Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 14 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon heads to a quaint little town in New Jersey and makes some horrific discovery there's a frightening fridge and some disturbing dishes you guys are running a restaurant one of the owners lives in fear got afraid of the unknown the other lives in a world of his home I find it hard to believe us really as bad as he says together they are a lethal combination Joe someone father's in [ __ ] crime and Gordon get through to the owners before it's too late Veronica Vecchio definitely buyer Cuthbert or is the food in this historic town about to make history switch it off I condemn it this is one Valentine's Day you won't be able to forget this is a Valentine [ __ ] massacre [Music] it may only be an hour outside of Manhattan [Music] but the quiet town of cranberry New Jersey feels like it's thousands of miles away in this historic village is a little French bistro called Anna and Mason's friends Chris and Brian were co-workers here under the previous owners and jumped at the opportunity to buy the restaurant three years ago we get serious now I was afraid from the beginning to take the restaurant oh yes I was also a little short of cash so I figured Brian knew the operation we worked together already and he had the other half of the cash we could do this we could do this but looking back no I don't think I would go into business with Brian this was a mistake I'm Mary laid-back and I don't think I let a lot of things a lot of ma'am Brian you suck whatever finds very lazy Brian can be lazy Brian is a step up a lot I just find it difficult to be motivated that's just how I've always been and I find it difficult to change when your heart's not in it why doesn't anybody else is doing it why my partnership with Brian is not equal enough enough for this [ __ ] please I generally pay most of the bills back but a good portion of the day ordering food doing prep lists working on menus generally I'll work the line for most dinners I don't particularly like to work the nights so we're only open three nights a week for dinner done there's no more to be had I really don't think we're losing out on any business there's nobody here people callin I asked you know we're gonna come in on Tuesday and no we're not open and can't bring the customers can't bringing the money we're having a very tough time making ends meet it has been increasingly more and more stressful to come in and look at how much we owe money to and the bills are piling up and it's it's a little too much stress for me all right this pretty much sucks hopefully it would make some money tonight I go to try to deposit my pay cheque in the bank and I can't cuz there's no money I get sick of how much money we spent on bounced check fees it's it's a horrible feeling oh my gosh if had a masons ever had to close I would be lost because I wouldn't be able to support my daughter you know for me it's a career I don't know anything else I don't want to really know anything else trying to hold out for hope if it goes on much longer I don't know what I'm gonna do [Music] beautiful quaint little town I can't think of a better way to spend Valentine's Day I handle a nice nicer I guess I couldn't afford the end that's not a good start [Music] you are young I am very young yes I'm only 23 years old and bust my ass and day in and day out Chris yes he's sitting down he's very cute when I saw him walk through the door and I says oh my gosh look at this man that's my lady yes can I see please yeah that's the 14th Valentine's Day we're having together beautiful thank you my dying can't wait to taste the food I would suggest just to start off with the baked onion soup right are you asking me or telling me if you want my suggestion baked Tony - lets go to that shall we okay I'm the quiche adios nice vacation okay thank you I'm I'm fascinated by the lamb lollipops okay lovely hmm that's a short okay some people might say Oh French onion soup is French onion soup is French onion soup but I think ours have a distinct you know presentation Wow they start off with zero out of ten for presentation Kate with cheese Kate with bread everything missing is assume what is saying that that's absolutely tasteless it tastes like I've just had the dregs from the dishwasher hardly any soup that is shocking that was very different once you got rid of all the bread and the cheese and the gunk it just okay very very bland but I'll bypass and hopefully the NAM lollipop thank you darling I find miss [Music] that gunk with the bread he said that broth was just bland and he's never experienced anything like that before is that were experienced anything as amazing as that we've gotten you know fairly good reviews here so I find it hard to believe that it's really as bad as he says thanks something Chris get mad Chris what Chris get pissed this is not gonna go good because if I can't get him with the French on did I can't have nothing's gonna be good Wow nice a big big lollipop my goodness me he's an absolute nightmare to to cut undercooked as it is Chris no matter what anybody says I still think you have the best on YouTube and the best lamp if you talk [ __ ] about the lamb he's out of his mind that source there that's hideous it's like a can what as sweet as anything very what did you say that was a roasted garlic damn god Nick would you but it will taste that it's like someone's put a topping of a perennial agent sugar caramel although Gordon didn't like the lamb all the employees and all the customers think that that's our best dish very sweet the sugar something the lamb is raw and it's all mostly cold in the middle because I've been arrested okay that's let's get the quiche are you gonna turn away now I don't want to see you facing that [ __ ] any longer absolutely important who said he ordered a rare not we're all and the sauce was a spoonful of sugar so Chris why why did that go out like that where's my car keys you got to go out there next time he says something yeah well my wife you're cowering whatever I don't know Chris is definitely scared of somebody telling him his dishes aren't good enough it frustrates me as a manager because he needs to put his foot down sometimes they're possibly my dying they're gonna be saving the best for last love it I'm what flavor kiss use it it is mushroom it's spinach mushroom especially lovely thank you thank you well my quiches claps it's gone into like this sort of meltdown it's almost like it's in left out of the refrigeration all day and that's for the salad well it really knows well the ends of the salads are all black I'm getting yelled at already and this sort of claps and went all sort of running in soggy time huh happy about the time I got it thank you okay now cut into it just collapsing inside the customers that mostly have good things to say so it's a little shocking hear someone say that almost everything that we served in was horrible this quaint village had put Gordon in a pleasant state of mind Chris Christie and whether we guys unfortunately the food destroyed it this is my partner Brian Brian I'm not really nervous to meet Chef Ramsay you know we thought everything was gross but whatever okay lunch what's hideous it's really important before we go anywhere I need to know the foundation how many nights a week are you cooking well we're only open three nights a week for dinner I'm three nights a week like being ridiculously cautious and fearful and the way I've led my entire life you played safe yes sir what's sending those kind of messages out to the local community that your clothes longer than your open it's telling the locals you're closed if he wasn't here what's his weak points he doesn't have a love or a passion for the business itself how come you're passionate and you're not we're just different people business is a business yeah it's a restaurant yes I love to cook but it would be easier sometimes just not to own a restaurant what was the last time you made a decision I made a special what was it turkey panini turkey panini right I'm just I don't know what you're looking for passion determination you know you're just about to lose your virginity sorry something needs to happen to relight this flame now I'm gonna see how you operate it okay I see in two minutes right now I am absolutely unfocused for dinner I'm gonna be thinking everything I send out is [ __ ] unbelievable all right let's just get focused and let's get ready for dinner these dinners on me up at the bar coming up I kill someone it's a bloody night at Hana and Mason's this is a Valentine [ __ ] massacre when Gordon takes a stab at the kitchen staff why are you doing two people give me Halling blunder pushes Gordon to the edge it just contaminated the town I didn't know [Music] Gordon was shocked to find out that Hanna and Masons is closed more than it's open but this is Valentine's Day a day when all restaurants are busy and a great opportunity for him to observe a dinner service okay the two tables upstairs right how many people have coming in the immediate future I knew that going into Valentine's Day and knowing that Chef Ramsay was gonna be overseeing everything that was happening I was definitely a bit nervous there is that ready to go out man no sir display purposes all way seriously what the [ __ ] is that Apple gobbler when was that made loves anyone's guess after me not more than a week ago and holy [ __ ] that's a molten lava cake a molten lava cake no a monkey rock lava rock so what to do with that well do you play my song no that's again display purposes only right off the bat we were in the shits right off the bat why would we even think about going to a custom I was something a week old oh we should it Thank You Ryan yes no that doesn't good at all it's disgusting yeah as tensions mount in the kitchen customers are about to celebrate one of the most romantic nights of the year [Music] [Music] so food south of there nobody [ __ ] way I think I'm the first thought I would just leave and never come back I wasn't careful I didn't give in please Chef Ramsay telling me that you know we do things the wrong way or just doesn't really work for me two seconds and you're like never shuts up who's checking this stuff this guy just sent a food out yeah we're checking it nobody's nobody knows okay it's lettuce all [ __ ] rotten there yeah lettuce in there first you gotta pick through the lettuce better I really am trying to like I'm not even these ones they're no good with the rotten lettuce oh so where's it coming from jesus christ almighty sir has it been washed I do not like that I do not know we don't wash spinach we have pre wash you get it pre-washed that's a first no every time I take my hand in a zoo wrong there just did you toss about yes well I wouldn't I wouldn't toss it why don't you eat it no I'd rather not yeah well I wouldn't be charge people for okay they shouldn't this shouldn't be sent out yeah you should have me [ __ ] eyes we'll try to fix whatever issues we have I can't I'm not gonna cry in the corner about any life goes on so upon further investigation oh my god Gordon discovers that something is missing from the display only dessert tray we said that dessert on that [Music] my desserts been served for man that's now going what's this here it's been leaking in the fridge that's really yeah [Music] I feel one you know things aren't going good I would just as soon get out you know just move on to the next thing yeah where's Brian I know you want to run away from it yeah I've just been watching I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] myself for the last hour what are you doing to people [Music] you know we can't oversee everything they assume that okay take me down to the fridge I want to say how you [ __ ] really work I cannot believe this is how you guys are running a restaurant that my head I was thinking we're gonna be screwed that's wine that that's the walk-in freezer freezer that's a walk-in freezer look at the mess here what's this here bacon yeah obviously fake is smart that's from lunch yeah five years ago you leave a spatula in there like that I'm sorry nah [ __ ] off I cannot believe what you guys are doing here there's so much going on my head was spinning my head was going to explode yeah I thought to myself this is a disaster what's that [Music] oh my god I don't know [Music] this is not good roll ticket but should never happen y'all criticize [ __ ] chicken against raw chicken it's it's [ __ ] I need Fellini hey listen to me yes you're gonna kill someone I mean partners partners in crime you should be shamed we are [ __ ] you've just contaminated the town stop yeah everybody right now this is not a romantic itaú this is a Valentine [ __ ] massacre they said his grace how can you do this I'm closing the place down switch it off it's Valentine's Day the busiest night of the year for restaurants but what the customers don't realize is that some shocking discoveries left Gordon with no other choice but to shut it down you tell me then what we gonna tell them oh you don't understand here watching sir contaminated food no yeah yeah [ __ ] shut it down switch it off I condemn it I knew that we were gonna Marissa problems tonight I didn't know it was gonna be this bad mark turn everything off that's it we're done no one says any food right all the way down I suggest you start with some cheston's our customers yet yes sir yeah Chef Ramsay is shutting us down I feel absolutely horrible and that certainly not something I expected just just never in my wildest dreams thinking that we would have to shut down [Music] this is a most horrific thing I've ever had to deal with in my life quite frankly I felt horrible well I've just discovered it's totally unacceptable enough see now Chris yes sir you are passionate about food I feel deeply about it I want to hear it I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready to tear it down and start over you've got a big pair of balls facing those customers tonight what I can say for that partner that you are in business wish where were you how many term did you talk to how many customers do you apologize to I was supposed to give the waitresses the manager that's right you were doing jack [ __ ] mate I do feel like they carry the bulk of the restaurant I would absolutely bothers me the brand has taken add some of those things may be sick unbelievable on a night when they should have been busy serving the staff finds itself cleaning up the mess I mean I never really thought I'd be in this situation I'm really trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel I'm trying to hold out for hope of course I'm worried this is my life I need those customers to come back [Music] before Gordon unveils his plan for change he explores the town of cranberry looking for inspiration this whole town is built up on farms positioned a local restaurant Wow amazed by the number of local farms in the area gordon decides to check out the seasonal produce ladies it's beautiful thank you I'm so amazing just join me locally and just looking at some of the farms I mean it's a chef's dream we pick everything every day amazing and in terms of variety apples how many do you have here pretty good crunch there mmm delicious yes I do these great that is amazing yeah I know put these to good use excellent what are you gonna make Oh secret you gonna have to come for dinner thank you inspired by the fresh locally grown apples Chef Ramsay heads back to the restaurant to work on a special he has in mind for tonight's dinner service all right well they called apples miss Mars apples yeah never it's the way you say it you would know excuse it if I only learn to cook like ya'll definitely buy your cookbook why are you in business running a restaurant when you're completely passionless about talking about ingredients it's a [ __ ] Apple yes they're local apples that's great when was the last time you tasted one it's been a while I haven't been in the local orchard get a nap tariff um well I've been there for the last two hours okay it's like being around your parents when they're arguing and it's the most uncomfortable thing in the world and I hated it you do I do delicious and so talking to you about it it's like our wedding it's an apple am I supposed to jump up and down no no it's all she's becoming clearly evident that you are incredibly soulless when it comes to food if chef Gordon keeps pushing me I just won't be here anymore and you won't see me today as Bryant cools off okay that was in Gordon teaches Chris a new special everything has to be relaxed pork medallions with caramelized Braeburn apples and then just finished with a hint of the mustard yeah hoping to put the Valentine's Day Massacre behind them the staff gears up for dinner service and takes advantage of the local produce [Music] are we ready to go yes yeah okay guys let's get this give them in I have no qualms about I feel bad for you guys but there's no way if you start some of that [ __ ] I will [ __ ] Theatre let the bloodbath begin I'm gonna do the best to get Brian more focused for dinner Brian why don't you show me your passion and leave the brigade tonight sure that's fine that's fine that sounded you just think didn't it I don't feel like I need to prove anything to him I mean I am Who I am what are you gonna do especially we have sauteed pork medallions you fire the entrees on Table five what stuff what's that stuff I'm running around trying to get all this stuff together man with five tickets on the board is it worth getting something going Brian it's a very quiet kitchen normally it's quiet we don't and shout out how'd you guys know what's going on when no one's talking to each other we have a saying that makes me angry and I get served in the restaurant begin the service Brian Tommy's gonna run the kitchen and run it with some passion but so far I don't say I don't feel it and the kitchen is back to customers complaining about waiting and I don't think Brian actually gives a [ __ ] I'm just waiting for one or two still okay okay how long he should know I mean we shouldn't have to tell him you could tell they were backed up Oh Mike Brian is not bringing enough effort it makes me frustrated he needs to step up more I feel pressured when someone's our Washington telling me I can't do it but I don't need him here yelling at me that's not gonna make me want to work any harder your lack of excitement and passion bugs me I'm struggling to come to terms too while you're in business not like you I can't get excited at what you're doing to me you got to understand that what you're doing to the business the business of means the bigger picture I'm not here to massage your ego I'm any sorry that's opposed to complain about waiting doesn't that mean anything to you I just felt like I was being picked on whatever panini and I'm worried about how much you're putting the business down but no one except that she can't be honest with you says I'm not oh you won't think about it one more being a dick about totally just the way you talk don't run down the stairs like a little girl I'm talking to you you don't talk to people that's your problem calling people at Nene head no coach it's like [ __ ] sixth grade how [ __ ] old are you I don't need someone to tell me you know talk to me like that on past that point in my life it's just ridiculous enough it's an hour into dinner service and brian has threatened to leave the restaurant with no food leaving the kitchen everything is at a standstill you know do you think it off because they're walked out yes you will well he's on the perch right now if she just says it gives her another hour he says if Ramsay keeps taking that Danny asleep Brian but they get a little frustrated with Chef Ramsay and I don't know what's going through Brian's dead right now if I didn't give a [ __ ] you know I would've left a long time ago I'm dedicated this place because I want to be here I want to do this someone I want to make it work it's just for you to show though really interesting I wasn't interested I wouldn't be here I wouldn't be doing this right in my heart I really I do care maybe I don't show it all the time and I should but I definitely need to show that I have more interest than what I'm perceived to have wait let's go a couple more important table 102 and I [Music] Wow yes we started pumping things out took a little bit while in the beginning but once we got going it went over pretty well good news tonight is that the special sold out yes yeah great news Brian you're smiling for the first time since I met you I'm changing right now I mean I need to be able to have a positive attitude all the time let me tell you something really seriously honestly if you actually think this restaurant in this community is gonna be here in five years time when you mediocre back we know that you know we have to do something different to make the business grow thank you now you're absolutely spot-on we have to be special and we have to cook locally I think the products we had today were excellent so it would be good to you know put a lot of that into our menu that's what we have to change yes to revamp the whole [ __ ] place I think we need a change but nervous scared no mourning this place becomes the crown jewel within cranberry they really don't know to expect is that clear sounds good is there anyone here that's not fired up okay stood with Brian finally on board Chef Ramsay moves forward transforming Anna and Masons from a dreary bistro into a delightful cafe good morning Corner excited extremely excited [Music] now it's time to open a new chapter 500 Masons let's go [Music] I almost fell on the floor oh my god I just can't believe how good they look when we walked in a new deli counter showcasing local fresh products we didn't just renovate this place we changed the meaning of it the breads homemade cupcakes everything made locally I like it local farms share the pride and you show it off this place can become synonymous with these farms yeah it's got synergy there oh my god it's amazing is the happiest I've ever seen you if this doesn't rely your fire I don't know what will I'm glad Chef Ramsay came in you know he made these changes it's amazing it really is I'm hoping that you know it makes our business all the better beautiful think I'm in shock the restaurant is gone I just don't know you don't know no no you change your mind I don't know it's a complete the Hannah Mason supposed last night Hannah Mason's bakery and cafe opened today I just don't know going for it yeah I mean I mean everyone's afraid of the unknown I knew there was gonna be changes but this is a complete departure from what we've done how that makes it didn't close last night we just changed completely and so it's overwhelming embrace change just being a realist just being a realist you're being pessimistic Chef Ramsay obliterated Hannah and Mason's as it was and it's not gonna work coming up [Music] how will relaunch night be remember in the history of this quiz have the courage to change can finally take charge of his kitchen on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon has revealed that the new Han and Masons will be an upscale cafe and no longer a French bistro but not everyone is comfortable with the change embrace change just being a realist you're being a realist you're being pessimistic okay we'll go through the menu previously the menus to millions before lunch and dinner absolutely crazy you've got no idea how simple this is fine dining has gone yes is small most powerful fresh vibrant rustic country fied cuisine right I'm ready to get started soon and all this stuff looks like Chris thanks I just readjust reading and writing thinking in my head it's different it's definitely different why didn't you ask me here this is because we needed a kick in the ass this is chef this is it's just things going through my head that's all Haven well let's see Christa's really nervous to make the change just for the fear of losing business that we have yesterday ting astound me today I need to get my hands in it while Gordon had the staff focusing on the new menu his put together a farmers market an event to showcase the new relationship between Hanna and Mason's and the local farm community [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fantastic awesome scones get the staff involved and make sure all these menus go off as well yes hello everybody a little chilly out today let's go high-fives give it a little taste let's go this is our new menu we're reaching out to the community it's gonna water shower business to a whole new level you know you gotta sit it's beautiful it's great for me to meet the local farmers I love the idea of using locally we did they were awesome well let's see if we can work something out absolutely do that I hope that people are gonna be happy that we're using low for hours and people are always happy about that and you taste it you definitely taste the difference there's no doubt about that after a successful farmers market Gordon introduces the new menu a menu created to take full advantage of all that the local farms have to offer the menu yes first of all just look at the color of it it was vibrant such freshness this is you can recognize easily provided sandwiched slow chicken salad beef hash with eggs your entrees really nice winter free-range chicken soup the lamb burger braised short ribs fat fish today is gonna be the pulpit yeah I like a lot of the items and I like the menu and I like the simplicity of it but I think there's gonna be a learning curve any questions no excellence did you see this night we have a couple changes to our menu as you can see the chef's special today is a throat swordfish served with tarragon mashed potatoes this morning I thought Bryan would be really anti any form of change but he's actually embraced it quite well but Chris he's been off the train all day long and the jury's out as far as I'm concerned on him but tonight we'll find out who when he wants to turn this place around it's been interesting launch Gordon knows that in order for Hanna and Masons to make a profit they must successfully flip tables and have to complete seedings tables tonight what does that mean make your money I know you're not used to it we're gonna do it yeah oh yeah yeah I don't feel like I'm in control at all what's gonna happen this evening and not until the tickets start rolling it's just the anticipation at this point I think the special sound thrilled with the swordfish well done yeah crying won't compel it away please okay gently gently good nice two-twenty go on Brian yeah sure first course on 23 just one point about the pressures yeah no complains about the fresh it's about the press that was a joke I notice any moves so quick you want let me just okay I'm a former out again I'm alive I got a pulse no no just it's moving yeah huh surely there must be a difference inside here with Brian rising to the occasion and getting appetizers out promptly yes it is now up to Chris to deliver the entrees so that the next round of customers can be seated shortly Charlie I said you're killing me unbelievable a snotty appetizer took 20 minutes to come out tonight they're only taking 12 but that's not the problem the problem is the entrees aren't coming out quick enough the customers name of the table was longer and we need to flip those tables we've got any chance of surviving yeah we're the Cure the door got to push the table down wait for me before 10:00 before you open up buddy let's go next come on you're [ __ ] up we think it's gonna talk these two guys someone needs direction here a little bit going on a salmon and crab and a swordfish so I need mashed potatoes please be 86 Mads and we got some somewhere else having run out of mashed potatoes Chris makes a very telling decision not be serving mashed potatoes on the swordfish anymore we were running low on mashed potatoes and I didn't think it would be a big deal to sub something out I'm thinking in my head I don't want this get backed up then the whole house of cards Falls don't we put potatoes on Chris don't we get a peel you know come on might be tomorrow oh here he goes it's just excuse after excuse us excuse you earn the [ __ ] place yeah yeah you dim so you want to tell the [ __ ] customers become a bother make a [ __ ] mashed potato we can serve something out and we could serve something out just too easy I [ __ ] do the easy route yeah shut the [ __ ] off we can't be bothered anymore you're the boss chef [Music] it's the heart of dinner service and in an effort to keep up with the orders it's not telling those tables that now yes Chris decides to cut corners not gonna be serving mashed potatoes on the swordfish anymore oh here we go we were running low on mashed potatoes and I didn't think it would be a big deal to sub something out I'm thinking of my head I don't want this get backed up but then the whole house of cards falls just too easy ah [ __ ] it really easier yeah telling the [ __ ] off we can't be bothered anymore you're the boss yeah that's [ __ ] holy these days pale after the potatoes we got the heart I've tried to make it as simple as possible so you don't get backed up all right you're right actually a little bit to speed things up a little bit okay yeah yeah so we get out of that fine-dining mentality and sort of you push you pour it over okay you'll be surprised over here and we tell when you turn pick up we know we need to turn the staff quickly preps the mashed potatoes in an attempt to get back on track and push entrees out as Chris finds his groove the kitchen catches up and now for the first time this dining room is turning tables she's gonna set you down three for salmon and crabs up macaroni we used to have nights where we would do 30 dinners and it felt like 85 the relaunch we did 85 it felt like doing 30 it was a nice change I got to say I pick up please just gonna take crystal in a while he's not really good with change I mean think about it we've had the same food on the menu for almost four years now so change is not a thing for Chris with to dinner seatings completed the new henna and Masons has successfully cleared its first major hurdle the buzz was phenomenal the vibrance the freshness and the feedback was great however more importantly to this restaurant is quality control especially to in light a customer to what the chef's about fair enough you can make mash full potatoes peeled bang that's where we discipline ourselves hey you're right I want you and him to be better at understand I want you up there I'm not treading water down there I look forward to the future and I just I still think there's a lot that we need to work out Chris and I so you know there's still some more changing to do and this is a start so we're excited I came here because you asked me to come here yet to put this restaurant back on the map yeah the minute I've gone yeah it's up to you guys but one thing you have to do is make money to survive that means commitment heart desire and the real hunger to make it work I give you a new menu new decor new equipment new launch what I cannot give you is their heart to make this successful that can only come with it Vanessa was gonna take to get this place pumping I think Brian sees that he could put his staff on this place now as well I think in the past he thought it was only Chris's plays Chris for the Astaire I think he sees now to clean slate and you could put his thumbprint on it cool me yes oh well yeah Murray has their salary she has my email she has my cell yeah and she has my home address one thing she hasn't got is my [ __ ] hotel room key right good night yes [Music] thank you take care that was tough honestly Willie tough from the minute that he have the Valentine Day Massacre to a successful relaunch tonight it's been a tough week and I personally feel that I've been dragging Nick Brian and Chris every inch of the way and I don't know if they've got the desire to go that extra mile but what I do know is these apples are delicious next time on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to a lakeside restaurant rail ferris said at his best and takes on three muscle men on the verge of losing their restaurant the place is going down in flames and dying dying and the chef on the verge of losing his mind taco taco taco Kent Gordon whip these owners back into shape [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 1,449,871
Rating: 4.8760152 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Id: N6NlykdbjSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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