you know he's not gonna swallow your BS for one second so how good is the food how did you wait to help Ted Nina ten at ten Wow yes Corina I would have to rate it as a seven Michael what would you give the food I would give it a 8 so the food's good that's great and what's your role I really don't work here all the time I have my own career right as my sister does I help out whenever my mom calls I'm johnny on the spot Nina are the Russians named off to you what's your role the person has always been in charge was my dad and then when when he developed his Alzheimer's I stepped up in this business Wow what do you mean I get her early I do the remedial things as janitorial vacuuming cleaning of all these plates and cleaning the restrooms scrubbing the toilets washing the patio that's just from 8:00 until about 4:00 maybe we can see usually have come in for extensive cleaning sounds like you do a little cleaning cleaning what are you talking about the restaurant is a mess take away the cleaning what else you do Karina I'm help me out there's no key person there's no one really directing the kitchen on how the portion should be how the quality needs to be consistent you know you need to be working in the kitchen when I worked here and Mike worked here we jumped in the kitchen they don't want me in there who the chef's the chef's very very adamant about keeping that kitchen to themselves ribeiro now it's like everybody's kind of running the restaurant Nino was letting is not really true but he knows him you know isn't he he's here at lunch so he doesn't run dinner are you here for dinner yes I don't understand why you're not here lunch and dinner it's something my mom and I are constantly frustrated with Nina's doing everything half-ass and so Mike and I have to come in help the family at Wow somebody doesn't make sense irritates the crap out of me he spends a lot of time sitting down with customers I mean not just visiting promoting the business sitting down and talking for long periods of time in the middle of lunch and he's the only restaurant manager I think you'll find it anywhere that has lunch at lunchtime it spends a lot of time in the office watching TV it's not even true he's not here he's not here to eat in the morning when I get it why would I come here to add some more Hennessy I watch TV the television here is 40 years old and I have high-def at home at all all the channels I need why wouldn't just stay there you're working because nobody's here as you can say whatever you're doing right stretching the truth it is not my brother never tells the truth yeah something from a pathological liar I take that as a compliment he thinks I'm some kind of nut because I I'm in a recovery program he thinks were all living in a fantasy world according to him oh I think you're the very world by the way you act here my ass the feeling it is he doesn't do crap here he does a lot of signal I'm talking he makes everybody believe he does crap just like last night he ran up to every table and said hello my name's Neil that's not true Nino please you do let me talk mister always talking I see that all the time that's why I kind of stay back from here because I love this damn restaurant and to see it just being run down drives me freaking crazy to my opinion he doesn't do crap my mom will admit it my dad looked at my sister admitted but I will come out and say it passionately doesn't do crap [Music] while the family and Nino are in complete disagreement over his effectiveness as a manager thank you they were all in agreement that the food at Nino's is good yes they are Wow is this a spelling mistake in there egg plants as in two separate words yeah sort of joint yeah and I noticed this one as well down here one meat it's a word meatball honestly and you know what I'll go for one meatball one eggplant and okay thank you I appreciate your honesty and I know it's hard but like so much blow smoke up my ass my brother's foolish it I'd be surprised if he were two hours a day and that I'd that's pushing it would you not feel guilty your mom working twice as hot as you yeah she better Dan night wasn't all your helping it he doesn't have another job it complains about not having money not to have taken a vacation either coming at night or get another job sure all right okay yeah I'm okay I'm okay Gordon sure I just asked before you make any judgments I'm not making any judgments on you at all I'm listening nobody's here at 8:00 in the morning when I'm here and and and there is there is a job that's in devaron I mean all the way you know and I get back behind here you know I get underneath there I get the plates I get up there and it doesn't take that long it takes about an hour on these prep work it is just a 47 just up to my jeans how many bits of Goma there four pieces of gum so you do this cleaning I have a look better I don't think you should well tell me about me to do it I come here to eat in the morning with me should you be never do it tomorrow morning and I wouldn't do that in your restaurant either oh you wouldn't find gum under my tables Nino is a ball of excuses he's just whack old ghost just full of cobwebs bloody hell didn't get to that one classy how definitely gets that one every else is done right yeah right have you seen the signs that cobweb there have you seen them as dust no that's the culprit didn't see it without the lighting really yeah clean every day hey you know this is something that takes a lot of consideration I you know you could be on this here for months I start at one in and then finish at the other end and then I come back this is the eight in the morning effect five days a week for years my house yes sir you should have shut up about singing I don't know what he's cleaning but I wouldn't hire him at my house I promise you that oh well the pictures of these are you cleaning and pulling down all the all the bottles every single bottle I've never seen pictures of cleaning there's the first for me well as first my brother's always questioning that I do it I don't know in the first place why he took pictures if it's clean you don't have to prove it this pictures you see it right this is a chicken piccata it's a lemon with capers and mushrooms hmm how do you like this one trettel now chickens all flowery slimy come over Nina so just head to Meghan there's just touch that with my finger no what I'm trying to say is I'm so getting flowery so it's I mean I'll do something like that in the kitchen but not in the dining area that wouldn't be appropriate I wouldn't touch food this innocent you sit me on the table full of gum I've got cobwebs coming out my earlobes and now I'm asking to touch something flowery and yes I wouldn't do this in the dining room all of a sudden you've got this level of concern yes I do because that's food right there and you want me to touch it this is food that you've given 10 what am i what am I supposed to always be honest with yourself and stop [ __ ] around and that's [ __ ] around ready to get real the chicken is slimy and fur he's got raw flour on the outside you refuse to accept it cause you're in the Land of Nod Chef Ramsay is sounding like an ass too much flour and it has no flavor and it's a very delicate chicken and delicious he said the piccata was disgusting this guy's disgusting oh that's my one meatball this is your one meatball like this thank you that tastes 54 years old mush disgusting and just from dreadful need Oh promote you rates the food on attempt so far what I've tasted I'm embarrassed that's too bad the meatballs soggy bland and just hideous with a salty Marisol a matter of taste silligan it's a matter of taste it's not a matter of taste what was that mate two days ago really I saw him make it rice can you have a word with the chef I know you're scared of them but ask you're not scared of them and I'm not scared of you what's that supposed to mean you straightening me I'm not another person is scared so don't use that word please I also you could step up take some full responsibility and go in there and ask him so are you let me continue eat or do you want to what do you want to fight like confrontation darn about something physical now can you leave me alone let me finish my lunch yes I will and if you find the balls to go in ashes chef when he made the meatballs it'd be greatly appreciative by the way there's dirty bottles above the fish tank well Valentina when did you make those meatballs that's how you that's unbelievable Friday I find that hard to believe yes today is Tuesday he paid him this weekend not Friday he made them funny yes it end today's Tuesday yes it is fine except to Sunday Monday Tuesday unbelievable we've been selling this sauce for 54 years yeah and and we couldn't possibly have this restaurant and have all the success if we didn't make a good sauce and a good meatball you are in denial no I'm not bullshitting me and blowing smoke up my ass telling me working there eight hours a day cleaning telling me that food is great people love it I am [ __ ] myself - oh you do wear diapers you shouldn't be [ __ ] on yourself are you okay yeah I'm fine you just wanna act like a [ __ ] idiot to me I'm a [ __ ] idiot well then stop sounding you sound like a [ __ ] idiot yourself I sound like an idiot you use the word [ __ ] yeah I brought it back to you but I think that's unbelievable now I know the problem in this restaurant yeah I'm staring and I'm staring at it as well yes I really don't know what Santino's head have we done it's almost like he's completely mentally unstable I'd like to have a quick catch-up with you mum Karina and your brother okay that's let's go next door I'm not so words honestly I'm depressed dish after dish was a disappointment and then you rate the food ten out of ten perfect it's the best of times would have ever had I have a lot of friends that come here and eat your circle of friends isn't keeping the business afloat let's get that right and let me tell you something the chicken piccata chicken was furry and slimy the meatball we discovered was made five freaking days ago but for some bizarre reason you're convinced yourself that everything's fine what you have proven to me is that you are not in a position to take responsibility for anything except cleaning for the first 40 minutes of meeting you all you told me about was the cleaning you're in denial you're refusing to listen to the negative feedback regarding the food and yet you've got pictures of yourself cleaning the place hello I didn't take those pictures you are happy to show them to me well you were indicating that don't do anything cleaning is basic like drinking water and breathing air and that is not management Venus there's the lady there that's got all the weight on her shoulders and I don't know when you're thinking of getting responsible but let me give you some piece of advice hurry up will you I'm just saddened I think ready because there's anything fear like his family run I'm gonna go for a walk I'm sorry I [Music] really got the sense that he came in here and I'm his target he's one percenter right you're the biggest problem here and if mom could initiate your early retirement would be the best thing okay you are being entirely unfair and dishonest about this I can't stand seeing this place one like this fighting has to stop okay well then I can't come because I can't stand watching it it's not me you're taking your pills I'm I don't know I can't take it was take nerve pills yeah but I never take it why are you yelling at your mother cuz you're saying the fighting like like I come in here just to fight no I come in here you to fight tu native top yes maybe we stop saying the word fight which is the king handing off wait that's what it sounds like to me if fancy he said this is not a family and I know it's not a family okay ciao arrivederci Chef Ramsay has quickly identified the two biggest problems of the restaurant Nino and the food but he's about to learn a whole lot more as he watches how this kitchen functions during a dinner service what toys that mess on yeah that's the center well that's a lasagna then I'm the Pope when was the last fight it wow it's pretty weird very weird indeed what's up she's chicken I thought large it's not as chicken Wow it's all dry but yeah he needed Nina that's chicken yeah okay all right destroy Blandon it's just really heated now for your pasta dishes yeah sure I like the taste that's not the way to cook I believe Chef Ramsay may have exaggerated it's almost sounded like it was unsalvageable try that way Frasier I know anyone that save for a dog okay for pancakes visitor as the dishes leave the kitchen reasonably quick and about the facility complaints from customers are almost immediate [Music] [Music] all night what's wrong with that Jesus you are kidding me why is that come on guys this is an example of Nino not knowing how to manage this restaurant he should be in the kitchen making sure that our food quality is consistent where's Nina [Music] I don't think the kitchen that's what you need to do I haven't eaten anything all day are you kidding me yeah eating dinner with my mom and dad out front we should be working if he had the initiative assertiveness to take over we wouldn't be in this situation you know just continually stands there and that's the frustrating thing right now because I look and he's like in my right / Phil at all times and you got your poor 78 or old mother standing out of front swinging on a mess in here mushrooms my god they're the meatballs yeah when they from her ad Friday these are fine as well okay how old is that to go that color I have a feeling if I ask somebody they'd say no doubt Friday what was it made how old is that it's Friday again busy day Friday I've you've seen inside your refrigeration yes absolutely we actually do a full full thorough cleaning every night if you go two minutes yes sir just look down there the back there yeah there's some product on the ground so what from the grooves muscles yeah there's and have you any idea though this is this is here this is just left there my god what's that ever you'd be serving this all night it's not even scaled you're the man that gave me ten out of ten come on then I don't know what to say while Nino says he takes great pride in the cleanliness of the restaurant what's this Chef Ramsay discovers another horror story in the walk-in rancid how long does a red pepper take before it goes that rotten you're smaller they can go fast the kibbutz they can go faster than you expect how would you feel if your customers saw that that's what I'm trying to say to you that would mean I'm sorry it's there but we wouldn't take that and serve it to somebody but what I'm trying to say is that signifies how this whole business is run I'll give them on that refrigerator I'm horribly disappointed about it but it's impossible to do everything properly you're not doing your job to the best of the ability that's necessary to run this business if you want to say that that's I'm sure that's your prerogative it's not like progress if I'm watching it and what you doing it by the minute I don't have the authority to assert myself your mum wants you to step up I'm so confused she wants you to do it you nearly 60 is that true what you just told me he has no power because you won't let him it's my pole that's not the way it is Nino why do you tell stories like that how many times ever gone in there and tried to do certain is it two or three years ago I have enjoyed a hospital you were completely out conquer I had a relapse and ended up in the hospital what I saw was so disgusting I had to hold him down intermission single you know they had to put him in into in the strains that made a bad decision she says a resentment about it and I don't know what I can do about it do me a favor yeah I need to spend two minutes with your mother Najera yeah [Music] I feel for you I'm sorry I didn't realize mm-hmm he almost died yeah while you hold it against him or is it down to the actual work and commitment I think is to work with commitment as he lazy what is it yeah [Music] I am here to help you you must understand that yeah yeah can we meet first thing tomorrow morning mm-hmm thank you thank you [Music] as Chef Ramsay has made a commitment to Inga to help save the restaurant come on Irma going good morning he knows his next step is to make sure that Nino is committed to changing his waist so this morning he feels Inga in on his plan right now Nino thinks every day but this race is not gonna close because you're going to continue funding it if he starts to understand that you've had enough that may wake this guy up mm-hmm so here's the plan I'm gonna board up the whole front on this restaurant so it looks like the business is closed I'll be hiding around the corner I'll be round there and I want to hear what he has to say to his mother when you say I'm shutting it down there's about him showing you hunger what he can do it well he can do it exactly that do with me yep perfect I [Music] what's going on I talked to corn this morning and I decided to close that business I cannot do it anymore it doesn't work is that what you think yeah all right [Music] all you have to say well mom it's your restaurant you don't want it as a decision on this but I think we should stay keep it open that's my personal opinion I I don't want to give up I know we can hold out and do it I cannot put any more money in this place I'm willing to fight to keep this restaurant open you have some suggestion how we can do that we have an expert in the restaurant business we can ask him do you really want to do it yes absolutely hey Chef Ramsay hi how you doing so 54 years in the making and the business is on the brink of closure you'll part of that failure yeah do you understand what that means yes I do chef it's gonna come from you me no I'm gonna commit take control me no I shall no more excuses just be on top of everything I'm Willy mom the business is gonna have to become a new priority number one number one at this point I believe Nino really wants to turn his life around and he wants to do what's best for the restaurant and the family while Nino says he's committed to change how he doing Chef Ramsay feels it's important that he shares his news with his brother and his sister okay the lack of commitment with Nina has been gone on for far too long and your mother stepped up and told him already no I'm Nino to his credit turn around I said mum I want to do this I'm committed yes I don't believe that you know even in denial for a long time what your responsibilities have been you need so many promises to all of us over your life and this time you need to be in charge these committees now this morning and this is the new Nina maybe for 3-4 weeks but then he'll revert back to the old me no I I'm asking let's get out of the past what is it we can do from this point to move forward and treat each other with decency and walk away shaking each other's hands ok no more excuses no more denial I need you to be the big brother that you're supposed to be to this family I'm gonna be much more focused on doing things that make the business more successful and an esse to Michael let's go for it thank you I am willing to give me another chance for God's sake he's my brother I believe he can change but I'm not gonna make any bets on it now that Nino was willing to take the reigns and the family is ready to move forward Chef Ramsay gives this restaurant its first facelift in over half a century good morning good morning Ramsey are you excited yes lad right take off your blindfolds are we aminos i know there's a sign that says dinos welcome to uni knows i love the lights I love bacon we got rid of the drab round color and we lightened the walls up yeah thank God yes yeah gone are the Chianti bottles fluttering the ceiling and gathering dust now we have brand new light fixtures made from old Apple Buster's I'm speechless seeing all of this it's very crisp and clean looking welcome my god I love first of all we have decluttered this room how did it fresh and these beauties here are hand made family tables what you think this is the greatest thing because this reminds me of Germany the people they all sit on tables together and they have a wonderful time I think it looks great we had the old Nino's for 54 years it was time to freshen it up I think with this change we can be here for many more years oh you kept our old picture of course I did you like it darling I do oh no don't get upset come on they're grateful I'm happy so happy I'm so thankful to you please this is like a dream come true I don't know how to thank you full back in love because this amazing restaurants definitely I'm speechless and I'm really really great thank you thank you guard to match the new contemporary design of the restaurant take one menu impossible please Chef Ramsay has created a rustic menu to complement it it looks delicious it looks like it should be in a painting very everything's perfect now enjoy the food okay meet John Bravo [Music] it's relaunch night and Chef Ramsay has a new important job for Nino running the kitchen you ready yes sir you gonna be expediting absolutely and stay on top of it we are not gonna argue in front of the team yeah yes this is it hi oh come on a rainy summer night 15 at this point it's time to step up and finally convince Chef Ramsay that I can do this job that I can expedite okay deals up chef Feenie's coming up right behind us with Nino managing the kitchen here we go food is coming out in a steady pace we have a bo but as more orders come in you're gonna okay we need to slow it up back out there Nino is starting to get overwhelmed is that another one yeah Nino is that right something a minestrone for an entree yes it is you sure yes then how can there be five entrees all I want to do is make sure we check in what are we gonna screw the kitchen well I can I can check back use that table 12 he'll be right back let's go Nino's starting getting backed up and overwhelmed so I would do everything I could to stop it that just disappeared they want all this at the same time actually Mike I got this under control I need a margarita pizza Valentino and a tease tortellini hold on one second Mike just kind of asserted himself into the line and and I can see that's gonna be very combative I feel like there's you know a war brewing at the pickup window we're really falling behind they askew mean I can't see over your stomach what tables this lasagna you know please don't sleep on the counter stand up like this I can't see the checks here you know please just stop being anger yeah yeah right I need it calamari appetizer he's in a veal you got to give me table numbers this sorry she earlie do you gotta help me out you're clearly on table 12 okay take this pick up Table five cavatelli spaghetti meatball I need a calamari pick up appetizer and a minister named don't talk to me like that but we'll come back there and have a nice talk you got it he talks me like a good he's going out the door it's relaunch night at Nino's I need a calamari pick up appetizer we'd [ __ ] 20 people partners and Michael was pushed Nino out of the way and is trying to leave the kitchen Mike I got this under control but unfortunately he's putting the relaunch in jeopardy have a nice talk you got it come here don't blow up at that point in black I was coming up to try to secure the mess that's that let's keep it calm okay okay I'm calm as a cucumber right now sure why don't you go outside get some fresh air you got [Music] Janina table spot yeah yeah put it right now Anthony's you hear on the whole place exactly yeah head chef expedite are you gonna stay like that it's now okay I need a calamari for five I need a calamari for eight excellent let's go all right Michael yeah never work please don't let this fall tonight just take a big deep breath I can't turn off my emotions like that I'm not lights wheel letting that just spoil the whole [ __ ] thing and when I'm not here and your brother this is you off you've got to show some form of control hustle control don't let it all the nights yeah I appreciate it I'm waiting for table - whenever ready there we go fire the lasagna I'm going to take this to Table twelve you got it thank you here's your calamari you need it thank you everything's going well right now you're doing good this is everything I've ever wanted for our restaurant and hoped for I'm so overjoyed it's surreal right now did you ought to get that number seven forgetting me for Daryl finish finish I can't remember the last time Nina worked that hard I hope they're gonna be here many more years including me just with a little less work that's the last ticket out good welcome yeah let me tell you that wasn't a perfect evening but thinking that nothing's been changed for 54 years it was never gonna be perfect let's be honest yeah Nina you didn't disappear you stood there and took it well done thank you I think you did a remarkable thing for us and I want this to work 100% with all my fiber you stick with it and Michael how would you sum up tonight it was just very confusing yeah it's new look new menu you know we'll see when I wrote what I write our customers thank you but I can't speak for them Joe Jones it to work yes I do yeah I'm unconvinced you actually want to change let me tell you I gotta go [Music] tragic this has been the best day of our family's life and mike is being a complete [ __ ] Olga it's really disappointing to see him walking out and being so ungrateful I hope my family could get behind all this change and really support it I'm hoping to look up see sells would you please and look after each other good night thank you so much good night when this restaurant started there's no internet man had not landed on the moon and there's no such thing as a color TV but there was Nino's and the only way this russian can continue is if the family put the parts behind them I'm not sure if they can but I'm really hoping they can do so Wow Nina he can clean I'm take photographs as well in the weeks that followed although Michael distanced himself from the restaurant the rest of the family has stepped up and seven fireplace Nino was working harder and is taking on more responsibilities but the task of running the business on a day-to-day basis still falls on inca shoulders and despite her a full-time job I do want us to just all work together Carina has increased her presence at Nino's and helps at the 54 year old family restaurant will live on as a legacy for generations to come [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 2,181,462
Rating: 4.8830771 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Full Episodes, Free TV, Free Television, Free, Cooking, Food, Restaurants, Dining, Unscripted
Id: lFtVuoZLL4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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